The Wingham Times, 1907-02-14, Page 1IHE • WINCiHA1VI Ti VOL XXXVJ.--NO. 1827. What is the best Emulsion ? ANSWER: HOWARD'S Why? 1. It contains 50 per cent. Pure Cod Liver Oil. 2. It Contains Hypophosphitea and Glyoerine. 3, Is easy to take, and a perfect Emulsion. FOR E ALE BY Walton McKibbon THE DRUCCIST i Macdonald Block, Wingham. {Which ? It seems a waste of words to argue that a business education is necessary for the success in life of young men and women. No reasonable person doubts it. It is a fixed fact. The only question -the vital question -is this : "which college ?" Oha11It be a school where common sense. practical methods 'are followed ? Shall it be tho best college or next beet? It costs nothing to get our new cata- logue. Simply ask us to send it to your address. It tells about the most prac- tical Business College in Ontario. We believe it to be the very best. Enter any time. Individual instruc- tion. Wingham Business College (Affiliated t ithClinton Business College) -OE0. SPOTTON, - Principal. n'A. x:11.5 GENERAL LOCAL NEWS. Wear Greer's Shoes and Rubbers Encampment Oadfellowship. An Enoampment o the Independent Order of Oddfellows rill be started at Kincardine 'on Friday' evening of this week and the Euoam -tient at Brussels will be revived next Monday evening. The Degrees Team o'lMinerva Encamp- ment of this town wi 1 confer the degrees at both places. p TARE NOTIOE,-Al) aeerunta mnpt he paid at once. The R. H. ChOWLER Co. Woman's Instit rte "At Home This (Thursday) evening the Wing - ham branch of the Woman's Institute win give an "At H-ne" in the C. 0. O. hall. The proceed nes will commence at 8 o'clook. Mis Gray, of Toronto, will deliver an dress on Institute work, and a muni al program will be furnished. An in eresting and profit- able time is expeo d, and a oo-dial in- vitati on is extende to the ladies of town and vioinity to be anent. Highest cash price paid for butter and eggs at W. Bone's grocery, Chisholm block. Opened Br nch Store The Bee Hive Co. et week opened a branch store at Gor ie, where a large stook of general d goods, groceries, etc., has been open d up. Gerrie is a good oentre and w th always keeping the very best clan of goods the Bee Hive Co. will do a ood business at their - branch store. Public L rary Concert. A grand concert under the auspices of the Gorrie Public ibrary Will be held in the Town Hall, Gerrie, on Monday evening next, 18th 'net, when the fol- lowing talent will a present andtake part. Bert Harvey Canada's popular comedian; Mise+E. . Pentecost, con- tralto singer of To onto.; and Mr. R. Ashton, of Gerrie, t well known viol- inist. FOR SALE. -Brick house and lot; also a good brick house with all ' modern •conviences; hard and soft water, good barn, and from one to four acres of ]and. Get particulars at the Times office. Death of M . Burgess Mr. Henry Franc' Burgess, who bas been a resident of Wingleam for some few years, passe away on Monday evening, at his horn i, corner of Victoria and Francis strrete, in his 73- rd year. Dece'.sed had been ill with Bright'seleseale for some time, but an attack of la gri a hastened his death. Before coming to ingham, Mr. Barg- eas resided 'at Br reels and the funeral took place yest day to the Brussels cemetery, Western anada. The Canadian Paoi Railway Co. has timed a neat booklet, ntitled "Western • Canada," giving int oration on Mani- -Ube, Alberta , Saskat hewan , and New Ontario. The bookie tells how to reach Western Canada, ho to obtain lands and how to make a h t „ A good map gof tae western countr is shown and each province is treated i er different head. ergs, giving the reads a good insight in- to the country. Th booklet will be mailed free to anyP requesting - l eon re uestin it by addressing the Avertising Depart. ment of the 0.P,R. at Montreal. WESTERN MON I_Y MAKERS. The undersigned w'• with or leePe rsonall Would persons who Weetern Lands or 011 British Columbia frill for sale some Of the o imoney making proposi inoluding lots in •Winn and other western cities unimproved lands in w� hole Saskatchewan in at from117.50 per acre Ohl at onoe an land ver'. ire*, Eti uireof Dr, Al Taylor, Winghara. a. N. es to oorredP and any person or fah toinvest in v property or in lands as I have i°icest and best ons in the West, peg, Edmonton Improved and Manitoba and ale blocks to Pell and up. Invests. es are advane. new or Tilos. H. Ett,Winghar. of at BIG SALE -DMA mise the opportunity buying goods belosi wholesale prices Kaiser's, the Jeweler. ['ropert Mr. Joseph H. ed his residental street for the fart • Exchanges. owman has excbang- property on Minnie property of Mr. Robt, J. Day, composed of 80 acres on the B line, Turnberry. Geo. C. Hanna has sold the house and of on Leopold street recently 000npied ay Thos. Deane, to Wm. ,Mille of Blyt: i. R. J. Dobie, of Whitechurch, has, purchased the late Richard Armetron of two houses and li property, composed our lots,' corner of B ne and Josephine Greet. John Huff- man, of Grey tow ship, has sold his brick residence on harles street to Jos. H. Bowman. These transfers were made throngh the agency f J. H. Chisholm, real estate agent. A complete line of Felts, Rubbers and Shoes now on hand at R. Johnston's Boot and Shoe Store. House of Refuge Committee. The house of refuge committee of the county council met at the Waverly House, Clinton, on nifty last; present, .Messrs Middleton,1 Currie, Geiger and Willert. In the absence of Mr. McLean, Mr. Middleton pre ded. The commit- tee visited the hour and found ninety- two inmates. Th inepector was em- powered to employ all necessary help and Mr. Torrance eaas instructed to see that enough cows a 'e always kept at the farm so that the ;3mates of the house may have a sufiio ant supply of milk. Owing to lack of Wend to run the wind- mill, the keeper co-nplained of scarcity of water, but the matter was left over till next meeting for consideration. Matters in - connec ion with the Robin- son family are abo tt closed np satisfac- torily. I have quite a number of good second - handed watches from one dollar up, all it good running order and must be sold regardless of their value; also 2 silver ehow oases that mast be Bold. Call and aee goods and be convinced of the great bargains. Kaiser, the Jeweler. ?The Furnaceis All Right. In referring last w ek to the cold opera house, we did not in my way wish it to be taken that the fur iace,"The Red Hot Hurcn," marinfactn:Gd by the Western Foundry Co., of this own, was at fault. It was not expected t.lat this one furnace would heat all the roams on the ground floor as well as the o era house, The whole heating ArranR- ment for the opera house fin hall needs remodel1' a before the e al l will be properly heat d. The furnace does good work in he ting the lower part of the building and t ere is nota furnace made that could do the work better. The stoves and fur obs manufactured by tho Western Foundry Co. are the very beat Made, m while , and in Toronto last we tho writer heard of tbo good q i q f Wingm hastoves nalitiee and furnaces fro people who are using them, Business! Mr. John Catnpbe] gene been the local Cormick farm machl buggies, cutters, etc nese to Mr. Bert Fi who has taken pas WINGHAM, ONTARIO, TRU.RSDAY, TEBRUART 11 1907, Change. , who has for some gent for the Mo ere. and dealing In , has sold hie busi- olay, of, iucknow, ession, Mr. Camp- bell will take a trip through the West and will probably to rate in one of the growing towns. Curlers A rink of Wing Guelph on Tnesda the o ompetitione f and the Guelph rink is made up of A. M. Crawford, L J. R. Macdonald. the fleet touted to a ped by J. S. Book. fi n Guelph, am curlers went to �, and are playing in r the Sleeman trophy Tankard. The local Messrs Wm Holmes, W. Hanson, and Dr The local rink lost in rampton rink skip- SLAuonntx SALE -Cath Ela ughter sale of Dress Goods, Furs, eto. G. E, KIN. Great Fie Sale. Hanna & Co. have eased the double, and single store int Macdonald block and are now holding, a great fire sale of the goods saved fro:n the recent fire. Big bargains will bergiven in general dry goods, carpets, clothing, fuze, eto. The single store will be sed for groceries. Read the advt. on p ge five of this issue, and visit the store a d secure some of the bargains. Mailing List Corrected. Owing to being very busy with other wozk the TIMES in tilling list was not oorreoted for some weeks. This list has been oorretted np ;a Friday last and parties who have pain] their subscriptions will find that date o ohanged. Should a p overlooked, we will necessary correction the error. We won]. have payment from au still in arrears. label has been ment have teen gladly make the 'hen notified of be pleased. to tscribers who are Call at R. Johnston's and see his line of Felts; Rubbers and Shoes and be con- vinced. Contribution# to Hospital. The Treasurer re- orts haying received the following doneg!ions during the past week: -Dr. J. W Scott, "Old Boy," Sandusky, Michigan, $5 00; 0. Varney, "Old Boy,"South 7akota, $1 00; W. J. Henderson, $5.00; South Bend, Indi iels & Co,, $5.00; L. 0. L.,No. 794, received to date f through local me mere, $389.00. Fullerton -Powell Co., na, $10 00; F. C. Dan- i1da Cigar .00 g Co.,,$ , iVingham, $5 00. Total om wholesale honed+ chants and manufaot- Dr. Butler, Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Specialist. 370 Queen's Avenue, London, 3rd door East of St. Andrew's Church, Open to AUII Doctors. A rumor is in edierulation to the effect that the Wingham General Hospital is open only to the patients of certain physicians. The Board of' Directors wish us to state t -at this is a false re- port, The hospit rl is open to the pat• ients of any duly ,Iualrfied physician, of Wingham or anyisurrounding town or township, and al patients will receive the very best of are and attention by the hospital anth rities. The work at the hospital is mo ing along nicely and at the present tie seven patients are being treated., A FEW SLEIGHS LETT-One baby cutter sleigh, upholstered; one Express and a few hand sleighs -all offered at cost. We do not wish to carry these over till another season, you can have them for what they cost. K. M. FISHER. High Sc The mohthly n School Board was ool Board. eting of the High geld on Monday even - inn, when John V'ilaon, V. S. was re- elected as Chairm .n of the Board. Mr. DudleyHolmes was re -appointed as PP Secretary and 1dr. Abner Cosens as Treasurer. The ; Committees for the year was appoin d as follows: -Fin. ante -0. P. Smit , J. A. Morton, Dr. Redmond. Pro erty-John Wilson, Dr. P. Macdonald W. F. VanStone, Dr. Kennedy. A nu ber of accounts were passed. The repo of Inspector Wet- herell et- r 11 was read an itwas y compli- mentary a very p mentary to the tea herd and the equip. meat, the building nd equipment being classed as No. I. a hoped to publish this report, but it 1 as not yet reached this office. Dr. Nelson Tait i' 1498 Spadina Ave., Toronto, will be at ;he Queen's Hotel, Wingham, on Friday, Filthy. 15th, from 8,30a, m. till 3 p, for consultation in diseases of Eye, Ei ,Nose and Throat. Glaseee fitted. PUBLIC SCHOL BOARD, The Febreary me lug of the Public Sobool Board was on Tuesday even- ing with all the me ers present except Trustees null and 1 Kerr, Chairman Lloyd presided and t e minutes of last regular and special eetings were ap- proved. The Principal'sort for January showed total boys ozoll of 170; girls, 190; with a total of Oand an average attendance of 310, he Principal also reported that three +ew maps and a aupply of monthly re,.ort blanks were needed. The report as adopted and. Principal Musgrove nstruoted to pro- cure the necessary sn'.piies. Accounts were rea as follows: -W. 0. Paton, repairs an implies, $14 35; A. Nichol, eupplies, '.3 70; C Lloyd & Son, supplies 80c; ' m. Moore, work, 850; Jenkins & P..h, material and work, $16M5; Caned' Furniture Mann - factures, coal, $156 2'. On motion of Trustees Griffin an. Moore, accounts were ordered to paid. The action of Chai man and Secretary in paying salary of 1:te caretaker was ratified on motion o Trustees Griffin and Ross. The teachers and . cera salaries were ordered to be paid o motion of Trustees Griffin and Moore : d the Board ad. journed. Northen Le::gue Hockey. At Harriston or Friday evening last I the Wingham hockey team lost a North- ern League game 1 y a score of 4 to 1. The Listowel hockey club has dropped out of the Norther League and this will leave the league c mposed of the clubs in Kincardine, Mt, orest, Harriston and Wingham. On looal ice, on 'Wednesday evening of last week, the Wingham Business College team won teem Fordwich by a snore of 4 to 3. The ie teams will play another game in the rink. at Harsiston on Friday evening t this week. Kincardine and Wingham hockey clubs played the 1st scheduled home game in the Nort rn League here, on Tuesday evening, nd the looale won by a score of 9 to 3. The game was except- ionally clean and fast throughout. Geo. Sword of Kinoi sent men to the went of the r Johnston were 1 injuries receive, dine was Referee and enoe for every infringe - les. , Ted Elliott and oth out of the game from 1 at Mt. Forest, and Herb Elliott, a junio , was pressed into ser- vice. Elliott, I Fleming, and McLean played excellen hockey for the locals. The defence pltyed a steady game all through, but stay there was no occasion for heavy work l and did not exert them- selves. For Ki9loardine, Stewart (form- erly of Brandoi , McKenzie and Sinclair were always iu the shinny circle, and were the visitoni' best workers. The line.np was:- Kincardine- ohnston. Sinclair, Good- win, Kohne, Si olair, Stewart and Mo - Kenzie. Wingham-R id,Wilson,MoGillivary, Moore, Fleming, Herb Elliott and Mo - Lean. Retail Merchknts' Annual Banquet. The regular n)eeting of the Wingham Branch of the tail Merchants'Associa- tion of Canada was held on Monday availing, when e usual business was transacted and several matters of im- portance were 'mussed. The follow- ing officers wer elected: -President, R. H. Crowder; +'rot Vico-President, W. .1. Greer; Seoon Vice -President, D. M. Gordon; Secret y, J. C. Leckie; Treas, C. N. Griffin; uditors, R. Awde and F. H. Walley. ' he business being over the members adjenrned to the National Hotel, where It ie Host Hanson had prepared a sump .none dinner. Ample justice having ben done the delectable delioacies, Presid nt Crowder proceeded to unfold an intilleotual bill of fare. The toast to "Thee King" was duly hon- ored, and afterwa ds a number of those present, were cane upon to respond on behalf of the diff ent lines of business represented. It as expected thatt Mr. E. M. Trowern, of oronto, Secretary of the Retail Marc ants Association of Canada, would h e been present, but he was prevented , by illness. A good substitute was prot.:ded, however,in Mr. Empey, of the Qua .n City. Mr. Empey addressed the gathr ring for an hour, out- lining theformats a of the Association n tai R and reviewing the ood work accom- plished or- plished in the into. este not only of the merchants, but of the general public. His address was littimedto with much pleasure. Hearty '.otes of thanks were extended to the speaker of the evening, and to Mr. Hanoi for the excellent dinner rovided. PhD singing of the P National Anthem very successful annual banquet Of of the Detail Merl pronght to a close a athering, the first he W Ingham 13ranoh tanti' Association, $1 A TEAR IN ADVANCE MR. BENJAMIN WILLSON A former well-known Winghainite. Berjamin Willson, Chief Inspector of the Beek of Hamilton, was torn at St. Juan's, DeeidlesexOounty, Ontario, on the 17th of April, 1544 Bis mare the late Crowell Willson, represented East Middlesex ni Parliament, both be- fore and after Conteleration, his first election being for Middlesex (then oompnsiug the counties of Elgin and Middlesex) in Canadian Assembly in 1851. Mr. Crowell Willson's grandfather was a United Empire Loyalist, his hath plane being New Jersey, and he was a member of tae Parliament of Upper Canada, representing the Districts of Niagara in 1798. Benjamin Willson's mother was Maria, daughter of Robert Jackson, one of the pioneer settlers of the township of Loudon. Benjamin Willson's first venture in business was in a woollen mill in St. John's. Tne mill had been built and operated by his tether, long before the time of railroads and was patronized by all the settled conntry around Lon- don. In 1871 Mr. Willson sold' out the.mill and moved to Wingham, where for some years he was a partner of the late Edwin Kent, in a general store In 1875 he retired from the general store business, and with his brother, R. H. Willson, opened a private bank, which was the pioneer bank of Wingham. This business continued nihil the 1st of July, 18S2. The Bank of Hamilton having some time previously opened a branch in Wingham, Mr. Willson was offered and accepted the agency and has remained with the Bauk of Hamil- ton ever since. At the time of Mr. Willson's arrival in Wingham, it was a small unincor- porated village, a part of the Mu..iotpality of Turnberry. He was requested by the electors to offer himself at the approaching elections, December, 1E71, as oaudidate for the office of Reeve of the Municipality, and was. elected. In 1872 Mr. Willson was again elected, and during the following year Wingham was incorporated as a village; the followiug year he was elected the first Reeve, which office he held until Wingham was incorporated as a town in 1878, when he was elected Mayor. This position he occupied for the follow- ing two or three year's when he retired. During Mr. Willson regime the present publio school was built, and a sys- tem of waterworks inaugurated. In the early days of the Municipality, con- siderable attention was paid to the planting of trees on the streets, and to a great extent Wingham owes its now beautiful appearance to the encourage- ment then given to tree planting. In 1896 Mr. Willson moved to Winnipeg and opened a branch of the Bank of Hamilton in that pity. He occupied the position of agent for two years following and has since then been engaged in the work of inspection and is now the Bank's Chief Inspector, with headquarters at Winnipeg. Since the opening of the Bank of Hamilton in Winnipeg 42 agencies have been opened in the North West and British Columbia, all of which are ander Mr. Willson's superviston. On the 2nd of July next Mr. Willson will have completed his 25th year with the Bank, when he will likely retire and will probably make his home in Southern California. While the west has been Mr. Willson's home for the pist ten years, he has made yearly visits to Wingham, and he stul retains in his heart a tender spot for the old ftienda in this vicinity. Partnership issolved. Another cage th change I announced this week, by which the firm of Young and MoBarney has dies lived partnership. The business will be ',continued by Mr. Young. We have n leaned what Mr. MoBurney intends d ing. Sum SALE -259,, o on/all lines of Fall and Winter Silo a. See advertise- ment. W. J. GREER. With th Curlers. Thelocal curie s are having some good sport Py g in la off for the four Scotch bonnets br ught over from Scot- land by Dr. J. R. vented to the club. in this competition V. Vannorman has burn, L. W. Hans Holmes and Oh from V, Vannorm F. . Pa Gerson are to will play with 0. ford and Dudley with L. W. Hans° Macdonald and pro - Some of the skips have already played. won from D. T. Hep - has won from W. Knechtel has won n. 0. N. Griffin and lay and the winner neohtel, A. M. Craw. Dimes are to1a P y . Then the winners of the last two gam ;s play off for the bonnets. Mr, 0. N. Griffin has presented four brooms to be player for by the new selected for this players.. The skip competition are Geo Pearen, 0. G. VanS B. llillbortt and J. 0. Manners J... W. ne, Elmer Moore, Orr. Wedding''• A very happy e home of Mr. Geo. on Wednesday of daughter, Mise Ma in marriage to Mr. The ceremony was p,m,byRev. W. Blnevale in the pr hundred invited couple were matte was given away b bride looked very cream voile, tri .. pearls. The man presents showed which the bride The guests spent 1a very happy evening in dancing and •• Mrs. Mitchell hal ing on the groom nan, and will hat of a large circle 4 4 Canadian Cough Cure The best and cheap- est Cough and Cold Cure on the market to -day. We only ask you to try thls once, for you will then always keep a bottle in the house. Coughs cured for a quarter. No cure, n0 cp..arter. Waileys Drug Stores PHONE 100. WINGRAM, ON ., t Glenannan. nt took plane at the Scott, Glenannan, ast week, when his garet EL, was united Wm. S.' Mitchell. erformed at 5o'clock West, M. A., of enoe of nearly one nests. The happy dad and the bride her father. The .retty in a dress of •• ed with lace and beautiful and useful the high esteem in nd groom are held. Preperty Ownors Will find it distinctly to their advantage to make me their agent; based on quick returns ai d satisfac- tory dealing. The following list are a few of the many properties for sale: $650-1?:: story, 0 rooms, nearly new, rents $84 per year; Alice St. $1050-12 story bonne, 8 1 oome, good repair, rents for e.96 per yrar; John St. $1100 story frame house, 8 rooms, hard and sot water, fine cellar, ex- - oellent repair; Francis St. $1250-11e story house, 8 rooms, hard and sott water, Mee location, rents for 8102 per year; Victoria St. $1200-2 story houses+, six rooms, beautiful location; Albert St. $1200 story house. 8 rooms, fine cellar, stable, 20 finis trees, two sores of land, Lower Wingham. $1300 -new brink cottage, 7 rooms, hard and soft water, stable; Joseph- ene St. $1500-2 story house, 9 rooms, good repair, a beautiful borne; Stott St. $1950-2 stow brick cottage, 7 rooms, electric lights, good stable; John St. $2700-2 story solid brick house, bath, furnace. could not be built now . fror 84000; Maple St. 100 acres -3 miles from Wingham, excellent buildings, 10 acres of fall wheat, 10 aur a of hnsh, owner has lived on farm over fifty years; snap at the pilo r. If yon want anything at any time in Real Estate, come direct to head- quarters. Money to loan on farm security. J. H. CHISHOLFI, Real Estate, Insurance and Loan Agent. Vanetoue block, Winebam. errymaking, Mr. and e taken np housekeep- s farm, near Glenan- e the very best wishes f friends. y, Bring along your Shoadf We do re- fit' W. J. Grimm. of Dourower s killed on ree falling on him, neatone of Wellwood pairing it R and do Albert Condi Thursday by a Norman It Man., was smo failing on him. 1)r. Flood, ser Mounted Poli near Port Chin the sans v h n ha ii peg on Sunday. hered by it bank of snow eon in the North West t i, wt0 ere frozen death hill on November 30th, g only reached Winni- 11 1111 nmm i 1 inmllii u, Highest prioe paid for hides and pool - try at T. Fella' butcher shop. Dr. Ovens, Oculist, London, Surgeon Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat will be at Me- Kibbon's drug store, Tuesday, Mar. 5th. -all day. Glasses properly fitted. ITHE LEADING SHOE STORE i Glear sway Shoe Sale FALL AND WINTER F00 CWE>uR. A Dollar for Seventy -Five Cents. We will for the balance of February receive 75 cants as an equivalent for One Dollar on all purchases of Jieln's, Wotnnen's Boy's, :Kisses' and Chiildrens Fall and Winter Footwear. The Shoes are all marked in plain figures, and there's beeu no makr ie gu up. 250„ -give T if ns the b 1- Take o a ante and the ;noes are yours. Come early! We'll carry nett- ing over, W. J. Greer TSM SIME11, ,