The Wingham Advance, 1907-08-29, Page 5Agents for New Idea Patterns The Leading Store Pstterno Only 100, New Fall Dross Goods All that's New in Dress Goods, Silks and Trimmings now in stock at isard & Co's. We have just passed into stook three large shipments of New Fall Dress Goods --compris- ing all the new weaves in English, French and German manufacture. FANCY FALL TWEED EFFECTS—Very pretty dark color- ings in a large range of patterns, wear guaranteed, make up nicely in Tailored Suits.—Our special price.......... , 50e SHEPHERD'S CIIECKS—In Black and White, Blue and White, nice Dress Fabric.—Prices 25 to 50c TARTANS AND SHADOW PLAIDS, very popular for Shirt Waist Suitings, width 40 inches, only 50e COLORED DRESS GOODS.—Cashmeres, Lustres, Panamas, B enriettas, Satan Cloths, Venetians, Voiles. Black Dress Goods. We're showing many pretty weaves in Mourn- ing Dress Materials, as—Crepe-de-chine, Voiles, San Toy, Armures, Poplins, Serges, Llamas, Albatross, Venetians, Panama, are the correct styles. FRENCH EOLIENNE.—Fine weave, Silk and Wool, high silk finish, nice weight and width, our price $1.00 BLACK ARMURE.—All Wool Dress Fabric, in fancy pebble effect, silk finish, medium weight, per yard 75e MIRROR POPLIN.—Something new in Black Dress Material, corded weave, silk finish, very pretty costume cloth, spe- cial price $1.00 BLACK PANAMA CLOTH.—All Wool, soft finish, medium weight, close twisted yarn, makes very pretty Eton Suits. Prices 50c, 75c and $1.00 BLACK LUSTRE.—Brilliant finish, hard, firm weave, made of pure Mohair Yarn, will make a pretty Blouse or Shirt Waist Suit.—Price $1.00 Ladies' Fall Coats. Buy your Fall and Winter Coat early and get first choice. We've opened up three cases, and have them ready for your inspection in our Mantle and Skirt De- partment on Second Floor. Prices very moderate. H. E. ISARD CO. L BOYS' CLOTHING AND FURNISHINGS Are the Boys ready for the re -opening of School. We have had a large shipment of Boys' New Fall Suits come to hand extra early to meet their demands. Reliable Clothing it is at that. Every Suit, no matter whether it is high or low priced, is worth the money. We pride ourselves in giving Honest value. 18 Different Prices to Choose From Ranging from $2:5o to $7,00 a Suit. In this as- sortment you can't help but be suited. Boys' Odd Knickers, made of Fauoy Tweed, Navy and Black Serge, ranging from, per Pair 50c to $1,50 BOYS' FURNISHINGS,—Assortments com- plete in Boys' Shirts, Collars, Ties, Shoes, Stock- ings, Hats, Caps, Underwear, &c. McGee & Campbell Clothiers and Men's Furnishers The speedier a stenographer can typewrite a letter the more valuable she becomes to the busy business roan. Practice does a great deal, but correct fingering and the " Touch System,:: which the teach thoroughly, are of paramount importance. When the " Touch System': is mastered the operator never looks at the keyboard, but keeps her eyes on her notes, She saves the time lost by the "sight:: operator in glancing from notes to keyboard and back to notes again --a considerable item in a day's work and a severe strain on the eyes as well. Our large, free catalogue tells more about our stenographers course and gives niuclr valuable information about the diplomas of the Business Educators' Association. The supply of our graduates is not equal to the demand. FOREST CITY BUSINESS COLLEGE Members of Business Educators' .1. W. WESTERVELT. Association. Principal. London. COLLEGE RE -OPENS SEPT, 3RD, r........41111111111111 01111114111111111111111111111111111 Don't Read It !IF 4. • You don't want to be convinced of the Big Bargains that Young's are offering in Granite ware, Tinware and Hardware. i JUST ARRIVED. Another very large assortment I of Graniteware at the same Cut- in -two Prices. IGive us a call, and be convinced that this is the place to buy goods at money -saving prices. A pleasure to show goods. I YO U N G'S IBig Hardware IN A - ONTARIO%II 01111111111111111111110 0 0 01110 011111111111110 J . THE WINGRAIV,I ADVANCE THURSDAY, AUGUST 29, l;9o7 Teeswater. Dir, Robt, Marshall, 2nd line, is- re- covering from serious injuries receiv- es: in a street railway accident at Port Huron on the lith. lie had gone down to Detroit on an excursion and went to Port Huron to visit an old itequaintanee, Mr, Archibald Mc- Intyre, and when alighting from a street car, which was in motion, he was thrown violently against the curbstone striking the back of his head which was badly cut. Ile was uncon- scious for several hours. The Teeswater Postmastership is again the topic of discussion, Rumor has it that Mr. Brink will get his walking papers same time in October, In fact, it is no secret, Mr. McKenzie says that it is the Department that is doing the whole thing ; that the Gov- ernment simply cannot, and will not, overlook such indiscretions as it is al- leged Mr. Brink has been guilty of. On the other hand mien who have much knowledge of, and experience in, politics say that the whole matter is in the hands of the member, that he simply has the bit of government patronage represented by the local postmastership at his disposal to be handled as he sees fit—that it is left there, so that he will have so much more pull. It may be remembered that the offence with which Me, Brink is charged, and which is to be the ground for his removal, is that he passed, or had his assistant pass, through the postoffice wicket, a couple of his coal accounts. The alleged of- fence against the postoffice rules con- sists in that these should have had postage attached when passed out in that way, It looks like making a very nice distinction in the conduct of a small office where business is neces- sarily some what mixed, and one can hardly imagine a friend of the govern- ment being dismissed on such grounds.—fThe News. The Cause •0f Hay Fever. It's a microbe that floats in the air, gets into the throat and lungs, de- velops rapidly, excites inflamrnation, etc. The cause is as simple as a thistle in the finger. Extract the thistle, away goes the pain. Destroy the Hay Fever germ—you get well. That's why Catarrhozone acts so marvellous- ly in Hay Fever. Its fragrant vapor to you brings cure, but to the microbe death. Oatarrhozone is as quick to act on these microscopic organisms as lightning. Pre6ents as well as cures, and is always successful. Druggists, 25e and $1, or Poison & Co., Kingston, Ont. 1• Lucknow. The Molsons Bank office has under- gone renovation. Kinloss Council intend erecting a new bridge over Nine Mile river, on con. 2. The bakery and grocery business of Angus McKenzie has passed into the hands of Il. V. McKenzie. Jos. D � . I1. Jar Stalks' ofLucknow, Stalker, Lu cl.now has been appoin led Principal of Blyth .Public School. His successor in Luck - now is Mr. Gordon of Lakefield. The Taylor -Anderson Co. are hav- ing their new gasoline engine install- ed. .Large shipments of cloth direct from the Old Country have arrived, and the firm expect to commence operations in a few days. One of the oldest residents of Ash- field, the widow of the late James Agnew, was laid to rest in Hope ceme- tery last week. She was 77 years of age, and moved to Ashfield when it was a wilderness. She had resided there ever since, passing away from almost the same spot, where fifty-one years ago, was built the first log shanty. MI'. Wni. Long of Brant threshed his fall wheat a few days ae'o and found that on sixteen acres 'Ile had raised 800 bushels, or an average of 50 bushels to the acre. GIANT TRIPLETS "Currency" "Bobs" and "Stag" Chewing Tobaccoes, in big plugs. Quality always the same. Howick. Reuben Harding has erected a One cement silo, Schools are open once more, but at- tendance is not large, owing to har- vesting operations. Threshing maehines have been at work In some localities, and fall wheat is reported turning out well. The funeral of Mrs. Ferguson, relict of the late Edward Ferguson, of Orangehill, was largely attended. She was in her 64th year. The Judge's Court of Revision on the Voters' list for 1007 for Howick will he held in Gorrie on September 3rd, commencing at 10 a.m. Mr. Palmer's threshing engine while passing over Gibson's creek last week unfortunately went through. It was a eifilcult task to get it one Contractor Chapman has completed the drain on the Newbridge sideroad, 7th con., and Contractor Rinn has the cement arch finished at Wallace's corner, Geo, Becker has sold his farm in Howick, adjoining Clifford, to Nicho- las Koch, jr. The price paid is $5,000, The farm contains 125 acres and is in good shape. Miss Bessie Ritchie, of the staff of the Winnipeg hospital, has been home spending a two months' vacation with her mother, Mrs. Jas. Ritchie, 17th coir., Howick. Mrs. Agnes Scott, Wingham, who has purchased Vet Porterfield's house in Gorrie was visiting her relatives in Howick recently. She will become a resident of Gorrie. Thos. Bennett of this townsnip was committed to Walkerton goal for neglecting to pay a fine of $1 and costs, which was placed against him for being disorderly. Miss French is again teacher at Lakelet; bliss Chapman at Orangehill; Miss Padfield in Minto, and Win, Pad- field has gone to teach Colpoy's Bay school. Miss Hassett, who taught on the 10th line, has gone to Alberta, where she gets $600. Miss McKee succeeds her in the 10th line school. One day Iast week, what might have been a fatal accident happened to a 12 year old son of Wm. Underwood of the ISth con. The lad was driving the team with a load of grain, and in get- ting down to remove the line from the tongue the team scared and the boy fell under the wheel which passed over his stomach. The boy was seriously hurt, but at last accounts he is recovering. For Quality and• Quantity ask your dealer for the new big plugs of "Bobs" "Stag" and "Currency" Chewing To- baccoes. —Tho C. P. R. is of age. Twenty- one years ago it had only 4,051 miles of track ; to -day it has, roughly speak- ing, 12,000 miles. Then it had one through train a day five days in. a week, going to Vancouver in five days and a half. To -day there is the double daily transcontinental service, the Over seas mail every month, and the trans. Canada Limited, running three times a week during July and August, and each making the trip in two days less time than the one took 21 years ago. 4 It Imparts Strength. Just think of the enormous strengthening power Ferrozone pos- sesses—consider what it did for Ii. V. Potter, well known in Kingston, "I was subject to spells of dizziness. For eight months 1 had intense pain in my right side between the shoulder. I was almost incurable with weakness and lack of vigor. Often I scarcely ate any breakfast and felt miserable all -day. Nervous, easily excited, troubled with heart weakness, I was in bad shape. Ferrozone restored and nourished me back to health in short order." Whatever your weakness may be Ferrozone will cure. Price 50c per box at all dealers. Excursions To Toronto For The Exhibition SINGLE FARE $3.65 DAILY Monday, August 26 to Satur- day, Sept. 7, inclusive. LR E S 2.'70 SPECIAL EXCURSION DAYS August 27th, 29th and 31st, September 4th and 6th. All tickets good to return until Tuesday, September 10 SPECIAL TRAIN SERVICE. Ask for Free Copy of Official Program and Timetable. J. H. BEEMER -- AGENT --- WINGHAM roma+ Farm laborers Wanted WORK HARVESTING FOR 20,000 MEN IN MANITOBA ALBERTA AND SASKATCHEWAN SPECIAL al GOING t�ii Additional for the Actium ticket, EXCURSIONS 1 'TRIP (.3 under conditions es bklow, GOING DATES----,---* From Toronto and ell Stations west In Gntarlo, south of main Ono of Orhnd Trunk Ry., Toronto to Sarnia, From Toronto to Sarnia en Q,7',Ft, and an stations north to and In. eluding Can. Pao, Stations Toronto to Owen Sound. From'roronto and east, to and including Sharbot Lake and Kingston, also north of Toronto and north of Cardwell 4ct, on O,T,R. and north of Bolton Junction on Can. Pao, ONE»'WAY SECOND-CLASS'TICKETSWILL BE SOLb TO WINNIPEG ONLY Representative farmers, appointed by Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta Governments, will meet end engage laborers on arrival at Winnipeg. Free transportation will be furnished at Winnipeg to points on Can. Pat. and Can. Nor. Itys. where laborers are needed, east of Moose Jaw, ICamsnok and Swan River, (includ- ing branches), and at dna Cont a mflo each way west thereof in Saskatchewan and A. Il cortilieatelbertais furnished with melt ticket, and this certificate when executed by farmer showing that laborer has worked thirty days or mote, will be honored from that point for a second elase ticket back to starting points in Ontario, at =18.00, prior to Nov, 80th, 1007. Tickets are good only on special Perm Laberere trains end will be issued to women as well as to mon, but will not be issued at half fare to children. Attlld. 2 A.ud. 30 Sept. 4 bon'( forget the Homeeeekers' Exourslens with Tourist Sleepers Aug. 27, Sept. 10 And 24 For full parlicnleri doe rteerest t;.>t'.tt. (,dent. or write C. B. )e, OSTEff. 1(I.p,A.. c.1P,IR.. Talton() Ritchie & Cosens Real estate and Insurance WJNGJIAM, ONT, We this week advertise a partial list of farm and suburban properties re, cently listed with us for sale, As we .wake et a point to ascertain by per- sonal inspection of each property be. fore listing it, that it is worth the price asked, the intending purchaser has the advantage of our judgment, as well as his own in buying. We have had fifteen years' experi- ence in the Insurance, Real Estate, Loaning and Valuating business, and think our opinion is worth something, Besides the list shown below we have a muck longer one at our office, which we invite intending purchasers to call and see. We will drive them free of charge to see any place on our list. $1900 A 30 acre farm adjoining Biuevale. Frame barn and house, good land and six acres of hardwood bush. A bargain. $3400 A 50 acre farm le miles from Wingham. Brick veneered house, large new bank barn, good water. Terms, $1000 cash, balance at 5 per cent. $2700 A 50 acre farm 5 miles from Wingharn and 1 miles from Biuevale. Good house and barn, 2 acres bush, 250 rod new wire fences. Terms, $1400 cash ; balance at 4e%. $3200 100 acres, 2e miles from Wingham, 05 acres cleared, bank barn 31x40, comfortable house, good roads. Terms, one half cash, balance at 5 per cent. $4000 50 acres, 1 mile from Wing - ham. Good brick house, ten rooms, bank barn, good garden and orchard. Terms, part cash ; balance on mortgage, or will take a house and ,lot in town in part payment. $3500 51 acres, square lot, 1 mile from Wroxeter, brick house, bank barn, windmill, water lu stable. A complete home at a moderate price. Terms, $1500 cash ; balance on mort- gage. $4500 102 acres, 1 mile from Blue - vale and 5 miles from Wing - ham. Large rebuilt barn and shed with stabling under all. Frame house, good land, and in a good. locality. Terms, $2000 cash ; balance at 5%. $6200 150 acres, township of Turn - berry, barn 30x50, shed 30x52, with good stabling under all, frame house, never failing creek and two good wells, 110 acres under plow and clear of stuurps, 42 acres in crop this year and 68 acres in grass. An excel- lent property two miles from Wing - ham. Terms to suit purchaser. Good reasons for selling. $6500 150 acres, close to Wingham. One of the finest farms in the County of Huron. Excellent build- ings, good land and fences, never fail- ing spring close to barn. $2000 may be left on mortgage at 4; per cent. $6500 200 acres, East Wawanosh. Two square lots, 2, to C. P.R. station at Auburn, and 6e to Blyth, one mile to church and postoffice, 1i to school. .A splendid grain and stock farm, good crops this year. A money- maker to the right man. Owner has other property and no help to work land. Terms, $B000 cash ; balance on mortgage. $8500 200 acres, 2, miles from Wingham, Bank barn 70x80, large brick house as good as new. A fine farm in a beautiful situation. Close to school and on a main gravel road. Crdps above the average this year. Terms, $2500 cash, balance on mortgage. $8000 200 acres, 50 acres, 50 acres good hardwood bush, fine house and barn, stone stabling, good driving house and pig pen, silo, light- ning rods on barn. One of the finest farms in East Wawanosh. Better see it before buying elsewhere. IN TOWN PLOT. $1200 1:l acres, brick veneer house, frame barn and root house. Terms, $400 cash, balance at 5%. $1100 0 acres, frame house, in a good situation. Just the place for a retired farmer. $1300 4 acres on splendid corner, 1e story frame house as good as new. Good land and everything in order. $1300 0 acres in Lower Town. All the advantage of upper town with one fifth of the tax rate. Good 1 story frame house, large frame barn, good well and cistern. A most desirable property. We have also on our lists for sale in Wingham and other towns and villages :— LAUNDRIES, BLACKSMITH SHOPS, TANNERIES, HARDWARE STOCKS, GENERAL STOCKS, ETC. We exchange farms for town pro- perty and town property for farms. We can direct intending purchasers to some good investinents in the West. We represent the best Insurance Companies in Fire, Life, Accident, Plate Glass or Casuality business. Money to Loan on Improved Farms. A splendid list of town lots and de- sirable homes for sale. It will pay you to see us, Ritchie & Cosens Real Estate and ' Insurance + • Wingharn. IMPORTERS WINGHAM You Make A Mistake If you buy a Piano with- out seeing our stock, comparing prices and taking into account the quality of the instrument. All the best makes always in stock — Heintzman, Newcombe, Dominion, and others. Also Organs, and the very best Sewing Machines. 1 i David Bell ; Stand—Opp. Skating Rink .OaON►� 444 ARTHUR J. IRWIN D.D.S., L,D.S. Doctor of Dental Surgery of the Pen- nsylvania College and Licentiate of Dental Surgery of Ontario. —Office in Macdonald Block— Office closed Wednesday afternoons during June, July and August. W. J. PRICE B.S.A., L.D.S., D.D.S. Honor Graduate of University of Toronto and Licentiate of Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. OFFICE IN BEtvErr BLOCK; — WIsameru Office closed Wednesday afternoons during June, July, August. SCattaZiQll of Goods Some Special Values WHAT YOU CAN BUY FOR, PER YARD— Flannelettes, worth 7e wholesale Dress iliuslins, fast colors, regular 8c White Cross -barred Muslin, regular Sc Tea Towels Children's Cotton Hose Embroideries, worth 7, 8, and Oe 25c Flannelettes, one yard. wide, regular 12:e Shirtings in Blue, Brown and Gray, regular 12ic Ginghams and Prints, regular 12i and 15e Heavy 1 Vrapperettes, pretty patterns, worth 12ic Heavy White Toweling Dress Muslins, regular 12,0 Ladies' Cotton Hose, regular 12e and 15c Men's Cotton Socks Embroideries, worth 15c Ladies' Summer Vests Men's Shirts and Drawers Ladies' Vests and Drawers Lace Curtains, regular 40e Dress Goads, regular 50c Cashmere Hose Tapestry Carpet, regular 350 Table Linen, 55 inches wide, worth 35e One pair Linen or Bath Towels Gray Flannel, worth 35c Ladies' Belts, Wash and Silk Ladies' Fancy Silk Collars The above are only a few of the genuine bargains we have for sale. All Dress Goods will be sold at 60 eta. on the dollar. Something really special in Black Silks. Handsome New Black Sateen "Underskirts, very cheap. A few odd Wrappers to be cleared out at Cost, and A TATTLE OF REM1 'ANTS VERY CHEAP. POULTRY OP ALL KINDS WANTED. T. A. Mills M M M M. M Y, M M M. ,[ M 55V M M M Y M Y M M * * r w * A 4 4 4 4 4 4. d. 4 ,. a A •.. t 5* 4 d 4.} d II