The Signal, 1913-11-13, Page 1Sixty Weeks for One Dollar The Signal will be pent to soy sew sobseribsr lis Canada or Ortel Betels from now eon' J.Dtlar, 1st, 1915, for only One Doles. ioriaL CONSIDER EVERY DOLLAR you put Into good adv.rtlsioe not a dollar of ezpease, but a dollar invested upon whisks yyoonn will receive Maher div Idend. than from lay *ibex I n v eat men t. Tie l is rhe balk advertising •M1tIm la Hama Qwats .1XTY FOURTH TRAR-ilea ill GO1)ERICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, NOVFMIBER 130 1913 A. L HIIADWIN, PVXDOSMIL THE STERLING BANK OF CANADA SAVE, because -- No. 58 To say you cannot save money is to admit your life is not the success it might be. Head Office, King and Bay Streets, Toronto Goderich Branch -ANDREW PORTER. Manager r STRONGEST FIRE, LIFE AND ACCIDENT INSURANCE COMPANIES are represented by A. G. N ISBE'T Insurance and Real Estate Agent List your property for sale with me. tFFICE MUT CANADIAN RANK OF COMMERCE, GODERi('II 'Poona*: Oretex 8u; Hoven 150. P. O. Box 364 !NNW NOTICE IIIOWN OF OODRRICH TARE/R.11U Taxes are now d.• and payable at ray aloe. Tows Hall. Two bat osSt 1fp.Mbyl. hNorember; ,me per nest n It ! M by 12th DecemberTwo wit sem atter At b December ' Fite per ret added air let January. 1M 1L CAMPBR. I'.y promptly and get ear MPA L. TeltCollector. VOTERS' LIMO OOURT TOWN Or OODERICH Notice is hh cop g tee 1b0t a Curt will be Act. byRia nal se the .ddttssel the flea.! of armito The e 'Mort Hesee. Oederielt. este. Harm. emettb a01 ` lieweember. ei Mee clock a.m.. to hest sad i 1111 1 !Art of errors W .lads* 1' the oder.' We of t h. M aniolp.ilty of the Time of Oederlcb for 1711 riled at Ooaaieh tete Sol a ay M November. MS L L. KNOX. rats Cleft •[ Town of Odrieb. ADJOURNID BALK OF LAND FOR TAXES • The .0b of hoe -lir taxes b a4}aarad to Wedeeaday. the ISM X07 of NervTmber, 1047, at t70 Pts. M the Court 4Na to the town of l .-ierkh. WM. HOLMES. 11.21 Tr=.arr Comity 0f Huron Nov. Rh. 1913. TOW OF GODBBLCH Take natio, that the m.Alpel connclI of the rorpor.tion M }be town of (klderich linen& to construe' • ^,lbw., on U.0p.res street. in Ike said town, Mtwara Btlt.004 toed rind Retrials street and Iolanda Worse, • portlas of . he deal est thereof epee ll=.r real to be 1 medlet01ea.7 b.gtted tber•M or nbettl•g upon Mener•e etrwrt, between W lead pasta and to levy slob leaf e.et acoerdbt[ 4 w ?restem menet b tweet) anneal siesial ..arerlwtr• mai that • e1*Lr Int . he i.sde Beetle to and work.sd 4 w Beds era rd for t b rhe wink. led the s/w nursers th.nof so far a th. he•.oerialsed from the Mt revised •saeerm=t cep and otherwise. M now died to mod •twat the alert of w •ogle beam The b for le0pectlee during •o I, b of w T e tact .( the Irk 1 EHLS1 Is to be pr•vtded eat 01 flee of the .entrIMtttr A court metiers will be belles the SIM d.yoMg November. 1147. .t theoa br sf o1411t o r k la g egmol est 04 w oa ese4 eb• ssr the to .f 0 1Laieb, Bir the p.eso.aef towing eaepblsa wriest w Pleelomd ar-wssent or the •eawo7 M h.. lwoar ,soots, r Maw any Mbe=4"t wf• host= 1 rer.,n. Mt.r=ted r to mob •s shot M by law eeessaW byyttMhew ert. I sodft, alt► day M MIL L redr.L Nrk 1 9itblte 1fotiee Te the Cables.1Oedencb SITUATiO11S VACANT. Q PIi01AL-SOMI INTELLIGENT laborers waved for all year work. in our differing i .ggg..t,t.e1 .. nen who may goy gqg4kl71at.better than common laborer - //00y. Kogsies Re tiara td send yyu.lip at bus to the Nmod DOD 11111YBUILDLNO (0MPAN Orr od. Ont. t_-1' ( 1IRL WANTED. -itOR GENERAL J house work. Apply to MRS. A. FAR- ROW, weirdo) street. Beet - % - 1 BOA/IDERS WANTED AT THE AmEldorado ex Houle. West *treat. Appy to tl WANTED. -GIRL AND WO MAN wanted for laordry work. Amply to MRs. NEWELL. Gat street. -t W ANTED.--MTORAGE ROOM FOR wagons and sprinkler. Apoly to AMERICAN ROAD MACHINE Clxdl-t1 N.i ARM HKLP AND DOMESTIC ,.BgitVAVTo -Person, requiring farm help WILLIAM Me L:IL- 11aOeI'7.M et tiocerele.t Employment 8t Oat. Ordets left with H. D. 11t. Ont.. will receive prompt .11 sties. i&'-tf P01 BALs OR TO ROT L'OR BALE -A t300D RILBIN(i L' Cow. Apply at NO. n. WOLr1 sTR[ET DOR SALB,-BRED-TO-LAY BAR-. riff reek cockerels. Apish: to H. K. HgVRI.I. el•:f. L4ORSALE.-A LIMITED NUMERIC e1 panel el wait* Orpington cockerel..A.C. .train. 91Y1 each. Apply V. A. RAYDEN, Sbepp.rdton. N•tl. ''OR SALlf.-TWO-STORY HOUSE I: w Keay. street, awtake ng ten rooms. hes led we bathroom, Mimeo sad elsct$o Ught. ; thoroughly !.salted beat cellar to roof : f.11 tet and small ears with MOM fruit Apply to W. R. PIN Diet. IF.tf. RICAL RhIATK FOR 8ALP..vie rmlims hove for sais Wtagawee- -q, tress mevi lWee PRw. DMT, HAYS LYILLOaAt,ir rW Oat. (1OUSK8 FOR BALI. -AN E10HT- ii ROUMSD $0 ss Thralls street gad i'.a wi a helm. w Agalikeleleasee; stableee: corset Owe Y _ - fAfa r haat,;•pts tb W: The Water and Light Com- mission ham= received a shipment of EMotrie tress and Electric. Toasters end will sell rami at oast RSI DEIlT'ILL PROPItBTT FOR SAI.L-TM rodaesee. with rear ase. tereverty Mews maw temetes sod A 011 ARsa,.gg 4 msd.r,'ee' eresls...a _wile MYANtnet=uktriiiis. Ona=the beds rt . A(tdnr1M 7Ltl 1 L10R SALE -FIVE ACRES OF i' 40x4. •pert et S. L L W.. C.IMn.le 'MOM 43.45 each Relei.t,' beet grafte./W1 Imo. t se..bi"..1:6 L}/ .m., 0a w MICY Thew • recommended by "Htep1_ best grab. H1eelrie caelesteallea dTeoa.er =sib Back W rs _ryr 4S111.11= 4sem A. A. wil4.1 g. the Hydro- litsetrie Power Oom- ant mbuIN of Ontario as the very hem meth that eon be pewelsee.d for the Apply at the TlgggRters Mop. Town Hall. Wet By owlet% _ .. Warr dial Light C.1mieMea. WEST WAWANOBH [1REINSuRANcKO0. One atsheIlenewPtrely- m.x Jee. Hod Me ofn *Mk Isat Na MI 0. witgther es Um Sam orot.• t..a. M ark* in je.t- R. McILWAIS. A.st lar Oelberna tTiit ARM M P09 II `LI E R EAST sit et Mb ifs epees - awl tress, est D/00?LYL 01DEI4C11 AND FARM PROP - roll SAL .i 1 1'vMel ttdhobotaldswwoe site eon .aro l r -Mgt elm r ml. Mt se knew. THOfI B 1NfDDHRTT..OMrM. 7►tt ARM FOR SALE. -A GOOD FARM efU het Mak two LYLAW NO. YY, OR 1014. OF THB 1 T0WNUrsomatiCH. A BT LAW To AUTUMNS= a Ov=IAN'S= aT TO, l uaemna1etto ser Wen Town= lloourectt or Tat MOM= oa Otiler*Tvao or 'alts A*IcaICalr SUMO Marsha Calmar ur (.' , LINITa4 Whereas The deserf.en Read Matelot Can - peal of t,aeade. Llatked. heedeakev eland the C'•mpresy, has ba, sane years erdlee es bad- ness in Use Town of Beier••, .ad new lade R 0•=e.ary anion H leor.0elag itemben to ac- quits an dder.N peon he wld knot Gol.r( cb. IMAM will b. whoa 0.154• ed sad Nulp.sd of the rete. Mat (seat elled e.in Aad .he:..s the rid Comma baa tbro.01 It. dimmer. regew4•d wtisssW wt the Tow. of 0oderki to aid the rid ey le Pe pre- posed r - pored e.teep..is_ be coag w heed. is Me salmi of mass tarat..ad ear maims and 10 .It/ 011itO.WbesishiaGeri at torte by granting to the old Oemperm far • rrtse of tea pan • *red awlmw. -SIM atm new Mint of sol by 0 fet0.01all .0 aa4r .ad ManW.l1 sweet. .M eelgefrlg t• w sal Company the porthole arsine,. h eathr with ori masts. nsroere.34.aj noddle tweed by the Cr pone be. Ask where.s it is expedient to grant the say W maims to w tree and reedit oto bete4ehee.el hath Tberefee• be a wetted lad It is hereby .0- 05194117140 Meeidral Council et the Town of Oaderlca ars Adlow. : 1. It .Mall he lawful ler the Mayer and Cbrk.la the tree sad ea behalf of w l'c- pporrl1....eaeef the Tetra d (lod.reaa, .od under qre .reu ...1. to e1eott• sea deliver ea the.R.eddeM et (be sad Commuter', the written et printed ta0f•atee or c...atoes of the. ear 4,rpsretiu0 ge.r0nt•wlaw thistles M7 - stat by the said Tows of l)drlcb 0f the aria - typal and interest .t the rate of dm and a ha: t per coot per annum or the 'hoods and deben- tured of The Aserlc.n Road M.•-hlo. Com- po.,' ..('.sada, Limited. up to, but not ex tseding. the am of tuo,onul for principal. re- payobr to twenty equal 0000.1 lo4a.lmenta d prbalMl and interest, wild gurraute. w M tow eit tit upon default beton rade by 1 he American Komi Mace ine Comp.ny of Cue - e dit, Limited, In p•af meat of the p.iorlpsl or interest secured by the id bowl. ur M I aid ssaad 14 s0 ar.cla. the (•orvoeatUao di 10.' T•wn ot Goderich w.1i {ry upon demand to the ! boldarsof lee wild bade the amO.nl rn r. pelt of the payment of aitch default has heal mad". snob gaaranlea to be o brw..e 10 ouch form end to contain such other or additional provisions elm .hall ire approved of by the M.yr am *Meter her the said 7.... pros idol. how- everthat ouch provisoes sod conditions do not ii mit the obloratlonv of the -rid town to pay tho amount -o In default upon deu,and as Morose id. 2. The necewwry and proper step, to ease those porta.. of tape: 1reel and Mout ale street In the I own of lluder.eh lying between Cambria mod and Alb.•.1 .treat, shall be tak 0 by t lee said 1' orsoon,, and the sad protium w to be clued tr gwt4 r with lots rue= number...1i a111 00 -already owned ea.d` Carpet st.a.. shell be eanyeyed to =sae= Cal- I mpatrnayab.ya .a. ta. ore yee to be d•ilvered c v en - by y w Rh the dsllya ry M w mortgage byroad to. tow Cotp,r*tioo hereinafter x. Pr.or to the execution of the imamate* rtu0rsnlee•of tire bon& d the said Com- pany. or any of them. by the mid Cotyr.1Ion, and as condition precedent thereto. tbo veld ! Company'aheR require by pereb•r and shall have w nveyed a rt le fee Amok. the necessary elle for It. proposed new budding+ ltd pleat. I raid d1e to mmprYe appeoxiau all tour sad . one-half acres, aod to Inducts all the Canada . Company lots in the three not Dotty blocks be- tames CombsL road turd Albert street. Ming Park Lo -s I, 2 •od & In the 041 Tow -n or (lode. ✓ 1cb, and to be of its value of WOO of ! 4. A. a further condition pre-edent to the execution of the said guarantee. or tearaMme i hopes said C rporatlou the said Lorepea7 shell ' exec tate and deliver 1) the said 1rpor.lb t • asortgege In triplicate upon (Woad lands w to' be &courted •r afur•wald, and upon all WM- lags, plant m.ohloery, timid wad eatte et. erected or to be eteeted Merlon or to be placed therein, or o.ad In co4neetion with the bud-' Irene tr oe tarried on by the mid Company. epi the lands, building •td plant now owned by the add Company. a Kim street. in the Town otAloderleb. ria mrtg•ae to be mem: - d with the oecersart approval M the skate - holders of the .aid l omp.ny duly given is a ase.tins called for that perposr and to oen.ol- tate a first charge upon elf the said proper- , tf. exoept In regard to the prevent plant on k:.+t .treat aforesaid as to which the Corpor- ation already holds a mortgage. The ria mort- gage -hall contain the classes and provision, usually timed la mprtguger given by coos - panics to secure bonds, and shall he settled end approved by the solicitor for the maid Carp•r- at4oa ; and Bald mortgage shall secure and pro- vide for the lmmediate repayment to the said Corporation of all mneae7a which may be paid by it In respect or w wild guaranteed bend.. ,..ppdd tar the insurance by the rhe Cememy of the .044 rtgn1ed4.,prr 1. arm ow el w olidC dor do 1n eaof 11 by Sr* r k- olas. to snob dalp.aim a. Mail be by the slid Cbrpor Rion. sad by ma - telefax what is known r the -weer gum dame,' and ter the eeetin.ane. of ..e1 loan eau.4.rted w (turnery of w rhe bead.. mid i.a5reae• a he fate AIWA tile .1e W the bower .e to be emesateed .s admemil : ..d sorb a aiasea .0141 *tae Metals ash farther or ether arevidem for the grst 4a M the end tmesessise •. b the eg01 .1 the Vire ler e anCommittee 1be dm *.15.rrUbe d v ee IIIS.Iterlalt • .. w4 ps p.: sad saidmem - teemsaK es the part wltsMtl Sa Indata end beep 4*. street 1. the sold Towel M b during welf .ler tf the ..M MdgWu.g.1pea.tw y. p.rtof t grevbdrn a M im biles Cr. 1=1, 9* M► .•e(tsea.ptto the Moet •thetf t al the __- q04l 1.I diad unM 1.iethe w loam tas .n*a. buMM ian. wbeW v apd hew a an taeres. lathe to the* .1y aw esatbr 4r Zbeers td ie the .1erer'gsse the eddy.. plgr.vw •sal=t lin • m.pr(y nw est 4) ta the eald ems .pfd oinvit om N ease ts.M 7r Clark Moll moon to L t w not Mwds irilhR rktt..11.? b Weed by saM Coreseaum 4. w 1. sale e - W dbp.M set u a pinearid Orme. ay,al W anew be OrptImith err • 5.0..01 to the emedlt of the eWl be p M wt s. hems - d, t The 0.1ptp will Is P4101 .rhe 1y die w 10 be MVO* r .Rem W.d remenable reenable M • mete b4)499 eeaerre ed n4 street earl w$b WA= l &evkdtf frtrtlt . W Monis he or tyre Ilietemises asst sed to be K the W . .t tewlp •sato.11` mid aarnmei a Moose (leleerela.Mai 1994 uts t.rl/et wM NpV1 Umsoolit ee age ranee" .TaRUR eN. •'asst awl } t Is Nge=1 "lg ii euM NusMrsark w «M M'es nodi'{• M(tytvt,.d ta'.ef W be WI pMil iM MEMORIAM Poetical trllwts to the Mir Hutchison. •Okogowa0, as the Math of their bolo, •1 mother. Mm. Matthew H.tcht.00. Weep wet for tby he'd in .tier. For the filer tees sea Mime brl1btlr, whes they laid her Bayo her bug 40d nee. rr1Tu tide lite flit) nth h?, Aad woe Wlr4.40'.rws11.tt ed Beth airweft (info loved calk E ura at e tnd m vol brow iratTakes. el their leer ter 11-r. A Nva that se'rs will .00. Add bad Io wa 1 e4ert.11. Lave IlittMl a 000 d W►wre leviedsatm alwdn -. Were ewe be me than bur. Add wawa agate w meet her. la mod'e owe realm..bJ.. ; May all latest o. wurtty, 01 Hie gilt, of Cbrin , love. Eton." A. 1111a1x1r0. (:wderlcI. Oct. Mb, ISM 0f use commotion 1. monied tact w srarr .+ aoetllein, Y correct. .ad tint there are so out- staediag dolma against the bufldteg .114.11 e ased mew Vette a cheese .poo the wine. en soon the sow bade. le «eetit7 to the .ode lsettans, the War' 0aslfdt (a esl4 proceeds Use 1 ~ SiSe ad =ricin Ca of the epee building t 05 b.,}1Memo provided, end a wMd4 blies, 4 the reamer h0re.ntOMatb.Od .} !4 lb0 -)alma r ira.t W. 99a .. 1 w rain en vendor. ' tr •eMe et chars= of any ll kind, anasoy..watttoutstoMaraidmlrtesee to ch11. "'b fuither• e.bi L the most eater tla! M this byretts.1111eteg the - that lbssaid bend n m1011..ofwo.ataea,. eo a be eenrt1g4 wd r atomild shall be with Immed4.tol7 at on Ofe Beal ng el tae sold bylaw, and will M smarty for and will coarnw.Ce oper,ttan wars we year lbws - altar. and w..1 matinee 10 operation theoce- forth. • And by way of laedior aid to tb. said Company It Ie be rt -by Mtl4red that tie I.ad-, ►.thither, plant, machinery ..d ether .Kae tela peoporiy ot the said Company elected or betrut upon the rale site Malt for a period of too years beginning with w year 1p14. be raised led seem l 1 r all partn1.a.. except +:b',ol taxer. as the dem of 510,1100.44. 10. nit bylaw Mad tate *Soot oo the d ate of t ha Goal pilot thereat. Providouail7 poems at the eminent-haw r., at the rows el0.dsr0h. the 3tb day of November. A.D. lm _ Mayor. tier*. Taxa Nance that the above 1- a tree 0007 of a proposed W71sw whieb lea.. mon smites Into con.rderMIeu..ad whick w111 be Illoall7 p. -sed by the Cwnsll at the Muni spall., lin the event of the •newt of the Meows being obtained tbetetot .lbw me .110 from the lire publication' in he Oedeeich dryad poem Pave.. the date or whisk pabl:oetloa was the .tzar day of No.Gag be.. 1911 ANo Ft:Wreak 7.07 Nona): lbw! all !e holders qualiaed under the prov.aio'u of 3-4 (he. V. lb toter 44. petites Ari, 4. e. 3. are r q aired Ice day beton abs day of voting to dee with ore a .tatst.aeyIee'ara ton of gorilla - ton, mherwt.s their smear er•11 out appour 011 the viers' IAA for am 11 voting. AND 'VETS= T.K. $oytcabet tbs rte e et the .11.1 set w rid . Town of Oadsrtek will he taken on the said peeper bylaw at the folio. tag Um -a sad .Io..e.. that is to say. se Betardarthe tack d.y of Noremiter, tri], nom01Soel5t at the hour or 0 o'eMoa in the foresees and senttauing till 4 o'clock in the aft•raa.e et the same day. by the following Dining lflo.n Pu4l*nt .abftrl.lon No L 01 Tbompwm'n w eel Shop. by Juh% H. Edward, Deputy 10- tarnl.g (Moo. and John B. McKay, Poll Clem. Polling subdivision Nes K k W n. Sherman'. Roll air Shalt Kart Streets by Charles hates. Deputy Retortion (Idiom. a.4 Ret. Sharman. *roil Clark. 1 nHlnt tubllvldon No. 3. at Town Hall, by Edward C. Hrltbs►, Deputy Motioning officer. and Wm Koos. Poll Clerk. Polling eabdlrwan Natal /!other, Wood shop, by Huron A. Tattbrl Deputy Returning Dower. and Wm. Mtathent Pali Clerk. Pdbug .abdly*lam Na. 0. at )bra. Wallop's Store, Kant .t.0er, 11y Oen C. Dlack, Deputy 'Let tooled ('Meer, and H. O. Sturdy. mut .. 1.1k. ".timet subdivision No. It 0t Bleebey. a r.. Wert etrec'. by 11. L Wean•. uw'ut7 Retort• lo` ()mbar. sod Wm. Ten PolICIeet o11in1.ubdivW.e No ;. at boil Nevil4's bon.., by N00eJd McKay, Depot" Ret.,'nlpt Dither. and Hod. Tait. Poll Clark. 0.. 4 rfd.y, the ilth day of November INA 1410 Meyer el w said Telma will Weal at tee (M.MI u9.ebete ed the ofd Town at to o'eloak Is 123132111.18030=r441431 30 1133313 rd is tthehewtq osmte b w w of ttesggt Mtw- 'Md fa ea d e1sq g er •, paring 1115 .f the CfI esm Ms C ou E t The gfthe C.aaail et w tsdd Town etArneettc1 .Rl sleet at be Mss is the Town H 41, 0t tea o'clock la aha of Moad&y. the 1e dal of Dswmter, h .sin up the ewbrr t7 vette k r ON mama thee/ad propised bylaw. L L LNI1X. Chet COUNCIL TROUBLES TOWN TO DEAL WITH INTRICATE RAILWAY PROBLEMS C. P. R. is Trying to Take the Matter of Laying a Track at Harbor Out of Municipal Hands -Mayor Reid Will Attend Railway (Jornmission in Regard to West Shore Line Owing to the fa_t that the special meting of the council two days previous relieved the council of a con- siderable lot of wore in nosily dispoe- „lug of the bylaw' f the American Road Machine Compmt,y, there was not a very large amount. of work fur dia- posit at the regular meeting held on Ftiday night last. A. usual Mayor Reid presided and all the (members were pre-ent. Fur the first time ,ince their arrival, the electrical good. for. domestic purporee, which, in future, the town will retail to customers at cost price. were elven a trial and so far every,bing worked very satisfac- torily. the establi.hment of • market has passed the council so far ex it had been referred to the market commit. tee. There was little discu.sion and all the members seemed to be in favor of the propositloo. The treasurer's report was referred to the thanes committee. As the Cameron street sewer has to en giving tbe council considerable trouble, the clerk and engineer have inspected it and presented their reports, which re- port. rranomend that the work be done nes. As the result of • mo- tion eve Mannings and Coun.. Latta tr, these reports ware adopted and a court of revision will be held on November 2itb to fix value, on the sstne. The matter of permitting the Ken- sington furniture factory to dispose of the scrap iron on their old site came up. It was decided to allow the iron to be sold and the Money to be turned over to the town. The mayor was given charge of the wort its the matter was left in his hands. A DISTRIBUTING POINT in a letter dated November Sed, the Midway M-rcaotile Company notified the council test for the present the compeoy will not operate its phot bgre but will use the present factory a. a distributing point, and the! . tberr l customers in this per t of Canada will he supplied with gods from their Unit- ed States tactory at Elkhart, Indiana. The conlrnuniration implied that with the opening of aprine the factory here would nratufacture again, and this, change in plans is only temporary. The Board of Trade being dissatisfied wite. their rooms have requested t be council, in a commat,leAtinn dated November 3.d, to allow is the use of the council chamber. Count.. Young and Moser moved a ntution t.hnt the request i.e granted. A letter dated Novenilter .'7th was received flow the tr►ntportstwn cow- urittee ct the Board of Trade. mho a letter trout the eecrela,v with refer- ence to the payment of the arc 'tint of Mr. 1Van. Berwlogh'tm for (ow.ng the steamer City of Detroit. Reeve+ Manning and Coon. Laithwwite Moved that the foalt1r be referred to the chairman of time finance committee with power to lot. RAILWAY TROUBLES For some time past the C P.R. bas wasted permission to lay a track on the Water front. CMS the company agree to the demands of the town. the council will not grant them per - ml -•ion. Now. however, it appears ISM the C.P.R. N attempting to take the matter out of municipal hands and bt•ist It before the railway com- mi'sioe. A ropy of an applieatioa of the R. to the hoard of railway =ter comma loners in Canada for the r igbt AUCTION SALES to enn.ttuct and nee aline or .pnr on the harbor quay of the town of (lode- -- rich Nov. IL -Ase ion solo M a arra. M c▪ ess .ad 11.140*., .t w A.b.ra wet, Osborn. J. R ratavoox, peeariree: Tso0.15 Ou*DRT. •1 01.55,. Ti.vwayAT.MN .. 10.1 ►1.-Ar01s.s sale of4.ata (1smbr4. tend. Mrw P0,,., Vireos YRnml sodat the prem. Ouwnsy, Atesnenest AMMO" SAM AUVYiON MALE M. far 1.d 0000 DAiRY AND 4T.() 00W9 AND norms MR. 1. IL rgwOU90N 'Mil esn by(psNb&ea44 .t Use Aetrern Rotel le Ashes rel w rn DAT, 1107HItlR l 14th coersssnd.t at 1. 10 bad .f few•, it ties met led dee le n geed t11• la the mgA.g. Alessi thin lea are tBir..li. e taws ►rad to 1- . 'sat. -els bred zea' l lie gime we warwtitrsstIpr Youmi ll.wyd (.r ern ea .0414 eneisata These w01 he as J. E i RQU.ON• THOMAnOIfYD9T, i'r debts. Aeetieser. tOUOTiON MALI W N PROPERTY et AND M0U/EH0LD ruami Vag wig. moll to /g14s sgstien r ma petals. One- filets y a .f the• .Mim useYste ( sf Mwl1 '`' pe ' Mrs of M rew1M say «se• r? la sMest thaw s s2 i tM Mw -alwi/ r IJ )*Mmes elm b • anhe leas' and served on the town of Uode- rich on November A'h was teed. On motion of Reeve Munnirgs and Coon. Moser it watt referred to a joint com- mittee of the special and harbor com- mittee.. The oouneil has 15 days to tier objections to the application. THB FiRS(' MAYOR The town tertincil was this Iecfpfeilt of a large and beautiful oil painting of the late Bnnlamin Parsnna, wbo was the flet o'•cupant of the mayor's chair 4n G. Ostrich. 1830.4, by Mr. J. W. Treader. A hearty 1014 of thanks was tendered to hire on motion of peeve Munsings.nd Court. L-Ithwaite. Mr. Win. Campbell. assessor and collector, made a short address thanking Mr. Trussier for the kind gift a0 Alpo gave a brief 'ketch of the lite and work of ahs hest. )Mayor. The portrait I. now on exhibition in Mesa Holten• Bow' window. As the sidewalk on Newgate street Is complete the eounell ordered that the .001. •tor, Me. George Rebel, he paid 0) per cant of lbs contract price and the holanee as per rontrse(. The mailer of a sidewalk on Britannia road was laid over until opine. The bylaw of the Ooderich Organ Company, giving the eoepany a Ilzed assaseenent for ten years. received Its third vending. Es the Inv.aU.i. Into the Whet lesere railway does not treto to he precrewing very fast. Mayor Reid will steeed the nest erasion of tp• Ontarin Railway asd Municipal bawd. Deputy Raw* Olsen moved a re•nlution in this Whet. The emend] taste! Me eo.tk Ing pi -o- atmeal by the dimantsistration teal elecat- ell gide sad dm" .d • Flus f1IA - 1!6101 ha ase ets sow AWFUL MARINE DISASTER ON TIJE GREAT LAKES Seven Freighters Go Down and Scores of flariners Perish In Watery craves -Destruction, Death and Damage Follow Storm King Not Goderich alone, nor Ont►rio. ' op pieces of wreckage marked Jaime. but the whole of the Americen cootie- Carruthers. eat if not the civilised world stands FIRST TO ARRIVE HERE aghast at the terrible catestropbes fol- lowing the awful storm of Sunday last, which it was said by the eldest resi- dents, was tine of the worst storms they had ever sew at this -Woe of the year. While other parts of the coun- try may be more or less affe:ted, Gode- rieb heidgelmost the immediate scene of the wreck sod hiring so, many of her residents sailors. the whole town is turned into a freosy ot excitement, which is pen:tape unsurpassed in the history of the place. For a couple of days atter the first report of the ter- rible disasters reached here. men, ft -Mods and relatives of the sailors gathered on the street :oruers or made a race for the paper' to discover it their loved ones bad been los-. PERHAPS 21111 LOST Local sailors have expressed the opinion that when the death toll is taken and all accounted for there win be in the neighborhood of 2'JU wen n lost ' Sundays gale. It Is the belief here that seven vessels have petisbed on this aide of Lake Huron. At the present time, however, there are only three Goderich boys missing, Donald McDonald, Murdoch McDonald and James Glen. The last two have been identified and the other young Wan is thought to he among the missing. Capt. Charles Robb of the steamer Davidson safely arrived in Oswego, New York. Relatives of Capt. A. M. Shephard have received word that he arrived early in Buffalo on Saturday n ight. Cappt. Ed. Robinson of the atealt(er G. R. Crowe wirer[ his fat her, Capt. Wm. Robinson, ligbthou•e-keep- er : '•Rough pa+sage but alis sell," from Ihe'3r 0., The friends of Capt. D. P. McCarthy of the steamer Turret Cape have good ,reason to believe that he with his ves- sel has landed Fairly in port. also the relatives of Sir. Irvin of the stammer )alikeC, 11'REKAUE OF SEVEN VFSSEI.S From putts of vessels and other wreckage tound it is believed bere that seven vessels have gout. down be- tween here and Sarnia. They are tboulht to be the Wexford, owned by the Western Steamship Co., Limited, of Toronto; the James Carruthers, launched on May Clad last, 000 feet long and catryiug atont 30U,U1) bush- els of wbeat to Port Colborne from Font William and owned by the St. Lawrence and Chicago Navigation Co. ; the Charles P. Price, owned by the Maboning 8teamsbip 4%•., of Cleve- land. and the John R. Mc(iean, the At go. and the"Star Douglas, These three last ate United States boats and are not well-known here. Throe was also considerable excitement here over ibe w)n-appear once of the Bmpr eine cf Fort %Viltiaou, due here last Monday with a C.argo of gi*in for the Godetich. Elevator and Ti an' -it Co. llowever,.the. company was notified Iaa(t night (bat she was untnedcng at Port McNichol. MORBID CURIOSITY The .naval of seven bodies here last night caused a gnat deal of morbid curiosity and when Mr. Wm. Brophey arrived with his human load late last night his place was almoet t•esieged. 'fbis 1130133l334r his establishment pre- sented it gruesome sight and very much resembled the chamber of death. Five corpses piled up in boxes were Ir. - side and two more which could not he accommodated inside were lett outside until room could be made for there. It is thought that they are those ot James Glen, Goderieh ; Malcolm Mc- Donald, Goderich : George Scott, en- g)na5er of the Wexford, of Colling- wood; Allan. Dodson, address un- known ; Thomas Stone. of Owen Round. and John Owens. of Cleve- land. FOUND NEAR HERE Perhaps one of the moot pathetic sights in connection with the tragedy was the finding of the three bodies of Sof lb,8tone andOwene by M r. KDy vett Mattel on his father's faint about five miles tram Goderich yesterday after- noon about two o'clock. He was out scenting a fox trail when he noticed something on the shore. Having bis Reid Mass with him, he used it and as the beadle of logs and clothing aroused his curiosity. be went op closer. when he was surprised to find three lifeless bodies. They were lambed to • life raft and were ideatilld by papers la their pockets. As the Dante J. A. Mehemet was painted on part of this wrsekage, It lends credence to the belief (bat (hie veweI is among the lost. SEARCH PARTIES OUT Mayor Reid and Reeve Munningr made a survey of the immediate shore and ordered the ebief of pollee to bead a search party to petro( the shore In both direetiots from the town. Tr. tag Horton wits ordered out bat ea a0eouot of the high sea rolling she .line In again sot bring able to get dols *sough to the shore to be of an advsstage. Rhe went out •gain tater.' and shed a ferry *hafts I;L- NIbiladsofehie1Tgfeedtalsnpotatooes. L 11 to beteg to t6. erw tearJ. fait) .... delivered to MI peel psrtMe. lair. Frei Ls.* founds a asset. !ass RR. bens taken la Burt*. Re also *l r A. IId6 We bits =Rao of Um but booed1 Deo of tie 1111mir, Me MOM A. 3. Dooms. H*allbele .f as saknoww yaws man els The fl- et vessel to get into this port since Sunday's storm was the steamer John Login which is on her way to Lake'Erie on a fishing trip. She ar- rived yesterday about nue o'clock. Her captain, Mr. Wm. Logie, seen by The Signal, stated that it had taken hirn 51 hours to make the trip. ort rough was the sea which was still rolling mountains bigb. On the way the crew sow several pieces of wreckage but dared Dot venture -loss enough to see Hawes of verse's. Pert* of cabins and hatches were seen floating, one side being painted white and the other blue. The steamer left this morning to continue bar journey. The Signal communicated, with Dr. Amita, of BayfieldDuce the 1.ng elle- tenetsphone And M stated that he had been unable to find any bodies, al- though he bad search parties out a41 day yesterday and tad •'combed" the beach very carefully. He said his party had found wreckage from tile steamer A. Me0e•n, steamer Argus and steam- er Star Douglas. Thera vessels are known as United States craft. Some parts of the wreckage marked "Hough- ton" was also picked up.' WHY NOT BLOW THE HORN? It was the general topic of conver- sation onveysation around town on Wednesday that the fog horn should have ttept ldowing all Sunday after000u. where- as it was not started until Into Sunday night. Mr. Wm. Ruffen, firemen for the Goderieh Elevator and Transit company, stated that he saw the Wex- ford lying outside the harbor oo Sun- day morning stout 10 o'clock, but on account of the heavy gale .he wee un- able to get into the harbor. He did not bear the tog born until late Run - day night. When he was in his ted about 3.50 on Monday morning be heard the Wexford give distress sig- nals. The lighthouse keeper. Capt. Wm. Robinson, stated to The Signal that be bad been told lest summer when Mr. P. Harty, of Ottawa, gov- ernment itt4pretur of ligbthotters, was making • vutt here that it was not his place to have the fog horn blown. Capt. Robinson further somal ked that the fog horn was no good anyway and that the town should h the a bet- ter one. Other sancta expressed the opinion that if the fog horn bad been blown It would not have .rade ,any difference, as the vessels could Dot slake the port in sol b a storm. • INQUEST OPENED Dr. A. C. Hunter, coroner for Huron county, opened an inquest over the wreck vistifne today at three o'clock in the town hall and after hearing the teatinwny of Messrs. Kayvert Naftel. H. A. Hovey and G. L. Parsons, the irqutnt was adjourned until Friday, Novemter'ltst. The jurorsare Messrs. J. W. Salkeld (foreman), Wm. T. Jen - Ding.. talar Salkeld, Mislay Salkeld. Rubrrt An rrwr, U*orge Andrews, Robert McIlwain and Chris. Johnston. Various repots have been received in town today but all are Po confusing and conflicting that one sosrc ly knows what to b.lieve. SUFFERED With Biliousness and Sick Headache Calgary, Albert*, July R, 1911 1 was or great sufferer for along time with biliousness. sick headache 'and 'Leer troubk. Nathi.rg owned -to ISE-.-` me any good. 1 had wlls,set give's- up••• - in despair when I decided to try PIG PiLLS After taking about half a box the headaches stopped and my appetite improved. I have putt finished lee fifth bot and feel as well u ever. i can heartily recommend Fig Pills for stomach and lover troubles. MRs. MART &Ahem Mold at all dealers In 23 and 80 cent boxes or mailed by The Flg Pill Co.. Mt. Thomas, Ont. Mold in Oodericb by R. R. Wigle. druggist. 4 (i ODERICH 'BUS LINE Two 'busss meet all trains. Private rails have prompt end careful attentive. I11ret-alsss livery outfits et •I1 time.. R.a.esahk pi iorr. 1 H DAVIS LiVERY T. M P 8. , • tb street 'FSB/ We- II1