The Wingham Times, 1906-05-24, Page 51 TIIE WINGIIAM TIMES, MAY 24 1906 "PiiVE CLOTHE MEN WHO CARE Growder's Tailored Suits are essentially for the man who cares. They are equal to custom made at one third less price, which ought to look good to you. Here is well -tailored, smoothness and exact• nese of fit together With tlae very aome or style, smartness, good taste, aharaoter, individuality andexolusive- nese. SPRING SUITS tirr'55 , ) wanted color and a ��. • pattern, including a grand range of the new plaid and stripe tweed snit- lugs. We show fine distinct coat models in single and double-breasted shapes, coat lengths, from 30 to 33 - 3` inches, with centre and side vents, peg top or conservative trousers. Prices range from $G 50 to $15.00 a snit, but we emphasize those lines at $7,5O 1$10.00 $12.50 10116.00 Crevenette Coats, short or long lengths,. $9.50 to $I2,50 are here in every- Boys' Suits. Boy's Fancy Stripe Tweed, 2 -piece Norfolk Suite, sizes 22 to 28 • - - - - $3,75 Boys' Fancy 2 piece Norfolk Snits, tauter Brown, etc„ siva; 22 to 29 Prices - - - - - $2 50 to $5.50 YOUTHS' SUITS.—Youths' Long Pant Snits. in nice tweed effeots, single and double-breasted, sizes 31 to 35 chest. Prises - - $5,00, $7 50, $10.00 Odd Trousers. Boys Trousers, sizes 22 to 34. 50o t0 $1.20. Men's Odd Trousers, sizes 31 to 46 waist, 500 pairs in stock. Prices - $1,00 to $5.00 Price Gents' Furnishings. Men's New Wash Vests, all sizes, - • Men's New American Stock Ties, - Boys' Shirt Waists, sizes 11 to 14, Men's New Soft Bosom Shirts, 12ee to 18,< neck, Men's White Dock Trousers, all sizes, Men's New Holiday Neckwear, - 20 pairs Men's PATENT LEATHER SHOES special $4 00 TRUNKS SUIT CASES VALISES - $1.25 to $2.75 - - - 75e 75c and $1.00 $1.00, $1.25, $1.50 - $150 25c and 500 15 pairs Men's 1305 CALF SHOES special $2,25 New Spring Hats in all the latest styles, Hard and Soft, $1,75 to $3.50 1 1 1 THE 12. i1. GOnW s. ,.� Iw r�.8,, i... 1.11 G1d, �,u 11J1:: 1 ,.1111.4, vJ,. ,t ..1•,,,rd, illi. i Ail leis•A's , i ti AFTER AN ABSENCE of over 5 years, S. Gi.ACEl- is back in Winghanl, and again located in the old stand, where he will be pleased to have anyone and everyone wanting anything in the. FURNITURE line, call and see the finest, newest and most up-to-date stock ever placed in a retail store in Wingham. All goods new and up-to-date. Call and see us first time you are in town ; we'll be pleased to meet you. Undertaking attended to promptly, neatly and quietly, as usual. Furniture Dealer and Practical Undertaker. 17 NDE$T,AiiINo.—Night Calls answered for the present at .Brunswick Hotel. momainswairmeassmommimeramosomasmiewassr 4 1 • a .14 KAISER, the Jeweler Has opened a WATOHMAIf1N'G AND JEWELRY Business next door to Mr. Hamilton's Drug Store. We invite you to call and see our stock, whioh is complete in alI lines. All new and tip -to -date goods at very lowest prices. g$ Repairing will be promptly attended to, and fully guaranteed. • To erase 1iuee about the eyes anoint With skin food, plane the first finger on the eyelid close to the none, and aome back to the starting point. Bath the epee with gold salt water every morn After blacking boots sprinkle a little caster sugar on the polishing brush and then polish, i &t..iohn Smith, a resident of London for forty years and a prominent Liberal, flied On Sunday, NEWS FROM OIIR NEIGBBORS EVENTS OF INTEREST TO ALL OUR READERS. Wliat "W'icleawake Times Correspondents Commurupate -- Other Items Clipped 'rom Our Exchanges. WEST WAWA -NOSH. Below is a comparison of statistics from the assessment roll of this town- ship for 1906 with the figures for last year: 1005. 1003, Value of real property, ex - elusive of buildings.... $1,127,467 $1,123,106 Value of buildings 455,000 440944 Total amount of gtaxable real property 1,582,437 1,704,044 Business assessment7,05.1 9.60'0 Total assessment 1,580,51'2 1,578,64.4 Population 1,891 1,883 Male persons from 21 to 00 years 483 406 Your Worn-out Stomach. What it needs is the strengthening in- fluence of Dr. Hamilton's Pills --they work marvels where the stomach and digestion are poor. In one day the ap- petite increases and the whole system is rapidly strengthened. No stomach specialist could write a better prescrip- tion than Dr. Hamilton's Pills of Man- drake and Batteruut. At all dealers in a yellow box. price 25o., or five boxes for one dollar. c , ASIIFSELI). The total assessment for this township for the year 1006 is $2,516,296. This shows the large increase of $819,078 over last year's figures. Real property is as- aeseed at $2,503,000, against $1,GS6,550 last year; the business assessment is $11,250, against $10,535 last year, and the taxable income is $1,145, compared with only $133 Iast year, Children between five and twenty-one years number 889, and between five and sixteen years G70, compared with 936 and 605, respectively, in 1905. The total population is 2,781; it was 2,916 last year. There were nine- teen births and sixteen deaths during the year; The township contains 56,164 acres of cleared land; 1,059 acres of woodland; 2,699 acres of slash, and 4,- 079 acres of waste land—a total of G1,- 001. acres. Why Do \Vomen Sorter? Such pain and endure the torture of nervous headache when 25c bays a sure cure like Nerviline. A few drops in sweetened water brings unfailing relief. You feel better at once, you're braced up, invigorated, headache goes away after one dose. The occasional use of Nerviline prevents indigestion and stomach disorders—keeps up health and atreugth. Every woman needs Nervi• line and should use it too. In 25o. bottles er ev ywhere. 1 HO %vIWL While Mr. Hugh Hutchison of the and con. war driving stakes with an axe, his little boy about four year old ran up be- hind the father and received an ugly gash in the cheek. Mr. Ridhard Bennett of the 12th con, has disposed of his fine farm to his son Thos. of Ambleside, for the magnificent sum of $13,000. We understand that Mr, Bennett will move to Gerrie and re- side in the house he owes. On Thursday of last week one of Howick's worthy pioneers was laid to rest, Mr. James Woods, of the 17th con- cession, father of James Wools of Wing - ham. Deceased was 75 years of age, and Dame to Howick many years ago. He had been in failing health for some time past. He was a member of Lake - let Methodist Chnroh, an Orangeman and Couservative. Re was highly re- spected, and from his long residence in the township was widely known. Sell Your Cold For $41,00. You surely won't stop at a dollar bill to cure that horrid sniffeling cold? Go to any druggist and get "Catarrhozone" and your cold will be a thing of the past. There is almost witchery in the swift way Catarrhozone kills colds. But when you consider the penetrating, healing and antiseptic qualities of Catarncczona perhaps it's not so wonderful. Certain- ly there is no remedy half so prompt for colds and catarrh as Catarrhozone. Re- fuse a substitute and insist on having only "Catarrhozone," BLYTII The Blyth rifle club will compete in the county tournament at Goderich on Victoria day. Dr. J. E. Charlesworth, of Morpeth, who will succeed Dr. Lindsay, has ar- rived and is making the acquaintance of the citizens. The Blyth Lawn bowling club have: lettered the grounds of Mr. Elias Canting on Dinsley street, and are at present having it put itt shape for a bowling green. The many friends of Mr. G. M. Stuart will be glad to learn that he has been successful in passing his final examina- tion at the Winnipeg medical college. He will locate in some Western town. Workmen are busy moving the frame partied of the Commercial hotel to the property Mr. l neigh recently purchased on 15ins1ey street. This building, which is probably the oldest in toren, will be i replaced by a bandaonle three-storey I building of cement biooke. tet untIsSELS. Robert Thomson shipped a car of crated eggs to London last weak . Things are lively at Brussels Salt Works. There are 16 hands at work, the rush being on dairy salt for which the block is noted, 21 oars of coal have been received, Foreman Mooney is a busy man. Jahn Shaw, sr„ formerly of Brussels, who has been a resident of Clinton for some time, has giveu up housekeepiug owing to the death of his wife, and gone on a visit to his daughter's at Pert Elgin. Friday afternoon of last week Carey Branch Agricultural Society Directors met to discuss the proposed new .Agri. cultural Hall. The proposed building will be 40 x 70, with two wings, cement for first storey and frame upper story with sliingle roof. The idea of erecting a combination building to be used as a skating rink, etc., has been abandoned on account of the very Iarge increase in cost for such a structure and the im- practical character of snail a lay oat for Agrioultural Fair purposes. non His. Nelson Maunders and James Kelly, left for the West last week from Morris township. They will farm in the great Saskatchewan Province, and should do well. Mrs. John McCall, 8th line, has been dangerously ill, First came typhoid fever, followed by pneumonia, bat her many friends hope she will soon be re- stored to good health. Mr. 3, R. Gardner and baby daughter, of Wooleley, Manitoba, are here on an extended visit. The lady is a daughter of Wm. Taylor, 9th line and is a wel- come visitor. She has been in the West for the past two years, Mr. Gardner will give up farming and move into Woolsely where he is building a new home. Thursday evening, May 10th, Frank McCutchecn, Oth line, an old and well- known resident, fell on the doorstep and broke one of his legs at the thigh. He is well uptoward 80years of age and had g not been any too rugged of late but we hope he will soon be able to move about. Mr. McOatcheon lives with his son, Councillor W. H. Me0ntoheon, • EAST \VAIVANOSR From the assessor's roll for this town- ship for the year 1906 the following statistics are gathered: ---Number of acres of land cleared, 30,281: number of acres woodland, 3,549; slash land, 2,- 234§; swamp, marsh, etc., 5,071;32; total, 41,7363 acres; children between five and twenty-one years, 575; between five and sixteen years, 417; male persons from twenty one to sixty years, 402; total population, 1,702—a decrease of 53 from last year; number of dogs, 2S8. The assessment figures as compared with those of Last year are as follows: 1000. 1505. Real property, exclusive of buildings $1,182,980 $1,121,040 Value of buildings 411,680 335,600 Total amount of taxable real property 1,6,33 160 1,459,080 Business assessment 4,070 4,060 Total assessment 1,037,870 1,404,040 The east half of lot No. 30. on the 2nd concession was sold by public auction, the purchaser being Mr. W. J, Dobie, a son of the former owner, at $2,250, The farm has 100 acres, 65 cleared, and -or- dinary buildings. Mr. John 0. Wilson, wh has been a respected resident of Blyt 1. or the past five years, and a man well. a ,raven in this community, died at his raaidence on Saturday evening, May 12th, at the age of 76 years and 3 months. air. Wilson went to Blyth from this township in November, 1000, and resided there tilt his death. .rstablrslted x879. Whooping Cough, Croup, Bronchitis Cough, Grip, Asthma, Diphtheria tocaoteno is a boon to Aethrnaticb Cnxsott ir.1s a long established and standard remedy for the diseases indicated. 0 cures because the air rim - doted strongly antiseptic Is retried over the diseased sur. faces of the brm:eh:al tutus with every breath, giving prolonged and constant treatment. Those of a Consume• ties tendency, or sufferers from chronic bronchitis, find immediate reef from coughs or 'attained Conditions of the threat. 'Ya peoCreselene is field by dutggists or sent pro. paid on ieeetpt of lir:, e, A VaparNexteno nut, It Including a bottle or Crecoltne 81.60. Send for free ffnotrate4 booklet: a,S:r,NISO I4,i.t Agent*, 2$19 St. Into 531, Montreal, Canada. 808 Tor Your Protection evo place this label on every package of Scott's Emulsion. The man walla fish on his back is our trade -mark, and it is a guarantee that Scott's Emul- sion will do all that is claimed for It. Nothing better for lung, throat or bronchial troubles in infant or adult. Scott's Emul- sion is one of the greatest flesh - builders known to the medical World, We 11 sepd you a sample free, SCOTT &, UUITI E, Cis oCtu outs' GREY. The trustees of S. S. No. 2, Grey, have re-eugaged their teacher, Miss R Mo - Nair, for another year at a salary of $410. John A. McNair has disposed of his Saruia separator to McPherson Bros, of McKillop. and leaves this week for Waterloo for his new threshing cutfit. Mrs, John Livingston, loth eon., while housecleaning fell from a chair and broke her right wrist. She is doing as well as could be expected. Her daughter Mrs. Patrick, is here from Thamesvilla. Geo. McTaggart had a bee last week sacking up his barn for the purpose of putting stone 'gabbling underneath it, It was the first frame barn erected in this part of the township being con- structed by the late Darman McNair 40 years ago and is still in an excellent state of preservation. Tuesday of last week ex Councillor James McDonald left for Saskatchewan Province. He and his sons have 320 acres at Zealaudia. It was secured last season when Mr. McDonald was West. We wish him a pleasant and prosperous season's work. Mrs. McDonald and members of the family are remaining on the homestead. I;rokon Sleep—Tired Next Morning. Sleeprests, not onlybut builds up the body. Out down the hours of sleep, and yon out down health in the same propor- tion. Rebuilding hien ceases, nerves go to smash, you grow tired, weak aucl wretched. To restore sleep you must get more nutritious blood, healthier nerves. Per - rezone solves the whole problem, makes you sleep soundly, gives enclurance, vim, ambition. No more morning weaknesl- instead the fire of youth will run in your veins, supplying abundance of energy and vigor, Witchery expresses the in stant effect of Ferrozene; try it. (;OT)ERICIi George Harris, of Goderich, died ear- ly on Sunday morning at the home of his son in Dungannon. He leaves also a widow and three daughters. Mrs Harris and ouedaughter were visiting in Hamilton. The deceased was a high- ly respected citizen and well known as a member of the firm of Harris & Son, -dealers in houey. An notion for bigamy opened here Tuesday morning before his Honor Judge Holt, the defendant being Jasper Brindley of Goderich Township. Brind- ley was nlnrried on April 14, 16977, to a Goderich girl, Miss Rosa Card, who for some time past has been living in De- troit, where she secured a divorce from Brindley last January, on,.the grounds of cruel treatment on the part of her husband. Brindley has since married again, his second bride being Florence Emily Picot,' also of Goderich. The marriage took place in Detroit last m month, Brindley failing to secure a Li- cense in Goderioh. The point of the prosecution is that a divorce granted in Detroit does not hold good when one of the parties is a resident of Canada. Oen Morro is : "Fair dealing with every roan." Bishop & Brewer. 7F s e gh s Old. Stand - - WINGIIA Eliantellainweammil The Gentral Hardware. LOOK e oval? THIS LIST and see if there is anything you. need : --Lawn Mowers —S. Coil Wire ---Ideal Wire Fenco —Massey -Harris Bicycles and Repairs --Pointe, ready mixed —Ohurna, Washing Maehinei—Hammocks Sisovels, hakes, Spades, and all seasonable goods at the lowest possible prices. ihli Prof. Dorenwend IS COMING. Ho will be at the BRUNSWICK HOTEL, WING HAM, on Wednesday, June fith With HAIR GOODS, Ladies' and Gants' Wigs, Toupees, Bangs, Wavy and Plain Fronts, Switches of every description, eto. He can improve your personal appearance. Plain features and disfigured heads caused through the loss of hair made perfection. Thousands owe their fine looks to the skill of Prof. Doren wend. Human hair ADORNS and PROTECTS the head. Dou't fail to see his new PATENT HAIR STRUC- TURE, patented all over the world. rLo' Private Apartments Secured at Hotel - REMEMLER FOR ONLY ONE DAY. Fleet class cut hair, especially grey and white hair, taken in exchange. -Ti Preserve 4170111' Eyesight A�u ' Q Manufacturing Opticia is and Dye Specialists, of Toronto Will be at the ' Queen's Hotel, Whli4;lani, on 1 Tined and Wednesday9 May 293 1 and will be pleased to la ,ve all those troubled with defective eyesigtlt a call and consult them. They have been establish-, in Toronto since 1571, and during that time • over 100,000 cases have been sue: essfaliy fitted by thew. The advantaee they havover others is the fact that they GRIND • THEIR OWN LENSES, and ,y so doing prevent any error in the proae6u of LENS GRINDING. If your eyes bother you a any way, or the glasses you now wear ale not comfortable, don't negl:ct this opportunity of having your EYES -i PROPERLY ATTENDED 'u0, The new Electric Opt:' lmo Metroscope used in making all examine, - tions. All work absolutely g 'aranteod. For referenees see circulars. A. L. PIAMILI ON - DRUGGIST. elan jY:'t..,,n,----^'-"y.�`�-.,:.•rmin-'"a"-4v:.r.._.T_,,.-..r.;�vs.r ��:;......;>.^•- r - •',u;a.'.,r+ :A .A1.414114 41411) .L .YY:dll1 Li dl SlLi 71 IR I A... The mother of Louie Rail died at ThE) total number of casualties by the Undertaking recei ves otir pronmt and careful attention. earthquake and fire at San Francisco is '41°1'4. 66 4144'116' hlit4/"641411424W3182"41241954""*""6 now placed at 895. Winnipeg, aged 86 years, Our Tuna Now • ' In the past eight years you may have heard about great cut -prices and clear -out prices in Furniture. Now, if you want to see and experience a genuine Clearing Out Sale you will find it at our store. Just think ! Frorn APRIL 9 to MAY 31 we intend clearing out our present large stock of Furniture, and will also keep the different lines well assorted so that no one will be disappointed. ` We have carried over winter a large stock and also have large orders coming in for Spring trade. All must go at the same price. You have done well to wait until this great chance for Parlor Suites, Bedroom Suites, Couches, Diningroom Chairs, Sideboards, Iron Beds, Springs, Mattresses, Extension. Tables, Buffets, Hall Racks, in fact everything needed in Furniture. We return thanks for past favors and wish for a continuance of same. WALKERBUTTON 4 .e4e4ee44eee4444444ee♦4e4e eeeee44444.444e4441.44t4a0,0, Gabriel Dumont, first lieutenant of Loris Riel in the .rebellion of 1885, died e on his farm at Gabriel's Crossing, e e e e r e •e e 0 e e s The re sort of the provincial inspectors of factories jest issued shows that dur- ing 1905 there Were 635 accidents in On- tario factories, 37 of which Were fatal. Dariug the present year 1,360 immi- grants left the city of Dundee alone mad it is estimated that the number will reach 2,000 before the end of the season, Sixty per cent, went to Canada. Britain's population is nearly 20,000,- 000 testi than that of Germany, and the export $250,0000,000 more. Britain's population is half of the United States, and her export trade is almost equal to theirs. e e 0' e COAL COAL COAL. We are sole agents for the celebrated SCRANTON' COkt lf., which ll:ast uo equal. Also the best grades of Saddling, Cannel. and Domestic Coal, and Wood of all kinds, always on hand. We carry a full stock of LUMBER, SHINGLES LATH tnressed Or Undressed) i Cedar Posts, Barrels, Etc.. Highest Frites paid for all Moils s of Logs. te 8 N N e e b e e • O • J. A NI irmaL, ean iK 85 e r • Residenee Phone No. 55. Office, No. 64. Mill, No. 44. #e4♦44444.l,$14ee,,,++eeeee 44e,e44e44,e*444404,A44,4#''