HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1942-12-17, Page 4AGS F U R THI♦ ' SEAFORTH NEWS "1111' si:\l''(,1!'11E 4:•.\VS snnn•doa 13roK.. Publishers WA Tf %N Annual Meeting of St, George's Women's Guild and Women's 8AYFLELD The annual Christ tuns concert. ^liven by the ,public school pupils will iso held in the town hull on the evening of Dec, 22—drills, reeitatious, 5(111)5 and dialogues under the direc- tion or their teachers, Mr. Bates and Attxtltery — Mfrs, Wnt, Parker, and the musical. The annual meeting of the Ivo- numbers, conducted by their music men's Guild and Women's Auxiliary teacher 1VIr. Gill. Pal'ents and citizens of St. George's Church, Walton, was should avail themselves of this op- 1aid at the h portuttity . to hear the juvenile local r e ante of the president, Went and encourage the scholars Mrs. loth. Humphries, on Thursday, a Dee, loth, The meeting opened will and teachers in nits department of rchoot life. the Christmas hymn 0 Come Ail' Ye Faithful, followed by the Scripture Mrs. George Woods lesson and prayer by the rector, Rev, M.' F. Oldham. Mrs, Win. Humphries, president, was in charge of the meet- ing. The treasurer's report was given for the Women's Guild by Mrs. Bert Andersen, and for the W.A. by Mrs. Harty Bolger. Both organizations have had a successful year. The Conger Fund brought in over $20. The Guild has raised over $200 in- cluding the bazaar proceeds hi the year. The Guild voted a suns of money to the Church Wardens and the W.A. voted money , to pay the yearly obligations. A vote of thanks was given to the officers for the splendid work accomplished during the year, These were reelected by acclamation for 1943 and are as fol- lows: Women's Guilcl—Pres, Mrs. Wnl. Humphries; Sec. Treas., Mrs. Bert Anderson. Women's Auxiliary— Pres., Mrs. Wm. Humphries; Sec. Treas., Mrs. Harry Bolger. At the close of the meeting community sing- ing was indulged in. Rev, M. F. Old- ham gave a piano instrumental. A dainty supper was served by the Miss Nora Ferguson left on Friday hostess, to spend the winter in London, with Service will be held in St. George's Mrs, William Balkwell. Church, Walton, on Sundays, Dec.! Mr. and Mrs. George Little of Lit - 20 and 27 at 4 pan. Sunday School tie Inn, have gone to Goderich for 3.30 p.m. The services will be in the winter months where they have keeping with the Christmas season. been engaged to assist in the cuisine The cantata entitled "The Secret at, the Park House. of the Stars" was presented by the Mr. and Mrs, ,Fred Weston and choir and Sunday School of Duff's slaughter Elizabeth spent the week United Church on Friday evening, enol in the village. Dec. 11Th. Owing to the condition of Mrs. Catharine Brandon is confin- the roads there was not as large a ed to bed and her many friends will crowd as was expected but the can- l hope for a speedy recovery. tate was so well worth while that it The annual Christmas tree and is being presented again on Sunday Sunday school concert of St. And - evening, Dec. 20th at S o'clock, There rew's United Church will be held in will be the usual morning service the basement of the church on Wed - conducted by the pastor, Rev. Mr, nesday evening, Dec. 23rd, Splendid Hazelwood, and the worship service, moving pictures will be shown, also in the evening will be the Christmas the usual Christmas numbers, under Story as presented in the Cantata. I the supervision of the superintend - Miss Viola. Schroeder. of Nloo•efeld ent, Miss Maud Sterling and assist - is visiting at. the home of Mr. and Mrs, G. W. Jackson. Mrs. W. Murray of Seaforth called on friends in the village on Sunday. Christmas service will be held in St. George's Anglican Church on Sunday at 3 o'elock. Christmas services will be held in Duff's United Church, Walton, on Sunday, Dec. 20th. Annual Christmas service at 11.30 a.m. Special cantata by choir and Sunday school will be presented at the evening service at 8. The annual Christmas concert will be held on Dec. 22nd in Duff's United Church. Mrs. Mark Hamilton andlittle daughter, Joyce Arlene, visited a few days at her home in Grey last week. Early Sunday morning Mrs. George Woods quietly passed away at the home of her dauglttei', Mrs, John Howard. Mrs. Woods before her Mar - liege was Leua, Geminhardt, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs, F. Gemiu- bardt, one of the pjoneer families of the village, The funeral was held on Tuesday afternoon, aprivate service at the home of Mr, J. Howard and a public service hi the Trinity Angl- can C'hur'ch, conducted by Rev. John Graham, rector of the church. The pallbearers were tlu'ee nephews of the deceased: Charles, Douglas and Private James Geniinhardt, William R. Johnson, Harold Stinson and Charles Berry. She is survived by three daughters, Mrs, J. Howard, Bayfield, Mrs. (Rev.) Hugh Crosby, New York state, and Mrs. Boyd, Muskoka; two sisters and one bro- ther, The fatuity will have the symp- athy or the entire community in their loss, McKILLOP Beuermann-Rock.— A pretty wedding wilt solemnized on Tues- day, Dec. 8, 1542, at St. Peter's Lutheran Church, Brodhagen, when Gertrude W.. daughter of Mr. Rine Rock of Mc1{illbp, and the late Mary Raube, Wilt united in holy bonds of matrimony to Norman G., son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Henry Beuermann, of McXillop, by Ret. William Schultz, of Brod- hagen. The bride entered the church on the arm of her father, to the strains of Lohen- grin, played by Mrs. George Magic, organist, of Brodhagen. The bride wore a floor length gown of white silk jersey, with sweetheart neckline, three-quarter length sleeves and Peg top skirt. Her white net veil with satin embroider fell in folds to the floor. She wore white lace mittens and carried a bouquet of 6( sweetheart roses and white maims with maid- enhair fern. Her matron of honour, Mrs. p Leslie Beuermann, sister-in-law of the groom, wore a floor length dress of Ameri- can Beauty taffeta, with sweetheart neck- line, puff sleeves and the skirt was of tiny ruffles at the back. She wore white lace mittens and carried a bouquet of bronze mums, bouvardia and maiden hair fern. Little Mayda Beuermann, niece of the groom, dressed in white muslin with yellow ribbon, ear•rying a basket of tiny yellow mums, mode t sweet little flower girl. Mr. William G. Rock of Newfoundland, brother of the bride, was the groom's best man. Manuel Beuer- mann of Brodhagen and Martin. Dietz of Mc- Killop, were the ushers. "0 Promise Me." was beautifully sung by Mrs. William Schultz of, Brodhagen during the signing of the register. After the ceremony the bridal party returned to the groom's home to re- ceive some 75 guests, immediate relatives and friends of the bride and groom. The room was decorated in pink and white streamers and lighted by candles. The bridal table, eentrcd with a four -tier wedding cake and tall white candles in silver holders. was set ander an arch of. evergreen with one large silver and white bell in centre, with dozens of smaller ones on either side. The waitresses 'were Mrs. Fergus Horten, Mrs. Martin Dietz and Miss Della Eggert, friends of the bride. Those assisting were Mrs. Reuben l3uuck, Mrs. Fred Hoegy, Mrs. William Hoegy. Mrs. Jerry Doerr, Ri:a, Joseph Eckert, Mrs. Chas. Dietz and Mrs. Henry Bennewies. A large number of friends and relatives attended the reception in the evening and en,ioyed (lanc- ing until morning to the music of Gettke Bine. and Mr:. Arthr Hickman of Mitchell. Mr. alai Mrs. Bettertnan 0 will reside in Mr - 10115p. Presentation for Popular Newlyweds Of McKillop.— A large number of friends and relatives gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Nor- man Beuermann of McKillop on Friday even- ing fallowing their marriage to extend to them hearty wishes and constratulations for is happy wedded life, and to show in sa slight way the esteem in which they are held. Norman and Ge•tle are well known in the community and loved by all, even to the ehildren of surrounding district. The evening war, spent in dancing with must'. by Cettkc Bros, of Mitchell and Mrs, Arthur Heckman M Mitchell, A delicious lunch was served al midnight and at the chosen time the bride and groom were called upon to take their places and were presented with all eight - piece dining room suite by Messrs, Fergus 1•Toran and Joseph Eckert, The address was rend by Mrs. Martin Dietz, as follows: 'Dear Celtic and Norman: Our purpose here is mast sincere, Be it plainly understood, To welcome you as newlyweds, Into our neigh- borhood, May every happiness he yours. Good fortune all the way, And a sky that's funof happiness, To follow your wedding day. As a wee token of Div wishes good and true, May we present This giftto you and you, We hope In future days, Twill bring you pleasant thoughts, Of all your friends, Of whom you certainly have lots," Hary To Make "Old Fashioned Christmas Treats." Some old recipes passed down front Civil' Wardays, with whichour great grandmoth- ers, dosott.o shortages and substitutes, pro- vided delicious, mouth -malting goodies so important to Christmas cheer, will be found in the Housewife's Food Almanne. ' In The American Weekly with. this Sunday's (Dec- ember 20) issue of The Detroit Sunday Times. ing teachers. Plans are under way for holiday dances to be given by the local Red Cross Society and. the Orange Lodge. These are events which many home- coming guests look forward to each year. The proceeds are given entirely to the war effort. Mr. Harry Darrow has returned to the village from the Clinton Hospital and is at present at. the home of Mr. George Stevenson. Mr. Darrow is convalescing after quite a lengthly Illness. Mr, and Mrs. Ditto have taken up residence in a cottage on the farm of Mr. Fred Middleton, Goderich town - strip, where Mr. Ditto is engaged as a farm helper. Many local homes are looking for- ward to the home coming of their soldier boys for the Christmas fes- tivities. Want and For Sale Ads. 05,00 end up. THURSDAY,' DE MBE 17,.194.2 a.V a y` MMINUf1-..1T ):wok 32975 V<1! �•:c®rte \• .a AIR WARDEN.. 15 jewels .82973 Government Purchase Tax Extra J. A. WESTCOTT JEWELLER Seaforth Phone 218 Use our Lay Away Plan The Dominion Bank Annual Statement Large Investment in Govern- ment Bonds. — Deposits Higher At the annual meeting of share- holders of the Dominion Bank in To- ronto on 9th December; -the 72nd an- nual statement was presented. Among several of the marked feat- ures of the statement was the strong liquid position indicated; a. growth of over $41,000,000 in deposits, a great advance in the Bank's investments, especially in Dominion Government bonds and the maintenance of satis- factory earnings. The bank continues to maintain a strong liquid position. Cash assets appear at $39,791,000, or 20.66% of public liabilities, .while immediately available assets at $130,460,000 are 67.71% of public liabilities. Total deposits have shown a great growth during the year and stand at $184,639,000, increase of 341,488,000. The bank's investment in securities was the highest in its history and totalled $87,168,000, as compared with $42,648,000 a year ago. Of the total 3 weeks 50c. $83,632,000 was in Dominion and Pro- vincial Government securities. '�-all��l'Y.�-a��llF�l'l,F� �'LIEF-al':"l�-ol'•l-F�l':YF�I':r.F�ll.� Extra Train Services ,t FOR { XMAS - NEW YEAR'S 1F Toronto — Stratford — Seaforth — Goderich Dec. 27—Lv. GODERICH 5.50 P.M., Seaforth 6.32 P.M., Stratford 7.45 P.M. for TORONTO See Time Tables For Intermediate Stops And All Other Services DUBLIN The following is from the Asnherstburf' Echo: Following an Illness of three weeks' thtration, Janes Lamy 01 years old, tiled on Saturday, evening, Be had lived In Amhe7st, hut's: for 80 3'ears, The greeter partof hie life wan :neat 111 river wart:, when he was ,mndovad by the Dunbar stud Sullivan l)fedg. ing Company, At the time of his death he was in the employ o£ Amherst Distillers Ltd. att•Dubli , one of on 3Yay 31., of 1877 bI3is parenta were the late Janes and Norn Lac- ey, On July 17, 1007, he W08 married In St. John the Baptist Cbureh, Amhei'stburg by the Bev. Father Luke Renaud to Mies Cec- elia Robidous of Amlteretburg, Besides his wife, he is survived by four sons 11011e1e daughter; Rev. Lawrence Lacey, 0.S,B., St. Thomas College, Houston, Texas; Lloyd, of Amherstburg; Loretto, Mrs, Miehaei-Timmis. of Hamilton; Trooper Joseph of the 3001 Reconnaissance Battalion, Dundurn, Sask., and Francis at home,also by one brother, John of Paltrier, Sask., and three grand- children, Funeral services were held at 10 its St. John the Baptist R.C. Church, Amlterstburg, on Wednesday morning.... The Requiem Mass was sung by hie son, Rev. Lawrence Lacey, O.S,B and the sermon wns Preached by Rev. John Glavin, 0.5,13., for- mer pastor of the church and stow pastor of St, Ante's Church, Detroit, The pallbearers were: A. Higgins,John Middleditch, Charles Fortier, J, B. Beaudoin, W. P. Coyle and Daniel Crowley. Burial wan 111 St, John the Baptist cemetery. Private Clayton Looby, Camp' Borden, Private dames L: Looby, Simcoe, width .their mother, Mrs. A, M. Looby, Mtss Marion Meagher, Mies - Jean Quinsey, Miss I{nthencse Jordan, Stratford Normal students, and Miss ' Maly. Margaret Ryas, Mise Bernadette Flanagan, Miss Marjorie Moore, business college students, also Miss Irene Donnelly and Miss Ethetyn D'Hearn, Goderleh, at their respedtive hones, . a• Seaforth NOW PLAYIN 0— THURS. FRI, SAT, TWO FEATURES — Last Sltow starts 8.45 Joe E, Brown Francis Robinson "So You Won't Talk" • A nen' Joe 17. 13rowit — in fact there's two of hint - to give you double laughs! Double thrills!. — ALSO -- Charles Starrett Cliff Edwards; "Thundering Over The Prairies" The Old West's most fascinating character,' "The Medico," Bangs out his shingle in Lawless Valley, and bran the fuer begins ! MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY "Paris Calling" dna• round work of free -loving against the Nazi' regime, starring ELIZABETH BERGNER RANDOLPH SCOTT A `tale of the underground Frenchmen NEXT THURS .FRI. SAT. Rosalind Russell Janet Blalp "My ister Aileen" The year's most riotous laugh throws light in the screen 1; Coming — MAGNIFICENT DOPE THE DOMINION BANK Condensed Statement as at 31st October, 1942 ASSETS Cash on Hand and in Banks, including Bank of Canada $ 39,791,426 Deposit with Minister of Finance 182,810 Government and Other Securities 87,168,852 3,317,646 Call Loans 460,734 - Commercial Loans and Discounts $130 71,743,996-`- Bank Premises 5,233,625 Liabilities of Customers under Letters of Credit, Acceptances and Sundry Other Assets 5,005,084 $212,443,439 LIABILITIES Deposits $184,639,772 Deposits by Other Banks 3,739,801 Notes in Circulation 3,519,749 Letters of Credit, Acceptances and Sundry Other Liabilities5,677,616 7,576,938 Capital, Reserve and Undivided Profits $114,866,501 $212,443,439 The General Manager, The Dominion Bank, Toronto, Ontario. We report that we have examined the above condensed Balance Sheet as at October 31, 1942, and compared it with the books at Head Office and with the certified returns from the Branches. We have examined the cash, and the securities representing the Bank's investments, held at Head Office and certain of the larger Branches as at October 31, 1942, and in addition we examined the cash and the securities held at certain of the important Branches during•the year. We have obtained all the information and explan- ations that we have required, and in our opinion the transactions of the Bank which hive come under our notice have been within the powers of the Bank. In our opinion the Balance Sheet discloses the true condition of the Bank and is as shown by the books of the Bank. Toronto, Ontario. November 23, 5942 A. B. SHEPHERD, P.C.A., of Peat, Marwick, Mitchell, lc Ce, D. McK. McCLELLAND, P.C,A., of Price, Waterhouse.&. Co. • If OFFICIAL ORDER Beginning Wednesd t y, December .16th —when sold as fluid milk for human consumption MUST BE SOLD FOR 2c A QUART LESS than the legal retail price now prevailing. BE SURE YOU GET THE FULL BENEFIT OF THIS REDUCTION 110 1E2 MN *Ii4 I PC. 1