The Signal, 1908-12-3, Page 1, ,,„‘„ / .4,,,,,,,,,,,,r0-1,--7,v;r4m...177,,,,,,,r7,_..4,?grmIltilltainU : , r , '44 ' . ', itiatilviNovototookitot4mworin to: , PO- #461l, ' , ' '.-1.4.4;qei.4,,
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and addresses at once.
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should send in their names
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.. SiA;t3 Al. Plitqik.:,) r $1.00
.* „ ISLES.
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Read The Signal's
Clubbing List
on page 5
this week.
Send renewals and new subacrip-
tams by Postal Note, P. 0. or Es -
prase Oder, to
The Signal
MITT -FIRST Y11111, -No. 101
"die"' The Signal
vANArrea & ROBERISON. Pvsusiiw
We offer for sale debentures hearing interest at FIVE
per cent. per e- 'tune payable half -yearly. These debentures I
offer ea absolutely gab and profitable investment, as the
purchatiers have for security the satire assets of the Cone
Capital and Surplus Amide - • - • ,- *1.340,000.00
Total Assets - - - • • • $2.500,000.00
Vice -President and Managing Director W. 8. DINNIOK. -
Goderich Office, W. L. HORTON, MANAGER.
As the Water and Light Com-
mission close their book. on the
lath of December, all water rates
must be paid before that date or
the water will be turned off.
By order.
Water & Light Commission.
Copy of change of running advertise
mints must be left at this office by
Monday noon to •nsur• insertion
in Issue of same week.
Mottos to CrodNors
• ,
L'IllatiTotes TAKE NOTICE.
11 you have an amount against the
Town of Onderich nota;endered hylthe
15th DAT OP DICZNIDDI, it Will not he
considered until another year.
By order of the Finance flonervittee.
W. A. Mt-K1M, Clerk.
To Beat
Jr Amity to MRS. CARLETON. East knee
11 dwelling centrally located ten
Mau. modern improvements also it stable.
Apoo to YOCND & ROBVRTSON, Real Kg.
16440 Goderich. oo whieb there aro a gond frame
sores. no the Hayfield road, three miles
story.andie half hotels' and Rend barn. Two
sires of orchard and two sore" of small fruite.
Apolr no ths premiss. or to la KORDE, JOHN -
T4)\. siorterich.
anal pntramv to Mr. „ditim Inc the t man: Write for particulars.
ignitable for dresernakiag, emotion. in...trance
°fibs, roc. Key at MR. MORRISH S greoery
Tilvailipar. December Md.
ran wheat. per ouso OD Id to $ 1.1 90
Spring wheat. per bush 0 El to 4410
Ruck wheet. tier bush
Rye, per 0 4$to 040
Oats, per busk., 0 45 to 0 40
P ew Meets 0 35 to 4430
• 1111 Se
Harley, per bush . 0 AS to 0 40
Flour, family. per cwt 41 in to Id WI
Screening., per ton
Flour, patent, per cwt „..÷..,_-•-• 1 e°ce„,..W
15 4°zi 6)
0.1 Ream. poor ton
Day, per ton V DO th V W
31 00 to SI 00
Shorts. per ton
klUwd.tter,pePerrItoe°rd 0 Oli to 60.)
0 21 to 0 21
t'heese, per lb
10 15 to 0 15
E ggs. freeta per dos ....,9 VI to 0 21
Potatoes. new , . 30 to
Cattle. ordlu'y to good, leer cwt3 ne to
Cattle, •r port, per cwt 6 461 to
Hoss. Ilse weight. per owl6444) te
L antes 4)4)
Sheep. per e'en
Ham. per lb .........„........,.1 17 10
lianun, per lb ... , 0 15 to
lent. per lb 15 to
Tallow, per Ib 1)420
i htek•ns ' 6 00 to
40 to
Hides. per cwt
$heep •Itin,
. ..... .... ITte
Turtsy• to
touislder market& ea page ILI
4 24
0 17
0 in
There are nose so wicked as repre-
sented • none are. so good as they
should 'be.
Loot or Found
perm. containing is sum of money.
Owner lacy_ have some en applying MRE
Mt KINNON, St. Andrew's street.
I t
Situation anted.
e ronchman ro-lootoonn. Yireet.class_ref.
ensures, Apply to SID NIAL OFFICE. 13 E.
Situations Vacant
second or third -Maw certificate, Inc 4444.
No. 11. Ashfield. for 10141. !Mika to commence
January 4th. Applicatloio, .tatIng salary re.
'mired. will he remised by the undersigned.
IF. A. HAYDEN, Shepprodton. Ont. ns
1 female, holding second or third elisss oer.
tifieete. to teach in S. S. No. 4, township of
Colborne. Outlet to commence on January
IM. liala Applictliona. /dating mlary, should
be addressed to I'. MAIEDEL. Secretary 8. S.
740.4. Benmiller I'M.. Ont. ,
le We Immediately require the eervIcto of a
roan of goodaddrees and ability for Goderich
and height rootage. over the Sterling Rank. and adosivig district, A perm meet poaltIon
Beal igetate tor bale.
11 NIA mad ; all modern conveniences. In
Imod condition, good locality. For bother
eartieskus amply to J. H. ROBERTSON.
ABLE 101 es West street. Saw to Hee
awe. steer to DICKINSON & °ARROW.
... Met 1), lake road east, Colborne tow:t-
le. tees mile,. from Goderich. 1.10 scree, good
day Mem, Inlet Mune, barn 111 z 67, with
eernent 'tabling. artesian well, water In ItIlild
thin and ',Prins creek. 1 acres mending t Imhof.
"17 Plum, orchard. Apply to C. C. Mt NEIL.
Donley P. 0 6611
11 roomed frame dwelling, having • rood
Costive'. on Keay* street. Stone foundation
and emmtner kitchen, good stable. Will he sold
ably. For (Caber particulars apply to
RA. WIL MoCAIJOHAN. 41 Ihivien ave.,
Wont* 3011
In Shorthand or Suriname will tering:you
beat rosette If taken Rt 0114' Old
established and thoroughly relloble
sc•hool. Winter Term begin. J
4th. Catalogue free. Morino Ass
miff Seetvgite f'ot tent. .1entre I Y. 0.
A. Building, Toronto.
ILIAD °Mom Towne*
•17T1201112E0 OseTral.. $1.000.000
To accommodate+ the Farmers
we have opened Branches in the
villages of
We solicit the Patronage of the
opened by deposit of 8E00
Interest at 3% compound-
ed quarterly.
A. 0. GAMMA. Mantel's%
STONE & 'ELL1NOTON, Toronto. (Int.
1.7 per week, or 446) per cent. profit. All
asenples, stationer'''. and art cationenle fres.
We want one pemoment aget.t In this locality
Inc the largest Otter., and. frame house in
America. Experience unnecessary. We In-
struct ye,t how to sell our rood. and furnish
the capital. If you want a permanent. honor-
able and timetable position, write us today for
particulars, catalogue and sample..
1211 W. Tarter et.. maim, tn.
oa Sale
w Atte STO('K.
Sealed tenders will be received by the under.:
efignued..nyearkerl ;Taleiri'll.up, to .3,...
chase of the hardware stock of the Insolvent
instate of Jasper Nicholann, of Gederich. pn
blot, at • rate on the dollar. Stork is toren-
torind at 1614.31 and le practically new.
Inventory and stock may be seen on applies
Doti at my office. Court House. Term. cash.
Gorlerieh Nov. 301-14.3111.,
111011, SALE 0111EAP.--ONIC- 000D
12 covered surrey. one phaetomrubber tires,
one covered burg'. one cutter Therm vehicles
have been left svi' MI to sell and are good
bargains. OUNDRY RHOS ' LIVERY. Mete
Ls count of the chimes In the personnel of
the company, all therm Indebted to th Gode-
h Meninx Mille Limited. are rogue' to
settle their accounts Immediately. fig
John !Assam, eecretei 'Treasurer. 2341.
IN szramtoni of the estete of the late
George Acheson have decided to offer the
whole yonnte tor mile. The property nonalsts of
real rotate. debentures bonds and atocks.
Partied wishing to Invest In *nye the above
properties ran get loll pertienlare on applies
Doe to the executers.
Mew. EiJA C. Acne/lost,
WILLIAM Acneeom 1
J. P. Mu/we IK eoutors.
Onderich. Dec. 5th 1107.
'Any minion who% the tole heed of a fa fly
or any male over IR rears old, may horned
a enartersection of Available Dominion lend 44,
Menitobe. Seskatchewan or Alberta. The
emollient must appear in perann al the Domin•
ion Iandr Aisne' or 44t, Agency for the
district. !Entry by ',roar meg he made at any
agsney, on certain eondltions, hy Daher,
mother. son, daughter. brother nr ai-der of
intending homesteader.
I NUM. Mir months residence upon mid
cultivation of the land In each of three yeers.
A homesteader may live within nine mile.. of
Ms home/mead nn a form of at least net norm
solely owned end occupied hy or by his
father. mother. son. daughter. brother or
In nortnIn districts a hotoostroder In gond
standing may pre-empt • reiorter *net Inn
stontrAMIA Ms homestead. Prins Ivo per erre.
Duties Must reside slt months In each of all
year, from date a homestead entry iloelmilng
the time required to earn horneetead patonti
end cultivate eft, sere. eltva
A homesteader who has orbit...toff Alm home
stead right and rennet °Abed', a pm emptIon
may take a mireheeed homentftad In eertein
diet ricts. Pith* letee per/here. !hales Meat
rewide sir month. In naeWof three sears, colt'
rate fifty sere. and *met heman worm rits(0
w iroftle
Derenty nf the MInloter of the InterInr.
N rnanthewlesti mildiretien the. ad
vett iserneet will net be maid for.
Amateur Night.
Amateur night at the Opera House
on Friday night brought out a large
number of contestants and a good
audience. The prizes were won as
follows : First, Cecil Lynn, who re-
cited "The Preacher and the Bear"
and "When Father Carved the
Duck ;" second, Walter McDonald.
sword dance; third. Miss Aggie Mc-
Donald, Highland Fling.
Yesterday's Nuptials.
Rev. Junes Liamiltnii performed
the marriage ceremony last night at
the manse on East street, uniting Mr,
Duncan McLeod and Mrs. Mary
Aikenhead in wedlock's bonds.
A second matrimonial alliance yee-
terdAy was wade at Victoria street
Methodist parsonage, when Mies
Mabel Walters, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Chitties Walters, Huron roach
became the bride of Charles Bell, son
of Mr. and Mrs. Jana.' Bell, of town.
The groom is ,employed with R. H.
Business Changes.
The new proprietor of the barber.
shop in McLeates block is VilIiaw
Jordan. of Beigrave. The late pro-
prietor, William Davis, intrude open -
nn Mondayin the enterer "tore
of the seine block. having sublet a
portion of the premises from William
Esterling, electrician. who is shortly
opening up with a stook of electrical
and other goods in the front, of the
store. Mr. Esterling was formerly •
✓ esident of the States but lately re-
moved with wife sod family to
The Two Martins.
With the beginning of this month a
clienge takes place in cr inflect ion with
thei well-known tailoring business of
Frank H. Martin. Harry Martiii. who
hes been associated with his brother
for some time in carrying on the busi•
nes% is taken into partnership. and
the firm will now be known as The
Two Martins. Frank Martin will re.
405)0 it, charge of the cutting and
sales depaxtmeot, while Harry will
continue to superintend this making of
the fine garments for which this busi-
ness has established a reptastion. The
Martin boy* are two of the most
popular of Goderich's young business
wen and by their skill min industry
and good judgment they Mire built up
• business ef whirls they nifty well be
The Johnson-McRaye Entertainment.
On Friday evening we are to have
a ram treat in Use eaterteinnaeot
given by Miss Patiline Johnson and
Me. Walter Tificktreye. under the Milli-
pices of the Y. M. C. A. Miss John-
ston's (lune both as a poet and as an
entertainer needs no explanation : she
draws crowds wherever she goes.
Outlined against the wild picturesque-
ness of this Mohawk woman's reading
of her own poems and legends of Red
Indian life, is the clever work done
hy her fellow -artist, NValter Waive,
in depict !nettle "paint cha reel 2r Of
the French-Canadiati, as portrayed in
Dr. Drummond's delightfully humor-
ous and pathetic verses. Do not mire
this excellent entertaintnent. in the
Opera House tomorrow (Fridwy, De-
cember 1th). Tickets, 25e, 35c, 50c.
Pim at H. Edwards'.
Death of Mrs. William Smith.
Mrs. Elizabeth Smith, widow of the
late Williyon Smith, died at her resi-
dence on East street en Thursday last.
She write eighty three years of age and
had been in poor health for a number
of years, tier trouble heing valvular
dillease of the heart. Mrs. Smith was
• native of Scotland. Her hushand
Was an engineer nn the Grand Trunk
itailwey and died a good many yearn
ago. Two datighters'and one son are
left survi•ing. Mrs. John Robinson
and Mrs. Field, of Buffalo, and James
Smith, of Toronto. The deceased fur
many years bad taken an Activ-e
interest in the work of the &death:on
Army here. The funeral took Mice
nn Sunday, the services- being con-
ducted by Rev. James Hamilton and
the" yatthearers being F. F. Lawrence,
E. T. Rumball..lames Mitchell and C.
A. Nairn.
At the Harbor.
Atter completing the iinloading of
the grain boats mentioned in our lath
imam At, tieing at tiodericls harbor the
elevwtor milmuied 135,001 bushels of
wheat Ittsd -vista fresiti t -he- 4, -A, W-
ile!. and 104,000 of wheat from the
Midland Queen , this week. the Queen
leaving yententlay.
The steamer Agawa is expected
this week with a cargo of 2110,000
bushels of wheat to go into storage
for the Big Mill for the winter. The
Agawa was formerly a tow barge but
had machinery plowed in her some
time ago. This will be the largest
cargo ever brought to Goderich.
The steamer Strathcona in expect ed
at the elevator.
It is announced I hat marine insur-
ance on the lakes has been ex-
tended to December 12th.
The town has had an electric light
placed at the northerly end of the
checkwater for the benefit of naviga-
Death of Mrs. Joseph Page.
Mrs. Joseph Page, Mother of our
townsman Thonias Page, passed away
on Monday morning at her son's resi-
dence, after an illness of about a
month. She was an old lady, having
passed her eighty-fourth milestone a
few weeks ago. and hail always been
of a strong constitution. She Wes a
native of Ireland and was married in
her native country when still quite
young, being only eighteen years of age
when she and her husband come to
this cmintry. They nettled first at
Richmond 11111 and later moved to
Mount Forest, of which the deceased
was a resident for about forty years.
Her husband presleceasetl her seven-
teen years ago and is beried in Monist
Forest, and Mee. Page's remains were
taken there yesterday for interment
beside those of her husband. mouse be-
ing staid in the Roman Catholic church
at Mount Forest yesterday morning
by the perish priest, Rev. Father
Kelly. Of a family of nine children,
Mrs. Pryer in survived by nix. as fol-
low.: Mrs. Thomism Corcoran, of
mount Forest ; Mre. Cermet/ay, Cor -
untie., Minh.; Mrs. Frank, of New
Hamburg ; Joseph Page ; Thiamin
Page, of town. and Mr.. Alliston, of
Detroit. Shp tearer) fort y.t wo grand-
rhildren and fifteen great.grandchil-
IMath of W. II: Marquis.
W. Brown Marquis,' aged forty
years, died at the fatuity residence,
Ontario avenue, Niagara Fells. N. Y.,
on Tuesday of last week, after an ill -
nese of two weeks. Death was caused
by heart. disease. Mr. Marquis had
resided there for twelve years. He
leaves • widow and two children. Ito
is well known as a former Hurtiniette
rbeicihqg art of John Marquis, of Gode-
The High Court.
The non -jury sittings of the High
Omni of Justice were announced to
open here on, Tuesday, tett Ronin -able
Mr. Justice MacMahon war unable te
get here until today and in conse-
quence the court did not open until
this afternoon. The first case on the
list is Sangster vereus the town of
Goderich, an action for damages
alleged to have been sustained
through the plaintiff's falling into a
hole in the street near Mr. Morning -
star's residence. Proudfuot, Hays &
Blair are the plaintiffs solicitors and
E. L. Dickinson, the town solicitor, is
defending. The* arts four other
cases on the Mit.
Godersch _Men Win Case.
Mr. Jestice MacMahon has given
judgment in favor of the defendants in
the action of Frest & Wood. of Smith's
Falle. against JJavid Stoddisrt. of
Goderich, and Thomas .Gundry, the
assignee for the benefit of bias creditors.
Frost & Wood claimed to be entitled
to rank as creditors against. the per.
wmal estate of [Meld litoddart for
111&13.75, the amount of an indebted-
ness incurred by the firm of Stoddart
McKinnon. Mr. Justice MacMabon
tried the case in May butt. and found
in favor of the defendant. The plain-
tiff appealed and secured a new trial.
The ease' again came before Mr.
Justice MacMahon, and he dismissed
the 5811016 56)44.10. endorsing the record
iu the identical terms used at the first
trial, and directing the plaintiffa to
pay all costs of the Hint trial, the
appeal and the second trial.
Huron & Ontario Ralliway.
A despatch from London, Eng-,
dated November 27th, .ars: The
Canadian Associated Press learns
that bonds of the Huron and Ontario
Itailwa.v Company to the amount of
gins publication ofn set i.,1
This is a ntoty written in
the style which bets made
the author f-onnus as* writ-
er of fiction. "Meadow
Brhok " will rank with some
of her earlier works, such ris
•• Lena Rivers," and is re-
plete with pathetic and stir -
1 iig+incidents.
8302,400 have been sold to R. G. Shaw
k Ewa India merchants, at fit
A. McD. Allan, 61 GoJerich, has been
here for some months in report to the
matter, rind Thee- latterly had the
assistance of T., M. Sanders. it well-
known engineer. who is to manage
the entire conatrurtion and etplip-
ment of the road. J. Gerry, Londrm,
Ont., is the contractor, and H. Middle.
Inlet, Toronto, the construction en.
ginger. The Shaw Company is to
give the railway the Mae of the
effices Neve and throughout Europe,
Atria and Anterien, where the honrhs:
and their interest coupons are likely
to be Istyafrie. Mr. Shaw. speairtng
to the Canadiaii Associated Press over
the telephone. stated that the bonds
had not been sold them, but that they
were-nehatiming. and have sent a
representative to Canada regarding
the inetter.
Mist, Margaret Ilelen Doane and
James Maurice Bowler, of Aehfield.
were married Wednesday morning,
November 250i. at. Holy ROartry
church. Detroit., with nuptial high
mass, Rev. Father Von Mach officiat-
nig. The bride was attended by her
sinter, Mins Elizebeth Deene, and west
given away by her uncle. J. Clanon.
The groom was attended by Michael
Sullivan. A wedding breakfast was
served by the bride's sister, Mies
Anna Deane, and her cousin, Mrs. H.
P. Williams, at the latter's residence.
The happy couple left on the after-
noon train for an extended trip to
Buffalo, Niagara Falls and other
points before going to their hotne in
Amhfleld. The groom's gift to the
bridesmaid WAN a solid gold crow, and
to the bent man a gold scarf pin
studded with emeralds. A pleasant
event foreshadowing this nuptial Deem -
pion wan a "linen shower"' given the
hride-tw-be by her many Ashfield girl
friends on Satunlay evening, Nov.
ember 2Ist, at the 'evidence of her'
cousin, Mrs. 11. P. Williams, 31 Con-
necticut Ilighlaral Park,
M ieh.
Assault and Attempt to Rob.
The trial of two action% one against
John Steele and Jame,. Sullivan. of
Tuckerihnith, and the other against
Steele alone, for assault and Attempt
at robbery, have been fixed for to-
morrow (nedity). the prisoners being
before the county judge yesterday
morning for elcction. The offenres
are all allege?l to have ocetirred
near F:gmondville on November 28th.
A reording to the evidence given
before F. Holmested, J. P., set rims -
forth, in the preliminaty heering.
Steele called for Sullivan on the
evening in question they parreed
a man on the road named William J.
tttatt atoottemr.c.....4
Deveretiz nd Steele sbolianclisi
money, flourishing a bottle over Dry-
ereux e bead. Later they went to the
home of Drivid (1 mimed. Sheeler
knocked a' the door and asked for
something to eel. Mr. tieuneell in-
vited them in And got something
ready for them anti Steele (rent.
well sat down, then Steele got sip and
demanded money, and called for Iiik
associate. Steele a ud lie .11
clinched, and Steele got lieruniell by
the throat. and Gemmel' got an-
tagonises thumb bet weeti hie teeth
and bit hard enough to make him let
go. In the tusete Get table was upset
and the lamp went out send Steele and
Sullivan got aWily, one going through
the door and the other thioligh the
window. The arrests were made lir
constables Gillespie and Gunder. J.
L. Killoran acting for Co. defence.
Young Ladies Entertain.
Hy way of variety and to infuse ad-
ditional interest in the meetings of the
Collegiate Institute Literery Society
the young ladies and the young men
ere undertaking the piesentation of a
lerelgrain each. L•uit Friday night's
entertainment was the young ladies'
etnoeihetiost,- and au excelleot
grain it was. Miss Rubinson occupied
the chair and a varied program was
given. Two young !tidier; showed that
the young gentlemen have by no
means upinotiotrof abilinLjn de mt.14-
tuation, Miss Augusta McLt-,
Miss Aline Hargitt making very
creditable addrestses. Even that mas-
culine accompliiihnieLII„... whistling., wee
undertaken by a, number of the girls
who were heave enough to doubt the
penalty the (mildew couplet promises
"the whist-line:0d and the crowing
hen." That youn'it ladies took the pre.
caution of perforinieg with their
hacks to the audience. fhe spinsters'
orchestra made a hit and a dialogue
was an interesting number. A good
number of The Journal Wee reed by
Vise E. NValker. The other numbers
on the prograni, all well, given, were
as follows: Instrumental, Miss Cepha
Echlin ; nolo, Mists Rhode McKenzie;
violin solo. Mins Grace McLean; red--
tetion, Miss Alix Maunders; solo, Miss
Britnicorube: violin solo, Mies M.
Voting: instrument &tee Aliases
Welsh and McNeviti ; recitetion. Miss
Ghttlys Levy. The critic of the even-
ing was Mies McArthur and after her
comosents on t he program the
national anthem was sung.
County Officials Salariee.
John and Patrick Long, the black -
"ninth Atop at Kingsbridge to Will.
Quigley and the dwelling at Kings.
hridee to Thos. long.
W. E. Zones, at ode time a member
of the et elf of the Bank of Commerce
itt Goderieh, and later a rising young
Jinn nalist on the staff Tho Toronto
!Sews, died last week at his home in
Robert • Birmingloun, of Toronto,
organizer for tht• Orange !Society, ad.
dressed e public meeting in the Tem-
per4nce Hall on Tuesday evenir g
tinder the auspices of L. 0. E. No. 182.
There was a Tether small endienee..
Lust Friday night No. 11 company of
the :eird 'Itt•gittient held alt at home
in (Jddfellows' Hall, There were
about %event y -fl ve person. present
and an enjoyable lime was spent.
The Blackstone enthestra provided
the music for th1e, 'dancjng and the
supper wam gOthl
Crown Attorney Seeger and fiat,
rieter Wale were at Dungannon on
Monday in connection with an action
being heard by Magistrate.; Bailie
and Soberly against some bOyti for the son • le
theft of some turkeys. The hearing Shorthand and Typewriting -The Kennedy
was adjourned Serttir.ley. There • a,
is also an action against three num Millinery it Half-prloe-Hodsens Bros
for putting the boys up to the job. A Christina. store News -J. H. consent' 94
tneu with three rigs hs 1'.ly also to be Purse Found -Mrs. McKinnon ....... 1
forty turkeys were tat it.
ton Telescope at our expense. If this
more wholemale theft 1.) A gang of Choir Concert -knot Church Choir I
• ntilated in this row It. le esid Pblioiaeeile-Csealthesio-dre-M•0110,4--
Some person is reatoott The Walker- Sewo-Wor"ell". 714rdware 81"2
Credithr. Take Notice-1'0er' of Oriderich 1
Christmas DIft Goods -The Two ?dart ins 2 44' C .
tracer will awitriliivebehieztu.ettinaoridel Annonneemonts-tiocabopunn commtme IA*
Hurrah for Christmaa-Geo. Porter 10
trot] blgt pre to ellovr.-Ripley Ex- 146e Window -Dominion St tined Mass
premi. e'rel pe pittsu Ire _is c 0+ '
tiler riewspapeit e tveljotrg been `'Entertaintnent-Y. M. c. A
-Mitchell Recorder: Mr. Alexander
- ttnit.gfi
Winter Terns - Ceetral Auslomee College,
Your Course - Hritleth American Business
College. :Toronto
Winter Fair -Joseph Kidd. P. It. Tick*
Look imr Foi ward to. Christmas -- Howell
Hardware Co
Haltprice Salo-MeLean Drew
Au OrIllia Ilu,iness liana Testiloon) -Local
Option eummittee.` ,
Furnbthed Cottage to Let -sins Catletion....
Special Offering., -10. Millar Co.. a
Miss Canada -
Dig Bargains for Dig Men--,Waltet C. Pride
hem. '
Reeder -Mend Trunk RellWay
Ontario Provincial Fair -F. F. Lawrence. 0,
T. It. Ticket Agent 111
Chrietneas t;ifte -F. J. Hotiand
Special Picture Sale- dob. JohnetOn 4
Three Week. to Christmas -S. K. Rick 10-
6)144 -John Stood ,
Assignee's Sale of Bardeen". Stookes1L-11....-
Iteynolds • I
The Greatest Pleasure in Life -/as. F. Thom- 1 1'
of the opinlicti t ''T tilignars ex
chengeatoPY wjetiateing putioilipel mi
the road ; at reiettes thisoflite. not
oftener titan once 4e ri$0111411. ':., Thrt.
siiay d . .ur , .
mine 4nistiainteach44.4 e
to. wct, eatIL the donor of the trophy which ,t411, ,AA
held by the Mitchell bowling setrikif
stinipy to pity for their I+ eilli4 matter. 4beinow
ttb, bar had a beautiful -case inane- e..sereime
'^•1:.., " ,. ' factured in which the cup nifty be pro- '`
,"6-•+-0104seRcti, NUTES.-eej +.' tested while being transported from
. . town to another, on being won by
The annual at home of the girls' .0 the challenginq rinks. This generous
tetisiesliate Bilge rinse of Knox church action of Mrk still fittingly completes
is being held this evening in .the hie eXpencige gift to the bowlers of liteitte
The choir 4 Knox church. will give Goderich inclusive. The case arrived . "4
the towns between Stratford and . • ,
lecture wow of the church.
a concert in O.- basement, on Thurs. In town ibis week. and has been
day evening ne t. December WO, played with the trophy in the secre-
commencing at SC tieleeek . Admission tiny's Aorta. The Mitchell bowlets
15 cents. Proceed@ in aid of the uiteric ha% e donly overerided that it will not require
the December ......,n.fthe -...esety
One of the matters dieposed of at fund.
It‘ P.teedt-etivew of t h" ,roong Cioderich line championls of the game
their shattered conceit as
to es used for genie time. and then
council now going on was the empie's societies of the different of howl, .
fixing of the salaries of the chtirebes in town are tneetinpe tonight 414.1-iffleA If
comms officials for a period of at the public library to discuss' the
oye years, i Aka .cordarice with Ii res- holding of quarterly 'mein meeting&
elution passed at a previous 'fleeting at which methods and matters of gen-
of the council. This is with the idea oral inferent could Is. ilisciocu..1. 'file
of doing away with repeated Appetit- -tele ere lantertatter- fervor - the- fAergrter
terns for increases. The committee of North Nueva Methodist church.
appointed to deal with the matter The sermon subjects; at the liAptist
secured information from the other church services next Sunday are an-
rpoauidnttitesterein atnhde sPe Provincer oa .1 el r tt te ea la lertorui ensounced as fojlows : Morning, "A
Memorial and a Hope." Evening,
ties as nearly siinilar to Huron as
Church." The Loren; Supper will tel
Pug' "Christ Seeking Those Outside (.14.abitlitsleiniesan sidtiumaet.itami4deinzepoart(ed1 atmhoautowtitoifi
observed at the close of the morning
niteln-in Hurontivcounty wiftw'erete
ahbOwave"44-the aPaid"
ver- me1e''tiLavt-3-11111o'cltaicc17.6"1.11 are invited and
age paid in these counties. The coin- a cordial greeting is assured.
mittee recommended the following
Next Sunday Rev. De. Teasdale,
increttees, however : Treasurer, 8.50; of London. win occupy the North
elerk, $50: county engineer. Les) ;
51401 1)0 of the house of refuge, 850: ' fy mud evring. he praetor; Dr.
the house of refuge, 854); inspector ofOEtugtil, street Methodist church pulpit morn -
+assistant matron, 825
; physician of (61,,tig,i , willb, preaching educa-
tional sertno_na in the First and Dun -
the house of refuge, 4125. In commit-
das street Methodist churches. Lon -
tee further increases wet* decided on : don. Dr. •reasdale will also take
00 to the physician of the house of charge of the 10 o'clock temtimony
refuge, $2.5 to the chaplain of the meeting and 114 adult Bible elites.
+eateries finally adopted by the council,
compared with the salaries previously
psi,...d.nn.t. smiemeuwies.
house of refuge and $23 to the care-
taker of the court house. The tist of
of the Ba tist ehurch held a box social
paid, ie as follows :
at the parsonage,PMouth street. Ile -
of the women's Philathea class
On Tuesday everting the members
------- tentwt:eelcin .thhaivrt y anti forty persons "g-
ing a very pleasant even -
warden ---er,ij .8 1.1.7,7 ;Liz Ing of music, song and RAMPS. The
sold by mock Auction and -
Clerk ofthe-Petioe. ,, ... 1,00 1.10e • the
Clerk ,. ,. . .......-....„... 1.000 1.050 . holes veru
proves -ds added quite a number of
Jail Matrim • Po
Jailor .... ...... . .. .... 7.10/ • PO see yards. to the "mile ot coppers" the claim
Turnkey.. ..... •,-.. 57.4 375 is raising to complete the interior of
Juii serge • n . - 190 . 151
County Engineer
Awlitiom. ewes, 40. -et
The Men's Sunday Club of North
the church.
son Loon
hodist church- in growing
Keeper. House of Refuge_ 60 gin Street met
Matron. House of Renee. 250
Refuge. an cent inually in numbers and int.erest.
Assistant. Metros", Homo et
. 150 175 It has now a membership of twen.ty-
ehtsictan, Hoene or Dentin! ret -WIlt Ave. ' Men are Continually codling
Caretaker, Court Ilonsti. . . 525
Chaplain, House of Refuge.. 7.'. lel • -
Inspector. Hou,. of Refuge, 151 175
to any church relationship. Next Sun
*4(4 whoni it welcotnes without reference
(ley it. meets an usual in the pastor's
• , vestry. On the followjng week it, will
LOCAL TOPICS IN BRIEF. )ikeiv move Into relater quertere.
The useful and the beautiful combine to e.
Can a Man Make a Million Dollars
&direct Totlisciission next Sundae is
withal the. most acceptable Christi:too IWO.
Sem the handenne sitticle. In f 'tiny china et Honestly'r
witmer Snell h's, East street. A groat a44016- There will lie nine days' revival ser -
meet of gift goads; well selected, and el mod-
vices at the Salvation Army barracks;
from Decemix.r 5th to the 13th in -
A nether retnineer that,Ctlest4eas is coming.
11 este Want in omit Tam' esulto re yourapetusire. These revival hieetin 1 a will
friends,as a Chris 'It h
lay haring the sitting. 86I4livf7' la the place a
to get enet-cleas work. corner Montreal `-'tratford, assisted hy Captain Rainer
_tweet engem/ tessera mut thieefileeter from- the surrounding -
hp conducted by Staff -Capt. ay, of
A man washmod wiring :lin other day that
the only place he could get warm WM In bed.
Investigation showed that he was not wearing
one of F. IlldhanCs met, or overcoats.
Pridham turn. oto .111 proof kind of
winter wear, at the right price,.
Be mure to read the opening chapters
of the new story, "Meadow Brook," in
this lemur.
Hear Rev. J. H. Oliver. ofSarnia,
in the court house, Monday evening.
December 7th, * o'clock.
The Johnsan-MeRave entertainment
in Victoria Op -i'1 Howse tontot•row
(Friday) evening should thaw a full
The general 'tension, and County
Court open nn Timmins, before the
Minty judge. rift.i.e are s.weral
criminal rases.
George Letson was before the police
magistrate gm Noyenther 27h on a
charge of theft from Bedford
hoter, and was tient up for trial.
Mies Mated Dreteghy, teacher in Rt.
David's ward school, has tendered her
resignation. She t tking a Reboot
near her horny at Motint Foreet,
Judge Holt will hold 'Divisiiin Court
*1 Zurich December Sth, at Exeter
December Ot II, at Crediton Deceratier
10th and At Myth December Ilth.
The Blackstone orchestra will play
for the animal dance of the Ooderieh
Township Rifle Asrociation at Odd.
fellows' Hall nn Friday itenorrow).
The probability that the hardwood
flonr may he left on 4.14 rink for at
least part of the winter may mean,
that there will be no Associntion
hockey this. winter.
At the administrator'a sale In con•
nertion with the estate of the late
William Wall. of Aahtleld, which
took piece Farr'e hotel lust Satur-
day, the tenithweet quarter of Int 1,
concession Ashfleki, soil to
corps. On Saturday night. December
5th. Staff -Capt. Hay will give a lec-
ture+ on his trip to grigland and Scot-
land last summer. The Staff -Captain
and his assistant both play musical
instrument', end this will add to the
interest of these meetinge. Every-
body is invited to attend these special
A great congregation greeted Dr.
Dougall last Sunday evening in his
first reading of hie story, "My Friend
Con." Doubtless he obtained this
idett.of reading his own stories from
Rev. Charles Sheldon, author of "In
His Steps." Con. was a character rare
and unique. His occupation when
first discovered was that of a potash
boiler, hut his literary culture and his
conscious superiority to his surround-
ings gave evidenee of a past the secret
of which Ile
care guarded. But
he had mw wenknew, the love for
liqpor. The description of his temp-
lattTott by the village hotel -keeper, his
terrific conflict againet the fierce
craving and his defeat wetsdramati-
cally and vividly given. When the
reading elated a peep into that
guerded pant was About to he given.
Without ecenorn 0,10e Pan be rich;
with economy, few need he poor.
Be sure to read t he opening chapterm
of the new story, "Meadow Brook,- In
it7ueiail to hear Rev. Joseph II.
Oliver, the temperance authority
who wits iielected to go to England to
explain the working of !boor laws on
thin continent, In the court home+,
Monday evening, December 701, at 8
o'clock. Collection to defray ex•
penises. Those opposite' to local option
are particularly invited sad
tunity will be given to state=
views or ask question%
Signal Is Up to Date.
'eh Signal is-
sued an industrial and commercial edi=
1* that was Creditable to itself
and the Irtinineee Men of the town. It
was well printed on heavy book
paper. profusely illustrated, and
showed considerable enterprise.
Mysore. Vanatter & Robertson are up
to data:.
A Beautiful Memorial Window.
__A very beautiful memoriaLwindoW
has receutly been placed in the north
transept ofSt. Ot•orge's church, Oode-
rich, to the memory of Miss Elizabeth
At trill and her brothers, Edward and
Thomas. It was designed and made
by the Dominion Stained Glass Co.,
Toronto. The window contains [ouu.
lights and tracery. The two central
panels are taken up entirely with the
representation of the resurrection of
our Lord, which is well arranged,
with the three Marys grouped to-
gether in frightened attitude as the
angel appears and points to the empty
tomb. The robes of the figures, while
sufficiently quiet to be suitable to
female subjects, yet are well blended
in color, so as to met them out against
the plain background. 'and the wholo
forms a beautiful effect for a two-
lightcentre eubjeet. The panel on
the left portrays the nativity, show-
ing the Mother with the infant
Jesus as the shepherds appear in the
stable_ and bow before the infant
child. The selection of the colors le
well made, no as to give a pleasing
Pffeet against the plain background.
The panel to the right of the centre is
taken np with the Ascension, depict-
ing our Lord as he leaves the earth,
arid the disciples looking lip, their rich
robes in antique Fiboss giving a fine,
rich effect to the window. The whole
composition le very beautifel, showing
the hieth,-dirald ascension in one
complete window, which gives
pleasing effect. The expression of the
faces is wonderfttlly depicted, doing
infinite credit to the artists and crafts.
men of the Dominion Stained Glue
09 It eartmetir hoped -Mat -other
members of the church may be
led to perpetuate the memory of their
de an. like _tunneler. RocIa the.
team 1tA. M Turnbull, and the ege,',1ii
warden, Judge Holt and George rr, per
Porter, spoilt in high terms of the
Work done by the firm.
Always Enterprising,
Kincardine Reporter: The Goderich
Signal &ways shows great enterprise "t'
and its recent industrial edition, pro- ,
timely illusstrated, on coated book,
added another tritimpit. Business '4-4-,77.7.::
men and citizens generally must have •
felt proud of The Signal. 10 eel Mews,
lie sure to read the opening cheptere
of the new story, "Meadow Heoob3" in
this imam.
Rev. 3. It. Oliver will answer any
opposition speaker upon local option.
Mr. Haverrion not excepted.
Oysters served In aft styles ; ice
cream . bricks, cidnfeetionery and
cigars, etc. C. BLACKSTONE. Walt
street restaurant.
etore. Dungannon, nn Tuesday and
Wednesday. also at Rose Anderson's -
store, Lucknow. the ISMS days.
Ducks. Ste. gem*. Sc. : chickens,
Mee. ; few', flc. ; turkevs. 124c. Mutat
be dry' picked, with heads off. De-
formed or thin birds not taken. R. 1.
DEANS. -In Torntimry. on Monday. Nevem.
ger Sloth, to Mr. and Mr.', William Deana,
• inen.
settrit In Doderleh, on ThuradaY, Nevetn-
bet Ath, Ellreheth Smith, widow of the
late Wllllam Smith. aged 0.4 years
PADE. In Orelerich, en Monday niol.,,eg,
Not ember loth. Mrs. Joseph Page. aged
1114 yea rs and 1 week'.
IHADRISON. - Inegrnia, on Vi'ediiei,d44.
December tesi. Mrs. Kat, Tfartiaon Mee
!homer t