The Huron Signal, 1882-08-25, Page 1Men•m1 41.00.11111.11,111,11.
T Y 1 '',b . i '' a "j.s_. ERICH, ONT., FRIDAY, AUGUST 25, tE•22.
Yew l l' rrttaenseet..
1.unibto .t
Western Fa
Cow Estray-. david Johnston.
School OTening-mrs. Fletcher.
Electkot zpentjes-W. Proudfoot.
Puundkeepen Notk•e--J. Robertson.
Hall's (lair vier. -ler. 1. C. Ayer k ('n.
• __ I ends rM, _ _
1► ' a H1) - )!V, !1C!!(ISt'y]i LEN-
ree Tlir. o'dussa•irestdeu,e,We./street
hreedo•r- b'1ow llt•tt of Hoatrsal, Uode-
rich - ITSS
W4V1 i k 1µ't, I '"CSL S4R-
. lit- ts'1'roter & (*lobe
leaden at►stlot- •oat.tt4 All s04C ipns
neatly ant cirofu':y t.erformed. R00ms.
Costa Brook. over W. Taylors cf' !Sows CLIN-
TON. giri'atients from a distance will please
.. !take aappolntment O. advance by mtif. 1615.
0 3h eDpla$ !Column.
• i1 , sr
(l')%V Elf RAY -CAM INT') TIIK 1'ItEM-
toes of the tnldedijaod. I.ot 7, ('on. 10. W.
U„ Ash1eld, on th• 1::1i of August. a brown
co lr roo;o !,W n. ,The n'` --is rr-
Qttde pr" ,lull and
1633•tt • iris," P.O.
1 on $ituntsy. An ru.t IL from the pound,
a red and white steer. A baler a remains in
my Nina, after all expenses have bion paid.
and if not 'claim , t and aa'tatactorp proof
made to me at once. the saoaey will be paid
over W the municipiliry. John Robertson.
prio4keep9. 1003. *pa (»lburne.
R Haynes. saw mine*. Sheppardton,waa
thi., der dissolved. A. Hodge will sell the
logs awl lumber on hand. and receive and pay
the debts due to and by the company at this
tat .
tC(LI.i AH 1'M•ot;4VUVT. Ala'H. Hotx,E.
Witness. i R. 1'. Hat's KA.
ebyteardtu a. 69: It July, 16 52. 155.3-1m.
- iientl with Tt F,hfADE
D arrangements wnb Mr. TT o0regior.
the well-known bookbinder of Seaforth, to
IA n fo in h1k line, All work
done t at to mss u b
To --eeil) era 1 this
roue v is prat site
Mrs. Fletcher begs to inform her numerous
friends t0at she will reopen her private school
for Young h tie. on tV EI)NESDAY 6th SEPT.
With an a't•,t:a: valuable assistant in the
Elaine/1 branches. For farther particulars.
y14MRi. R. 1. FLCttnen. SS es' 't reet.
Y 11Learn thy cabinet making. .apply to
it. Gordon.
.Ind single harness. For particulars ap-
ply a• tkfsp4Y.•e.
venient house corner of Newgate and
Alberts streets for a number of years occu-
pied by Mr.. Elwood. The house is in every.
way a desirable one. For further particulars
apply 10 JOHN 1314431Kt:NRrtwr: Newgate
f H$11 AND 18ES FOR. SALE. -A
A number of ram lambs. got by a Prot -M-
etal winner. Also s ••n•' choice hives of tees.
For particulars ap; to MATTHEW LEVY. 4th
.,on. of Colborne. 1617-3m.
L will not lie responsible for any debts con-
tras:e.i by in w:rP n- any other person wit b-
out my written order. Iton):HT DOAK.
ttgssse en the ptealass of the aubsoriber,
about the beginning of June. a ewe. Tile
owner Is requested to prove property. pay
charges and take her away. oast•H 1lrrH-
FRiNOTON. lot d. con. 12. Colborne. Nile P. O.
of Lenden. hag., Academy of Music,
Organist of St. Georges Church. (.oderich.
willive Leepops in Organ and Piano play ing.
singing and harmony. for particulars ad-
dress. ware of 31is, Payne. Goderich P. O.
well be furnlahed any person willing
to go Nest who will take charge of four child-
ren. aged respectively Z. S. ;, to years of age.
and deliver them to their father at the ter-
mination of the journey. Mitres!' or call
pontonally upon Mr. H,aieRv JOHNSTON at the
Clerk's office. Goderich.
1462 -it..
1 Having completed her smiles In music
under Prof. Slppt of London, awl having re-
ceived a eertlfteate, Is now prepared to re-
ceive • limited number of pupils for Plano
instruction. Mis.8eegmiiler Is also pre red
to take orders for Crayon Portraits. Satisfac-
tion In every case guaranteed. Residence.
corner Cambria Rtud tin* Newgate *firm.
1' Building site. and buildings thereon.
Iota fill and 026. In the town of Goderich. be-
ing the property owned and occupied by the
late Henryorton sen. ('bnrenlent to the
..mare. Will be sold In one Parcel or In lots
to suet. Enquire of J. C. CiliRIV. Auctioneer.
►c)) •REWARD. -THE ABOVE RE- Mr. S. Gibson, son of Capt. Gibson.
•.3 41'' ward will he paid for Information I has been spending a portion of his v
icadlnt to she conviction of the person or per- on in town. Ile u now preperrtug f
alt 1 from the Huron Reed
NEWS ABOUT HOME. srsALtao Purses. -John Gale -and ! The Western Pair at London, will be SC I LE BUSINESS,
Joseph Prince, two lads were on Satur- held this year, from September 2bth to
day committed to Fool to await their Sept. 29th. Thu exhibition will doubt -
trial for pigeon stealing, by P. Adems.n, I less have utauy attractions for our do- The Ineptetion of Weights and
J. P. I setts, sod tee advertisement which' ap- Measures.
Reuo•mb et' the r-eeture on' The Art of fears in another coluuma will be of in-
terest to many.
The warty friends of the venerable
Rev. Dr. Williams, late chatrmar. of this
district for the Methodist church, will
be pleased to hear that in his new
sphere of labor, (St. Catharines) he has
met with the most cordial anal hearty
supeort in Ica work, his labors being
greatly appreciated by the people of that
Tuesday next luta Levu proclaimed a
civic holiday by the Rtayor, and the
stores will be closed and regular business
suspended on that day. We give this
item for the benefit of our readers in the
country who might be tempted to drive
in and do trade on the 29th inst. A
number of the residentp of the town will -
be in London and Buffalo on. that day,
and the remainder will be taking solid
comfort at Bingliaui's grove, or some-
where else.
Mr. Reuben Sallows, the well-known
photographer, joined the graud army of
Benedict& on Wednesday last. He evi-
dently wearied at taking negatives and
bethought hint to take an original ---the
substance rather than the shadow. It
was a wise idea and wisely carried out.
We wish him at.d his bride a bright pic-
ture in their journey through life.
Somehow an individual never hooks as
happy, in a photograph or otherwise. as
a couple or a -group.
The Band picnic on Thursday of last
week was very suecessful, and netted I
some $100 to the promoters. tine of the;
features of the day was an elation con- I
teat for a cake baske., purchased at Int-'
ries, between Mrs. Black and Miss!
Cooke. Mrs. Black gamed the basket, ,
the sum realized being $24.50. A num-
ber of Harriaton excursionists were pre-
sent, and enjoyed the picnic. A quad-
rille hand made things interesting to the
dancers, and the brass band gave a num-
ber of choice selections,
RHCBARR JELLY.-Owinv to the scar-
city of crab-apples this year some substi-
tute must be found for them. An ex-.
change recommends the making of rhu-
barb jelly. The following is the way in
which it is prepared : Take some rhu-
barb, wipe it with a clean wet cloth, peel
it, and cut it into pieces an inch lung.
To each pound of rhubarb add three-
quarters of a pound of white sugar. Put
it to boil for about ten minutes," or un-
til the juice is weil drawn. Strain it
into a preserving pan; let it boil quickly
until it clings to the spoon; skim it and
pnt it into jam pots or moulds. The
quickest way to know if it will set is to
drop a little on a plate to cool.
Those in this section who so cheerful-
ly gave their goods and money to relieve
the distress caused by the Michigan bub
fires will be interested and pleased 3n
know that the whole face of the o,untry
has changed wonderfully during the
past few months. An excellent crop of
hay has been nearly all secured and the
grain crops are in capital condition.
Mating a liberal allowance for possible
contingencies, Mr. Stirling thinks that
the grain harvest will equal that of an
average year before the tire. Comfort-
able and connnodioua school houses are
everywhere replacing those which were
burned, larger and better barns have
been built where the old ones stood, and
the future looks bright again for hun
dreds of farmers' who were in despair
less titan a year ago. -[Ex.
o fait. hell mean( •iLt f' totes.
Ile you wap, a vet Or any goods 01 any Perfuut try," by Mr. D. Watson, whole -
tine. if so callow! save money, O. N. Davis. sale druggist, Montreal, in Knox church
All overdue ac;:ounta mut be settled at once. this evening. No fixed admission; silver
Artistic and vignettesoat 13.00 a dozen. *Inaction.
cabin, •Ipppse tat 1 Iff a dart (Arilstet The Lind•,u Free Press says. -'Rev.
w i r$a85n iigAmt. b IUs, oleos sly 4. A Ape 3'
(leo.t oft'f s s also as E. L. Jobssee's, W. C. Buns. of Goderich. has aces ted
Geo. It. Robson. )iaaaser. a call to the Free Baptist Church of Paw
&sunderskSon wants MOO huslrlsofp1aiva, Paw, eikei sod will contntence hit
all kinds. t cash price paid. The tf>
have on hand a One stock of preserving kettles, labors immediately.
fruit jars, kc.. and ghat t' ,eastreceived another
Int d1raPl )' lllclUit olaas t Tbo7(
est tfeuse under the *nu.
Seed Wheat, McNair has it. The Democrat
wheat. one of the best milling varieties yet
introattce t. stand the winter well. is strong in
the straw and yields remarkable well. Par.
ties that grew It ebbs year. say that it average
50 bushel per acre. Order early. as only a
limited quantity is in stook. And choice Riehl
wheat from my own farm, near Toronto. .vlso
choice timothy need fall sowing.
When Jalisi ('e'jar made his drat Tisk to
RI -beim Kt'. 51• he found there the; deours-
tiv artwas a common t o
s e n hen Tat Shoe.
makers. kr.. were nut well patronised, and
red. black and blue paints formed the chief
suitings. We have mush Unproved since then
fn dress and In art, but perhapa the greatest
tutprovernent In art eso be toad at 17alluw i
photograph gallery, where stat work and
r•aw.nnble rates are the order of the day.
blies Smaill is visiting at St. Marva.
plias Minnie Dixon is visiting at Ear-
Miss Wilkinson u visitiug at,Collul8-
wo od.
Mr. \William Seymour of Detroit is in
town. t
Mr. Fred Platt of London, intends
locating in Goderich.
Mr. John Paine, has built a pretty
residence on Elgin St.
Mr'. Booth, of Hutchison's mill, is on
aholid ea trip to'Detmit.- ' '
Mr. Joseph Kydd of Dublin, is build-
ing haw utslPet iViartua. I 3
?Hiss Aegis Dickson returned to her
scheul at Exeter last week. -
Mrs. Meyer, daughter of Moe. Rich, is
seriously ill of heart disease.
Mr.. Jennings of Toronto, sister of
Mrs. MMD. Allan is in town.
Mrs. Colericki formerly of Goderich,
is the guest of Mrs. Black, West-st.
Ret-. Archd/ttepn Northgrates is the
guest of his Rice, Mrs. B. LHuyle.
Mrs. Fletcher and Miss Good, are
spending their vacation at Toronto.
Miss Johnston, of New York city, is
visiting her brother, Mr. Robert John-
Remember the G.T.R. excursion on
the 29th inst.. to London and return for
>El,itO. '
'hiss Nellie Salkeld, Bayfield. road,
has been very ill, but at present is much
Father Watters is better, and took a
trip to Sarnia for the benefit of his
The sellout masters and mistresses are
bracing up, t., re-engage in their "labor
of love "
Rev. AIr. Hill, of Blenheim, will be
the now Rector of St.. Pauls church,
To Buffalo and back, tickets good for
three days, for 82.50, on Tuesday next
August 29.
Mrs. George Smith, of Guel oh, is
spending a few week. in Goderich, for
her health.
Chat. N. Davis and Mfarshall P. Gor-
don were visiting last week at Grimsby
camp grounds.
POSTPONED. --The N orth-street Metho-
dist S.S. pic-nic lass been postponed un-
til Tuestley next.
No music on the Square, last Saturda
night. Did our band play theinsely
out at the picnic?
The average small boy is dying for
bicycle, but contents himself with trund
ling an iron hoop.
Mr. and Mrs. Leslie, of Toronto, were
the guests of their son-in-law Mr. A.
McD Allan last week
Mr. John Boud, druggist, has return-
ed to town, after a six weeks' visit to the
cities and other interesting portions of
the Proviuoe. He looks as if his vacs -
teen agreed with hint.
Wingham will hold a tiremeu's tourna-
ment nn Friday, Sept. lat. Arraago-
ments have been made with the railway
company for tickets good from 31st Ang.
t., sept 2nd at single fares.
Mr. James Grahame, artistes taking a
holiday ramble, round home. He says
in all his travels he has found no place
with mere attractive beauty for him than
that which Goderich losseases.
Mr. P. McLaren, of the Queen's Ho-
tel, Clinton, is laid up by a painful swel-
lint, of the leg. Mr. McLaren has many
friends in this section who will be pleas-
ed to hear of his recovery froin this last
The Messrs. Case of this towu, sold on
Wednesday eighteen head of primeNo,l.
fat cattle to Mr. We McLean of Goder-
ich, at very stood payinsr prices. They are
to be shipped •.n Friday.-[Seaforth
Mr. Harry H. Rives, for spine years
past foreman of the manufacturing de-
partment in Campbell's shu,e store, has
now struck out in business for himself,
and has opened out on Kingston street,
next door to Smith's bakery.
Our old friend, Mr. Geo. Eyvel, for-
merly of the Sarnia Obserrer, and now
on- the staff of Benson?, was in town
during the week. He paid a Hying visit
to the Point Farm and other points of
interest in this neighborhood.
Mr J. S. Willison represented the
London .4drertiser at the .0. T. R. -
cursion to Goderich on Monday last.
He reports Mr. Archie Bremner, the
patentee of "our esteemed contempor-
ary," to be sound still in wind and limb.
The General Conference of the C. M.
Church, which only meets once in four
years, begins its sittings the first week
in September. Rev. John Wakefield, of
Goderich, and Rev. W. McDonagh, of
Clinton, are the delegates from this dis-
We are glad to be able to announce
that Mr. Robert C. Hays, for atone
time a student in the office of Garrote &
Proudfoot, has passed his examination
as a solicitor of Supreme Court of Onta-
tin. He is receiving the congratulations
of his friends.
Mr. James McNair on Monday last
brought utto our office a sample of the
celebrated Democrat wheat which is so
well spoken of by the millers who have
had to do with it. It is plump and of
goad color, and gives evidence of becom-
ing a popular grain with the farmers
The following visitors have registered
at the Palk House : T. W. Nisbet, agent
Bank of Commerce, Sarnia, wife and
fancily ; F. W. McDougall, Ottawa, soon
of Hun. Wm. McDougall ; G. H. Caniff,
Belleville : It. Heighway, Melbourne ;
Miss Mary Phelan and blaster Robert
Kane, Ingersoll ; Chat H. Jacobs and is round to he incorrect, a certain tine)
wife, Detroit. 250 persons took dinner i Tee IRON Coe LET. --The return match is oundYl to have it remedied; if not at
at the Park House on Monday. • 1 between representative pairs from Gude tended ti., or if past mending, it is de
uxRT.-Au interesting lecture i rich and Colborne came off un Newgate , t n e d. Measures of capacity found to
on the above thehue will be delivered in I street on Wednesday, and resulted in a be too small are confiscated. At ir-
the lecture rano of Knox Church this victory for the home men by R genre of
regular periods visits are also made b
(Friday) evening by D. Watson, whole- 163 to 56. Mr. Strachan, the venerable'I inspector, but on those occasions ade ny
sale druggist, Montreal. Mr. \Watson's I Colborne pitcher, would not play unless I fee is charged.
lecture is highly spoken of by the Mon- the game took place on new "heads," as THE TIES
treal papers, and he has placed the S.S. heclaimed that the,Goderich,nen had an - ra
under obligations to him in consenting advantage in playing on their own prat ! are.pard to the Government, the Lispee-
to deliver the lecture free of all charge tics ground. His place wet taken by tor'if certificate bearing revenue stamps
Mr. Joseph Jessup, who " holds a to the Schon'. A silver collection will Mr. H. Martin, o Saltford. Mr. W. to the value of the fees collected by that
frame' on the Chicago litter -Ocean, is be taken up for the benefit of the library. Colbone took the place of Mr. Elijah I official, so that the 1',napector can have
henna on a visit. He looks heart I We take the following interesting item Martin on the Goderich side. After the I no inducement to make unjust charges.
y' champion match Mean McNair and i He is a servant of the Government, and
bliss Lucy Robinson,fari daughter of i fromThe the Pembina well
and E.poes Cummings played a couple of single- I while doing justice to the tradesman
Capt: Robinson, of Sarnia, is spending !The principals are well and favorably hand games with the result of victories must also see that no injustice is done to
her vacation with Alia Nina Strachan. known in Goderich and vicinity, and we thepublic,who suffer lou from
ear them our best wishes in the time to for McNair by 21 to 18 and 21 to 13. , any
,,erns- Goderich is now willing to put four rinks I dereliction of duty on the pert of the
Potence. - twatnt.tlt -At Drayton, Dakota against Colborne at any time within the l Inspector.
n the leak lest by It-... i' . A. Resit. Mr. next two or thre weeks. j
Just ees of
honesty to be told that the scales were
otad .vy
ever ed t., hp'-ers, chiefly b,
dealers in park, etc. Millers as a rule
have aieurate scales.
While certain phases u'-1 the working of
the Weights and Measures Act appear to
*ma tot a. be hardly fair to the honest dealer, yet
reeler. "-me re.Pk's on the whole the public are largely pro -
Mead .1 Yew meta net e:ewrtrwt tested from the trickery of dishonest and
aO"'a' stingy tradesmen. If the scales are
correct, every buyer can see that he gets
full weii'ht or nteasure, otherwise he is
cheated with his eyes open. We are
under obligations to Mr. Hayward for
the following
No. of weights inspected 413; of these
113 were short weight, and 6 over
weight. These were subsequently veri-
tied upon being adjusted. No. of mea-
sures of capacity inspected 156. These
do not include a number of wino measures
which were found in nee and were seiz-
ed and destroyed. No. of lineal mea-
sures inspected 17. No. of equal arm
balances inspected 47; of these two were
rejected as being unjust. No. of steel-
yards inspected 6. Of these one was
seized and destroyed as being unjust.
No. of platform and dormant scales in-
spected 62. Of these 3 were condemn-
ed finally, and 10 others were not
weighing correctly, but were veritied of
ter being repaired.
The towns of Seaforth and Clutton are
the only other places in this county' that
have had a second general inspection, .
and the results average the same as in
Goderich, and other places in the Divi-
It has been said that there is nothing
certain but death and taxes. We know of
nothing wore unpopular. Even though
we all admit that we should ren-
der unto Cteaar the things which are CO3-
ear's, it is not without a grout and •
wish to escape the titbute teat we hand
But the
demi, i,),) to the tax gatherer.
he is only so in his official capacity; and
who is ma willieg to sacrifice his 'dislike
to taxes if he has the collecting of them?
There are many taxes, geueral
and special. The town collector
gathers in the annual municipal tax -
the money we pay for the privilege of
owning land, of ltavtug personal proper-
ty, of educating other pcoi.le's children
if we have none of our own, of drawing
our income, and, forsooth, o1 bearing
our own head about with us. The Fed-
eral Government taxes the food we eat,
the clothes we wear, and the b oks we
paid by the brewers, the tobacco makers
and others, who deal in things injurious
to those who partake of them, and that
eases the conscience of the statesmen
who govern us, because it keeps the ob.
noxious trade in the hands of a privileg-
ed few, and erings'•in hard cash for re-
venue purposes,
Then the interests of the public must
be protected against unscrupulous
tradesmen, and the inspector of weights
and measures is called into being, and
the nun who sells by the pound, the
quart or the Tallon must have his weights
proved and his measures tested, and pay
the Government im part for the protec-
tion this inspection affords the public.
The duties of such an official are out
generally understood. He le looked up-
on by many as a sort of official leech, as
odious to a tradesman its the publican
was to a pious'Jew,but when it is known
that the inspector has
in the result of his teats, but is paid a
fixed salary. perhaps his position will be
uiore appreciated.:: However, we don't
know of any patriot who wouldn't take
a similar office to -morrow.
In a recent conversation with Mr. W.
J. Hayward, Inspect..: of \Weights and
Measures for Windsor Divisen. who
with Mr. Marentette, Assistant Inspec-
tor, is performing his duties in this
town, we gleaned a few facts regarding
1 their work which are interesting. The
Division comprises six counties, viz:
Essex, Kent, Lambton, Perth, Huron
and Bruce. A general inspection takes'
place every two years, when a thorough
test of
tvnaa WEFi:HT AND MEAsURt1
used in the division is made and fees
charged, varying in price, from 5c to
to 15e. A reduction of 25 per cent
is made on all scales, etc., found to be
correct on any subsequent general in-
weights are charged for when tested, and
this u the point that is most unpopular
with the honest tradesman. If any scale
richt lone libelee from a Veined ere-
Tuesday next will be ubeerved as s
civic holiday in tiudeiich, and a choice
of places to spend the day in is offered
to pleasure seekers on that occasion.
will issue excursion tickets to London
and return at 81.50, and to Buffalo and
return at 82.50. The traits will leave
Goderich at 7.30 a. nt. As the Buffalo
"tickets are good to return on regular
trains' till Thursday, those who choose to
.visit Niagara Falls have ample time to
do so. London tickets are good only for
August 29th. The return train will
leave London at 5;50 p. m.
will be the attraction to -those who du
not wish to.take advantage of the excur-
sions. The 1. O. O. F. and Encamp-
ment will 'miracle in uniform and go
through a series of evolutions at the
grove in the morning, and in the after-
noon and evening a quadrille band will
occupy the pavillion for the accommoda-
tion of the voteries of Terpsichore. A
gate fee of 10e. for adults and 5c. for
children will be charged, and picnicers
bringing their own provisions can be sup-
plied with hot water and other necessa-
ries on the erouuds. Tickets can be ob-
tained for 25c. guaranteeing entrance to
and refreshments on the ground. A
series of athletic games are also in con-
templation "0 the occasion.
sons o Ole a warms
ncar the Miami_ Ooderlch townshl on the a university Milk J
welt et Wed y. Aug Nod. tent. rind for Mrs. Fletcher s at. s.«M-' t
eke rttso•(Iry tIN .rarnn. Thr wag w -
nwas tone- orae rebicle iniad t•e J. j"'* ls es gill 'v-
1.iovo. ~ 6th. Another
on W
assistant in Engli
.a 1 u boo been secured.
free for the halancr of 1 .
Sinter beat Duce. and get full benefit dans
Monical. -
1J ppb 1112
5 , tl l te.. Q the Royte a
im et
C, and rtaldeeee
OPP0•4q fa'tsy"s Hotel. Hamilton street. dod-
T11t **L KeAsN,, PHY9101101N, 8
)thies' kilts es odd door we»so
,K _ 1161.
0. 11[&CKID, M. D., PHYSI-
asd Aeeoeeher, Otatlaste
e Canter
ad, Oo tae Leh 0
05 •,•
. A
Mr. W. R. f the Mitchell Ad -
of noon and ex. Davis,+ 1
marry of Doderieb, to Agnes. fourth
daughter of the late Wm. Tweeetie, of
Glasgow, ticotland and sister to Mr. Hob
ert Tweedee, Probate Judge of Pembina
consty. l lakota.
James Sbtawko, a big injin, was on Bret -mom. -Several of the members
SM.r'day chanted with carrying a re- of the Alymer and London Bicycle Club
volver. He pleaded guilty and was sent passed through town on Saturday morn -
to gaol for 24 days. ing en mere for (lnderieh, says the :Vele
11,'ba incense and other perfumes of the , En'. They left Lender at half -}est fire
Bible will be AtleetIbt'cf at the lecture in on Friday
supper; thederode .to Exeter, a distanan ce
of thirteen miles, after dark, without
hmtern., which they regard as a high
compliment to the road over which they
travelled. They reached Olisltow about
urate s 11 a m.. Saturday, ant ,Holl to Goderichfor dinner, lbs
Mr. Joseph Kidd is said to have rale- „din time s* to Point Farm, havigR the
ed 900 huchels of wheat, or about 32 whole distance --set enty miles -Is i M
b e1■ an sora, from his farm adjoining hours. After stepping at the I'blRt
Ib ipternatlesal Salt Werk& Farm they returned to London, via BA -
Knox church this evening. Go early.
Chair will he •aken at R
Mr. Andrew Whitely, sr., Goderich
township, has purchased that pretty new
residence of Capt. Rhynes, on Newgate
et. furnished a it stands.
We regret to barn that Mr. Charles
dirvin, the highly -esteemed Reere of
Wawanosh, met with a serious accident
at' Monday of last week, by falling from
pe boom o st'the threshing floor. His
londition lest been (chid) since the
time of the accident, and two medics'
tlh hale holt contend in attendant's.
melte who with two of his sons, recently , t
went a week at the Point Farm, thus
discourses: -"We know of no place
where a person can ►i.onol R more ',Hew-
ett time during the hot slimmer months
Farm,-than at "Point Far," a most charming
spot on the banks of Lake Huron, six
miles north of Goderich. The grounds
are delightful. and the building large,
clean and well man ed. Fur the con-
struction of the building and outbuild-
ings alone it took half a million feet of
tumher and two hundred and serenty
kegs of nails. It is laid nut in the most
modern style, and the wonder is that
Canadians do not patronize it more ex-
tensively- Here the air ie always cool
breezesand exhilirating; the fresh breezes from
the waters of Lake Huron keepingthe
atmosphere on the hottest day d ht-
feBy cool. The time is dplesMDtly spent i
On Sabbath last religiottsa seretess were
eonductetl byy Rev W.WOW"Presi-
dent of the Methodist O.Juuu ae1 who
with Ms family, were gtseb sof the
bins at the time, and at the close a col-
lection was taken up. which the genial
proprietor of the "Farm intends to sp•
pcnprlate towards the purchase of a hell
orf a Presbyterian ehurelt elem. be
As an instance if the importance of
The Lawless reticle."While we here in Ontario can hook
in at fruit store windows and see puny
peaches offered for sale at 5 cents a
piece, the people of New York and vicin-
ity aro being importuned to take
peaches, rosy, plump and juicy, off tho
dealers' hands at 40 to 50 cents a bushel.
peaches and cream at those prices ought
to be a desirable dish in Gothanm's
restaurants.'" -[Toronto World.
Our esteemedceutennporary, while re-
volving upon its own axis once in every
twenty-four hours, might pause to recol-
lect that a tax of 40 cents a bushel on
peaches does not tend to make them
cheaper in Canada. --( Advertiser.
septi -annual meeting of the clergy of
Huron held their chapter in Exeter on
Wednesday 9th inst. Members resent,
Rev. Rural Dean Hill, M. A., Rev. W.
Henderson, Rev. E. J. Robinson and
Canon Innes - Bishop's commissary.
The Incumbent was appointed Secretary.
pro tent. The 3rd chapter of Romans in
Greek was read and discussed very fully,
the presence of Canon Innes adding
greatly to the interest and profit of tho
he talue of having an exact weight, we ! meeting. Apologies were received from
namention the effect made on a con- 1 the absentee clergy. whose "loss" to the
mon platform scale by any deviation chapter was greatly deplored and was
from Rctual weight on the part of the j certainly not "their gain." An expres-
sion of deep sympathy was voted to Rev.
Mr. Mattnews in account of his long
and severe illness; also a heartfelt vote
of thanks to the Canon for his able ser-
mon. The next place of meeting to be
Blyth, snbject--"Churchmanship.'" A
prayer thereon by Rev. Mr. Craig, of
Seaforth. The evening session was held
in thechurch at 7.`21. An exceedingly m-
teresting paper was read by the Rural
Dean on "Christian giving. -The sub-
ject was then well enforced and illustra-
ted by the Canon, end practically ap-
plied by the Incumbent. Notwithstand-
ing the smell attendance, owing, we pre-
sume, to the wet weather, the meetings
were anything but dry to the clergy and
people. - [Exeter Times.
forth, on Tuesday. A feature of the
trip worthy of note is that in going to
Goderich Mr. Doolittle rent up the hill
at Hnlmesville. a very long and heavy
grade, and in tetnrwing all the members
of the partyrode their wheels down the
many hills between this ]place and
(oder-lob They admit that the rods thrnngh.
ti `. '"w the' We to me our of friend avowed out Hums meaty ate the iron suited fur
C t>tttawwov 7 r innr wain ytisk, - #,! hierele riding ' 1 firm ,n u tntar,-
little weight at the end. Every pound
(placed at the end of the beam means 100
Iles. on the platform. if a pound weight
so at:ached lacks an ounce, it inakesal
difference on the platform of alo,ut 6
lbs. The one-hundredth part of a lb.
would make a difference of rine lb. on
the article weighed, and at on in propor-
tion to the size of the scale.
must he used for every quart measure of
capacity. The inspector has to destroy
a number of unjust measures itt every
town. Some traders are found who at-
tempt to hide them. The fine for using
any other than the imperial mea-
sure is s heavy one. It is a pity that
the inspector has not received authority
to destroy all frait bones under imperial
sire. There is no mockery se hollow as
( the bottom of a smallPruit box.
in garner of various kin std bathing.
IIEt%v warner..
We were not s little surprised when first
told that 111i rector frequently found
Halo over 4. But it is a sad com-
uintary'se brawn nature end ,oar's
Dtrtncttr OrTRATION. -On Wednes
day, Mrs. Stanton, wife of Mr. Jobs
Stanton of Seaforth, had a large Tamer
removed from the left breast. Tb.
operation, one of considerable di$oulty,
was performed by Doctors Stewart, of
Brumfield, and Campbell, of Ilhaforth.
Mrs. Stanton is doing as well se possible
nnder •he eirentnstances