Lucknow Sentinel, 1888-12-21, Page 2• ". • ' 1,7ba. ,e liftee-clitletmeet This *elf 0011!loOked at the Christer*, kroe, ,.!'5Tri,i)W4: • . rwr.;,142 r a; Bytlael • , Where's whilllir old pair else Of WhIellelearly lecheatee ' .11'hat theyle Meant fora boy of illiontinr ISM them PlEdiaiwial)rieet it: Then oyer there la a dandy driltet, ' •• Whieb Vitt rIkt.her led to. belleve'arill cisme Sy. and a printing -press and type 1 See„ watch wonldbeabout the Wing, tno. , just tor ,. , • " That clipper, sled looks mighty iltio, • - And 1 id?Quidn't wiinder Utho were utine, • And rei rather inolined to think; from tin looks th1eel..0 that rzi. set, that be* Of 4094 • 11 And the shotgun up there:behind thetree rm tuiffhtY Ogre le.deetglied for iiie,,,• Anctilut earner', and the lia•eball bat Are 'corning to me ru. bet my hitt" strr, The e#1144awent. to another bOY • And .loaded him: up with peaceful. oy,. • While, the 0.880 Of type antl thS • ' • ,V11Ie8 his eotisin Tont with happute4 ; And, the nickelled skates, tee :britbet Jim dtemarked, With a grin, be ringed to him. • And the dandy drum and the elipperaled . Were both designed foible coneln. tied. liut when the smallbay sadly saw.: f• • • The shotgue,ga liedrOPPed his jaw. • And dole: ul, indeed., beoarne. hie, looks, ' !When he 108t.IiIserni oe tha box:of hooka,' thing that simply knocked Mei ,04t • • Witt tlietstet: be: mbieed tbe besebe14.1461. ' All thatgladdened.theanisil hers life • . • Wae•a oteldtbee mut a new leek PIRO. • ' -the.13;tyll. ho have nor:rtmthil/i h5p. thr: °ugh': Lora hope that this emall boy wean t.yott 1•• ' Its Marriage a rallure ? • Beeinse the. cake IS netullisYSlight, • • . or the if eitioned soup exmitly riga. •• ; 33ecauee•at the °Mies some husbotiditrail Me.. triends,Does Cooking. fail? Because sontetintes 'Our friends grow • \, • Pull:many & friendship's anell has to/led. ° And its rosy hues grown "she pale,. .• .• ,Liaten ttae---poe3 friendship fail?' Becouse:ene.motket is wickeder weak. • . Though it child in vain shotildsympathyseelt, • And.'home, and. children naught avail, • • • Antiwertne tide -Dope mother love. fail?•' . _64•Why, itO1"; fon say, '• the beek' id in feidt; .Netteenet, Soda °KW() much salt; •, Ahd treaty Mende thelellie outweigh, .• l'reitnereseVug ttor trAendshie,feuSo'' you ear• , . • Anitutether-love is thwilitnpf ens hope, ' „ Neught solthits grandeuranil power'can cope; • - fl One seltish"ncother you've found to -day; 'Btillinother,IovadOWi notlan4Lyoni 1.1 marriage afailtirer now salt! The plower has/roved a world-wide. teak.; Bits esti we not ndtu .in arriage•marred. tense geleer heshan 8,, incompetent wives ? Theusbands and wives are the Mere.: yeti seN ' liimettly.lovettuned heerts etre. harmony.; • .. , • Twit soubltinitekno dark: secrets ' 'Thon•Whb Would saki, ‘f Has ma e falled.W ' cut urion 4e.w019Cei„ etrtlek uP all _ _acquaintan030-. fairshaaA30#-0, \gelte.M.044etrer \r'7°r1"114'71174jr414 , may aPPearlifore anY Man:Wilton Whicili he fret" ti-41104101-746611r9u847 47W-ifeZaVe.7 ft at 70008. MY1,3044 'With the Mpi. farietx ef. Utiles; but lirettently it beoante &Oahe is thenoeforwar4 governed by oreerional • the .saMe mend and, ,09,de se She "It s singular," heocedinned, otterwe cabers. kid .41,aoltanged s feW confideflOegt: "that The education of those ,pleies who are PtePle hurl look on a man as thongb h only luxuries 004stitutge. 11'PM:ilia= that Were & 04114, They. Would. Snide efloh oZ fs, ;mamba , chick' by willettei but Often my stone, and would abet:stately leadme in deo by the Ativee or high Ofilcnale,. The the path .to„ fortune and heppiness. I am children are purchased from people of under sureeillenoe by day and by night Obwalden blood; higb.priodare, paid for and I believe the colony enters all tri movements in a ledger. In this respect the Tutlts ere. different," he continued alter few seoonds ; they call for my, services, bat ail soon as 1 am out of their houses, I, am, dead as, far *0 theYare creloetned." "Then. you also have praotioe among the Illahometons ?" I stilted, somewhat surprised, knowing that gargpean doctors are onlytatlied to ittetd Turkish families in very 'eteeptional cases, and then generally only very old men and such as hive, lived in Constantinople 'many yeare and are married. • "Yes,'. hirreplied, 14 I' bore._ more, balls' to Turks *on to Europeans. Hy practice Is extending withthe former" : • . "No doubt .a paying practiee,". I ten - "Very, but difficult," he replied • in his tanoommenicative manner; "she women rout expected to treat when'cov'ered by Ithe veiI, and that is impossible. I declare 'my "nobility to* help them under snob circumstanoes, and that isgenerallY effec- tive. With grown! and sighs the veil ia .removed, and what it had hidden would in most cedes better have remeined cetera." "In mOst cases, hut' not in all 2" I in. terrapted. . • . , "No, not in QV' he-. told peneitely "for thegreatest beauty here lasw un. veiled. She was a alive, •P he added, and into his eyek there came a peotiliar light: 'lie liked his -.oyes thoughtfully on the. ground; and his. slender, nervous hand played excitedly with a paper -atter. The expreasion of his fade had suddenly. brows sosingular that I felt , a. great dear° to heat more of that slave -gal. , Bat from *hie time, he relapsed into his.. wonted thoughtful Silence.Alfiny.efforte tO learn • After,' that ' ineeting, . weeke .Pteeed : *Wont ....%-iny : , I ' .nian, again, Then we Met again on sev,, Orel .0ocasicine,, bat. I. took care not tit • Put any fluelitiOntolcim or e7shiliitc desire ' to learn Inything, hedid not tiolenteer Isc import, end by &erect We become exoellent acquaintatices.• Bat 1. myeelt. knew, Oben: lately nothieg ,Of ntY ,friend, . except thea , be 'had.' b_een_Lit,_ApractisingAiltyttiois • 'Bettie. had 'fottglit a duel :anditesterely. wOrinded MO Opponent, in officer ;'• had fled. ts Greece and had 'then tome here a • year ' 1.1EAUTIFOI NEN. .,. One day Dr. Frannie asked Me whether • I•knew Where' bet:wield obtain a tittibiozi . „IttilltIlIdit'S,t94 fio* 4,6 Land translated jute) ' Gerinen# I happened .to • have the *glum° he needed' and Ovehim. ' of 'the littremi.',:.. . • the book,:• After's fessi day', lieconlided to. `...it'i knetevierthy,tind that; in Whe hiehidyro-highly-otiltifetedow, who, me thit'theloOk waa destined tiihe react •dietall nouritrY. 'You. : mity. ,be plated, the nesi cleated. to' ,Icirm nay enptaintince, ' return fchiltamisisilWays .bilegt .With it I' detimmissioned biro ..,to-preeent ,lie 'reboil mil °theme en demist and hinny ' '.... Christ cheer- OM' hero a lt. jaw ;A ..:1_st sr, hoeee. fitted 'tip. in she POIntieLian •dreamY arlasy: _L____- ' stylkteit•hthe-lineek-titate,-tlioughpleintr , .. White „--CninitibitMopleweint anything lied, With ' a cserteiti ,, eolorlesi severity... I' • lint tt!Om ,•glee& , „It' hes 'nothing Of the frond.' inagivifioentlyformed woman; With inclor, 0 , northern climate, and' Janke an intellectual face and great ,:blesikeye*-- . together, ii. eialted •stillneeii-of • -snow- , °leer, • dark, ',..,..fiety: . and .- deetir..thati • . , creaniy. hills, • an deeply POsseseed, rare 'powers of .fascinetion.. I buried fOres : It halthe chatecier'otan. envied. my friend and feared for ;him is the • , . • pthcirtive sP "Shia. Can sclera:sly. re.sist the minis tune, for this•v#as a wcimanwhOreight ..-- --: teniptsitiem t " Ipso 'int0. Vtal.*interi.Bat bring the most exquisite'. joy or the. moss : • there,are •puttinterv,ale daring Which eXquisitep_ith to the Min.'whO. falls -within, ' ' • : ' .. is Mild, blue.A. ineist.coverathetesidence herltiligi•o apliiiii: -, . •• ' • • 8 Sultans e'ininamte..ond : ,mosque- She greeted we eintplymid cordially.: We . _ Ttlatiiit, tilliiii7 °Perth' and the waters talked on.; wide variety of .toPies, and I. ..', sit the•GbIden ripde. (bitingly at the ainiredthaprofothid knowledge ' end the • ::feel:Of everganitt reflecting -with di'z-. confereational.poWere she displayed. • And .21ing effeetthelo bled otethead. withel•shewee, trely vioncanly. • . • . ' . . .. .. . ' ,, ; • - It,traleuat i . in the middle of De-. : . " I bite blite eieckings," ; she. retnarked, •' ninateer, 18791'. vi • tinging, .in the readc"! • vi/50 Moly 'study in order to boilitt of their ling•r0Otn.01tha e - . Club at Pera, that.- knOwledge... As,,fo.r me, I want' ta. be able X Met ' it fOrreer. • lance, 0 young tnenilyze .the phenonisilia of life, anti to ..phydeitintlif '.Whont bed for flame time this:end I' need Science:and Art.:: My pad ...Iett :Constandriopics: liest itittliti.tt011itki .thet be' ,hod not. life, Whinli Was Li7glitkiii,Eit desert, 'Land thy. ... . . , relent Statue, POnarmegt tnein, ,‘ thin 000.•- ." Dr.. Olin' Fr011.. ,sisen an-interesthig- teationr---1" ' liciglif 'Oak,' theY, eompet 'it.. , , men,: Tell and. mend Odor°, hiS reeY What else . then : I • 'do? 'How , •utilize' , tam Wei reinarltabie ' a pair et, large, My . . Wears?, 't . hate. •••nothing . 'frci . Cahn; biciiin eyes_ tiint,: ' Idenide beard. But wha • higlY With hie lialibbn aireneddlOrPldleitl:: ,allaar8'nilinfIntl°44..... •ithottlY.libvye talialay . a:: chircioisceni. recterized the 'Weiej .a•woman, Who *la loved and re. num tris the inystic 'eel hie Manner tutned that love, ' then Probably , I Would almonds ,tohtiel'epetisvntzetto.h:o. on a...hia,:...s. He spoke, lilioienoek.., ot:140...i: t.e.:.;.hi'incylveihnebgosaii.itio.•ieth....iwifersoi.''1 7•'''''7"t".‘"7.''''.777-7,-.".'77.--7-kelittiOtieiehlteltettire elite ,:a the ond noblest deattnYof Women," And With •• • . A ' ' •' 0114tat,o1 ;the LOttonc_,Sit, .. ,r‘roited is, courteeY Wem" ' ' • re . were as these 'woad: she gate ..my friend 111 clikk ' , glint*, ftd1 of fire. ' . .: - .. • - . - Thht Wee•the'•inbre.eingabl,' Ir. Fr• ain. ...-hfy visit came 0 an end an .1e,:kecim... 1 eaten had; daring` bisf. ... Year ..jottrii, et pe".ted from . this extratindinary wOutan VonstmitinePle,' auTurea • reptite With feelinge of actinliatioa, and the rata- •., ,ameng Ilie4ortyign.residents;a8 „, yeiniin. tionsi of :my friend to her • began . to 'burden without spottrenilY anY 'ex' on his iny been: She 1 , hived. .hlut--..bit , he? . Own part,- for he Was' smika °A rt Silently he :took his leave ot her that iii hie diode, at card ; Whores' ' P ' n11'1: .7 eicinem.seepaticl to take tis dep went , *atoning, eptimently'lostitt dean and' heavy • .beidth its pace, so. that :' people a nn'. d ' thought" , #30411d. enoe hi hhtabilitY Oil*: .ba .0: l'OeAjwseas!"tleaczet' i6one4iall..0 ':.hiff.1* ' .44:cue'llsOP. Pem!retl.. • 1 . , , ..,. .acperaL.k.. kitoeicien..lireOtthcoectree,thindeeaff:4rt464•9 • not., medt .. 'him nowhere, and •. even'•' the' . .stin oW fitiled.:to see litre.; That lady, it is .4 • otta Money -me d rue, answered iny ingthrineafteroarinutual With such bright PrcesFe9", into the y. friend with a calm voice and c tilde raso•. circle% and eSPeciallY net; bet her fact Wee more a thin bitted inittriegettble dinghtert„._ul,,br her eyes ,,,were surrounded by dark riogi Striistio tripe were for "u". 'n' ,ifher features bore the erptessiion of suf. • ,JAdasireugnhottearefetmatillpinettaire, sisg'hoefd 51 ming. • For a month I oould not get eight • but little effort et disgtitse., TO this acsety,''.ott the border land betw • EtirOpe and, Asia, Dr. rranzeen f $111ed. all the demands :or courtesy au tuua breedingthore: than that,h0 praden •-••'" -.•Yathe.4:'..".nis-uebeasufg--,-siwother;', -ttolovial :- brother, lovely, lovable and , rich •:daughter' could lead him.. The diecherge of hie social datiet wits simply the mechani- cal °bedtime& of tinavoidatile forms. •• • ....The young Dr. :Pranzeeil seemed to live t ,only for •his profession, and his lonely._ ' *rake; but Love is a sharp:40d gocl, or a blind according to Circurlidances, end ty. • • • it Wee reserved for. the energy and elyneea did of the thingliter • of Letantine banker oho. t my. friend: • 48 develope d Won,' dial talent to staid •teeetieg ,nie, .for he ill Went his pr.:49410-nel rounds with • . . army, bus. despite ill my ',pains '.and oes I failed tc, meet hi ni either on the t Or ilt.,Pleces he Was Wont to frequent. vertheless the , air Wks fell of rumen t him, 000 01 Which was to the effect • e .Wasi a frequent visitor at ',the house ate Wide*, and this lie Wits Wadi. th, One of hot *laves. Although dilation alaver,y, Ind 'above e• . shire trade. iii • Offitially Cetistaintinople, in 'reall- y • exists to.clat Plat oi it years eines, bet it taust...,,not • who'fran'inertelly; in love with•the ,biond good For thie there is, „' deceit; discoVat thet he frequented the could, %mum • the Thrldeh 1161014)61d heed of a young widow living in strict re"- Tar " without fondle Otani; • No thateent, and that he hid piffled *twit ,pestrt nO Turkith girl, who ireeld Wet'y tog evenings 'the. Thilidyrirlreferts table, may appeer mirsib•ra- uuittre °I Sweden; Hts: Fleti CitlsOn hold In _en tbe ford•of the 'bottle. lby 'name,. was the pjaantor of .4 .•• large the vra•ne .4sclintli the house, give hertnne and, WM rernariably' hindsoino; that aii "Maar 5" „Oa" mire) but the wee ell het hated by the Ettropianit &awhile resent,. .not.hte wive* • betanse '01: the,' ittudied move Whiell'ehe and 4114 reitintained, hitiord the society cif Pete. bend the : All Shit hed biotin of My Countrymen hold 'wastkb • r. ake• refuge behind the veil Being' thus enema - est pedorm spe, boom - be tl*y fio a necessity, Affarid Pa01211 h I'vid°117' andsome and intelligent. 'let:king ; she recrelfee. a careful &luso- tiOn. and instrnotion in • the languagest; mush) and dinoing, en well as, in some ot the arta, if she display any talent that direction. Arrived at a proper age, the girl is sold into a rich, and aristOonitio family in which the virtuous highly educated.. physically, . and intellectually developed girl ocouree moat anomalous, position. She waits upon visitors, enter - *sine them, ancl le an article of lustily jest Ite are in our elegant diawinglooms, the paintgsge, of celebeated mastete. Such a, slave summit be bought for less then 116,00.0 - Not infrequently theee young women merry Men in high atation, 'and. some. have even become the mothers of sultans: ' • , Stitch a speculative edneatdonal tion was possessed by the Widow of ,Estionf Paella, and Pr. rranzeen hid been selected, by her ad physician to the house. Thil*ae most unusual,: bus of live of her pupils who had lain prostrate with typhuti fever, he had saved all. Prom that time the Turk- iah kdy placed tuslimited confidence in the young physician, and he peid regular visits an a house which othervnee was open only to the richest Idahometan buyers• . The rather led meth think. Whr Aid he hide himedf from me? •Why. 'avoid the handeome widow-,. who, he must have known, loved him ? There might be 801120 :truth in the rumor, although in respect it must needi be fakes -one cannot court a slave. It is an iniposeibility for Bitch a girl to follow the bent of her inclinations, torah° is the property of her educator, and. alibuld ehe attempt flight the Authorities ,would oome to the aid of her .,oWner, would find and return her to alavery, and should her lover and abductor be a foreigner *hose ess-Tvite; ;MA lesste-n0 (mato wheel I conerett -405,fo'Mlas iiitir-Vrottlityoiiliave the goodness to call on me at an early date? • trely on your knightlinem. tyielta csalLeeni I hoeitated: not it thontent to place myseli at thadisPositiOn. of the lay, took a oar- riage, and 'drove taller villa. found'the beeuttlat widow looking,. yet more pale, and her eyee hid a fixed, feting expresalon, as though she bad no conoern with her immediate surroundings, hut with something 'far away, • "Do . not, be snrptined," said the after ehe had thanked me for My rea to serve her and my quick response t calls demand something unusu you. Wets it an ordinary m I had not troubled you. XOn. the only friend of Dr. Fran perhape hie confidant -then you re t an I can* tell you. In that case you are aligra dear confidant take that for grouted; and in this capacity invoke your geed oflices. ' Nears L -3 -and she Made an heroic effort to maintain 'her &imposers; but her voice- became Almost inandittle---" iso to th,e,. widow of Eased Paoha and tell her you come as the niessen- ger Of Allarid Faeha-here is a oard---end you wish to Bee Teezile. You are Judge of men and women, I know. Observe° the girl carefully, and report to the what you. thinknf her. appearanee and how, she' int - pressed you. I need not tell you more," she conolinted„ giving utterance to the words, with apparent effort ; I only wish to know how the girl looks, and have not the courage nor the strength ,to confront her." This nommiesion took me aghaet. It seemed, then, she knew all. What was her object in sending me on Shia • miesion ? Did ••ehe Wish ti become acqueinted with her rival? How would that serve her? • Did she' desire to instittite cOmparisons between that person and herself, and did oho wish to. be con. vinced of the possetedon, of, such superior charms on the side of the slave -girl, that. She hope of successful rivalry' would be fain ; or did she hope that: if the o ite With me ler Tensileoshom.,4^cv-he aWareethriftY; the BUM for reiMbureemenb of the outlays for her education. seems to, him. too lire, and he. :helmet make up hia. mind. It is quite contrary to our customs • to pailit the portrait of young lady union , • be destined' kW Oer meet exalted lord, •the Suiten. 110Weter, I will make, la • special escePtio4 Whiter of Affarid FaCha and his olientem. You shall be allowed to . peint Tennile'e portrett, but I. -cannot per. miS youto set. foot in ear house, be it for so lady, ever brief a period, more than t who.," dines She mede a sign to the, Frenchwoman; o her who left the room sod returned Wilk Oa al of 42 maw! dress. • . atter , " This is Tensile," said the -wicks*. ,are , .Thrs. girl was lovelinese itself, the inoor. •poration of youth and beauty. There Was know I herePearn:nnynletitYrieviomebeedth,intghethesont anteso;veda, slender, teat, yet full ,figure--Lithoh, figura as.oly an ancient (reek Sculptor, would seemed OepYing and 'displaying tie the apotheosis of the levelled budding woman- -"le 14, 'The' dirty, unduleting golden- . b °Rae hair; dreatnY, great bleak eyes.; #q finely. eurved, gently eloPing. nose; this. Trill gat*, With the faintest suspicion' of Itoyllootreir 00wrintphie, terstbe. filinlli• gnisairrewiettontherOtlythoi .• her IPPearance. • • ••• , • were the °see the, man:, Charmed only b external appearances, Would ...Ohio erto 14.3d•retnfli SO, her 2 But the lady's. char er °rheas her • entertaining each, oughte or meditating each deeds...2;i1het, en, was her Motif° lot We:carious Mile - u ? Her. feelings war': ttio desPik fed ,fer the gratification "of ordinary rfoeity ; that Wee proved by thb °Motions aiiiextioogiteMnihno itheth ei.diaj314hYediWainiheni4hao.' o * woman, and poseibll these motives, nimoted, Would guide her aotiens-- • , " liese-thotights-Trasi-thintrgh thy brain weasPeaking. to me, • - • shall. . endetairer•-•• ,to ce!ry Out ar replied, though ir• fthilltnent. Without dotty, for oneeannot; well' a dasOribe &her potion that a third party Anal Aid:personae she reallY -Yon; ark,•K man and an artist,'" die lied; •."'iiiidriileft .hetiethe truth from • With woman, if sheLegireLibi, edge of human nature in the world, biaelintoe.....74:niedari•• Ire,..H.tin-liamogebea.iisko:*11fTotivanrif.,:irseyx:Bomjcieulthdg:weeio'llenffPgive0Y.m.elmorfi,Ine!.. brOke•-otri•::4474sandepenci on Toe,- she chided' abruptly. ujj Of cOnflicting entotione; I returned he City ---to the Idahonietan quatters. o hetito•of the Pathe's Widow:I.found of the Atmeiden; actieof the exicall streete .shat branch out Item. that ; it differed in .nsi respect from ..the of the T iramregismilardlis'h-letWasstmede'.rein.pdaio-eivited. Waithkon,WOod4oren, studded with great nailer :with a, :madly° ;meeker. ',13atitng the latter in motion, the portal.Opened after some delay.- I stepped into a emell iessibtde,' which' Wats ,perti- tipped' in the Middle by a Wooden grating ellendisig froth floor to 'tolling. : Behind: this wood'en 'grating laded a . black 'female servant, Who demanded my business.' •, I explained' to her .my,. errand, and the. 'sieved disappeared, 'Presentivehe returned with tetioliosni, then carattathrtdoinclifinallY- naiti411111111441ttren" erlichued*C"ra l'onevigclelipartirey7.g.�vTalrte. fOltridcibissadresses. aline arid . Went At, idebeithady in Egropeon'iseetume! With yet. lawrTakkielt Aloe And sherp bleak !veto,. appeared belinellithe grating, subjected me. to. s searching scrutiny /rem :between the bars, 'hegira -my Mention 'of Atha Pacha's nime. -which : or-ow:we Turkish Writhe written on the : nOw naked how my friend coals:thaws become intoxicated by the breath. of thia child of a southern Moe The gentleman is to paint 'you, , little • daughter," explained the Widow. • Tensile made a graceful °outlay, and a lovely blush spread over her cheek. ' "1 am not *very Pretty," she began in geed French ; "I have a yellow face; my' friends Serbe.and Darie ere much Prettier."' • Her voice •wae wonderfully- elastic and °Wed. , , , 11 The gentleman has a cotimisaion to •paint you for a Prankish lady, Tensile," thei widow eatd ;• "" he will only oome twice, and you Must, therefore, sit quite still," she added.' . . Tensile henther head in mead. y IF1t 005 trouble you long," . r eddreasing mYselt ;to the beiutiful dove "1 dual only mike a flying sketch todtsy... Xottever," continued; •serning to the wideiv.settin, laneoessary that I ahould• reenters°. With the young ,lady, for thus thit , • eoel; whfich, must.speak eilt Of the 'face, re, vela itself, to, tei, and I beggeur eonsent ttl; . Shit end/' • r. • I. • , • The Pache'e widow consented. • " Tobing Out my notebook; which for the nonee served as reltelehbOok,. I sketched' • ', • • the outlines of the , faee,-itteanwhila---- , sonveressieiiith her on various topics.. She • 1 shovied a, sharp •intelligeteie end not an= Common lthoWledge, • eftcir the fashion Of young, relined French *omit brought .1p in °entente,: and it "childlike; affectionate heart. Me she observed thoughtfullY and :With lottriosity. ' Her •peisled, earnest, tont expression ;filled me with .kuidnese, almost with Icould not bear to pro- • long the Sitting • „With "deepeat sympathy ,Deek_niy...leaveLfrom4this-girli--wItc4-it °restate of GO like ourselves,Was irgS nalY a thing, with no .Controtoeer her own'tde , -*-4ireated, Unquestioning, 'the Will • I ehowed "fromn}her expression, had visited kw' me iinpatioritly,-she sketch, sindieported Wbj I had iseeni• learned, :fell . and thimght, at . belnalYi dispassionately, and Objebtively as poisibie...• She Minainedepeechleerwhile spokti, then: eaddenly *alight My bend.' bent over tt,and1 .kissed it hefore • I coutd , • draw away • hot tear; .1 w Idid tisetthnryiegherle-hr-berliand,"---- kerchief; she hurried from the room ao egal punishment might gallae d,iplomatio 'th trotible, he wonld Aerate. and ,silently die. th appear, Meier 40 seen spin:, Renee sio there could_ be no ..thought of coureship. vol Shia ease. Bat Mle Aver of getting ett 'possession of such a giil wait open'to a' Ad foreigner -to buy her, and 19b0 is not per- qu Misted to .keep a slave or' it :mietress, to •Wa martyher.. # • . , CO • I kriew my friend to b�. witho t_:means,1 —T Orinalte been able to aoothnidate, much whp Money doing his one yeat!e•sojoarn in Per. " Row :then. ocitild Ile indulge smolt, idle yo fancies ? It is true Dr. • Pransieu was a the Peonlier Man, that I know right :well ; bat diffi foolish be vise not. In; all his undedekings ano he hid it choir, attainableend in view ; and see yeti Was much' daturbed by 'hia: conduct for the pest few weeks. • : . • One' day •L -I! was just reading mY' hence. • Yon pa'per in the Gerniart_olub-room÷a-heed- thee wag had upon My ehoulder, and looking up end 1.wits surprieed to bee the lostione standing don it my aide.. He .looked thin ind worn righ end his attitude was leas elastic than, for! She merly;•• •'• • • we take take Aiwa& 7" he asked, .,itt a . twinsewhat ,tremulotis voice. Xis • I declered willingnees, •and we' took to t thaturn to the old bridge. -For 8Q1328 time Th he walked intently by my . side ind 1-101- eaet IoWed his exoniple, when neeeently side clamed,. excitedly : .• pram "Von are Will kimivn in financial:circles rest here.; doyou know any One Who viould losin -ine-15;000-frangslare•Oar ,?''Tr would tike to borrow that sum and pay the mind interest:P.': • ; • • '"Then, afterall, the duper is :correct ?" I Could not help saying.; • , What' rumor ?".he *eked exaltedly. • • "That yeti areialote with a elave.girl." "And if it were esi ?" "I thought you had oth•e•r aims inid &La• - •4; I had deceived ' mYaelf," reified Without 'leaking up " wiut blinded by the aoid, the otiginali% thp_depfluind the importince-orthClady ; • I was fascinated. by her "individuility. Bid now a great passion has taken pessession of the whole man in me -,-•it is true Icive T one infatuated. svith a dierining being, fait of youth And fragtanCe ; like a May.: flower ; the . perecinification of youth; epring With all its: sp'iritual and material chsrmAr_,LBheAte4..., •slave-girlrit-is,truerar pi:Tito( the widOw of Easouf Pacha. bus I ate determined to lcuY• this girtitiutmake her my wife," . • •," Ara you certiiii that your love is' re., turned ?" 'I iiiiked. • • •• ' ' "1 tenoy I cap read love in hereyes-.to stieak of love !I have es yet been utiebte, na. der she' peculiar. 'conditions : that Obtain in Turkish lipaseholds. She cede down her eyes when'I .accost her, while the *others locket nui calmly ; she blushee when I ap. preach her, and her breathing ia hurried; she trembles whenitoke her hand' to feel her 'peke; and she is allaya the first I see when I enter tbe hoed. :11 discontinue • nty visits for a little Whlle,_elie perceptibly revives oninyretnin•-•,•that I have noticed.", " flan you, than, hid an understanding :with Hre. Cadet:et 2" Ltd& royeel.f .called upon to AA. • • , • • "That is impossible," he exclaimed et; citedly ; " wbsit shall I tell her?, Whet can I tell her 2 We are as' good... es be- trothed. She is tin. extrarcainary Women, 'remarkably • handeense, rich, highly cal- tivated7--but a Certain g ahe licked &heap! ; she' 'never, • bewitched me, never dnsW Me into such a delicious whirlpoel of all raj.: senses is does 111U:quiet, yOuthful creature whom. I have before my mind's eye wherever I eiri, Wholes' taken possestuon of niy-intire being;'With tliat.lady etfll possessed the newer of thinki'ng ; here I. am entirely without will." ' . .." But as a mon of, hinter you , owe thid lady an eithination, 'r vuutaredlo Pemi' him ; "go bravely te. Mre. Carlson and tell her . " I. cannot doh," he.groaned. 1"Then write•her, at least." . " l',_hat Would be eowardiy ; ',could not -bring nifself to do it." „ • it Then yott will come to giissf' , Ind you may beside. bting rain to two good; 'noble beings," said /, and parte& in very bad hamar teem' a man whoa:add alltitv pailai0A Ius thin:tan A hi* days offerittli. mos - g ' ..a mYeelf to the situation, aicd said 4, T h. it work= Ifni. ciphrioNia., . r.ece4.. lifts" suOb is the hi:4P • ' '".. Card, and retited, aftereaybigaleir;tirme, •ithintelligible' :weirdo to one of the,lblack servants. The 'wooden' grating .opened, and beckoning me to follow,' the old negrecis ascended I narrow, dark,stone stairstay. r;roped. inY,,,way up 'the, steps:and again' foundniyeelf before a woOden grating; thie was 'opened ty the rimless with key. that hong front's. steel chein areind her neck, :and =mini a grotesquely deccitated.. dark follairiog on the hello of my bleak reached large room, aleo dark. The names went to 4 Window, lifted a hats"; Csurtain to 'hilt light, and invited me, ivy a geetnre, to wait there. • I now hid.leisure lOok around in the arge' space: It ' wad impressive in' Its` baldness; The walls were painted in a bluish oil -color. tipCn which .were • sketched ati regular distances gendy hirde of piradish; reeking, theineelves on &dna of ninee.' On the wale:hung 'a . few.. oil paintings4ortriitd.ol the Sultan and of she flermen and Austrian Emperors three quite Modern 'Peri** Wei, great niers°, and an eno'rnsocis; gayly colored paper, Ilan; tern,' attepended from the Ceiling, &tn. Listed tbe furniture of the room: •• • the Turkish lady ptheently returned, Pe ampanied hy the Frencliaromatir and traduced herielf at the mistress of: the honer,. She 'spoke very faulty French, and the governed waa windily to tiot im[ terpreter, . sioided to the Widow that I Could speak Turkish quite padably; She emited pleasimtlY, ' scratinis' ecl tne. still more Critically out of her. OoilhliiCk' eyrie; end pointed to." a0fa OppOaliA her. • "You wish.tO see Tensile ?" begin the widatir, When •ive Were seatiod. On oornmislion." X haiku:led to say._ "Affarid Paola pains her portrait OE Etiropean lady Who. iss usuch ieterested in the otoellent gi'rl." . I Wee tiortiewhaf taken aback Oyer this' ttnerpeeted iaveitincent, with the painter's stiati-r sealptisr-4tat cluickly adapted followi Tart 16) ns".131sd the Ta• cks _. Sad et heart, Lief& the title and:walked homerWondeting What wise tavoine . 'opt of : • , .all.thlit &am. ' , .. • .•• • • • I turned mylitepe triWird the fume' Of any 'friend, • He was out ; • had left iiii : lodgings het a few minutes before. ' Bet I. .. found 'there a note addressed 0 m9 that",.' -, Watt juSt ti5 have dent me ; ite °Contemn tseitedi;ay Nana ind purpOttes. •.; • --; • . ; 'Deer friend," wrote Dr. Franseen, '4; r feel.' Wary' ; 'IonelY: • .' TOimotrol be -.--.7- Chtititmeer-I-honeyoffiTticative no epgage: . ment for the day. Shell We ttio ...forealien smell ,spend the evening tegether, in 'My. . guiders ?'• I:shall expect. Yen,. it yon do . . IlOt at °nee decline the'itivitation." . The ath Of, Dedeintser proved to be a. hernsing day ; 11 18 true the heevene Whirl. . . Vainest, but through ..the eneelopiog !.._,...og .. • . - • here 'shone a gentle sunlight tbet nveesso...........-- vetythuir-witii it . dpeemy inspect.. *hp -• - . tipole-Crovened honed of the great city, an '. welted 'the faded green hill urn:luting wetere. , ' • ' • • • . , , . I 'forted my friend tittinget the pitino.• ud.W#8 jc031,•tn time'to' hear the hies, tonek# 11 Beethoven ethcata-,he Wee: 'a .hr ijli erformer: Hearing icie; heeprthig up I • reeled me, entirely..unlike himself, with ° '” citement and paesionatemarnals. •, . ' , "11 I had. not that,14 and he pointed tO '. a made, " I,would bete lad tnYreOlitsn' .re ibis." . . `1, &tense you are Perteci, ' ii'.Om "Flora ? '. ' tusked: . .• ' •, "Seem' se' I teel that' 1 8al ecting,,Ine- ' • 1 , .... nsility tO•ward, that lady, end am !soh*. ' Ode tal hapnineas-,perhape,' , ' • Plied;itelf"nitedngly, .half-inquiringlY. ••• . ; It,is.not,yet too late, to calla halt and • :• Ila for'our fetlIto" 1. put in, , ; ... , 1 . '1 cannot tear• myeelf twity,from the, eam Of longing ler. that girl,' he- Sae - h heavy liretith; '11 it :is' only a .dreant ;,' 5! • teallze; for I.shellbe unoble to re* ' alai dOtitadded in , the shert time left' '' s I hetet' found out, from the pachsVa .:.j. ow hartielt, that voriotte grandees" of.41its . , . among them, 'Affarid_., Pa oI tors forthe gitl. Bhp Will be taken l oisi • my honee and wishes are es naught, yet I, cannot gigs her np, "But do you' glue," he: contineed petnfullY, " that . lady viduld heft me . is a prodiol eon 4' • Q you have but a poor intliglit into her ristiter ; it iti pure, refined. and beant • a diembed, ,but in ethieei matter h het stone." • * . .' 13 .t 0 10 a ex hi • e 1 apo an re ato 4 dr •wit the the me, wid city Balme, and ima She The cha like as the sont r, self 44 the ID ea I :Would . • e gently • , The lady loves you," I aesilited, " with • whole power of her, noble, passionate, The !bee likely that the will loWerfier- • by desbendine to my level." Do yen believe you will be hiltI1P3; With' elave ?" I now eaked, involtintarile, in nest, !mighty tees. foreveir--that I do not knot,. But ill ,be en tied ornshiag happiness 'for . Yestre, and such years want so husidred.:. laid," he replied posstreastel ; 4' and yo, 'cannot 'ono t the tett, ppiness by yearft; they am tufo, oak momentte-,.. aottinautiii happiness," "mild put I • . .14