Lucknow Sentinel, 1888-12-14, Page 7• 27- 14. 1777 !WV Nrr, • CURRENT TOPIOSe Bees cities," thevery fipest gort„wleich Attunes in• Minton, •Wedgewood, Crowe Derby, Royal Worcester, 1u -feet, all the beet •makes, gets its name feoria the fact that phoephete of lime from caletned bonea goes into ittiesiompoeition, and helps not a little to prochige ite creamy, tranelment and velvety glaze.. • elet few are the Greek paintings wheal) have survived thatinterest will be telt in a recent diagovery at Mentes of Wall paint. • Inge, amongvhich Jupiter enthroned can be mid° oat, hiving eeeptre in the left i . hand and a Victore n the right. They are suPPosed to letligeh telhe Weed ef. Bohlen domination. • Tent 'cape of a Christian bishop 'ban: doming his creed to emlarace eelemisne ere. Such an apostate is Monsignor Bare - kin, ' A.rmenien-Gregorien bisliep of the • united diocese *of Yurgah, Artakia and Meresoh, in 'Min Meier:, He hail assumed . the naine et , Aohinet klukhtar, and. bit! •mother, who follower' his exediple, known .‘e as. Fatniah.einnire. .• • Weeen a defendant in; Honduree ie els- e• setisfied with the. finding of tcconrt eemetimes 'dims not waste moneyon an sp- ited to a higher trihunah Thus hi Infinite. tan, Honduras, nbelong ego; Doe Salvedee Paiedeetteingworeted to the. extent of $100. , in • an assume:lige case 'brought bee Don Desidiiie Paz, innieediately shot the judge A mievof the late Norman MacLeod; ex: ' eouted by Mi. Hutchison, R. S. A.,is „ about to be placed in the corridor' at Bal. ' uraI, insider 'that Ore the. lite Principal eilloole. Both Of these' illustriene Scotch - men, yrere.favoeitee of the Queen., It was Of Dr. ltfrioe.,eod She wrote in.". Our .Life in the Highlaiide e when referring t� her first kvisit to Balmoreaufter the death of Prince .' Albert • " Rieke': of the „Prince .so mistily and preyed ter um sir kindly thatI _felt a lump in my throat." • • • ' 'Atirionente to Vlnduatrje POrisienne •lanndeynean re the vicinity of Parii has 4ot:reseed re• yery ingeniona 'Method f eleening linen 'without snap. • He • uses no • seep or lye, not obloeine, but • replaties, whio theseerubstaneese-byetctileffepotateekeeeitee. ke eltbri'ehelinen.. This (Melons Pie- , mem it appeal% is enticb. superior...to those e hitherto enipleyed; and the worst -soiled . Cotton, Iihen oreilkeeleaned by this Method? . aro made *biter than they Could be by •, the use of an alkali. : • • • •' • .. Ma, •Ile Beetle Barman, thePresident of the Brisieh ,Pharmaceetical Cenfereiree, • • . . adOta, and recrimmendeeete &aloe/leg plan for the "happy dispilich" of ' poultry. A' • large wide•nionlhed .stoppeeed bottl,e is 'keproharged !,witenn onnce of chlorofereii, .Whensechickenehas-receivedesententeeeof . death, it iaheld firreteentiderehe left arm and ite had 'slipped into the month of the " bottle.. A, feW::.deep.inapirations fellow, • and the hied .viiihout a. struggle becomes -eineonscieue. Then . holding.it by the lege, •' its neck is delineated by a :qtrick.' stretch. • The :plan • is eo "dimple that it Might be • •generallyettlopted. • . , • .• , • • • ' Ammonite' to; the. 'following statistics. Frentienreast,be.peouliarly-blessedevieteree- • healthy °Renate- Tee member .Of perigee; in etteh'19,000 between.. ages -15 and 60 are Feanee,. 5;873.; 'Holland,' 4,084 f • , Sweden, 4,054.; Great-1E0min, 4,7e2 tinted • . Settee, 4590. The hiehest average-ages'oftheIiviig, , are : Preece, , 3L06; Holland, ee ; lecivedene• 27•66; G-reat 13ritele, • 26O5; Thiited •Stetes„ 23:01. Ont of every hundred 'deaths,: hem!) Of persone over 60. are : 86 in Treece ; Switzerland,'34 ; tng- • lend,_80 ;' Beleitine,--46-4e-Penssiaree-1•9-e- , Ansel* 11.• France has tbe• lowest: birth 'rate, Which is e3.8 .,to a, theesene 'Greet 'Beitain, 31; Germany, 3e. ' • ..leete. EDIVARD W. BEIller a welektioevn . eeetistical authority, hat; 'written tin article 'on ehe railways ief the, United Settee, in which he points ont that the'150000 miles ofeailway intlie United States ' embeec• e onwtenth efetheenateonale*ealth„orerrier than shit of .all our rniteinteoteeere, and that theyearly grow; . earnings elf Over $900,000,000 are more than threntimes the • entire appropriations of the national GOv- • eminent, while ehe eirliApyeee.exeeed three- • , gust:ten of a Million:re -men, or more than any standing- army in Europe ..., , . . ktopiknp4a to a eeereepondeet hi the San • - . . . F (deco Chronicle the beet' beenket in the world is hi Wove!' by the ' hiSvajO, Indiana e', These blankete • ere unique .,and curioge, as well 69 durable. and .hence their great •• precee '' Thet-Nevajoete-reise their own 'eleeep, an,d •the " word is catelede open and dyed by themeelves. The very finest blankets are made, however; :of threads • reveled ant of See, *oil' • ehith, called helette, whicl . thetgeiefr, le Old Bleitioo • ‘ et $6 et pound. , he firstclass blanket 'Of this, material • would take a year's ,labor; , and is teethe est:each as $150'. Al inferfor • .! grade may be had as low as $20.. Germane _ ...e.townt...-yarne--Liet- -.118Ael-f0Z.-iler-.00thitIODer •• ;Mite, and ..e. • Veree,ffee article it makes. The eheapeet kind may be had as liivr es • $8, Or Oen 31.50, though it tido° three or folk' days to weave one. • The &net but • • by no 'envies the ,only, •inerit ot thin . blankiplAs„its durability. Seine are knOwn • ich *0 have been . conetant nee. in Pdexitien ' &Moos ftv venty years." •• • . . . . 'a'int„ ground 'on which rbilitlelptill. i Tfielde-ein the world. .Thenely diffi, i,,,elei/' • •iiiiii aniedte-one of the tiehess eete'e . . . _ dotty ,,is teat the' field oannOtte werkeil. Nearly the allele dile is Underlaid With clay to the depth of about ten feet -en area say : ten .iiiilea. square. A Cubic foot of clay,. Weighinge120-houndertakenfromettedepth- of 14 feet Wheittlitecallar be the .12th Street: market wad excavated; was eiradticalle demonstrated to ,contain seven:tenthe of a grain of gold, Or one pound in 1 224,00, ' „The experitrient. Was repented with about • the same results , with clay taken from a brichyare, in the suburbs. Supposing the Whole mese. of play to 'be ' 4 18 4000,000• ' limeade (end It 14 really much greater),rthe • ainoant• of :gold would reach in value ihe • Mierrdocis sem ef $126 000,000. The geavel 10 teltieh ileher itie gold than the flirty., but there is noted 'Much Of it. Undoubtedly' • $600,000.000 wOrth Of geld lies within fifteen :leant thetoutfitee'l and °till i't Canttot be • sea. , • • Queer EN *try to n Valuable Animal -red • Line a Bahpa • A pine?) white Aeltbiee mere that he be fed wise a spoon is One oi the ,ogriooi that excites the ieitereet and eympethie the hureeinee ot Montgomery CooritY• anirnal ; belongs to John M: Wilson; Neenah:MO, and, it is, sufferiug from a m eineeeler fracture of tee jewhone. iejery fa known, no •0, fracture of inferior maxilla ,of the lower jewel? Rewritr to the indoor teeth: Huthhe of the animates jaw are broken 'oornplet riff, and the lower portion of the jaW le n :being held in place by a mask •ef pi pepper, lined with. cotton. The o is exoitipg widespread intt3rest am veterinary surgeons. • The aeoirient to animal occurred laet Sunday night. W tied with 'it 'halter in ita 'atoll • at. •Wilson's freebies. it broke loose, merle w atitigling With the other horses, was kit:, equarely on the front of the lasv. Dr. 0. Dengler, voteriuery surgeon rebid in Nerrietowne Was. aurnmoned; encl found thet the jaw. Waki twistece to one si end.theianirnal eappeared to be stiffer elle little pain. :Alter an examination the hooter°. he reset the broken bo teMpoittrily,• and applied a truss to Mare's head, and then 'bandaged it tight • On Monday Dr. Denglet telegrapheri C. e*, Blank, of E.aston„ and J, &Arleen Reeeeee; eof •• Elarleyeville,. • Montgome .Conety, two. eeteredary Surgeons, whom he had a oonsaltateon. • They ma an exhaustive seeroh of the. arohivea animal .fratitnres; tont • (mold not... find similar cites to the'one they had under d otuation, 'wino both bones. of ;the. jive h • been broken atthe same time, Dr. Deng then • permanently set.the broken jaw, eittire'daY being 1,spent in the operatie The coppermeek is kept tightly pressed the aeitnaleihead, end its. Mouth is kept ,a bnoket otWater to reduce the swelling the jaw; ,The mare is,kept in slings, whi are securely. . attached to the 'roof stable, so, as. to guard against her]) down --to-7go to Weep. -The cianvehe shn will bekept about her body for about fo cieeks ler whieh time Dr. Dengler antic Pates a marked iMprovernent She fra tune , During:that time. it will .be impotie 'bib for the ani eial to take ordinary ,neouris metit, and she will ,be leept on a' diet' •milk, eggs, oatmeithleittereeedegruel:Th „ illeireeilleblieridiiiiiiieteeei -with a apoina, the month -is open, 1:,nt little more than a inch.. Tbe animel is in A. cemfertab position, and. it is belieVed ',that ...by caret nursiegand eurgical treatment ab reaover,-Phikidaphia Record. ing ties 8,01 I he ef feet The the' One nee ely ow, ble see ong the bile hile ked ing nen de • of nes the ly, to Z. ry ith de of is - ad ler an n. to in ill oh he ng get ur cee Ix - of 18 le al 0 _ le'ait or it Came Tree, and the'Remainger • Awaited with loterest: ' •• A bold robbery and/ renearkable .case .of premonition connected. therewith• oe- eurre'd_yesterdity! , travelling man, representing 'one ig the largess : wholeeale -*emery •hoesee. of NeW. Oreittlite'wtie the vial* .being. robbed of .4. fine,gold, Witch , and amine 6700 in wish, third() cheque's aggregating a Considerate° s.um and valuable papers,: Matione Was overtaken when within three miles of Ever-. •green late yesterday eyening by.adark. skinned men with a small grip irehis hand; *he claimed to be 'returning frone lushieettedesitideheeliere-to-wielkebeektu Evergreen • to • take the 'ICitee bome to Mobile, as his. horse - was, .taken sick • :and • died at • Ganes' Mill, on the . eetetee, Mahone let him • ride, into town; and thee put up at the, same hotel; theeerangerregistering ap.Janies Pomeroy, *bile: 'Upon eetiriog.the Beringer called foran adjoiuing., room. When 'Mahone awoke in the Moinitig he friend an emote?, bottle.: 'shelled ehloiciferni• by his pillow. 'Mahone relates thefollowing story • cow -reilieetievehhellieWebery : • he says he is a man of high' nervous temperament; and from Tchildhood. has , been itireeted at inter- vals by a strarigee.senneeensoions, teepee- . like-affectiete derieg whhh he hie visiene of.'different • oconerenoete Which in . their vivid and realietie appearances almost per, suadehim of the. ernth, of the scene& 'Be 'was tio•affectedon Wednesday. While in a trance he saw plainly outlined breforei htaraeroomevietteetterirenelyietifferiffetlie bee, wheal he recogritzed as hirioseif,. it ,to hear. Suebes Heir Illajeley's Wher • per- c wee. is:. .clArkenect room, end •it appeared tole night. YoBy the faint glimmer of light ehrough•the Window heseve Muffled fi,eure stealthily enter Lis: et:Om and abstract a 'wattle, money and °thee valeteblet; from the clothes banging on a Chair: The•thiefleft the room: He saw hen go.off,. seepainely dime railroad. .. Then it seem as though a °toed Passedeiver the Beene for • a moment tine in repid•panOramict seiceeeinen he Dace the party arrested stab' the officter,Oiekt • by superior numbers, confined 111 prison, tried for 'Murder; Oonvicteee sentaed to detttli and hung. 'This dream or ovision Made eopartioelei impretedoe thetime ripen she Mind of Mr. Mahone,' but was deemed merely, a vegaryof the brain.; 'brit situ:le the robbery'?" he recalls' the &tit that tin:4122in who, robbed hini 001741)0M:hi ex- actly with the One -he* Se* in the dreatn. The room in the hotel: and theothei fade are exactly as. they 'appeared. • A' part ef the vieloteltatreenineeerree, enaliteremmeeea Matter of eirefotinci, payeliolegioel interest to merit the remainder domes to PAU.- Zieigreen (Ala.) .despatch ChiCago Globe. , glyugq, ,Ica THE POOR Degrading hffeets of •rublie cheretee- .. hotteon'si ar odes et Heiler., • Those who are intermitted, te .exemine tbe economie reeelte et giving to the poor in England, Seetleed and Ireland will find plenty of boOitit On the stibject. " The p:noyoloprejia ,Britannica" contains a good Artiele tinder the heading " poor law.i' See also other encyolopediee. The IF3cotelt are, proverbially thrifty and eaceicanioat: and y. et they have been de- geadee by thepoor law of UM,. IJCl some parte of Scotland' there is ten tiinee the • poverty there is in Ireleed I That law gives more relief than: Englabilee, and the rooney is regarded as a nioe. gift. These who had sevitige in banks, transferred' them ta other's. Careful investigation, and .even the labor test, cliclnot quril the applications. in, any mob' manner ' ae'did the Irish workhouse. Matter's came to •such -a- page that the fishermen of Wick 'could not get theix. netts •mendedertheir former assistants, enYing 'that they could get' a living; ea Bier 'from the parish., In Ireland there is very liale,nut ,donr relief, the proportion of 13430tletid kkellag almost reversed --five in door to one, out door. pauper. In :spite of Ireland's unjust head opium and high ' rents the whole hut:liber of her peepers does not amount to one half those ofeeeendon alone. • The' Irish will submit,to_every privation rather than let friends go, to the workhouse' whio,h is' the legal mode of. relief, andnet a charity, • •. • In bondon nattily people get reliet who eoterl do Without it, end coesider it no die: grace. industry, ' economy, temperance and 9,01f -restraint Would enable most of theni to take (lard; of 'then:wolves it they would: Hence.the Workhouse is a neces- sary restraiut, being uncomfortable on even •disgraoeftil. • Theytherefore abun 11. If they may eat without work ' in some '.other way,‘ they will ;• if, not, Many ef tbem.'will work: Why are thee° people in 811011 eon- ditlon . It lea rItity weovre ect .tmeiely Ito ascertain what , Are -their thoughts, what the motives that have ' led ,thern .to sneh Jives.. lf Elle result is that the vices .end injustices and prodigality of the rich haVe in part induced such tektite, let it be ex, posed boldly and fearleeely. If injustice in the wage system and in land teuuee' ie the cause in pare, let We else be pro; clahnedeeeGiedrieseeffeeeSetitey-ertHPOpiteire Science Monihljj. •' Mei Hegt, His Shirt. . The Mississippian said: "Down' in iny 'town some few yea,ie an there lived a men .Who owned a smith two:storylreme house. In the lower portion et t -het bumble struo. tnre he ' key'. store,' and he an tipper mem. he slept. '040 night the house was dis- covered t� be on fire, and it was 'feat& for Whileehat the ceviaerwetild periebin the flames!. The fears. Were not: realized; hOw-: ever,.,for the matt; awoke- to tbee situation eieforethe-flooringon-whichebeereetniedevee destroyed.. There•Was no tithe' for etiquette, nor for making. any elaborate toilet.' He just : dropped 'mit. of the ,weedow, clad only in a..aloirt shat was more remarkable for its brevity, than its cleanlinese. The, devouring flaines made short week of the hetes°, and the lucklette ' owner.. Marched ez• .eitedly among theoroevd, eitolahning in • agonize*, tones, as he fingered elm shirt : • • • " ' Thiteis all teekt in theelearldent eLe, ieireelefeentereetee--thie is a1k I have in the, "He repeated tine so frequently that it became weatiSOine to • n3ore phan One of those sensitive people yebo reeicle in Tupelei 'anti Meetly 000 of. thein, yelled Out: ." ' If that!'s . all you have,: for heaven's' sake tear it. off, throw it in' :the 'lire, and retrairbp. t,eleven With the weild.eete-NeW York Heeting-eneen-nieteriarArnawares.---- ,.-- 'The. Queet drives daily, but :never till 5 in the afternoon', and then, fOr tl2e moat part, ii2 her own or her neighbor's forests, OLTARDS• efeeehlreeeeItehke fee41(le.8. • 44 0(14344414On That Otve0 AlnoT Petectivea ..t;e1iotarA4140•40.yrotilirt • ctlea an lil wind; thet, News. nobody 1 • 'New York Thaes: The Bee, W. Sanborn, young bpsicess man the other day. " Now, good,." ; said weli,dresoedt aetive-loOkirig oogfbLianinoiruitOtiretst twhhoofgeOtimethiointorZiothitiethisot.p;a4r., It may eohery of Stewart's hod)! has 1?een .of mat gaveen interesting ttne. strange to you, bus the robenecas, at the , SCentaanikdaitigtee6oR9peseeceeitie9n4, benefit to me and a great many ether Pee- yeeterelay afternoon, before the pie wham t eould ' . A '4New York "In what way ?" ieeeiree the friend 10 -4.mgahnuilmrs3r, torrar iti OnAnthropology,olgrowthd°°Peorfatihneg, tIhnee' whom the realer* wee ddressed tilting, • The ithotigineit are not dying oat, "Well, it opened UP u entirely new line • 880he1 but bOVA, been increasing through , of btisineee 'Bed tweeted a dt ntaittl for 'my out the, conntry, at the rate cf 000 yearly, goods. in a quarter that 1 hed neeeedheuget arid they now member ilQQ,000, Their fire$. of before, You bDOW 1 rnanufttetnre weeceobeeeith•civilieetion was blighting, like. trioal watch elutdia designed • for a sudden change'froM bet to,)cold,' but, by , • faPtPriee andother large buildings whozv littleand little they are learning 10 appree watchmen are eraplOyed., ' Well, ever since I °ate the oomfOrt it brings Mr Mr. lese., the Stewart grave robbery there has been a ,born ,spolos . more parltorilarY Ot the derPand ,1 or these "watch. elouhe in every Six. Nation e or the „Irequore. 'Coifed, . Part .01 the .onantrY for t188 in cemeteries. 'eration. They n�t Only -dreee In the^ • Th° grave c't 44arlY every iiob or Peblio manner of AMerican ,oitieene, but have man: ja Prategted IP some KWh WV, and I 'many Of their bottle Comfort. • Mr.. could tell Yoe of graves that are watobed. barn attired himself in she gerb, of a &jef,,. night and day by private watobtxten. . worn • only • on state oectenons, ',arid the . 4! There's Vanderbilee grave ;for. in ladle,' had. an opportunity to: inspect' •the. stkliee, down in the Ing nakt4leurn on really handsome bead work' on the buck - Staten 'eland- I 'bold them tWOI Of my skip jerkin, Hash, :greavee and ',11100Qesine.• electrical 0100,1tee one ,Of which ia oitieed An Indian cep* sang with him .several • ineide the tonne and the ether outeide of it, layenne that bad -been, redwied 10 writing. , Every fifteen minutes .eauh tepee es visited There are 00.1E0151s in the language, 'bet •by a Piekertoe detective, two of whom are it'obotindie in grunts, gatterale, tbe nasals; • constantly - On guard: Otre of these iletece for some of %heel- special obaracte.ra 'bad . tives patrols outside. the temb while the 40 be invented.' On the table lay a big other is leoked in and Bite behind the iron thigh bone and tibia, a PoWerftd lew.bone. bare 'T;Vi-04 9416aded repeating rifle ub.hia and a large and singnlarle powerful ,Skull. knees ready for instant use, It would be . They -were the relies of an -Indian chief •- 'anweitatytowitrotshltereeniftzwasnyo'fretwbbileiejat•rale :leand be Mr. Sanbern in &borial intrintod, 'twelve miles from Canandeigna. Evidently • Vanderbilt' Se bang afi the tenth is pro• the chief was a Man Of Olsen. as Well as of teoted as it is now: The Pinkerton naeri muscle., eeeeribl teed& were told, indicat- are hired by the year, andethere lee:pita ring--ehatee reby no means as little colony of them • established down there on Staten Island, very : peer the. thatteoleum. 1 think they keep eigtit• or ten.there all the time; so that these on duty at theireve are relieved at frequent inter - *ale, and are, • therefore; not, liable to fill asleep at theit.POsta.-TIt dosts more to look' after the old man.pow that he's ,deed than ie spent by Mont , men when they're. alive," -New York' Correspondence.'Of. 'Savannah News.. •' • • "• leOr leintelet OUT. • — • VIA! Cblef Of the ,fieneeas Beier° she Anthropolegiete. . . A MOUni , stolid. as represented, but is bright, keen and evenetvitty: • Mr.; Sanborn. be1iva8ia genie:tore:Cooper's, romantic Indians, and, to show, the reason of hie ' •faith,. read a pretty tale from the 2Eaeper fables °retie • tribe. Hepraisedtibeirelmepieality _ and •litetality. The • women still oleng iminewhat to their traditiorial dress but thee are contented; for^ihey enjoy the Rime and social rights as 'the , Men. ' Ceurting is n� longer done•by proxy, and the Women still have the eight ' to pop the • gneStisil when tired of Waiting for a lover. •4 • • • . eletewetheer ireie• st• ereetredruiredire• nneel coON, • •Bfi•e• R, AND•. /• Vein STORIES . • Stampeding a tjongreigation:.. ' -, • . . •. At the 0:80: high• Wealthier: and more pretentione roembera Tecumeeili has been nnboseming himself • : Qathedial yea erday morning, while the lineleynolds, the vetetansportemen of . • mese. fie he. peeve Some Great etiert Inehe County of melee, of the imrigregition :were, inteet on theft to the Beeton rein id. • Hereare ale* spe " Mee " and "Hail Marys,' and had tht it (Amen bricks: Speaking of .,Partridges, .: he Minds art nearly heavenwerd, as it• ie 'pos- said thatthey were not 00 thick as, 'they • • table eo get those of the. ordinary meetale used to be. Well, no. They were swiml a mouse, as innocent of fataH the centrethick thirty five years egQ round here:, holden box eras of • pennies, 'crept onefrorn, rememberorie. fall rhadniy gun with m,'-. under Wenner One resionnoitred the neigh- a , muzzle, loader -413m' were no • breeehe berbood of thee:haw:el With no satisfeotery loaders inethose dayseeand-T•heard Pnr- etomaeh results. ••./Elre.. Was a traditional tridge dptitinning near the Creek. I satv it • ' -ishnrch-rnOuser andeee-eidelong-glancee aterandewas-jerai-drewing,a-bead-on-it-when- \ him Viras:sofficieni to satisfy' tbe well de beard something ebehied it. A' big doe velriped priest neer him` that that. ,mottee 'came in eight and I litid heroet on therein: .00nld give .latearne points \ the :hungriest There Were 1TO , with her, and One day that that individtal . aver aaw 1atayed with the dee long ereeigh for me te Down feem. the •.. $ soied precincts of do ,for him. , The other fellow made oft, Mite. • the alter • ert where the ,skirmiehes I knew he'd come back, tio I Iaidwaitingfor, , , salvation Were )gennilecting' and Presentlyhe erenese along aPawing :very • - attending.. t� the pfesoriptione, .of the; carefully and looking on every sick of him - Church wafider:1/the mouse, and the stili as a soared dear 1'.let bine mine just 09 • , ,peitApfiblogs_e ceuraged-Joino.--Whenhe-rfer-and-down-lontrentr-They-were-ati-big—; reaceed the firiet row et pews and S.I.A.a' we ceeldn't get 'eni mit without cutting a; A th nt to • towards One(of thein he got the 'ficat idea, of 'Waggon Toad thigh& l the laush to 'ere. is impereonce. ' One of , she moat ; sedate .' e! Pretty good , shooting? Yee fair, lint. :. nd Ora fashionable dimes • of the two I've shot' 86 deers . with e. 9 • sheer .,One 'ion, :. Wee: saw :hire., and in ,Ii motheeteeieholy and lex bears with sixshot ' I'have a.good • Opienteeshe forgot ehe whole, siring .0., genand there isretet mit seritide•inCeinada .. Mete and good people, gatherieg , her 10 day that earl de tie geed sheotieg.. I rien . kites. about her knees,,2mOrtnted the • stone . tell' you When..i'VenhOt'anything jest Where hereon she had a . mennent before ;,knelt:' I've hit before. yon eee it.; De•er used te' •. " mon diett.!''under her breath repieeed i he awful thick around here and 1 cenld go , e Words of :prayer and Wm euspended ' out at any time in fall and have one in • piration _until .sinti..,siVithe4xientiee.heeti1Lart bour.4We-had, '6W -we couldeat-'and------ wards anOtheipevi Where ktielt ebe been. kept the, neighborte in.yenieen trio. ' The . tiful Wile of *Te prominent pbeindiene 'Whob ggest deai e deer AOC- was a big black. • : Off it cross he her lips. I, She, eirope'ei the '' bu it• It we raining and I had my . everel rise and geaceftilly but suddenly elevated I coat 'oe.. wh e ,I eanee eacross . hien 1344 ' er skirts rather !higher then: even Pitta- italeep in 't e. .beeh'.. He. had the 'finest neg. err:ellipse requiele. jut •now.. ; Her:. hone, and Fee Often- been ;sorry I 'didn't , %triple became contigietts.. ,. Old Women, keep ..th.ent.I won't. " tell' you what ',he eie ne 'Wernen; duel:Inas; , giddy ''Ateeriers, weighed, you'd think ' I. eves -lying., eBettee e •• betenteeiegirle. big.end little, in short; ler toied ,lb : liee • thick too ... and eleeekilled - enomentebleereelieseeeelleeteraepleifietun re s' e ' them, I remember ..one big,. thing but ihe' Mouse and his precipitate : fellow that had played hog spend: He'd treateived a big feminine raceironi that think nothing of carrying eiff..a pig of .801e.. athedrahe Pittsburg Tinzes. . ' '., , lbe. •I shot him in the eat .field ono, night,: . . ,And , if r was to mention Whet • oil We hetet. . • „ •• •• •. .. ' The Bill. Was .Possed: iroin•hitti and what,' he weighed } bir d vale, , • 'Me' whet an old hmeter Mimed Regent did.: , . . . An ex Member of: the. Virginia • State when I told . hire. ..• put ;Matt 'Bell . hauled ... Senate .eOld•nle,;the,:othet .day of an • inch him:lee:he for me an aeumper • and he told ' derie in hue legislative 'Career , Which 'I 40 • Rogers he oriel& swear 10 ite vieight. .thiii.' not :remember ' ever hiving tieen.•in ,Print „of his,paws.put offclose weighed five pounds Were. A. L..Pridemoee, lies maiiy.yeers ' (4,3 yOttean think What, Mae. he was • ago n.ntetnber.of the House 01 , Represents • ., • ... ..:. ••• , • ' • • . • '. ' • ' ' ,ti(Ves frOM the Ninth Virginia diem,* **Si before he °eine iceeeteshinefore, a member' .„, A Tonna Man' Woe • . • of the Virginia ' Senate One One :day' he.intro,. "" Thie World is a. delesion, i . arida • Szter0' daAed D Bill for the relief of the enreties,of Amid ajoneh traveling elan toe& eomPenfon. R. GeWeie Who wale collector of takes in " Whetei. the Metter wryer'. •••. , . • ecete• •cietinty.:. lee , made a 'brief 'explitnat , " ths,ve• been. fooled again. • You viol . . tiodngi,'orf Athile,nBi fiall41„ittiiieleri.ywkilh:tiiviihitess,a,ey, actekwene • 'e Nerbta What bas set you le this reelmek , jed.ge,ativthing by eppeatarreee, cen you?" raemee, le, 0.. :ci, leelwyetorrisosft ishuolighliye?'i". 'dAileieernie'it'i rthscie enredP.erneeede.e: te,d --the . Le 'Jr. %ewe- .: Baiikeley' end stile ed for, dicne.elleerd.."'.e'n ;Mei. • .. . . .. ' I wish t�ax- :,• _ '" Didt&yairlie.vo a 'pleaseet timer • . • ' ' ' ' • . . • n'ei, been ten iii.lc ''• •/' '1EitreMely Pleasaitchit whati inpreeSed ' .1! snob ere the faets• In ecil °Laing tee taxl• Me Meet was the waYfiliskyiBinksley ate.. ,1 arn Willing so relax , .She difinl teach a thing except 4 chicken.. ., Anttretidt the tit •.,,c ' ... ' ay e Whig, a biscuit and a Charlotte Beebe." , .• • Nk Welt the law einteta "'Quite epietitielle"' • :live shuttle exact .. • ". Of his sureties, , , .44'1 •ehotild dd. , Yoe •tien.imagine ' the ' • It is .needleeiti treaddeiray informant levee b614 he"ih6cid With .eehiehl'eeke4 ilseeeeli • tO hineh at the theatre:4ot eight. • Bat, elle ,tv• heeletlione'hethagyettrie;bi eteviora, 'Oki fellow,y0* , 'belie my 'deepeet eyineethiele • ,• Here's five , • .dollete, you Cat' 'pay rn'e "whert,• yet :get • ready."-Mkrehant Trateler: . ' "•• •cr and DO AD the Ineheoad. Ad ,the etiquette h of Deeaide is eeenlier. Wlaoever m,ay, °Sande Meet the Queen on these eieereioes ex will do well to behave as if he had not met yo herenor seen her, poi let hey see him. ee will get behind ti. rockeer tree or othervyjne „a 71f -invisi,ble, and no ' ant as it he had, neither,eyes te see, nor ears re Agreed. with Him. • Beggar (preliminarily)-"Ileeeeen 'Miter days -9 • • .„ • Busy man -" So hitvel. Looks as if, it had stein for an alleley drizzle. Confoned- edly unpleasant. • Got to take 'ern as they come,•thongh. • Tra, la, lee" Are iiiivestegaticin into ,the °aide of a Midden fall the Elkhorn inv.* at Pierce Nebteek ,a revealed the fact that neeek-' rat hedboted a hole in theffeet , , „ • ._. The atesintifilit Pomeratelen etill kolt in the St. Lawrence by• the hie. • • W ettn e landlord lete hottee it is With the leveed gnarentee that ei is not open to the weather, and that the pineal:41)g .and ,searerage are not defeetitte -.A.t hmet that is the rdling' of Meseitchneette court *Mph 'bee given. 'judgment fee, 85,000. &Wad ielanditird who. let a benne in .which the,,plumbing 'watt :,tto defeetiVe that the tenlines family Were thereby made siek with diphtheria. • , The Engliab military authorities are get:. ling out a new drill book, which Will shote !tome phoney in Orilla. 1 he book will be plaeee in nee In Caratide tieteeieserite. , fectlyenderetood of ehose who live he her vioinityoind studiOnely obeyed.' : You may be to. dineeit thecestle that °vetting ; •reasim the more why •you slimed sink into the earth. sooner than • put .Her •Majesty n leer compulsion to yeeognize yOnr exist - Ogee when her sonl longs for dolithde. lf, on :the other hand, the patieer.be beneether tourist nor Of imah position ae may -entitle hiiii to be kpown, bat.a gelie, ,a groom; or laborer, ;the ohanoes are that ,'tipcin signal freak -the ceretege the. peatilione will pull up their four aniCking ponies, and the QUeen Will 'sak er kindly question or tWO Of the Man about himself and his •family.t-• Scotch :Letter to the Roiton yeritld.t, • A n Old hian's Higdon. Enamored Yoeth (trying to bound' hie girler fethere--" About hote: much •Monne head a young-rnstrbsyn'tcl' murritd on; Mr. De Rioh 2"'•• . • - • •' Mr. De, Ribh emedititively)-" Well I married on $900a year, and yaw both Cora, fortabje and happy. ' Enainored Youth. (delightedteee biked ?" Mr, De Riale--" Yee. Y,ou. eee I married a, penniless girl earn knee; hete to woo. enize, beset I had married . a Petted d spoiled child of fortune like Mies Pinkie or Mies Finks or -or my detighterfor inetance I should hay° treaded about 5e,0004 . eriffiele calition; Jeweller -Yee sir '• I Will inigneve any. e• thing you wish on thie ring evithbut exerts Charge. Young mane --Well, inscribe on it ".Ftelia Gime& to Alice." ;Telenet,- Hein The lady 'hi; year eisfee, maybe? .Yoting Man, Tete fact is, this, is an ,engagement. ping. •eeWellei-eAh! My young friend, e have -had coneiderable experience in engage-. ment rings, tied. wonld seggest that tee . ineeriptioe be simply, "From, George». Then. it Will do forony eddy. - thee the Bill passed by a unanimous vote., -New. York Tribune.. • ho cure leer .1Etlin. • Old Lady -Yon seem to have a cold, sir. • Stranger -Y. se Madame. Old Lady -:Well, I tell' you. what yon do. Jest' grehtime and put your feet in a tub o' hot Water an' --. e-Sttangeregletfilyr-Thittle -13iiieredilee 15 give to a man With, a •cork leg; now, ain't it , •• • Talking tothe Hab7.." . „ . It is a Wonder that brain fever idlooyartenoteniore amesiegt when, one remembers 'thee 96 otie• babies are greeted with -this epee hich. there is no ticipyright, goo • their airivalln the world Lobel° Bailee mairitaing tbat marriage e, Well, well, well, it was a 'dee with handsome men is a leiltire She has 1?.coeirig, -furling baby, eo it dess wa tried it tivecer, and has just cleared herself want to ky 7, 'Wei!, it realt ky d by law beim both. And will mot give W,ente to, b'ese its own booftil itty my freedom again," She _declares, posi: of .it ! Whet. 1 would it pucker u y, "until I ani wooed by, it Inn, Ivho .mout to ky-ky some more ? the eels his good • qnalitieir of.Mind era e -they booze it, seethe), eetrii do- t, behind a very tigly' eiirfaere Afale iettnt bore Is, no they' tenet -- flee are 00 egotistical', particularly if little sweettiese. of 111 Neer teen are anion." Miss Self° le an aetresed ite own piny d'esa ? Yes, it ,E1"ft ei.hustaede are got20,10oking' felibtvit, ' hooful 4te4smus I Oh, Wouldi each wcio Vies 13606 While pleying the ' More? Well, well, ky Weel her r to 'her On thetelge.0 \. •thereo,there, there " up "Mr. iterrley, I Weeld to 'epeak id tivel :ne 6 bj "r Some Cone etherlime. Doe't yeti tee e am bane e hear "1 00, bet 'must seek netv. • I owant been Peer. cOesent toe the • reirriege ,of your they eadgeier to me." "Go away at, once ; Her cannot be Intent:tilted .i.xeept biteineetand of importantee" ' '• 'love 53 • ,'.;5 • ; •••', 7