Lucknow Sentinel, 1888-12-07, Page 5SEG. ;fi � . • r r nl . TY OF � .. u�cE,. SchQo j !. ° CR0661ES• s' C)U plan" i a ulti.xIr,," the', •,f'►hells ;f .t • the month of NQvena ter, N31110§ rarl+accord•ing tu: n1.Hrit. ' FrnarDEPARTa110.1Z ' Stenior, S.f1't • class, --F. ' Little, H; 1{oltnes, J. G+tllabler,, J. '.McDottnlcl, a 1) .\1cQuaig, ' Junior fifth-Clam—R., ;Griffith,: D. 11 horirpstn, L. McDonald, 11. McCriin inion, S. \\Test, °,l): Matheson. ,!litrarice Class,—G, Sinith, . LittJe, I+'. Gtahan),: L. Walker,.Agul- 1 hi, .1, 1llaNull t, G Boyd; E. 13441$4141, 1 bJct rory, 112:'Cat tpl,ell, . W. Dloug- lits, A. Grundy, M U1nVoy,T. Law r•ru ce, \V. Millar, A. Keri, A. Vi'hitPly, ff. M3Qpliimon, 0. Lawrence, J. Yuli J. Aiding E. Flood, J. Grandy.• ,. Pupils taking over 80 • per cent. are. marked as excellent, from 6.0 to Beare ii't:;rked as good, from 50 to 60.futr,' lttllh,f ;-) bald; • • [' ottr'tlt' class', —k• Mc I)cinaldl,, -14 (;:nett J? Hainiitoti, J. McIntosh, 1 i„u;;lus,'�\\'. 1Vilsoli, r), Qatiierou, la'ml}, .V. Wilson, A, . Lawson, '(3� • ...flowers l:: Murdock. L. Armstrong! . P. 11'' r.Clturles.,'L Berry, A.,(�,•rurly' M. Burgess, L, MulJ tr,. 1\1, McNah1i.' • 'r. Boyd, .1.11%1c0,4,„ t: ;llcDou);uil Y+" Johnston,. A. Philips, .it:: McKay:..` _.__Third'.• -class!=R � :x--lyi�Cortntct,. �,T • 'Tennant, L. Patterson, A. Boyd, A. t fund'y', 8.. Arrnstrorrg,r Y: Mc'Rlil.lan;• , IL .iierr,,'D,,(u'reer, V. vv``McDoyald, N. 4::raho ol; .L. •C,ordon, E. Ross,.- 1 .. Tre- • E. Stovel, A; Lyons; • SEs' PkPARTSMI:NT. Third class: Julari Smith,; i1T 11Ia1- lough, N..:11cDonald; Willie Corrigan, liati•e •Ureer,'Lizzie,McDougall, Frank ..1lclatosli; I•f McKKii►iton, • M. 11Zatlie •son, \Ville, Irwin, Katie` Stewart,: S. Yule, W. St wart, Maria..Mc.lKay, A: ldditu;, 1) McDonald, ,Wcsl(v store • • 'Second class 'seniot AIlje Icer- o' totoii, : \� IUte. ,.Yule, --A .: " gg. l .;, „In tiell ':Ada Bargess, Walter Treleaven Mark ' I:)ouglas, elohn..Mcllonald, leorj;e Arm. ciong,,' J+t'rtitilc' Oait1,, Fred.'Davison, _S gie' Lawson,: Edith ' Greer, Sara'ii Ureter, J. Lyons, R. •Davisof,'B.'Rart►ly'• • _ iu% 1)ong;iis, Sadie Johrisou, Isla 1S1ci•u- tyre Se.cOnd;clsiss junto'*, '-Edith, Smith„.. 1:).:;l'lood;'Geor;e Berry;,Attie :Milltir, 11. i sobers il'l:: 'Thio , atie.: IeNajib' d, C;; ,Ross, -.J:- 1 M Donald .M4 i onand,. E. Murdoch, C: Edgson, T' •L s, B. , Mclntesh';•: R. •]Rtotik'1'idge, il'huvfnR' •purcfise"fid the stuck of.; BROWN MALLOUGN • e.t a dlisuount. is now in a. positie,n to ,offer at the (014 stand the greatest bargains iu CENEI, • ;A►L URQ:C. ERIE'S ;CROOKERRY,, GLASSWARA; CON FECTIQNERY;, 'R fJITS Jt:'. VEGETABL,ES,' •• the {ie.•pl,e n f Lucknnw'and vicinity ever. had}; an twit tnuity of scouring,. • 'H1 8T00.10k: • is large and well selected. Special cuts will be given in this line. CANTED. GOODS: 1NABUNDANOJi.• AN�•MUS'1' BE f3111�D r.,_ Q U A lart,e stuck of ' x EUROPEAN . FR -TITS Ic, int! the Clbristixias trade i , ' poi r e t es ewer, before heard .,f. Spicry pore, uncles iiuw; and'con fectioueryow.*,y down low. L� Phillips. • I ouwrII DEPAIt•T31ENT. Senior. second, ----S _B� ycl,..'•W. •Cord. ..A'rinstroiig, • A: 31e11:41); , ,W;'13rennail. ', Jtiloir. se...' and -Nr.; Th • .ore' son, 'R•' Artn*tron p b, H.,Gt�uncly;' B: :Bcyaii,• M. towel; W. Davison, H:?:Piudluteti..' ' • • .Senior Part • second.- -H 141tOror , J? Itooklidge,• If.. 'I'ho(i;pson,' E. Dai • song': H•. Gallagher,: L'•:..' Patterson,: 'Grabens, E. Robertson.• ` A Rlteoial. tuvitatfon d+Xttent>edi, t_'t iitt,;ndinzr tour a lsat•e:ne atter exuwin every otter stockin trown. • •, 1.v1:iiY130Ul' WI LCIOME 'A1, Tag • • IWU,O, •. _ (inme•one:' -Utlme all 1 for ymirpldrtstmu, goods. I N. 13. :'I promise to ol,ntin;ro the Jilin- and' feed departtuent Andwill always keep on hand thH ra,..r. l•1. FA1ILy• �FrQTR Bl a>)\ S1iOR'18, • OAT:1il•A1., .L'c: . 41-1x1)edb delivered to all parts, . of ' the town: •TEAFtel CUT 'nd f LUG 0 , ., . OOAGC: FINER THAN 'EVER.•'` Seg' N .,B'RONZE, each Plug' and':Package FARM FOR --SALE OR TO;:RENT, IIE UNpEltSIG\ED' , OFFLRS ,FOR' sale or to rent for a terns Of years,,:5!J'. acres `01land; beitng. the `south•,balf of . north dal! of 1,419 and 80.'in.the first concession of the townlhip, of Kinloss The land is nearly: d1 seeded duwri :told is well wrtered, with good house an d outbnildiiigs. • It is three miles Hem Lucknnw.. .For. further particulars .ap-' ply on the premises, ea to. ' • \V1I: Mc ALLISTE11; Lucknow, P CS. •• 775 1 match wall'' fit eu• on Fri ARM : LA • Clay i;.d' whttlh a reward 'of first was ii- . D� �. SALE t'n•.h ;i McMillan i'u Senior grid ; and "111 „1.11,; air 'second Jhrst jo 8. Bryan:; tien:i part'`. second' to :E..' Robertson, 'and : i ,L)o,vison., TR •DERART;iik, 1T., S .! ti• Part 2nd I ,li'oda ` Wilson, 1'raaver Elva-, Vance, 'Fred. Ed wart • r ells. sin (•Freddie • Mattliie; \ViI.'•;. .a3arlier, Elsie .Stringer,. .ties), Joss , t McCoy, •Winnie•Grundy. 1 ;.;'r Fart 26t1;.: --Emma McLusky, 1\ il'i Cees, Charlie Percy, :Berson; _Aria -.1m,;,€CI•ira:.'Thouipson;:,:(•f.rssie lists :Sarah Lithco; ties); (Lau'ra. aggie Hn'nter, ties), Arthur l,ei;;e.' Ellen Torrance,:Wil Iif,'Hol ines; (;i•or `i%icl enzie,: Mabel Grundy,, A). V,ert 1 k. ` • • ok]ets from 7, 'cents ' to• 5:0 Shred 'iu•: eric)less• variety, at W..11. 'iuitJ • • •E TO CREDITORS. '111 ,1.rA`7` To THE REVISED , `•` tutee of Ontario, 1887; chapter 110, bd e•tr+. • ;, the creditors of John•Stewart, late of the • nage "d,t Lueknow,'in the Count:' of i.ruc.• 1' lldle:', *tit) died on or Yabnut the 14th 'dl (t. t•f 'Venih!'r,. 1888, are hereby notified to l,rnil r?. Elliott Tra(er, of the Village' t.r 1;:1 :unv, Solicitor •f.ir the executo •ri or hefbre 'the. 2nd day • of ' January, • ; their chelation and • surnames tl.•^•r•nptie; ► aaeirrsae.i, and sd. u, the full liartictilads of their c+laiur4 :.:+ratemeut of their accounts, and the mature t he securities. if any,. held • by them stol that'.ifter the said date. the eltectitors of ;the said •.-state, will distrib'utd the prnceede:,if the nuiii, estate amongst th;, "Patties entitled thorn•, h.ring resgitrti only to the claims of which th v shall • then have received notice, Arid Ott, !Aid r:zecutora will neit bo liable for the • tar.a.+•e,ls f the said estate or ,,any part tberoof, Nt#.ilrtrll' ;.ed, to any. poison of whose' claim --•`illi.• r r et. ,•seri-•hint-notroitinsmrtlitslitt;Ttf ;Cie di t` snub•. i. Dated thititiittribsyof December, 1 Li 1TT SIAVLR 1 , \VArTBR STI:WatltT, Solicit lr f'a Executors. . tsar' Mittsn, - Exeoutora. The exectttom_ef the_late_-John,-Fraser rtik1: lowers far sale'the 600 acres of; land' belonging to the estate ; 500 acres` being situated in the 9th concession of the townehip•of .West.Wa 'wanesh on lots 15..Ail and west•balf 0117. and 1011 on the lot concession of the township. of • Kinloss, being the nou•th halves of ir.ts 43 and • 44. The above property .will be sold either' in bulk pi separately to purchasers. ''Fur termi. or other 'iarti :darn': tlil�'. to.['Q(JNS' Fti)Iir1 xecutor, t. elens P. 0„. or to' SEACY•: &HA>tlT, , tf-775 Barristers. Goderic,h' P. 0. After the extensive sales of the, e. past few weeks, we finch'. that we have 4 lot Of r-4.,,,,s l opants of • ° i' TW gD S PLA 'NLS. SSGOODS., . P �_RITS, • SHIRTING�<T'11cfJ M L Toy • - i• NSTI,NOEYS, RIBBONS, r will clear out at a bar - CAMERON & M ANGEp ._017 OTRATED P11rimYuS: slip the undersigned, lot,8, con. 14, We 1)i., vieion.Aebficld, on or about the Middle of ue;r. tober loot, four yearling cantle • .two llteer. god - two heifers. One steer is a .�right'red wait white spit on face ; the others are nearly a;l , • red with whites te.. Any one giving enols •information as will, Iead•to- their recovery will be suitably rewai dad. D. T. MCRENZIE' , 4.777 • Lochalsh WAGON MAKING HORSE ShfOEING; C EN ER•AL, B oACKSMITNINC..' • Adam Thompson begs leave to...thank lala inhalbitante of:'Lucknriw and surroundin. couatry for the liberal patroitabe • bestowed.:., ' bitn duringthe last seven years, and w:ahes .' * cuutinuance of his old .qustumers tied : a fa?.. share of .the new, as he ism a .better positi,tii than ever to supply the wants of the: put lieu • He always:has on hand a stock orf •. Wagons 8 • Bu .:.es ..+ all kinds, : He will also renins • them of tete f r famed COT. CH DIAMOND, which he always has on'hand• and are made of the very best material. 1-'arties iy. ntiilg any thing in this line willddr well togive him avail 'and pee prices .before purchasing elsewhere. .I'articular attention laid tdt ' . ALL KIKDS OF ' .IIORSE SBOEINC. flat feet, contractions, and interfering.,; • By 'strict attention to business, good worse' •utanship apd. 'employing nothing but gu4.ii Workinen, i trust •'to ' ret.dn, the iatrunage , „kindly exttlided•to nue. • ADAM 'THOMPSON• Campbell Street Opposite the Bank .�.` L1 14i:NOE'S BPEOTA,C'L. ES : AND` EYE • are the �genaine' English Market. articles ln? the Catnadiaii 1liarket 1• 2ea1' pebbles kept` in atocx: .Testi given. rrc�tnmended by and testim r; n to, purchasers to' prove genionenPse. :They emote have been received from the Presiden • : • _ • •ntEre Presideutand I•,,kxsVice•President i • Association oc t, Vhee Press est the e�ulle %e i,f,'I'hyeicans Dred: , d £the. Medical AAsnciation of,.CanaBa .the pre i � ' , susa . const ofe.t.a h of ft e University ; the J'reSideiit and Ex-Presidents•of the Medical Oo nc the hof Ndiva Facility is of Lava V Sc ria 1" tc ]BOO'KSELLEI3, Lt okii`ow,. w '1r>1po'rta#'ions. -Insure your'•Parm Property, Private .Dee • lingo, in the, old reliable, the • SPECIALTIES;:; - • , HBONi: Tor _ . . ' D , _ —_ _ lam alai, agent for the a1�en's� "--. —_ • Oil' >Mut • Sealed 'To . Y _... •: nal an C t Top. Shoes . .. �..� Wiens: • 7. I►• C.'Tay1ors'•Tin Sho ruts in P, Lucknovv, .W111 be to the oflfce'every Saturday afternoon n Tippers: J. ;SHOEBOTT :. Agent C• O• M, • 1 hlrISrI,OTIGH'P,;O: Wonderful: Cheap Various Prices. The Popular Shoe Store EDWARDS & •MCCALLU M vi n1ns.•Gai m , � •TR U B TRUNKS ,. Has just received.a lar re and well selected stock offine !'ruts ks, • Valises,. Robes, 'etc., ':' which he is sellin c • • at'bott(sni rice' • . p ;•. If you dish a.Ar1rsTi-4i " , , _strnsi Goat oi'm Buffalo• Eob0s►ve 'lisp •h. call. Single and no: b;e ' stat tiossq •shwaya' in stock or made to order our she.T.4 n $tici�. We have in Sock all kid of motel, Corn 'Flour .►teat Meal Oral a>tn }lolls' Corn Meal, white; and fellow stnIc • nil,, rolled; and standard .. Anything you Want h thefitlur'l na. GOO' ,iS`AN area.0600 .EA.. !tow.: Everything,as'cheapas tb1 e'chea ieet. 'The ,best huller Flour'in ' • Jv' 3r 00 a . • Irndr � ed. AirOIVE U A'VALL. • �i(4 ... Lam'/` • J�. y[. lir Ord coed oxk :'W aSpaciaity, R. PROCTOR._ M0N.E I have A otv thousanddollas* to invest afo private partiet#i at reasonable Intel eats. ELLtOT TRAVERS.,..a. t DESTROYS AND 144 or ALL; KINDS ADULT'; SWEET CANN OT HA; LI EL1Ca(i, *RIR 1:move$ WORMS IV CHILDREN.OR t%'•Sli'R•UP AND: 1E E.. MOST:` l CHILD L U •• Lr UOR: • .o Hating;opened out a,shop: again I will: ' keepon-hand-o..-stock-uffthe BEST. CANADIAN LIQUORS •UORS STORE. :o: - IMPORTED • LIQUORS for Afediieal Purposes ;= \PilesBranuite, •. � ., Holland Gin, :' Seoteh Whiskey., N y. strive Wine; Carling'slAle, Etc.! A'McPH• . ERSON.. Thepi aI of T p rOlment•° .-r trnlothe all the clogged avenues of the ;Bowels, ;Kidneys and' LWer;� ingoff gradually without weakening the system, •all'• the :impurities and. foul ;hnnidraef.the secretions,; at the same • rhes Correciting 'Acidity of- the Stomach, , During Biliousness, Dye,. pelma, Headaches, Dizziness, Heartburn; Constipation, Dryness" • of the SJdn, "Dro say, ]DifnnesaI of Vision, •Jaundice, Salt Rheum, Eiy'sipelas, Scrofula, Fluttering. of gheet] heart; Nervousness, and Sen. • • ebility; all these: and many 1 other similar Complai ita '.:y`e1d to,tho, hh�a�! y� . influence , • of 43u,B,DQU BOAR nt*i•rr�ttnu' , • nr�nQal>r & Proprietors. 'Tomato.. BOABFORS[R,'VICE. fQiHE, UNDERSIGNED WISHES '' TO _L • inform the farmers rtf •thio .vicinity, that'- he will keep tor service this seaiou, at lot 22, con. 2, Kinloss, that veLY snp{ierior thorough- bred Berkshire 1 oar, 1 CHANCELLOR." whose ppedrsree-'may be Reel) din' application; Chancellor was purchased ;fro3,n' .11r It Lane, and by him' from ,Messrs.:Snell and • E. a, of Edmonton,' the ,well dnewn: importers of Old \Cot utry ittack. Several of thos, fronn whism " Chancellor" is descended, were e. krait. prize winner at the R ayhl Shews in•Ragland. Terms, $1, strictly, cash: • , •'• \VILLIA\ DAWSON, • 4.777 •; Langatde P. O.' S.l'ld All ,parties incleliteid to 'the' under. lSigned, .either by note .or book account willhase settle an T� soon as possible, and save•trouble:and Costs, I. Wilt be found et; the ola•stan, at ;tidr.Coniiell's' -Geo ,laser • • ...,.]. wu t Y tli a uw �4ai►' same was afterwards•.� ,..ui� moppet]. 1! ° ascertained that the . + wp ea, roe • she en rt, the weu.linotdn friend of, llfitztini. for' whom person former tataate at the hones till dinner,.,and She holdd` the „neat allotted t it was intended had died s ata .you, the aanclidattl loved three lith de ander i newspaper , an Yrish very time indicated pretty quiok out, or 'Ili propit I p he She a ... ed t hoe ti 1? 1' i<#tientSpleoarrislr eaZio>t►(hl•�rih eamo aoiq• be by the olook. ' It hag a of the si�itiofi 1 frequently sftt3i+wdrel, lint: hottest tin en set, go" • J►1 toys scope at e• same 'our.. . N. ashington, MD ,L CPS' °Eminent Lung and Throat sura WILL BE • CAIN'S HOTEL ON- DECEIL EMBER . BES I$.. V' 'T21 'Peed W. H, Storey's, •(of • 7; , W. Storey; eu plan of act(treis,Aco,one' (int..)' letter of' ... reply tiltN/r AfePartn'ey, cf Bv1 n. •Ont, i •-' • Acton, Ont Seiit.'14, 1ttt3T ' e Netariney, rii9 , Boyne, (Int. DEAR StR, —rout letter receives. ln, rept* I be{ to inform you that Br • Washingtofi coin- p1d•tely cured me of Catarrh. of two 'years' swinding, Which threatened} to' break d'eta,a iu constitution. I bad' previously tried' every, ' thing and: every physican of', note; without receiving.a partical of plod. When 1 min.. tiiended taking bis medicine I vd'tuld almost'; suffocate. With mtieoue runningdown' n throat at Bight, and bad about .givan titian ,hope: ,After I commenced takin; hie . "duel felts decided relief in' a weeks$' ni c . two mouths was' entirelycured.and a That, is near)* ' . yeah.age, and have to return of 'the trt.nhla I can •e°ttfidently,reeonnuiend 'I'ir. \t'arw. ingtontoyi.u. Hris''no :quack,"his hatrii , m . -. ate oderate ; he`ia w p ..rfce\gentleman' ►+ ehat term. u shies„ at l ast Rabbi's My . ' • axed. •'• J3elieve ins; Youretruly,. W. H. SS T•t/its:it • Disedees Treated'', Catarrh, Catarrhal Deefneaa, Cbronic *n*t�u�a ebitis. A,tthnia and ceasumptiun: ' A !tin Tales of Voice,. Cbronic Sere Throat, Iiein.tviiig 'tka !sited Tonsils front the Tbi!fiat, or Urowtkis•f nm the aosc. without the at All diseapea of, the Head.. •Throat. and taut. tecl',by Inb!►Ittinn• d`''1'ht i\cw Mathes...., .. • ` • `OONSULTATl 'N Lap '• % I IN 44" 4041. . TRS COOk.'S BEs.T r1 v o, •