Lucknow Sentinel, 1888-12-07, Page 2et:gee-en , • Pitity Good 6.1•14, „ Mils world's pretty good stitl of LiO;t14* 'Taking it Ili together; 7 "'Vito of the goat and sorrow. we, meet. In spite of the gloomy weather. - •There are friends to ipre, end buPe(4 to 0004. And plenty of compensation. • ,Per every ache, for those who ,inalta 'The beet of the elteetiell• The sun and raht ripen corn and grain,. And everything hatrits season ; And truth shines white and Ole* despite Tb a blackness of fraud and treason.; There* plenty of work for busy hinds, A love t,o lighten labor, . And 'chance for you and melt), d9 got** 400to * n6.414Y;i0;444 l'hdre are quiet nooks; for, lovers of boo*, • With nature in happy union; There are cool retreats hob* the noontide heats, • Where.eoubi may hop) motet counatmlim; • And it there's a epot where ,the sun; elilnee not, There's always alante to light it; Lind if there's a wrong, we know en long. ----*.gjuit the God above will eight it.. I3o 11 18 not for us to make a fuss . Because of life'esaci mischances,. Nor to, wear ourseivee out to brieg about A ohmage in our cirentustances ; • • !'orthis world's.* pretty good bort of world. ' And lle to whom we ate debtor ' • Appoints our place and senplies the ea ;to help ue,to make it better. • • BELINDA:A BikUTY :"Ane altogether you lieve told one, two, three falsehoods," interrupts,Belindi checking off Rotie's "mystifications" on her eIngetse tips. "Three leading' fablehoeeht and.abone te dossen small ones. Why have it headache? Why deeeeve either of thetn? Why not go on straight and let 'eveiythiteg bike ,its chance ?",1 • , " When You akektefew years older, child', • whin you have seen as ranch- dttheeealOutie. *14:01 the'humen have* you will Itoow. that 'going On atraighy as, you call" • eiti eeee no l Answer, Gentlemen like* heini; deed' red deoeit ems them from endelgouThg anything disagreeable, and those weneenwho know how to. deoeivegeacefelle --i.geacefuleye Mind, areettlwitys the ..moet • • At due tif the hetet: Belinda.* lads' e, Rigor trying; With. rethee -poen' 'success, to 104 eyrapathetio while Spencer holes forth to hint respeoeing, her, miepeeseet' headache- . As the comedy proceeds, an Englishman, 'tele of inilitary out, but. with the unmet; staktible ale abotit bine' of a • man at oddre with fortune. (Colonel Weevil must surely, , have .fallen in the. world of late); peeps through the tr,ellice 9f vine and jeseeneme that 'oveishedowe the ,salle-&manger win - dove clothe at hand; and 'listens. He e3hifte. shoat "'little; he turns red; gets one good Mare as thehandenneee,tinconsoeous face...9e ---Itliee-rieeh;theuedraWweebiokeeilleWielieteik, • but-41es for military how* that • I • meat , elimiese it-elietetie • "And BO ROW canriot go with us," sips, • ', "lende! He cells her Rosie !" The en-* , Seen takes out , hie& pocket hanekeichief • • eitd evieee hieforelietide , • '" Belindoii what must live tete Pat: off eim.exoureiteetill Another daee--,,-" lerseenhesebegeloieeWetildpot on Any: socount do, that, Captain; Teinple;" saye Spencer. "It ia one,othekli,ttle_headaoheer you km*, sir." . • /if Oh. he knowe, does 'he?" thinks the gentleman babied the Aims and ,jeasamine. eel? afraid Moe O'Shea and you were Ont ' trio- We last night,' Captain Temple. Nisi O'Shea complained of her 'ead before tetir' Me . : .. .• . - ..'1 . : • . ' • , Roger again does hie beet" to look Contrite, . snd again, faild signally. "Xf Rosie teallY , .. *Witte us to goefeelieda e• Rosie ' is so eta- ' . leleisheeeteier liked:ether people to be dia- . sppOintedpethapo we had better be guided. by her. We ellen bee nicelittle party of - Shriteeyou and Mies Bathe and znYself,---" • : • ' "And 'O. Limes," adds •Belinde, • What :.."On earth should: make COIOnel•Drevie- start - Po oddly as the Sound of the giii's Voice; , eeDon'e.forget ..that Mr. ./Ones. hart -come back feoin the montitainii."• • " !Thnes..-,ith, to. 'be 'sure; Jones,'" says :- Roger 15 an altered tone. 7 "Vii second •,.thoughts, I don't know that I haVc (fours& enough' for the expedition. If Misit'L.B.tirke were 10 get me alone among the ruins and ' • begin to segue about the suffrage, 'I Might hecentle e.. convert to, the . Women of, ;the, ; 'Patera .before I- knee tvhere I Was It/Will 'lee eider for nee to remain behind." . . . -• . &Abide turns Away, abrupily: "Ani :-SentrselLwellE.C.aptaintVerapliVlittlffir.eera, ' Looking betake* hina• : tiptoes her 'shoulder. ' "Mr. Jones is nakokig.to Spain at all; in another hoar Mi. teemed will be on his road• SO England; bet never mind; Berke. and: I '' • will have, an improving dee: by ouraelvee. Good-bye. ' .I leave not a moment to lose." ' Her septet a figure tripe limey out :of the ' Court -lard, and .before she has. PrOgressed. tedozeti stele Boger Teniple has joined her . : -48 05 his way to Spain;'his • teeter Of ' • Mete Bailee and Of her doetrines, it would Appear,. , Suddenly ovettoene„ Spencer watches them. curiously. .Whatever other . personage in a hive plot: tenable •blincl' to • $110 teeth, be ' bore that the le y'e ;maid sacristy: ' • • , . • ,, ' ' ' . : I back roughly front t lysium to the *Mediu Burke'e eye, have brotzelit the 'poor child . . lee fe: tiev,er • long , unenlightene ' Spent* :Tha.. eaoriote, ie Old; Older , by eentutiee Mote . Five Edlintea. ago eke, was in her ' avat se Id the - teeeeees eibetn, dr g elle noes' of her .then the main body of titS'. 'chetah, and is lover's tirmeehapey to: the . verge .of, pain, .. . Temple and he •treas.. .,The etrAliger, d t • .,efi Pt 'Viriaili tillOcl . Witia .1100.p.. • eteleer canopies, dilapi- uncaloulatind of the future, uncontedieue,' Of hone behind his cover of. vines and .jessit-, either ineodenote or 'guilt. He ii Captain .-•-• anineeivatches theinalso. • -' • • ' • . Temple, Rogie'a affianced husband, now, . leslieda feels 15 a. tinsel; still A • draftee end .ehe is divided .fione hinee-oe, forever,. thee is no tenger one of Film' ' t for • cirildei and evermore. ,That Cantle' was their firet, . . , — . Life has been epoiled• for her, 'tis true; and and last.. • The delight. that, beet out thin, . all the future's gold is for Role, 'itot .' her. is made 10 extend Oeer thirty or forty ereaM .33ut ,faho, not Rose, is : With "Roger ,nOW, of some *Omen's litres; has lasted for'bee- . .: Their excursioninto Spain will laot same /ea long as a kiss lastdeett iliore. .. allix,or seven hotirst-sit or ,esven .boure ' to. . . e They eat their dinner Of. 'strange herbs, ,the good, out of a lifeti'nie Of . separation 1 garlia predomillepte at. the„ one - modest }lee head is upon -Riser's ,orm-ehe insists poottle, the *own poseesseo; drink their -that she needs his help to get her. through coffee, 'Or What the innkeeper *rites la his: She 'Orowd.--,-and his eyea ere telling her that bill as coffee, in the eteeetethe Whole peipu- . she ie.' fair; and •• her lOolish heart. beats latienelay end. alerioal,. of Fontartible look,' erith pleasure;- andshe, *ante nothing On Mg' me ; then the , quick 'Southern night • the,Whole wide earth but Olathe Minn° falls euddenly on the plain and mountains, elves 'het ! , .. . •• and they must proven to eeton: Belindies Propriety', in the shape Of Mise •Burke, pieendeed six hours 9f, heppinees ate all but 4evettakes them :seethe tailway etiteion: spent' All, but -ho many 6 fateful turn. . . They got their, ticketa . for Rendaye, the bite in :erneet life. is eficeenpeesed by thoee Iasi town this aide the; frontier,. toe in. tweefiene.Wode ! .1 ' "Mother gorier of ati.hour are ,walking, as. , Melia. Snail' iesists that the. and 'she ' : ‘ welt as the ecorehing, breithlese heat Will alenteeehalt make. the bargain for the car. e fl atv them, along the banka of the Biased*; liege, e Captain •Teinple • undertook to Here, "adeteed 'of . Murray, their ,plan is la arrange for tw about the Nett," she remeeks. e ' leke Iteeboat fee Oontarebiellonterablit; f* If We *Leh to get beck to Franceteeniglit, AM looke • but 'a atom& .threw distant ' the busineetpeet of the :natter had better e,soiose she quivering etptinee Of hetbee now be .ieft to me. It ieleuiees nuns! cottrege , Stud. But man and 1Xurrity. 'key peeptiete tehOld eueei Own with Obese ehillyethelly, -tate litiishine They get bite teletie the Mi. false tie ' Wieldy fiet-boterined boetd that ply betieeti Leans and Spin, Assured by the scarlet. Skirted inatMan, in pa.tObleonlynnaetotood Of Belindai that there Will betvatet enough iloettery, thenttie Ftentaketbia• thie,tidte'and Why merit than beef " way teemed tate • e !AMMO% The boatmen ebeve• aelentr,,emlbe "leeeeaure I don't know; ehet he of egursep T-0104 the fruits' Of her mere courage .being . . When eteeepetileed, eneleea. on epee,. know I know," stutWered Belinda, lucidly.. "Mr. the Oldest, craziest carriage, that Punters)* .011/11 37014' hent•h.40 clone. 'V,V,4,4 kt AO he 40044 went -well, b14011,114e. he found- there 014'7 twegti#4: :with a lioree ' 1404' and done?; ?Ab, God .knows. -;Thlei.lhen.ie to was no geed in his remaining ..any longer."' shadowy as ever eaMenirotn "Dore's ,penoll ,be done, as their excellencies insist upon "Leave. You have behaved hadlyttrhim, labia ilitiatration Of Doregoixote. an atiewee, Either they will remeinwhere :Belied*, oonfese it! Four days ago your ' ,And bore ;Again, merit one of these results they are some 'small three:quarter's of an 'dearesthope in life was to possess the 'othiddencanape which We are 'pleased to hour and walk mihore On their own lege, or Jones' •diamonds.- Pon't. you remember call bite. Had Mieo Burke ordered any be carried thither: in the bostmen's, Anne; what you saidthat first evening of our Bo- 'decent, Christian -pattern of conveyance, now; or they oan wait, a Metteeof several quaintsnee,.-tbeevening when Senora La.' with cattle to matoh, they Intd:011 remained ReedeggeeSie0 bra r exeellenefee will have */ .,0 - heum ler' the return,. ,et • tbe tide, Their 'whiles. promised to show me the Alhem- decoreeely in eaob otberet society through-. . . . out the journey; no further whipper„ or decide." Meanwhile the boatmen take out She turns away ilifokiy,, 'yet- not po Shook • of IA wheffer, .bstwege. Bogor and the most dignified good'breediogiMagh4kble, eeiene. reddening of her ak, so 1 behaved efteh elittle rolt. of PePerf And peepero. with quickly; but that Roger '09in mark elle .een. ilia 0 RI cii ed heavy,g ceePtheb le , 4'. oprollot . tshoi a iv, Perarktyh4vtehigicalge to.164. $1,Pokr•P44140'. ciParrftei:. . badly to him, x imqw., and'to myself too; hef°M thee' mule the' "fealetlee bridge at 41rie4' Bel•inlise: ';.1" Penlriete'v nnetane. I Me eellamed Whee'I thielt of it. But wee "1 vete for -beteg Oeireied ashore:at OW," badly from beginning to end- It Males tilOTI0'.ethheeyYea:znaingQeinUoog !eth ratel!en'Pectocee hebeYethi: Whet' does* thee matter 2 r weell ciOather. ',oh,t have giewnOldlin.d. Wig, enddenlee they have •CgMe IQ a deaCt 1°°k* The driver he improper than have Bunetroke any dee." It eunes getitea year since YOU and A000 depea°neinsterfirernehe!le ehaes4qInaor oararsohfeehaikir ,,,le7iipt'l. "And lei • HOPI Mee. eettrke. "would fine cameo St; Jean de Luz."' : e sooner perigee . than be encirclei, by t,be. 4.41'n'greaoniv•etevriz.v4e. .have eiad., 0 yo.pr time.,papimptlioems ihmieo.oshf oattlppleyrth,!tigritgtooeso:nthwrohneget., tile: aems ot those men, , of any mien. • L will leaver quit ee* boat living, save on my own No:answer. Though they are only eta., vain. • Not A *step further can PnOr Rosi - feet. ' , , , • ' .' ing of Augustus' kneee and • he diamonds mints stir. Their higheeseefe eheeir •ladies And, not by 'One hair's • breadth .can site te,,rwat,,tqaitewtieurytehei:rsoimde hiseroopAinrceibpbleoed. banikinrhogsfttoaotdhetThminigehont doeneetifieltBried°ar .wMilial o4. foot if they would reach St- Jean to, . . • , - . . and the gentleman, ;meet make•lhe Recent will .wait,e hirty. ,.„.4liced i abaeh, or." onriogrtrtahae .34;. liwdii; aIlherPrhe el I: Az tii s° rabeatingent4usroriteht t°anh she LancehearAAds. 'enfigthkte bet 9.kteelePe et for it. Spain Thein"hri a: day, but • °bile:. risk the danger Of sunstroke, to th0 Pro- lebeesattlaa hiefehelelaited•Allbeeneed'e4"' II fill.!'°9114:1 Mwhaart4nill°432fiuiehdaavYe?4 t;i'EletvelltPhiegit;ch°Ighe8- &nation of a •inan'e, although butee red, skinned eoOrtetwe's arms; the Women of " However, eve will be rid of no 000p, neeeee hed only coneeeted• to hire a Psit, Axitt. ' the Futuro will Hever bring herself te sue. eStedn'Reeerseleelenyestshi'6:24tialleiongnehtesrtaeelly•mi ietreBnetan' Miss Burleerefuee to move, Akan On Pen- Reger and eielinds. jump out at once; "Well, if this indeed be the Cate tbon."! t" ClaY4 longer. : . Don't q4ite krget Uri 1410PnlielF011t6111b16 to St. Jean . d.e Luz, and :The man nedertook to drilie her flap' Boger : perfidiously. ; "if we 'cannot. "Anelld-Wletihintdbai; -sot'. in over. '1 lin'Ighle%ears are he *shell k°Id to his bargain, if Ile take ..the endeee*".eeindeeeleer-" to change your reining down her cheeks, and Bove Temple whole night about it. - mind, eleft Burke, perhaps the hest. plan has taken her hands he, her and spoken So e fate " has her .way. On goes the would- be for Belinda and meto go ashore words ,suele ,oe he never, no not . eveni .. cranky carriage; on go the swearing driver as we own, look °utter a hotel, orderdinner diet iunlawful whisper beside the hipp.o., sea the hg120:epuled._Burke•;,•:Belinda-aod, flee' g-Pontbribin afterward, "and ,.—. ". and ; is will giveyee msre.timeter -pettemusispOke td-Reile.- - - • -- --- --• - Regt-if rale left alone once more. Alone, but eave me, I beg, air," nye Mise Berke, .1 have been so mineable," elle stem.' how far more oruellY divided, hew infinitely eneting up her umbrella sternly,. "but without complinients. • Mee - O'Shea,- I onliseeableehopeless, happy all at once. Mere °Ober poor little Confession presently, nearer than When they loitered beside. the alter° of the dlill Old church at Fontetabia. Mime ask Yoe -to dieteoee of Yeer deai eetirelY Donl think badly, d 'I think Altogether Now has come the mottient of temptation Without reference to me, Pettle With the ,tell Rose !" . . : . • • -. ' facies and the road to the Alhambra. lies badly of me, sir, end n ver, never, never: in earnest* * They have but to turn their .enslaved by oktworld 'utt inert* . kciatmell f * No, I thank Pm."' ' Roger, -, " Think - badly of you Beliodacbild I straight as road can lie before them. And teeneseeebelpteseness, hewing at this point •na in the hart of each is tbe memory of e me, do you suppose X think of Myself?" .1, Arid. you will never tell Rose r -I. mean whenyoure far away, and ill this ia like tt dream? Tett will never tell Rose, and you will not blame me more than you 'can help, when you think of Me V' • ",131artte yea, my dearest!" And Roger draws her, . shrinking, with a rapture that is halt, joy, half fear, to 'his 111 a e he protest dab. What in God's weaffly taken out his puree. X will !tattle with. them when they • have ftiliilled their engagement, wheae 1 find ene'eele *safe on land, not before"e , • * 4C1,, V So the mattereeis /fettled. One •of the Men lifts ,Reliees fekin the, boat, eleont es easily as a child lifts a kitten, then wades, beating her in hittetens, through the °hal- loiv water. Captain Temple le: conveyed on the ;stout shoulders of the other. A couple of Inintitee later they are ashore' on elpanish' soil and alone: ' "And notv, Senora •'•Itsgrimee, eays Roger, "whatejnat_cante..ort•impedime0 elibillithinder you and I freer go g on to the Alliembra ?". • - • The qattetton is a jest, of ee rse. Un-; fortunately, just Rogeeputeet, Betindtes eyes meet his in one long, .wistful, sereow: ful lookthen droop eiteishede And the 'story ielold. . • . As it is told in einety-eine ceeeie one. :of a hundred; reader, the unbidden eloquence of lookeeeretoneeine-esetieheeteakingeitseIf felt before the lips hale ventured' on the colder expedient of speech. , Welle-the interveziingeepaeeeetetimethet-follows-ebee it of moieths'or minutes, is,. I lake it, agent the Mast anelitheiel Of all lore's Calendar; aspetially.ot love that shall know ets earthly, end, to 'whit*. the present ie ell in • Th 69 eo some begun yawni weddin still ly genie) the olo wild n paesag from o up to t the tow search, also or The hoar t 151he ey.eiplote tbe Eight r OVIointarnb neolentionitly as though ,t ey were prossio couple whoa romance, had with money copaideraiiime, Wee ROW ng Heel; into eetinetion throughout a g,eour. They *it the eamptirte, ing blackened ruins, as British wder leftthem. -They leek down ori ssio Three Feeds, the scene of that ight struggle when, the Duke :welt the e of the •Bideseott, inch by inoh, Id Sault,' By and by they tweeter he chnech.theoegh the high etreet of n. But they forgot two things; to for a hotel or tneederedinner.-They_ f-Rarthe'existence of Miss Burke.* The organplays on and on within the ohureheapd the priest's Polo° drones out the chrzetening aervice, and down -beneath; on the shore, _00.191m:children-aro:Ailing- and far off ebbe and falls the Atlaneio: eFielinda knows not whether the mends last a, minute oran hour. Tohuman hearts • in , intone) pain, the: arbitrary divisions of time ethic riot. Roger levee her, Roger levee her, and alle is with him -her hand clasped in hie; his breath upon her cheek hie whispers-:--- • • " Montrez moi lee robes de pretree' cries a roice in rasping.louriet-Frencheee-Quand- ; va je pale, vas t en. I, Arid into the saeriety, notebook in hand, atteke Mies aurke,elierehartelittle-point-Of- a nese orimponed by the sun, her boots thick With undavory harbor Mud. A dieter small bay in it dirtier eurplioe; one of the functionaries of the (thumb; attends her. • Belinda and Captain Temple come at once froth.the balcony. leelincla to whom eie we ling*, the smell obaiage falsehoois of Oemientionality ere not famihar; hangs her. headand is Omit. Roger his the extraordi- nary assureneeto express his &didactic% at the meeting, and to add -Mies Burke watching his face; I blush for him as I 'write it -e -that they were:"Itioking for her." "80 1 perceive, ' says the ladycnetly. "Looking for me among the idolatries of a Popish church!. May I inquire whether you have also looked for a hotel and ordered dinner?. I believe, I believe, Captain Tem- ple, it Wee for that purpose that you left me alone in the bot."• • . .ee-e-Welle-1------1--=theefsoteiseeledon'telitioW" that we came manse any hotel.e. says Roger, chinch takes them more than in with an air of penitence. But if you and I round. Nothing remarkable e Inds Will remain here, 1—' waY of ar$ hii Ponterabia's • have found a hotel,.and have Ordered dinner," Bart Miss Burke. When a gentle mane" with a northern enipheeis .05 tbe vend, "when a gentleman happens , to be- long 10 517 parteeletworitiblYetekeoaiteeto- -lateetertillepieeireettl matter's inyeelf. Lucke! I am accustomed to independence." . She teens' eerily, !may, and with 'the, help of her small Cicerone proceeds to over- haul the " idolaitries " of, the' place; the .vestments, embroidered by loving, foolish fingers in many trdistant unvent cell, our Leidy of Delight, our Lady of Paine -all are viewed in the same cold, business spirit by the Woman the Future, and catalogued in the irrepressible notebook for , literary use. • • ' Belinde keeps studiously by her bide, and fir away from. Roger. , The sound of MOO ,Berke's voice; • the ex re ' parieti church to show; the gilded saints and vir- gins; the window, the . relics, are precisely like all °there of their kind. They linger, side by side, silent, not meeting each other'e eyes,j1earenAnowA,what-4houghWfil 10 heart e of emote.' At length the Organ begins to plaY A dreamy set of . waltzes, followed by an -air from one of Verdi' operas. A eleepy-lOoking piled ,sanntere down the aniele, putting on hie gown as he goeo; a Sleepy -looking choeieter Vey with incense -boner and book saunters behind. And -then in lounges a obristening Party, everybody, gossiping and litighing, With that frank fainilittritY toward mother Chereh' that oharaoterizes the whole moat Catholic nation, ' ,Belinda and Roger, make their °tempo through a Bide door, left opal by the drOwey.eyed priest, and which leads down five or six breakneck stairs into tit ed ea ail And other egolteiasticel property of that nature. • The 'air IS ;ado; feat ot, stale /germs, ninatiness, and garlic -What place in .Spain is not redolent of guile? HOW if they were, to, open a *hider?, afford other, pagan lungs a little ' more of Heaven's pure air and a little less , 'of the manufactured odor of :einotity ? Thee, open one and discovers balcony, or n2ural tete/toe about twelve feet In length, ex- quisitely cool, seethes, and etlesbeinviting, and with the • whole' 'panorama of town, elver-rat:lath, and harbor ' ontarretohed. be. heath. "Perhaps from this -.height WO shelf be able to see Mem Burke about soneittbeitee ries Belinda, tardilyoonsdience-strloken. Ren2ark the cruelty or•fate. the parti'• nacity of tint nnspirittial god, °frown!. stenos'. In the streeta, upon the guarded at at every step:. they' took by an attendant mob .of beggar children, they were safe,: ooraparativety. And 'then the obrietening, drives teem into the eseristy, and garlic and stale incense drive • them out upon the baloony, where they are as much' alone as , they were on, that first' evening, when," Lagtimae" sang 'het etndent Ong under the stare; and then and • eleelinda;" eon Roger then, somewhat irrelevantly, dedesee epeskeof mem Durkee child, tineil the subject is forded Upon 50. There is something you have. omitted to explain to me, and tile is a , gOOd inornent to have it out. Mr,. Zones hu gone -my profettnid gratitude go With hint -Int why? What dent Mr. ZconelEt aweye" , • . , • . 011A.PTEle XII.' , " Bone** noeott." "Take my arm, Be • a.. The way is Upon one sidesteetehes-foith the Atlantic, "rid steep." , , -• , . . .- _, The Way is steep, t a loneliings prefound, silent at this hour, and, motionless . as any• little mountain, tern; upon the other are wild sieerad and reeky defiles of the Pate. Behind theme -the lights from A ecore of .aeattered - villagese gleaming -Vita -Of Ttliii. dusk-Aiee Spain, the lend of diem* the ' Immense shears of salmon have been . land wItich even. proseie middle age ceenot lying in theies. Off berwieketed the ealmon. quit without a sigh. , ' . . .. ' ' many of Wein . fish : :of , very large size. "And .we have net 'seen- ibe Alhainbra .jumped solidly and incesesetly, and imade after all."' says Roger, some minutee later. the surfacenf the water,•otherwise emintbi She took • his seine as he bade her;.her qiiite turbulent. l ': • • . hand has beceme chisied, who know now?. , Rev. Mr. 'Doublet:in, . ' Of Strathaven. , in hid, and ,she does. not seek to draw 'it -recently Mid , that ' Chrietianity is jatIged away. "Correctness,". the outivork of weak- _novemoreby-whateive are deingeforoliWie . riessetio-prudently-borneleclge, is to in the world around and haw we are meet,' . Belindeet Arab soul unknown. : She is only ing • its eirioue dernande, . than by • the honest as yet. ' .L • • '' .: stereotyped • Orthedoxy_ofotir_religioitst---7 .__._No,-we-hitve:net-seeif--'tbe-Alhatnbrk,": eeeeinione. .. . . • ' ' ' ,' in rather a shaky voice Comes her . 'answer, The - Cithanock people have readied . s. We are not likely to Bee It-e-tOgether, rude shook on hearing the report that the , at all :events." - . ' .' • : - focal Covefientere" gag,. at present in the • "Six short hours in Spain. and ' four. of •Bishopie, Castle at the Gladeetv Exhibition.' those spent with Mise Burka NOW what has been sold' be its possessor, Mr.. Dugald CSS bethe' nee of people like Mies Burke 2," efeGoachin, shoemaker, Cemnook, for £60. ' speculates -Roger philosOphicallY; • "1 sup- ft, Fiume .to be the prevalent•notion that • • pose .one -ought to incept them without' the flag radii, belongs to the town, and not • questionieg, 'like heat or eleetrioitY: Or any to the keeper of •it. " Thia," Writee• Mr. A.. .. ether irredeeible pbakaucua. : They exist, B. Todd; "certainly was tbe light in which and is as much as .tvtil ever be 'enema Mr: McGeschites father .leolied upon hime ' abeletitd them."area1 shall know ,enough. about, and ,this seems. to be confirmed. by 6 POens • self -412e ,4 keeper' only Of , the banner ;6' - • Burke before I have .done With fiere' re- on Hie:, flag written the late .Rev. Jinni.. Merle! Baleen* •: : : ' • Murray,., parish Minister . of Ciennooke , : e,Yeni-eeoii are not going to live. with nearly thirty years ago.--,chriatian Leader ' Miss -Burke any longer ?"'says :Beget-, hur- riedly, and by no ' means 'ca.loilleting into what imprteleece he will betrayed next. e, "1. don't eee what • X ' should, .gain . by leavingeheeesiree--We-rire-a-constomedeete least, to hoeing ietteli Other' I might be worse off aMoeg strengerti." .. „ • . "Belinda," .atoeping 'shoe* and looking ,clOwn into her face, "what. is the use of talking or Putending.totalk like this?, As if either of nteeoeld faiget1 :You to spend the beet yeses of ,. y.tette...etegekewitheMiste BurkerandI7-1-'-iTlieavena 1 the thing:is A mockery! But it is. not : toe elate, my darling, it is not too late., We ,may 'draw back vet.e . • ., *: . There are men wme make love really. well, as regarde elopience Of speech; ardent emotions and mended periode solemn going haticl in ,hand,•seve in very highest • regions of melodraina: But language that in black and white reads trite enough may easily be ,'aloheinized' into poetry of a glorious ettanner 'night, in Mountain, ' sierra. •with the' stirs shining nierhead, and an unoriti- cal heart. of seveneeen beating time to all vAn RotteMeset be appealed to -the happiness (teen. their lives left In her .12ande? • Ceetsen, *Temple, lee no endeeetand teteh other:''' oho Dries; Jilting her eye,. with Piercing, earnestnese, n to his fitesi After a dozen_ yore' Meetly, you love . Bose no IdngelrIt biotin-4.4re eteedy to throw her itth31 your tft, the made., and for my sake I Well, now, if this indeed is truth, no flattery, carry it into effect without delay. Ie we mean to cols. mit a dishoneet 'action, let us get it over at owe), and without the treachery of sofa s weeds -appealing to poor Rose's genereafty, leaving the happens! of all our lives poor Rosie'a hands -bah I I, at least, ant not, made Of •Buob mawkiiih stuff "Belinda, child. Great heaven t if yea knew , ' Over Away there, sir, not a couple * mites off.. iS 13Pain- .1 knew every trim, Whathinders you and ma from going to, ' every short cut through the monntedna." the Alhambra, as we planned? Mei Burke will say she 'left us, :and Rosie. poor Rosie, must guees• the rest. 'Are, yon ready ?" • (To be Cont,.inned). . Latot front Scotland. The old Woman Boyd,' who is in Ayr‘ prison under sentence of death for murdete, ing her grandchild, has been reprieved. A child of Grogan, Oulnaigtrie, Rirlecud- brightehire,• recently fell into n pot, of • boiling porridge and.was welded to 'death. All the Money required to place a moan- meptal brass over the grave of, Braes. in Dgeterraline , Abbey has now been :8°Priken orterfie;;;. writer, Dumbarton, fell into the river Leven and was drowned., , leaves a wide* and !fleetly. ' et,„_ The congregation of Regent Square Pies- ' byterian Church, London, has deeided tce call the'Rev. John Monet'', of •Edinburgb, to be their Minister. f • • • Mr. W.. Valentine, fanner, Eitoneheren, was killed the other day.„ While oiling the , machinery ,of the threshing mill the wheel started and broke his neck. 0 A morement la on feet at Aberdeen tot place a mentiorial stone over the grave of • Williatn 'Rt.4 Broomfield, the recently de- *' ceseeci composer of hyinil eunes. The first meeting of thenew Town Colin -- oil of Edinburgh was held On the 91h inst.. Treasurer Boyd was elected Lord. Provost; •Councillor Olapperton,-Treaseree ;and the 'vacant was .atrarcled don't want tp drew Peek:" ge' linds, inieuneeratanaing . him. All this has come ripen me -I ticarce knew how - 00510 npon me whether I,wished it or not. • Bo if X could, I would not drew back now, for I ehall hive been happy" ..Roger foldci her,to him in tt. qniol brace. "And We' shall be eepareged no More, my child'," he Whitopers. "Why it would be monstrous for the happinese 9f our lives, -:of all our livea--nto be inerificed for mere 'want of coinage to speak. We shall .be separated no more." "Never separated," repeate Belinda, half impatiently. "We ebell be separated, forever; air, and you know 111 Separated a thonsandlimes more than if , you were going to Marry a• Monger." eellfarry I Don't kik of nil, marrying. / ban never trio* tiny one but-._-" The werda are spoken under Roger Toni- We's% breath, but . they fall, With dearness each is human speech never pesseesed for het b'efore, On Belinda's ear, She turns deadly white; even with thie meek Of night Riot her. face, Roger can eee her change color. She breeka from his embrace., " Tell me what you mean outright, Cap. lain Tem_ple. Say whit you have to eay plainly. You de eiot consider yourself bound, then, to marry Rose ?" , ' And thus,Roger is forced upon the: very borne of the dilenuna. Easy to • ennui a poseible devilled f .: m nth by nosilr' ociWhistler; hderibly heed to put 'into language _, paniards, and . gentlemen as with thehonesteet pair of obild'a eyed in A tide ate'net poteetalteil Of motel oeurageei the World looking straightinto one'd weak, , _. n„ reland. Ilene. • i' 112't, • : • . . , -, , • ' , trotibled soul. "Re had made an egregious, Note 33paraMe of 6,000'w:40meg. and arta. • , . Ali the eetitteleptoves.: After hilt anhourel . error." .801nething teethie effeoteloett he et 1 tan, like Coleridge, Win iii: the ',habit: Ot. hot• eel, Miss Burke heti atineeeded In ''', length` Contrive to. aneWer here "DariegeArkrichint hie boolle With marginal n0te9, of " heating the oneherci 40*n tO the veey loWeee ,the paetdosen YeaFiorecorehe had mistaken rare value for the generation a/henget whoa* ' / freaticitt4or, whicli'..inorta 'souls MAY be '5 sentitnent for paseitia.. and Bogie, poor the intellectual riebee • 0, .the: great Oratiat,.' . conveyed' eterttatt the frontier tO EIL Jean dot itOOM. it Mak be, lied nliatikett too. • But .ftra being distributed:. 4 . . , tte• . Frpthlecireign Waifs. , ig gigh 0401 le the initial news of the rieasonfrom-beaneifule-bite'-wicked-,-Monte is 100. at Pasteur'. establishment il.e Pates. The average inimber of dog -bitten - Scattered all Over Europe are sorrowini ,,,AizaiLeririna'igitrleewho have found. titled mar - NO lees. than eight Ateamehips for the . . - trans-Atlantic trade are now in prOgresii of, budding on the Clyde. : • Among the permanent:residents of Paris, 11 18 said, the exiles of Russian .nobilityare the meet noted for extravagance and pm- . digality Of life. • ! , Diudiess Decazee, formerly' Miss Ar of New York, hu astonished eve the Parisians by the magnificence of her equip , ages on the Bois. • With the beginning of ' the new year, it said; Many .English railway companies ' will abandon the use 91 second -ohne oar.- ' new% newspapers are full of atoierible-- mente of " °settee, ' "halls" and celebrated 'eetates for pale pr to lee. This is to be re- gard,ed as one of the significant .eigne 01 111. time. : 4 peaked helmet. By actual count' on an . • a ' , Rolnick Superseding leavening. sell ,Oaes. , The old-fashioned silk travelling or Ann cap, says the Now Yerk Sun, is fast • being superseded• by the English.' plaid' douhle-s ' evening train for Philadelphia on the Penh- itjr31:earleiltroBlaadeitnbei°p1tveeelkhielheeireet . el* lett, ' the idea that its wearer had pulled the ii two with black silk beed,geete T e helmet' wears the eyes and eleetides the light if : one wants to doze, while it feels and looks mote like the orthodox head aerating if one 'atepo off,lhe : train tit a station. 011 the other hand the skull nap always conveyed lining out of hig hat for teMporaty use. ' Caanibals Live the. Same Way., Thomao Catch, ensieei beate--It is said that a Spaniard can live upon an onionand a few olives a day. It eeeme serpriaing to n, a003 it,not ? ' , ' Little Brother -Mr. detch, know what you live an. • Mr. Catch ---What, Tommy: Little Brother-Oii your aunt said so. The isle of Grattan's librarY has •ttai• taken place in D I' Paterfaiiiiliae (at the supper -table to ' • rf ••• • 10 ,