Lucknow Sentinel, 1888-11-23, Page 4` N 4 n 1/ • Ap W .SENTINEL . 'COUNTY ,OF i3.,1 -070E. NO v, •TI.1t• — 1 felt • like, tetli g 'him that at his age • I bad seen men total abstriinars, but in leas than. 'ten years . had become almo`t: hopeleaa lnebrietea..- ." Let: hila that @tend take heed' lest he fall." $t102114 Alai Littera TO UTTTZR AND TO- ARGUE IPREELY ACCORDING TO WE DIOTATE9 p! OO SCIENCE WE PRIZE &ROTE ALL OT$E1t *BE'it,TIES Lq,okaoW November 3, 1888: DAIRYING INTERESTS: y ' "AI{SiERB throughout the country' :are waking :to the faet:that `they will Profit ; . by giving ,..;more attention to`' 'cattle relines and ' dairying ' _than they '.have:hithernto even, •-They know full' !,well that. in order to make changes. . ought to ' • t�' the beet results they =study the whole «question thoroughly. .au as to be .Aute they are right before ,'they' go ahead. Aadd inorder to.put. ,t)iomseires in the wap of getting full information -or at '• the events of be. ,inning to get full information-40Itt •• shold .aneetings and:' invite ' speakers. familiar with all branches of dairying ,snd cattle ''raising' Experience. .has. pretty well : demonstrated 'that1 the. tOntario farmer.'cannot depend upon building without :doors or . windows-; wheat for export• as hi�C ' principal .the floor atewn' with straw, . emptied .opo@: Even ' 'if the money- return: • from. ticks;. and :which gives• -'forth an Not long 'since "Thoughts"' was; greatly aanused to hear a • long deser Cation. on intemperance from the lips of a certain' bar tender in town. W hat'be said was good enough and true enough, but the amusing part was that in the midst of 4,his � moralizing a •party of four or five carne in ; some of, them - not too .sober, when "he got up and placed: before them'' tumblers ; a decanter each of•rye and malt. After a few rounds they retired ; he wiped up ; resumed:his "seat • and continue the thread of ;his temperance . lecture, I thought it 'rather incongrous. •Therre is.a;"sectien: of the liquor li- cense act;which "Thoughts" knows :to ,be a farce. It is' Sec. 125.; through; which/ a parent, etc., can give the In- spector,' nspector' instructions• not ;30 sell to his soh, etc A case in point came under my obs vation' last week. A to certain man town. told Stewart give the necessary. notice. He, did an. When the young man, against- .whom the prohibition was, heard of it, having some .meneyt and ;not• being barren of'. friends, .he • went on a' carousal'which wound up in. nearly breaking his nec.k Now,. that ° oung••.man is."•voluntarily, giving up•drink,, but compulsion. won't work. By the' way, is it part of in- spect or Stewarts duties to tell all over the •country: what: he has done, and how well'1.. - On Havelock street there is an • old • Cotton, for, 8c and 8c Cotton for 6c. lbs �;flc Factor • C �.... 50 bars • earlyif you went an good Tea for : 1 ca. �►., cod$ , _, m- .: _. _ - - �' �...rushes �--� . soapfor 6 bars •Ele cmc. for 25c, Scrub $1, star flannel 25c, Gents, - ood, all wool. flannel 2.0c, 'a 3� ties and,braces 25c. Nora eatiefectowyt which it is not, he • arorina Which ought to- excite the . •oI- clot e Plu'shes Melton los oolsthread •for 25c, 50c . .. � : Hsi ;h przee for . , .. . er' are, 00 �s � ;10: 121-2 and 15c p, y ,.� :gird@ ht • th t .he is steadily` lowering the., factory nerves of. the whole Board of .. tr::_i.i• :. ,proactive: , capacity of his land by sewing, :►ear bp'' year,: se much of its stance -in -the -inane of bul• grains rand -'-roots. IInder proper conditions,_ eve• •pounds of butter will produce as •nnuch .anoney .es a bushel of wheat There is a by law. in .force in town against cows and other animate running is-a--dez Ouse_ -of -the 'oldest- clerks in -tan, -!the other night, before 'closing, ' covered:, some seven or'eight rolls of; butter with cot- ton .and then a Buffalo ,robe, `t you ,sea. it onight:freeze," said he. •L:have heard of almost everything in nature being. injured by frost,. but butter is .new or, the •list of substances sriiceptiblo to his ravages:. Another clerk int,*Nest end store has gone: into the. Weir trade, :on• a'small scale of : course, : but then, as he; Says, '" Armour" :and"•all,thesa.big men ,commenced on: small .ca 'tal." He is • the happy' possessor of ,a : ten ,dollar koiine'cow,'but ae`she does not "supply' milk :enough for the•wants of his num=. eroua family; •he, will • dispose - of her' by way •of ra$ie on •.Friday evening. Four the next two weeks -apple -and, ether; fruit trees -may- e bought at a. `discount,; as Howard''' Spencer, agent foe the :" Maple; Grove Nursery,':, on Wednesday last • took' Miss Rintoul, ••daughter of HenryeRintoul, .•of •Waw- anosh, unto 'himself,' one of the• •fair daughters.,of .Eve, wl on:hrat. on earth, ., tasted the apple:and their •gave, to Ad- am, May there be, 'lots. of fruit and. happiness: limn. the• .united; branches. sad .sf,.ho Produces butter, his land will, • ;aaot grew;poor, but.zticher w • f •k • ” -t •Ix the. clays when the barometer sic. new;, say$. •sit exchange, "a'• captain. ushed excitedly oq deck ...one fine iif emoen' and ordered .everypre�►aration lora storm. .' The sailors thought him rmad iru't•obeyed;:and before `their work was dobe had oocasson to chaAge their minds: •about• the•capta>ii's sanity.'. .Fortunately for'him the• Sudden fail in lie mercury proved' 'a truatwo"rthyYin Kiicatidn. , There has been alike ;sttd cit faA. in bYle„barometer of.Uanadian rade, arid that; under an equally se, r- ,mie skj�, . �►ccbrding to the balance of rade •�tiheocy, :*hick ,is- stilld evoutly �lceld by, our •controlling; economists ithe country. is a bad � •gay and,: had better get in .everything but reefed #,opsaile' in Short order. En• gland's•irin- ports,from Caaada• are reported as �eiglty one Icer; Cent. `less than in %Oc- ober ,of last year, while comparing ch�e same periods Nhe• exports to Canada in. creased_. two hundred. and fifty: per'cent.. or in otl,�er:words, w-;bnught three.and a half tinea -as much -as --last year. araFdd •acid leas°tlfan a -fifth; ' , •i 0 .�'l Orsi ncd hays on han:d..-a- ull supply of a kin df loves for' -the 46Thoughts en,hie 'Ronnde' Thanksgiving Dayoriginated among' 'the j.'ilgrim' Fathers of the Eastern States.. Like their.Sabbath, it ,began at' six' o'clock the previous, evening, and' lasted' twenty: -four :.hours;:' : The; day :vkept: as rigrdly as the Sabbath' :service in the, morning and afternoon, %tit with six •o'clock the day- ended, when She fancily fathering partook of .. the Thanksgiving turkey with the. usu al •accompany ments of " pumpkin•. pie .and apple sass,": along with a good stip:- consisting:.of Cook,. rlor a.d ai'� .,` style :le` .•, BOX �. atO�i'�S, Sr .. � ,• s• :NOT=C �,, ;_•; :J 1 ALL PERSONS ° INDEBTED TO 'CHE J OH$ .STE.WART,. are hereby notified not to ..pay any 'money. to any person, except one of; the •.• ,ply of hard cider.;'` The evening` ;otos-. :lug With innocent am'usenient. Only .few 'years ago . Thanksgiving .,was. -.'' kept' as strictly. as Sittiday now is,. V N.D :RSI as no; other,. person has authtrity to receive. y f r the estate m• oue':; o� wAL•;TER STEWART, . JOHN' MDdILLER Dated Nov: '2l.et,1880,''S Bxecutors. THIS. YEARS'. +CU:T and PLUG, SMOKING TOBACCO FINER THAN EVER, See for coal or wood .'' Al. of Hardware, Also a large stock . goods ood glass,paints,.oils : &c am� g s A OIL alwayso n; ham s• • 'IN BRONZE;74:0I4 each Plug "and -Package FARM FOR SALE OR TO RENT. RE UNDERSIGNED ortEas.FOli- sale or to rent for a term. yeari, 50, acres ot land, being the': isouth half of north half of lot Mend 80. in the fir4 concession 0.• the township of Kinks's. The land is nearly all seeded doWn mulls .w'sll watered, with, gosd htinsie suilotithuildings. It is three mike t4na f7,5 1 •. s WREN( e continue bueiness:i' our OLD -STAND,:` the usual, where customers, will receive the yam' as to, rtinnin'g e are selling goods -at ready Ileduped Prices 'lies W. -World wide reputation 11$3 ailhYSidiall all(l• XV aches and'pains in the back ; a dull pain . anno.ig aged persons ', hot, dry akin, pal.. eon' : plexe...n, red and white deposits. Alrop- dizziness . '" sour-.-Stornach; constipation, piles,' liver SiC4- Mainliiike and Dandelion. are nature's Lives' .. cures. and when *combined with Kidney renis-- . atiug, the whole body; Sold by all dealere .ht, . .ti, with Iteeeipt Dank, which alene is Worth :lea, AS in D,r.:. Chase'is Liver Cure, will mon ' -. liver, strengthening the kidneys, and inviipor- set gently yet effectually. may Dr. 0haiwes Pills ire the only Pttotuurrl-bie.,..Shead' lieent:all:TionhudeLdricu'nre,gcos' KanoidYinateY7.8131;.,i . „' ‘4,0 Pill a dose, Price iric.. Sold by BERRY di DAYS, Liictoso .. •t;• •