Lucknow Sentinel, 1888-11-23, Page 3Owe ei,•k t. e • • • • , . • % t. • •• 1 • " Csonceetpeentees ' • 0, AtCrifirdittif*Oii; - Otte there, lived a little' maiden. Wile•Wite very se„,,e 'or tee 4reatures of Bile Witell sweet and the• fair WhO, .110 •31J0 eerele Peatiese,eild,10e0, CoutitteP,•wee,",,Pfifihe RIIW 144 P....614900 Aud 'twits said through ell thecountry. Oa was • ,(Pitlaberg /Mansion.) fitinny, flowing bair ; erotic.," X • . loved rseyorel couipare. Those who 6eioY the bonefit of .4 rum Tot she bad no weal.th nor tleWer-lust a levelY, market and the '4 corner grocery "nof to. smiling face, day can hevabot• faintponeeption'of the Just a kindly, gentle nature, and a maiden's win- difficulty Of piocuring food in the western • some grace; But at times elso longed :fo5jeweis, to wear silk country 100 years ago. ' Around Fort Pitt and costly lace. it was found necessary to iesne a military Anefecheneeede, lee a-slop/•Aorder to keep down picee and keeup ug alp garden • rp once. in June, •• •• .supply, while thecourts' in Virginia at that 'end tee omelet lessee 'tier tresses ,and theday established these •priees inthe (pretties . ereeees tail e time. • d' t • over which its court bed jots ioe Ana the roses wore half jealous aiftee seremer - - et eevera, miles breught thut we. hien to the • - • - afttirnoon, _ _Price of_ corn, per bushel", . •„ . „ SS foot bilis, and they began at once to scent wietee3i. ora teet • 04 00 the ravines an ,pstches of 'brush Where Whiekey,,with sugar added, one-half pint08. they, supposed one of the monetee eitintale Peel', Per •cliPir.t • ° might lineoneeeled. Fer over two 'beers • In the Peethumone papers of Wm. Clark, .their efforts proved freitleee, but at length,. of Beaver eminty, Perinsylvapia, the enierging from e deep and narrow, valley, legal fee of that day is fairly- Placated .by they they suddenly espied an: immepee grizzly, • less- than six rods distant :and • leisurely moving in an opposite direction', evidently making for the creigs and peaks further up in the. range. On perceiving the, hunters, thee bear started to eon for a dense, ,thieket - peer by,. bot" Ingle, 'tin order to head .hitn off from. . the hiding pitied,' 'pet • epure to his ` horse and dashed ehead.reeklesely; The grizzly, seeing his thence of escape likely to be °et off,. •becente infuriated and . rushed; toward the men savagely. It being down hill the anentere jureps were «mermen% 'Alia be . rapidly shortened the distance between him, self and the. .hunters. •Ingle's. horse. was frightened so badly that it became unman- ageable, and while be was Strtigglin with his equine the bear overtook him, and with e tremendous leap paught the horse by the Witherseharling both it arid the rider to .the ground. 'Ingle, „being an active man, regained' feet:instantly end- darted towardenver. . A. few bites. and groans, and the bear killed the horse almost ' instantly, and then proceeded to overtake Ingle, who , was rushing:Or a plade of safety at ,the top :of his speed. Fortunately, the ranehmanet .eerder Cisme to his rescue, and placing him- self atid horse almost squarely in frontof :4- '''TITTEttelr• 4414 -74414r74:77-17-- ----'t4},I1404iW ••••••••••*4 • • • • IL= 5,74-, Terrific Encounter of it, Westertesteekman A store' Tote ley. George Francis, Train In • . with Mr. Ornin. a Lecture for the Yellen!, Fever Fund, . james" Ingle, a stockmen, residing near. , George Francis "Prain•leetured to 200 per. the Main range of the Itockiefi, in Colorado, sons in Chirendoneilall last night for ,the has for some time Past been lotting large !mega of Jacksonville sufferers. Nobody naral3ers of cattle .oftee finable their par- preOcled• 414 he introduced bireaelf. He cases terribly mutilated and haet 'buried in talked of a rest niesuy things, of whir& he tiv Berne deep canon or glen far up among the himself wae the greatest. ' Teaching upon" fastneesete of the mountains. • So, taking the Jacks° ille fever soonege, he reverted one of his best herders and a full supply of to in rapider* in New Orleans fifty-two arm so eqitipinerite, he started out with Years ego.' • ,, • :•.:•' 1 the bold determinetion of :hunting up some "It verte'dreedfol,'! ho said. ''' NO, ooffins offithese wild and 130w:beasts. A ;crap there, nor any hearse', 'nor funeral, nor mourning.' 0.111Y a cert and a .boy that etopped, before the door ane called: , ,,' 'Bring outeebring pet •-eyour-d.e-a,011" "1 remember they took out my little sister Josephine. 1 remember how they tossed the box Over among A lot of others. My father and mother and I went - after it in a carryall; I remember" the rain and the water eplashing . about the wheels in the. cemetery, Again in two days days came that • And silo, dreamed of we:agrees treaseres;. of a castle by tin:ism, . a priors() who camp to' 0040: bor. mid vibes!. , praise seemed me!edy" bike the music et the waters flowing on• eelight- • fully . 6 •• • .0 .. •,en a ,-.* leugod for Time I. Pass her ilko a sod- this note . Sth , . . For Wer youth to ,ianisli quickly, and to ho a f Tr 0 el ... e •• . 'WOO:littl grown. ,• • • June 4, 1811., , . Tteit. tee prince might Yucca borer° tier,. and, , " Tlireamontbs after data I promise to par Inigh% robnii ber ter hip own, . • • ••„ David Ilayes, or order,,S2 in morenantable , • . • . • • ,, wheat, rye or other trarle,.'as will suit said And . in .part her 'wish:was euswtred„ for 'there rJavid, f or attain:ling to a ease of habeas cor. came es, her one day • . • .. pus, ku will* Charles l'also impridOtied, waif , I , One who offered wealth' and',station, and Indis- discharged, . • . . JOB MOSE,"6 * , , • tutu away.. impel Chetah, Flacupton, Virginia three , • ' • 11, • ,.. • , . The' s o 12E41 u9 love to give him. Yet sho,aid het In the vestry 'registry of se John's " But I've heard a s'i.e.yed. woman.stands akin° at Miles from Old Point Cenatoet, this &mare : ewes, of day, • . To 5fr Barlow, for seventeen sermons, at MO And her heart is grieved and troubled 'let men • -- pounds tobaeo 5 950 pounds. - Praiee h" 168 theY'qn&Y; • ° TO Boy. John Reid, salary,16,000 pounds. Beitefer happiness has left,her--takeirwings and . . Toltev. jam Nei I, board, 1,500 pounds. • flown aweY ' • To Itey,'John Reid, for clerk, 1,000 pounds. • • And I think, 0 friends, .1twere better, in th . • To Widow Lawrence, being Poor, 500 pounds • To Mary Clark, sexton, 400 pounds. .•. journey here of our, • - tobacoe. - ' Not to dream of poster and riches, nee of -stately - agreed with James 13riggs to keep Eliza Miket domes au d towers-- . ..,., , for one year and to find her in elotnes, for 1,900 But to livs in sweet contentment:like the little --Theindepers en ., eetines tobacco. . , . , * birds and.ilowers, , • ,,,t, - - - • ' F.r,orctetto entry eltiewhere in the book it app ars that 16;000 pounds of tobacco field. - • .• •NOT A FL A.T. T1rt4oinan Who Mnew What Alio 11 'ad • • '• • —1 'Bought. •:. • • A good .-story told -by the New .-kork Preis! whinh it firm of pros:anent furniture . dealers that city sueceeded for :some time in keeping qinet....The firm alluded • , to had, it 'vety elegant varlet set Of Solid : mahogaity. of the finest upholatory.• It ' also had duplioetep in veneered wood and , eep plinth metre store -room. • Thenestly •. outfit, which wag worth about 0200, was • :disteafed inithe window end reaekede • ,* for. £101 lis. In 1776. the Virginia liOnse 'of Butgessere took the salaries of the clergy, and in 1802 ,confiscated, the glebes, and in that year ft Parson eilubbard," the last Of the Coloeial persons, laid down the Bible and prayer book and was buried in the poor farm •churoltyard of Iele of Wight county. ' A auricles letter has beep preserved from Finnois Yeaedley,, :toe e of Sir George Yeeerdley, 'one Virginisei early governors, Written to John Ferree,' telling Of a notable transaction with ; "•Einperor Of 'Cry 4 , ' . I.Bring ontbringoet-eyerri-d.e,a.d!' 66 IS wee. my little sister Ruby, then. How different from at Jacksonville, where they do it up in style, with flue coffins, and. money and help'pouring in from all over the world. Yet again We went "to the graveyard,andthere waeleftonly my little sister Ellen, a weak, delicate little. thing, gentle aucl mild, the fairest. flOwer that ever.-blooneed.-She-W al ways been my infernal playmate. A little fellow 4 yeare old don't remember much, but her face has been with me , all through. my life, and I obeli never . forget it, nor how one day' there came again that ory. : "'Bring oat -bring oret-your-,-d-e-e•d1 "1 clung to the hok, I remember, and struggled spinet their; taking it away. After that-went:the servants, I remember, ancrthe doctor, and then the nutria, and. at last they showed the my mother,* Wok ' and in a few days she, too, had. gone. Then there came a letter from my aunt, far away in New England, and it begged them to send onee-httle Georgia, at any rate, before all were dead. So inY father took the bearei • °burn, 'diverted the • letter's . me to the ship' Waverly, and • I, remember " how we walked from one ship to another .to et, on it. He tied a card' about my 'neck, and op it wrote : - • "'This is: George krataide Train; -my only child. Consigned to John Clark, jun:, Dock square; Boston. • • • • " 'Take good care of the, little fellow; he bonier 4 yeses old all deed but one out of a farntlyof eleven.' s W0/1401141E- ?AGO That Stands 04 le reanarle vela& Farm. , Imegine &Atone, in size containing ebeee five hundred cube: feet, in shape nearly es • *mulct ee en. orange, in weight not leee than 80,000 pounds or 40 tons, 'end Be, ncoIy balanced upon a rock that a child 10 yeah; 'Of age by pushing against either the north or south aide can rock it back and forth; yet the strength of a 'hundred men with- out levers or other eppliatioes, would be , insuffiqient to dislodge it from its position. Such is the celebrated rocking etene on, the !Arm of J. McLeury, two miles West Of ' Bibilt.i0e110. This is one of .the greatest netoreegertgelties in our whole country.. ' -What sculptor otit Pieee .of - - marble of its Bize and then poise, it. Be nicely , that it would vibrate under so light a ;touch ? But its shape, size and position are not not the most wonderful things about it. . . • Its body is composed of a somewhat loose ' and soft sandstene,lo which are itnbedded numberless round and flinty pebbles .„. diarnond like hardneigi: In. (ell the valley • . *here it is situated it is the solitary sped- ; • ' men of its class. Around, and under the , • rook are of totally different Otruoture. • The table on wheile it tests is a hard steno riearly acefirm and . close grained -as • the • bluestene Of our gnarrieri. From • when's • , mime this wonder end how t -Philadelphia Cali. . e •••••1,"---"`" .attentioe, and causedthe bear to glee them. . a hard chase over; meek ground that well nigh resulted' in their destreetion. At length, skilfully avoiding, the animal, the herder reterned to his partner, aril again,. ' Reareike,"' Who sells North Carolina, with guns in hand, they started afterthe TilI ELEGANT PARLOU SuITE at this time. celled South Vieginee. beer. Hde *SS found whenhe behind a small clump* • to the 'llingei agent for a house and, bushel, an, "w his SPeraies al", e. - ' TWENTY,SEVEN•ROTZABEill ' £200. • In '0000Iasion; Yeardley begs to kiss proechin • • dui . 'to van nith them, , ehe mon' stood their green an• • ga 1M 1...:. • . ', :.....-. : - .-: . ; the 'heed of his cerreapcsedeet with the felt payers' shots ‘ from ' their Wieelteetee Allen-, .. One day a - mild, pieekleoking 'woman handief his " virtuous conntrywoan, the btit even these failed to quell his fury, as he, . , . oaree; ice eXamined the .furniture and id, worthily to be honored - mnt re• erirefnie ' • • - vOst‘lii- ' She took a receipt for her •mtetey; Farrar.'• ' MreeVirginia Ferrer', or Farrar. continued to emit upon them, with. epee I growling frightfully,. The bear was left her. address. and was bowed oat by .4744 the daeghtet of J,ohn Ferrate jueeeeci jews0. almost '•againet • tegle,i. when, at an °peer. , • the' smiling 'Baleares% Who 'Wigged hee tne granddaughter of John 'Tetra'', oi. the lune moment, and with greet dexteritte the . "•the.ititings would be sent • right Virginia competty... •• '. • . thateretleated-outten4 the • . • that In due titne the waggoiriarived From the old records of Montour's Run . 'at the young woman's house, and backed Presbyterian•Church, of Allegheny dentate" • up in front of thescicier. . appears that in eespetiee to the call Dr. 66 Hold on," 'said the'purohaser, " don't Jed= MoUillart the ,pioneer, PrbYterian unload: yet." • • . preacher of 'Western Pennsylvam ,..andthe • , wins; rind s An odd mixture Of words, but thenufferee • /rem' constipation, indigestion, impure bloodebiliousness, and other such ills, oen be cared if he wills, Without taking the hos- rid, old-fashioned pills. 'node are super - ceded in our day bythose wonder...working, yet tiny, little globules, known as , Pr. . • Pierce's Pleasant Pellets. No griping, no drastic purging; db not cause' oostisenese ••- e•-• ee - afterwards, as the old-style pills do. • One ; little Granule a dose. •' • The Modern Cane. First, Dude-Bajeve, chePPiie fohgetten yosh.walkingatick to -night.. Second Dade -Didn't fohget it • too tired ' to carry it. • • s . , mirthtul measures, warm and free. ' I sins, dear maid, and siug for thee! " • ,-Btit. I think I • would be .peifotming Bee _ • greeter service to you and yoursex by *Mat- . ing, not in measured rythm, bat by setting . out Bente strong teethe simple.peose, If . . you or. ant, of your • female feiends are • suffering !torn ulcerations, diephiceinent, eencettions„ or unnatural dis- charges, use Dr. Pierce's Vavorite'reserip, -tiene-Whiah- eireesure, to , eradicate_ these •A warm; pleasant gulf, and along and . along day atter day, floating' in the, sunshiW floating north;, floating at last into the "beentifullearbor of Boston. And I seem to have heenfleating.•ever since:1-4Np York littet • jammed his rifle barrel down the . animal's' throat and discharged the Weapon. . . Vital Weeks. • The bear was severely !Attuned and stag- "There are three Wieke to the lamp of 9, gered, but he maneged to give 'Ingle a fear- man's : brain, blood, and breathe, Thus fel- etroke With' his paw that felled the •writes an eminent American atelier. The Most frequent derangements occur ,the bleed and in the liver; by which, When in healthy condition, the blood is purified. 10-e-okeittieforthe-terrible-chain-otediceiasete that owe their inception to torpid liver and Consequent. impure ,blood. When. the Syneptoms, et liver and kidney troubles, consumption . (Lting-sorcitalit), bronchitis, and- dropsy, make' their 'appearance, *the system is • immediate need of a course of. Dr. . Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. Its mareelons effeettehaece been tested and. New, aitoentee 'latter to the earth breathless and seriously 1 Then she cliplltedeen the elm and Made founder of Jefferaon College, , 'a very feetiliate exinninetion:÷ofetheeleiee ert.preneleat MmitOar's•Ren, " On ye fifth wounded.. Springing I; .his viatim • and • Sabah- of jely"1•;T.7'f-i-6-.' with-his-monthefilled with gore the beSi • was in the very act of grespinrii-sgrerti-herid- in his enbrinotemeews when the herder gave the.aniinal a t 'see that that 'dropped him instantly. The pill of the.dead.bearen the body, of . the 'hantar alreoat crushed the latter completely, and it will. be, many months liefore, he fully recover% from his injpries. After taking his partner home the herderretureed end Ahmed the beer, hist she said to; tlte. driver : • , • eee 'a I'll go beak' with you to the. store., , • •- These are not the goods I purchased." . . • • Aria back,' she cad go deepite preterite' • and assurances that everything was ,sib . ' right. When she Walked in she was not thentild'mannered creature of 'ewe 'hours . There, was no church or mooting house at that day; but eervirfes tierebeld in What` WilIiarn Culleteleryant calla:.: , . • • Gods first temples, the -grove in the vicinity where the ,church now stends,": In winter seri/ices were held' befote. • • , ., in any niemberei house to snit convenience. . "You've tried tnewindle me," she cried. On APril:fitht 1782, the United congrege- , .• st 1 bought' one set of furniture and you thine of upper Raccoon and :Montour Ran • ' 'sent Me another. Now I wane What .1 leaned a call for the pastoral ,services Of e paid 'yeti.' for. Hewed° I now . manse Joseph peeterson, on thee terms., . in every articlad that set yeti sold•me I . e , pioav.4atsioyn.,,htus; to be 130d. bieekik.• w,heati. pork or . ' ' stuck a pip • while you were not loeking.. • : 7 • Now; I'M going to „pick out My Property ,tthe eau, which was accepted, was signed . and gee that you send it , over, If. Y.Pn 162. Men and one lady' Mrs Mary Wil don't there'll •:be trOtible," • ' • sere None of the pierieers saevive; but • s There wee: no trouble, and the little twee deBoendente still alert in the Old Mon.:: 'woman is again: looking for a' sharp Thor- tofu Churph, : ' • chant with a ilmtlet bargain ": hand. • 4. , Ta Minister Thanked Beaven• • . • s • EX-Prisident MayeaVforne. Nellie..Bly " writes very PletteantlY in :the New York World of exTresident Hayes' ' • fine old honieeteed at Fremont, Ohio, and • . Of the lives of Mt •ininates. The' mansion is Of the old-fashioned southetn.type, With broad hallthintigh the ceintre. and largo, , - ',. • . pleasant rooms On either hand: The Hayes •' ..re eery pedlar anieng their neighbors.: • • The ex -President hoe been chtteged with, penuriousness, but rietiounte lecom those ,,. • . •'. who know hindevill agree that he is, On the conteary., „extretnele, charitable, though very. quiet and unostentetiottee Be and • Mrs. ' Hayes expend on oliaritisa about • -• 1110,000 a year. The chickens, of Which so .• • inuelt• has been said by : the 'newspapers W. A view of poking fan fit the •ex-Presi- . fie • are the 'Pets of Mrs. •Hayes, who 18 exttemety feed Of all kinds of aniline's, 'Neither Mr. Hayereshowever, nor any other man need be %ashamed of raising good poultry. , The homeatead it., tilled with : :.• • rare, tteasures, of a literary apd artistes • •character, the acionmelatione Of' Years of - epportunity,, and pecuniary in., , dependiance: The general Still •oares for .-* his old wee horse,, Whitey. •Tho Hayes" efrinfily life ahappyone. • , . • An old see 'Captain sat in the lobby .of the Custom House yesterday' afternoon. Be *mile a talkative mood, and, related a number of funny experieneeti he had had with the ministers. There Was one in par - Heeler which amused him very much as he cleaned it. . • • "Once, when he left London,: he began, o Make . a trip to Baltimore, among the passenger's on board was . a preseher. We had hardly got out of the • river before the good man became awfully sick, ancl he felt sure eomething was wrong with' the ship. which was an enorinous adventap, the hide. proven in the mire Of tens of thousands ,of being considered: guile valeable. The des- cases. It purifies and enriches the 'blood, perste encetettere. however, ;has 'proved restores Wet vitality, and effeetually eredie rather discouraging to the hunters of this cates eeedsuf'the worstmaladiesthat section. • • • .• • -`• afflict menkind. s • • • • • complaints in a short time. It is the only . . Medicine for woman's. peonliar aibientee ' • •: • sold by drtiggists, under a positive guarantee; from the manufacturers, -that - it will give -- satisfaction in every case, or money will be • • refunded.: The guerinterehas been printed , •, on the bottle wrapper; and faithfully deified out.for many years. . • • ' ' • : • -Another good for insomnia is to have the nurse sleep np'. in the Betio, With; • aby. • . ' 1 the -b ' • -.--ee-."Wheneiteman _Lim:tame en pinion he. will find some. one who opposes tt. 'Hence , a, man without opposition is man without • • opinions. , , They an shirk 1i. ' ' • • • • ,,• ' Chicago. • , • •Before one of the .Ititterpool revising har- C.--711Hatfe you heard about Jones riiitetai claire was 'made be the perk Of: D. -ft No; what it!"John Pritohard, whose. ,qiialifioation con.' " 'Something very mysterious. , }le • has sisted of :freehold houses in Howe street; dieappeared:with upward of 41,1400." and, when- Mei:deuce was described as • •e What there.mysteriOes about that .?; 66 Ieliosllanerohregog, near itaation."': Mr. It happens every every day." • , •,' , Franco (to the friend Who appeared for Mr. ":But, alive it is his own 'Money Pritebard)-em You poi that Mr. Pritchard lives at ..--e=•i; you knowthe place.'" (Laugh- ter.) The.. Applicant-" Where 7" Mr. France-" Oh, can't pronounce it (lea laughter), Mid I Meet leave it to Mr. Leader. (Renewed laughter.). , Mr; Leader-" Does he live it. you know ' Where I mean? Applicant-" Yes, he liveir there." Mr. Leader-" Well; we muet .accept that, for I can't for the life of me pron'otince the word. It is eel:Went' to strangle wee." He • related . hie feet .toe ine,•, end,to vertertelatighteree Theevete. was allowed. them I took him, to, the fore pert • of the . ' It is Different When Xon-Wlin vessel where a number of •sailors werehusy Wotkinge ' t. ' • , Mr. Boggs-I.invested a' few dollars an • Do yeti hear those' men swear?' I ticket in a.lottery It ripen ago, Amanda, and • eked. . -_;-- ' • ., ',Yes,' be replied. 'Isn't it sheeking. Mrs. Rogge (horrified) -01i, Me. Boggs! Wheeevill become of them?" . • • To ehink that I should ever be a ganiblerei • Well, I don't ISTIOW•'.I 8318wera• !bat wife! . -• it must be plain they ereniet worriedabout Mr. Beggs -And it drew a 615,000 prize: , , , . „. . . . , the coneition of the ship.' The 'reverend Mrs, Boggs (hugging him rapterously)e- ' entleman , saw the point and felt inn& Oh; you dear old Boggie t :. Now /, can asi .. ' si • ' • have a egalskip ,Bacque.- Can't I? • • . . . , .., . • . . . . • "The •next . day e terrible- etorm,arose: The verefel.elenged in the . trough ef the- . ' ., - nen in the 'Family. •, sieves, and the pitsfiengere Were, greatly' Beseee Octet holne from boarding .eohoolle- d • • ' '• • 'ftlerf 'delighted :to' see you, ' Mame*" 'ft I heticed •the preache.r going to the , peewee here game part ot!the ship,:and r followed hire.: Mamma (regarding het suspicionsly- Snddenly he stopped and listened atten. 'Bessie,yoci. didn't kite With a bureowieg tively. ' Then he eitlairned : 'Thank motion' when .Yeti Went away fromheine, heaven, they AYES Still sweating.' I need Yoteve !dueled that from Bemehady.With.M. 511 not add that 'the boat didn't gp, down."- longmoustache!" • . . ' • ' 'Officer •O'Gredy--Then, died .the ehtep galtiniore News. :,' ., . . , ye take till ye go into Levi's attire and put ' ' • . " - , ' • ' . • Religion Of Is Mode. , . up th" harmenteon: for a pair o . Mee flan- No Egterivating Cli:Cuinstanees. ' . The Rector—My , clew. Mrs: Werldleigh ' iiinIrto °enslave tie" denceney .aV• 50er lege. Jiidge:-"Prieeder the ' evidende •sho'Ws yon nnistini• iss Y°11r, 'di•nrch yen' "'eh.; I/ .. • D'ye think, ' ye're .6t henie in Mrica; Ye that yen brutally assaulted the plaintiff. feel frosr; •,,,NYouriaielgh,..ei (,10.ri4 railvii ray church haythen baboon? • . • .'"' . ilave yon anything to offer in. extenue.• " • -,---,--ci•=—' . . • ,„. • ,, ..„„ . . , • „ • as iniach as you Would filPpoee, for I make , .. Prisone No, sir ; My lawyer took all •Janet sit ittethe • windose Sunday Meeting s ' A 'gene reteweil. ' • tune 1 r_,, • • • '' Ft',Istd-" i 'Bit.', ala 4.14PPist tita Ton' the•inolley thad."--trecke • . . . , and tell me Jest who see going by and how • On the Way to the Caledonian GameS. Officer O'Grady (recently appOinted)- Slatoy, ye'xlivil Where'o eet pants? • , Fergus Mdreviele(in kilts and with bag: pipes. with dignity) --,Pante, mon • hae ino ! rightene . OW /28 disappeared with...". • ... • • ' 4 . " Incredible I' Ile:realm° :" "fir e most thorough •irivestigation of Mr Mr .• • , . • And the Review says: • +A, ItERCHIINTS,BUTCHERtav • . We want S.GOOD MAN 112 your localiteto pick up • • , ALF SKINS , . . for US. Cash Furnished on satisfactory guarantg The Shoe (V.Leatlwr •Reperrter, 'N. Y., and Shoe ce Leather Revisew, Chicago, the leading trade paperdof the U.S. in the Hide line,have sent their , representatives to investigate' Mr. Page's busi neis, and after a thorough examination and coin • 4,, parietal the Reportir gives him this endoreement • "We believe tht'sct ill extent of light -weight rate • material collected and carri,ed, Mr. Page .holds" ' . • the lead of any competitor and that his Rresead , • stock is. the. largest held' by any house in this • ." ,• Address,' C.S.,PatiE, Hyde Park, Vern.iont,17.• • ••. . • • ed with otluew in same ' • .• • line,. we have become fully sat specialty, light -weight stack,ha is unguestionablip, . , .• • the largest dealer in this country, while in eller; ority of quality he is confessedly at the head.' quany: If Mr. Page's business' is the largest in its line in the tleited States, is it not the best .• • posdible proof of his ability to pay hig,hest prioes'? ' if he did pot do so,. would he naturally get more. Skins than any of lus competitord in the same line? treacenorrowanarestreanne, • ' rag. s buszness.as eompar • • ' • Qintek Advertisements Are rapidly becoming a• nuisance, and we think it behoves ptibliehers. to examine into the 'therite of many" attieles ,ptiffect 'up, iii their .ccderime. We do not deny that many oteritotious remedies are properly ' to be Olissed•Mider thin headitie. . Take thebute. diode and thOesande, relievedfrem seeeke• suffeting.by thaw efePelson'e,Neiteneet, ,W0ald it not be tiniimmienable to expect -theni to condemn this far -fainted remedy ? Now we know foe a fact that Polson's Nor. viline is without exception the most power- ful, pleasant and certain ifruedy in the , ..wOrtd for pein. It cannot fail, for it goes right to the betiote of 'Pain, penetiatee to • • . D.. e nerves , soothere them into quietness,- • • ISOOVERY- • ' • they til•e dressed -Judge • • of ' • • - Sackvitle-West4 Weil,. rather' 1.. One can't °pee one's nionth in this blooming country svithout petting Mien foot in it, you knove"-C,hicag Nees: , . • ', " At. Sea. • • '.• ' Anis St: Clerelfrolii the west) -What is • , ' the bell ringieg for ? Seltonstiell (concisely). Miss "St. 011ire'L.••I 'don't refs why • • they have to ring abell to toll' theieke a fog. . ' . Look at my bapgsieellosion Beacon. • s' • . ' ` • Varty,Onn yeard. ago a Tthoda itdand _•rnan meted the, hand of a yeatig. lady and secte.telesed, • Tho. peitlittee pet bees. 1;c•tar,' 'tied and are enjciying their honeymoon.la at the age Of 12. and. she it 61. . • . -OrielnalitY• is the 'fatialty ,tif adapting • • • • an old id9a to 6 new ecoasion. ,. . . , t• ... .., ' 4 • •• HSU VATS: • .NO1o0glak On the garden getti • Fondlov,ers swing. NOVeniber breezeg regulate • That Bort of thing. • . Within the cosy . . • Before tho grate • , Theyldt, and,never node° hoW • " leg growing late. • ..141(.6hlazing cOals illuminate • „, With ruddy -glow , . The cosy roemrland, though 'tie late,. He does net go..• , Itex day sue has a sleepy ttii,`• $ Her luee enraged; llut, after all, Wintt ddes She care? • She'n Ongeged; -L..tvery dog bas his day, MY boy ;. buf iOW filtieh hawk off is the Mule, who has his years. hutV,. t • ••-ei , • r , 0* ' •41.. • •• • 5‘, •• ' 4 .• • . • .• • • • ; .' • A little 4-5tear.eld girl -in Macon, "Ga:, has•just got ee00 for a father who is dead, 'and bas the emirate° of 616,50 a month from now until:she 19 16 years old, Uncle Sam mikes the payment under the arrears ie I • .of pens n aW. , • -•The girl who: .takes her engagement ring to the jeweller to !Inc]: out how Much it 008i13., Will never Make, it .sallsfactery Wife, especially if the • yowl men finak it out. . , ' : TIM Duke" of Argyll Is very fond of bird .and animals: At elle time lie imported te ITO/privy sorne metier) ' deer, Cenadisn tarlings tetkeye and meek rate as an experiment, The deer died, the rate and eteteinee have never been son shies, hilt •F so a queer lottery, She drew esblank that ti • MAELOUS th. end .affordeptorePt 'and' PiTn••1"nebt 'vni°113' nnlIke 478"131'11. Neryilinesis (mid by elrdruggiste. Sample . :Cure of:.mind Wandering. • Classesof 14.087 at Baltimore, 1,005 at Detro" 1,500 at Pudadelphia, 1,11.3: at Washington • • 1,216 at noston, large classes of: Celurnbiefit . • ••• . students,at Yale, VVellesley, Oberlin, .Univereity, r" ' • • ' of Penn.', Michigan University, Chitutanqua,etri. ' • • etd. ' :Endorsed by EIOESAMO+ eBOOTOR, the Saba -• • , • . • tiat, Hone, W. W. Anon, Jubee Bkxusini • , Judge GIBSON, 13r. BILOMM• E. it. cowl, State Normal College, etc. Taught by 'corral • pendence. Prospectus POST POEN from • , , • PROF. LUISETTE, :MAIM Me., N.Y. only e0 depts. Try it, , Stallions .for Canada.. The Edinburgh Agrieulturisit 'states that during the „last nine months there were exported from Scotlatid e,954 Clydesdale stallions. Of the ntinibet exported 1,671, or triores,ehan:' one.lialt; went to British North America and ,5e8 tho 'United States. : ' • • • • • ITC1,11Nia , • Semeeetise-Moisture• intense itching an alleging ; meet at 0019 worse by .scratch ing. If allowed to :dentine° eamore ,foem • which often bleed and ulcerate, becomin. very sore., SWAYNR'S OINTMENT stops; .the, itching and bleeding, heals uleerationeend in malty, °seed remoees the tumors. It ' equally . efficacious in curing all Ski Dirtnageb. Dn: !WAYNE .& SON, Pro- prietors, Philadelphia. SWAT-146'st OINTMENT DOM be obtained of druggists. Benthy niajl for 50 cents." ' ' • „ " 'Worse Than a Failure. • • ' Parser:I-1 am astbiliebed to hear a man with three married daughters say " Mat. riage is a failure." . • , , • ' ' when You have three &traffics besides your own to support, you will leatn that marriage is positive bank, repteY. • • ' • A 42neer Lottery. 4,!.Whet a lottery therriege ist" exclaimed, Cora. • Why, there's Mary AnsiteWe •slie'S•nelitried Sinythe-rather but the boat catch` of the Actaeon." ' Yes," assented Mimi Snyder,. But It the gobblers'are doing well. , • • tete:firth ten theudetida 'year,' • T E r9OKI ,Any book learned:in one matting. „ • • , FW• .41 • R S - ; • • • A Northey 12 - Horse POwer . . Bglier and Killey, ,Autoniatic .. Out -off 15 - Horse. .Power - 'Engine, yvii91,33170TcPri-E cipfElitNOR )Ai in best of order, Can be MUM at • • . tee deice bt the , TI ES 'PRINTING 00: EtAimerog.;oNTARio., • • ira:1 fso • . • " • .-eler: 06 • • • r • . • e" S BEST FRIEk • .• .he • ".• . • . y ' telf • a, • • . , ,:..5.0.45.-X*,;•••.: 6 :6" :',. • , : • ' • , • •••* „. •".