Lucknow Sentinel, 1888-11-16, Page 1. . ...... .. -------------- VOL,. XT, 4 LucKNOW ONTA FRIDAY NO VEMER 16—j WHO ILE N 774. - - - ---------------- - -CAMER0. RARY �'GAMPO' LIT,E t y"r; when- at 13rdoklyn, fiA Au h513*. A.8410 Putie be, p 9, 4 7 fe o;very F ri'dy the Ock,! X jeth lo.'n4t of outt-Am ev n 9 ]PPfhe sdituid tre(,�tg Peevious A 'Merele n, of Kintlif *- Pei Ows: Currie o jyg aybe. sent 't OhO Aghing 15�, `c;rejjt� All le M 6,N tbs. 'flying, thr 0 LOAN,, Otigh thEl iir'a1liAtan,ce DHAFTS ISS jj� ONTA of ',4 til ill,el I and a -W's. :rdcor d the To -r- qt�arter short of 'the- w e n, Oil D']-,,. hand :L.it�'r with, a shot a tiod d and a.h�lf lighter. ca �society held th,eir: first, sever4l hundred:. After Such work, EDIT R.*-�.&� entertainn t no one could. imagitle y ,17leop16 gathered to see the shot putting t"� the redo-rds will si ' d A GENE, RAL BA.Ni(j*,\�G BUSINE SS in tll� Towa: Hill on. Fr;idd an tong 'TED. contest b T11A-SAX, h �klh scrip tion 10 $1 V etwden. Ch o either of,di,�se'niejl. i r er. ye;kr Iasi arle.i 0,.,u'rrie*' f , All, t. The diie6da as, Our 0,&AK If"Ho having the Wlik.. 14r,ge, find I)osition,of 6 Treasurer o . f the P ain�l i6tili W.P. -irson, of'Kiii, Sault on'them*. Detou V 3116 hq rovine as unruly is it, big, qf'"n:tario, whj wie tail., Unit. The m6i a Afterwards- Mr. R 01 Will news -d wit, was for $200 onald Carrie Of- -Ton,nito..retires frf)rn of the7 dodirp 1) by .ed tlJ DS eing -in )tile . . . . fel o11(l retailils, .1114 side, and a gOid lnedal-,, Worth- $250 f post -a forfeit of $1 00 on.his P)11 iziterest of the rising I R 11#11vever, . w1ii0h �Vill be oon. gptie hey, are er's behalf for a nlatcl for $500' 1r. ru-Ir fered thr,),ugh M W. Cirineil, ajg uslial I oR run, I a side at the Y- MIt. IG: A. 81 DDAL11" wn find ''we undpftilatid f Same shots, to'46 decidild' JOB P,-ntjL rom the 6,ve I'll wh(i orli"truRted and it: th tild Clerk', Io SIX. weeks - fto'ni' si rr, F* of, the 11 't - red .11fler of -e- �o t4le� -tfie events, t4w wi, tih-k a h64ffe t.9 Flack hiniseff for the- e The boys,. saitie.' aniount erson 6k 4 after. .are to'be giv.. NVhen- tho' shuts. %%�er# sub- 11) flit0e I)e ei . I I I 1, . ]I in' IV,. SS a/ hnd give I . I another chai�,ce d rt*cial at. hey o.. iwat InItt the sevki fieavy �nd � �v e ig h -t a LOANS ON R I I. i I; wo to the rferee,*Aft-, hani- 6, P, A b6hA . . A. 1). S�ew_ . V better:'are t' �excludO a rt,� �- , � I i1vo 564 b. LEdWL�7 We'rptpro4llt thit b I Ile chainpib mers. 0 QuIate of Caqada;.� �.ST 04 iilit for Cal I In gether. The olderpart Of tile iisseni:7 tile offic height "afid, -nce,*, . 4 lie to6k,tljeni'�t ' o ' of tit I - 4nd'a ba�ck-hlolld spectq S and, Al ding -nibtch", X S ea.4 u r doilie lft. I alId. liscened . . 0 . I G., -killlotlkli 1'. 0. 'Orlt.. 6 with, Itoget -C OR Ill G A:N, R , :)r of Vei;,hi t oin aie a� a 1, t It e, t i rn e; b ut- Cis i, to 64 d, that officers cbrti oniz to stlenrAy. wilaRt.attention, to t -the, inen, will ei cQ 110 0 .not hel 6u ba� th t Solk-itots, etc,, jilt. & dAA1P33i]LL. c old' P� 6U t pounds; -13 I v o., e- six eeh Qw� 'q. -'- -- 7 - PHOMI)FOOT., tj e. Pioalot jPbe. �Xeau6iq ]I., to er l artli. s�'of tjiii� a, 15 1b, Pund, ' * 1. AT' 1116st cbn;nI pounds, .1b. 13 oz -A-1 endtkb1c, - - . . . lie. t1went" e �.j y wance C,�Ilvpy'- t Prograi I. open6d.- -b pou I I b, .3, _�tjle_t -Ali, eke a k,e�u,nb 114LIxt door."ttj the PvA Oilke; 11 0 s pell lip tanal ion. it) Ws o ornon L6vill -J)y ind "Ij know Ont.- su ance... kle, 'r ;, I As tfie-,10� lb, 9 a oiIN''Ey VT Tile nillic tholl0l not cla -fiJaile %vi6h it were r6coirds,-- but,not .'ad ,ft -he 6we JUL lt�Lr C6, U t4e bod ty.. w, the 'Chdr I L fe e - ;V�eigllt - was t iffle,over iny. lquilte Y rri puts �NA , al. but: -the genotal with t'6* 'others .M 'S te nea, ky four Oltioii, dt ilia as pb�� ex- r. a su me-ril 0.!)n tpiliceki w . Art ji;n ti paper, Opinion was �tlja o, nee the-weg4t])Pfore thedi)ntestg. t fe n U over the fiost'ol o Irou Y t0h.11 points -it!. ressed ba�k.-fti t be .post Office last.w,�e C ON &.1,0 g.round wqu e v6I but W6 .11 ..tt Old Glee Olub:had and nitirkedic ';refuse 641. S atest zurope. eard' 'of � lfi�lly- PAIL oliLitors, NotAries, U a so im-ewhitt wot,, and. the vpather, w Inean eneu—t. ere. is Non Y. short, PAX "histo'l C&I lecture. gainst, -jr)od tile 'man 0 Q� wart, oil hig Mr., D...D,. 16 the "gav a. I Pub-' hi :The -PA Bl 4ailil lost perfi)rrnances. 4 8 wit.4 -nder Oaledoniaii rules, th ' rjeck foi. a'collar -bu f' tell' itton,"And the:' -on(, P. 0. t? trace th6i stor" u e. y 9 ............ ... t le - tight little,: isl� froin its,,,:arl a14 -run oV T� ft. 6. in.' g9a. 7A B A 9�,: and all0f )mation.. fl. iel4ion, ly. t Q tlieir,.l well� lnotherA &ave th6,one -Stol irn ed on aj)p] k6liling t �inong the, sl).ectatdr�.'-vvere inaily*.' Whd in- a ­peace a. cPI eg�,: tit U -*at% te. The I I I - oi. O.-� MURCHIA Hi-AQEWT-�-; (U-1 ki,AYn'athIete' le, -Gop,06fs fron, a dedd njark!s -ey; ie. rich '6 k1jad's of thb,Ficts and Sbots forc�d N1,011 tile. togsi seut C who kot gIVI -rie t6,tlie wa'rk, lig, Ilia' cllijd�' . U. the. ll(t� renla"nialt91each-to ord toibed witjj-�", Money to n ow -Farm and Village Ph 6ronfo., I. === , :� I .-I -1 -'-' _Ea __�v.a. tri first witfi t2 bin. Blo'6k, -!;i * ' ' tons 10ca I On, die 4,yrulan pirateg a OM Their- supper, �anfi4h6i rty at Ve r, -Anickles afier the, ell ii1dre i:� wi�re. asleep. L�ur, k*0 W SareAfid and Wil OUV66 led 'off .with a put; o .36:ft'.. 3 r g. t .ctlsseffilels�, n1d:thus' I -I ain Was.ellaili ''MEDICAL.* . : -tlut fo pure &*nri h t ie natne'Bi was an i h b lie ille Ilill. Wild willjAce a p'' 4perf6efohr hi-iots evi e was a '.4 jdj ,th: in., ye r inark J. 'M'Dondd pe6ple. �U'l 6 L k IYO 1.12, 4 th Id -0 xio's I pt waa� 38 yt 0 li ck illosi at it Post - 0 ffice i their HAll' (janip -ell Street,.. pC the eel, r4unting hi�, lie, latter� i& t ho7' better. thig,-' 6 t iel ill' fir8t, P a U u , titled`.to� Wkhern orl 'I C ttiW9 Iiist WAS 'is bes allt . d hia. won, .. ­ -_ . I ul� your picture�� we -%V ELLIOT. h ant t6 stick.* Mr. 1T. 'G. Mdedoch 01 38 f' in., beatine, r6ad 6ry� McPherson p 4; ae order.,. a. P he,offircjo. kee tile tit 11 The inanir 011i Alai roin 6atinj, tjio paqte., I -P., 0 hen falfow6d 4- ;ba8 ;kt,20'.1bg. MbPhers6n� starte,lith a f. tle-land'and tile, sim" Ili this Nag- Increased a 0 Ge6.1 S'.. t ieY %vent alo Put or eadh U CK NN 0 W T, 0 D'G 0 1� T Ei E_ ANC16' eir' iii: n, eedle to' in , Lenn 11th gay.. thaf '16 lioeel;%in the i)u tij 'la4 tiecond. Qffl�e ;'Luc. I - I e A I standard. M seaa6a: oi . . -regu ar nve" Minday ovenin AL I e t i ngy was lie d-o' a tti irk of each litiluth,'- sit 8 6'6ick of the !at .4,61t.. 5j ill. n 'proi 141j, Atten aie oomi attention ptid di4 0 it ii Ourke ij part but by -no drd '27th,' nlend)ers. Iiii woluLs un�a c6iWirou all U d Phersori Woil- tile 18-poundlir with pr( ition front . Robyn- to Skod jop'- NYf`ltkjaorj', , L , and- od'eis, ii. -.a ht -o 4' best, -1-stunip Sent.: pet P . . . Means, came,,the M ed'to: by nig4t; or d J CO'P Fj ART' McINTY R speaker' a i f 3 ft'. 4 in., d a ah our pri.,il a p 1te eire 0 xcepting, the 6i-ke wil a Por er, 2 etUS F�e towardsi, wire% ''fence'' b'uilt; by Janies, let A a Mr.. �XO?bers6ri IM n�iv 66. -�a phas recently drun. M D-.':0.. U. C. R, 1, - lk-Aelivelled'to t 101" lit o '10 C� Were iahted- list t lit of ; . , ene-rs we- 0 ec 1ooked.. on 'to -ported the 11 on, of el. Wu&, Liceliti te 6f- NlidWifery G B C azhort b ra a iiew seetiott NO& ,*6 will a e- in' -for idti' I ego- pt. tp,gviv bile to wift the, illitch.� a froo in AghflOd 'pard 0A synopsis Roya ic�)lj .,Phy�lcxans and Surgeort§ not tt 4 -0fP ne dor.easb of the'Po'st Ofu d oinp6s obut, ed of V t.0 011 his first'�put, which' 'C*Ijllrie a. R. NO. Wawayiogll, -1. uckitow,". 11T -d not `t* '%iis�Wyond- our. dopthm - 'W 'I L - (1 .. .. rk w q \.. ri.y,: uck- reach 6 X 11,; tholigir it"s truct6d to' pre'Pal cot)- now MS( , .. . �4� a, ersoi m3reastA 'i nche8 oil' iralli the award, and: oil. inotion tilt-.- 11 bian ho 31 . . foy talented Mcph ,COnd te'Dbu�d ''Dr,."11 Goddes. i Solis irk A ch f aintnen a his.second trial "Ph ality!s share of t.he :W U 10 li"', ONTARIO g E 8, V 'and­the,inat.-Oi -wittutt-ril 0 erson won, this Illuilicip c oolc forward to iva--ny- 'by Mr. u 0 .1 vi 0. to he Rk D, , At. F6, I I a Y ()N' O -P- 'iikilllar discourses 46,ft 1.03'in "Ourt z G olloge.: Torolito. and rej;iAere,d wenibe' Al 7 f Or n'dy d-ir t d' in`46� f t.; u_Vigibin� Brethern-comiall pEd d. r of 'tile. V�t�Viii�ry �afi Ui. b trin th.it.s 1) 41ig tho corning,filoliths. 31 A ay pres;qnbe(j, be fotitud i -f ;ittefi(Faiie6 oil' Jlialies'Bai, 'n - id �Fj' Tie 'of ihner's' friends. I Al Y both'ill pool, t6e dout�igth; wdmaix in 0W laiuit and inoaf B ATE it, 3UDoliagh next d ro, at 0 a .chors , ,the W Dale, alld cu .. ..... a A I's wokiii.d.upA niatch;- and �cretnry, the, el C -.,ibh a well,re'nZlee�d: C\A backe he,: Ph"e 9u 1.1, oi, i'e re n 1:2 was: pa, 'I d, Tile tr' ,alls,eithei by inail, er elogiam pro.ol�tlj- -'s' report ti f* to Co AT aid lie lilid never seea all fo� y or lionesl -ed, I le —it'.sbowed 11alan t receip a A humorous 1readilI 8IIE.R)VQ0V ey on the questio ti 11". by .H.Ug1j. iankinii, the -crowd fo alit X and P poodituris P ScOo lf4,. chiliese C. 0. ll; Ii... , .1, . .. I I . I , 0, r I if , , i diat tholigh,' Ile, had '43; I. critic 9 -reibarks ing,A )a1rine(y on'liand -of' , BEA 50, I 02 `A! 'out' nts which �he, paid 1�i ig did GENERAL.- to rie lie Ob think that .65 6 forty accou -. fo' r 0 r,-' ruti(vespeciafly,�f�r.iiq.'ta'ieiited lieat the' d ParkliM J�ddreaa br�utrlit- tile 6iteitaffilhelit to. . - I Checks given for Saline,, Aconinillnica,4 .1. ;k - �.. , . - '' . CIO of r -d ohly/the tion'feoiji Air. Cativiron', townshipio. V iecoi nvh,at 1b., Pv.10nt.wjl1 doull icitol, re gravel arbitra;tibn. Tit sail . .. . it thos� wh Ipelop won 'to se O . it rs GUt, LPI -1 all thog rotary �ontegt 4�� -:the, ho�e The,,wljO1e,',inatteroI grave,, �c, lie �'b�r gee that.* ille pules solne weell e and, the:. coun�il,.' Py there Of/%V p6rforill-' t Alex. Rog' aces %yere -not ice or' oxir, durint alpointed., Wha't A�.L shah- be� n() elitrzu .di,4 -as llevAir ancr the' 'dlfl' 04-jice t1jo liht tile op lm a e -in Some of od, . it w Wei it, oli.lud, e' sh'6ts Js re'spoi iOr it is" Ld'to adjourn rt 'of, the,pro 48'res9tv ; 'S AT Z graln'-11 Xoiekt. 'to i�e6t', at hard -to the :clerk'. 0 to 'A I Cel, t I)ii0ibl, yearly.. estimate,,"bUt it could'li��4 been', bdit a on'-Motiday. first, at IB S111411 boys, I' Illea'n" if �YOII op OYSf Ilth- .18 !role' OWL 16!CP iluitCl noxf tewhich wa ficif ell, adjourned., .,ft ft Cs t., To my . b-oth-� Ili' t 6u onddy Oct. -�296h. nRP ens4' Al g coun ry, ave kno f I tile' put cpull-il niet t ITT Y, TO wh atute., So Ilia -afternoon -at tho ��P w1d;6roundin t it, I 1� f urt1'e ilia Sit the in na Ili,, (ionimit- me lonceniijigil tii-livinw that illy Work 1.1 not Iork,' , Nti*, 1 -am utaking. 04,flu tee. aii anihteux clerk's, ofh 6 a, 4drk,*- But' takin& edch shot afid coin. haellibera all. pm4enf with the 6xce tion ulonnite Settg� an4l will ift, e' A, 20 Y�c ,t critic hietin, in refetr- P ylli u otn4s with th ower& Ator.'ednaideiablo YA'sts of Fatrius for We in On- tliein with m e recOrds f6� other of INIr 11 lie Vlates they *19h for of an tid[ and a halt to. wo Aiaoiission oIi the gravel disputei Ing to kdri, 6 Irish silo' ts'froui a poll "Chn,rics an ltiW an tbuy esin be niad'e dialee-t1 E�h A.YA iii raii will n for. L 1, will'be n' Ludkfiwiv on the 'Se X- .P,0`Un'd4.1i,,hker 66 �an'have Clearer moved by Mr. odd, secoutled- by of Subgcrib-,- cofid l0 f PridAv. slid Saturday atid fkirth Friday ana pro rani w idea of ilie wonde*tful. feats �e�k , ill &I I 1. exhibit Mr, (XI1116,1011l,' he ill Irojand'and.Contin'- The following splenclid (Y ed oyit oi Ar.p.ir iend6ked ihisF�iday dvellingt n. Saturdai. With . tile satne shot; township, tile -rh4tt6t-',f'0ompnnait' �day be n �Jk X Ct t M, S T r., . WA!i.T" f"r tho P 18L lb. record 6 ft, 1 iii, to Alx It nodr Cal IOU icir pu oso for Luclul Ont. . ", t, 0 G��& Club, 4nd 5 ft.. 0. Ili. , The records fbe -18, pi�operty, be ref6rte'd 't"O"the Sa, I at bi- tsJno.,MUr L 011son. -'And 2 are by- I ALIZED Alit. GIVE 4ttillatours, there tratjofi for.'reebilsid I!, a fipo n VnIciinite se that-��'tho - reeve - and." N FOR PAIN V '1669. imtractio'ti. At . t2fi cAl I I Teeth t. Ma99i0`79%ftTAY- being no Professional kecorda at the njL elseln w� award,. aI VU with VulcAnIte slid COW( red to. sign, J% 13, teli&lolli Nut Brown M^W�,11 dlee 0ub.. trifle oonuleylt In acqoir(�ndo with- the ti)6 od 0_jr ig Ing, a .. * q , All I Y IA shot'. *ei hi Clerk- be hereby, euipow r iso Over, �0 tbs., boih bxclle4 ,tha il' 'th tit a ' I te.,' Artifid'al ne inen fA Magg' McNabb, .18 It). roeord,o' The beat 'pro- tion.,— a journ ver �8 ft OR :tof6otg,. : F wi 0 Fred Pecove . - COUttell then' 4'.. looni) olrl) !1011011 4 Ahe natural. teethr, A001dill9l" feag na -record in Anienbei for 16 e& to 'ineet in - the hall, o 'the tfalls,AdiOn Of Alsitiess''6n the first mid 4xt�aiting, isp& wtiog. 'r r 71 ft 3). Geddes 46 i Item' .0 ft. This, Nvember 17th*Itt 10,o'clock. a ill e nonth Parti�,s***ishjpg td 4ble 8016 is r Was D'i lincr ng- BAN,, ark hAt their �y-�perty insured i It rYtjijlar�CofilPA"Y.'WiJl by.otMng tioqa6bel '014a &'fi, 'P son, 6 nd 0arric'mad 0 )Ilbyau4g�UtbrljyOno 0 0 Udningd" Jqjji on Sattirday Aide,& Oance ;opp. Qii on`!i 114jj, be Ill tuafmn* Ad tfii§ Whit* hbug6, 0 eUrd W, iuitne'diatdly� r6' , .44CA) N UnIft"d 411it pigimptly Att�ndod'to- h i weighing. ofily' 3 "llenoivad tilat woviien ihould equal Politi6al, ri -d'-with,ffiefi. than '18 P-ounk,' Agikln th wot];': I A. ght or itp;. r.*pjng. jough, And broo�_ *a: 'a Xnd iv 466 Xtindayi ii,dd TutlediLid Alie Dungann6ti.,,­. r d 14 Ibk @Cot 4 'P I