Lucknow Sentinel, 1888-10-05, Page 2..... .... Ilol ...... ----- tlio!q very, good to ess%nivch mgAA so , note only coming in,now as to'bre,00%, She. w weary o) '�n and., bopillpir Me. but wo hay y yq as use He came N the is h !V:6 side'where Winifred visa, ton eri ,,Twas, a Sun4sy mo;ningln isarlymay, 14 Q9]nMon; r 6 �_O"W diff ,,but gratefully. it be. lived In. To,' or. UtifUl tel do' thfoL YOj Abi* between an oilipainting4d, it him no U U hav :;.Us 0 me I d at: chrmo, not, and dr6w Jallan's, arm affeotione, r agei'caiied a" 0 now YOM m And all thii'villa' Y go, q d and YOU den'trkriOw 4, gun, fr6in fride 1, Lb Q ough his. 11 Ought to let 'oy no van: Something he, helWe M4kj'7!d*n hippy.' ,qr 04 trooped 11 4ount JJ.fjY out 86 late" Miner Ssi,,fo hgPd, 'never' alwelit 0111906a It he',eai4.' run tear in my,atudio, an' rav, Re ad, iialized. R,' thought vague y 10 Is sosetful, that hosit Wther would'be, sa, I -M fd the, breplgessw"t, k, of his rixi6h kil dragged her ith teepee Wbasi his, k qw At to irdi Wingre4i Win f 10 Fluttered the bymn i I - Since my, father, and W roll t bi Slightly saw, 'Us of I i 00h Ogg we mother died 1 8 to hSver had It* I A* h. �V� t, li"APHOW wall el two''pe.0 U Pla is] 0 as softly a It it! chq from "at o soj ib� looks< - from ultJOB 'Evon the blidiilifi tbo pA164eave , , - y- - . d hifth ely life, b tic" 'Vol 4 0 add. ad lawle&' so� go oit bod# 1� , a" _, , - . k Is. "� O.. #0 n-,tfisi loviat &!'ways &d m7 P � I 'T I , I. tthi I to I I rist ins. liack With' Right ift. the guldet arg. .. , ., rschimea. irt with" fw. y�fu �rdo, to b js,� ca&.,Iii As go 0 W A4� iPoNK qfto AW �nt r : & r it I Axd- you were. poror, W 64r i" � i li, 11 3' 'do di t spriingth., M'sta or? L' I 90 them, i� nifto 4 11 sexton thoughti ggereil away from 0 tappi fred'r interrogatively. =P.,r*L in the. di A -lift he� 'Window, and iUS1104'riblindly throu& c Wootien, which they 'bad that. i0japp p wonJO:Eld us Caught. pplixess, to t 4 loquereollad .11,0h, a far as money Is concerned 1. have 'taken., 1he darkness, not knowing where be, weu*T a , r r . . o , ­ Y , . . bXOiL­ e.. 1 die, a a 1260�a' eVe always had enough of t ilistdoe U,rt on think so, d MY .,Aware: h k tip a r a re 9 haPre. An belay thoxe be b Oa The fury ofilIg Storm odtlet or 0 ut",r Sanford burning g rief 011.43 t at d a at eoldchurohd skip, a fellow hagpy. 0 f I- Plied. 'as near. bye -Winifred Jills UP. Q-, it's a enk, Y pmqen mean Lve L OpPolptimes CHAPTER Xii, moved slowly across the grass..* a tol tit I he o4sid, him, within him, . On had reached the ouseldiles Again thei tiiipping, and now Ud / I , . , ,, , . I I L I I .. I . 1. 'r ... r , , The.-_ btqr; -panic (taq $WMY - Jt -ttas-OviWitig In-thd1ittle parloiMdEt"the I He tried iibe&ihst oboyopti tbA4y!fi( so 10 14i W ugh d. It A b &a Dick his; 1 v ri momentary., itienitfit - siaddiily owed) weal !O41f far" - 1911843. �erogeiie-lswpgaive to get up, but she motioned III As is, arMs Up, Wit: L a loud- groarili RappetfirsAl This will; uoverdo.- h Oquivooallight,from. ta, high mixxtel,Vhere to ke%hiv poolitiqq.. and Sit down boside T40 * stiropeoplug.andlai' ingito6l 'go' lookbar.Up from 'his ekiiil &she, spoke. it stood. Who brass obaOftfie4ea hmsru bim,,I, suing. against the, hay -stack.. He caught by the wind -an& -w, 'raised, tbellitch,.i 4 opened the do- At the commencement c ed capbosidii ilia flashep 4. bis, '41APAIPOW aid :xyt, Almost before wag uttlpip, A' 01 of he, gor aSe, L in -expies6ion oape,into r1h' htly I I Ling. be, fell heavily, etrik III j)l elqQ,EPrir iii its light. at In that to, , large h nft tout 0 3 tied 0 WT do Sir rane againev �tlie g�nsrle* trquk of a t emp Jo As b1g,als, a bjiLi I W th j6 Winifrid'o, fac t its There, another lamp ion th6lable where, etrsvr,�sa Abln, With. .Palp, flowered -ast, with a Of r.Ml%jeqty,. an It\ voc 1 3ftht centrq� aisle hei pitter0l, ribboW. ThS6 *Jfir leas & li%scii9silegal r *hilei the, stor VaW lingeria e, dolonoi Aiei;asu and Si6ford Xog Fe0le might stare. itlittie iiii e 1310ke of Y101ding'A' tt d,� beckerTb ard, between - thew� .Rarpd, go �n hot. ben* him.. vOlums of - otisdily espTaing 'b he Went to a little maid,' Keep that expriiaoioo I he pried, laostatio, cli-d- as njuil in than. valual'. limitless,' Th mmutlij Po rain Seemed e.L WhofaShOiLa,64 hid, as, tbigugh afraid, An 1. I ' L r AUd thOreVat dii call In . ;litilia'L Stop ' k Whit did hours, before-4he blasts Y. wasengr-boaladin,thegard'o. Ineconsidered you,do with "wY- picture 211 lengthened Into, 113ml gorry that Iwo@ 1a;@ , to- you.Pl Ho�wbbttoher,snd PlXcad! L f 'If his, Pla il and- ra 1 I'll show abe! asked 3110thipr'-wanta to gee it." win h had spent their stresigib. 0ag -move.. pro oundly� before IeacBut better: late thim never, You in'the. Y Oxcit. Yet aingiy., 41 In, IT.hey gradually deorealied Until- iblere waip Xesides, r waited an. hour or'po, . was 'Successful, lie would dent alriumphAnt, he iniwei�di ples, And.coxildn't'get-themw opn the 46or rennan , if, it wjos: boil a s. sy or so Ion a -ren'th, rubbed his head, and 6�. JI4 rii6id' I .. L h d ei;9ops it reverentially; went biok. to. hii easel look at Col�nel B Ik r ­ . , a iver of Till I. wayged my tail andpuipe& the floor. and for aMinute painted in-ollen6e. Than drew.14 418_1i, YOU nidi2t. jdr� WSII,!' 8 in the branch a, of this trade osuned' is quick Now litt a fuletrow ilm. 0iug to stay. onN67 t-thisi I, Va ' a ' Va. r done IC 'L it' 't in a lo;�ei tons. hop oa�V Wl*tr s er(�t plin-drops, o� say" lt'rl ltqLO to 0ay,r T46 it . nth is, ''r since It vd been herel"ll frownea., g d Colonel Brennan 'played seriously, Eli onder-YLOU've ins �pired sue. I've which overed, the group Soppier th&nr I ever moon, P pie adt, absent ly, with th a air of a min hose mi nd V YOU iliher'k�eo and ori.6 kain L Thegor. littlp grl hid have been before; Planned -a dozen t The road 'through the ut a b, dog hastled Whr old Wag occupied Ipi tqrWwIII touching With e 'pele' Ei Ist th d a-yogarepogpoc pme--voluare,so- o- with other thoug a. here. will ode. how my to ig 8� at rest Mrs.bas3i or,, regs Ing And kisseNeir,dog fashlou, tenderly. psxoea and draw in his breath with s; long -be. 'L a cor" if d -rdi sell now ShadOW'�WdVr t in L he r th W6ndertn4what the matter copld t* 'still Motion �The dog beln% king at her almost anidouily. ly wA. hir� less. alargo (104 the sqitowsma pirstion, Ion: therawitlIvac"t admis#6 AS. Wjni. She regarded im serious He sat throug -the sermon anil Ali She dropped eyes so.. t st Shadowy eyes With the' Moonlight came. voi6do, buheard *t,v As iol fred came, isAw the room by side-clool Vanyone'llore, Julian rested on hop okeeks� a th red 1 b6 jiliowbriniL Voice to, guide t W them, Mdetlnr Moment Iasi. er mother turned toward y do you sell your pictures wbiefo� *hero wai tVa g� IP16440 Ones - OPM. you are r[cEi?'P Sh h And I 01 -0 L 6 &BW" t htatwhQm4he 'Song note ug. Wer said, 12". and, pointing to the playeiri, gaid,in Q 'Asbe laid n 0'a child e;b"d A hlig4tr obso 'day, Colonial Brennan. sat b bit I wid :: 6 aa crcoeik Julia The - next, the 0 1 1 1. ly loud whisper, Now, ainot they picter 2' y d q!s face., After sort as, 11 ON, knew Tor 161 Wonder whi%t Out -that Into youi hesid? brothrer's bea, Where the young inset Iii , . TwoboUtdrilbs no" in Roveilaud you I y glad,.". she,: "gaird,,- graciously; 'The young mpg's gone 6 bed' of, life.:, Sinoe..ihey had and -he -a id I like to be ood owl 1h . the World beyond were shadow to youi!, She amid no he didn't winh no beef-tes,- so you can- go av001 ...... more,..but t Pan whil�lxe went on. who*- 'Dick i�*ea. md�--, -Dick has all -the f6tind- hint-ifie --niiht-befoini- 120, sivel . I. 'up ss'adoi nure I 'money; Heidelughtir not W I but seated :,he's 11 ney.1 gt1P V me n the thti. till, white; One. .Af t4onla AID1 IDDIP gr Me altbo ety-gon6rous- - T 11SUADEIST-011 k a supeib did tisde no end of. U Lill, pu I ianoe,thfa toU in converiatiou 'It was in herbeauty, the expect, to liv -on him always =I11 haste fidnit the village, bail tative y -at Colonel to e I can't is, an. Suddenly her night, l;e'' thtLie' a toue of bar. caressing voicehen-sh6 di fath4 Struck the abi It's; quite possible that some, day, he ying6 The reasons that d at with big ia sk, &0441sa perfect pace and! harinony it, Plat tor Marr vd7 ray profin. he, galie w'e* re'many -and conclusive; bat, 1gePy*,, Wo Brennan 9. one inevitab , Is AMT one i *gain, I lia overy W&P.. weep.: now, bd'qUIte gTQ He gidli;'111110111 gly poor viRtion. Whtlie:si ilia a 00i6nel", iPlve r I vallin opfogel. 411 got you I .0k Ing 4,nd�4iLWng-*bo. room, cariying pails, of' d6lonel Bibunil I stlan'trom without, Dick but I 9h'sII,.xigvqr be ribli�ll ;was suf1loioni,, satt or I ,'The rougL.Man'lesuea o r. -m W6U .'Cohtlasied Branford, Wihif *ktigs! with Litoisill the from t14 t a' ial Ai ff -ec Ilsteued attenjivelyl ba red's Julian h he 1, with an air of' it! qw A41 Win L .1 a: , at -itiw.. Ion., The sbaacW !ar olfti ilian-ho, bl.lier q pump to1ho4tousoi, Or� only -ending k4gii bf! ei�rees twas awmadh mirao 0 its one a What does i oher. She.osell ajoite A in. _h mal.M7 JL a iiiaby reakoh of her exq la�, in en no . . . . . . . . . . ha On almost whis' .,Us paiaded -for lug, answered, arg iiiistiv winifrela I, 4A r �� 4�2 eff '"' IT4 Wffib e btlgbt, Mternoon �f;aftllght filled brot or is pre'lit '''a & Th i dlier obarviater woraisqually.-silt4- room &a JQIiau,S..siyeS, L opened slowly It y' ick, I reckon n 'every,- -thein as 1 7_X,I6u4_Vo_ii"rbk6 the- owl Ono of ­;.:-,Co1one1 Bi rd, mod6rate!y as .ebpoithe _& - . - Wh eennanii.,ey�i --woi&rA tows' ;as. Aliho* �-g ve# m -list or idvlce re antorillbportrift,"ettudi &�Qff,the porch, the1istie ppe-or,shai .�11 - 1"goixigapin't totherh6use direotl3f.--aud it's my, -har. moSivea. perfoo-Coipprecia11 &O -mantel Opp Ing, iothingibut, w 11 a biv'Bir I a I unant a ydid''come, iii suottly that had collected at bilejeell,11 if this of the vsJU6-of hot beauty. She was knout t 0, clang M&n,n eyes eaL , ings . ..... ware�ths" 'a going rest '. upon. 'Warm NA I tal-i' :%Wher!'p_�ft anil., them I 't glowing ig h1w sli'mot-brough Or M L _hfo­ -his nambi-& it OLURI-Viiineg, �0611 di -1: Air' -be 61exapst pretty a x ns�#�e A n w to safte Irpality.. determined �upiw., There was �dt,clixe road Wluifriad-ii6od up.. Don' r*' . He hittling as, he went esilmon as itt a ga-in r life-that.,ahe-bad..obstinokt�61y 7-f wila O e anforv, R bali - mhe somw6f replied, hansoronal L t go rennausatmotionles th a,k,i flit. 13ucdes9,LZa'trfi6g'__not- with Lone of her soid 111 Want, to hands With Inowent sid Julian ardenti out h'is, As they atu through the. dark hall, ary. 11 you," eoply. His4houghto ran Monotonous Y. to. a � Y le"84Y Mrs. BaRoid'remarked,.abrup I have am I ollass' but: a- gentleman' L relvert' ' stromth- and passion a ,to Bay ­ ­ -$f- M t back.1d th4-sa e4 -rank, f1life-sho-se4Pietly d4spised. ]Et-:vmO the last few, dayc hia had -certainly -The iked Sanfor man of rl Mod, sun sank lowr i il up with th his, with, -a rapid, involunt aceWord Hin, hatto ho dons � for'Inlian ? 'Ao be all or nothing'for her. Win d could fisvil that Y bee'lcli"jsuglAdne ofph6i ]ISrsal. in ' urmure La Then' his' 'eyes cIdleiiii,igS,n� 4fit" It toadbils 00' alieWisatiod, to, and yet she's in be oughirthe a. ee 'to behetter; blat1efore.--he.ohn. horizoib.... The sk:began to grow. 060 or., YOUngr,,, bellef What She hiit mck. MeM I a. Sr. gLrdna&a�', I ..a t Passes movement, lie he remembirid a wink of 00 dr*. said Mini ' fred .0 wants, bat q e.aJ*4ykw48qtt r Oh God- I ". wf%S� -foi-ima from hfiLJJP'_%�t_ ad; IfoSit t be that JuDsu I-it:'Osult sitk6rd4sit'lAiiid. her, and only. -must go now., be-. L *a,, innings livid All the her Ajughter'i eA se. h Strength Theyouilk.plisin efiUg r Tell me that I art ordi :JWi" 'a -eyeaL oRen4d way )tells Ill he' eU At slipale w hid diminia6d,-'saad! when In. had mokea int. euthuslasin IisdAie&(iut of manner. 111 _ 1; rr , We t r �.I. L * L -1 Whitle skil about Winifred 2 he* L Shia Orn vogue y., like to. again a d thill'tiniaL them: was -a owgm- P oring Y 061 otherit as it beseeching he said, langatilly', hip YOU lakly'lacid. expression: in - thei depthe-as ng as tq­4 .,W. hom you may. k4hat owN lelokOfftill rec011ecilou And Intelligenoa.. ei* that'seemed, so, near. *611- I've go There a, fid sin P-1tiel my 11 gothin, v 11' Ida siss imHe did ft r. So, Was With theid*6: g' Pain slizSticlathitr sll:'his lhest . a Rd, o rat big litin, n ibisquee f Some ficolke.11 not eltilsinvit to follow hei, �bat stoo it's just, as *awthai I'M going, dear gain picturp,thiars Winifred. ugetryisier Aftr-their dePart'n'r! -Colonel Brennan ing witk a -he p . a and a. 4at*h -'intitmidiraili, olt as. 'ill ou . rjo�, Mik Wlilked paslaton of - a -a snists T Prian dye hot, Ke.-finfig. him? old . fell6w I he hin. brother!s Uage, W to jaint YOU. I' a 111he beeki to ilia iiiintel and leaned ijainat it, fizit love in his YoUng foloolb ah I` in(! influence '-vm into uncob one C PilonO had ower to*!, iii p i I black, your hx, grave y, rag_ ,, g a groun agaln, w. It an. in 0-1 tin f that Poky.. 'for yur skin."' He Oats" Be an 'm 'bud 'be t*aus' Odin 'Whidr i d. �; Re liad given - self on the d It He, relapseil bital'and Colonet,,B do. rangy 0 isI4,ireli r : Ps . otip again Wit tie ybungw6mani'Ofate, a great Aleal'"of alati the night Planned qWL life. words murmur. her where Ailissivas I jileato Serious 'b, `0 , r It these Slight. breeze, &4 'Away entirely log I n . earned.' Slits hildirialially ji o servation. The. van, tip all Winit4d katheAd uptheess6i afid -il,How.&j� 'think .'the be M*, Mo ee ji later, Richar he timi 'totheytoung Y is, ISO tppressively. dtilli. In T d Brennan and and. the air. b6iiame'Lo him in inst6ems, and stood Waiting for% �uliu lemostr "Winifred' S&nford"'weliji 'Mir.riea 'At r'r the begsa, awk*ardlyi odiff6catidg: quietness ita a th the authoritative - kinpilailies of-lan er topmove. Ilia -got Upslotwly­ little btleth6dist Church of Granfleld. - � They fif _P _eaoe-. _"nally. a Ad of hisVot cionfused-tho ghtj*tme,4agu6'iadp he w4yi 'It was part .of -his uno6as 0111"i il.,Ze ;sy bathed in dr'eamriiii�_expdotsucy tionlof thp tulince, of 'an- inVellid i me.firsk'!,:h -aid; 0.1theres, going to,be'A 'IdgLfor;what-saiined-to'bijdUa�lI e long tin . is. whil. I o5 the sky -darkened gwio�New . -okk-imm for a thbit mairisgd,� and fiont. 'thereto Sail for to a sorri of 46iles' Pa older ' at r ion' which no ona, wa I. I � I - : - : � .. . � . a subefit I 'Winifred l6oked an If. although she youth'. ­A*are of bid.W.Inifiedhiarse of with leaden Aouas, -"a' the twilight fall., Eukope. Winifred walked% slowly toP the ontsid' a b Mal 'hejoketted n tIt". I thinklip isbetter.11 ropidli. � Th wihil,rode, blowing Iii. JUNI 16riti,but.Colonal Bronnsupwor6s. a k, o consciousness o It . the orchira.. Julian watakidp -her' with` a BID It d air. W1141 �ldawnilag fit" 1. . I. r f kind ahimill than g. Into at R199" His xnaxinei-,tohkwife� ned in, IS, acal.r, gue iColonel Bratimsfali at Is, Qh f I%' kind but P he seem She dr6ppe& her eyes -ad to Shrink fr6m *he WASOUriously.'aharsoferiettm He telithe in, -give wayoUrArm & P, at ds r for � h4f. Y g to. I When, Colonel Broinapai name in from cQ1119rhWitiong -of those of he Sanfords' rAindness to -his, he galiL Ili !rw noi. 60 Unoma t'that- YOU' - it, quite dark,, si , id. -.the eild" warmes, gratit t. bo in t�forwhat, monj ffilonds. who tei Ing,, filIed onl halve, - an in. a oo Ing,, -curiosity lowith uttering il pop one$. . opfs_�o fooRthar . ' L r Due, tset--i�iu& itadmea- t ,bi ihe� infirviall -the ui ;, i 1 gia He�seewed to'battle wit6 his embarrisai reilobtact roverlidwe �,Amowled i3ho*nin.her�osro0fL"1;ins.; Her arm,'Ijiliflugon it is: they Walked gJoWI.y W"3ii_ _ , w -house. Wre, Btifford T ... r It L' lj&ood,� g Wis�b fr or' ;Onj, L OW no Ono to' V Loin I m on, t a porch atching that: �i H'iL a h 006ing tho'tWor-onSted W&ggon, tiffir p�rtin 'Ibi* hi ba r ral '31' ltioed4 - The whole swely'r " The 66attiot kth h sUghter, .. .... sh, iinder -such oblijationa'as I -&in toycii"Xiaj Stelfinvnih j'P.0,o%jd&'tftoO.'� Janford wi r it their 'f rrwn*Hty.L()f the only-wou U had tat strength, - felt \. . 'L sh's - - PVitality i6emed, to give h ..too. 'EJOWL is he�jj sigh - eSanford, orfai hom I feel a'deepw 44 ruef,al, dved, the - y6mag wi& he L livid ' lost'yeiri he walked more, steadily. they �; ' t I I Is . 'S"WOMMU.tepir'st Iq kea, suAclusly. "L Winifredo quiet,, maybel,but it's &hf before, bad- bees . i so dhhts�riauii that,'With III We ave never hid o a ri�alofied the.. rapidly loOing ground they d Wcirky,�-Etols alf -iiiiii; Ito ving a Ot T,gad to .Li. . - t to be *4 long sigQ quieter Without lser.o� le-arted, devotion to. list.. memory, psusecli'_ Viievallay-was,bithedih &'golden orking he�ex6lal hie ,go, befoie ilia steria: L ' a itylls'l aci wSo im. htze, r anif th life, I- hsve been -to . Ond s*h4g.s' * 11 His brothe sin't all -01, came UP, 3i hining through wom6ii'asoo'let'y;"6.ut.l�aboulcI likel . .*Ith'- re-, Sainford replied� with .Motor. than heir 0 sun -was 0 out off from tn dead, buf lit -dust. - The 11114 He wasill at issi'vith &I woweb,, aws mospher"a 0 Powdered I and j not nbvi,. -when r went Up there. to, see . 40 Wthifi, eine; Who j�wepi., the Jak6:JaY like a, Pl4iia, . J . b ad vs. - get' clix I your permission, to donaiaerl'you. iny what I would mikilifin -for bis supper, ­his sual irreleva 3Y. '! Winifred'11 �bUt levib 0 utuish bra nk out, � of ivith -'a direct. door visa iodkea: so 'at all ilia *aj thro g4i 'ted P the. and a' --these words wird'utterid' aiaurb, him. anyhow S" L no 9 I 5 She's qut isi th heir - alseves Whilothey wis" feel Inach. L' he ha -111' madis arm, f sincerity that,to0j' ilia adge'oft h4AYAess I thought likely he ' wai`reoting.� *Winifred SL hewing, her strong, White simial Sigh and-thd,brilllaney, faaad 'from �ihe' and no,mies ke but. I. d awe mijht!1­­­ihe-'psu96df ki I d nuo as I evei am ,hsndlibgp� the 'broo& wish i dexterity that I&ndiespo. . At the. h' th L Or'sil In- wasss wmejaetnowttol lioldher. a le 0 'M� 'at it is -if. ie6kingL the right wordiin whiofi, 1. never see &Uythin a bridegroom 14;10k as fted Ma'admirstiod, bvea though her biessatable.jolden diitauce.thst..�rimsinfa , an ct _ i like theW&Y'YOU two comple II t; aSto express hlmsblf:-�" that *6 Might in fbIlse take ou�. iiat o age . - , - , .. 11 . . . .. *16tout that, boy.11L a did I Oractipal bblarme 01d no I His heart., .When th 13 a concert a L ' as I, were. Colonel Brennan's face 1ilsit the. time Would tLook Ill oried Julian,,' pointing 40, � it., , its anxioub END. woman of the wokJ& ml le, 1960no6we'Whon he*.and Julisn' wouldbe !'Was thorn ever an ght. have, beea anfoid". ythibg so bitutifal?". It. He followed: Xro.,,S into the puzzled to know exactly what to :4epij to 11�0 Oty.le A 84juluIle a �tting-room rPk are along. The phjsiclsu!s.�order weralote. roung follow was on fire, for I 'A?aebloiiablis' *1 - I �Theexcitsble] Ype. , L each sp �&dch; Vat � Vinifrealle power of, 40 turn to Naw York in a montIA, from thiii; the moment.; "Ituakin, calls it the t $,Will. yod, tell youi., t t 1 na, exporter On. of"� we're msk Va her squae should. questi On L' - .. t for a few'bibiu. es, tuns of th liaailn� th6re.' if id Ian., Infinity. Theriah'tadotilit.bitt,,ths, the, would like to R�Pesk to her An of' divi' tion'and her ice- were both splistently �io a daft on, the r -Me better'on. his' eturn, Flotida, was to bs- bky, day snd;hight.4 shuts no inj like, a great, reo lie said, 'll"I shili ays.-knew, ene I �,: t S. .�'. . - ose �.Fhidh. -y- 'b"d 1-0 inih, not �conelder OW re enougfi1d 9i diffloult in. if sh&WijJ coj& lie .9 Oman a ffec __QnV6r-ted­ ne-osn-dien_sei6he-Len& it. a Aver., th, helti A 1115umee" Wnen tiva hwolsooeto -take Wibifre thought oftlib'doesin, R Imr. N W, who its sniAs, the So at Ing in 1S.,grave mftiv�ie; somed, -IP into.1 Y to a tho'bblebt in.. live'. t i;owxi fro 0 '11� btAr thitwould but.that light goes on 'wid Ono Ito$ like mpress to sufaid. the c6l, 31-,deapai 0 I P rted in th0ir exquiefte, smile. air- i sot madi-the. seeiii"U,-the-lva.ythrotig"psoe I'll, be your t swful+ bh"R�I-wbruptlr bood. ilo W by,. -yes friend, . of es', jmagih While -they th bronzed ffiefe'r L. "Whiffred anaerstoodnot a She' lighted the Is tap' air,: -,feeiir W his word o6bli�m%m they., ire' beautif -look U X&rm'ge.wania ske Such a th oe, a Is al I', he! Iii Ing pdird� thqreforeremained. gilbbti Julian I kor Theseword wad in satisfy' Colonel the b to Pon aml th 4 �b i and Precipitately.,. lot P ' a il bid 2 13 sload, il am, a see ey6donticiaM or daV at Alete;rned away with , se roomi X in when thel Never a most 'illflter,b fiercely a'are thsl Briamsni-� Winifred Moved toward. the seated that the great and glaring As The next, tho, following the a yn0s& r the -first time since' lid WithAhe first Shower of rain. L' . f W A�or;i bii stopped betolrd goin r but of . '.the, pre"nt artificist A�a elbbionable r _JirOt&j% lie - "first f wa's Ia 9 Julian iolug ik�- Mlitu-ing -�;-Whst. Sao would he ootr 6 111tar ed fi ant prot tion. vhry weakoll ah' 6d eSensation wao-en r opo proo. c0nittudti6n. of "the:-Amerio Ili ;sgfin, might an via]! go- balick, lonelinesn. This, feeling d beddix�es,isvidpnt- While they Succeed, in oe13 a to the ' 0610i�el Brennan piled a litge'niAdr, -his so ad II0.141bg their'shouldiro'bii-bli a a Sal a Wit "L I OultY.'almost ad b .10nowealb, Sarifordl.le fOL t to t liduse'll h "I heakdmother dill. tinblid Skin..; nI d Ith d'ffi lin keo' t ick.,ht this iowe.sfo L Y of elwelt . sible to he nc Ththoorchardiho,cEi0ft a dog of the Ing. iler abynSon' domxniani. the, b asts wind 'and 'rs me just now t a 0. I Then you'48atifisit', too? Re vitust get. sU the . 'theiiaolas are be! dq'o6ewed.to be concentrated.- Not 6, lost iated'ABS'lf to JUlifth. Rd sifli'lefined farm -ho ten sisteg, unless "L- stionger-:41d -give my life to save. thlabcyl.1t, on. the� gnarled branch Is '"Y the the name lovil as thq flo6ri, ..He ights in the WibdO*N. the,apple-tteed her arm.4p.-Ifiej. wsl�eabsck.to ther" hou 10 I '' P '' . -0 , fi. L. "L I I --nehred'r it� ­'J."'A... I . ...... I - StIrrL I L. f . I.... 11 . .1. 'Lt. . ecess Fly tool He r . opbko with -6rVOut energy. 'Ili one I Ist Do 'between he The young w his w 16ng and nodcleable disian -a� air if, breadth.' On, the rotigh but did xibi dpi�k to her.' there wap- no sign,� elf any.uneisifniia or owegOinan re6eivod t g*sst a great* red'apid " yellovV apples I 'iiHow. good- you Srlaj. g eirofi for hirh.�' Ad heir i Sinford"i he islid, Ofr :w a sympathetiosilendes, which in be k 6nd'the back of the highliWliis. I untoachod, r Under, one bi tbe� largest tkitea n6xt voice I III verea'., - effect of cutthroat aulffirkhg. litili- Whit'L should, 1' havd,' dote hot me h t4a� kitchen; in. 6hoerf icon 'th tonattued ixW onwpteia6d 'The 4h1iiii Brennan wait. sielated -before his assail Without I a you given this FOU- and Wllij6l SUPPOS tion with Lu6ibda. Atlangth,be eached .it - - . . .. . 1,: felt merit she'."Was gone.� 0 remladilear When the �iri leand I[Aintmg.in bi 'is ily, new and tb6a, apdikinj a follow who is Such i�. brolfea-down the hodae and leaned �gsinet 'the irame-cs dne tfi, inifred Sanford who otoor r 1m.r 'Wredkia lain? i1_41d.watchectlint narrowly of., the -t parf6r wind6wi, anibl L t hh-the correct And shapely beaujy to:W io.go, gta..in Ho lisil pcged her by a loWs we . 0 . pingbranch, 8. f a- UP Julian's po rai. o d firther, his Edar't beat Violently alkoviiiiL or L urOf one arm, Stretched out, the .. hand graspingv i ao- Ife felt it to. be th best; baluation. 'VII j3hatteka wi�ri oldsed, brut, f the Second bat L Abieiiasli jno"tl, it'se6, why thtt should =;In bed. I a a L �tho and famous "You are .88, ICnot thr product.;"New or ilia b6tigh. ' Her'bigad *as slightly rainda hie had over done, 6Ad Yet he Pit on a intothe bri un ghtl�' in -her one omary majes ic- pa hir� much of wan, Yoirenot ati66g,ll careto have any Ono Sea it just yet i kilt I a.; ligho room. By the table, stoodL 'his. 'hr, tfiet. g_ eyes looked fair awky avqlhe valley. - The Som6th ngin, er,wordg seemed to Iva explicable f6elihg, eve' 'hi i if Sanford, Ild"co low, n - Mae Is 0 through thL' had gone cat Shooting Jhai affeta ode both their f !roq ew Dahoes. 0 b, 111111 'Was pea p essure', son a h - d 11 Spite elf t 6 Thtee- be* daboes, wok introdPiq0 at thel,' rnsty-br6wn leaves an n hot pifik.-Are6s. Thbik You I ba,sald,- With proud. grati4 and 64 not 'yet returns wbioh r6tr of the wiftd,. their Worad - reached hi albeing Wasters. o Von Ion distl In D Ond�sid�of her tacd:wai�ehaidowdd by. the furthered him. in the I indulgence, of' hie n thronigh.thepen. windowi eSVO13 0 the ties,, but.the, other Was, bathed When are you going a.w%7 from idrio� flandye 'Ild. carriea it to h gI 8, YOU ray York city thiii'weeki Thd dandion miliectlied is room, and, -it the 9 ide'm Mirka , ftroddood by Pro in'th0l'' tail iii�611'ght. Thin light, which 'she sakddlirralevantly. leaving it, there, turned the key in, thd 0obrl can't his 91onflea her to I, I 't o . w,eza I ed, and,put'it 'I' h' cketo' radiant lidalth,,ouly served don kri n is p uOther-was mylng. it 1. SUPPOSO th%4-.18' Ae Loftnas,, the hd This 1210tifil for both of, tic, I Vat . can gija the Beilib,o' by, Vtofi - Pill; The adoenta'ate'the" wastin h randso of t6d litil fade falling.' 11 I b9li;;-6, that: Dick in exer - �but t6 ninny Wsrmth 1dysl sttecti6n, and, trust, .1 will a � Ifin 1. ma, I a. , He 'JIM growt him 6 A only' iliftero6dia, between 'the. 11-gli& ""i under orderktolike. hie Off in!W6'Woeke. of i tiort told oil: 'Th'i i he day drow biminto,t le, opiab air. 0 r in the last two Weeks, but his �!ce You don't want Indio go,I h6po he,added, iaw4olowly and feebly 66rcge'tho PY. is is -not mazurka Is end the*oIdL asnot of that. nitime L orchhrd said to h2ddenoy.op-I now that it could isilisi thb*Altz.io.'alibs I tt' edibi, th &it' vote"& look of adep content, with, a ai'lliae'se y' liug& to al qidiet,,:mq&a6* vherd the . hay4isoke belt.�_bat.evdty 'is gralodal, lifir ply., Winter thing .$hit, 'Money' can , do, to e thii bibk a I i I No ?I �, itep.: The, effect it 9 rid --Yet[ ode an a ways I eil replied -eiml a iti'll stood. drying foi the winter. Throwing make your life I ' t d eY on : shall in thig reipoot'All net Ith 6, V essan an, iaA e art" I Jul inn WAS sayingi Why, I scarcely coming Ono and it's ldi'261� fiere then." himself on, the loosened hay at. the betiOns "t, out its Usuid birdoho. What do you say iar, and aft no '81 9 0 know bim I'' When xvii* li�tle obap# two is face AtLahed deeply, :of one of the largest Militia, itelay *hiching: no 1wsh times __. no L eaife oldi he old 00ely,for'bibr' slie*or, or thk4a 'lost hid wife. He "AlVould*Youl could YOU,' iwsgi�eduolx a the little clouds that'drifted "robi the times Maestro he sindnaiaties s, A itfamphant Sia name over Winifreala 4 fabile din wale &*filly out pp, Sort 6friI)JUji andod hit, Ito and, in istillo'' i th' he - b impetuously. ThiP 0 con Sit poso tug egan face, 'ab'd 18 destined 1161 r Ifh POW' co O k is hy -0 hil ooftirdedl,ad ' III H bolonel grenna With th;ughfi df the future thattioiight . 61, ifterid Armlyi see a 0 on intitraR Claft the war,,top the Wodip ina bid bi k a cawd� tiom. the house. 6f 'Winifred 'Sanford Wit inextricably Iy came so aa ago, Vrbidd, bb heard V*ss ill I )Ion 0 intor hie eyet" it. 41illaa 1, he. exclaimed, 4,Ao It seemed scrAidtil to 16*# hit ' 'Lr J '' kL " , f :h an 00 Qni 6 A100,6i a hokili Ind scre-1- if 4-"z&4 , Ift