Lucknow Sentinel, 1888-08-31, Page 5• • • , • ���ri�•+r'fit•"•-,��....•:_a•�r9stA+~-t•.. • • er to clear.• of . s °• � Intends r o ering.l e r entire e � stck of Ladies, Hats, Feathers, t�ers, Flo w.ers, Orie ntalsEmbroideries, osiery, Gloves, Collars, Babies Lace,Bonnets and Caps, ctot,a GreatReduced Price, bOIVIE AND SFJCUREOME OF TE ,• • Or immense stock tf Mi,�ln and ate Goo • Belfast Illreetes.. + ,culvert, L,. R. 9820, $2,; ` K. McLean, ' culvert: and'':breakwater;. $42 ;: d:. M. Mr: John Durnin left a few .weeks arr<.oFnn 1JnFlsiata. the ile• publre. s.:hool . for the last seven or�eight years, has been. engaged. to cd►•nur. (4 ,11. r .889+ "a ^ Yom,•= ts?: ,' lurrft o'n4Ve�c needy last weee 'the ':contents,. except some furniture,._ ' • were ' idPstroyed. It caught from a to'tpipe It -1s A. very cavy loss' as there; was no 'insurance. Most ()Utile farmers finished harvest- ing last week'. and ;are now preparing' to. sow .their fall wheat. • ',_...._ _. Acco din to the. ;new.. .'_ _.. -.. _ _.� P.O. rept"illa ••tions .tits officials Are to `l►e furnished with. suits. One suit. will homily :fit. Y Who those: of thea ostinaste ' •p.. r•tt family who attend the Belfast Office.' • Haffey, lumber to pathini sten, $3.15 ;; J. Murphy, %bat..ap:wor k '•' 7•Sinithrpla�i,163 Event L,• ''x: '11,. 1,�S --ave lin=e tis --het ew�erl eta 11 and 12, L.It;; • $39 '; 1 Dunn; gravellir g on T� R; ,$I7 • CHANGE AGENC • •.e' of eons., ' ily 50 World 'te anhd• loons, eyes ,lra••ae Ashlield Items. • Partners, .Y are. getting. pretty well . 'through tl ith, their'' hati est lir this vi= cuitty.. The fall 'j heat in'some, places has, turned.' oat pretty well for the quantity of straw threshed Potatoes•and •roots in. 'general have`. greatly improved since therecent heavy showers; The farniers"are. getting their fellows • for their fall wheat.' There will not, lie such an`extent sown as in former years. Laues -News.' • Harytisting is about all through and threshing is'the order .of.the,,day: 41r.. li i auk. Scott`jr: °left'.'l,ast .:week for Dakota, where he`has a fall's;jobof threshing,; We expect hisieturnAbout Christiilas: 1 Mie'` 13e11 Bowler returned home o ,, fr rn t� ast- week ' Mr. Matthew Ferrierlias. rented his. • farm to his mnotherfora t• rmn . Of five; •years.; {4 : ,'. Our sec obi house, .which, dining holidays h;iri'•undergone a •:iumbeh of repairs,. .w in ani more o e sulfa .►le coi= P + dition to give comfort ro •• •the children • • of }our vicinity.' 4.shflcld Couneill, °•' Aug. .15th. 1888 Court al met at cohllci1 room. 'All. . y•,embersresent: 1tlinutcs of ''last iiieeting ad A and signed. Moved,.by.' l H. (ir'vin,. seconded by, 11. •Chatnbers. lliaffey in Port Albert:, l e exempt from taxes far four years ;:rovided the mill is kept. rwiniug by Mr: Mc fafrey. -luriugthe whole term. Accounts paid: M. Kenny, rep. scraper, ,;$1 ; I.1.• Mo - 1:. ay, e-:Kay, .rep. ,raper, 50cts J;: 1+; . Sul li- 'an,,rep. L. It, let 14, $1 It. 6xraliatn, :gravelling -near Port Albert,' $3 ; John. Stevenson, culvert on. L. R. $8 ; Val. ' ,Alton,. g,-avvcl at .8ets per yds, $12.24 .4. kilpatricek; bridge on rifer, .con. • 8 And 9, '$389 ; Ed. Ilanndli, work en 'ay ioTt-71rtI1, 1t4• : W di:' i/FeM-d 'work tin gravel road' $1 ;it Stewart, work` • an L. R. 384, , •• $2 •; 'D. Izzai-d, . • lr0ard[tla J. Mcl3rine, who is unable to ,, work.math broken ari=l, $1.0 (looney to. Brie left with ,vas. mdtti'ey) ; Mrs • Martin„ $ ti ; J. Murray, gravel to path- 1iidsti s, ,:. . , rr �, i ,gavelling, $1 ; T. Lochead, 'gravelling lin L. R. 9820 $50; 11:McIntyre', aria peciingygraive1ling, $23 J.,Cowan, rel►. hg and Ieviation.read it bridge, con 8 :T, Richardson; nails`'for' Moved •by > :; Girvin,'seconded 'by J Mc'Kenzie that no: action be .taken at present• ,to open certain •streets,' :Piet. that .OP council meet at Port Albert'. on.15th day of September next, with - power '..to .Open up. certain streets for the convenience' of the neighborhood should*thecouncil deem the o .ening of these streets necessary." opening .A••'bYlaw: was duly passed' fixing the County rate at 2 1-10 mnil:ls,. and; township rate ;'at 1 null • Next meeting of, council, September: 27th next, • W.LANE 'C'lerk. IMPOR t'ANT PTION'041 ,..or.. FAR being the homeeteail' r►f I2'.'I3arkweli •There will• be sold by public auction on --- Wednesday, .Sept l7th. That very deafrable farm of 200 acres, good • clay loam, being lot 0, 14th coo., Township of Ag field,,, County. of • Hnron,_sxtuate only, 2imites west of 1 ucknow '., and en the. boundary of Huron and.BBruce. Thi+ splendid farm has •175 acres under cultivation',:tbe.balance .being well timbered with hardwood. %Ther. is -an the pTq�lace s'largo frame •buu,=e • and excellent' out- l►uilrlings';'the farni is well fenced.and under- drained. ,It hasa first-class youn,' (Millard • slid is well supplied 'with water. '•Thio farm :will .be sold together or in parcels,to•suit pur-, • chasers • : 'TERMS' CASH, but' persona who wish to procure a.• loan ca,, obtain tie same at 5 ' per Cent. For particulars` apply to„,. R BARKWia .J:, Prop: Clinton, or J'AS.. HOU'SON. Anet.. Clinton' STEER ESTRAY Came fir the 'premises of the undersigned. lot 27, con, 9„Kinloss,, on.or abti it the let of done. a 'snlall'red' and white yearling. Steer. 1.'.he owner is •regilesteu to; prove property, pay `expenses, and take her ..a way. . 4ini-763..away. THOS. ROSS.- '60GLOSS.• On•Satiirday,.Aueus ,18th, strayed from t remises of Walter Treleaven, Havelock street, name of ''a white Spitz Topsy.° Any�igiido �retl rill tn! to the ng it to the undersigned. will be suitably rewarded. • T. L. TREL'EAVEN, '• Joon Bowlsmotf put upon the ma 1tet un't l .and .onghly tested,and has the endorsemer m sive; L Official Lattimore, Id., A. - e of Prof. of LL.D.) Analyst ,of .foods •:a L. A 1TRANCE S:.�PECT.A:�LLS. AN 'EYE - CLASSES • :.. Etc E (�L�SSES f 1 rt are: the only genuie English • articles in' the Canadian Market. .aum- g wort. 1r • anaVI)!1 7sea as it puts. the •kidneys, thetil o blocblood purifying organs, plete, health- • • have tens of thousands of •testiMo to this effect from', people who: cured years ago`.and"who .aro #o day. medicines; N. Y. State Board of $salt a'. are and scores of eminent ohemlete,,phyi more 'dean andpro essiona expo s ___Ileal.pebbles ki+pt; •iii stock: Teetsiven�to' ao pucchatere:to rove 'td e p ' rec mrnendvd b_ y..and testitnonia President, nt n n es. They ale y is have been received frim the Preeir�etit�Y.iGe=President,;:)•:x-. President and,Ex-Vice•.President, of the Medical Association= of Canada.; tlie.Presidrnt.nfthc rnllega (if Pl ysicans and Surgeons of Quebec ; the::DPan of`, theMedical University ;; the l.'reiddent and Ex -Presidents of the.:Medical_Coi oi•1-of N- Vacuity 'oft, oya�cotia,•Ltci •' ands g;$.' Warner,&. Co.'..do-_not : , cur hal! everything; from one bottle con.; they havinga specific for :each -import die- ; sot diseases : right shy . of any, pry and :paration which claims: infallibility. - 1_The testimonials printed; by: H. H:� Warner & Co.are, so far;as, they know, BOOKSELLER -Lr • w. era- posit vel For the. ' Y <gennriue. esti ; past five years they have `had,'a stand-. Tlie Principal a1' of �IGQH ' ::M�lKf�R. . •• p �rea�tinl HORSE SHOEING AND Ar CEN;ERAL BLACKSMITH/NG. Adam Thompson begs •leave: to thank the inhabitants of Lucknow •and 'surrounding country for the liberal .patronage bestiwed him during the last seven years, and wishe»''a continuance of his old customers and-. $ . fair. share of the new,•as he ie in,a better position_ than ever to.eitpply the wants •of: the public. • He always has on hand a stock of s gies ofll kind a e, He will also remind' thein of the far famed; • SCOTCH DIAMOND HARROWS, which he always' has on hand ;and are made of thevery best material., . Parties wantil,g any thing in this line will do well to give him scall:. and • see;:prlcee before, •purchasing • elsewhere, Particular attention paid to ' • ALL KINDS OF NOIRE. SNOEINO• fiat.feet, contractions and lnterferin ' ' rr •. Be By strict attention to business, gond work- 'j inanship and' employing 'nothing but .goo workrnn, I .trust to •.retain .the l:atronage 'kindl'y' extended to me: • ADAM THOMPSON:' Ca m lell Street o pposre the Bank:. sesta ,000 ,000 erve. in offer of 5 000 for roof t` ra: g , p o th . anti. trary. ; If you are 'sick tom• get well, uso, N. Washington; MD.,LRCPS. Eminent Lu rLaLnc'Throat Surgeon, WILL HP AT CAIN'S HOTEL �, QCT• C K N''. `O ON . ) ead•W. 11. Storey's our H. W. Storey & Son, Mannfactureis, Adoll , (Mt i) letter •of reply .to i'dr. Mc(7artnry; of Boyne, Uni..':_ . ' Acton', lint.. Sept '14, 18S7...:. Geoirdc 11fcCartircp,,Eeg., Boyne, Ont.:. Ordorad:'W 'ork S's •eczalty; Dyna Sia, =Your letter reneivld{{ tolily P re . I beg,to inform yen that. Dr. V a'diingtnn'cnlii I1. PROCTOR.' okay cured: me nf•'Citarrh „of two years' • s rindin whlcli'threatene l . g,• to break down irly. c • nstitn on .I tl had ►revel . e a 11 1. » ,tel ed ever r y Y• tbmr, and'eiNry hyscen,»f:nritr witho t CHEAP ''GROCER ES p j receiving 11 partical of:. g'►rid .: When . I coni: _„�,AND�— • REWIRD mended takinc his medicine I w3uld almost suffocate with., aura riming do , throat to i th • :and sr . b wit my ).•' S. The Tr istees'of S. S. No. 5, Aebfielel Zion atR . + had about given up all' p •• I Si'o:N S. School) offer a reward 01`.$20 or 'snob ===form; ' ;hope. }A=fter I commenced taking hire, meds- e ation that • will lend to the convicti.,n of thee) cine I,felt.a decided lelref m a week, and m r o'O person'or, persona who are .maliciously dextro.i nig the scheool.prn e rty of saidsecti on.1h pArty or parties will be - prosecuted to e the. full' extent of the law. • .• ,a .. ' W. T. GARDNFR, ' JAS WILSON, )N. • .JOHN WEBBY' It.. Aehfiel'd-- , : i •,•1888,: Na TRUNKS! Has just received'a arae and well selected stock, of fir.' Trunks; '• .'Valises, Robes, E.. which he is selling' • • at.,bottoin price*, . If you wish a rArgpstigiumiliniipte 'Goat'. or'W a10 ;Rio o, ;'giye meet: wall.: • \ Single and -T)onb'b t.tlillieas always in stock or made' Co order tn; shot't notice. two mohths was ei►tirelycured ' That is nearlY.a year ago, and have no return of the trouble: true:.undersigned. hating tars day bought the stock in trade -of. • . A OW I • can confidently recommend :Di Wash; ingtonto you• Ile is no., quack ;' his charges' ,are moderate,; he is a perfect gentleinan' inall that term'impliee, at lead snch is my expert;, eiice Believe' lie, Yours truly, W. H. STOREY. -Catarrh: Catarrhal Deafness, Chronic l3ron chitin, Asthma and Consltniption.. Also Loss of Voice, Chronic Sere '.Throat, Roeovin"gg En- larged Tonsils from the Throat, and I'olvrii, fir Growths frim the nose,without the -knife. All diseases of the Head. Tlirnat 'and Lunf{s. Treated by Inhalation -'• The New Medina.' • CONSULTATION FREE: 4f-734; • CANADA'S C1It1•;2yz' 'SEPT. 10th to'22n GREATER !THAN EVER *50,000 .IA%' katztS AND SPECIAL ATTRACTIONS, e• 'eve Features and Grand :xhibite The he,'' For prize Lists and Programmes ” art."' Secretary. ,Hutries clone Ana J.J. WITHIWW, ' :Pmiideilt. �. ESTRAY. Str.syedfrl4m thejiremises of the undersigned Lot 21, in .the 11th con. of West Wawanoeh, on'nr about they 35th of Jiily last, three,laml►s ander ewe':; all white. Any one giving elicit information as will le=ad to their recovery„will be suitably rewarded. • 11 is , offering the san=e at the • • old stand '.at., i 0.P RICES o. All who desire bar -mini. should:. give: rile a call. ALEX. L. MAC. KAYO Lticknow, Jan, 10th, 1888 • John Joynt,RIP 7fi0, St. Helens P: O. i� Sa�ES�t e .,at nave been killed MF nLce the season opened. , The day' J'aeon' Peters, of. Farmington A .tltvelling house with half an note�f , 1 e,lnotrr •kir.led.,the re'ntil-rattle;ustzas•-it-Wa'e• g: ••1400;"Also:''a'Pmat] 1iu11dinN proaohin his doorstop'on an. errand of in - an Acre. Both in o, slr."yyuar Pett. Yob. do moa vestigation,. apparentl, arosiieoting: the in. Apply to , .��ice,air+ I lies your pardon, ,tenor of tilt house. said the editor,.. contritelye,..Liff. Y o ae. • FOR SALE. THE COd C'S BEST 'RIE 11 A