Lucknow Sentinel, 1888-08-03, Page 4UTNE Suriutottl is t%1* 1L 't!P8s'. LIBIC1tTYTO uTT$B. ,AND TO AR IE PREELT ACOQEDING TO TOR PIPTATias :OF CONSCIENCE WE • PRIZE, ABOVE s ALL OTHER LIBERTIES Lnckaow, Auj eat 3rd,;1ee8. • TIIERE are already'seven candidates dn' theA.held for the Presidency of. the 'United States. They, represent. the 'following interests trespect'rvely i The deiuocratic, the republican, the prohi bition, the union labor, the " united labor, the iudustrial reform '.and the •squat ' rights. Mrs. Beiva Lockiwood :bias the honolr'of : championing the last, nn enticinedccause.' ' Tela Oatmeal. Millers' Combination,, which has succeeded in advancing the price Of oatmeal very materially at. in •tervals: during the last year or two, is :apparently on the pointof breaking pp in' consequence of the breaking of its :rules by certain :members: The .quer :cels among *combiners ' 'are .nature's I remedies tfor the evil which they seek to .perpetrate. Without ,.:pr°otection ;and a stiff market' a combine ie a pretty tweak affair at b•est AN interesting case has'recently been 1}3rztler had lost half of:his return:ticket • .o:• the • Manchester and Lincolnshire Railway, . and refusing to payover =again he was forcibly . ejected from the. .carriage. Thejustice .court held that he was,rightly,ejected. but the Master' sof the Rolls declares that "there is no law which ,enables. 'a man to put' his 'hand forcibly upon another for a breach •of contract, unless he is ,stupid enough •to agree ..to that. being, -done. A ,rail - 'way ticket is. merely evidence of pay- anent' like, a receipt ; and no man ' is: (obliged toper his fare over againmerely becausehe has lost his ticket." • 7 –A6olit the first week In June fast,. one of the best" educated pzfessional dead -beats we ever encountered struck our town, and secured lodgings. with one. of our most respected citizens.. For the past few days he.has not bee seen, and it is safe to say that he has skipped leading .quite a few thepoorer for his few weekssojourn in our midst. The Vidette isone of, the losers to a small sum, but some we understand are less. era to a large amount.• • The "•Pof,":;as he styles himself, is a Dutchman, about 5 feet, 6 inches high, and: is very smooth in manners, and; is a very good music- ian. Ile goes by the name and: title of Prof: A. W. Aarinksen,. He is; a dead, heat and should be given a wide birth. The press will please pass this 'fraud', around. -Corrie. ;.Vidette. OF • A I) STOCK OF F1ESI GROCERIES. &SSO1 TED . G.d TTI O OU' - • GOODS BA,RRE;LLF �D SALT, : Guaranteed Fuli : Gl'eightd eta „ IN t•referrifig to the disastroui3 fires :that have, lately visited this' county, '.the Monetary • Times ask! • how car. `a 'village ofwooden houses in a time of !extreme drouth; expect to escape ekes; ter if a fire breaks out at the windward • .end? It is very like teniptitg Provi- . deuce•for`` the 'inhabitants of :a -Place' .contaaning.'1,200'or 1,500 souls to leave themselves with absolutely no provision gaust theoutbreak of a fire. Any. ne community should; neither, post-' •pon::nor wade the duty of providing £ once means of • fighting flames, for ill come' to :disturb or menace d it is:. plainly wrong for a laee; thirty years o14 or ught without a, good fire may the residents .of with -..1,000 or 2,000 that they 'cannot aces Itis a hog• place• should •inion; against Tanks; book nes, hand ;flames, l ▪ ena. • good . sized' .More, to be. brigade. • Nor •;£ourishing plat population' preten 'Afford good . fire iippl low„' pretence . Eve have• sonic sort 'of, pro • such a ravenous enemy,. .and ladders,' chenucal':,an engines, steam fire .engines there are abundant means to choose fr 1n,• and there is no excuse' for ,anytown' or i Il - lag rbeing.without one:,of these." TR tax is.aheapof good soundadvic slot only. for our rural readers, but, for all .others in this paragraph from the. pen of one ;of tut; meat protainent farm- Ors in the country. i «The 'sooner you• o paying cgs 41•own fot everything you buy the better for you, for if you do this you •will. of- tt•n deny ..yourself Many things which you can do without • ' It will require firmness Lind self denial to. buy only what you pay fur, but Without it you ero in da!iger of netting into•the habit of ltiiying on time and keeping yourself always ill debt., ,There.are many things which are desii'alile to have, but not ind1-.i . lsitl,le, n til` Tthtse are thr thins �irh th t)ir, ftirnier•tvho is in del;t must: •1etirit to 'lo without;'' of ibi.ie y:ea'r. when :farmers are .'gettin. •their- u 1t� of Ha Forks -}la tikes - Cradles, Sc, t• hs _ g SPP Y Y y r close prices go to, Ilaths tic: If you want.a giod article at where you .call: get all kinds of harvest tools as clieapas the cheapest, :and .ass g • good as the best, , We have also the best' brands of: clean: inaining Offer therm et .greatly: reduced price. s. order it all rE illinerywehave decided to. as 1. tS O. DRESS GOODS PRINTS Mi US'LI N8 ETC. > • $�:llirg -off' cheap in the market, at reasonable prices:' EAVETRQUGH lsQ SPECIALTY. Mme •and•inspectsour stocky , If You : Want a Spring An carne and ; See. ;Us A Good 'Assortment. off,: Parasols t '10'e$ sit Za:co3- oid.oi'ies,E El, Fnspecion Ik ted. • VENCE F AND ' TSE •LATEST. PATTERN`S. �ti • • Hat, a,w4>r1d,wiile reputation as aphysician and • author. His Mandrake' Ih>ridelion. Liver cure is a triumph hf. \Iedic>rl ,kill,euring ail Viseas es of the ,Iiidiiey anti Liver. SYMPTOMS. OF 117 N IDRX: COMPLAIN'1'; Distressing ached and piing in • tbe•back; a dull pain or weight in•tho •b a.tde.r and; ease of the ah •denier:•• scalding iMac -often obstructed ; ire gu>7nt ;lesi-e . to urinate, etapetially at night tiipons aged persons••; hot, dry akin, pale emupleXiou red and white de},o>iitet drop•diaz}nvae. sour ; Ott tach; conetipatiun,,, lea,• litter weal. swelling,r. &�. yiiii. tiro it s:• `Q'•IV:F:R COM i'[;A11V'1',.Pain mtdershotil ■ der blades, jaundice, sallow cuihplexi.n, a weary tired feeling, ill life or energy,. head- .- ach:, .cly'�>epsia, W indigCllet;Rtion,D spots, puppies, .•, T. Rtithdrake'HOaand '.L),i leir'�r ar'enature'. ive turn,.. ani w sen coin int witu nes .re>tne dies, •as it>Dr. Chase's Liver Cure; will most positively dire ail Rjdii.•y. Liver trnublo. It,' mets like it drilla itimulatiug the cinggect liver,•strengthening the' kidneys, and invigor- ating tlwwhole body ; 4 >1d l y all deal ere 'a, 1., with ll c iitt Book,; which alone is worth: tits money D KIDNEY r Chase's' Pills are the only Kidnei Liver-Pillatnscle. TheyLIVact gently yet effectually. ,Mayr„' inti• •1- `,4 be t>icen during any employ J, trent !l'ht>'y core liuiney 1>iver troubles, Headache, l>ililiuctiess, Costiveness, ete • • ( nc Pill a 'close. T2`rice c.: • • , Soid by B1,,tnnY 1 DAYS, Lncknow. •Iiltit.D.VU1tll,'Ux.t., 11ta,nf''s,, uses;