Lucknow Sentinel, 1888-07-27, Page 54 ▪ In order to clear out her immense(• 2i vinery anc 0 • Intends offering her entire . stock of } adzes, Hats,: Feathers, Flotvers, Orient Laces, Enn,broideries,' Hosiery, loves, Collars, Babies Lace' Bonnets Etc., at Greatly Reduced Prices. •• and Caps, Etc., ...ANDCURE '.•SOM.E'- GF THE :.ARC GINS:' :. •• '..Public School Graduates. i[tneardineHigh Schoolnirance Examtna• •' • non'July,;i8S1, ' ' List of successful candidates in the order. of 'merit Maximum- number of marks,. 735•; iuinimuiu required to'pass, 367.. . • •4 • Where • educated; Marks; Names. ' •The hopeandthe stay of his parents ',• Their comfort and their joy, O. bow they 'will miss' their Jiwni • Their' loviugiaitleful boy. In the .sorrowing' family circle •. '1'hgee is an empty space, One manly form: is missing . -From its old.aoeustes:ed glace, And social circle, Louisa 0..Martin.; . Teeswater :.571 Where hd mingled' day by day, Annie C.rampbell,.. Port 'Elgin:- ..•o14 He ' d wand s con angwaa . g had won his cum •anions atfectioh Etta•Ituy. „port -]'`rein• 509 • y e ' Baths Chapman.„ . pert Elgin ..47tl ' • Sikinuel 4‘....Blair:: • No. 1, Ii.ure n- ,.46S ' :But no more with.uashall he mingle- John (Gurd,,n.:: •: � Ciueardine :466 As in the days gone liv , Get•rge Bartley .• Pert Elgui... 459 Death has broken the' link that bound us';; ' • George Shewfelt•.:. No.6,Kineardine453 . And severed the mortal tie.' • t :l'Iaggie/3oci Port Elgin— :. 449 But although thou art' dead'thou'epeakest,''• ,.,,....,...;•,...,,,, -molia wm, Mill s s ~ �{au A Ln4b •.:.r-iuttzrrpit i rrz so y • a inr' -%elle 1 oWrd lhverton X41 ' ' VV rt1' MitehelL Po t El gi 435•Thou art only gone before • k �m.k4 r ti �•' ... �"'OZa.4%i:i ' Lniily i'utter ; :.. •... '1'eeilwater- . .:,440 ' +Then, faiewell'dear Jim, for a':little, Alice \L. i aviah • ,...r‘ Port • ..:433 Soon, Oh S .soup, we niuet follow thee Susannah: Brooks • No.:3 Huron.:.:421. • Across to•the other shore. t.JeorgeiiaLail..... . No. 17., Huron,.428' Fit ti MFantNb. ` ]~.glia ay 11unald. .. Kincardine.. ..42(i Robert li. Ha11H` .,. Port Elgin ...425 • Zetta .I: airbairn 'r'eeewatei , ...423 'Lizzie '(latnerbn' :. No. 1.1 13ruce...422 Foe Stafford .... Port: Elgin • '..421 •-Yiddie--l'-aterson.- :- Port:- Elgin •. 420 . 'Stewart MoLaaren .. -Tiverton —319 • •Richard "raig ..• , . Port Elgin -..417 ' Ntinnie'Nixon,:.. Teeswater ..416 Annie Paisley .; 'Teeswater .415 James Cobean . Kincardine "41b '_William F. Blair ... No.';8, Brice :.414° Digby .' . Teeswater ...413 • "Alla 11. Blair•:- •Nu:1, litrrop ,413 Kate J . ('.illespie No. 2, Culross..412 • • . Lucie Spalding .• Sincardiiie' ..411 Samuel'•layloi,. '$icardine., ...408• Lucia Smith Teeswater . 407 ;COIL Murray ▪ . No. 7; Bruce _499 Jshir Rome .. No. 9, •Culross; 39S • \lary E. Stewart No; . 3. Huron. 39rt • Minnie McIntosh:.. •: T('incerdine. 3y2 Be11a:CampbellNo. 10; Cut>oss. 391 Wm;'ia LSannerman No. 9; Culross 390 '; • Liczie . Suitt.. ... ...• No.12, lfuron .:390 l hriritinti �%1 chinney•..., No.4,Kincardine389 [Slag r Eity ▪ .. Port Elgin. SVi1J .t ii•George .:• Port . Elgin '387 Uavi.l V. Ltullius No. 4, Huron 387' ' AmytVtitsiin... ..: `No. 4, Culross 3S6 Sari d. �tewar. No, 3; Huron I9 385 olialil 1<Lcrl,eod • .No.'12,•Hiron . 380 Norval Yemeii No. 11, Huron .379' '.::Sonpsorr" 1V es ..-Lucknow... x375 '•five :rooms nd. ;,teller, • on , Wheeler ;Street, o ' Na '13 Huron '375 0 osite T B' Hunter's residence ]'here is : Angus Jvlt,iinrn n pp e Edgar.0. Llry'.: . , Pert •Elgin - ;375shoran, acreand three; quarters' -df ground, well Neil` McLean Waldo .... Teeswater.... ..374. fenced The plaee will bo sold 'cheap' ,Apply. William Inkster .., 'No. 7; Bruce..::,3721 to' Tull proposed 'substitution of. India rubber 'for metal in the manufat;ture of horse shoes, says the Mechanical-Na-ws- is bas`,edupon, various supposed advan- tages, one of, thea, being that the for- mer enables• a horse\to go easilyover all .kinds of roads and.'rough or slippery' grouud`without'1�lippinhn contig-- vance• brought this pur- pose is: such as to'• obviate in one .ins stance the necessity of. using e.. iron shoe:,'Tt'.moved moms Itarily when the :horse is not, traveling, and can • also `.be used when the hors is, `shod' with an iron shoe ` ' • HOUST FOR BALE.' • A: small brick -fronted cottage, containing. Libbie. McDonald.:. .. 'Gueknow . ,370 : I izzie P. Wilson-, No..2, J3uro t: .368 Annie Agnew,. Kincardine..:367 Jamey Smith ' ... . No. 10, Heron...367 Jacob. W. jldwe.... •No., ]3, Bruce ..367A • Jennie McKinnon : 'I:eeswater;:: 367 Tillie : I.:.,1kteLean: ... No. 10, Asbfield:367 • " Kate Murray; .• No. 9, Kinos�s3�i7 A nie Sanders Kincardine.:, ...367 ' CLASSIFIOATION Passed:. Port Elgin public school passed .14: •Teedwarter ' • do • do 10 Kincardine model school do' .:: 9'- Fu. 12,1Iuruu township do .. 3 No. ` 41'iiiron, • do ' 00 • 3' Tiverton ,,•, 2. .Lucknow ..• •• 2' Fo. 1, liuroii �.+° 2 115;11, Huron . .. . 2 No. 9,CAilriws No: 6, Krnt. rdine v 1 No 11, Brune ':: ..110. 8, Bruce.., ... s... No. 2, Ci1I'r.A-s , ':.r; '1 No. 10, CWI.rrt5 . 1 No. 4, Kii r .,rdine .. ,:• sA No.4,'Cul s No.13, Hu,' i • 1: No. 2 Hut ••..1 •Nc.101-1ir n... ... 1 No. 13; 33r N .., ... ... 1 No:9, Kin, - 4..• de 1 Nos, 10, At I Id ,.. , ,: ,:. :Post earn',' [awe -been sent to ail the catidi= • dates, grviu. Se marks on each subject. '' A. CAMPBELL 1.T. S. N. RO13>NRTSON', B. .A. ••• Kincardine,., ray 21,1888, ' ' in Mem oi of the I..ato- Jarnes McKay. A. WM. WALKER FARM' 'FOR •SALE.% Being Let 6. in the 14th :Concession of the township of Ashfield,';E:Tl,, containing 200' acres;:about 170 :under cultivation, balance well tiniberecl . with hard wood. There is a good .frame house, and barn, arid thc. farm• •ie. wel enced and underdrained. It has a first class Voting orchard and is well supplied with water: ' It hi 21 miles from Lucknow. For terms and other particulars apply ' on the. premises to. JAMES' BARKWELL or to RICHAItD BARKWELL 34558. • Clinton P. 0,.. : AGO: MAK,INC, 'HORSE SHOEING ANA • C E.,N E RAL ' BLACKSMITIDNO.. Adam Thompson begs leave to thank the inhabitants of Lucknow, and surrounding' cou.itry for the liberal patronage "bestowed On him during the last seven years, and wishes a continuance of his old customers and a fair share' of the new, aline is in a better '.position than ever to Supply the wants of the public. He" always has ,on hand a stock of d. in e •' e ..the �► illax•�'ell �&`Cha r teel 'Fram.e Mowing Machines, different makes. Sulky 'Hay Rakes. Mason & Noxon Grain .Drills. Woodstock., and . Cb-athain Farni.' Waggons., Gananoque and' other Buggies. S. C.- G. Riding Ploughs.' Welkin loughs-' 30'different styles''to choose from' Iron:Harrows, :Harrows .With 60 and 72 teeth.. Miller's patent new model' Disc'.'Harrow, 4.9 1#8a VOTERS' LIST. --ism.. OV ' ILLAfiE'oI uorc V, MUIQICIPALITY OF THE V r•, OOU2,TTY. Or .1#aUCE. ' 1\TOTICE•. IS HEREBY GIVEN . TFHA.T • ' I have :tr'anianitted,or•deliVe err to the • , persons •mentioned in the third and ftlurtlr sections of"tlui ' Votir7 `List.;"Act" "thec' piien: required by'said section to :be so transmitted or delivered of the list,, pursuant. \to the said Act,: of all pereene appearing by, the last re vieed A'sse'sment Roll, of the said Miunreipali y to be entitlel'to vote in . the said Municiliati y • rst Elections for l4lemberaof the Legislative Are nenbly,:andat Municipal 'El'ections; and tlj,aat d , m'13iidlf5t ,6 u tetl.7ip at unyrol6ce;fiir .=ran u f fuIe- .:.:;«°:ik.a• - � is yy , y�.� ••_.� WI•eis Electorsatecalled upon to eiramii e•l fiesit* 'list, ands if any`owissiz ns--Or—any'othererrors . - r • are found therein, to 'take ,immediate propend lugs: to have the same errors' ;corrected accord .ing to law. • .. . �., . • Dated at L' ucknow this 23rd"day of July1888 • ' BROV1 N'MdILLOUGH, CLEBS ttiTHE SAID Mniiic1P4r.rry.. 3ins-7558. • ;•Lucknow'P_ 0 Iron and.Wood Scuffiers ilw£r. lli']ll � - ibe..T b s.y's e wim roved D 0 t 1e ac 1n A' 'Pitching tc hi n M ae ithetc. i steel track ', m Farers• Scales, etc Lamps, Washing Machines W' Clot ;e4 rinar,ers, � Wanzer P � ... b As ma. of the, above articles ; have had:: valuableimr for •1888..' .Intending purehasers a dell rg " purchasers would do before placing ltheir orders. .-170-11—to' all an.ex�rirre— . p �,., Repairs for all above. Machine Oil Needles,. etc. always on hand; r : a one $&- Duggics Deittlr's cti, l ley' hand has been in but midst And rias. aken a loved one away. •1);. air Sadly miss their, 1A144";4•1ar. •tio'i conldstnot btay. '.When d,;;•st rias:la alled)iiearlrocn ;And rias ,ken a doatliTyarra, •. •+�Thti ti•rn kill•is powerless; • A11 mortr help iH vain,' ` the duel, 'fids iieefu1 manhood, � inh • Dear Jin was callcd,to•{Co; •;'Stn the wnrl • u t its pleasures and -profits. Ile hat hi 9leii a final adieu But. O'.In4 ve miss' the 'familial face,; The kind ;.entre' glance of the eye, Azzd the til, le so bright.and ;winniitg, That•g ct? •]l the passex bit; • of Al kinds, 'Ie'will aloeremfnd thein, of trio •far famed'.: Y;• SCOTCH. DIAMOND HARROWS, Which he Alwaye has on hand 'and are made of the very' beet Waterial: Parties wanting y - thing in .this brie will do well to give hint a call and•' see 'armee ,' before purchasing elsewhere. Particular attention paid to Att . K KINDS OF HORSE SHOEiNG, fiat feet ;;cAon. ' ... trowtione, ands interfering bufinees, gond t �o `O•or,'k;.. By strict aztterriiocr manship n,ndemploying nothing but tor9d workmen, 1 trust tto 'xctain the patrorraJ e ltindly extendecltto ; ADAMTH:OMPSOl• Camiib?ll 'iltrppt'dnpositg[lire B nk., Binder Twine, Pure Manilla, 'Best Quality Ask for prices. A call olicited A thousand first-classCedar Posts for sale. 411 +CHAT - OF PROW Has ,just received•'a,. large and well selected stock of fine Trunks, Valises, Robes; • 'etc., which he is selling" ° at bottom prices Ifyou �est 1 ass� Trunk, k Oa ': 0r' -U. ,b! • call.' Single and D able Harness always in stock :or, made 'to''order on short notice: Ordered Work: a Specialty. ' 11, PROCTOR. IEAP-CROC•ERi:ES RO.TIS'IONS. 'o o: • 1 The undersigned bat -in --this day bought the stock , in trade of B "•LAURANCE'S SPECTACLES AND ,EYE -GLASSES 'are, the'only•,genuine English articles in the Canadian 'Market,' : Real 'pebbles kept in atopic. Tests given' to purcliasers't0 prove ten;tineTii sS They are recommended by and testimonials have been received from the President, Vice -President, Ex - President and Ex-Vire=1''resideu't, of the Medical Association ofCanudi ; the ryPresident ofthe College of Physicans and'Surgeons of.Q'uebec the ]')an of the Metrical 'Faculty acnity r f Lava trniversity s. the J'resident•and Ex -Presidents of the Medical Council of Nova Scotia, Etc. • rA 1 rJr I 13OO11S ' L.IL1 R,:.Lt cktlosv.' R. A. CLOW is offering the same fit the old stand at. .REDUCED: PRiCES All whey ' desiire bargains" 5hou1d gi • me a call. , „ ' ; • ' ALEX. MACKAY'x . . Luoknow, fan. ' 10t1 1888 • RIALEY DOORS, SASHES ,AND „VIOULDIMAK;,' in: Stour[, ,a'lso' Planing Matchiti Turnip Y • to' order.On the • ti11tlrtest Every. equipment 'ib'i• ,13tixtherst, • ' 1'or ,Loti ost Iyrim.'; 'Eaaourage 1101i0 Enver lift* to. JE 111CCDt1!1A1i r., • M • •V.