Lucknow Sentinel, 1888-07-13, Page 4If • 1i) •1 • ►tuttittl, +EE LIB„SRTY TO UTTER AND: TO *RGVE FREELY skocoR»ITC.TO TUE pioTATEs, Oh' CQNBCIENCE. WA, PRIZE ABOVE ALL oTIIER LIBERTIES: Luok33,OW; 17u1743*:1 88: ALL''1iO77L'b ;JOL1V. "There isnot a•fartner in the County,. 4nr business': Man. illitile Village,,that should not:.be interested in the success • -of our agricultural oxbibitions.' Of •'course,they are'all ,3nterested ina cer- ,tain way, but 'they all should show a liberal spirit in connection with these institutions.. There is no . farmer so spoor that.. he: cannot afford- to pay ,a dollar to become a membe'rof the•agri ',cultural society. 'Therry is no merchant: \nor manufacturer *lig afpald feel «po orer ` "`,after contributing' a dollar, even if h'e''. ,zad not •-goods-- to- exhibit-. at the ''tair 'Let all Join hands in the clatter.. • The 4government. contribiites.'liberally on,, certain conditions and: •, advantage ;should• be_ „ taken of- the, same,-. Our share of the government grant uepends upon the membership of the society. on • thefrst day'of August next. On dol. lbtl• �a,ror Meg ""ntis ,ourreaders areasked to join: the a„"r cul al society,, it'; 'should be 'done. ;prom;ply and `cheerfully The directors will soon be on their rounds, and we . ``.hope to, see . a large number of new :names added,' to thelist,of inemberahp,: �At 'a`recsnt meeting �f directors , the' prize, lists for the fall show were revis-µ ed end ,many. of , the prizes increased' .;over prey. us years ..and in sortie cases new. classes_for od, A special '. com •' mittee wan' appointed to canvass 'the .village, and the farmers _as well;. se= •'•.4cure'suitable'�purses"for speeding in the ring, and also to .see what' can be done to arils havinga'‘stalllon';race, p in to h ryes. having stands in village d it •,;ing)the present 'ueasmr; atthe,; abarty -• IORRTART 1 OTQR, II� No shetaragery aid General rause.; (1: NTLEMEN,—Lt havinit Come,gnder our l>pticethat Mr. 'Wmr'Allln, machine. agent of Lucknow, and his sub -agents tri the vicinity„ are without authority, soliciting orders, for TORONTO, MA- CHINES.'• ,We -desire to inform you we wills not he .responsible for any • goods, of our mu`.nufacture that may be 'purchased �thrtagh., theni.:.and' that wewill not. supply any •Toronto or Massey lna- ebines' for the Luoknow: district, that are not ordered directly through Thos. Young, our ;only authorized agent for.. that vicinity; At the seine time; thanking them for advocating our goods,," o• ' We roman, yours` respectfully, TSE. MAssEY 141F'a, Co. _traders shmddee, ..-iii -thistAn4i,fer,:tfiVitliihiiieqtY. all. the •_______,_.. --,Citnada I Suppose the United' States , Ifsr o have accesS :Co' untaxed 'gra- ' toe e ,delotking,.. furniture, tools and ' 'le cm While the 'Canadian farmerhad , ,,pficeS' as the , 'state Of the Liverpool , =market enabled them. to get, is it not • 'ohyious that the United, Stites farmer ,` :would make. SO, cinch Mote profit than the .0anadifin farmer that the ,latter. I would_he driven out of the business and -out Of the country '? And when the, '-,, We, tell the Work/ that the free, trade .4„ ;novo-tient in the United , States will • vinipe.1 action On similar lines in Can- ,f 1 wanted. hich the Hi hest Price CASE, or the. best va,lu e for w g z in: trade _will be: given,, t Extra value in Tweeds,.• Skirtings, Flannels,. . Ducks, Derry, '-.0 ottonades. 'and all Dry foods.. • 4.0.0#-:' '01.1.. t , i.1:4j.tiety* have,. grea reducet„ prices. Remnants o DRESS COOPS tkoie,„. it Appears, been comfortably settled in Manitnhaand the:Notth.west. About one hundred have been loCated in•the districtsouth of Killarney, while 'another contingent have accepted lands iii the Pelican Lake diatrict. , A large bei,nclary. and' the location Of the crof ters is' lield by that, Canadian Pacific Company at prices rangitv feorn $4 to $10 per acre. A corres- pomient of Ole Manitoba rive, Pregt, ..teo high, and thatif they wer4 reduced the ,:ountry walla be filled up *yell- fek-to. fariccrs from Ontario and other PRINTS MUSLIN ETC. • Tinware and Granite lion Wgre. A large supplY (4'. CREAMERY C.A.NS and DAIRY PAILS. . A1/10 our spring supPly of PURE PREI'ARED PAINTS In all shades, 'Enquire for .prices before pur- • • chasing elsewkere. • Age& for ALAI3ASTINE, the only permanent wall coating in the Dominion. 0 -NOTICE TO FARMERS.,0 Owina to the scareity of raw mateiial this year, the supply. ni Binder TWine will no doubt be limited as in 1887 Ail I have. purckased very advantageously, for cash ,a large supply of ' I will sell at the very lowest prices. Intending plirchasers'shotild qrtler early asthe demand great and. the Supply ou Want a • ring Suit, TIATEED,S • Gloves Hosiery Laces nspeCtion Solicited ,, GEORCE D.11. 'C. .1 -I -A §-4 p. is a triumph of Medical skill,curing alk\4iseaA- 'or weight in the bladder and 'Use of the ab- . iitiont .leid”e to“ 'urinate, estie• hilly at night, Tot,pleitioii, red and white depot,. drop•dizziness 1— I v ER COMPLAINT; ;Pain under altoli14 ;Li der bli,de's;claundice, sallow chiniilexiont a w clay tired fet!ling. no life or energy, .head• , (iii,s, ft:s in Dr,. Chase's Liver Viire, will moat • positivelyveure all Kidliey• Liver troubles. It acts like, a , charm, stimulatiag the eloped 'liver, strengthening the kidiiiiya, "and iiivigor-, , atiog the whole body; Sold by all desiere at ' $1, with' Iteceipt Book,. whieh. alone is wOttli J-, 44 -i-itidliey-Livoi, ynte