Lucknow Sentinel, 1888-03-30, Page 5p • w C. - ....- ,. .. �...,. •�� ,n.w.-rte ' :., Wanted g,Q.os}' sti'o,ri;' heel ;P,hOlk.tc 11 years nl.cl to �t:,orlc otlfarnt S.hK rreso,►at sG;tson, Apply tQ F' G ' wr, I c't , Can; Vic 1Va4ty444l4 Iiro;•l:oMis,; Smith's for your mil 11.1 i'J`.,., Q:, latae took 1;Q. s1k0-9h- frnl;i.,• ---41)eeu 1. value ill; ,etti, lsce ecgrt44us: trotn Qg per pair, at 0e9t gli ' •gutter.. tttld•.'slcat h .. ;foe winter' d'.+}ys, And 1'tu; ;li:s light trn;cl fide, ixbt up bly as lolly.: a lad 1vE'r crosrsd,d tll.P: ling:.-•-I''ox'• ti 94F .141 c .of Ole., poen; see .41,1441'!a'hcr'Ylp • SUI ad4crtise.;Pen t. t --ConKcrr's stock of •i spi:'inf 4011 is•opeii 1 seri and ctztt.c,ts of .1.1 tlic' 14test .':A int r cart I+rOrich .:ai4 t it<•}tsli,nnveities'fot th c ,1niii .(114Son. 'alts' .Ltat1aers •1Y:uiv ppr arel: to • tale ci►'dcrla from any one. requiraiit • • .n .t:hin"•ru,,f.ashiortah:lt;-millitler.y...°° l'ie nIVr f rtn,.da►npt►a�il: uC,'I3rutop, •14i1 liar t1ti4 iveel;? reeeiveci, liregt, from., .411,1.1;0 -ow and Liverpool the finest' itu- lryo•ta1ions.• This'diries• away with, the; 1 tt<l liy'rilen-ci>t •tlicretoro--t attipbell.& .11f'n 1tctrtr tin' sell at-1-eas,t7e r -cent. h• 1o,w_..others:;•• 'Ladies of LucknOW and vicinity. a is put for notice of our grand sprin t nitlliticary.' opening, • which will will take • place; ,very, shortly,,w'hen t;ittert willbe di -played a .eheice'.assortnient.•'Which. for value and styl,;i cannot he'surpassosi., ': 1)nr,.uiotice of exact date ., of opening will : be given ntaiet week. ---George err,', Disso1uion of 13artptersh 'The liartrter4hip heretofore eicititiiig between;, Tliotr„ab Phillipa and l)•avid :4401;04400, ur .thin :• dart•d}sctolyeci'py ippoppt.. ebts: due lay the h►m will be paid by Dtyv..d, Mc Dona d,, and to Whons u!1 aCcdilUts due• to the fires, Inst be pard. rHOMA,S PHILLIPS 1)AViI) McDQNALD, t'l:' toes. -.-:T1-011 AS'MarA1#,'1-'NEY..'; 4iues741 llucguuiwii,, Marsh 24th''.68. BLL FCC; S RINE The undlersigned', wishes to inform the tarns Pro of OM tieeUotttilat he will kee r for st rvtce this season, sst�Let Id,, C ln. �6, inl rs41 the thoaou,hbred Shortho• rn bull Lorne. Terme --Stalk/for the season - L 1VID McJNTOSH 4isas•Z41'.. • • Jf(13'Focsd, l?',. O. •!AIM .FOR SALE' 'Ott. EXCHANHE,, ;Being Lot No. 50, Lake Shore Ranee,; :con- tataln(l 88 acres, ail of which are cleared add in, a g .rid; state cf cultivation. Three miles rom the t�ravia rfZi anca,cdine. -.There isragood fr'ame•iacitse and other hitt buildings ; also good orchard. aucl a never feasting• simply of: good sprit&E wetter., The farmwill be.cold on reas"n- able terms, or will exchange for small farm clo'e to town or village. For paitiCular's apply at Str+sri gn Office, Lucknow, or AVM., 13OYD lake :ilange, hincarcl- Cl T��IDI�RS WANTED. Tenders 'Will he r � ceiyed by the u»deragnvd • '1 rch for the 'coming season, of the folloWiag lets Lat: ATA., on the l411 Con. of the township of NN. est Wawuuosh , South we.t quarter• of'Lot No. 1(i to 'the ' lith 'Con of ]Vest Wawanosh; North halves of 'Lots No. 43 and 44 in, the 1st Clue:. to\vnahip of I{u,loss For pattionlars enquire • rFHOMAS 'Tont; St: ft'elens P. 0::• t� Execttttor.; MQt p1N GENE HAL BLACKSMFTHING.; Adam, Thompson be�s cave tui thank the in abiEa to of Lutcktiow - and-'surroundiing-' country for the ltherwi patro,sage 1♦.estsnved' lin. hint during the last seven• years, and w,shes• •a continuance of hie; OM tuetnntTs. and a fair share of the new, ae be is in a 'better.iaorttion r than ever' to smppiv tbe, wants, of the •imbli,c. He always has en hand a stock of agou$ & ,Buggies of all kinds, Ieuwill also'remind.them of the far famed -' 'SCOTCH DIAMOND 'HARROWS, '•which he always has on hand and; are, made of. the very!be,t material. • 1'asrties,'Wanting,any thing in. this line will do well to givehim acall, 'and s+ee prsee. before; ' purchasing; elsewhere',. f'artiguiair atteltiori pails tis- ' ALL KI>r1QS, OF • HORSE' SHOEINC fiat flet, 4tjntractionE and interfering- 13y atrictiattention to.bufiness,' gond work manship' and employing nothing but; good ,wnrkin�;n,:l trust tri. ,retain:.,the l.atronage kindly extended to me. :'. AM�:' 'H01'Ef'�PSON. the CnmpbAl'' Street opposite t o k frontt e t ity lrs day o ', a , h h t e f l • • abstract • ©f ,t ;?aaitors' 'Deport. •s , an ti.. t ] C�fr�' 't`.,� Y. fSt " S t •.- rye_..i �nuac. :188 ._, 7.7Dee, T1To:13�hnc7of aha zl-per-last:a-udit,'; . $4.485 15 . c,• ,re drainageB By -,Laws......:.. 36 .......:.",.,...,„_:1,.,_,'...", - _,,Ls3 42 klay 26 To Lancl' Ttnproveinent Fund , ..................33 75 °u .Lvov:resident taxes,' County Tr astlrer318 92 ►rc. .31- --`"-lohnPurvis, taxes.1837 .. 10775- 03 i, :➢tiscellaneous 277' 53' ac; EDWAR`DS & ., M CCALLU,M' ..Ac: re, now prepared to fill all. orders -in their' line. Having, bought direct frost theeu anufaoturer,° good staple lines of ladies 'and gents. OTS:. & : SHOES of the: latest, styles and oought!for cash,. they 'are,ready to give, GOOD G.O•ODs. iPrices, yr-e''"~".'wee"rra�'...6..'6,.�i'i.�s"a�ic,•.5. MISSES,, LADIES!.and' • GENTS $14258 80 Printine,;. 1-!ostage and 'Stationary .. 70' 48' Balance in Treasurers hands:: . $ 168e 64 'rmlsurers aecomIts'„ Of the reeeipt Mid expenditure Of the Municipality ',the :otie hers' submitted' to' tiC and le accardtinee With. the abOve tatetnents: s. Ainivrons. THOMAS M.URRAY of • 1887 31 t 44 48 44 8681 6 • ,'.. (i. ot• our-' st0 - y in-. 1�1 nes. assort;ed E. A`,,�� ALL. . a GIV U�. CALL. • • Give Ili A call and inspect our goods. We 'also, mantitacture. lines nf SEWED WORK, in ladies and gents•bpots anctshdes. •• All orders Will receime our strfetest attention REPAIRING 0014E SECONO TO NONE MORTGAGtE SALE OF FARM.. :PROP • Under. Ole Power of Sale .contained in ,a certain neirtgage; Which. will be produ6ed at' the tinae of sale, there' will be offered for sale t*o‘ol:elccOc. hi the Afte moot!, by Peter • place; 'ats1 ;the. farm ilt,'•wed we/tined.; Et..i.4 Seven ..1\tills from Teeswater' bit the C SoVen from LiicknoW -the G. T. 114, - within Thirty Days to 0140.406, fourth pf, the,. For tier partienlins,aprily .1 o Peter c•tti:. • CTION • • Iwochle'od. at dine CHI Maxwe11 :Chatham Self Binders Mov,Ting Machines.* different makes, • ctititaining 100 acreEi„ More Or less, of -which about 73 are sida ,to Oleared Aha -tiloot; otitivo4to, 0,04 :wow fended:, ; On the Veil' watered by,i4efog ereek.and Hitotited, on u...• 'Tint . —Teri pet' at, 0. aro. for the balaiice teroik liberal) lid Will he Made • Woodstock .and Ch th a in Farm ;Waggon's. ';allaneque and other Briert-rie-s. roil and 'Wood-Sep:filers. vithisteel track. Farm:el*: Scales, etc.. .t,O call and exaMine.befbre'plachio' their orders.' priceg. call* solicited, ...Station) .Cheap horn !lull's, registei‘ed ,the „ STEER- ESTR 9.1