Lucknow Sentinel, 1888-02-24, Page 8• • 10040 20.11 ts a m..to. T p, Ina /$ 1.0448 • r Q1x I1 6.1:0 i}• til,• Ps 17 drib 12.'9014W' 2.34R,m iii North .. 3.48.p. n, r ule,liate ralats 9 Op, a*, •� • r ., lt� l!lorth 1t1,i Q P in,; Tuegdaye 008shis: - 04t..m.. �►:id�. = $rid - ay; - /G d $;, 8n>¢ahgns�co:s30ap..m 1,.I.t;3., south; • W, tl,,t fi.i,Ssuth Sw4Q�►.m Da 4.30 Su tit U. 0G B, gnat. ' 10:04 s. -m .t . • 44« «g•t.s13, North 9'29P.• Ili'. 1-101 ra4d is 0 fn .1Cicc10 la, .$ . p::,, Ui l uia . a J N 'TU(1'344314:. fe,togkiae 4;0 p.'in,,•. ,and : • • •,i`#•irlays 1 Mails for the United Xingdnm, ease. every, 4l'aesduy,_nt 9.44• p' in.: dunce tho winter, Vittriga: 'cul q Good' F'ri e, ; 2.jr. Peter AleXentie last] ?reek sold his entire Wert.' CareI colt,'" Moffat" two years old, to Virg Malcom; 'McLeod; of Ashfield, 'for the' handsome sunt of 'so,. QalI Received. The Rev., Mr. Nugent of this village, last week ,received a unanimous, invi tationufrom the Walkerton Methodist church to become their pastor' for the. xext;.°conference year. Mr.' Nugent. liar accepted the,iuvitation, subject to the actin of.;the •Stationing Oeramitte.' 130nspeil at:Seaforth. A. bonapeil is' to. be held' in Seafortli, on 1Vlanda next, hy, the ;curling.' clubs aro valued It is expected : that. a rinks from :.Lucknow•> ;alt tn';the contest., ark. ;said thatthe :Closest man in ' isteatce•is• a resident of the Township of Kinloss , He let a contract of,:saw- ng 40(4a firewood Tut forbid tthe`con- s saw, because� ractor usm� u cru scut in was ho satdt wider in the set than a ;noluul n• jaueksaw, ;and- wasted too wood iii.; awdilst, 1• ' OUP y i Eatd Headed'Eagte. Friday.last, l\Tr. W. Anderson hktc'leel' st, ofb this': village,purchased •v4,ry finry spociwen;'of file bald :'head �t 1 r 1 Itwas' killed' with poison at x� the flake, near-�-the- ;14'11'2.houst add-- Ile i feetr7 ikiclles roue . tip to ti and weighed ...IA, pounds and. .1'1 Huai ter, Thio, is the third eagle of 'the # , ame�n•species •that bus been ..captured tfu t section this winter .by the sante wart. F .,.i.. . 1;114 • Etaldtleads Bali Invitations, are out fer„a.iirraud =bawl' ender. the auspices pf the Bald Bead' $octety,; in thea Caledonian OA Wednesday .evening Inext, 29th inst. The Music is to be; furnished by the ;London jtali+ n Band What is..0 1 Another of those instructive lectures in the Methodist chuiell Qd Thursday evening, March; tat, .under the auspices of the Ladies Aid' Society. The lecture will he ;deliveredby the pastor, and: the proceeds will be' for the , above named society: Admission—Go as you please: Tenders 'Wanted. ' Tenders will • be reoei,yed by, the undersigned up to'the 5t1i day Of Martdi A 8 at a ' rate. o the '•dol t for the ia. 8rade n . , _. is , 'bal..itce. of• his: stocic'. of dry goods, greceries,.&e.. &o 'The stook is In good condition'and prirtiipgily staple goods. Stock can, be inspected .any: time before the Ord' .of March.' . Terms -half . cash :balance,; two and four, months, interest at 6 "per • cent.. per nnutn - with ap- proved security, ' The highest or any. tender, not necessarily accpted. Ad- dress G. W. 13erry. • Mark tender on en7elepe;.•: United Wog knlen. A'report recently published•shows.� that the Ancient Order of 'United "Work nicnhas, 228lodges:iv th•a. "men,- bership of.14,000 in Ontin io , lei. this: Province 1.lone' during the past year, the Order dispensed•$172,000, to , wid owe and orphans.. The report • of. the :Grand: Recorder shows than„during, the year there has: been- 2,518- applications” for•:nembership, :and that there; has been a,net inerease.`in membership of 2120..,. Fourteen, assessments • have. been paid, amounting to $172,000, and Stu average asiassmeota,n"•�iasizr; • f1•,-f$i f ke.01:1`i '80! try".cv5 11-cak:411e•s *r ntiv il, Gra}1.d Lodge was formed::, raveling Printe s. ET TIo\s: wi 1 lie . t resented to the �ssemhly In fav er of i'ntposing a iawkers' For peddlers' license upo ;..alt c atrti s •rs for, jet printing:Who do not reside in the Municipality in which' the work is'solieited. It is ..sluiced that' ilio business of epui><try oboes is ,earl 'Cusly affected li ',canvassers- for city job , estaiilis`hnnents.- The' ' desire is simply that, the agents of the' job print- ing otlieeg shalt be .placed on the same footing. 'as peddlers of tea, dry goods. atnd other commodities. • Liquor' Licenses.• On':the•authority'of Mr.` Shaw; -•Q C., County. Solicitor, circulars are : being rent, out to all• thehMuiiicipalltiea in the County, positing out that iii the'event of the Scott Act. being repealed by the eorliing YOt.Pt it. wil1',1pe,, necessary for the 'Councils to have license . 'by-laws • ready to take its place. These b3 -laws inust be ,passed by the Councils before the first.of March, 'Otherwise they will, itt tlo' event of..the repeal.. being sue e ssftll;::loco their ''proportion ' of the `(.license fund. •.;Th'ey;cat; fiat for them s.el veep;tlte'- rice" of the licenses, over. 'and above lie. proportion going .to: the government. At the Council iueeting' b, etil Tuesday evening -the fee for licenses' in. Lucknow "w•ero placed kit '$150' for tavern, and $200 for shop. . Another Swtindle. • If a.call •upon any, tohool •touchers in this locality to t,x- _lain that ho is' introducing a now and most valuable cyclopedia, Which" he would be pleaded: to., have:the teacher look over,, and than write• .his or her xnauntterva,iii his boik . as reference, tlis `tidwed' teacher. had ;better shsw.' the pifi tsible "s;entlenieri the door,: lig';, auk that it'the loot swindle. If ,the . the list 'a', . teacher's s srgnoturd goes . Oi t , big package : of books will come' ill a, few" days after. that another, gentleman,, i;,ot so onMtrtoous., but inorb decided lit h;' inanitur, toluic; with the teacher's s anted the effeeta of the drought to a 1 fruit• to rob on the ground; should Boon- piginitture in it;n order' bo0k,: to ooil�b >1. lX ' 4` t,Iittie ttF14:.o trt!outydollars, •.+ 0uaidef•ablt: e:ttent. 1 pmii c°apo ,tel t by er rat: hemi•• Skull Badly:Fractured Mr: •»ugald; McMillan arrived -home, from Alichig%n on Friday, last,.: where he had ':got;e %n answer to a telegi nn to see >liis lir,.othet:. Are -14),J who ' had been; serious] -';Y Burt••-while-=�vorlcinh •l n. the .lumber woods ` ;It appears .the. ' young: man was- engaged felling a large birch tree,' when• a small ! rnb, about two feet in :length andn„nn, inch for so in .thickness, Broke ;loose .from' the .tree'. and'struck hintthe-liead,'brealcing, the -skull in ;pieces::, For -souse weeks' he,lay. a in 'very' precarious condition. bet:throu h'the skilful attendance of. .the doctor 'and he..;ki,id' treatnient.of, friendst .he is notr'suflicientiy strong; to In about and he expects to rettirn horde in a few, weeks''Mr. Me\lil'lan hrought. scute'' .twenty-eight bac c itlt�l,l� i .pieces of the,skiill, arywa:in size, from a lialf'to an inch or : mare" that : were. taken from the' wound: Oddfellows' ocial:', Tlie' social given in the Qiddfellows hall,'on Friday, itight)ast was largely attended, ancl'as id::: usual at those en ter'tainments a very pleasalit time was, spent. ,The *.hair wa§ occupied by Past Grand -W. II.: Smith, ably:assisted on. g t ' the rigg ht liy Ri„ht Worthy Past urand John Peart. The program consisted• of" solos, . choruses, duets; rending_ s, speeches,;etc,,' in which the::bretherti of the lodge and many of die lady visitors took part,' including the .Masses Etniva Smith, :Clara Berry; Emma and, ;Julia. Peart,; Lizzie .Lawson, Edith Wiitelly; Siddall, arnJ 'Messrs.' Frank Gordon,'Obis, L'indsay,; Dr. McCrim mon;. Ihev.'F, 'E. Nugent, Rev. W;• H. Moss, , W. Connell,'- R: Murray, ,J aines, :Somerville, • John -Peart, John Baird; James `;13 Hunter,' and Jas, Lryali. On the 'cotnpletioii of the prog;rain:the audience Were' treated to a splendid'' spread of clioize:viands prepared in Mr. -Thos. Reid's best style, And; if we are aiiy judge of ltuMan -nature we believe' all present 'enjoyed theuiselves;: Tlting;s ate:, booming. = Moody' Bros.' are selling tea at 20e :per 'lh, - something extra at 25c. and alao'a very superior q4ality,`at:'35e oil:- wen' 1b:'' for$]. all ai*i see before •.purchasing elsewhere. • . The newpapers proprietors down in -Mitchell evidently don't love each other .w ith an exceeding, great love, The other week'the Accyvcst'e published a strong article -about ter• slieet;across:. the way, and: the RfIcteficv. .followed suit by called: the Atlauauto' can a thief.' liar,. 'scoundrel, and everying that is -13a4,.-.Result-ii4ibetLatt4t--'hie is -&My - gentle, pleasantries .with which these hhavebeguilod., away . time 'for.. yoars baek.• . —A western 'fruit aro .'er' 'used seventy-five bushels of woos[ ashes. on �at hisra+rberry vines lett •season;, and the crap• yielded 250 bu'shels-Peracre. Ito thinks,the tate ashen also counter - The: •t� • '+.'y21' -t ..-. rr.+•..aMx r.- ,n..-.-,,., vn .:-acs; sr�•irrs•+rx .R.,±.e�!t.h! rk'rhp,,,, . - r _ fl n,'i rx- "!c` c- we.. . fl .e��.ic.i .41 Y..�r..r.,.: >.-_.w.,.�.....ur+.,_,..duds-�a.:T-r._•v,.es=,,... .... +v,r:,r-.tyrzr �:a.�..,....: .,�. ... -.. -¢x...,—�..a:z'�t1�-.,_.p-."�__-....'+�.r'-•-- =�+rtrx-e • RE G TTE S; Flotsam and Jelsa•,m of the Current° ]]geek., ' As: the days, get longer the ,sun's . ray's get`stronger., , , F -,yrs, Jaeoes Bryan .is; in Kincar: dine visitllag, friend s.;:' • ,---rMiss Lizzie Lougheea, of Belfast, is. visiting friends in, Liman: --Mr. P. E. Oamergn spent a couple • of days in Toronto, thus week. Mr. F. Greer and, bride' . arrived home On Saturday evening, last; 4 -Another car load of horses. were shi?pedto nakato orTuesday. - —A hl„ sale of, 'furniture, ,etc:, will•. be held at the Mart .on :Saturday next.: l Miss Finnie Bower left for Chat- ham -oR an' .extended visit -to friends there. 1l'Irs-BrQtchie,• ._of • Kinloss, slip-. ped on the ice: one day last week, and broke her•arm.: ' • - T;; Lawrence's advertisement•con tains something interesting: to every. body this 'week. —lir; Isaac 't Ensign,.- of - Loudon, spent,•a few days visiting friendsis this section. last 'week. • ' --It,is a, little furiny, isn'tit,that Li' draught 'causes '. a' cold, .cures a cold and -pays the 'doctor's 'bill 1 --. Messers. , Joseph Anderson, ' and Geo Roolclidge intend leaving for Los Angelos California 'next week. — We "hear that-Mr.:T.' S. Reid, of Belfast, intends opening out a stoke in 'that p' -a' a before long. • It is,rumored'that the Temperance', Lode, at Belfast, will. give 'a, public f i1d3Tt-• , - , . k iit,a fo iv v w(we i314S. ^fresh 1 i aches'at: eddy ilikos. eat, price- paid for all kinds of produce. -•.Messrs. A. i,cCrory,. has Veen ap- Ppointed, assessor.'.L. N. Ross,. collector• , • � , and D. E. Cameron, 'treasurer, foe '.88.' 4=11r.., V. Alton is leavingthe, home stead and .moving ;'onto the farm _he, -purchased lately, . ' —You can always rely on getting fresh g,roceries' at Moody:res... Labra- dor . Herring $6.00' :per barrel, half -barrels-accordingly.. -When you get a cinder -iii 'your .ru ` ," eye don'tb it , ,, b ut t rub the other ,eye. as hard asY ou choose, a _. it will'generally remove the 'cinder." , n and `after Mon . 2 , mails ,'Ori day . 7th,.r.at,s for south close daily at 9.30 pc; :m in 'lace .of: 5.30 a in.. as -for'merlY M: G (Jam P. M. Campbell, M —.Those - who i'ntend,laving in a su ply•ofice•for summer's use had Better exert, the nisei ves;,as under- the, hot sun the crop is being scorched and pierced. —The ice On the 'mill -ponds in the, 'rillane is in Splendid condition, and 'is: nightly. visited • by large ,-crowds, of skaters.' - -Atthe. last meeting of the :West `ti1Vawanosh, Council, Dr. • Tennant. sus;. seeded' in getting $515 of,school'nionies,, which'were•.due this ..viilag� iron' the wns o s t hi p; =A Windham -troy :named Robert: Shepard filled- a, bottle with powder and shot the other day. and; set. *match to it: Result,' one. eye ruined, .and face and 'hands badly injured.: — J ohntPurvis auctio eer will sell � n , 1 by public. auction at;Lot.:'14, Con, 12. Kinloss; • on Wednesday, • February. 29th; a large 'quantity of', farm 'stock,, implements, etc, the, property- of °John. Rousom ' --In the curling match on W ednas- Y+ cla ;;'between'the Murdocks'and SSoaker-. vines, the .game was•stopped before the. 'completion'of the match,' aud'is'to`be'• *finished. on some future ,date, the score stood two in favor of the form er gentle- nieu. , • —The Rev. Mr.:Nugent de"lir•ered' an••address before .the • Ci4oderieli' Pro- Iiibtory"'League Nast week; ':'arid.. the Signal says The. egress. of tlie_.ahair- man :and Rev. Mr.. Nugent were the features of the evening; and the sent;- inents expressed by, both • gentlemen duet the `full approval of:those• present. -Mr. A. White, of Listowel, former' 1y of, ''this 'vilioge ',who carried on a,•car- riege business iii that .town, • had- the. ntis{fortune of having hid shop, with all its contents destroyed ,by fire -ori Man - day' evening.„ The loss was heavy, as t-bore-was-no-ittsuraitee.r. - ' • --.If you want to' save none yen Y. ) . it I. your boot ,can.do :so , by k uy ig y u e and shoes froth.. Moocly Bros, , A few pair of them superiorfelts left yet, and also EA • . splendid aissorttiont :of fine shoes. Boys', long hoot? for $1. . , -.-Evapor.tted fruit itnw hnla ready Stile. ));'armors who ulivally,allow their • / , u -are rr.ivi ne siring Foods are � sago Wo have opened out •a Iarge assortment r,f the newest goods in the: arket, and are- showing beautiful TWEEDS for spying„suits. Extra value in LINENS, TA]3LU\ GS, and i T v . 'Y ' � T '1., 'ties 1 CRETONS. : A full line or ,SHIR1, IN O , pure indigo bine:. at very low prices. 1 large and beautiful selection' of Prints veryp , fancy : atterns` Our cotton Ides 'cannot be beaten -for -for,. •' • quality and price, t: e' NOW•b h isthetime " to U. above lines of goods ;u d get thein ni.tde up. before the busy season ' opens, Our: teas are.noivin�o (Yen era1 satisfaction. C111 for samples QAMgRON K. w <•u.a'r'cak�_.'+�N.�W3�. .=.ram%,L��.�..�: yrat al-l,£11_,tr�fi. F�'.arF (a'�4'�1-�..�.•'�'�'i r ,...,R ,' r ..{��4 ,, a-.�",•�..,�'•to. t . &'�'�.��L.:4 kb '�b@-:.!' fk4 -:- that is:: erfect�in all. its- •-arts- -nd _ p � e co.ntain��n. +' all :the. latest �i:e�t • • 11� ` � t nth �'� d- ' t � a ottom Prig If you want to`s a something. real handsome in the way Y e •;. IA :Drums and Parlor.' Heaters just drop into the shop. Lamps anid Lamp.Fixinvs 1n endless variet. I have the Finest : Selection of .'Parlor and Hanging Lamps evershownin_the village. Clothes Ringers, Tinw re etc., away down . .,_cheap. Taylor & Giles Old Stan .A.TT.ENTIO L`:t 'aenin THE LARGEST AND FINEST' STOCK OP DRY 000DS EVER BROUGIIT INTO s :now being •opened out at i; m •Glo'r sing all the° >! ovelties 'of the seasoii- in Dress. Foods Vely ' G ets In, all the newest lines.. In all:the leadin ; . Bader;> Ma tie Cloths Shirt�n s At various prices and qualities.: lin . wool and'Cotton:• Shawls from sinal shoulder+ shawls ax ' i.` •, l to • lare double _.aids, • BLA.N KITS, : QUI=LTS �. A, beautiful lot of cloud: and f�1cindtorfi that b'� , • �...-.,- Gents .. dole ChCSC11ptTQT1 'Li.lies and Gents':�'urs and.Persian Lamb iii ' CpA�, C.:APs T . L ! mUFF'S, BOAS' 1`O AItItIVE. t etons,in all uolors c U Ladies, . and :. : n. -t in 1Vf erino, Wool; and Cotton.. Also" .' GROCERIES ' HARDWAREWALL P � • �. �A APER;••PAIN'iS9'RlLS•.. When'ped lers tell yon they 'ai'.e, 'eddling for 'rife doret, believethem, " I don't hawk mygoods, througll: the Country but roula ass:iii you they are worthComing to see. ,. Thanlang crit for past favorr.:.. andsol>t.Glt1!]* now ont"�S f I rim yours truly ROBERT • MURRAY, :^72