Lucknow Sentinel, 1888-01-13, Page 5t • iYlr w S. Fatties is. home 'from; a Dakota. lucking i~iale and ti,carty' Mdssrs Robt.^ and JaCQ1,.,.OJ $x:,t}f' •'OaVpga, are, 'visiting at I•'V , F Ally Aarth: d' Mrs. and Mrs, .John . Kent; of 1V,innising are• spending Nev rears; • st r R. Lime's. " l" GjiatittOROOD • The following is an lninor list of the • Candida•tes' IIn. Lochalsh school° s.Fiftir Olass.—Maggie Armstrong, Aon&d N L.enrian, .Rod:.. J. 111cKen. -- zie, Senior Fourth Class:—Hannah 11ic- tenziei Jessie McKenzie Christy McLennan, " junior Fourth Class.—Rebecca 'i- lay/ON'. Mary`1ViCRai Jtasste E Mcl e Third'Class,,-:. ,. •;. A..,�.._11 2 cKenzii ,- O .iiiisty Finlayson, ' James' McDonald.:: s ,Second, Clao . s, Bella,';Arnistron J.• �'}VLeLenna Lizzie• Telford. . -Senior-part-••Second: —•Geo:: 'in t ty- 'son, Donald 11ZcKenzie, ' R. McKay. *unior part Second.—J Cameron.. Senior' part First Donald-Mcpon- • ald, J.' 112cKenzi,'e, D J; McLennan' Junior part First. --=Sarah Campion, Marianna:Caineron, J, ]McKenzie -' --In 'the list of candidates who successfully passed the entrance ek.' amination here,. Master .David Thomp so11 obtained, 3 T Q ''narks, and not^ 27Q;. which' was^so stated --Loans on renal estate' rnaybe oh-. tamed at .the 'lowest current 'rates'' -of interest and . most• favorable terms' as' to payment : a.id expenses by applyin to Elliott Traver • ^ka:'P , K , n ,'�i'�fv ,.(ir 4,64; 'appraiser. .4 S. we ARMsTBCNN,. T$ACIIER OF -,- fano;:' ,Organ and Guitar: co. PE:P, :QUARTER.; ALSO , Thorough Bass and Harmon= To . ADVANCED .PUPILS. eight dollars per quarter alt her E IDE 0.1 IAP. • AND;= r• f.. PitOV: SIGNS ono she undersinlied having • this day y. bought /the stock in trade of is od'ering the same at the, ,old 'stand at,; ,,R' a�C.ED pRicgs. ' �:All..ivito desire"barga'his, should give iiiCl a. call. • .14 • ALEX. L. `itiACg(AY:' loth; 1:888. NOTE,. LOST.' U rx,d.: iS HEREBY GIVEN•rHA'1ti- 'all .pu►rtit2:tnos c;'utinned• agicMst our chasing :i note drawn by W•Johnstnn•alad pay ; able to nitre, as payment: has •been stoplied. • .: J)OUGALb MATHLSoN't,' , a " Lnchltloh. 30 • of - •'' The Mill 'is now in full' ' w>orking. order And .capable of' I *t' ing ';1111 the 'wants, of ilr entrons., .( 11tORE 'DI L•' y. �, rN wAIt: to ?i ri , w o ala do'well tin firing'. their 'wheat , bt,re the highebt• caeh-prioegiarel 15u paid. • CilOPPINC .1. F DD NE •'VSVA+L. 5 + The best tirade df ti 4491bs.:_.; .. •Kollbr k our: tit $2',f9r, ' # " SVISArgif _ .an316rrenle3$ c'o_r WO p e� 10th #hgt,, a,.buffalo rob -'Monday, oblige by ]cavi it at Finder wills store. birchison"s • KA: O: • TRUN st r t e P 0)CiPain • ` • Has justreceived a large and well selected=siock of tine 'rirriks; Valises,. Robes; "etc., • Which ' he is.'sellitg.. - - - - - a -t bottom prices; If you'. is11 a First-�.Claas`T � ,-� _ - ......__ Vii. Goat . 0r Buffalo Robe, .give me a' call. • io:— :Sin;le•and 'nonble Harness; always hl stock or.. made to order. on , short notice Ordered Work', a Specialty_, R. PROCTOR. AUC NO VCT' is the best' gram- market''=- 'in :. the ,C012' goods. •{• . • z-: ar: •• • T ubserlber genezra•l_ begs towannpnnce to _ bs that_ Ia>Es friend's • a . .r n . from.tli.e a.ct>lwe work . gess, neat stye', aclnni•tted infra . late fife `' . ain'an pa't�n into t1�e bii ads send s.> ni exert, -gin. _.I_. •.:.1_• _.. _ .r_ It '*rr�ers to.' - Pa til�p' invite rri i. all; that: the•bi continue their ,time, e - , Y old Ss wj-1- .: e ' ' p .._ a. __ gi end ass --same:f-ar-..a'nd�ho .. . 1 1'�..cu��ix�tiec.� . ..z .: use • , .l�aild corl-dlict .._A_w.. ._.... years: I fair-and few ble terrors. -as - ,.cd on the and �rrc �aT'ranrre arse 'donjons . P t ttvc,>hiy>oight l '� � b cavil be made , defy competition; t from:stoc: s 00.> (lia.11y iiiv>ted. ,, fall. from ' ,'• Y ours resp 06 a -to 114,.,,.79irTi\l- ;o "Experience and n ' ' molt f c to usi ana1vsis. �evha. n'Cucia.. in_th.. t .ttu�nic phut . Im the Kingdon:"-- Area* m•ut �/ca is,.in aisoxd' tle"mret+rer�• _. tut restorer Rftheuitalforces,=7);Stlwalx. ,. _— rnibrNcht'scoca T,Vine,•thou him '- than Iron or Quinine, nWverCons ore tvnie See Medical Reviews, tpa.tes, ARMBRECHT, NELSON: •'& CO. -• 2.1)iike St., Grosvenor So:, London, England. For dale onlyin • Lucknow"by• , . COPELAND AND- DAYSt. c mos • - •-- Druggists .�. .y,. .. 'ANNUAL MEETIN *.. • .,.__T;o:_ estav::, The i>nnu„l litsurance'Co epany anno'-• t}et at the Court Room, • ••• '• " .1•••• y.+ n.-.wup,••yr.epi�ypw,yi,'...:.K.:. The largest book an ieweiry 'hod 'e.''in Luc now,iS MurChison'S The best pace. : in Luck= now to 41iy B'ibleE',or present- ation. Books•:' To bay .Silverware TO, -buy. gold .and :silver'. Jewelry or w'at-ches.• '. To buy ho day ' •presents. To get your ey esigiii tested To get your watch or clod;: epaired; by • a .practical Titian; °s 'at CHIS . . aD :ThiffELEORATED CHASE'S' ,„' DANDELION `• HAVE•'YOU Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia,';Indi estion, Biliou<ns;s, Jaundice,' Headache, Dizziness,. Pain in the Pack; Costiveness or any diseascarising from a deranged'liver,' Drs CHAShS'Livsr. CuaE,will be found a sure' and ccrtai4'remedy. •. •e • • NATIJRls.'$' REMEDY The unqualified success of, Dr Chase's Liver Cure in '1. ,<Liver Complaint rests solely with the afact .tlsat itis compounded from nature's well known' fiver regulators ^-MANDRAK It 4.ND .DAnsCION f9mbifled_ with Many ether invaluable 'Pointsl` bnrlees_and.-herbs having.a.' p'titferful effect on the Kidneys, Stomach, Bowels and: ri ofl ' ,500,000'.SOLD' Or'er one-half niillioj of pr. Cltan's &bale, Books', itiere roll in c�ana,fa alone. We want every man,' aoonian and chilli w/to,is trod l /ed Ttiirls Liver•.. Cop. plaint to Try ll.fr excellent rente,ly. LADIE;s It is a Well known fact that soh inactive liver causes' a dull, sallow complexion, liver. spots, pimples, etc„. Chases Liver Cure is the only remedy that will most • positively t-`u're these complaint's. Wrapped abund•every bottle of Dr. Chase''slLiver Cure is a valuable Household Medical Guide ,and Recipe' 'fironounced-Jlook'(84 pages), min mining over'eco•useful,recipes,. .by medicf,l men and druggists as invalu. 'able, and worth ten times the price of the medicine, ' • T. EDMANSON ,& CO., Stile Agents,. Bradford; Be on Your Guard, • :17 7n't>itllo« a ,mild in the head to 'lowly anti anrely run tntr# (.Jatarrah, when you,inn X lured foi. d:io, by.usiug 1.1r.: Chayq's Cat=: arrah Cure. A feij�'appliolitintl,i,cu%einipiient cntarrali 1 to'2 boxes euros oedinary etistarrah 2 to ,i boxes is f 'tl;arrunted 'to cure• ehriiniq_' .cntarrnh;^ • Try it.. Only 2nc and 'sure Cur e Sold by 'L.OI11MAND diL)AYS; Lucknow, FOR SALE. mol nnHE 'UNDEl3SIG/sTED UPPERS FOR L ;salethe large frame story. add-a.half. house, on the • rlorncr of Nat elock street, opr posit° 111ntnrls H'litei, the lot .bontaining hits quarter. 6f 'an .aero.. The; Meuse-;cnntti•ia•9, �,tlims and a large kitohi+n, wlth`flue striae milk house'attaehed, Ile also olrcrs for vale two village late'• =Half adr&ZZnn 'lions ons street 0: next to 1),; )Fictrnell', reeidetice. .Por fur,"cher 'particulars addrees • . 'Box:7i ISuckii w P.O.. or apply at SENTINEL Gine(' r. 13..aaa 'I " Lige ` c 3n?:'ttsf°13 fl E ,). "'F efrfre°;th'e -meeting and: for the election.of three directors, J. ;tr. ROBERTS, • o Secretary Dungannori,`.Dec 24th. • • • r, • 11'Iy fall"and winter stock is. now 'coin. plete, and®it embraces Mens, :Wamens;, Not. 1 herby` ever•. t,at partnership 1lere'tofc> e subsjstTllg _letiveeii'rts• the und'ere, under .the /riame"; styl=Az .;lid firm" of ;'l ayl )r -. •(riles, leas disolvecl i.„-.4' y rnutUa, ' ,e'oIJSe'llt. All •debts 'Aviiig t . • . r C. r, r•f Q(tlle� partnership are to - e paid to •;1) C. 1' a7" lc.�l':.and all ,clal :against. the:--said,...iii• p to er sli4i=a1e'to l:'-prestrxlted. to..the settled. said ' Taylor; by t •horn the. Marne; 'will be :settt :.Da'ted at`Luckiiow tl S i��tlr day if Jaiival�y�:: iT• intes IIZat Trove • a .,188 THE' -OLDEST ETA�LrS �o. AND': �'D L AA�IICNEW$.PAPER.. F CA Q NASA :DAILY'OLOBE, Morning. IEdiflon, E,Cfo ' .{'. 6Y' • 12 O'olock~* 6t .• -•'... '. ' h0'M AI11111nf� 411' 44 3, 1} is u , .44,,.00 Ai . i,t' wgitin Y OLo®IE .,•,-, ai.OA' .. .i 'SATURDAY DAILY ()Loam, » ' • LOO .: �� 4' lid' The different.; editions of The Globe can; be procurecr troml all "•N e •',throughout :Canada:' ews Deal THE' CLO8E SPECIAL :FAT 'TRAIN between Toronto and London, which has been 'running. daily since rd Marlasch ELM. stt, trilll{cin continued throughout ,•a t 1888. This train arrives • at London•at '6t a ' g y' trains from that point, securing. for The Globe a* delivery throughout Western Ontario' l'ours in advance of ,alt • Toronto' papers. - , TO.. ADVERTISERS: --,i, As -ate advertising' medintn, The Globe: b' r•; as no equal in .Caa+.aa:.. Its •' :Circulation; Which .appearsat, head. of its editorial' 'columns ;gaily, ,is far advance of allother„eanadian . apers,. and'it ':is the' intention<'of: the Ninon., • a eat” to , always .. keep The lobe • in its p ovi; position as,' the'.LEADING W SPAPER OF CANADA, both hi 'point of circariation find'.' mice, 4. rW 1 .ra•..,ea.9µ.uNw:..fuki yAa •k • .....�w✓ •wrrysay sses,,. b1NFAN ' ND7SLIPPERS, IN ENDLESS VARIETY. Which I v;i"11 e!]:at --right "prieeti. stock and'•finish;being itaken .ionto vola'•' sideration Lidetstand ,I handle no ahodd '.' gods. My stock _is warranted gid :leather. •1 also warrant°all seam ii1 'hghf :goof s. CR.IENAGNE. 1 PEART& CcRRICAl ire selling• inany; lines .of, boots" close to dust :for cash and Tran*'other"fines at :'• •.cost_for cash a Phis -sal ..lasts -for : _ ' 1�T IT:O1�T5.71i1 As the spring is close at Mand the' ublfc. will. do Well to L �btir assirtni t of SPRING' AND UMMER GQUUs a before ' rdila : 1sewh .ere. psi g W 1u -ve many new linea {n'1,1si 1 ' LACED Ago, Bvirmyttlo,,, :a. lit ' 'L.0(3.ratt,.; ..,Ititittiti . :;;:', .21.,:::000'.1.,i4:00,713;,e1:::::::..00:07,ittii .I...' , ir- i • • sr