Lucknow Sentinel, 1887-11-25, Page 3_Ry x A r had. followed, her in. two, qr� three eeks' time' �Ud, 'WA Ir Rie he#4 of the worlo,.dt you 0* 81n, -Ipy'b6y L &t6if k is oltlysure, wAy to�oueceo ch 1 _­ i is upi . I ­­ Be –7 bar d' the. 4uiet evenipig, time, Blip Pace.4 rest- f ApPe. PC heir. t R the Porte r, e)n: a PAL: r ' 1. 'r t . f tfully, lad And, Itwil I hold tojetback lessly t4rought1jis �m U4 a LeAVJpg_$w1tc ,a, Open. S,,ringSteo and th, big black y� Some, tim spot _44aj6 You ones had the le bnb e �t* =6111 And'thore'o no�W.jj in, tbqrbatl;1ecjU w �to win , fe, for m nt t ot 0 EL y; I�Q easy, RUN. r I . ent, t Agi aw dol safe,* As, ko have a 7, corn not tU -,*6, liheard her instingtiCins �ko,, th6 Michigazi:.T -ay, -Hroaa a - . . � :.r ':'r rf � ; _P _! at arlltallw ure PA nj�'C�C of, ra 'see, it no, longer, she hail ell the yon, snail, como... W-0, Will so to Fay hdr. 'lo Y 0 3ut Yonxiiiwvek get dollars tiA firstLyou, get pence, Jett6r from' the draw&r axldi.lgi it on the. Rowan-Glenog, goAAlto The ffppljanoe�iAi h As froin,ucor�S tbo'Might' odared-, not raig t to her designed f.9, provent'the., accidents -1which' Y oako SrQWr,; to' Whey oreahe wo Occur !almost dal table. For alIr at once thoAlipught It d, 'jell th t iiPi5ijl 'the careleAseaslL Work hard, a L,hhe ar� ud work:over; and save As you toil -Such An. inn U No mAtter if �rbgress goc= 6iqw - little, le4er it he�, of, A; beautiful, n'this Highland a up at, the stition, boteb b 'Ing, 6A a f in t d t 11! d i I c t nThus be -true ic�'yourB­l 9 -years of your Was. a"(1 T011y riven to, aquipi little A�taj lit. modo pi *pip "94binitt6d' 4-1 �nlimber of 'be yoarA�.Ag(i.,, 'ped, .gland, it, w0a. an ro­Q4 plac 13'. by, raiIroaa',rae4, 'including Qbjef Pndi a youth 't IDarlinlg tiligh it vehiiii� : �`L �0 _'� " ybu1JI*j'est w dp,, t tc , )-day, 'int' angry w e np, J$jVe, 12 'ban Old, 'th a you come. b , ackto- gugh vipula, hio r,. an all a dread honest -fol ',but Fay foil . Of very, a And itbout;WQ_M W me, w It ndL hers Mass6m, of -the. Detroit,.,Q'r nd Haven he a Ivor will morrow, And t il she comfortable. Ohe,,iliade someiiixcrtsfo about Milwaukee Railway, and Jib At once, orderedl , . �ftnc ,gFpW into gold,, L .1 your Wee Wilftei has IgQue:., of.going,,abros, -waiaea, :all WhAtcouid r do-��how could . I for o;:,coarae. Q&V not bringing, h -And �Ab mI r P Let tho ols -try to topvfi. yon to p1paspres to- or- narop, thti chamber. put cia At Pontiac, for the purpoAq qf: lotn jn� ypOr words. Wood! I to Ono. heilped her dress �ab t6stijiiig ita ads iijbiU! auree 'bebin� aShe was -t Lao-construp -any, thjli�­but- r -W t - d A7 thatL the. movemdut,-Of the rain, of pom :r 3P y, QUr-purso ger, _13 Tb�t will fUld tbe-onialy1doin-f hill J­could--ha*a-­borne phirwas-Likdr -sa fatigue r I COUl gLbat Ble 1, Stor r b in tboy 1AVO: to the thig. X this, oi thingL UidmCind. nd"llien bethought 11 Yon p,, .rid by thi's time,to.da anythih p ll� operating on a ogra'p eAdnod. bear -that yoii should. leave your o@lf hat, phe,W61ild! pall,,4efself lb� her, adWith-knowleage but she made t omise to pill ot thaL rail contro a the sw, itch, closing it a' L you'll not ber the worse.;! And Btu( home, and country to ea YOUiself hand" s� ajj h6W­QUldbe. gn, 7out, Ly, and'ordered it fly, to the statiCi� - e'has beein-le Sand !her mofning c4tn6� she,got into it 4eajL Was MaAe ly, Mild Sa',in h I gUvqXestatdconl;ontwhqXi oure-old, .,pen And lockinit'it As V I '�s a 11gy For-] fr her A'i 11. thopen;tites,to from. me., And t a -d a wlrll� b a si vqr� f 1i 'very on., TILAardilay,.olt.the. to ioWl. YOU Must go"'YOU OSY ; of it hek b4c ii, without eilling any .0 'line at Pontia un A,, she and,,ber fatL t ntogold; Oil, rr ne-where she, was c. F Rowan d must be YOU, know bKpp Darling, do Y Y e:it Glen. Y .44itrain for Ed III on the mairk,line., The, iwitch The !lad going,,and to 94 tho� mjil Wap's left Italy lies on the*Ar' fax'thcrsidc;,' me,better than -that. 2' been toi �hdintfirit"-Pin,4. -to te WdAtern burgh,,. 111nd, the: engines 'Tia'tlia place wobave eauted of alivak, r: tested! its ng, run- worW I f6it yoiCioul[d, not love m% Hugh but Highlands, an&had then, maifl[q, their -It would he imposoible, to desc,.-Ibg the. ning at a speed of from 8 'to 2 -11itO those Alti. plust be; ellinboil by It T I' tS A14ordeqn,'A mi es, a otho stout bavii I evor li 4med yqp� in.my � eart 'I L � of Y ��Colorial Mordai nt, ha I the packet It '�;worW to 'perf�ction, 'and on outh d:.opme awse's eeingawben-sboopen6c Erp by Til:I6 we paps hg,e was M44 etogehildish and,,youngr for such old Indlan� fr1ofids ibero�; An WangQpmand ioad Monday not, p Arty. of local 6il way miag- stillsome ' week ' stoo Ire rave d in'the years of 'T at,yoll.: WbyL �Medowu nofQ,.' J?qar tit nets o wi&rk, . r r . diii,yqo. raarr�, mej dbar-that 1, P,-., .,Vermistrf. OU P - en , Pr , rse, I Sal I"M go,to Pdatiae to., witness ahoilipi I - r : . ]�' . p td the 1) tallonin.16Ve�r'i;Viih, V& was a groat mi ta ut erili kylpix.s�YR edside., and doxnpan� GI u so badly', biA I barn st., you rest n 10 ty viihel Ar )rry to. treat`yCi to At onco'be-f or atold 0 of tIJO 6 160, inI I I liked ou.' an'.' _0 itho.caffs of the to&IV�Vtbey'l arnJ t 1p_' it. 111110e gone.away4ith baby-, , an u' h ow nd the, silver t 64 r . . 11 . 4 � r no Ile in ufaret re t e, switch'. ill' 6 in to a0ld.` I tried -so Udrd to please Qn; but somew I�at thp ould: not obts n Jod 4, A.� I- y Ing= -th. a .—T-went,�J1 lit__gi &1n and !-Con Lq#-ke-- �nqw 3, 0 0 T)erJe *r Oil WZ11 ppene 6--piti a manac tr he Y a.. 40ii completed on Rme--our ba on d* not r�j th *b Northwest Ce6tral' him, na te, In a la-6fo t, A lw� T4 0 -0 and tHen; indqtea�.I thougbCm heart M r. 9A el ir-, 11AG11-- ye a 4-6d&Vr6i r I yon' W, �pow an ey no, cildren; so, as, t r .:A§, Ao an he arrive t even n T -d Ne have loved ydu ? 'I we Sri ,not ..Q sity ot�e Rm - - U r G- A too young for ro6al and. to. apwre'L antl1heir i4c . 1 48 Your af�ibctionate miStressi. F: a won. that, though Yon thought I was n ever somewhat ocantyj tha.good.oldtj George Russell, formerly" Paisley AAar it' And encl Vages.- In t he Ila& come! G eop erp Qaed,werO .tw.o of . . mdatho'. a rdaunt 'himself in No. 2 Vol down, to aleioo w'ith.- YIrkg oil to quito willing to take 41i, Colonel.. IL90 spite of herybubb, PAY had[ ex lent business sootiana', hanged Station, Toronto,' back' 0 in thkough he, Valley Moos my 'deal- husband, And. somatimeo� -andbi6r1itiladaughter. Vavhaclfo cap bilities, odly, her usband had never f rgotten on Saturday,. q came Pgath,." bringing her baby. me, I vvonder?�-I put' their L. existen.c.o until, now;- I;ut to look for. work al�d poll t of the Sh�d:PWL Was, it Very Cibil job Or with her Id -no go -it, d she romem- found ihom oat. t Vpby�s hands together and made beli p he beAia'�ge fev�rish po,wor seemea.,to t 0 ky red.ho�v kind Mrs. Dunban hod,, been, to t �-unfortaj -for' the biiwilderpid go' - B aOciettleri �euta , , P, onis was praying, o her; and. ilie illoughb, she: w�ciuld dq to her;.- 9hold �at J.�dM_ Ond L- Sit r into her and give or, it fitful strength. if hour of 86bil gvillre; cut his' r.,' 'tell her slid was married A very �na Or isvenin . g. . cam I Jo a thrq#,t from e to y think yon kilew Sh suffer'ed, and an .0, Ar the other da 'I d the wCP v A, down at hier - husb"d's, desk Arid when. thev "a- dying, un iappys -an theh, believed the Suicidal uld let. hdr. liazy telegram informing.th6b of a change uld,not c6md R .4 began,wiffin ripidly,andr,as the thofights the'angeli was.heieditary 9 wo )r me�, ti�ixxk aridUby sto�.' there. ,%iticit Special'. Jli,bis family, as afather;'. his Ow IY_A�Lt 14 grqy of: . pr6gramme,.'andlater. ion� a. mear r as, I do t I U . qame'�td_ her;.. 44cl, W ho �40.4, VwUd Anish d,L she enclosed her otter with the torn, fraig- hk, llughL- YOQ-`W6U-ld`h-' Sanger �.came L down fronth;*m* bringing a' same year aVo 'been sorry for `Nbbodye�er carhiiii.thero,. for they''were -well man Admed Ja;ae� Lesley. ddressin it Seale m6 thel;I. letter from Sir Hugh ­i ver affectiunate. a,j in ahljctj� ment, and; Afcl it Y A,'Both ood'hye, my darling- never- q'uiet folk, And Mr.'Dunca WAS.4] fitrewell letter. an in 61 'the nooe, cnlled.'by -the , sl�e did so.. %se rd foot� invalia'; t call you that again, for I ana going 6�VaY and1lieke -w.ab, a dair old fodim�lo kin arlirnLeg , i ad . noted' on, gladoro; which is saia: to 0. .9 out � ','Fi�icl 1,�cal. physicia as OL eps approaching 3ho. library, tind'-slipped for ever. mvinusi nbit'troub][6 about me, 'on th6 old' fashioned' garden, wher hat' bd 00 ey isutoff 'from 'it -hurriedly into the ollen. aj L ' ' , L . r j ­ very awer,�- and !tba I All Ado i a usual; and be i ghh' for'l Shall take grdat card of my'self, and. father ]lad slept,: would j:qat.do 6' her. ver Il'u!1A 8,00, lly' US, 'if.. he! had leprQsy., t t Sir r, . lety he effect0a grLod-WI -le eavink owis and 0 tXAAe I r;-,--,--- r--,. - rr . ................ -Atd baby-;­��­ BFefid*ibk'V&W-7' ' follow1hem, I . 'i in big hand..... ofiall take my'llaby---he cannopa inteiiic dO. igitll- �qgue'sor of fe6I1nlg'thqt -her 4 On. S�turd44ith; Sir Chat i A. I have - been 'lookiflg all, over this place . I . I I . . (TO bo'continued.31'r out me, a in, so.' When he 'is strength would not ast V gjA nd I 1�ve- Ila T Tul3pitif,t6nd. otl�er:Miniter� oluthequestioil, !Lhio-- 6eAA!3,-.,h back I ��ry 1014 YLPUP� ayt urribillk,�;­11 and old6i I Will oe to youI a is bk Ana, bSr Ld Would wafifto, for schola�shiV. for Cauaillan-Unive a soul t3eej4,ed-t6-k-jio�w.-whet�-yo"ti�. . sl o ' exteiliding,ti, x�14tions'wjiht& W a you, nd inaies,wbih"Sir Chirlds'prbiiiisioA t b" ci� rm; . took here Redrabi all -as baby. 0 brA'ln, R( SO I oyer�and )6rt,truco, , si In k L �.wlxo fori*aIlybef6iO U will repair iFas getting Con the"Cabirie' -iftom Fitz. a me PL to, filadd,,.andshoco nof side oil. the St.Foy'road,'At Queboo,-,died from attending the FishelieEl 0 big, eyes IA 1116, Of �Yolio' ar e ga�.d t on hht�ratum He w nts Ilia to.: clo' 'townr at : ,I zhifll flay gooil-by to,you. very -�"Abeke visa so muoh-tq�'Planbief bi e�p t, a; tew. i�ealilor sixii,be at, the' Of -,N' ommission. cebe 4 a# ieve We hive'to startL, .-When' tr'y to.speothbreis a dreadful lump V., ,tW *,ban 'Hamad YOU Y 'my"pd, Tar"! Ih=6 illiven Q'�Ltd Me,.Hugh V. oughto Of eon o Pu'aralike a-kj 'h h -as th ihe' desolate during thbir lives b wav to the m6ciii* is 4uted in. these' p'arts' Ci�,or 'to ' Rierrepoint' after lunch OYO;': in er orror, uLt 'on their eath' so gkandf and noble, -And proud. Oh .P. , . "I _ . L rue over or, and,: retit was, eadier - Up, �a . YMIX. looked so piLle this.. inOrnin -1 a to what,, future ca h witill6ut issue; Lhe'f and is to' bt V.Osf6d in ' a h' iA%ao§ y6u. marvy me ? You did wrongthere, 'for h6t to go a*aii tb 7iy�o4,At thd Hall Ovary year �pedple holding. arrange -.about so .,Alan* t a. ''. ell it an to at -bons,IJBting of - th - " -'no'fpaIFA,,.0 boo4 , 'ch -,whd-,dbn!t I know'ia 39 . flat d lit YOUL. roundhaihils- de)t8 . .1 1 0 pril ii�presl f trusV in ar r gi dic! not an an 6 -cannot be belp is a loved ifeL '0fL Morin� oCtUago", :QUe rop2i�e�hoiil.of.,T6hrith6ni��16,6t.��Mi ]br,lboll,' D., Gobil-bye, godd-bye� J BbAIlL be quite' bhu,116 neek. . ajor Cll Pt Me'L.,, only' bee ; a age, alif I 7 0 e0 not,look,foi when it- Bishop's Ilda her at the'l a,th ,I gIV6 me, Tallit CA :Proper time, [!�: U A belginning, College, -Leli �.thciught no nd. f , " L, nd--drdijaeand w,,an .., an -ope 8; d -pilt e. silef6um -her up' at. YP 'thought of -you :Wee Wiff h6r baby'i%toil 6 Univier t a 0 el she saia,witl plus! W I u n putting: It, rsaries on kissed it', and Mid it on,the tixble oxild' a gb,,'­�i ail I .t think: I A od )30yond -being Mr articulate 'had gI' -(to '�; 0 ­ it' able e TOyotit-i ..oil, in a, n; �311 W skeil' 'hardly ��-.U-niviFr-gtty- An 1"' iialbicinghth it;r: And- I till Ims6hay M, - . .9 let 3UM . -her ip qui a - a ftobA,- -eitabris while. Witit it sheAwild b=te� after ton li his haiia6', she' th on �cholarshipaj. the It 'I ae. pretty, youh ought. Lifek. on, baby ts 'iliffigs very nicely, bat, I - *anted' to res ec- woman, J,seb' u6thing remarkablb, a ou O�. ie�" an(l added Abort. Post­� tryi sb'niaisi) let)�he; but he cries ie rinich What r ir,.,�', b V t she unsealear' j, of , §26; and'0,10 IlEgypt,indisea.i."Wha alcibililyouare, Ro�ort.Bruce u a rje olar our, spf.cia y., 11 0 r It And thqzi she Freak 11m, till" adkipt. D A be that,he confuses my eAd Fay,.oi��iiali�neVer make y'ou: "'d(irstand irl ships." Tfieholdera� 'u matkiculatea who thinki she ig Up, am going, to qointe -kind petipie, w 6...,wifi ings. o-,- aw-golt s stuaents;of o or oiher�o , t e iniversi I meam P:Cl r coursel- EgOrtbn.aiid �9-lie ba-d­placeil,tho'letter where Rugh: thing t and lastlof all sh`6 ibo bdy,i'� Ayin# ailent jdod-;bye t6 everytl N - I" ,6ndo4i to 'good r jo. me and be gave, him 'Up. and *anideiing through eWhat :.I w"t, -hndL the r6cims, ad, actaii I rauing v; cegula the oth t into'her hus- Powis, *ail Are to join us. Y- Of: at tidy -in a sQrsdience.,,: The sch6la"r, would �A At once, :and, then she'Went band?-B'Iibr�r int6,jWo JP a Sal sIeop'at;thei0llxb'i6wnightj : and. you Upstairs; Sr he wanted'tci' plittle ohnny MrSwilligan hive'lier baby in'. Ellerton f6 are to .'We', divid6d, blisse may, ekpect, mis-tq-6e d6�vn. to-dibner'tom its and -her thoro 'When - he MI, I " t one,fQr�cxndidates gt-matricUlAtjon,�,&har pein -the paperabPatps��Si as,' arms, t ist Lou& might iull the- -molied hei to reakfast. " She' I' hqwriov�. i. The next'- day here her -si- `niinut6, BE 'Won a CON-ae- tTie other for third yea'r!s men.. I in lit doadlyl �intnesls at her' heart � slid when to siad, quietly are theW.? I arasites, my -bo lit. I wai 61 Y theke -is t enough to.tpilk . are Abolish 'a little better'A6 �se s*papek&,'41;, a -liked' to k yon Qr� ri�i- arranging Sir Hugh' pdople.who'livb in -Paris. hill -of 6AYing gcod,'b�e then. no am. as, I aves &Lady's,Life.' ought to. know that, And. you, in the thir vs;'� h J _Y I . . -and J� t e7d ffid know csrri'�Age i y t'. a 1" atild, 'Sir.Hagh hjd'L'jone'C)ff. to London, '.she' wo'uld be round diactli blij ge rea y,;. ant Hugh don't Niagar epson, W forget t-"'sa' told thom they had t6logra And then, Tiunk brAkasman, -has beeli tangi�iy. as -be. In phed foiIfiii, noi'feai.th�t. she" '' uld e.� W, 0 -Nifd- she A -d'Ail : W�o'bvpporit Wa -him, : follow immediately. All. right," he iiagbeil'j66d_h6moroaIy; .-S when", the'',old eor*anthid close, il.tbedbor,. r, �rded, bythe. compazly 161 he would takia',her' luggage with'her, of It weht'up, to Mary, -Amn,P1, said the- to" lier.A�sbzndli chodr,., lean- of ' mind. in saving the life of � la'dy passenger And, tiie� ii�'stCida quite still, h6lAi ' 'the b k ng a6u'rois,: -for. Ahd:dia �,Ilot ' intend10 rist�kn. to ing over it'and exalbrAcing it,41th her , iw.or -at-Prairier Aiding Ono -ddy. last week.' The 'addressing the foremost of 'tile t4 he'L6-Alre' Do irmA,4b'do ishe`r�sted. h4r. �hoek-agaiiisi�'1?&'oifie,.Expi6S 'Conimbilatiohat. ra�.thology, 46-whowag itthatsu thd Hall'before -going d6wn into' trapi aj&jn'ih6hai day 9, Again, the�barvod,&6 h' It: iro btit they r Ha"h ny back'.' ore a that pi3filt, but'the former does not: st6p.: The' world 64, hls,iffioiilders� la y as'. stepping. 6 the. acco goo -bye qtiidWyi.� aarling.r". How hand. for aJe*hours� be iobably ran up; ill sit this eVeningI 1. she'sa sGood-b 'a titimodktibir, ma am.- who! gappor but. e express, Rome,- 6W give his find Goa bless you, dear; ind'then W left the' and not moticin.gibe:�ppkoadhing h .'wall' he okod, . -as the eveinin wi f The, book A6esn't itooped'ovei har-withlis plai . d over his On -took in 0 was S.aln lipig 'woul ong.kLway ......... Bt]it She would ,oat hothingf and . usiltuatioll ata gidnCie And cal*ht or ers. rOODI wif ou))Poit0id him.. iiiini d a ille Arack. Jepa -feiarfitl bf hq' iiing, only ut. just She,thbughiihy- lady the pbrilo ve not �e -t ere.was -before she got br by'the'ol Red f6r:.Iler baby. $ lak Ali(] pulleff her back. Re look6d., very as �Ejn�41ilL il hIt' no" cl- inging, no. agony of t ill, &nd required - a thorough change. into the carriage, she called Mra.:Hip.ion' to eiiiiap� frOm"jrndtAUt,4( owismes," arrow, 14' She put h li�nds yi�i I!' ret hyMiisH igned Fay'qu'lickly; 'b4.'§hO d1he h.icago. rdafid, his nock and held him for, A 7-Pnimi; &Way. So 8 e, her4 and ' bade her.� take oare of the 4aged -iiid, as itwks� Abp.was. severelyinjurod6y irl yoli, clon t, mean that veWriied' sR46 She shoilld m lie bowcatolibi,the: expiress 'eon 0iinishawl"r 'as hiir (�old lips 'iou &_ . Q§t People.'at� the Pieitepcilnt �Imsho`dses, and blow from t ched his; un�d,then st6od - '' j" !L . - . . etw line Ir" a S­ dertainlybon' Haigh. sbo�� they had their: 11416 -packets , �f engine.- od -and mi. �e �bill hid'wiived t81im-- sadly, 414etly, 'E . .10 P, Whi t'I have t6lily6iI,".r6plied the Boa.; as gro Anal - and rov for th6y 0 Hqiiaiieg Tiuss- Ilk t e'Woild.;:� ton young..1a -thill, a Past, and ust,atto work,at,.,t su 'f tavindow U -he 4 da,. In. 9YI : T Ana: idy,- 4,*ja the t start then: Elio Ahook-:;'hads -w -0! th:. bor� -and iharov'u�Sall.- Kin undraped Actuality. R X., X Arid. then shdst v:,vi, the cottage at Ellertdri. The first -truss of the 1`6uglikeepsio (N.Ys) ir erea tile, poor was swung in. the.'7th H4PTER.X X Dkintree Gbod-byb`to you al" 0 t -bri go lon on .'�iiyou have.' n, .66(300' —GOOD 0 'Well - " 4 ' b6on, D�IIYE -11. b'eg;gedL h6r t.00us et'gpervicesi ciiild : it, i§'rpropose !list It.'-iA feet n �t o y o - u r 'face ah-&-only'take, 4 T t - friends -to -me,, all of ybu. Godc1bye---�good_' tresof,thetkers' 82:feiat�de.epii'nda5.*i'de,-�4-, m Hollokeno L New Yo' TO. rk. LOOM'! IvItairge. you, seek. ine -Janet look�tilla fiaii ' -, I I . t 9 f Wheh Fay, by�;' Arid �thi§h she drOw ter veil over, 'being theilirg Pi Mocab'e, Ahe inarderei of no h, est, axid heaviest oteeltkuss in 4ameg IL '.' hung. 6ble ib�ughta r -It reats,oil slee Sallor yburgoli jVjLb'laiUi;in orf d her geiftle-little� 16aht� bac an: t a carriage, . th worldi Via.: t, Michael' at Honesdale at. oTb A.pbrica viiin ftiret'bAve- come III,' while N `1er litile nilglov(SO ioka '12 gj in. �e 13a guib I'm wall, Oro bigh'i *hich stand '.on mad.6 I'm wqrry, rm�at easei tj ied,inLicolifiddil .. ' " .. r. . , , .- L - 't IODgL Way. off blaililkingabout fobt � .10 Dr. MoGlyun tatiA4 that hb will. a' cop hand'. whichaaro Bat atti0ra long way; long -may, ."il �0. 0011 Ino sooner in My gr6jal r high t daressea oil I t1Antc.you';J ftad to Mrs eron. a how nur4olfas'�6hly Sir 116ghbad' sworn. tolpyei and cherish high' viiater alla feet go . a Europe, . and, makb -a a 0 A A-tbat'd thy!choidci�observe. b here bix A-71 9. d does ot'kndw hr r d"th, ana.yet'h had brOuglither' 'wm�er, An I a t6tal h6ight from th I' ulida- dednomid qaestibna" fil, England., S.PJ . I �': r' .L �-. ' ' . . .1_ raitr e land uay,a An , , I .. 1. - . .1 . L, 0 0 5 like to ki I 'on-toifor w dojjwe�tkick r i1w 4 qwni#g ways. howill td.A'his., carries a floor skat= d Ireland'. oii he tionis337f6et 'It''' Va I �m to be- lof behind The jouiney�_:wad ''h* PLY, an 'A -imiagine any dy a iftoula-any one t Ing so utterly -but 4his ls� �Ii; ec� :*ith his '861fish. nurse afterwards%ememliereff that,XA 40apable of�,suppcirting,ajolling load. of This. COOL= own &ilrb (I childiah;'and yet so pa"tbotic? .�e4s a JI *Iien 0 ea a.will im to - -in by', Joanas7ashmploi tiitL� all(. yesterday,, bid'. Sh for All: Red.mbnil did n U th iunfiing bil each, Son, CifNeWy'k t* ppear a rprisei time ], ei!. M- ores Or bell, If of the 0 nnd7si I tiway, friondle-da "a-unproedte'd, were eilig ed' Tay wandered HQ11 1. was r -not, waiting a 'J' o" I was gortig, to sy. dow It rjfelj� jigliti th t, iia` they .: arrived ' at - E Uarton, : to I th�t 8ir 3101, , or vi; and ��, all' h b 41fif tracii th 'station., Stickney Reog"ization, C mmittee;.Jor about wjf fi h Ak $2,406"000. rA . eds. 0, a gr il; i6 that It— - : 'Aby. on, or arm Whitt are tia, to do, my, lady ? sho sake inkii� eat lonely 'worl .'A Sinall7avd 'as n 9; t ome a 8 Pins Iii rather hiiiploas -w -young a" d 0. , 11. Hwill llg� c klo Iii; cild.1i 'Pllaotjng:'�r her.- I Lie t reasures,. an, Iv, fok aba ond ctor Lek thb, ac -1i Well; ndroppinji,- the U r cident)� in 1, he: bxes. As 66 passed; intry�woman, and the; dinraild. bustle Sir" We:haVb At last. found Vtidetl: bat ilonvey6id'to theln'siAnie'll ital jn anI4 col n her, or, �vete'. lance at Chicago,'Foateord .'raorning and. NVf t;h the trash inipu eo,.o espair-7of L% Now Wwas'a'boo Hf gh ha i�e' to' hq - but' ny a r ' I 1 *9,0 at- os1iiUr.,tbae-.hoped no Ing lapa,leatea I plotire ihor6d,� 11dwe )Ing­."te 4dentif he` 1ak haofl.ilngg'd t pi or the I r. ho hhd -bell y, English ourist­�" Aw;;Ivo�vy �iai I ress- odthing-sbo_was � Liking ilid, most terribh3 worn his blatton-liole; -sn odd glove he not',,suaWeri -She, o Ili& 'Sorry �aitwouldbeagoqilidoa fot,lilm Ito trotiblwybu, ddntcherk�C;w'r 'cohbludi ; t(i d(o likewise, 'Alid took spr ziapr, from 1114 step:tfiat'g ybung croat,�re. could -a had left oithis 6�k 4 ng'-table','and which she, th at nthis, �countr take. Sh wa�iting-room­ - wi 'baby,- b ' !'Va fi6ver tra*elled WAS ith- of d'Iniser Todketr gnd_�oil OXIII bat goodL might 86mo, diatchea w Ed into "twhouid,, to ritly. before.;'L *Ould.YOU see inwhibli half 'is Ahe c, 4u, come her pre6o asand 040, e_ 7 pying,tip iZs(� in dompl�te X n a silk' han(lko�ohiisf he.,had"w6rn And'thent she -hid her' luggago.pnt. o4 to A 'key of my frun011 UN I14VOED­ .."Nurse,10 elfe.-saidi'4iiiekly, w bell' he' iiOn. dad, Self -s crifice in 16 round f 'them all in. iftisbrabl'o And 'mistaken if shis'llacl 8nch a .- stri�geli riisix-Il'i ky Inl9chief hS,W68 full, Vanet ihohgbt Abe mii 'came' back a faw minutes -a fterrWarda, ',will Q uin,� to�char teceiiti� -it tehind- their backg At sdildol Won 61ddi .'simpliciij,' of chara6tar Of o(lds: and ends. And, tbotcicber6fado$LMa(1' 4iiiiiiiP And. go to the giving pX -upon hat! been, '1(11314 chilldilih, ana her 6rldly daft.- you give me ba y a mo 4 ithary language le's iroi 0 110, a t w A. por Ata she weal 6 i a, little )knowledge". 4�evtodj she mU'st ittrely litivei refreshment roopi�itriwjus true, blackboat �6ked. up,- e,,T a i rn'd'y L Arid to his piediladtf hesitated before. taking a step' thaVilhust dresses pe inaeda..any. dlier down ibQ Stations , I Aboula, like some I L is Wiltorl'i'?. And 'keqa�atisd: 'he "I r t I g r �upi a 0 Id a in& 11 jai n pirilb brook'thio tho'cotintryi Shp wl W �011( M6 � each a sontencei c6ntAil rbx as well as grieve her+ 3bandi 'Ho* -postly- A�she W&dla* not, require then; I icheirand sponge-eAkes, and. perllapgr�pa �ould Sir llu�ljIJ4 liatigbty." S. said, qhiotly. I but Aio would jig 'ter get some for yourself, there is -T a TrinictBas. Beatrice is convale4eett. fheoo'w6r&� Ono bbydfsplayiddhid iggliity� anall n p6blicityand"the hinO days! Wonder of the liep jdwels�nbt th6oe 1hilgh had plenty'.Of and, the womah' obeyed L- as .1ledgehog has )3)ru8delj§ on: woi.](Ir'��].I'fik,tll(�y.kfl(,Nv,thAttilswiteI LiidY gi�,bnber, o�ifio old fanojl� jowels that had lit- She his. Co the;r'Youtf� M r at Cinc6. Her, lady looke a at L L 0 e mot 0)" 10 fli�iv it dL J L), ii , ck . Club- ill. V I Allect"OsCirdf till the.stdrolled be�ft 'teaetL er, bt4i thought nfogt'l - like Ali or ftu� al, ?,S,; di�tnes whP.1ting in tile Old belbrivred 6, hot: otheit; Aiiaero oxceea- aisAppolintoa tbiiit' Sir 'Augh wdo t -The'thing,tlilytL�.,Wo�!tL�ral%4dya nowEl .6 here A Pearl necklace' ti heSt is, how, 801110 o . their wornaii ou,ght to' Will*y6u give me some cold als21, a - r* '� I ... I . .. a to tArhiah. his illat was wortlifivo hund?dd pounds, Hugh, -.&a.1ooh,'Fks she ba'aleft thoVdibing-roonij ress., kcputr�tioii ..by a ct so iniprooer ana had drawn but a Iaedb t)um of mousy that V fiy' Wdnt - up,'.tb the pekqeift in- ebargeIrlInA 5sked,il; hiondicant At A, -Prost g to f all - door have tbfie-,�' waa the lie, hild givL&n in charge.tOL h6zw�he w6int. to 116irt-0 give aL sealed.fiote to her horse ohi Well, llot Said the and Almanac mdkots� Am :tj(3 , �,b 6 "fo mi I�glVo SpOilt trip ftn&, it for, d.�m�gti6 expenses wh4o'ho "en ack, You remember hot ri Of she clime very -buoy. all 001 that Ilitil in iii�! Fay,w't 4't recoipt, �nd ieddish limir, who I wit how *ffl. 11 pili, it with Ito Y, Says i re br ilig. I ould bCt.no' limrni b b t tell. ' her I It It. held at OLtw f , No that? to keep it b h cohId, holp ha-vo gone, to Jo'ok after ,the IlIggage; arrivad Water a We. do .0 01119t n g JeAV6 f L or oto the''retftIl"talit after if. nney... "Moi -a. be d sk ]ter to' re' (I will, probably herr I - Ali a And , thoug noVia of thuu� thin' A. 8"flo only f0i; th'at BhO, 0110U�JIl to ko'ep' hor And tho boy for mord the woman thou �file riquoAt A Atild orla V16 till nA19 and .1, fit ter baby With fi�r, Zbero'-, thah aL yoftri 4tid ifter tliii�, Alin; Could'gell', stran�e,r She took 9 �e e D i�. 15a . '64irid Air!., CliaiA L lbdrlaftl t'Zoettled p9oket Without Colnil .6.8,0f,16ading woi-h ' en's RaM b�rs �rc 110 And. i fier iieuldace. S 6waarlcll;�bftthowwasslio, emur; a4 lostj cal held ineot1ii&'-i* Lolldoil'yest�,r-' jonab" *all, Ainly ethap.3 Made Oro hlofie� is full6st woris 0 Xtell Siva fiiv6otioi, ell, of tho"ll I a all 0 *%�Ilxu l, voty to any m without. b64 Ad Pay aild, Nqo'wetit outsidO U,' orgailim �tli t(l' oppose tile police cloging of.the, IM iWi4if quick V a L;q�ti - -_ , ` " r man� Itrite6ato hei b, ter who lmd loaa6d file caV vaq f6rck" US edlot 4ifff' i tiny /Will lothord NVit 8 T110 lt;At Act beforo the -'c 'Ile Iftt'lo wi�tv off. V tiy4oldtlle Sir Qb�irles diatOvAk id an I . lfttii� Vto ''V; i) it Is lig, lVal to .. #010ft wOM" i bol, to igho to Lho. St& di�l , off rto 1�j �d 011id of Volide, deffiftyiA�s I Ila 01160 PJ(J,_f.CPt )low'. Cut cotch 0%1)rcqs 11,110 toOm"'who that Ile 0, WaUtCA 'o tako: tho.. 9 poiic� bc with clivaltv. 'presoll 9,1 b"a J6 flloW irll A foV,,I' . .. ... ...... wit I 301111:�, bott oinlier of P,trlimt;ieijt for, ail q fr9in', z3r0r c"Une lit), to', � t. ility Il'o JoLjJJ�J'j1J, b 0 rjtralig6 i t i,it o8l'.ii - inc 10 e p Ila 610 VLCdVCtI So I'litlil llli�idfjtt of Ill hwiiLonio�t- but, Vity hiiii a,shilli�g, By A st�lllllfc It to itl (v llorhbht fill a to goollor tll(.l �jfttjdjby, tile oabnaoi, wbo 4i-�Vo thvi�,l TrAi,19�xll oft"811nday Ilext ill 6II&T oW-0, ig PUO,, ooalit -ahl 1316t *ffit accideiit 'Ve to Li, iiif6fodii 9 .91iit- this Itarolo glossy '1=4, so theitih Oho��' 06 814fi; 8110 c6twd Ila questidil w.ag kliew oura -�Obdak'ta par iN itil *It Silo a of wh 'r , ell' J� Il S' till AYS. his, rnA all ho tak d a h wha k - Am v fr Rp h. wi lio 9 hi r r ou and It t Itng : jW , p ok ing ,_n in m it -t, bit na v ell 1 .a 0 kt b i ne f It 1 y rt