Lucknow Sentinel, 1887-11-18, Page 5• "Wl!Ar-'-•-n* -.W,NWQA:Wqrx-WWW.F.PA ."4,1=k1W_.,,, 6y; tne Werterit fair A ett,)41.1,101i,niir•Wiir 44, ;FL Ciatutt in4Sens' for.1.44 stliriliondtored : partiegt ast"-Wurited Ogiitit- , ins the 04414 40 pay UWt - 1X1/44.1,1•1 /11.1, bo. A •4P4.• i."0 ••• • . • r • '• . • .• .‘• Z5116:4P. 171 A-INEE TQ THE 1.01,111SILSVe,OF Till: ttodersigned CO". •f,41"s''' or all lit the iattertr:111p tIorf teutie,r, two 4•WC:$ unwilifee ittnantittwitTliiN owner req.i stet! to Oroytc.t4tOitotty, illtY f4j.perobt-4, .ntol Lace titOnamIty", ‘,1" • • t. 1,4 pp* ; •, Box 251, LotsknoliittV; .; • .7'1: • ' • 72Q. 13 „, _ • FT 4skaAVSES(`' ••,-;•-• . nodersigued, lot 143. eon. 41, littrolt, on tir show., uic UIIdI1It of. .August. ist,& dark torown yenning Leifer. • The ovrner is ;9‘Ple.tt- ita rove la").,e1Y1 PaY. oxlselinoa and °AM."' DON ALP . Gitt41[S.,. Voirme An vraw44..gth au& . 111.... Executor of the • Istte:•-johit Fraser in- vite (do.% purchase Of 'the fulloWitig • s fe.rins. 1-1....ts. 16 and west half 17, in 9th concesn' -ion, W., 1). Wawationh. 0Oaeres--.--160 •acre,: cleared, a))lutt ion acres free from -stamint. jay Wain ; frame house. • •frou'ip, barn ; good orcnain ....eek ; eie, 140 aores Ond bard wrhush. 6 Ulileg from Lucknow, • FO g M7111,ES. if.s.Tlii) • Tx TH:10.: ef• .PAY' township of klutok llountY Bruce 4;ot 4, 4; leAles. ••tmt Of lint:know u'rlp • rat d in g.,•• tate id' .• •••• wadi:tone 'ham, 404)3 orehara, Wittert14. Wel; tf111VO4.1., elm', easy. , ot s • pitrtical.t.r:: apply- t,l; c1,4111(.. • • • s!rin .•; 3 -Lots Borth 'half 43 and morth hal( 4 , . • , • . • •, ' •71p. • lst con. Ki.nlmts,100 aeres:-.1.0 acres: clenied, - • . • • • w • • . • 1 p, tr, r_te_..! • nr'',A)40r. 24Jitt.1.) in 9thcon., W • D., Wawanosli, 200 acres -100' acres cleared, clay 1oaLn, ick house frame bornrcreek And svell, orrilis.tti etc. THF "'I • •• ,er C -A nadirsigned Lot 3 Con. 13 isidlehl; oU abont the first of .Angust, a dark red year- ling heifer,,stnall. The .wne*is requested to •• prove proprty, pay eipemel, and tike hyr MOINTOSII, - • • , „ ftgeltIlOW 0. • • • 720. +inn • .• i;TicER isTRAy. AMET0 .TUL PREMTM or T41% 4 underigned, lot 27 • and 25epn,2, • loss on or about the utiiiitte of vctober lst; grey steer 2 yeara old -with a red neck, and. whttar-otrforehried. - The owner re- queted to prate propery, pity expenses, and take hins away, , • ' • JO DstviDsoN ' Lang*itie P. C. • . dms. f • 723 rest in Emeh; mostly hatdwood ; house, well, etc. 2)1 miles front Lucknow. r_ • - • • an - 42 -.west W -E (4- 41 In - in vAlage of-SCrele0;711-cres-lord-46,perche 'ordurtherpliftiqrilare-apitiv_to_Thos.Tod_L MIND AND BODY StEEPLESSNESS,, ••••••••••••••• ;0 ••••••••••••••• • • v'e`iit::::ierlKenicneg.adlls.e„i.e.,not:t4dan.atl,ureniste4r.eves, to us Coca in the moat tonic plant in the • " It (Coca) id. ia a word, the most power - restorer of the vital forum. -7,br. A.rmbrocht's Coca -Wine. tft.',94gh lore tonic than iron or quinittritneverCenstipates: ' 8:e '\• Fq. , •ARMIIRE6HTCo. - 7 • For sallidbiy Lucku,..w • by; • brui;gists. . • 716 6utos. Esq,St el:elm, tio,thri unilentiined & HAlt1"1, tf•71. 13ari4tra etc., • Godtieh ()int. i?EART&Ctinr:illAN OTTOE S 1-11111•LEBY GIVEN TR A.T. • • . the •Partiteobip heretofore antsisting • between. us, 01% antiersignedOs furtlitnre Antontittctur4r$,", hisbeen•this day disolveil by :mutul cnsnt' 411*W8owing:the- tiriot .pliA;.?Jarniot.re.tnnnfaturers, 14ncknow. ntid-.to. their enecee : Hunt ‘• Clifi •&Stpvll, • , at • itektiow aforesaid. And all elaitneAktantst•the it partno ship of • iltCltre ore:to be presenteirt*I'W said "Cliff; SCStovel" by whom . the seine wili • be • H. Alrtitisox; •:•Gio. GLascow,: • • , • Witmess. . Jos. Curler.. . . • re -selling manylnes of h close t• o cost, for cash and mom 4,0 or linesat;. • • cost for bash. r.his sa;' ..,•ts for •MC.ZTHG: '.As tlii(spiing is close at hnnd the public will do well to '&•,..',,;i. ; i • . • :' ' • .' TN T II S 14'1'1114M. Or'X1P•••E....$1;;TE , • ' • ' ,,,7---74',1. . ', 4" :' . . ":''' : I , , . 4 • . ' 0 .... . • • • • . • 4 L.j,'of (.3atieti Cil, t 4 OA. 4(vrfiititt of • , : •...litiroti,in the ctitiY• of .13Oott: .;-ftsolvent, ' ' :rite underri,Maithes•been appCliited assign el; of thP eitidritate; mitt all iireditora ,whe).. h.ve • • not 'yet filed their claims' are berehy 'notified ., tirdirSto4i*out-dekly:---;-----. • . '. --------""'-- ..: ',. 1"..1., Pated this llth.dayolf,;:Ner-az7—.------"----.• ,. . :: .• . • .11OAN.;xumi3EnsT014i, . . . . 4.• ' . O. . ' , , •i ' . • • sitigne, Ripley. ivasSittaissiliss**161saisrateelei.imait.iesvatorils, • • ALL . ur astiortment•e • • SPMINC; ...SUMMER • coo? s..., '''02j4v4 tfAtiglIghwiockirrehnIkgtelgeWherg.• ,r` • 1"04$7,,wztr,• UaLl01 NOT1 Kid &*: orrig0, • • e— • • . • 1300TS, 14,1.CED. AS1iBITIONR91 • Onttstic debildte`nt IS .• COMPAMETEv • '•111ITS *APE WO. ORDIE1i, All!at duepotinte...Mut be settldbyn�C POR PEARit 81, IRIGAN: . „ OWT FOHOET THE SIG4 . • c.rtoE Imni,jeey Gay& .TAT A Ciuw11114hld:puisant to the • • Voter' Liat A," .hp His Horioflietiludge d the County Court of the CuntYof Huron, • in the Court Omni It Dungannon; uesday„; •• • Noventher 29th, at &Ohl& a. in., to hear and cletemiline the several tom pinints of errors . • ,L •• and omissions in the Vfe're___'1ist Of the Unni' • •eiality id the. Townsli9 (if -Wst Wawanosh, ' •11 r 1887. All persenti baying businems at the ilourt are required to attend at Ohe said time Dated Neveinber 7th 1987. ' • Xt• K. 11III4LE1,4, Clerk,of saist Municipality. • BERKSHIRES..• • AVIRO PUR,611APED, F4NEti. Bros,, r a Edmonton, the Pue bred Berkgbire. Boar; ."Sir Ribluktd,'! 140ti 411i- inv •. ; .• • .34, led Top (4aittnt,. 14;868. *am:batty. 41t11:' . 307, got by importedRity4 'Stewart 123 ; • • itiant itnliorted14adv . qaJ1awty., 1. will keep ' bint (hint* -the Season fiir sepi4ce .fri a1D,i ed :nun br ofSolvs..t.`XE EMS • $), : ft# the Fleftlit)ii. of three Mentesirt.5OE isoure,'on,ais by. the, ••• vieaon-mut be-settledlot beforVIet, leave • -the pot • h•ve still A (etvy9n0frOilSO'; butb . ecgq nedic,reeil stogie), for ple; low • • . . price. orbits' huyng i young sows coo -have • them served'hi Richatcl free,: 1 also have MKS!: TRUNKS ()) t„,#(.4 rceeiyd idarge and *01, seleced..stok.Of.tine Trunks, ' ItObeet', •• ' •-• whichhe. is e11ig.. st at bcittom•pricell , , . ‘••• ••• • , •••• . • • If You Wish u 'rirSt •Clargl:7111211;, �ot ottutga me • • • • • • .. • . • Singe iptvl Doable Haness- Always in stock or inade to 9r Or ors short. notice. . ••• • , . OriPtii wax]; a specialty • •••,., • • • , PROCTOR. IM PORTANT TO .ALL who are bald or haVe or Grey • or who are troubled with: *hy IU • ' a few pair of v.a7y fine Plymo-ttkiEtielt• - • -for sale: . ' ' . • • ..-....-21ANUFACTORERS OF . • RRIAOES ' AND WAGGONS. Ifainn• a•lari-re stOcc on hand, We will sell at gr69:0y ,rduceCi prices, • / We beve also a, large •stobk of • , , ' " • •Clat515J :agtt#01,-8 • Avhch• will be sold at BOTTOM PRICES. Call anii examine our stock beore. • •• .• •• '• • . buying esehr4,-- •„ . • • • • Lanes P. 0. DIN FARR FOR SALE. '• 1 , 1717 ship of Ashfield fluvial Coutitvi •-•1111'AREA SITUATED1N TOWN • , ;being North half of" •Imf 4,Con. 12, W. 'Di 4 miles from the village of tit cknow,,,it is one • ‘. • • • .: (If the ..ht grain or grasing fotmsin the.tow•n-• • . • '- : shp; liaving•beeh nseddor. grsSinctie'„latit-4__,-- • ._".„ vents, so that it is. in the hest of order.:, a log • :' lius„.(cciar halm; 'route ba' fn stables,' well • lencel• With Cedar rails, aidWell ws.teredi '.• FA. ' .. If nal:told will be • teitted: Tor- furth'er dOr- . g • , tiunii06 044y,i., 1. • . - ' ,•,. • - r.*• ' - ' .0.•13,..npnEirrsox,.: • . . ,. . . • 3 miles west of Lucknow 011 1.,ticknow. P. 0: , . • • . iiiit,..,,t ti• •• • 72. • • 131.,1,ET,H F"he felt the bUrning sense, tiled her anclohe ,hurried no• dr; ' Allen, whore the UK. liumwrivw nvo , tom the face and lard • 1. • Search Wal3 inmediately: 1)OtiR FOR SERVI LIE (lEI,:,n8[010) Wi§tito. g larit; but thus der no Or- • ntide.' • Suspicion points • erfain directions: • Mia& 1"Ono of the most highly- , Ales Of thistown' and a p'restyterian 'Church, I@ account for the 'assault. 11, .1..t that "die. knows • of andr, ground therefor. At • ; a, id that the vitriol had another' but. maturer r of theidea that her • 4i Whom he Wag ataek- •'; is expressed that the • 1calledin the etnergency• rid for the a rehension le Offend • . .• . . • • • ' . ' • • • ' . • For Constipation bilionsrims,eick he aririingfrom a diso . liver • .arid ' et omac PleasantPtirgOive tive or activeeathai• dose. • months, G•et lir ga el" WhyDo nt 4.; now r Yes, Ptio when it wipes to pa hillthiandlord don rutnam,s Is the best., ren:erly. ac @ quiClily, makes 11 ! HE .13NDEnstoEp• to inform themhalii of Lueknow and surnmn country that he has the far. 'tock of • .„ illEAVI ADD LICIITAARNES. •TE) be: fo und: in any 'Shop in thilrrTa.. ..: -. „ • • • ” - ----- ----, 1, -Which hwis (able • to sell at ! ',mit tiip'.;booketp 0 pure i serui . edllars 8yarianteLLA•14,e.satia WW1* Trunksand. Valises ali'S• ., hand. Call:and see our stock heti . ,•: , purdbasini,,clst:‘0t0re. Repairing do .• , with neatneasith4:clespatelx/: All. 1,4'n.,' • Warranted, ',......• ,: • , ... • : • ....,,=. _4 ....... .___ 4. -...,-L.; .' • • i' • ...... t. ' - ` ,'• ..A.:... •,..C..),:i1"'' OKNO C4I A radtettl cure. A hur its value 'V k ' ,''ffi'ci‘li:iritte.n:diti.lCcer‘ocimmpll#1,i'aNeylan.dia,c131114Yeifi":°e7P..lisnitIt7esd':.rgoVerntiadilental3Inihigle°eudEsIni;("ceksr',. ' Ceigiverresseranydise,,aim will D.thRe• i2C:::::fiLdi:::ts rso:vit.,1,1siwiait.nhodwrhheclrfbascLt.hthhv. tii it iii, A.,.RE'S REMEDY . • . t .cess Of Dr, Chase's Liver CAteiti be found d sure. and ' as goosi .nOratheer ell . GCL:t111:::14Prre)D t il ti I'll:d:iPCI;flat I 1 i it ?0 Li nbih°4t at115rKg)* -er'isiciti ine: , 7s,on'c7,r.,,::::nr: •:gentlttitOO often offe 'rr11-1' ° lhh e i t 1: c°n1 me wit ni4nI •..._.1 100,1 , •..•,, _9,900 pot.9. ,. .... ,. 0,,,,,zidnIgz,07 Di Dr.,ck4a, RecijOe. Aooks 4 mon : q.nao .. ana, a alant, 14/8: Wiiisi eivry Matl MACIC'''' night, just close your and asks fdr the loan of • 't may look. nide, noble for the hair ant, sea tances ft better to ol,Of Alan druff InYigitrate15, • Huebend-Get' tit ;.4.4.447,,yii:10e.rerheftJ,,1144), jusiia im.own.ifaLctThati.a'ri inactive ll The Mill: is noW in, fall workima urei•• •• and capable of meeting s an the • , • mots of 'my. patrtins. • " • NO 1q0RE DELAY , • goTt,,Y.cmg 14'artners Aronla do well co 01.1•tit•tal to the where the highet.. , • ver that VerY Operior 9orotgh• HOPPING 1 • 1 DORF but it1 41dOill keep for servtce Will be fonn •ill:farm the tarmet s idthis vici tit) that ,sa , ow comp exion, itver spots, pimple.,4,,et • i• ready for the opera rl Clmse's Liver Cure is the only reinedy thAt WilImC.. 'wociauktincrshitotti, yv, • WET ve ' C A IF EE ha esse .--- mn. ciits a . valuable liouseltom !decimal. otoda and Rempt, Book (84 pages). containing ever.aoo useful rect , s, alived,atound e ry 114;06'01pr; chase's Liver Care ' - . probounclecl by medical men and chapel-tett* Invaltv. ft.--..ptir/tn#ton :Free pltieked foivl ? , posa.ve y mtre s 'Edmonton, the well knoWn importtro of bt(i is an excellent ressing. • ' , . '.---- 'fisaittellor 'is deaeentle.1, 1,Vere firgt (y' cobtirtrtilr:1,411t 0 4.• a - , ittisissitiezletio, opden" discretion. Onerrakagt aii )1 t whre there there are the slightest Signs -of,- • • 4, 1 Fr h tlie growth of the limr, and In eases of baldness• Cilok4„, t • . • • st • pedigree mat e serim oh nitp ca root4left it produce good erOp of hair. • • • able, gad worWten times the price of the'Medicine. d e• Boar lance o ; w 0 . , USUAL, ' • 1 ' Attile • • It rotors gleyllitr to itti original 'oho. and .11ria p ;was purchased from r. . The bun grade of ltolles .. %hll and o. ' 1 •00 ibs• • country Stmck. Several of those 111 whOrn pq NOT I)1,;14Tour hair ii., in a w,eak ratiou, of the modern , Chromo nasal- eau T EOMANSON &CO Sole gents Bradford IV. r ...,V , '1110101g $1', strictly canh - A; DORONWEnD • Sole liabufacitrez. °-------,--'7-' Antpn von Werner' • PENNYROYAL IAIVE11111 ire Cures IVersInseas. Open' dy Sat u on' Owl' ), hIsii from .11teasis ariff is responsible for s•Wiu- h ttl • t , co . .. • be sat down 'upon. 133? Dr. age's Iterned , 10 • 4 • • nem at,the Royal Shows io. Englau. . iett. Are Safe itif fletaarletcti•001.011 by seltab juhilee itresenf to Qu tcwiars 2 postage• Addle's, similitiltits)1 wait W ta for • - ' Langsidu Pi 0', ,.• , . t s ., ., . . • Th. omit .1rairlIsh r •,--Aak for •successfully used moult by over 10,000 t b' ' • 6f X 1 t •• • • • a, TORONTO, CNADA!•° Cr.s ur aim ems, JAMES DAWSON, .• •th thirty-orw Children surrotinded .his f 'parer box by mail.or • ' •• Lot 2, Con 2 • Doreitwond is the Ityttling n)11111,Pfr • • • • of Hair (11.00da Cerl!fOrtirl ai St: touts ,011.0 Gen:nand resident in "PO 4004 qau1141124 Wvi 910. 704 • • • Clevelana during • There are -nearly Vgg relea9ed! yeste- in the nittnt NeWY finerif 1.5,- She Only two of 'the thi wad unintentional. last Dominion Ride $50. There is So have declined togoid . less: for next year's tettin. 4 ; 4 . . . • . . , . • • . . • 311pa. • • • ••• • ' • . I ... „ • • . • " ••• • .• • • ..4 • ••••Ict•••••Aki•hati•-•••••;••••.••,•.}.}Irs.•(01...",•••••••• ; . • • • • „. • • • • • • '0' • • • • • • . .• • 41 4 V' t'•"" .• .•0. t01 , • ,r 4`t. .".'''‘Vlot, • 0 Alr'v w°7• tAr' 43.4: • 04,610:403.. • *4 r Go ‘,A.0,. • ,„ • ;#40, wialgth,00,•40tz 00