Lucknow Sentinel, 1887-11-04, Page 4NA" 'H $entiutt Ti! LIBERTY To UTT1. B..r. ANIO TO ARGUE PA ELY AOOQRDING TQ TRH ..pICTATEH OF CQ;•TQ(r'IE'YCE WE. PRIZE ABOVE ALL oTIIER. LIBER'rixis. . .: - wVa1(ab1c /1184323111n 'W'awanoah �uokuow, 1'o, 4th, WWI, sad Eanlosfa., .44. +..— �r--..-•—r-r The Executor o ' �r• liri ;to'tite. SSlitaw. andi iel the hope that itspublico- tioqa willlad other ccroultsto go and a likewise After alta' 48144 votes of th tub the meetingg• 'was brought to a clase, and;"thus::(Aided one. of the very best eeKty entions ever .held, in the .cirw :suit, • .: ...f the lat...e J. 1huFraser. in-G)(QUTOR$SALE —or THE CFIEE E ?"4 RK' 7; .., ;buring•the past, ,sutatner,. owing to Idrou ht and, copse juent short •pastur- .. g q. average .ager the yigld of milk' on .the . • farm was poar in`ciutantity and quality.. .'Where: the milk was sent to.. the dairy, k _ the_.farrer :found --that, as'= -compared. with previous,`seasons,_ he had .to. conte .tribute -.at ]est-two--pounds--add-itional•, milk for every pound of cheese _credited.. • to hind. As consequence, the stn- • presssion got aboard' that there was` a a shortage in the cheese, product., mak= • era began tt—tela. back for a rise, and, although 12 jc. to.1•2- c lavas offered 'for. theAugust' Make, the cheesetnen held. but for price, It ;turns out . that:the world's markets do not sustain the; price asked; tied the ;price has Ertl=: leo to a very considerable extent N.o longer. is 12k.c offered • for good cheese) • .and the makers whohave been: saving. August and . September Makes', would now gladly sell for 114c.. :Of course, •the prieermay 'ad}v�a#ncee next year,' but c` o.17f` r, y a . o: thzu'r4'ste0is t(iey,w ll have to. take, their .chances • • 'as to an advance. `Itpaysto sell when • • prices are fairly. retnunerative.' *rters for.. /Mi. MO fe Embroideries, Ladie, Gents ani"d n.el� Shirting's, : C1 i1dren$ Underclothing. eve , :. Shawls, Caps, Fascinators, Tain 0 Shanters,. Hosery'., 0 oods ltn jugs t. Towe; s, 'l a iiis,,• Towels,,.. vtesofereforthe purc ase f- he. V n Ilk.ckerchie sDoylies 4 Y .,] 1 . . .s. . C � sleared,:ahx:lscree free froth stumps ; Grey and• 1r©© U�,Cottoaces! ••Yae%AnFN:300 sores-l6o ..:aorau ba -n and blueDerry Shirt u s, ickinffi. Awnings clay loam ,fsamehouse frame barn , good farms :l-Tote1.6 apcl west 1410117,1l7, hi 9th conceal s u Lard wood bush. •u miles fro.m Lucknow, Ca1t � iannats .Prints'.., Carpets,tali CcrpEts, , orchard , o ayk ; *.el eta, 444 acres obd 2 -Lot 13 la Oth .con. W. U. Wawanoah;i-:o,n ..'.. - Wi•• n •. .y•� , 0 8'a ree-100 aeres .visored,'Wayhrnie, tor o - , a le 1ae frame lit con, iCuloss100 aeras 13.4acres cleared, "i'''. • - _�•., —• �-,•- h e:r eo �ead�1adeCloilng•�vee r .:LitnHorth haIf`43and-north haIf Gents---:Tie-s,-----Brace in --b h, ost`ly"tiar wood ,"ama11 W hyase, s=ell, -etc: 2} milairfranr LuQ16►i1� -U- }rs'j-"`Ch 4 --Lots 34 and'. 42'ancl..vt'vet.�liylf cif.41..' village of St Helens; 7 ores ,and 6 perchsii. • For 'further particltlare .apl#iy to Thos,Tocl ;•Esq..,, St. Helens.; or to the undersigned •' STAGER tt HAR'11', . • tf-719: • . ' Barristers eta,, Godericho Ont. ERR'S .1WITsr „ a' TYRE' S. Extra *value in • the • „ Alii IELD„5. 13; oONvENTION,. - T -he- ses.eiith annual Convention in connection With ::the Aiii ield circuit, "1. 41eld On the•'25th of October, in- the lhackett's llethodist.chureh. :• ;The ' niornitig "session was Very ',weltattend , '110j, boat), them. 0, ..ed,'; showi the deep, and Increasing; ' interest,wh h, Is taken• in Salilaath..Wcarranted 1'lottoshrink •:School work: , Iu :the afternoon the church was welt fiiled, and in the even- , .lag the church'could not ac4osuouate alt. who; sought' 'ad o4e- - it1i ti Dress `.Mel'tons from IOc. ;Flannels from 1C4.. Grey Fl an n el s face 1$rc.. d .r 2 o G'i'ro 1 -.• N ,stoo .#eroc''e"ceeptions, the gentlemen' who had .charge,: of :'the '; various topics, were preseiit and.:introduced;,their subjects. As the ; 'years roll: rounds a great rut proa'einent is noticed in the wa the d ' various.speakers handle •their's'ubjects, particularlyis,'this the case With those' : who.froin the first—have taken . part inthese conventions, showing, that the tune ;spent in f ot:tiaer convetitions has not been wasted..From the reports'` handed in 'by, the :secretaries of the +.different -schools, we learn, that' there• are on'therol .of the:. four schools. 287 aatnes,, average attendance, 15.0; nu:ni- ' her of 'officers and teachers 41, average `a • . e tteildance. 31'... The amount of 'money. raised for all purpasas' $92.0, number o''t hooks in the libraries 685,• number of'Pleasant Hours taken 1"15,•' Howe And School 55, S. S. Banners 17, and' alt; other . papers 150, 'The.., number' pledged to total: abstinence 1-58,-very-ses COhiniitted to nierttory ,in HopeChitrclr 0:38satechisnr c uestions 1868; verses, ( conunitted, to memory in Zion• • School •• •forthe last six_-sitbnths 13,400, other. s not'.re' nrtccl. The topics as- ueitool p P g 'i ii d for the,evei,iiu , session brought,_ a e, b. "Qlt".atcrcsttn,�..discu saio sy aarticular 'artla regard 'to iitportuce of tem, sr rarice. teachi ig in the Sabbath School ..and that riaueh'debated subject; ",Pnp- ' alar A;inusemecits." The young were cautioned against all. atuusenaents to wards 14ai1ililic1g, suell card playing, dike throwing, Oneor two spoke with rear d to the- .f ]torso 'trot ” tit agricultural fares and e,thibitiotis, and expr c:ssecl a' fear lest this blight .only Ile. the'tltin end of the. wedge' and lead; to,' liese racing with ,its attendant .cavils ere speaker referred •to *the profanityn�.�connection with' the• horse trot at a leathng fair this'season, white: another l npedtb.at the directors of the various fairs would ;diseouhto» nc.e ` this forrn of popular tnuseinent. - or'Sta The choir 4tf ' the clll rely' althoug •, newly organiz d, added I"Jell to the interest of the 'odeasiali. •'.. was. de• aided to' Meld the next covet ion at• 1-i Blake's all,:the time' to 17o de '''cled wby' the. circuit cowtnjttee." The seer :