Lucknow Sentinel, 1887-09-30, Page 2. , • 'Tho Wiunierrn1 Country.
, .
. 1,0,1lLsee Hugh may refuel, *tall na0.64,0 :he
, • 'here 0400 was a tin, e• when, es. old gouge prove in. oefore. •
• it, '
• a " Will yon ask him again, and pee it he
• ' -The see was ap wide as the heavens abeve It -
The earth WSI/ net round., baton elidleeSPlaln; refuse? will you tell him, that Margaret
Just !millions pennies; and bin again. [ Ferries begs him most earnestly to tell you
' .. *id that wee, the time -ay, aticl more's. the 'pity why Redmond Halt and the Grange are
' - It ever should 'tied t --when the world elatlinitLon_,_,ged.•?' tellhirsulhat„.op consideration
PlaY' " . ' --4--; -g .-ri'''''f-A-'-'-'1"'IOr ing, neectTfieftltrallPe allY lefiger, that ' he
'. • ' Tili 4 tto,,..,ingeMt°1-art.!!"' P'7'!76°'-e4-t-L-'„,,.ezekl.:a, - • ! , c,;:;:k-P`'''.4:3,1444-a:
. --7-'...-•.•".•!'-.-'75....'—''r4z:'''''':'''''"-"- I- willingly4talce Oar 'Aare of the Zame - will
- • - Ilut the schoela must come with their abides
. • . t • • and measurea, • y tel him this?''
' ''' • Te limit the visiens and weigh the spells; , yeti. returned. , ..-1.: ---
l' '4 Oh .'''- Pay, in i' relieved
. A They scoffed at the dreamers with rainbow 1 voiee ; "and he WM he euroto tell me now:
. : . - • ' • And eircieethewerid in their parallels ; . doubt he Was afraid of ainin you in
. , .•; Tn..0,;313a#0ea, tne, inties ana.the seepy mew., some way. Rugh to so kmd-hearted, he
slows . •
:. .;„i•ti • •
• hate s to. make eny one uncomfortable. I
Where minstrels Might r140 for a Year and a
will- not try and find out anY more bY
They sounded the depths and they piereeil the myself; I will he good art44atleht tlhtil he
.. . . , .
- thadowii '
• •Of that wonderful country fax ,BNO. gets well.".
• .,
, •
.. 06, "Thet is snOkep like tl, brave wife,"
For fancies they gave us their mipreseepics ; replied Marge.ret, with a faint smaile., " By
• ,.. ' • • ..
Wing broken and g
. ' .. • ' . - For k 1 d eta edeAiii:cEttaiiI14dcirult ;:ttie .),?nereszh? 'loves: her .kinaband more than
trePies, , . ,
. ii
riemance at the wandering stars looked out • API love 41.igh;" Was the gift reeponse,
Vold reasenfthey sa•a, wthe earoly wlen; , ,"dear Miss Ferrero, I Must go now ; the
4 - , 4- . . • .. Go, study its springs, and its Ores assay. •.• • • •
1 ' ' But taircr the ttowera and fields fart idden • '
p ponies will be growing restless and I am a
• Of that wonderful l'iountry titrioavit : .10
1?iggyvZsyjrip°1-nueih°nalotelx.'s' ell you. 494 1.488
They micatien the slumbering baby's a .ghter, you,' Lady. Redmond. Will yoh, forgive me
. And cautiened its elders to dream by rule ;
' 7, "' . ' • . .• .sehOol.:. 1 •
, , 1
. were, settled and aolived in • their cemnien frem. iller.rela** 4144 peed: reet'll 1-34t
• All mysteries past sad to come hereafter . • ' ' • •
if I stop here for I have been, walking
,;'''.„1 ' • , . • But sweeter the Streams and the wild'bildr-shigT. forsalen her, and that she dared' not moVe
ing, • . •
. ,„' , Margaret. did add that her strength had.
, , , . •
,,":, ! • ' . Tee fr•endships aid levee that were true eaway ; frQM her place for ,fear her JiP2114 should
• The gladness unseen, like afar bellringiag, ,refuse to carry her; she would wait ek,little
1,. pi that wonderful country ter away. •
. , •
. until strength came. back and she could
Nay, not in their reason•our dear illasion; mel4 RehY with. her ''s"1 cakaPees- ' '
1 . ; . ,•But truer than truths that are reetieured and ' "Yes, you look very tired," was Iii3?'S,
,• weighed-
•„, • , .From bookmen or doubters shin aye b•e.neadei -.. • .. . ,
•• 0 land of. the sPirlt 1 Wheie nu Intl:1141m get rested with Otte lovely air.' . An'cithen
unconscious' answer ; ” but you will socm
, ••, . ' There still breaks the murmuring seathgreetufs she kissed her affectiimatelY, and Went tip
' ' On shaclewy valley and peacelui hay ; the beachwith her olcl elastic) etep, ' and.
,... . • ' "And Bonk) that 'were' trtiest stin wait to meet ua .
• ' :•.• ; • .. • . In that wonderfurcouetry,far,asvaya ..„. - • Margaret watched her,sadly_uotal-she-wa
- ' •• • -Tohn Boyle O'liSilly in ScriOnim's.Magazine -
" bhe is sweet and good, but he does not
. ' love heluet," shegaid-to-herself-;41--butTit
8 I-11-11- - - - E S —L 0 -V E S - win come, i, moo/come in. time" •
• ' r ' . . •
. . . ,
IN ,
' "i clid not want them.. Mat Griselda
• ..,• , • 'Weald have come, but I Would, not let them
.. : . .• , •send for her, she, would only have trciubled
• • , , . • • ' me.. Erle• --Erle Huntingdon -I • mean.
. , • . came dovini but•Idid.-notrwaxtttO4leelfrn:z":
' • 7. ' .- - •• it only made me cry, so he went away, and
• . since.then I have been alone. - , ! •
. • . ' "Peer child," retarned Margaret, softly.
' •,.. • ' Yes; she Was not too ' yonng to suffer ; she
' :".; • ' .. : and Ritby had not done -full justice to her.
• ' '.`.. ' The ohildieh face had lost its baby round-
. f :, . .•
• nese; the beautiful eyes , were' 'dim with,
,1!I : • .. ' . • . . •• weeping ;.the strained white lbok ef ender-
•. '•ance that one sees on olderfaces.' was. oh
• . ' • • '• here ;•and„ With a sudden inapulse.that:the.
..., . .,
. .
•'`' . ' ', . ••• 'could not control; Margaret stooped 'and
• .' : . .-. :• see ,her. "Oh, I- am so sorry • for yoli,
. , . .
0• • , •. . what you must have suffered," she' said,
• ••• ; ,•• . in „a voide that seemed full of tears. .
. •
, • Fay, responded to the Caressmbit warrnly.
. Oh you are always. so kind ; One feels
, . . . - ,
. -; , ' •• •.• you tunierstand without telling. rthOught
•' .„.:'..,;........i.....year,wonid-beastorrge-fer,ineutkina*
. '41 ' •'...r-T5•.'itit.:40.„' •j;i•OrglidallIfireilliaig..-§ariainfniong„.- ,
.,-..----,..-....., • _,... . _..
-•=::',..7-4----"P'a„,-",-.-;F-....a.'w-A,40-4.../anwetielte--Aexer.'!"-det ,me4see .dilin•-..
• • ;:.1 - • • , • • ' they"have.• shut me out of my bushandle
:. ' ,•:.4 • .. .
room -but last evening Savilleleft the door
pr•i • ' ,, ajar, and I Went in," ' - ' . •
.' '., er ...... . , • • "You 'went ••in I oh, 'Lady Redmond !".
.' • 1.',i, - • ,, • and Margaret shuddered as thongh the sea
. 1 1,,,;.; . .' '" • • breezes chilled her:: ; „.,.. . • '
. " C '. • .... . :..•
,M3es, end he did net. know. me; :fancy
ueband not
', ''• • •13.• :. : . ' `a hknowing. his wife.: -They
, . , ,
: 4:1 . ' :. " '•
had tut off his beautifulliair, . Una.' he :
Puhen then], "Mw nrxe etei •QuIY, 10v44
Margaret." .
ge Must, tit*, ilaelr those Words, that wile
her• first thought. Ohoo he could not
mean them ; it would not be. nn hi. to go
on; living it she, tbonght he meant them ;
but be was illoand ghe meet P.Ot, 401414
hie. she meet
poor head was confused again.
"Yu' have been dreaming," she .said
gently -oh so gently. "Whet i8 it
went, my dearest."
And Hugh, folding his wasted hand"
together as:though be were praying', rooked
up to her with unutterable longing in his
eyes, and pentedout " Margaret."
" Margaret," She repeated slowly"; " what
Margaret do you` mean, Hogn
" Nargaret Ferrers,"' • he - whispered.
Oh, Fay, clear ?ay, it I have wronged you,.
forgiveme. • In the old times before I knew
you Margaret •and I . were engaged -she
had promised to be my wife, and then she
too bank tier prom*. • Child, I meant
tell you, I always meant to tell you; but
did not like to grieve you by what was (..ver
and gone ;,but I am dying --:God knows: I
Cannot live in this weakness -let Inc see
Margaret once, and bid her ,goodehyelefore
Ali, -there was. -donhinoyi I. slowly hut
surely the color faded out of the tivieet
, •
If he heltreiffed,that helpless arm of hie,
• and felle§herto the ground, she mild not
'have f elt, so stunned and bruised and giddy
as She steed there windbag and unwinding
'the fringe cif, the, vitt between her cold
fingers, with, that strange filmy look in her
eyes. , ,
• She „underetoda it now. The afro 'fr'
etilrwirige-d-had sped to the, depths of
that innogent heart, and' what ';'she would
not have belieyed if an awe] had,
her she had heard from her. husband's
,4 •
• Fay droveliapptly, home„and was met 'at.' Margaret was. beloved and not ., she, and
the ledge gates, by ,the .good•neWs. that Sir ' Fay innst bear it and live.'
Efugh had had an hour or two' s refreshing , And thefair ohild-face grew whiter and
sleep, and that.pi, !'ConwaY, all well as Dr. •'Whitey, btit she only tookthe nerveleds'hands
,Martin, were quite ..satiafied with the in hers and kissed: them.
• •• •
prOgrese hehad made.' • , .",Do•not fret, Hugh,,.it.sliall, h%7; aisL.yoq
.,., "0)3, e
: titild it be.quitetruV!`"-Eitanmakada tidliliP4I'&gaidi,-Iirit'...Vaineqer low that he
when she reached the RI:11.17 .. •
Yes, otily just heard her, for a sobbing breath
•it Wes.' quite trio the • fever ' had seemed:0 impede: her utterance; " it shall
abated. Sir Hugh's 'wonderful strength e as. you wish, my dear hnsband," and
and vitality had triUmplied at last, and tbe I then; not. trusting herself to .160k at. him;
clOctOreusoon anneunned that he was out of she left, the room. • • " • '. •
danger. . • ' •' • - ' In 1 .
There were still dept . of weary Waiting ' ',the corridor:she met Saville;" Please Anil the nhrse and.send Iv* t'0•
, for Fay before it *as proneuneed ..if..
• -M1.1.
• ever will be again." And then ver
she urged hire when he was Won
tell ."'ay the whole story of their
atent ; for she was afraid those few
that he PanfesSed were alt he •ti
must have made her. very tinhaPP
Hugh, weuld not allow this. H
or how young andinnocent she reall
she had not mimed agitated er 'die
when he had asked tersee Margar
had, answered him quite tranquilly;
sulwould not suffer from the
-Wage pig engagement, for he was
kind to her and she loved biol.; and t
added bitterly that the suffermg w
but when he got well, if he ever did ge
he would go away, for he could -not
living like this •
•And when Margaret saw hovf t was she
did net dissuade him ; perhaps, after all, it
would be better for him to go away for 'a
little, and wine be.ok and begie his life
anew, tieing a inan'a• work in his' genera.
yleern ttl yo his oo nags tursa:acieb, likeeai4• :.14ierop
engage. .' She had been sitting there all day,. with
Words bettearless eyed fixed on yacanpy ; refosing
ad said. to take rest or food, hever moving, except to
v; ,btit droop her head 044 lower •over ilsr clasped
e tOld. hands. • '
y was; she stooped.. direr. him, and saked how be
turbed •":,Yeli Will wear 5/Ourself-'elik•
et -she child andbe felt for the little hand that
he was generally lay so near his own. Fay put it
kticw4. in his, and bent over him with an imeteady
always' omile.
nen "1 am not BO Very:tired, and ,1 like to
as his, take care of you," elle said with a quiver
t Well, in her sweet voice. -," I promised in sick,
ga oil ',pees as well as: health, Von know; let me
40, my duty, ,dear," and Hugh was silent:
But that night, while Hugh slept, and
Margaret knelt raying pitiful prayers for •
Fay, Fay, tossing in her lonely Chamber,
sobbed in the deeolate, darltnees
1' Oh, if it would pleatie 'Go that when
,the summer has come and I might
. baby .
.die together ;,for if Hugh cannot love me,
my sorrow is greater than I could bear. ,„
• (To be continued.)
One day you will love your. wife," he
said talittn, " an4 indeed you cannot fail
to love ber, and then you will only re-
member that you have a sister Margaret
praying for you every day Of her life. No,
dc-not.lookat me like, that, Hugh: Up in
-heaven it will be np sin to love you -I can
keep my love till then.", And she then
tried to leave him, for,"strong: asslie was,
she could net have borne this ?one much
longer, and Hugh was terribly exhausted.
• .. Will yo u kiss Me once More, Margaret'?"
he had ,asked, faintly, and shehad stooped
over. him ,egent,and kissed his foreheadand
eyeF', and then gently. bade God bless
Was *Ifs a_woman,--lie,hall-loved-
'The Arealinen KePulation,or „Europe. „.
• • General Strelbitski; Wile Was, selected by
the International Statistical 03/norm, held
at the Hague to prepare, a report upon the,
area, andnumber of ipliabitanta n Olit
different :countries of Europe, has coin. .
pleted bis labors,, the is of them being'
that the total area of. :Europe is 6,233,060
square miles, of which. 3,423,185 • square
miles belong. to Russia, 891,000 to Austrlit,;.
Hungary, 338,000 te Germany, 333,435 to
Sweden, • 203,37"-5 to "431jNo:AWar-L:28-0,Y, 1r56,615 ke°
Great Britain and Ireland, 180,310 teltaly,
-163,350-to-Thrkey in-Europe-and-Besnia,
sido, ' 88,810 to, _Denmark, _82,125 to Boltmanial
55;690 to Portugal, 40,435 to Greece, 30,370
; the to Servia, 25,875 to • Switzerland, 20,625 to
Holland, • and 18,430 to BeMium• : he
dRussian Empire in Europe alone Covers
„„_ more than half .of the whole continent,
iir`c";:. embracing the Kingdom: of ••Poland, the
Grand Dachtomkaan&pat woStlie
'Caucasus. Russia .also stands- fen.
•,;i+h advance of all the other nations in respect
to her popnlation''Which is given by Gee-
se." eralStrelbits,ki at-03i000;000-the'Countrieg
r which come hext being the G,ermori Empire
(47;200,000), Austria-Hutigary. 09,909,000),
she France (38,300,000),• Great Britain and Ire-
land (37,200,000), Italy (80;000,900,),' Spain "
(16,900,000), Switzerland (7900,000), Bel-. •
gluni (5,840;000), Roumania (5,400,000)
Turkey 'in, Europe (4,900,000), 'Sweden
(4,700,900, Holland:end Portugal (4,400,00,0
each), Denmark (8490,,000), •. Servia • •
• (2,000,000), and Norway, (1,•960,000). The
•density of population is very different, for ,
while Belgium has 01 inhabitants to the
square kilometre (flie-dightlis of it
„- •;,
ZriffierFandr.fl, • maid' AnstriaTungary59,
Spent has only 34, Tarkey: Russia 17, '
Denmark .15'"and Norway •But the
.'population of Russia is increasing at the
'late of 1,250,000h. year, and in half h cert. •
tory it will at this rate exceed -450 000 000.
angel, Hugh wondered,' as she cloged the
door and left -him alone in the sun.light •
'thought. When the nurse caine tp his
be had -htllenixito- keffealtingriieep.
As Margaret crossed. the threshold o
• dreasing-roorn she ceught sight of a lis
little figire sitting in Ohe of the
window -seats, of the corridor. There
something in her attitude that • st
fbrIbrnness, that went te her. heart,
beautiful little head seemed :'droopipg
weariness,; but as she went closer and
the Vvarkfa,deand the baby mouth quive
with the. under Hp pressed like a child's
• • I
pain., she gave an involuntary exclamat
She would not suffer, Hugh had 'said
was so young and innocent ; and nOwL-the
room ; but at last the day came and one' •
er to enter het husband's sick, I Ford I 'want him to ta.keU note over to Fay. • •
, , urriedly, and tell angels comfort your broken 12eart, sweet
, n ye 1 e, and then she went into the
sweet spring everting, Hugh waking up from 1 library and wrote a fear Words.
ha brief doe, felt tears fallipg on his fore- I ' " Dnia Miss *FERRERO-My husband
ead, and saw Fay leaning over him. He .wishes to see you l•will you come to him at
was too weitk. even to yet out his hand, but once? • He thinks that he is very ill, and
a faint smile came to his lips. "My Wee ' cannot live, and he wishes to bid you geed.
Wifie,"-Fay heardhiin say, but the next : bye.' Holies told me the reason, and it is
moment the Smile had died away. into ' quiterTght,Saltl.1,.bopezsenzsx' eased.4.m
sadness. . •.•,,,, • 4 .3,,,:,d;,,w4i4-a;-1 talscaritmstiMitiftarz ''''''wff.-----' -
..-.:4',..-,4vIrt•-i.-`TAV * .:J.-Va'is,e,fli.7,47t;4•4•...SiTtrat'ttIVIt'ax6ar'
' --- '''...7.;•.,---....7-..---,-- -:- •••-..--- - .. • • - , - •••--- •
•4.042,t,,mi,,BEnekupot..k.q3' ? ' ' i' ::',1',•••:• 4210.1. ordered -tne ••pony,..carriage; and :that
Be •tilifli.nae; love, when weak and worn. '
' - " Ford would saddling oneof, the horses;
: - illy life•chora vibrates to and.fro. 1 • -
• , go she rang for Efleiton and made him-
.' "at ,tisif
• Hosh l". she said, turtling retina' aaslie
heard Margaret's voice; " we ' must • not
talk here; it would disturb dm, and. he
Must be kept very quiet -oh! very quiet;
Pr..Contiray says. Come in here, if yen.
Wish to speak to met" and she led the way
into her littleroom. '• "-Will You kit down?"'
--iitt-WrieviTitired 7.4'•
• " Oh 1 Lady Redinond-!,' But` here
Margeret' could say no more. She, seemed
to have no strength left,for this • she felt'as
My sourstands waiting to be gone. understand ' veryearefullY-thitt yvati oi.,igh her calmneee' aed fortitude :were
e ood•tide s backward flow
to drive over to the Grange arid take the ' desertinglier. - • . • . , •
And lee,,witli toy failing/4nd, note,• and that, •he Must ivait and bring I " I told :Dr. Cen'way-that yiite- were
, •
Till thi
, Hold fast to that I love so Well, • lams Ferrers hack 'with him 01. For m
ne clasps but au empty shell", von, co mg, and he thought it Would do ho harm
must kilo*, Ellerton;"--elie-Traia, 'with andDr.Martin said'. the same. He knew
*mid the drift -weed on the sand. pathetic dignity, but not looking a.t.the
Ile with me that .
. . strange,.. and his ,eyes . were 'Oo • -.••••••? •Thine image so cad none displace, • .'old frienil",. "for of
:course" thetight Fey,
n..that lasthourmay seek thy face,•*Orele;.a0(1...3A;kntS..,t0• say ' geed b3ie ' to his.,
.., 4 ' .'. :. . ' •••,' bright 11;41 .large,.. arid then, wheil•I. ,kisse,d. ; , : But Soar with Me:Pullet, yonder eyes: jag,.4i1 ,Euert9.e .had
left the. library with
. . ' A .,... , . • ... Wm, he,Pushed nte aWaY: „ Miss Ferrers . • .., . .. . . ,a,• ea a:forfeit In n -i . • • . tears in hieeyes,..." it •Htigh. and she were
3Iargaret,, eag rly; but 'Fay. 'pheialted her
• ----- --t for' ru-8-70:-.1ipeek ' Out . like ,b a little diegnitY: ..•
,When he had.reached that." • ' • ", r • ..: '. .. , ? . •• ' , ' ' ' ' .. " NeV • • .' d '• . .;. . ti.yoti kisciWi Mies
.. The. London. .physiniah,• 'Dr. .ConwaY, the teitrs fell. fast and : blotted the 'page. I busbend id better; that he will net die?, .it
liLigh.filledto anake.0,ny furtherprogress. When. Margaret i•eidtliat peor little nide I Perrers, that .Dk. Conwity • says that my
hat...ivlien_theybadleast-expentedirthe-12 .„She.linied-thati•-64-weuldirereee. Lady.' • '," Thanc • God : fpr . your' ss:ke ' Lady
feVpr had abetecl,'!alid, he . had. begun 'to Redmond hefOke that parting Witli HughaRedmplacl.'' : 'Bil.t.'hatshesaid_thisa-Pairiful
.amend; endinlw he as, steadily . refused .•te .' 'were rivet; for she,needed all-her;Streegth . filiali-mouiated ti):Fay'e forehead', . .. •
get 'Well..: ' • ': • •.• ' • .. .. •••• • .. I for thitt;••'•and .• to .her . greet 'relief only 1 • ' ",You should -.say,. for lila :' gake", :she
Dayafter:day'beley in • an extrernit y, of, 'Ellekton rec iv.ed-..her.• . She •Waii usiberecl returned, qeietly.l. a Whitt. does it niatter
:weekness.that was pitiable to witness ; „arid :„forat----few-anienitteg hate • the empty. dritei- I about Me ?... Ferhendbefore•tlie enninier la
ever, itsjiMe.',..,Weot„ on,. seethe& Sinking; fug-roof:fa, and then Sir • Ilugh'entirse'citine 4:Over '.vfe may. be . at rest together, baby
alOWlyfinnisbeerinanitioit aodexhattaticM. ' downieher; .anCl• said Dr. Mar.tin'.had jus.t • and T.' • ' ' '•,.. • ' ' .' • : ' • • '.
After all there' pallet' . be '.some 'Strange '.' left the 'houSei and her master Would see ... LadY• 'Redraw:mil . ,tdi I • I cannot ...bear
Mischief itt,Work, fie said ; bilk Di... Martin ' MiesTekiere now. ,. ; ' ' 1 . ••. .. • -• • •• •• " and here. Margaret tiara into 'tears..
• 'He had -Seel; ':0200gli of •12iii . petient by *Ilea elle. entered' it, thotigh the tahrse had her lever -Wept bitterl f th d
And there wag 'nci ,on'eqii the sipk-rcierh I -icia,'she who li.act• parted dry,eYed. from:
t: is tithe to, be enre that 'there Was • kn '
n , at •Sn.• Hugh' feels _himself
• •' . , • . ..,witli a quick remembrarice,•of the lionse. '''. Fut they were not of the wood yot.,". prwaged, all the servants must know and
' '. , • . , keeper's words—" you were old friende, at- as Mrs. Heron .abserired to: Ellerton •
, .
:. ' 4 : : ' • • - .. least Hugh said so, 'cla yoz-remeniber his,
, :' • ' ' , :1'• •.." ever speaking of.alittle sister who 'died ?"
• • • " 0 yes "•rettirter Margaret quickly •
. . .
. '", • ' ,' . . , , a itttle "Tcarce ;, he was veryfond of her. as
' ' • i • -• : • • ... • a boy, she Waix alovely little vreature.,, .. .
' ' ',; - .., , . •-• • " Joyce, butTher , name' was Margaret,
„ •-, i • . • 2drs. Heron says." ' ••. • ' • ' . ' '
' . ".To be sure -I- remember-noW;-:.Margaret-
- ,
''. '; ','-•:--.-- -''"--'2' ‘' Joyce, it is engraved scion the 'tombstone,
called her Margaret, it tvas
. ' :1 "': " . , '•itlwaYe joyee;" • • ,' ' . ' . '
110VV . strange," VSOied 'ESii: ',in a
- - .,.,',. ' •'• . . ..:•-• puztledtone i .they-were•ptending Cni'a.little
• 4" ' ' , Orin of beach . now, and ...the' Waves were
.: ••• •'. :., •• `hotningin With a ,lazy •splaah and ripple ;
• •, . f,,; • •',; , , ' there was no *nein sight, and only it ' little
. ; • :, ' t boat With sails rocking in the distance ;
'how calm and still and peaceful ft lookeil,
• . . , • , L2L tle, Joyce, she , repeated .dreamrlyt
, • ' • While the soft sea breeze fanned • the little
you, he says, and he . Was_ sure that You.
we'll& be very Wise and quiet, • that you
• would not excite him.' No, do net tell me
anythingabout it. I -4•I can trust, you, a
Inigh would notlike me to know.',
"Indeed you ate mistaken " be an
The TinieIor Vaeations..
The writer once knew in a •distant City: •
an interesting • old .fellevv who , simply
laughed at the idea of stammer' viteatiops.
He had ineneyin• plenty, and . could do' as •.
he pleased; but thing he would not 'ars,
and that Was to travel in the heated term. .
What.! leave my henna at, this_tiine ?"
-have heard-1211327MT often n'-sWelterieg .
• .
summer clays ; .t1 Not so leng ma I 'remain •
• ;possession cifany senseli.". , And believer
did. But When 'the. cciol days of:middle, ' • '
. September calm, he Would start put.on
:annual jeunt,aital return.;five or six ..'weekc
-later;Tlookititrogy and round. • All the
Ptutnitek people were gale," was his usual
testimony, " and:I had the best romns aud
, service at the hotels. There was -no, :real,' '
• Oo crowd. Try it next year..and dee." Of
course I Waif disposed to consider ; hini
crank, but I folloWed-bis Alditice One year. -
and have never taken my vacation in mid-
surerner since.. •Theoldonan, by the way,
was sensible in Other things, and 'Were the'.
whitest of garixients and the. lightest of
dephza hats throughout' July. ,and.
27imes. . • ' • "
y pr e. eesived and '
, , : ,•
efxrav:rkilgyincoe7ed_ that. Sir H.tigh's ht'uTrrh:endlciyGedpsahreed.,k;o_wosbc:41::,6" tihseyonnloyt'iweeaA,Imgerassduaanidiinapr:veerzst7,17-;
completeli'haftled° fits- medical' skill art4 to herself ae. •she folded. it arid then but though he is so slow in. gettingrivell;:.
, o d• her that she . would be in the .dieseing-
o •IteartaewelleSof brain, and that it needed . room within call 7 There4ae- iatecnie Lei see'
n r s of hair from her temples;. '', het: Vow: otherbealing powerthan theirs. before the flash Of joy in the' sick', man'a eyea,
... ' .' . • . it wee •dear Margaret for whom he was the . Man • could threw off .the load . of ; .when: Margaret's. cold lipg• touched; his•
aftking." .` • " • _ ••• •• ' ... :. ...' .. „ opPreesiOnmthei Was retarding his redovery.:,forehead,' or. to hear: his . loW -" Margaret,
; • - • ': Therelitarit-Woriesp SW:angled ;before arid, gathering up his Waited energies, take ' darling,"'thitt greeted her.. , •'
• ' • : : ' ' , , it rmie tee seba4Or•ont -mordent Margaret. np his life.egain.- ., .' • • . . , • , . ''.• I But when Shelled 1i:flaked in his face she'
. otig .8 e, wee hi •• .anger o ewooning--,-• 113.0 1,10eir.. he seemed very, 'far - from , knew•he Would not die .anci that without Mei TV:lit Could Hugh. d„ .owit.12. it,..
..• • '.. •': • • • ' the Sky sweemed whirlingthe seaall recoVery, •• ' , - ' - , • ' • • ,. ' I was before her,..; andWhile.poor weak Hugh you know V • . • •
*. , ...',, , . .• : , .,.;', .. round her, the. sand Was' ,nothing . but' a .••' Day' atter, day he,. laY with that 'far off p e ou ' words of.PassiOnate longing and.
look on• lueface that it, readia,Fay•weep„ to despair; the Wad girdnig lip ,her atrerigth
80(4' fen. she. thought...that he . Intuit Anifely I for what oho had, te say; and 'praying .:.for•
die. • ' ....., .• • : • . . : • help that might be able to coinfOrt
ttakt-mylFeinthhYtithate9isfjaile; would take tui both it
ei gas te r,s‘I? seems
would be SO much better. for us al Nobody
Wants us" -arid here her lips quivered-
" and I.should not'like nx, baby'ye
,•.• p d circl of purple•aod rose, andblind..
. My.ehild," replied. Mitrga.ret,' checking
• - '••, mg yellow ; then it passed; there was firm
' • ,groand under feet„ -the' mist eleared.
woman's 0011r. age 9. Would You w/20 love
her' sobs, " this your faith ? this' YOur
' •-• ' • , , • befOre hereyes, •and-PayiVa's holding her
hirp-so 136 .0i:intent tedie without winning
your huaband's heart ?",
. • . ,s. ',', • bribe arm. , ., .. . •• , ' •:' •
' " Were *yeti giddY ? how- white you
Pay looked at her wonderingly.. • ,,
. . • • ... looked. Shall we Sit deWii alittle,? • your
" It is y.ours to win;" she .continued.
.:1 •.• . • . • 'hind istreinbling stilt" . . .: ,' • , , , .
" Oh l do not' look at me like 'that,/ as
. .. ' . ,-. , . •., ViSS'nOthing, I have not been strong
though I have murdered your ...hipPinesii.
. ' --lataily-ryes;-;:tve7will-sit.,=the air . Will di3 us
What have yOU done, you.:poOr Child, that
• '' ''•... • • both good: What Were you saYingi Lady'
you should 'shffiar like this for illy hake:,
Redinood•?" aa though the words were hot
'or the sake Of rnY fitUrepieCe of mind'I
,. . , •
• , "
burnt into her'•menaory, " dear Margaret,
entreat you to listen to mei"- ---,---.-.- ' • '
• ':.. ' '' . ' . . why, the very itagels Jontet have wept to
And •then, as Fay did not refuse, Margaret
'• • • ' : ' .. ' ' .. hear him I" • .a..,. ; .. .., • ,
took the listless ;little hand and • told her
• • ' • •'. ., •with nervous. reiteration. .. I dOn't belieee
, • ' ":,:. , '. •: „ conic! he Mean," pon,tintfed Fay,
.all; 'And ' she judged wisely - "
• .,. • '.• . Mrs. Eferon Was right.wheri she said that
......4.,..--:thitilling-olliirlialiVsister • he
Hugh thought so too: , • „ -
Hour by hour ;he felt' hinisi3lf -drifting" And one kilo* What passed 'between
nearer to the clerk valley which; to his tired them btit their gnardian. angels, only
eyes and heart, seemed only like some still Hugh's tniserible selfish. paseicin sank
haven- of repose: QUly to, sleep), he said, to dowe abashed' as he listened to this brave
aleep-to rest -and with'his white lips• be sweet woman who was not ashamed to. tell
Murmured, "and paaaY God hair° mercy on hini how she loved him, and how she would
Qfty soul. "And ever he longed and , Prayed love him t�her life's encl. ' And 58 he' saw
that he might gee'Margaret again. .. • ' into the depths of thittpure heart,its itainlesa
, And one oight he dreamt Of her: purity, its uniepining sorrow, he trembled
He dreamt that he • wait dying, --68 he and tvis silent; • , . •
Surety believed he was -and that Margaret • " What ami that I should :touch even
Centel° 'his bedside' and lcipked et him.
He could see her distinctly; the pale,
beautiful face, the folds Of ..her • dr
waVe of her d d
would- have called dar
• • ' •• • there is no one that I know who has that
• . •
name except yourself, but," looking at her
doubtfully, "though' you were old friends;
it Wits mit likely that.heineant you."
the hem o• f hergarnient ?"he midi() himself sot for it wee ont'of her gyeat.pity flar him
afterwards. • '• •• • , • that Fay learnt to forgiveherhusband ' and
-'---------'u she told hina hat h
e had neer
ea -brown hair. And When pleased, that were he free she would never
e an saw only the spring Sunshine marry hini.or-anrother-mir,--fdrin her
fillitig the room, and quitternig light, tinder trouble long ago atm had vowed herself to
his eyelids, and knew that the. fresh day lisav6i ; mild with a few forcible worile.she
was drawing brightly to all but him, he showed him, the plan and purpose of her
A deep 'flush rose to Margaret's'ace 4a •-his , Um: " 'Margaret, Margaret." .
could not suppress the "groan that :rose • to futUrelifea--Wheri. Ral3y.should have ceased
-quick petition fol" ,•help and •"wisdorn to • pay wag sitting by him, but the curtain 'a tender ministry and a saintly sisterhood,
.. guide her at this critical moment rose from Concealed her',. she had been curled tip for that Hugh,' looking at 'her ,With dazzled
. _ , . drawingsuch Calm. pictures Of
,her heart. % . . , ' ' . - . .. hour in the 'big arni-cheirl,that stood at eyes, thought he could almost discern a
"He. used to Call me Margaret, in the the head of the bed. It Was her .habit. to faint halo round her head. •, •
, old days,'! she said, in a very low voice. rise early and go:to. her husband's room • .4 Yowera • alwaya too , good for .me,
"That need not Surpriee you, Lady Rea- and gelid the .nurse , to rest ; indeed. Dr. Margaret;' be Muttered, but She Only. smiled
mond, as we Were such old fp ends; . his maitio had 'Ca use all his authority to induce at lihn, and still holding hig hands is she
mother called me Margaret too." ' ter, -to 'take needful exercise, /Or ray • knelt beside him, She whispered that her
". Yen knew his .mother. •• . begrudged every Moment *slient out Of the prayer's werezherd, and that she knew he
" Yes, when:I was achild,..Bir.Efugh and siek,rooiri.• • . • ,, . • : would net die; that it Was Only hie iteakmisa;
• 'I were playfellows 1 has he' not told you, ., She was looking out at the avenue and end he would soot struggle back to life
that; ah. well, it is. sad. When old friends listening to the soft soughing of the spring again.. - , .. „,
get estrarigeclo. Lady Redroohd, I see yon ; breeze's in the tree.tops; and thinking of ‘,4 Buf'Vhat good'is' life' to nie,•withOut!
•• have a qdestion on your lips, may' I ask, the eunimer daYs that Were to.bring her a you, Margarct ?" he asked, ix a despairing
. yott not to put it. I think that it would:noti Marvelloiis. ort ; hut at theadund of Haigh's' Voice,' : •
be acting, honorable to 'your 'husband if , agonized' voice her tliy dream vanished'. ‘' What good ? hive you forgotten your
you should hear anything from 'one" lips ; ii ,Nargargt, Margaret; he had Said, and.. wife,' Hugh ?" '' • ' • :
, ', he 'cannot tell ',you 'himself now, but it Will then: alufost With's :4°4," roy one and otily :',I No," he 'Anti:Mired 'restlessly, 'I.' but
• :got hurt you to Wait. ''.; • •• : ' love Mairgatet:": '..4-' P. . idle' is only a child ;" but ' Margaret shook
• . : • 1
"No," replied Fay, slowly; no, it would I ,N0 I she was not asleep, the words Were her head, . '., , ' ,• ,
not htut%elo waitras 'ion say, but , then ' ringing in her ears. Might herHugh. had
' ; ',,W.: , , • . '
t •.. .. , 'i You are tarohg,, abets. not a child, nor 1:
that the vague hope arose'in her heart
,. 4
that she might comfort and win him back.
IAnd.when Margaret had ffnished . her sad'
story, Fay put her arnas round her and
kissed her. . .• , ., • ' * '
,.. "0)3, I ' am -se sorry for you; hOW
unhappy you rated have been when:
gave him up; but it.wits noble of you, -and
you' did it for hie , sake... Forgive me if I
wronged you, for vhen you Were in that
„room talking to . hike, / • felt angry and
bitter With him andyentoo ; but I see it is
no 'one's fault,...onlY we are all so unhappy,
please forgive met for indeed you are better.
than I." • • ' . , . , 1".• -
There is nothing to forgive," ' replied'
Margaret, gently.. , "'Yes, 1 tried to do nay
duty, and if your husband has 'failed in his,
,remember that he is not patient by nature,
that men aro not like us. One day he will
be' yours, and years solely; end.' then you
will be able to think of nie Without bitter,
nese' Then; taking the littlo crcatiiro
in her arms, she added, • ..' (iood-bye, be
brave and patient and generous for your
hi-184nd% sake, said it wjti.all.come right,"
and with'a low word of blessing the let her
go,• , '
.. • ,
4. Arid when Hugh woke th t'avening rom
itittifney. "
LOrdi P. Beyer t -ells 'Sem() amusing eic--
periences emiriectedwith hie trip to Europe,.
. Was relatingdevekal hieidenta to friends,
and among others he said: "One day a jelly •
old Iristunan took me to Blarney Castle..
As I looked at castle I Said, !it nanstbe '
trerkeild.'• ' 'Xis, shri''he replied. • Udtew Old
is it," I asked. '0, very sur.' But
how oldie; it?" Web, sur, ever sinceAdans• •
was'a little boy.' Coming Out of the place,
I observed abarefooted. but pretty colleen,
to. Whom: Isaid': • "You're a, very pretty girl.
I'd like to marry'You.' 'God bless yOur
Irish fade,' said She, ' but theblartey4toti
has had a bad effed ye,' •The idea o
having an.frislifaCe Weston good.",13a§',
Gierier.., A Tiresome' Erenif;g• 1.
dirl•-Isn't:Mr. De Blank .finany
.' Youth -I noticed you seethed -to think so.,
"Why, he has kept ns laughing half the
"evening:. Didn't youenjoy his' wit?" , •
" foundit very, tiresome!"
." Tireflome ? •you don't niean it. 'I
know you • .have a ; keen 'appreciatiOn of
htimOr. Why didn't you enjoy :Mr: De
blank's jokes?", '
" Wellythe fact IS, he •takelf i•he same, •
funny paper that I do." • .•
A unique Case.
There is an old mendicant that 'wanders
. ,
uP'ancl, down Main • 'street ',bearing' �n'his •
breast a placard, reading:," I am a., peer
man Whieleie tottaley. blind." If he, ever
recovers it will be a aniranle. There isn't
another cape, like it in the inedical bocika.--
Beale Conner.
• . . .
, A party. Of Japanese have bought 400,,
acres of land in the 'foothills near • Canitio.
Sect); Calaveras county, Cal., and
poi% to irrigate through a mining ditch
from the Mokelurnne River and nth/Vert it
. iutc a tea: fOrian• It itt said ' that Japanese.
haVe experimented with tee; in the, vicioity
ad prOved it a ottecese. • " • '
Jewish Illesongar : A clergyman on a sul.'
try afternoon paused in his serinon ' and
said, ." I sixw im advertisement .last week •
for 500 sleepers for a r oa r I think I
coullsupply hity ahd' racortuneud thora as
good and. sOtthd 1"