Lucknow Sentinel, 1887-08-19, Page 1•af'!' ••• 45. • 7:•• ••• •••••• IsGO'KNOVV, ONTABIO, FlUP:47, A.T.KM§I! 1.., ,,.. ' .e.-.-•-4---- ........r..,—,—.. •••••_::•!,-""_. .-"”"""41-."""-^1^ ,-,,"""^"""r"*""'",""--"*"*"'",""r"'""""'"rr"."'"'"n","°.""."..7- *7'. 0 -a ---,-,,a----, -.--r- a.-- . - ff} e aei especialir itt the' nelehborhond Of Virden 3.JUCktl,QW Where -some of the 111104 Props of wbeat that 1 , have eller seen growin,,,,• stretch • in all their western magnitude and, nutguifigense• as far as the eyeball reach., Elkhorn "Yilliti reached at AUIVSeit whov p„ halt wis, ordered by Rev, Jas. ,ItubertSou, .suderigiteinhuit of ' uthodons-,-,and when, beft?restartilig; the party elected' •`11.i,e- ector of Attraeitt:s!'"in order that evening woe- stillieipelittitit1;74,' 6bret3t1,140,sfirgl•letti 2:1,21:114s•aZIelubditg ul?pir.. to appear from wt0,tein04:th 0Reettn',. , • . . . . . . sejour, and ..,at belkirja0,,w,e,„..are,_ an.„„tiV-Okelk-Prkklm*-1Y--..P--,,,--Lat, lav-Alatuti- , required ta itarriste tae fan,ts--a huge t,rowd . . WHOLE 10 7 1110;01i.4014:',Oittiii0 ' .• t'ultliabed overy YtiolaY- nt the SPNTINI"ii• Sorth East Corner 44 0 1,t);4 IU 411d- 04101341 Ski eet4 • 010KNQW iAt-,73.407r,-Elftp-R7MT/71073-F7Pi., SteriPtioli Price; $1 per Year' ONTARIO.. •", in. All 1/11.11,c ' 0: ,.ieri-,INTINO. oft.tztess atzcliPeWtc GENE.:RAL • ii3ORER'r issua,A.&c FIRE ANI) MARINE giloy Loan'_ $001E:TIE& LUCK NOW • O., 0 11 *lets every,•V.rilay 4."ifal 11'00414 ' •theirIfall,Gamplagll Street., ' ^lirether0 cordially TYAN. l'HO•APS(Tist , JO N - . , SritiiY .717: trf.1KNOW 1-44)017; (IV Pf1,11. A' .egit:,.0rdyr Unit44NN"rorkut-ep;-, meet In. goreleY:f,yeni ng's orea,o) yIsitinglirgtlwrii are gerdially .invited, • WINE. -,0 RUNTY, • A. 1:N110I141101-1,74, 11tastor.1•Vorktnarr; ,F,,1:4-1,'W.74117evigi.;./.0e-ZtStiaitht•AR4truiP, 4,4T71,4 -m. ArT.'.;17.„A`ittapinw. N Fit lz1"-C.1- AY3 an' l'TGAO,Vc; Ap' 7 -, 1, ' t. "' ter' I-, 1)". - ' Y ' ' ' , „to ;,.., per cum: go ,.. ;,,,_, a3 abb.. eall3 . t.'.itargeli very, :l mlerate: .' Apply to :" It',0 1.3',F,It'r,14),V1l1;.A1V, St', J-E4)'.1's• Moneyto:, Loan1. G y 1 1:(7,A,.1‘ (C/ 7,114 A Ar rti TH1P.., Thursday on , 4)r before; f nil 141 non of cinch-11101;th at eight p.m. Nrwi tin g rethe rt: cordial tyi vttet • ec 437, lot •-:1‘1- • , Seevettn'i Atkins at GON'ern,44,elft se, ,,..14eift,o:••" pgtulfght and null) i,gilierie infiletotei; more SIGHTS AND pCg.NEs. BY THE • WAY.- . . . 1." 6, PER .4-`,IIINT ,, 171.1am.. ,,. xi.) ,ti , ..y,',:ap:',, ,144142,,tritryth, 'for Side lit Qi),• . tiiri, 1;,::;,i..;01.), fk,A.".,N1Ao.ii..,bit: rotU.8 tiesiri,iii4 kei ' sejl Farms will, ennsult their; interests, 1.iy it 7 F;prOting•tiw itAli;:e.rtisitt,,,;;faeilities,of-SohjsiAibi.r , 141 Gre.sf Rfitain and IreittadnealCOntincitt Of ; .1,,,amis for Sale: : _,_, - ; • - • • ; . liNGUS Sli,EWNI,,"ii,"':' -'• . 31,:tud'Viihia,to'r, Lucknow, Oiit. '1101 gi.CA („1) K ) ampbeli Street, Lrtoknow. etIoNitlf..TO:LOAN: p Itatty,f; tlid 'Phnom.' Limits oto.71611Cht ind Cheques Oa all 'Points !.;:s:6 Per - Spe,...11 and 1'11+1110, At 1 ng of N Otetl, Ceoltnts, lletits, etc. ' efirl)rafts 1?ttyaltle Par Issued on. the 1)6:nip:Li Cities and Towns 01 <81181114 and ou a, '13o ted States and Great Itritain. 1.);trtieS :t emittitur will find t 1110 Cheapest Satest ' • ' - 1441 most ta011Ver11‘11 fairly out upon the level,open an well cultivated portion of Eastern_ tr,ere -g-Ood and in many case4,the buildings and, farnA )10 ,111,1Y01...k..q)Pz c..e.X9r0010,•414n4- hollnet_ iie IMpearailoc.,' wasreacIP. ed " at 12:45 ,intead of 9 &doe ;. On Saturday—the only 'instance in all our ex i erience to 140 ocean auii T01, -1I•11,, in •' whicli either. tr.,* to' steamer was:not . . , , prec4sesy. time at aiiy• giyen .c,\,44sembly at 1,‘y•Velilel I IiiiP•iietigtettihe inenbcrs of the ejurti ye around the City in-, a 'proceSsien , .sevi!inty cat• riage5,L•the best that could proctired, the lunell'eoty at the City Hall at the' expe'ilse tho' cerporation:: :and' the. filial the tosvii jOined,n* and, united, tt us it raising heart anti voic e to God n1 .4 Sen'io., song, 011-61.iir, have • never arc surpassed. Exortation amt prayer h?.ving, been offered -by D. .tittrus, Nocieratorpf Assembly and otherd kIke, .SttilekiiPtii41....fploivawk,,.,.. ye wer0.. iip4aling our wayin- the direction of 1,3roadvietv; where, again, we had. to sae ;air timepieces•back au blear, qind enky • thelong twilight of' the Not West *Weir, sudh.that 5 neWspaper can Le read with ease ti nev, 3 4,;•01..ck which is • 1.1..o"c1ock sa,;0accordit4 to Topoito tigne. .1-tegina was• reached • at .i o'clot'k--on Saturday:180i after tnunfortable sleeP on ,the • smooth 'track_ ,Witich chAracterises • the entire railWaY ,• , • , • . toe t Eames ; and we observed 41P.04:-thee'onrg f,day light that for Many miles the ' couutry i$•aibsoltitely Withmit toes lattshes of any any• 1.i,kit.i•ita A alkali 'de posi•,0 pol9olf hill ng elge- tatioxi to such an e:ttent,„ that the 'country is aunost a desert. There is also great hick uf umistme ko'ith :AI and atmosphere,. other, Wise, *ere t 'not for the. draw ba.ek4 ,pist anted • -the soit produt pan t ,r; ,-bay mit--,dottht-y-thatriFthe,-prqiele-- • • , • brokeu 'P° as to :14,4. le,.af1t1 i•fittY• 4erfts4 :1•1011patino- 0.44untry... : - • . , • ; atittlau, ,r,c'a che4.. n fluppys where W$1 4'few ,,inittuti:.s • totake sitPPlyt.,4 • water, ',.)ett. we tycr gniu eta theljeou ful bOnnuless preVails ever.y. ' itt the ,rich green ithd old; of, n. westerh inniset,,eartivand ,heaven • -.sewn • ^triet in. , .kiweeti and' peieefut,"einbilice. ...Evening Wei., stlip yas ,agaitt --engagar-iti A•riti t4e.,tuie PartYlretiregr•tori,st,about72se'.01-0,?.k*iiitilitiiin.: .hir 444.4.,ppe4pewof the rookie s the dim outline of which Y;1,40.',Pirbrted to 1.4i by ' 1,Iev Mr,• .liadiertsen when larhack praare the' - 141eviaus.preu1dressing itti•ge UH Started: for tie (...141gary Alias : upwards or A ;idle diStant,tbnt; we 441,Slit'WX41 the'aid of mit f;Fasle.4get 1),tter VkW.Ot tklOSe "everlasting hills"'as, theY, stoon out iii bold , relief and glittering' grandeur againgt the.' • bright rays of &June Illornipgi. Silt); , and 'our ,ettort well -repaid; step iiau b'tir c10p4 'appearS' neat: the stuntait,of t ire loftiest. . „formed -Jay upright • and trittaiy.eole rock 14°,44), that..the ;sooty cannot "dieni hu, 'upon falling 'sittleji &Mt tueir; peltslied sides.to, the noteues ,and t.4.4tieaii sigbt fitting' reminder Of , the; seeneS',euttered upou gaivaryLantt the'death aecontplished there ; .which,,,accordIng to pre vioti4 tirraigements we were that, day to-djui, • inetrierafe. Iteturnin•*. to ir,Ur train 'which' in 01.der',.4 , is'Sue4-411jprey-tiitts • we epent ,afteratiait , • *6. usaiti; 16' 't he.. hill 4 ,dny above intimated:Oh; •12 ';1:4-15-741,0 terrib1-Aetnik4 Wind succemica this, whIcitLl Will) i. Were oitt to,reitiric nnyt sildtter 1)1 t,lie train nejavi• to seem. liOnie:Ake liantwrrs, • it', Cue nw)St luiporcwio; ' ' "t ' ( f .osyit tie prattle ,'wes • , .) iptg, •anu, although but four years .1whiis Sititt to,c attait , ttoola (101t- inhabitants, situateit. ' jv ot the D.boW. • a.. - P 'Nil .0 I,. -At. 1,. 1.. 1,41 tiloirE; . • ttlP.[C:F.,'.4-'171tat tortneri..,Y".0.e.eupiel.' by ,1 111:14erlc,i0; iis.er ,(krittiely's. itt,r6 , . . . . 1)e. f (AO night,a3113 day., V A viT • • ZA,LI I , 01, 1-J. ' ..0,0tC'e-jAtedieVV.1101,7, Lilek)7,2th. Or -Special; :1,tt'entioti Paid ;to 1VOillt?,11 A rCA,11.,,i'liratiptly night or I/. A. I\LAceltJALAII)N I. D., (% It. VI. S. 0., L. R.. 0. P., .14. !. s., NI ., I nbnr41,1-• ••• Coronet' ClOullt BEIlett} Tiicentiate .11i,Iwifin‘y;;:. 'oyal'Uollege Pliysiciatnr. and SUrgenn.d.; • Joi^t 1h -ice -PIA) door cast 44 the Post Otlice Ltickimac ,A)ot. • ' ,TERST. „ ton.. nlio\vioi on .1,(1),,sit, in the • „ 1-1avi gigs 1$atilc • DepartutPut,' Irtiud v.6sted, 4. .V ruiltt;Taitie., • We :ire prepareil to (dor to 4.,o,sti4Utero' every 'facility afforded by a, , C, ante ra 1.;:ank. and OW ektiall'y favarableterinn• CONVEYANCING 16, 1: t'atichle.g'. Are Fire and Life .1.0tAtir:':. :5)100. ;.13 est 0,ouginnies etirestiuted'. „ .• 41JI4 VICE 11j'1ti4:: :PrOili/ to 4 iron.. • ,LucKNovv.' , 14.. A., thp-,leafthlg: iglitti...-m,t,s,:ok .4, ci‘qp,., plifty,,,, gegleral,ly and large , , .64 the, eifet;,t of the . . peesena df„.411,1,f,f,.1.4,„,tiijki.f..3y.u:Noulint, f•iptLAtl,r., 1' .• • OP . •.^ ....-7,,,": ,‘, ,,,t ...;,,, , os 'Nth, .1155115,t4 filigkia ailf V-ItAZSIAV. , .01y.yb" y,••••iij:..elitiii.geti„ fl.„•,-,-.--dowa, „7:ii..ntil.t116 7, ' -Oa .tuS hilk,'appitar in ITIe ,Siroti).,IM', Os, '.•0•4 .iise, `‘.'fartil 1"" •• - :' 14'1 11,lit. ot ( ,101 .:IsltO1 to alreat. lt.o.gut tor 1,4 ,,.i...of a (trap 1 o;)tintry.' L;;,!,;,•,-,,..;atio- iteserta.at set,tte•tsjalts• t1,tlme Ivith.,, itttikii-IO. 't Ifb tolit'',t,o' the .......R..,:41.c,i4,.‘.A4:and; . , L • '''' ti 1 re . titterl v tru'el.eSs So,a!•. eh eti of pr: ir Id. litit iii'••:• •1'.40ifie,', '12/0#1..st ',Will '1,nc.qtt in:-.tlie 1 eetniP• 6.reas, ti;e'l.,yieiy.0,0'ea, 'cf.the-,cOU li V. l'zi: .rOotil I of ,Kti.O..... .. eh u refl. ',.ii-,..di:.-ito y ,,,,t 4)•110 ‘if..1-rh'(1"1...%.,:i.C. 1.1 (1.,' ;.e4iperirie:i. t al l'itrin,..5 r. tile ' el 4.k.'4,1'.':•Of ti P • hio'r•um''' .7iqat'1'" • f • - ''.' e't t) 'On Itli”-: . 'the- •1; fp • - • ' ' • ' ' ''' :: ' ,''; ''' .' • - r.. ' -", ;• .bfa:di..,tiii a i;e-e.fatythi4. 11:1.),,stu.; it ta.d,";stitt,.,40,ish It rot, „to or, tuary ( . . h • ' • t'l -rel.; ' 1.1,kge (yin st :we qty•rg y :i.ti.s...,,,13,,6he,i,....),;,i ,ii.lii..,).(.,1,4111...,01,a,.i.11.t., , ,.,„1,ii,,,,;,4,.i,.,,,.,?.., (.,.(1.6At 4,i.a. 411 0,,,rt ,,,cri,„tzti • f twill -Ilan:, ' ' the ' ,titie'st . Okititin.g.,--..iljatj.j.Iri.j.,—,---.-: , ,itilt,' WitSAt 1 ii,, tit al0.0 liqt.,'Ilieti,t , in.*.(1,0,-. by, ,.:oWil,;11;;Wever,•.:4,14peaked.- to be f..7,.;1.:y • g cal. . , • . , .i. i ii.S...s.lik. 1111,.1 :..1".... :,t..,,l '. \'',.:,•:"..i-,',.. . i.: „.' ., ..,‘,)1.1.).,1,,,4tI.Iii ),,',7,,;8',',',,,,„\Yt 'ylLohi;.r 1,13.,,,,T4',..' ..,1,,:inii,1',..ti:, ...11',...iii:tirrif(4; 't'--5.'„:1;h1l'it°(,:ri,t..t)17,.-z..12.'1 -..-1.1-.1!4:-.t4ti;i°t1i-1. 4.1f '-i.),i'lt,''''.4L.1- 4(1),"1.tvk''',:. ' r. 5 . • . . ' , , -ttid... iP (.3:1*Iii),1" . Of .. \ t!Cl'ileSday. .1:5 CI( . of: .,,i,,,,,i,1 a pair • of .itift.3,10 , 1)(irta V* -i , .'1. #-' l) ' I ' l''ilia:".nutlii'litt mi‘14°'..bti'.1,)t,..64;tilL'vt.tirie‘,‘..i'.')(1. 4,- - ., 1 • ., • : , , f die, ./ 1....,•il,. , .(1.3, .. -lure. the. i ,si.,„y assetubledtui t 16 ' .. L'It 1,711 plit, ti'l,a10‘;', till( lo. gov,s :Al „ , , • - 1:j. 1,, , • I ,, '. . , , .. .- •''' " . ' '''' ' • `'i b.'. 1‘ ''' • . .„ r,.. ' , .. .rforii.‘,'Illiii e ijAagol iti .‘3,A761.•i., /,:f,ri;";, .,', tl, ;., 43,1;,,irs or tae, 4.,,,o(,...te*, it.,...ut (. (I Y. Ptl,K 'I :C`,•'til)0/ i(;14.1 lt', ' .! N.:1).* ,.0.11. '111111(j . ,1, .,, .1-. 1 ,,',it, „ :;;•1 .. / La 1 l r;1" 'a,- id breakfa,rte.:,•. ,-t-t!.;,,t.t.., a t Let' . • 11,4''-, alb& ,•" t,i, 0,,‘',.,,I.,ict (luring, winch ttme., , rtibe.,01','dilirl:y.,..a,11c1 .,:;.,•ary0. lit hi 131 n'...f1.1`0.:t20.-... "t'Irtl."g.'1''Y'"490.1' 04(1. b.i:111.' 6:'''''.11;147:'C 11111 18 iti.,(j,kyT;11,•ittal..1d '1 rotn' .the ''nuniti,it" to toe, - •tve expeeiclrieu• *oat it. is.,cO‘leS'.......no.. tutu tue ., .g•E'.,.}1i.jr..,.%',it.ri.'t:l16:;:fs:. of eiklityr.ii Y..0 ..., 'others • vi.i,;-4.v , ut,0.1,.,,J1zaki, deposits: ,:i.(1410,stit,,,, : \dilLe..,1-.0 n,\V„10:,(16tc.Q:''tilp'..r./1'1:tirie it -L. 111 dirtie:i.,t,,t1S i ti l'"14t1uIll''''''',L141;11 ti)e 3..v.4`1 ''''''''elle:s '-1('''''N''' '11-4 el.: . , , , who.;'. wet t to:ina,l•np... °the party ,:-.of. thk.t. ioc...tiity • of .1'4111)0: •-• =Ilia .(lAr-ii.: .• ‘v, --A, .114it'li.,z1I'',,.6..::-,...;.,13.s.",,,,,:eit,ht.it1.11.1..:1‘.11;:s1_4 . '''01 'it(),k;.;".1 .11i'l,t..;;Ir;'.1.;.: '"(34.1"lel'elt .Asstitl.)1jr'...Tb: iri8t,s" .. to the ..'fi.no- . ,. wet-,. laugh. -401, h 'Ten., ;Om a?t, •grilssless,•tio.s•rt.nieetsthc•e3'4. ',"..lifere "are it a w. atiitatataskis......1-Mth 111e : entire party ••,,v.iiite-fi- •'•pb eau 111 (1115 ,the. ' .3 ula lie :t .y,e,ar • et' .t.lie to svtticrs'it,1. 1122 11 111 imd., ..wP,4,4141048.• ili, :the taito'''V''''"..`.. '.i..' l') :th''''''''''''°1 ".'•11)1 'rti.i.,,g,t,t.:-:‘,'kf'.-.1iir,,inp.s.t., graCiOus' .,1110.jesty • cOgenitle:,S nit, o Oers :flont,On the 1:i' ths p:Ite4,.8 of 'Unwired 'y'ird'''' Oit";4. '.111-1S:' i''''...4.:..4.ith3L Quken.,Vi4ti,.. Ali Leing in retia.inki,:ig •'• i4',,,ticit;ri ttielillt-tb:,,,atyt11.i:::.3,i;,•t...,1:!!..;,i;;;7..f.",..,,...-;:n1,•••4it:ilti,igiii..6-1;ici:eittv.; •l'aging"-,''tloitO1,11 'n'et111gh 'L".{.,,,P•ke,',;et ;, 1i(Aturrifl,- as:.it t.10e4;'!'1;:iitiOre.41stz.o.iy,.. tieliisy ttie.,junetio.,:. , ' tv0t3ti-trti6c1''61'.1•4 6Y10611-. ori Prida',Y.17tii . .t".1,s,/, tti VT:a4s'ottl.i4(1..,svp. ji„i,.,;.,„ i,,,:.,.,,,1111 ws...m.,..trit.,,,e. .44,-thej.4aiw.titt!*.is with Lljt,!'.-:'0,W". .. • 'tint i C1St ' tile tertsin ('Y a 11 d' re 116titki cheers" . t44.lely :past.. 'the •sand,h1l,rt,g1•10,110•W . 'sets' iii' .' ''',Ilere'P'lii PO'i•i•ble•••-§.411.".k'14 •'"'",,,!r•$•il'1,11.o1,1,1,iA ' 4114 CV0.11.8V.I',411.0.5.., ior. our .,liappinesS. and', 11'14 01.'1' 'S'Ives;'1'3'''''': .41''''' 'Wli:idli. "re '''.'e• 1 ''to, _,L',1•70:101;00. W10'1011(1. tii t'ae, 't.PAlpiiiia tiA.:,.. . sakty ,.: frol..ii.•1„)).,0 ,.: 114-p(1,14?,:ds..w,116:,,..1.i44 '''''gliivit,risitri;(,..'"iff,ei'li,j•VIT',L‘i'N't,i1.;;,-.4.1 1.i'''.„'i,k-;!;•'11j..";:tv•;,s. l'ill}f1'.;:1,:4. 1.:;4„,.': ' l'iYi.s.".ei'r.'1.1.'41,it'iltir,g° t',..1.1hialt;'1.5'4).".:.:L;;i(311114:alt,,It'i'lieli;'di;!: : . ital.' iitiei 411i,dig.,,,r6a tt,rcitinde 'ill tt• 0pliit •to., .‘Y.itiies• "1.4"ugth':':.:1.1fe alk;kil (iqP:i'iij1,.'..,f8 Liwq if:possible --:'.1141."1'11i"16'11'-"i• vi,40". 4"11, 1.141i(; ....10-11 t'111/4.:' ou r .,depar t tire. ..,,:.',"t..../.•.,,.. : - , •. . . . •riiilsoolirotttt...t.,A1,104;:f47:;nittietliilsri,_,..4,i,,t,142),411.,),i,t,:t.i‘v..c.ti 1,,tit)11.(tte.yet,rt. 1,14W1 ' '',4' ' 11)e: ee:11.'''"3"-.1°"1:) fr':Ii". .14je 1..."'il"Yt•-•• • •, . . , . , . , , . ,. , . , . • • , . chambers • of ',their • birth, • Itii •• 't.laiiitr,' (.1 . ." -S.'ej•Oil the ."e'ity..i..10 to-.`.s;611,.t .ati.d ,w0st:tyar.d.,:thc.coimtry "is,,,,A6ry bill ,-!,.,i'i,ikt tUe . t' ' ' . ' ' f til. . '' 6' ' :-:' .' ji,, ,...1.4j1i ..1,flvstort4i.,,e,e.11.-6s .i.)f ,a ,,,.1•0s.o./--,.: .1 ti.a.il gra.%4:1-ly''ill,l,' i3totiy..' „A boo (.::Mie the s reugtlt,;at ia6t..reAC1.1,.til i',)Qh:41...U1,1"1.13, battle. ., t irowit the utinseri 0 ,va ever•iJaeusing , setwe.d. 6110.1.pN,Ilrlent ,,woo(oc ,p1 alt le, gl ‘, : :: : . ,..ri , ..itizrl. li, ti t ,( , : ; . i ,i t,: , I ig 1 . itc-.),Itt3t,riyw lie-gt•atistit•,.uV..,.iti4:1;fr•, ,,tisE,;iie,., ;14T°111;*11 kind. with the i'''' y ",f ' 'll'iqLsir,.',4ti cw' .0 yi3O fit ..,. \V: I n.:) 1 ip e 4., ti:.i ,p6rtag,,,;..,)::4:1 Pt ,,,,, i ,..i, v iew od,the ,tall'11;:ts..ttlli.11. '1;.:,Iii,I.e.(cl•it.',i elt.'itii'itn titt.)i-•,1 'fillii.:. c.11:1::41:Itc."41';:iiiri:t4f;1111:t;i'l-i;:lfi::::..:(.eti"Pt.i:i;"Y'''?I'vi''tsi'C' '.1).flil:t16.;41(;:ii:lt.'tir:t:ti'j:144.".:-ttfir. • • ... • • , 1)reSelit,.)191,1161 V.OP: . (.11,.,....6 vpfy,, ...:1," lite 1;bil 0.;‘ridr lAlick.,,- all -11'1M dePo'sit . s•ti.1,1s...ar.s4li`ttl!.-1.i.'i.,'!.g'll.i.nor .t'..ft‘,e'il'iki'lt'.11)'1:tit'14.4t;..tilt.Ill,' g',\:talt::•:rt:litl'it'i. :, OKI:'ll'Iji'litlei''i4i.gtilt.6'011111.4'1114i,r,.billet1)1J-L.Iir84.511:bfifil,1(1'7:41,;1•n'.';',4';,. , :, -, . , .Optit!upt, titl.c.14:to,i.,•0.1LiintJi. tto,i'qconi--11ye ,..,itttile )1,0,0.1y-, .vi.titivri°00.0' ortioiie4v..,46e beeo,$:60,,,if:.14.,,:e6uw.,,,,, , 03)) )41t0, thettl•otind ;sir .igg • I. tie .s•ttfite dieectioo ...tranquil r tt,itt, - ma,,,ruititietit as :: he ir,,,,rene.,„;:',.,,• ' /I ' '1' ' ' - ' ' • -- • '''' ' ' 1' - of. from • tWo, tbftlitte ,Iptst,..fit 011 a, su.osol'ut strOng Y5(..1.16‘v eliv-*rii.:1 ,,.,iffil, raCiFtlfirtri1iii:T. long dist,:ti)ce'sapp;trenv. ' 'tlest'•iu-Y•ka t•1 'the Ims ''''1.'''i''. iif't;•!-••'•'• •I'A'tit' '11•1' • - 'i ..Yer)'-tiJ)-ficiptis and, .tyell .adapted'" ti.i l,y•Witiout f,e4.43.14.3,. ,.,,ithei..a,1:i.o.in,,;•41 4,,e'tiryti.,..;qt4.:d., ,iy1.,.1,1L1(4(1'...i.t4i'te,e.t,°1,i...t1,1.,,eg.",t'ete't,t1t11..,).eiiiti',e‘1,1f.!.1.r'‘,ii,...,',40;S:i.i.i.:,' , briekinahin, especially. in the -irei4,1i• , . , At Rash l',.!,;1,:b-theti'i.s- rp,,font:ber 0 p. li, c'.\ •.- the Bo* .3vbere we had ,to cross. otitO t -its •tio:•.r • . • .. . •• . . . 0, • ; ' t 4. ' 1 • '1 ' •• • i, 4 '-f ,.111.,i,rg„th. hitkil.!eeli ilAu,,,•,,,,40 a•it."-w (hip; otevii410..., boilleo41 'of :tile: poin,t$, Ju.st.- ..iir,iiin!d , ,p,reactita. ' 0-tylil, 000g. ,1,01 le ), (,c,jps, il . . . 1,11 i \Oliva ;rot,P4 tiOrt t It '1 - i,,• . ' ' ' '. '' , 0.• ' ' 14 • • I. • I ... . ... . •. ..y, I./ 57 a 1.);illot.saw•iiogs.,,,o.snea an •extyit Loa,: - Tile only 11)81 ked e-!c...eeptio to,..,,tkris scri1ii.',,,i'.11...1,:',',`,41,'ai,"',.'..n.i,ci.,,..,..1•1,..3 .,..i'...„. in .n,,ni,,,w,ti,v ,.• „ ,, , I t ,,,os,, ,, , .11 1 .. , . .., , f,( 110) 1.,01.tt.. i.s .t6,..1.)e ,f,Ouncl ..31k t.'1-.1,6 , .8,w.)13 i4iii:i.i..,,t1j4.1.41,s,.._- c...i.,,4)..,1,(1a like(100ii174: '1',:%,''',11,11.tsjj'C'jg,W',Ilit'`.�itti".t.b4j(1 0 r:iie' l' 't:1'itt'. •545•411111.;(1 11!;."414 • ''''• ' Yibinit. a :. Il i'g' h r. Blii,r1.,': ..vliov: ti.l.6..- .11, .eavil4l • .r5l'il, f'C't''. 'f"I'''''..4eire 'Is' a 1.•aci.'".' to ilie An't Itructle Coal mine.Weicli. tv:, vi‘si to.'d'.8t.' • ' *. • . ' . • 7 ' , of .Nlouuted, Poltee--1 t lii. a whole,iale town do• ' -,' ,',. ... .: , ' ,, , • ' ,,,. , . '-• . : . ° • . eoul4I'Y 1,§'-',0-"sf-91,317. 1,1.8-.t. b6.,almOs ;t:,, ' ii, t,hustlie+4 Willi 2uti'l f.t.tit; /I ',ii) .,..13 litlaor i is...,j, i° ? el'th4't'• i e4(ithli'' (.1e's,e,y!',, l„. tlitIO:ttg'ii,.,iltd, ',1•Ltity4"ay .,(tutt-i!ig§„, 'tah.O• to, tii.o..0rt:11: H.,01:t,1,'s,:\'' Prtf•'•• "‘•••••''''' ' "'.'i ' l'171'X''1'.'1;';11<'.‘•Lai'''''sPt:41t8 1.aJwt1114-,1;.(tuts."•:s,1•‘..'Nstia...‘e-Cre.171!.'.- .. .1)4; easterw.:„Aoug. awl narrow, olio. tile'. in tilt, lOt+," ltill ;the san41 drift,s: alincigt' IlYPti.:S•:i . ' ' ' .. '!'' ‘"''I''''''''' It.l'IL''.'iel..all,t\ii's•;rt-t'k''41.'si.r:i!'ifil.1011:;'ll'etti tli, lifonittattinide ''' ' • . .,„ „ul ...IAN LILy. litt.t...-.....-ati-.1-ate-CMIllilli.10.4, 111 11 t. 1 iiMi * tp tht., I pow, . li li. 0, ''StiOW -..1,iiciyo, tad . IA ;14.1.1:: .V,i,1,14s''';' ' 10 ...a.v11:1',1e:4i:st'll';;;;ti,i:el'igit \15.VI• alai 1;tv.i‘ti...;;i1xf 1)11104 11 ililiCtit'.L4', 1..),,i0*.w it 1.10' 'de:giees' Of - heati• ,,'3•et..tre(i gonic extract 00 of.the coiii,4try.iti Atoita0.. ail toe "spe'....,:ititenil of 'i,italigetite and Sta,lagalite-troal- • .0otrimoii tihr 0,. Ogl)ottt .111§" '.i.ifil:..o pritie: The- I (..x.)•1,iii,t4,...,,.. /...t4i.,„il ii,,..,a.,:; 'f.. id.1.111,,,..tiepo,rtit,,,6, , ,,,,,,,_.1,1y1.11r(lig,:b, l',,-1 ...1‘140 liit ......".11C!eki.,,, and, is. g.i,-;er .0„.0 A,I)iceiit .p.,1-ve i'tj 0,(1 thout,,i,), 0ii,14 ,; ,,,f;,,,i,., ,• ,. r, ' /.46, 1-,)t. al ri 0 ' ain't ou r c•.,iperi(.lice pi , , . ;17n- .8itlinael;:Zirt4.11'4?sxsthiy.4111.rii.'4.(4:1;.'• f4"4:4 ' , tir-4141r;1 714.'0 1t1,)y".1.4''r lilt: ,('‘lv, eh, 11 tietne lit, In•,.tlitb,,,e. irng-.A:tf'n'ti,Tti 11 l'itti.,iYg ,c'.3'1(t'u. it. ii.!;.(5, is‘tigt'rsgl,)(1,' '4;. ' • • „. , Ann d ••I'h,,,lit., .01 It it ....,..w.)1.A.,•--wa..lieti ,hilh4, 1 ik 11100(144Y 40,1 1,1.1 ,1?,.ittl'.1,`'ct:/t 9.(..i:!,.‘Itj", ' ..':.1.*Si'iri0),7. li.iVee -.11itl'ii.i:t9Uit':i 1,1) Ili .t,i,le 1.3.0,:si, ; . ' ' :r, , ' , • , -''''''' .. .''. i • ''' ','i ,f-NtAtehmf, th14-Part .,of the country it4 tren , beyond' tvidelathere 16 4.- ggiouctani 01**1 near,y stif.).101t,tre) CotiviiIce. us tlio, i.ligev,eti>i - ad , , , , i ' . , . t ',.'' • .... ', i, Iiii9iti . ' itt`ii;011,-ii Me 1) 4 006 I ' ,t; j . h j •;•ht• rglogilt ig•lr,',.in IS .' N;,, Do 6 • ,Wgt.,':', Inc better itai•i), Of Y.1:1101' ',•1'. :ink) m."0 03)10 1141 at 1.1"• 30, ft.',10., poite€i',1z.arriint4. iter(4,4.4 ,i.,,,,f4. 1).,1,ist,,4ildo,. jji, :i.„,,,,,ejity, 140103.. WithoAtt 4 , . . ,i..)1;pd,im,t,Iy 1,....s1,, ptrje. k.,q4b.',, :if -Lou 111,..1:,,., tht :7,,,ittill satsk,,t,04,.,w,t,i;,, :a) utt•I?I' 0n1104•1 0,444 " -. t' 4 t, 'i •• .11;111 it • (I etVers tti:iti,tvitti mat of: ., ; 1 , in(ii,itit,c, I. st.,114,14 -to the iterta cf- toteli.'or pa%,.5.. .ccAitritt.4. in it :4 entire lefigth: niiiPent.'Pillaee.1001'11N-ci•trl • 0" 0 I.u.. .tlle ttlett:tanged:',/ aloes' tit toe "11,t1,,if •notjar froth the tracic,aint,ts 0410,,i • . • „, • • , , , , .. • • in, Which it, w..41.43 . otir • ,,o.d041 1-;?•rtnite to.. coMmaial; ot 10534;6v1 •M ,1414 -i 'Itt,!.,(t.(1.114rtg,4 j;', ; i.f ',;, ;1 ie„; a;u116: ..1,:r4... /14, .....,' gre,ai,e:••t, .'eleSi)tion, 1 ilk ? iser.,;11 re... : n,,,..l i,twill'„ „, '.1"1„,.•0...,,,,rrni,ti.:-,-;'wp,..4, ,a.;:••• 1,11•0 -,e -,1,1,t, • .1.1, 11.P.10 1,..ret., • ,ItO:lci" 51) r,ort il Lein 1,1,nt • hrid;iet;'1.1,0 os 1110 ..136w. h:;,,ia11 g been repiiro I.. • . . , ,,, • ale/11.4'0e. :1,S0 4 (11)) 11 0,11110 -4'''1,6'AL,,-:', ,A,.(a?,,,,,- 'ti“,,,,,--.1:*•,..-;,,61v(„I')4it.y. 51 vie' talkeir Welt by •:. , 44 ''Pt.'",i'l °' ltha Vriai` 711,140 ' 1-1r. Cf- .)),ttg7 'Oltelle()11.'• Who'hot.h.told lip) that ,Tat 1141.14. , ,.. i.„ ,i.4. lt, , il tr.,. ,to tiii„ii,,,c,t,,;1 ,.1, vv. k , , . • T4144111,r.gli.4x...t.1114.44.03.14 --V•P•1' '4214'4,41;41:itiq'r44-;;',07•siTtk' 'WA t 11 n'A to. si-i11.1r.o to h '14boplit • et N.1'1,11.1lip44tr, • , . for ail tiine to, . "A 11•,31:hb in•tpud AA aloag '.tl•n••; pail; , of `, •:e line -the Mlian oney to Loan 1 ti s 'j (2',” It; v.s Next door to tij,c ,ShoLUCiKOVv,p • - : ' - 01,11.`„, A full.suppl3r,of e(iicine's , , botli night au.(1 itay ijrompt lyattewded to. 1116(10ra...to. • 'Call TA: fi,11,1,pd* al.ty nud, tiiglit'ftt his .2eillte, • itoy; CIOUVOYA,110.0., (le" • 10011 13101)11, ; ) 31141..f1ititit0' Alt 18341 stree:tS, tomtit; 8, 1•14er, Toronto; .(.1 at. .M;ngeY to 'haul at 11 114 cent. Na (10111mbisi.,11 eltargett, • !(..",.).).,,. A.12'reativ. at: ; In • Llwateery# !otn'ttihs'aioner,. (1,aggvevanceri° etc,* LinlititcW °dice over 1.%6A f)tfico Di4. D GDE)E......c' V 'S . , . ,.,... ' . • • , . , , 0 D. • , • ; , _ 9 ... • • : .1',Vit<11113,te of. the (vota'rfo" Veter,iunry' Col lege„ '.r(ironto, .t,oi'il regist.(it•iN1 liietulier. of the , . Veterina ,Nietliewl Associatilut,' 000 11150 be found prepared to treat all Aliseas'ts 'of illo;(10,- nieatie an i tint1S iwtite latest a)ul,ittost'seietiti ' , fie ,ttutniter., ' Palls eitituf by Inuit 01. tele,c,,rzon pi...4n.iit1.-y. tt,tiadtsi t;44. ., Oh41.04 aidd'ci,,,,,te. ,.., . ,.. '1.1,orrigait?'s Hall. • ,." „.1141 11(1144, L11c1¼n1" DEINITAL: 2 snom Licentiate of' , 1)ental ery, 1110 remoYeil WittOuiti),,, Where he will . , carry oti the 1)0.atrity hasificos.;•'hil,,,t ty,u..0 'beg itiforin his ',patrons thitt he 'will S'isit 1 atcknow(in the first and' thied,'Monday•s (I., Tue,,allty14 of each 'Month. Office irt 1140; Ptire Ar,itilizol A ir aitniiiiistratea ftir the pitinless extinction of teeth, it0 SS 11 Alt git•or, yeyancve, 311 )i10 ;to .104.1% fAte of Oltiqo op- site the; 4sfficc, tticknoW„, Ont. , ' • - I NI 6.1. 00 ItillOrA coM Khilmigh , 0 atario, mtnow AND vi.tot.I.DvooT., lt trristers,Stilicitors,;:etc,,Glaierich,A)git ' J. 1". (IN ist RON. NV:NE, Pit015.11,1?00.1.! ILI LTA T t ATT011),t1tY-At. ' ,Solicitat in Clittacpry,, (lonvoy, mirkee nett dot o tale Poet' tanellen6V4 *theti Odin • (t)V, CA AV, lION St.; (U1111'111%1). iVO 7,'A R.17 1011.19L IC 1 Co)tinrissioner in ConVeyitneer, etc. .1_41.T(Ijs7N 0 NV ON T\. RIO I 11 i 1 ot. ,.11 „ tt• DetaisiNfortg ttres, 'loads A greenlet; ts,tenks, , prt:titpt.y and carefully prepareu,.• • turd oorrectuCss guarngiterd. Sti,ef14---a-gpl prompt: attention pairl 141 17211 of 'L`itleA,1‘11,1 to I Ma,tters a -minuet - ed tvith the transfer of li:e4 1,",state, (11"AltAl• 10SONAl>1.;14 tST WANVA1,*, 081I a e ttlit • I ' 1 . 0 apwar, (I ,.0 1‘,( th of "i ttt, e1. me, tiag. la 1" • , • :o.aiart.te "si cem,t-' at •••,5 ' o gagoi. 'pos,t1:,III,,.,0 , t,. 1 lc i 111nig , c t 8. ',. , ' , \vit.)) ...the, , . iThVI)ed:S i, Cift11011 I), ,1,Uarilig '' 'Plli 11 frA hAil, ,1)1.11 111"tg I ni ttior aruaint.f4tedicitm-li;tt goat "that th,:r0 W;i8 1..41., " "..1,1t)ig01,1, ".. fa.0'(1f. :" 11P1(>11. -111-1i?'''': tlie ,1,-.11,4iit ti l'it'l 4 *iii4 '11, iii*t 1,11',(itii,, tli,tti..1i),.11.11:tiir/,;,',01,,,,,, la..,ter-pf '3vhiylt. • i (481 (1 to ',.1.e the iii.ost: tiermuliillY, 0:4111,1li14.t illiku,s' ,1:1)4,41, td.b,o, ill a tilylvimi c. m(lia•,.,,,,, .1,'011,404 .iitli)1.014) ,,i;;10e1).1:te ' OPOii. 11.1.0 ...p5)11 iliiqt; iiippte0,5eO.;,teluir,Lityl en ithh t, 1.1,11 "gr ; w log -121 • ).d'r flftiSheAl,,t,ltrougout in at,iri•Wool •41licAttliy. it4te 33'tthigt a f‘t;', rods of toe at tem platforiit:-.„-As'it rule only; ab ult vis. -4;;•eftli•S'•of Vi,..ititOt itiOltri)c4. l., 6,i`d to PrevAil .'11-- OW I' . . , , • ll.a ',1TC::' 1),S, r CC 0A.1.11),'01 1.)I11.1i101"( '.118.1.S11,4,1"VS . the transrtethin. bititk.ss the iirs't Month. Wistring-.'• tor. • have t,iteirpropert„y thisitioreasigigly priptilite.(•• ompa)gy•, Will :bk: tfotic6• lie' ea)le41 1,,-11 4)y 'one' of the Ditectote. rprotiiptly tooled , , '• : 14.4101'1.til.V$I, Oftei* ikttigtintioli• Soo. • ,7,411W7 r inlaid With ivory and upholstered Au AVie. °lost t404.."`"(1.8. f.:4'10 of ' nitce'!-, aiiii. 11 155 .4: i,1110,,1..051 8 of spring ‘vneat as eilt-i.,t,,, 1;1. 4 it 1 , „ 30 1i1";: • ' ' ''' ' ' ' • ' ' e 4•tild.i..;0 unt; in tip; ' 14 ;minion 1)41 '4 ii,•atta• -10i.,1 ,,,,T„•8,V(i,i'14,15it,lit,IA,;th'ttki \Itiii',6;,,,t004i iIiusss rt',,,ii,,,,, , r' , ' ' , • ' ' ' - ' ". ' . . . '-8'itt11,.•ltieli-eWan'is, It iltiS ,Place; s'W•ift• ,ttili (leen. , llrandon bills'aPpCnrial in ,sight aliont 18 tottiou'ineetiiWas intrefinitely 1'''1 1111 •0"'el; -;;It•atat in 41, f+!.Lq Iliiittt(f!A Ssle jOille(1 np ift ' '00 '1,1.011t '1.it)f,,:...C't ,.i'!. •w1dt,i'-',' ,1-)a , '''''"'".ag 1.,rAt; l'ittif 'at -7f o"g1:;ck ‘117f viio:utay :21:14; . t.)1( 1111 ow plateau Wez,:t.- t 1, t oe rivre tint.Wst. eXpaitt lbw 0,,,•0?-00ti0j,,t,, luta it,,0g,0"jAe0,003 , s,i,,,jjenr , „i 1 p„,..-, Irliflilt(4jrilth'ihg ltiiiiilliliiiV;'ioliite of "us'it.)4,ik, a 'i.e',',',"(1•1-"4'1Y 0.'aitie ,'Yvt N,e',I P.I.,1"i"t3 its'i,"1., iittil)gtkeelehrliodli, ot tlie Queen's J oui 'tlio. ',At,iiiolf 0)11 (13 iycil,fs, sup. Of tWtiiit'yt.-ilvit e.. -,--(plite n.contrIst, to the 3vtin linty 0,nti1itr5 hot, ,,,,‘,0,,,, c,,, 00,, iti sig0 id tt,so,„ 2.N.1-.6-0;00tail; -80, 15hOtt'tilt1",1 . tiroigh ,..ilu;ri's.ing ti,st)i;-evtryhcl,:k!'`t,'1'v,ic1,t5-4'?`i,ilit' .,18,14,i1.Il:tt,:ti:16.0,,i!•1tofit*tri)),Fetiiallili1, 0,00:a )i0boillestlikt;l1)164 11 01 i)ti,8r,ti,;;,1,,1!ia,11,,,6,;1,,,,egt0;iiit34I;t411;i,:iiiold,iltlieLIiiiivtitiii;;,,',;; , a 14(ntrtt :Old Wti ate t)if :ion)] tins thin; with ita.. siihri.t:ii.it‘i,tiii:ii,ilitaiue,itla).iiiiti4ig,,IiiIntiljtititolsiitrteicilii,s'a,t,l'oi ft VtetLo e k i v til(, or... xl!„.,t,,,,i,i; tnit•itt,..it:4411•tii.„.•00calvilet,eitti•alitt;) VI ti,isatlon:.; tr,114,t1.,.111.4,,,itite,.lit41.1i,e, . mAglitiOnal •er•gitie ' pushing Ait"tlie,' rent-tlIc -wei,)leidliyt ':f 14,wi•siomid,,:thopiloiiy 54111111 41118 '' :i-'::.`ri1),"iji:1 v4i'1‘Ibcl1:.81,0, 1Y;.t't.'ite1.1r,e-1 !t'i'n';I:'1gl'ti'( f.1,)4:1.1i..1ei1,-'.'1 '3 '1 .,61i!,i'':':ti 4 ta.t41tiit'klrultLli'11rinS'i'Ig(11liii"i:l!4ti:li10!/11\1it!:iltil1'11141Sll:tlIY.''1I:'l ''f''i''Y"'l'"`'lt`ste1"ei:';4 itet441ioV• eapilie:t)scctteti:4tfeitittk,t,t.i,il,ter.rtest14SbiCj;;i:6t,,,re1.:,4,1.1,i:,::ilia,::ti;#, vi;u14e 4if the train 0the sothwit 6f tioettore.iitht‘,,,i,01„totwo tioc, i„iiotieAki4.441311154e6ic, ,01 t he ''' l'illa 11j°Y'ii'l-"•thilt i.e1141114111'. 614 tr''111.' 0)3 We fly al'olig. t, >titAiqiii. '1'itily.st4tiou, the. e'e 14yodie:kie: l'eak,, 6,1iti0•7; •(•latit'ed141;• Menai, "seefintd t•t ilk like nit at rOW 0 vOr,the be,antif tit • rolling prairie tiirmigb Which We 11.tas' to Atek, at'ell'iw,t''' Ole' tweOl- 'if tb0 't.64C:k '30d Ab.d.t 4.,..$24 ; omi,i64-60. Nitnint,•, 5,0•20. 1 ivi,.,ildo:i.,k„ ci.i..e., al,,ie„. (4.44,40a; oak Lake 'mid v•irdo. ai Iwo rods distant, thit 'railiag: Which sittr44)(itut4, to„leA.,,,.;1,44,i,,..t.ti,rit.,otit i,i. tha wide deoeteted ,. Which We stopped for .ii, few tii6tnetite to alto* t,,b 1",met)",be,d t,it 1,!•'11,1•.t" Poor fell..aW•w!ia°,..°4•„.P.,.• „traCk tgl the dre,ad ay niche untilt/ tho.",st,e'sit .eothe of orisattv who whaled' tri witileieei thiti tile illekP tiluit icifow6 10 '''W3W-ihe' nOtt1 Pld ' slaiteS,14i eieli rif th:eso Atliendot4 .fliottilito,thi. )t .aeeti,,o. a - ountry t,:, ,),,aove. die: ttatt4t ALL otr Atilq 1,1!'•'aletiktiti that aweigh:di be liolh"okii . likt..tuilt lialte lit O'eitche.1, iii)out i o'clock. laid . . ,aleili; the liiie'',the C,tiiks 10031 Veil prOttileiti • ; 'TOthe, ,,torth V,"ei4t. , i tikiPkt. i!tke ' at,4.1 . ,7t0e 4 we Do .0i1 tile wiu.Liisy tio*ri,,i+ tho t.o,itik.,t..,- ,. , . '.., , . ... , ,. 1,:uo1511 to inany,- were taken acr; 4ss the ;oat, get • iivo.fety. alter the pax ty.."14,nt'retireit' 1 , tor the ttight; • At dit3Aglit We foiltai3Oltrselv,-s 1;1; 'again at iSattif 51 4) tat: spectal had ' 11.111 Log,t,tio. 1 u 'CLOCK, ,51 1011 o)Ir w1t s ttle prop,ISea ;tit/Wing:1n 11111iVIlatif,.11 111e0t,. ing t51114111 6) express. their„ oi'sapproyal the OA: iTiti,of OT;(o.vtiilit.; it* *II In the ItOtyiiier , . ' • 4.1