Lucknow Sentinel, 1887-07-22, Page 6• "••••• •••;•-1, •••&:filLt! • •• . Watt #C Att.. • crhagOtite4141 When Johnny cams srortertiet thought him everbold, Per r Wee but a Yen,e8 tete; • • And he not very old. •''t,• A34010110 X noel hini well onough ••lsonrettim on Maws!. , lihrftlt" Wait a bit* bide a bit, Wait* Waek awl w I" . „ ' *hen iloinnix Pitesed me in the lane. And pleadePora itiss.• • AndlroWettnitdieVame Overiaevu . • 'or granting of the• Although V lilted it everwedi, rart'Irenthiel away. . With," Wait a bit,. hide a Pit., Iron weekend a day 1" ' trniaJohnny f11 ilanth2f. . •"With "'JnanY, he Mr wife? ' And veweal„never.,,anould regret • tower% ?Opreivitii- o -fell thoeg. him e , • I turned tomaway. , • With." Wait a bit, hide a hit, • Wmt week an ,adaY Oh; 40hanfvflise. ninny; Ile took Meet my word t And be courting another •.'':_.,..41116 next thins that, I beard. Oh, what a ninny was Johnny, • Fe mind ine.mben rd say • wait a hit, bine a bit, • Wait ft week and a der t" • • tie he seemed, for be oesbeed bluetering and 'amok Mamioefs band 'very heartily nay, more, When they told their Story, and „Nr• Hentingdon frOwn04- angrily on heenoft Puma bad connived at theorimboi's escape, he ipoke pp for Xontice. Teo dia not eXpeot the young gehtiernan, sir, to put the handcuff* .pd...„.hia old pal; it ie ag?imet Unman noturer• VASCO.," l'erirapir So," returned Mr. gentingdon, better coldly ; "but 1 shouid have th u down Word that lir. Trafford: had better wait.until it was over. To do Mr, Hmitiug- don )patice1 he had no idea his daughter was An the house ahe had gone out, tO leneheent he had not heard Of her return. , , • The helv7. VelVeteurtainshadheen drawn to AO out the. dreary Seene3,. and only the firelight lit up the incen;„ Nes, sitting in her favorite low chair, with her feet mit*, White rig', was looking pp it Manrieel who against 'the. mitritlepieee , . of you,. Trafford, if you haft fmeriftoed . feehng m the Matter. Well, it may, rest talking to her, • I now, .1 have On* eff George Andereen'e Ite Was telling her About/hie father it Mono se defaulter out. of my book and early aeath, en& of the svieet•ftteed Mother • --i-,•-•;,-.7.-••77-,-.„.;,-...,,-,..•.-,..,7.•,..-- .------;...,.....7:!-:.......--L.,,,,..,.......,---....._ . be mnet either 'camber or tempt hie fide. ' "What bo*.efit'' eXelainied /4.1f3st!bfit O. • Again he tried to reagon with her, to be she Ora opedihe letter and glanced 0 ' true to himself_ 1.4,4 ter; 'knit Nee. walla not the -contents a low cry. eeeaped her. givoliim up or let hint toll her lather. Oho - t' Illauriee 1 'Kammer' oiled the pear .would marry Maurice at one° if ha wished ehud, alla Xauriop #104g. itr from, liej,,, roo,4 It t YeeeJerhatelthat would be the. Wieeat it one, twice, thrice, •growing whiter and, plan. Her father word& never give hie whiter with each pervtaal, and then 01$4 : 4 • COnBentt .hnt When it wasteolate to prevent ; .on flk chair, blair4 his face in MB 111441141,. it- he might be Induced to forgive ,their With a groan. "Ob i ray darling," ha . Marriage. it was very, wrong; she knew, 000, " I have ruined you; my darling, but it would be the. 'only way ,to freeiher for whoni 4 would willingly have died,, T hem. Lord Hort* Her father would be have ruined you iba. ' brought you to terribly angry : but his anger Wenla Octt hegfiarY2'. inet ;' she was . his A.03r,, . _ehila. and he ho4' They had ,siOned, and beyond doubt • never denied. her anything. their sin was a •heavy one ; but What lather, '• Toor'N'ett I there was something Whetie if he had any htimanity, could have looked. in het blindness . and Perfeet faith ih her at 01060 tWe'406Olete ; PreatUreOt 01- Y°Ungo iti4hOr i OM 'Mapricle felt his Misgiving and loving each • other so . tenderly,„ftnd silenced -alt he henget& toher innocent -talk; , Would,- net -110e hacl,pity--On thern? - - "4 Wall the eflOPle wePt. over lifat;riee's ', • ' (To he centifteed3 • deeper fall, and Netea unholY, **tory. .....—•-....-*'''''''"--411".r7r."..:•--—rrm They bad planned, itall ; in three weeks - :woo, That 0$ •• A."01e. • . ingdon could notheave before then. On the The lumbermen in the 'Maine - forest*, time they were to be married.' Mr. Hunt. day beforethat fixed for the journey,. the work intensely in the oda snows Of winter, • bend Was to be sealed and signed between and in the icy water in the ePring' To • them, se that no power of !Man donut paw ,endure the severe -labor and cold, they musk, , them. Mr..liuntingdori mighttstorm.-ever have foal to yield a .great deal of: heat and. - so loudly, his, anger would break 08040 e,t; strength. 13eatis and fat pork are staple • Adartutntinnfate..-1.Tlirme.",whOmtted-hes artielea,of Aiet•ivith-thoot,„and. aro .used. together no mencan. pat lisunder, very large quantities. The beana 'supply . mernery, and X Will tell Del:010n to oda his who had not long survivea. him; of his Salary to rent; liotilanYter he eoutirmea Own Stru;ggloo• and poverty, Of his lonely. in rather a -chilling Manner, as Matericeie. life, hie - efforts' to follow his parents.' eyes eparkledt and 'Ile attempteLtO, Amok; Altarnplei...-Nea" listened_toliirnin. _004064. s it is tifiiii recompense,for your .se,gacity. but once he paused, „and the werde eieeMed Go 00 as Well aa.• yen hive.. begin. and your to die on WO lips, He had never Oen her future will be Assured.. TOrMerroW I eltall.„ leek like that before; she was. trembling,Meet you to • dine .with. me at Beigrave her face *art pale, and her eyee wera wet ' House. Dobson is emning, tee," and: With with tears.; and :then, how it happened a,:opot fled Mr. uuutmgdou disualased neither of them Ofield tell, • but Maurice hint; ,,„ • , ' .1, - knew that he loved her -knew that Ilea. ' That night Manrine. laid , bla, lined 'dpcM •loved, . himand- was holding her -: to . his his pato* and dreamed happy atearris i of heart as though he could never let lier go. a - s , golden future,- To.morrow he • alma •. ogAPTER ix. pee the dath•eyed girl ,who had, ' spoken so. • — '•- • Swe-e..11Yin:Tnn.,'Tnit. -at-T-hriffthe-TPlifi lier 777.;=.7-7.1_47....„ ......1-. n7aw a Niue. , , wawa and guinea :Of: gratatude, and the ...Oat thrff,. ling„ polemn. Weed, pathetic voice, touch Of ber soft white hands): Wfaurioe's ne et,11022en_aotittoweirda tbat tbrillitit --I - Vti-iiiiiVilirithiliAit were. ilmciet "a"' ' it ' • '•• ' • • Et ' igh;lio---reormermir-jelaintr-'77- •• I nim e.MY.eY..p. • , and thenteafelfa-reving. . .• • • • Por want mylove heed _ eg CrUE4-' • Se I Set the wedding day, As, if to draw it on Itakeher as-ciod,readolieriandini-meir- ' ' ' ' fadt e b he <sea. wife: - -bitt-aar-vfaake °it)*•'''f HU 'should fir %hat lovely face again, Mu° c'' ante" bar, or eif, 0 e0moning The"— - - ''''deDger*"*"Y'' ' ' was hieffrat walon' gthonght ; but when the ' ` ----a"' • M mice Trafford went Paradise itseit eoula hardly hold hoer ------- rri --- c ,r,i, .i. flort.riet' euivelet...0 ....T.S•mr.mv,;(,6 .5 ..aa,,, .,,na ,,,, w,-„„„,. of purer ana more perfeot buts than when 'O. „1A)11/ n6. '--°---‘--- --,----- ---- --- - --- those two Young creatures atOed hOhliUg , I Man., ' • • • each other's hands and confessing their ' • 4 ' He Was dazzlepia bewildere&when lie . . , • ' th h•t mutual leve, • ' ea, her again -the young in ew ie T .t b . es the harem • giri ' • radiant prince�s. o ea wen appitie days', its Yellow fogs, its lieavY damp Nee wee'areased for * ball; &entitle aern1s. fmeranrivehojeil: wellisen!Iran8ie:gre.6.alYronitoen,gs- ' tor When: stoverriber Caine With its short gown Wee changed into a radio, pri To . a • cloud of geury draPerieS. Manion an uerep4tY' from "'Ilia' be niUat atmosphere , Wahl thing happened the goat lighted roan to greet mourn* idne yogne'd abOve Miinrido.• gleamed on her neck and arme ; her eyes wtreakmebienPm:atd'ai.oduectiot eh. his own - ""nitYTte valweek4 4°11°3 f4e14*°741`91ed liktelT "re ebP°g ehe le -eked ee bewideiillgil 'And that awakening amine an • too soofl.. words of sacred terror and responsibility, protein to Make up for the 'wear and tear --Thenext-threesteelts-werevery- troubled of--muselerend-theyana-inere-especiall ' '' ----•,---H,•—• onestoMauriae;hisbrief interviews withNea the pork, are very rich in energy P Pe ' -w_ero follow -4W h-Oira.orbitter misgiving. for warmth and work. ,tint Nee, was childishly excited and happy.; I cannot vouch for the folleviing.' Which ' f every day herlove torMattriceincreasea and has Jed struck MY eye in a daily paper, but., deepened. The shadow of bite moral weak. if it is true, the Weirkmen+ Wert sound kr , nese cot* not hide his many virtues. She their 'physiolegl: •_. ••- gloried_ in the thought of being his Wife. "A lot of wooachoppets who worked for * , Oh, yea, her father wouldhe good to them, • Mr. 8— in f't--- etppped. work the other -+ perhaps after all they worild•go. tb Pau, but day, • and sent e itpokeitman to their . , • :*.• Maurice an& not Lord liertleWOuld be with employer, who said that the men yrem theta. . : satisfied with their wages and most 'other Nf3a never, hesitated, never repented. Ithings, but didn't like 'your fresh meet 1; ' though ,Matirloien. faee • grew thin and that's. too Amoy, said Aiain't got strength , haggard with ' anxiety as the dap, went intolit'llar. S— gave them salt pork three , by. . times a day, end., peace at once resumed itg, They were to be • married in one 'Of the stetty.” • , - ' old City churches ; and .afterwards Moneta, The use Of Oily and fatty foods in amide -, Wail to take her•to his lodging in: Amptim regions is explained by the great potential street ; and they were to write e, letter to energy of fat, a pound of which is equal to Mg. Ifwitingden. Maurice igiusthelP her over two pounds of protein or starch t I. . write jt, -stti&- Of comae her fe,ther have :been greatly .surprised to see, on leak.' - Would be Angry4eatfully angry --bat after ing-into-the-rnattorT-hoir OomtnoelY :luta a few hears be would, cairn down, and then le,rgelythe fitter:, kinds of meat are used hewmila send •the • *Olga, for 'her ; and iprroon engaged very hard, labor. ?den , there tiouia be a • torte of penitence and m training for. Athletic , Contests..es Oars- iteattaMnile, and begged her not to, ,deoeiveF •rattehltatheeflasit41, :Ahti itt4POstegY 'as* : • •fiiYeh: gni*. 41$01,ROotien, .Y batU�1 that revr.2enii;"Irgee ' Through the long hours of‘the night • he punotnalit3, ..:(e4releesnesel-e,bsconded all'thernorethatMrldtuitingtiOn oken.eYee an&ponankoo.-tin with, the silenee and isntise lihnWlien the facts of "seiP4 betWeen; hiln 'Oa hick Inariterin:daughter hi.,13/w*h(424111hWisathhetahoeLordivaina hgemetzaui ..u6a :•,•••••:. enwasyAvith fiVetlioulamt•ppundebelOngi, WereaPixabirt4 • !... • ‘.',• i; idneliiay tteete'lheiteariannettey thoughteamee inet .gtinte!butliPtitY 'to Um .rainar:,40. WAtlimit Paini.,:kgreatIgsdfneemed to open, that Cooled the Meer in his veins.all.„Mad,ii iiigle•ht***01000410.;„'flunthigdOli had 'Searles. neV'er,, recalled „ that -ennuis, 'hue, believed; Abet en 40* was hienielf *Co .ansWerlier•:' •• • . and Yet, would not '1 °ler° benerftble 'me.° *iza ae,ohnroro„. :oreolo ,tho,* ,,;fliere :Oen ether !Oftii' ;bat he . could !lietaly bring -ihnneertiedin Midst:, Of the Sie.epaerve ,dieetiefotea.veay, ,,ei;40 4 linstave habibizifther.alWeitram4to,laliayfiirturgaiiiierd ititd , pearance-aiidthimissetrinimWeret. MUM. whet was there in ninnielnn'hOtrein them? . 'it been all hie fault that lie betrayea to.theit 110,0,gTW9,0„,. was k 0001 One, lgea,ttiked SagY ,to Uira as well • m to her hielove bad he not been sorely teinPted Ilagtagitarl 41116fatigkftli* OfiltittirvArSgra eshatiV 0111.? • tomovdeaseAlliectltabetil Soffel Olathe ,=aranageziterattreihhi.4111.0104-444•Meiv• dtaindseMe310001014fkOlUctict011007-$0 • I . iift.as„ aaek -.);,•:.• together, anallt. Renthigaeh in 'hie col , littlie_te.,:esy,to _her. lie „was , p4deOtlY hard retie° WeigiVg instil:1;0ot to the gentlemanly and well bred,but he appeared Tkisoit',fnuie. baked somewhet depreesed: , , • , • , 40 speak to him a moment, and .4:1 eyed. to ' Nea's vanity was piqued atlast, and *hen *ttoolnpanytheileteetive officer. ,.'„•• -, , . •LOrd'Bertia.j'eine : them .iii. -the evening • 'llaknew George' Anderson's haunt:it, he the gaveliim itliber attention. Thingehad :.:. i Asidiend from a chalice, word aeChlentally not ptogresilett aoctirdingth. Mt. '.1Einiiting- - . overheard, be thouglit he ., had tt eine; .and, .eledi's.. wishes. Nee ovoid. not be 'Whiled' to ' d' ' hini •• „-,• Took favoriblY on Lord „ Bettie's'. euitl,slie pouted and like a spoilt :clad When odors, but Maurice ohoolttie. &gad term ticamt aucatt.--m .,haverclftenkqueriedswhyscs-- Mr,":„AentingdOri-, Might nOt . for- Intitttn ie often meet:amended in prefereniie f retail:hi- to beef: foi Ambling diet. poth the beet aria the inntton age tieh in protein; which makee ,musele, Mutton, hoe the advantage. . containing more fat .aloiig ,With the ptOtein.: and hence More ,petehtial energy, Perhaps this ' is another case. in which . expetienCe has led to -practice,' the real .grounds fOr which have lat,etbeen explained, • by ecietitifieressittreh.Prof. Atwater in the Centit4.. ilettiesmetaii Geriaarty . • . reetrt:Ifter:Ittehricrtdracegehtoevri,ert_o fobrectiontene htheae, re.vrebathGew:er an,a the iheiorabh4, •rival o Would he not think him him med.?. 'groaned Jux confided to him her _fether'n ambition. maurioef ciwteild he turn with that iiitia and give him euri a k look on hia face that he kne,W, BP' ivelli might:IMO i Mandei rememliered fleorge... Anderson . • Them was soinething. eeo 'modest a and trembled, as well he Might.; inet then ' „eelf-relittnt in•the. young man'a . Manner ati her father epoke seriously to e as the wholahoPeleSeness Of theettlie melted . he *eke, that, after egearohing ' glenee at subject. 'The death of One Of .14ora Berlie's tiPen him; he thought that lie., Would teak ' •hble; Mr. fluntingdon agreed, to leave the sisters had put astpp to themiming for the 'his darling . that be liact been Mad. -.':die', Metter, in hiehe,ncle, only bidding :.bin' 2 not present ; . but it was unac3rstocia that he. honorable, but that ha would give her up ;, • to let the pining -,villain -AlseePe, as 'he !meld „SPA ict Ilea very abartlY,11,114. after that he loved:her better then -hinte.elf,. ey,lid -0ertabily meant to pun s 'in. ' . ', a. long and 'ibigrE argunient , with her .t at for. her own isweet sake he Prot ' give , . many :Warn the ,iiicidelits ' that befel/ father' the was. induced to ',Promise that lieruZ , • ' ' ' ' • • •,,. ., • ' ' ,.. . • Maurice endhiacompanion in thiiiiii &it aliemotild listen to him.. .. . . And so h : the long darn.< hours nia het detective case;, but last, thank* Nee was beginning • to fool wright oi. Mahrice lay and fought out his fierce battle • the officer, they• were soon. on the right her gaiety and merry .speeches, , ehe 4watt , The viotor, hut nett,* long; for at 'tho. to. her-. only held her hand tightly , an idea together ih the '"-hie•ageeitY and the 'orkerrint initinot of her father's inflexible *ill, in spite of of life, and morning Anna him the :vicitot.: , • = • track,- ..and before • night had Via" . far hardly happy . that evening. pod 'Bertio firet hint; the first whispere&Werd thet ' he, wherl'at bat •theY &irk old oluirch with ite•gtioni alter and , . staveau•36C4ivere.hinging abOnt a low public, sheavy-i.. peechefrinla-7-m-ehidng e-rio-rialif: "that -tell her father, or that Iiii,moot, loaVe vieary aho. her for.etrerrNea-olimigto-him in ii• I ' et "f a white elealinne inOnurcients theYroor 'hid ' ol lurking round 'corners sed lier-how' terribly ' p'ssalou of• ten : .. . .. „ gave a s Mr. !t was a mo , ear,: an thwarted Nea, and now evert •his win ilia wiY.'.'tigr, r Ile elle.Wee ehngleg t° . . *iwould.hav, e condemned the young 0-44-4.4m- ai to peuel servitude., And one niorning an r.., , M Ifuntingden • di' menet ? _ Waltille si sing tho ci nwindow *stain the children pia in the May mindehler•btneit wondering why is am* 0,r , , to wish him geml. Morning, Nes, had Stolen Intel her father's house, and wad hurry- ing through the . !tunny square and green denoted park until she . onua . Mitritice Waiting for her, who silently toOkher bend, and putherinto the earriage. ' .. . '' • . Nee, said afterwards that it was that silent greeting of Maurice's, and hie cold touch, that first ' brought a doubt to. her ' ' a • anvil% the long drive he spoke little hens° opp . sha•tsaliting testray eitiloro,,, . , . would get Of .hirri if he were her husband', And the next winning they' boarded the she thought. She *as tired of him already Washington, bound for - New York,. that --of his oOrturtoriplitoe handsome face -of te loose anchor at the turn of the tide t..his confidential whispers. and delicately- ' ' implied tompliments--And. then she looked d. t Dietaries's thoughtfid grey eyes self.wited, -undisciplined child ha madenlY finret into tears. • It had. come grown into the wayward undiscaplinett e0M1 her 'ell et mu'e„ Whet she was doing, girl. No one hut ' her father had ever :P: hi; shet was• them ; hut already, va Staunton, the detectiire,.. was =liking inquiries of the captain jihad the P 'steerage paseengerellauticete-eharp ego fixed her; -1'kleit never knew why she h d caught sight of a young sailor with a *Oohed, or a strange restless. feeling came ' over her the,t moment ; but she answered •patet over hie eye, apparently busy with a .001 of topes, and. he walked up tohina care, lesslyi but as he loitered at his old& a Moinent his Manner Changed.' ' Dort'tlookround,George,"'hewhispered; Lord•,, Bert% pettishly. It was relief when the Carriage Wee announced. and she was to leave her guests. Maurice, Who was going, stood at the door while d Bertie put her in the caniage-a :rfeeiro.hote,vseragree, pookeekePttlootht ZP;s or whiLA. taw gloved h'solovod to him :petit!, the inn try and get the aeteetire-ont",,'Ot „darloeeestal4 t. ; e. &Venni :was: rinittered the:1mA, ih4..h10.'„fote *rhea 0, himitelf that night ,„ a co p 6, h a. in 1, a of.. .leved• hoarr,mora ;.,thathewoula. neither. babel. of Nea's arritge an spi revived and.. pieseritly she wen, tripping Nvotad it he lima' ceicittate,Ineurke" Mr, litintang, & et• Seethed like hO•re teg her that he loved her„bnt 6, , ;the boat. . • . ; • • over., „ netly•hoo at ihn, thought , the. *Innin: honaaoh'e.anafonrish;o8i,:anah-na eacjoi sin hiniself nor suffer het' to tieriPt;•'him &bent lifentlee'sthalebyrooMil, 'rearranging • • - • . •- to Dobson that•perhaps Altera)). Dr!„Aittelie' fraof Ben.", Thit aouriee: Xi: the hoWhi jonquil:a WithIgh ieoht, tOO ceased to govern" her ; she cOuld and *atiri frights:AO . cow, the .. . , ' In•Germany the :ditties Of the brides- • , maids hive :just a tinge , of ' superstition • about there.. It is one of. their duties iiii. ' .the morning of the marriage day to carry , to the bride a myrtle wreath, for whit* '. they had subscribed On the previons even; , ing. This they; plapeonherheadr.sila to ...: mot reinoveit, When it is placed .in • the bride's hand, she being at the time blind- folded,' . 'The ' bridesmaids than dance around her, While she endeavors , •th : plies ' the wreath On ono of their heads'. • Who-.. .• ever . is fortunate enough to be thus - decorated will, it • i is believed,. be. herself: a',..Wife before another year has Passed ." In removing the bridal wroath and Veil, the bridettmaids are careful* throve away -• every pin, pi the bride will beovertaken by misfortunes ; While anyunWary bridesmaid Who ratting one of these nsefui-little-arti,,t, elee.Will materially- lessen her chanties ot• "getting pff;'' : ' • : . ' , Like mini Other' German ,superstithent. this :has , found :its tiey. into ,:Bilglarta• • • though•it has not Yet • become it general 'belief. .. • ' • , ' • • ribilielie aioner•Mtieing liletheda. . The Christian Mien reperte that; the heathen: in China have a practiee that, it., ' introdueed.into•this, country, would soon abolish ehurch;fairs, ' radios, pound parties . mia the otherquestionable, means of rais. big money to run the church. Dr. Corbett. a ,,returned .. miesionary, • says: ',' The heathen never go ici. their templeate *or.' • ship without outlying an offetibg of Some • kind as a proof of their sincerity!. .' When. they become Christians this „ conviction':•is net rooted' out, but rather it is hei htehed ' )r,.. in proportion SG Christiartity is .- re ardea . as superior to: heatheinstri. I, her Seen, them give to such an -eittent, that t have felt it a duty to, remonstrate . and remind • than that they owed duties to their tomes • which must not he forgotten."' •• • '. ' • Were,it net Inc • theclanger attending the knowledge of our Church ,method e it Would '''. be wittel0 haVe's few Chinese sent to this • / . country,aS missioriaties in this 'particular ''• department • of °hurt* Work. The Chinese . are eabidtetive that; on the whole, it, is best for our people to cortfitiethe •knowledge. • of their Methode of • raising money to our • • own ehores.-Olilisifati Adeeeette., , * - _ rie ritet Speech of the Veang ttat4 . • • ' ,1 Mr: Chairmen and ' gentlebien-tThe.' , poet has beautifully said, in thOSe Worde ea familiar , to yen' all; hut 'which,,..unfortu- nately, , have escaped me at, this, %; • • ent, -' he has said—in the words of the ri poet -:•-has said,-nOW. gentlemen. I( did not °Vita to be canea upon to speo at thic banquet tonight, hetice•-:•though I could - probably sneak better hence thithI Oen here -beta I feel -4 Mean I Alla inYdelt,-4210 • is to say, you Alla tne--enia-ancit-4ealiaing : • as I do„-;-beppiest moment in my Iife. Now. I didn't come hate tateake ti. Speoch.-:-"' •, . We see' yen didn't," interrupted the; , Chairman, and the young Mon sat dciiiii , araia thunders of oppleuse...TesesSifiieet, - W,Ot,lt on the Short lip° railway f gun ,. .Montreal to the sea is progressing eitisfae- ' torily!. All the bah:tread in thiState of - Maine have beet' Warded; and the' teetiOn0 MAO' Ontitract are eXPeeted fel be abri, • PlIeSdlei:iON't(Crellr'etl3010t1ging. 40 U 'ib'n'acin wonld not give up the only man whcan; she' ra.r;tioertivnhluthilnea.tilfer, rnictillith, L4vrtthrYe' 'peel' now to marry Lord . Bettle-•she wOuld °Pen" wes..heehug there to take their hived; nothing on earth should induce' her ratherdie first; it left het she 'lama P.m"' . .. • , , 4, Ten minutes in,ore break her heart, but he•loved her toil . Well aniellao•knte ottt,e.:nslatiV .,in,,t, no h.iza 'could ' Poor Maurice! A... _. ,Hn linnorable roan woin'a Sent and Neit ;Huntingdon had become to leave her. - - • • • • ' : • • • have nerved hileti,r her lovitig -re. T. Tre,'",rar• • 4. ..' . ''..: prt•aclies ; would have turned sadly and Bit when they hita left the gkioroY' Old titta reproved:them with a' word• lle would throu h . the crowdeapstreets with their, ohm& in the•,dietanee,;•and Were driving firmly from her 0011106d girlish sophistries, • his 0! rigut. ,dc vivo or, ,,y060 lead,", returned was inght, , and he ought tohave taken more neat of these things , he we y ring the landlady had made Seine show blooabounate ma, him. • • weak the temptation Wes too powerhil ; feettiity, un hopiiig- the' iitiff: 'folds of the , NY'ere yota• inad";- Giforg_e ? he stayed; listened, . and was: lest. Ali stetvain curtains, tuia peeping into. : the , . *gong peent.:-ThaVe.,:tight," as the been before >hitt ,aeci ;,•n„ . • •„. •. Ala ,Nefe,6 ti° t tiviartheletle be •ithe angels:Intuit have...went'. that day „ over 'corner 'clipbeards With .the,gleeful oarioSitY CUR until,. at her young :hug nd's ' 4 40,ene--4iiicic--q,Mektand pet kiln • .fitomehow he was t tho Irian' 'he: bad . -.44. • •• „ r. un in • • retnrne , ens pn gentle' ;.renionstrahce, 'her ' Merip ness d down to wri e the 41.4116; biro ma -by an talked Aguely of running d M Et gaols Wotild thril.lurn out of - • Sb id•hini*liat be IMO* alrettOy.• that , eh. larig • hand rotted,* lieivirs -*own ridieniea the mies that mitten WaS .40;118°4 • his ui rge; . say , your prayers to'night, and. eocLfor feW. (Vs.' • "..51 ut nOt even that ctetermine wi • o is . . a 'it tb• oface • that weghl °IVO" h" 'eruellY formidable letter.' • • ' • he said aloua,..as the doted», Could 6 0 ke 'off the nese a was., or p- • ' • * r° 'ad • • • a ni when Nee Y • 'IC& "' ei-r0a , And bow formidable, was Nes paver -thank clod that yon prensaved.“ h ..n tb t . ee tbat he would probe. 's in the bow of the • Brown Bees.. and he returned f r,om a brilliant reunion she found rnuneed t'nfilve hint tiP • °14'1°1411 andnhen•Aried • .again till • she -eighed for a t• • onfus•on ertie. irciaelite& netil she ha& tried and • failed, tive apprclaahecl taut, u We ' are wrong•On• ing over him, en.., e g or.condenin her i16., solitude, until sh, , ,h the• •Preline Flower • ". and as he Bolgrave,Itouse a sewn inue in is • uttered the first lie that he had ev.er told Mr. Huntingdon lied 11004' taken suddenly ' Could he leave her to her lather's tender in his, guileless, young life, Maurine loOked ill; and Dr. Ainslie was in attendaneeW." • mereiee. Or abandon' Inn to that other, .fall HI the. detective's fie° „,ha la 4110 ,_, By and by a .nuree artivear-a: certain. lover? and she Wept Bo intselenately as • :(Iniektlif„away.' , ,... ' • , . , ' .. , ,bright,eititlittle Sister Teresa -and took she, said this that a stronger man than , But. a , couple of hours ' later -when. charged the sick 'nen.% Afterthefiret few Atalirioe Mist 'heve • felt his , strength gtounion was loosing his temper over tileir days of•aliscdate.danger, during !Ali& he waiter. ' ,,.• ' .• • .., ' L Want. of atieeeaai and the.Vashington was had been tolerably subroissive, • Mr. Thint. ' • And millets had the Victory; and thee days Warding Out of thedOok-Matiticesueldenly ingdon had desired that he should , he , kept flow by on golden' wings, and the stolen reduced the .. ocketbocik, ,and p:ropotied infortned of all matters connected , with an Moments heoamesweeter andmore Precions - ' k inaPortant live Milt of his at present Pend, to the young loversuntil the end bailie; h f eon. Ei t'ii don Was 'better -ha could that they ghoul take the next ram • for Lender'. • "For I em very tired," big ; and,during the to ious, _ • :finished Maurice, with • provoking good,' veleitienee, Maurice Trafford carried the •: .• humor;"aaa Dir. Unntingailn will sleep daily report to telgraVe HMIS& It Beeline& .• better tonight if we give him beck hiii Ave although fate Was conspiring agaitist bird; ' . thousand pounds." , , , every day he satin*, and, every day her•, " • "You'll let' the rogue •g� 1" lexclainied presence grew More periletislysweet to kiln. •' • Statuiton, and hatiWore savagely. ." VAL 'She had a, thousand innocent'pretexte for • have cheated luetice, and connivid" at his ,detaining : him, little girlish cOgnaries - • • escape," '•.. • • • '•,. Whioh she did•nOt employ ' in Vain. She • P Vs," tillOWOrea atiltriCe .• Ciakill7d iVeilla ask hini,,abOut .her father, or beg • • "Don't Ont. yourself out, my good' fellow.. him to tell her about the tiresome aw•ont, • I Will take all the blatae. Ite sailed in the or show him her binds and flowers; any • Washington, lima there she..,goes like it hird, thing, in fact,thather caprice' could devise Yon are Out; ef terOper because I Was tto tb keep him beside ber for a, moment .:•vA•y h r for you: Avil Oeinitatinicatione often they met in her father's recite, OM?. Huai)) don would* give orders Suit : Idr.• , Nee, in her,hlindness„ thong ' d "'t Trafforl should. etay lunchOrl. eorrnni good manners,. . oVra • , taken leaf out of your think. I Should Melee, splendid aetteitiiie l!' • continued , Maurice,. rattling on in Pare boyish fun, ti I got up the little fiction about the 'grown ,Bess and the Prairie Phivier When saw him 'dressed like it ' Sailor, with it patoli over hie nye, hatiling , " Then,' as Stattnieri uttered,' another in tho ropes" ostit „ • „ .. 61114 de it tIn t I 114/e kept •,Protniste,,' rather (lie ;than live; Without hem, . • 1. "'latio..rt.tigii•iet.tnail eslietlrititt.i•tbrl'hqie(i).°9.Iteeet iiiereeptiCe suspense wouldba int?letable. iettie 0).nek.ene, '411,eY Peelipy. 9,:b!oket • Why , aia, yen eXpOet . to bring my 010 Oa churn, when I len*W .they would, hisi Jive or ten years of penal servitude ? 0 Yon think 1 atn es a blood kria, very wearinese; and then au heir aid with a few forciible, sentences ; and 00 it got itself writen--4he saddest, , Meet penitent littleltitter that a daughter's hand could frame. : ' • ' •• But when 'she had laid down the .hurthen of her secret, and special' messenger hal heed despatehed to .Belgre.ve House,' Sea pot ofithought for ix while, and elle Sat by the window and chatted Mai:trice about the gay airings they wail have ,a,t leaVe his room ilia up .and down.. the, 11.41awno,YellithilerMaciVilareitcheattitted, llbeictetitilhouers smile •Corridor leaning on Sister Teresa's arrif. h. • • • • ,Thezie wag lese Plan at'd fewer relet'ges ..s.nd so the dav wore On, but when theY end when 'Dr. proposed ,htliat•_his, had anis. hod - ailed hate evening, Nea 'their simple dinner' and the 'patient should spend the res o in the eoteth of Prance,: Mr:. Ilinitibgdon consented withotit demur. • They were to be 'away some montbal ss•r• Iluhtingden informed Nee, „•ota extend their tour to .Switzerland. and the Italien • Lord Bettie had promised to „join af angora grew strangely- quiet and Mantice'd face grew graver Una grairer aS they, set with barrio , nf: eilenee 004/big , up between' Tyrol., •• a When the dusk became ,darkneas . , , them at Pau ur it inenth • or so, and,,here, iia the lamp was brought in, ties, look° her. father looked at her With 'a ,Ortiile. at Ntaarice ,with , wide ‘ahlialla ,: es.aa..p,ta innat 'tisk° up her Mind 'to . ace.ept MP . asked What it mesa. • ' Were they not going to send the carriage They could got the troueseati in Paris. ,.14.eit, aeley or ohilly,shallying.; the thing had she gO'hente on foot and brave her'fitther'S Clasped lianas iit the, With 'a • before they eterteid. I there mist bo :no!itiere ,fer,titetti aftet„ alt? she Wendered I „must to only atnueing•he'rself, ' With an iale fancy,. u. already hung , ,,-• ; ' , • .: .,‘ anger .r he re .ti ..,0 Oa very, .very angry, ..' fire tee long - Lord Bmtie - , is 1•.• ' ' ti i I. • , „ • . • ' 0,4,ti :Inniiith • ptitiniity. ,:int, t,,,, .frop, . t,n,,A. 11,4,4 been coniplaining that. he Watt not fainly , the thought, to "keep theta SO long. in seorreedialtneet perfect in her •eyeet„; She 't„i6ateclo.titia mere to tho same PflVtlefle. • ' - titspktge, " • 4 , „ 4itoo,, thought that Ad, waa• iilaythg. ,, a: -ilea listened inperfect Silent*, but it Was wel,1 that father tato not see•her face.. •they. heard tho tumbling. of Avlieels • tlattt, '" Ankh i" excitiiiiied "'Miiiiriee, aid then „approaching When elle *Mild find her fancy PreeeetlY•ehe rose and :flea that -he Ve_ati otopt,ed eobtas,...botete tp,e door, and the tiredand Mutt talk no . lreeef . •f6„:• ,el•r;•• let& pealirig eta liell.through the house, ..1 dangerous gable, that , the time was fast Day by„day those stolen momenta DeOatoo Trafford would be here directly ;. and 'then .,,. The .1 otri4go l the „ carriage 1" etita a fortowfoi vattilt. -.. , ,, . . :Mere periletis iti their tiWeethesti ;.e.tidl,' One ene illictei •ii,4*nie 'Pret61(t‘ for .leav , g., :tk."6 ** ''''t .1:4 6 ix 6....“ the 'flush toile to her:is:60,0:a Olie, .-nlottking Ilea Woke, `up to . the eenytet5•64 r'11/1"4e;nrice. 'otind tt: ‘er W. ai'g forltitn wit' e'll: i, frilasilvte4 ;*6!e7rwe' !1.143t',/i4t,,ar12.4 4,11.thraigtaclitialidn. that tlahriee •Ttafford•loved her,.. 'that he 0-1- et thing t� her, and that oho would e:tee ,dowanettrI•i, At:i411.11e: rra Support Itirceelf, andtett tie though anotlii)r fgentleinan,aayS the Ficht;iscaring for eight , givo wan 110 my „;• , and 'broligliths,,,eltlie iiVatheu•sand,reifidee, it. •whe . one . eifterneon, ".tia . they were •Lioilliiiveit, .L,d ireitsiott a i,tro , to toe 1 .44' X letter ter Mrs. 'Trafford, ' observed i the ,chickens, nestle ut the dog's long but and uota tart:brig of it wont& he or on have together in the drawing.rootri, Maurice, „,, • ,-., • ,, _, _ , „.; .., ,,,.„,,,„„i ., the landlady iti.nolettin awe.otruolt tOtieft, • sta. Been? edinfOrtahle; They follow the. • Seer, but for ino.'" '• .. • ' - „ , lua come late that aitycana fi, violent OtOttn. her. AlltiitriFe,r %V.i at! Pe4e,e44 b4,11"e"-ki "ell3Lie " and it'reta,11 in liVay 'and the cabman arc tdOg elialt .00d .tbti. brute ettivca to .give , ebe had umlaut ; the Oiling min, come, Unit ht,h-ih-,. lit aothe holiefit )) ' . . , • them all, the personal -OU'ibi possible, • ' '•:. . k ' rerhepOSteeintaiW44 net OS titta.litterted had get iii, •Aha -wit.• litItitihoori, htha Sent ' , ., , , , ,1 g 8, , ,, • .. ,,