Lucknow Sentinel, 1887-07-15, Page 3• 10 .141We �o Iee fl'heVleafl on "J..' ---t le rlfiBoreeP tastItOir, " trllme Imell of the day WINS ibing; But whet *Wei how the hours go hy, lock • X wetly r and. the old c , * 'Whether swiftly' they, go oc _Creeping . " llot an boor eohicl bo but Agar to me. Wlien AnY,1400 011 11Y OflUBleeViatf. ger little here feet, with dimples sweet, From the folds ether gown Ana are,,,, peepiug, each wee toe MM.% 40.1sy la DieN11. • ' .-1. caress as she lies a-sloeloing; Xfor golden hair faile 0110 tile e)leir, BA treasures of beaoty Unfolding, APtiss my lips to Uet lieges the • That my u'" so tightly hoidiog. . , TaDitla, QQ012e TO. g.4o-SF0 Aort to filoit"role* -cro fattio, Onwlatia0ooloies--One on -P buttPro • of grated 'chocolate, one.11041. 017 flavor, two:onoe of oligarothteo cops of flour, font r. A/.10,14.4.NTAC 03PAgstR• Irouosw )1P4o. Sto0O.1009,99.94,41110,4f011 ; Ocautk reeific, --osion40( 171tbeve Woo:ones a lang. That wickedness ,soMetinies ITOsPers eviden004, earl the lieW York ilroviO,by the titer romantio career within the het. few US formerly of 7.^ • ilut!-TAE earr S.V.4400. .91d •oligo Varmor who, Bikelsheigalla, Xere'Touefsg • .` "Do you see that whiteohOired, Countrt- lied-lookiog chap Sittin0 fX0Olt. of the Red Lion liotel ,?" asked a• bushier's, Mein •01 ' h 'raet on the opposite side of r ^ 011000M E0.1•04141,AVIt:X_YEA, VoiVee-ColereilV EloM1ot Poeco.43.krass.Greeit , itiol' PorteMbrokooliteSso A cOrrepOonderit, Writee; " 040 ot tho . Ohief features Of the neW lathiOna eeeMe tO he, it !.revivol, of ttto Woo ovild forms of the ,past. Ieato eOlionnet the other day, fresh from Paris;that recalled:the 'Jane Clark I'l of pale coffee. frieod w one tirriefo- the the street. , nawer°4 314° 1)1 Ygd bl ae leOet ?3,44 °Ile at Oa 0 etgAg:poe onfta of oioatri At tar.tor. Ito months of Ot haairltesatter of, $01ii Fran0X8001 04 Walt WilAt gt Win?". A. , COlore . OP _goo Was...a" wXea _ ..., cep i as it use, („L'o'l 174:,,,-41 of this head. , AlbanY thAs oo•a--'' nower Of 1°v° other. • " b a ' a t y the „.. , , o „.,,,,,....,„,,,,t p.. oonar oiii. c AL.• .......,-..a... ....es, ,,,,h ,. •. , _._ ...,4. he Y lka Of sCr° egga% 64e CalP; al -a 11°SefletiVE4e$40bG0901e0 o Ile to one cu. iaoro-pecoter. •I lie m oiogo,fs.-ao-k00t ot gros_green ooguu p,.. d bake in a, f1,11101 °Veil. , Lon°11 'ell'Y'---T• r ° f water, ono table' to the 03.Na° 9- f.,4 • A. history of XX-. i ever mot," Baia t a ' a t the c healiug ge° l'i'-• • Bugar, one enP 0 -11. .. -ea 0,44 the sooth Pacific '' .14 a4, ee little iconne to be pOsa6aPe'* ° la nd- t a lol • iav WO 0. c spoolgul of corn -stare A tin .04401. 33w:we we in Alba _ gratca -rioaa et one-leoron;o00 1 a e This is nice for layer 0 . 11014004 ticic.tock ; you may -wait,: 011100clo, ' A ' nWaS:100,11111V/38, I Wee etlYMI;; . lootyour seconds stay, goer unnotes plan And hidyoUrslaytge alta Iilffing, ' IX Tielei stand sull'..-letuto'dricii lig on i• Cit pootent while my liaDeisslosping . . ApiLarcloothlier hair, Any .life locas fair, ' Arid toloorrow-i niay be WeePlag• Irket getout. gam . power,' itud. lais-toocli is sotriothing wonder-etriogs were .01. the same, huo, . • interest to his later life that it i's 13,1140604- , iso,:h rai nooessar to A 1.11,0 111, oa ,, e vino, (aim al . lug. - • . - t' ' Tiemott,Stida Ciiike.-Qhe- .iliti of. %oar,: .49.0,tioT". ''' It , ls a S,,,,, y._,., _ ,.., y , smemathe door ethol4egte..rclolatIon tobie over which Toae. clraWn; a veil of green t41.10,, 4 n_ ara giost-iy we,tootog too passio4 :throng_ Thcfroot- was -formed by 0,.-Wreath'ot PoP- haIfoup of. sweet milk, Doe teaspoon of. A. Baas,. whrtls.naw. in thia vity,:pliteee, gio )104-r . i mid 'beard: are.snowy•white and Ppicoeppti iae40.„_11- otinriellp0,91eioit:diao'sn:Cacb:vcoati.ligrol4e.eartt.r..: . one 'tablespoonful of butter;,twe' eggs, cooe- '40,Y Vist th6 19'4 'il` q4.3.13t1°110544- * an 8''' Vict •Ot ilOuri IlieliiinYea Eitte* eiltillg. ' . - ••-an•lai his aree4 is =Ore subetantial eta .cconfort, to ni.ount it. tIP 14gli'-with.th° '4611,401+ El0a4i We ' tea p . o'f cream. tatter, Oite suouboloitttlfttvhe rballi;:, a,_•:;41111V0 obileggeS of ,wero eilert 4fter the. , eeentry etyie, ,ivhae iff Fadding,...O-One pintof boillog railk Itv°0!'-1,:ti - \.rg•c° Ina IrigtP:P.Y'lt 01670nm...rich and fashiertahle-` ' Taking a. 11."gt auktb° tSIP°PPY: tli. TualleSt-O't!l.' Ana nine tablespoonfuls of floor o oto*.oret eig:otiTool6fdr:%14.;14,1:yri.ip,Q „ ot ole coup,_ ,searbeaae hith, tlae reporter, ael° ' - -larVeei. r'it:1:118.1elerssVirlvwdiffn1111.et ntitgat .: the boat upSet. he wos en hag , , 4,4-40Y,,, 304PleNI.Pr -t.9: 0.i. ot.ii_Franeiscoo Whoirwe '' AT° 7‘....,r04° aPctOr In , ° • ‘3. • c. • • : - "No,- i11e,' a9SWered rather- ,ion0.,.. ..,,,ao_aQtQoimd aunstdbabvtliZel.1PptytYait.poll'eatt1ebtvatiligir:- ,,.. .out- 1 suppose I Coe -A.14 have been grate. .1411" 1m in...,°`.,;.,/)11 ttere_d_silish. •fieroe At. P. n, Go:, Xr* Bank% bel):10utelligent 0,44,-1010) as A Ylell °Ai tt l•lalii41S"ae 7°W:fg 1/513P43° (ibtaiiiea. 'C43.11"tAlYiFIVi ycra tho faith. euXii. docto: that hi. P0Eotra• wantivtlel.:1%1444,, Ittel;,,brcr0I4s.tCZ.11 With a little eold, rdilk., When ,coia. eaa. 114 „ .- . - A ' igieW my 'boat WaS erMIliy and followed. ougar, re° 01-1P u s 0 . our& •Iferaud.-tcrwr avgi'-'"31:heff--Wprosperial-,"-procoo. ,,,isT . , x in ouvg go cr, -sim-Ple):-and-vieleti-or-dar44reeri,•:‘-so.wel,•-._:-..t--..-.....•.•___ .xriy little salt and -flour, th_ree Well -beaten. aggti ' tli ane oo purpose; besiclea the waves were not 9.4P!u10:14 ri.1.1c,1162.0... 0‘11P'.1 -.°I buttert'TA . ' s el - -. for: • • u'. PIV ''. Q' pen(' tOO won for- his per on gooat, together ; '00 the sleeves shoula siwsgsbe of . --fxd-for--tbpk-=bot-i----wo.en?.t.--:.-rrs-Buro-lie, .1;4°41°4'4 valte•'.71•Yalta '°u_a °uP . :LAI; .eninlovinerieulitIlaexpreganfaee of -Welki; st ppin here I"' ' iwnoing-verrhigh.,-----------4133.0. ,...7° '?!..t.Aviii ohtsLinedA_p9litioo of truat, and 41,1;11.3.1.er 24);7113°941tbamoPallu:97,,t, blYrgilio,,,s5,,A_111131 a iiffttlY, tile more telling etoor. oila the richer HO was ap. artist Ana oonia spend locrera °P9orkkwa of ba -100 Powner. • :ahe Ina , ot gained, tbe entire confidenTif -"Of -hts-ort•F t . . inateriat-Thirpreaenthe0000crgreat 0.413.0,n--------, snyth'ing gooa ot a nien Who geoid 0.0 in Egglesa bahc.L.--Two-thirds, of a citP of raonths ago, oarrying. With. him . over • T14° -lat°rviE‘wer wa° at a 1°'a S°. kr:1°7"." "tage.'eve the PP43t.' - The it'e*Ileilsi've EltutfP • . ' looking ate. suoset. Did pm ever know °voll, . • , • • • ;., plOyere, ,he 'euddeoly dieappeared eizt .94 good of animation: .: ' 4,hat.i'neompreheiasibie ratmher? .., sugar, two-thirds of a . oup of sweet milli; ft50,Q00 belooging to the cowpony. how to takeihe oia geotIereso's tkuswer- a to,a%y are prettier than an) seeo otyore, ; I was Out walking' about iv week .artor I one.third of 0 gap 0* botter„ two copii of many friends ai the Golden gate .moiirneo gi2 NVItettler.120):0,074t thil.t Ue WOUla knock the more. espeoiallY the atriped Ones. . I have allowed the yoting mail: to'. Bove ..'ilde , from flotiv and two tee,spoonfule of. bakiog pow, hie oepeotere, for he was o geoa fellow, life out of bito la's •rapertineoce, Or that inSt. seen so:material domPosea of alternate ' thO_WPing. • ... . ' der, flavor to ttiste,'aud before pattiPg in recklees with his Inoneii an interesting It. ° umulA 1143141Y relive. bis PhY.B'eal 6.11fle- Iscve,tireettniaPaeiegoi.(leacwell, ittvehilriwacsillicla. int.IlkieitYlciaYleerily.' A h a*.a t i k. al • i ing kola I walked, and walked, and WeAlod. Ries. the oven grate sugar °Wit. : • , ' talker, and et good story -teller, while 14° la'geth. be' ed 1g r-19 a a e :h trheae e4rties: the teas for' 'de in her. teerts. •futlY.1 aanla '4o a .cotte.ge, outside *Of whicii Tea Cokes., ---Bob together four teaSpoon- little atIPOTO at home so4 a't hi° club :were '3311 e 'g ° WQ° . °al" a ea ' Alwther Material was coniposed of" alter- • , ' ' a beantiful little oligdolvithioog..):Ittiv, yo,e, fula. of ),,,,4ter. 8„ra ono poi), of sugar, add the' talk of societY for days.- after eaeli intervieYier proceeded to explain : • r `" lose toid alto You. wete a faith eon 0 rialte 13tViPeS Pt .1-i154:44e silk aa.la lo:°°. °I. tb° *Wing.... f.ihe PretV little thing ran After one .weli-lieaten egg; one:tablespoonful' oft MoMt; liirs. ila.P.15k, too, mourned llislossi pow...wow dactor,”.• .: ,_ ionie sluide., .4. frock:of that .-stoff might- . , ine laughing. • '''' oresan and two .ottps of flOur, into whieh he.s but her tesSion:s wore 'Widely:different, 44 I'M ItOthirig a 11.16,hinit. 'Day iitiMe IS b° tOrn ' v.gitb• alraost anY o°1°L), •Arla -. I.hela out toy hand to him', -:boo eiftea two teaap6Oofule-.. of baking she canto to '• this city after -gathering - - at the sMarteit asy, festivitiesv-ana-Woula------..- ers that liiiiig over the oti.a. in a graeo- „frosh., • . '. • • ' ,. , • , to her that her huaband- had Poi heen all Belmont conitty, 0,, near Deroos post-' outlast two et three Of the. white oanobrie0 ' 'We walked on .tOward e clomp of wil4, powder. • Bike ie. email pane and eat while enofigh. evidence ill Sao FronCise0.to,ProVe "44112 Si°net4aker'' ana' ul.wity that -I aviitoo stupid' to describe. or - .. Beef Fritters 'oodh'op nieces ' Of - Steak 'et that She had. aopeoted: , Conaulting the office sod I:. don't have to pOw-mow for , a trintMed with' broiderie • AOglaiiie, , that -He :Won't 4411.04140(.1, '.... • -- 1: Sappose, Oat, thongh I may dislike a 12;cilk;flour•endatiegg ; mixthe. meat:L*1th cox. here, . aP • - . . • osed to make. my own ciofftos, but 1 don't - • - • . ori -e. f-;.. re- 003-..e.ha'ttet 0.f lovi firm. of liesare JohneS, Bennet 'io will, living. --x,o,m-a,faratert sita 1 :116.:xsost. of ' thre%ten tO become the rage, lila& need to , , - • -- . eola toast bEiel v.-ery h • the r ere for ii, aivorei3 werepre_ the imdertaking, b. ttsioess' in that'SectiOn• I -siredioitery fresh end, cleen..--Iondea L409. . ' .verion, ron able% to clo that personeoine it, --F'iita loran of butter ins saucepan, let perly arttwo up,, but Pending information do it ony.rapre. Yen 'fellows upliere make. • 'Zara,* :though lienry Carling oan clei both.. • Yankee X .offinSooTa oP0 otie.rt Of Milk 'gory to refer to it now, 0;40 to etate that fal• It mal -es loor nerves fairly tingle, Grass -green 044 roto-14AIE ovia oils gill of yeast,.ouo tettepoonful of in that Oiling, tetra' he Married a .very For roy part ; don't understand it.r 'would the , xefithetiCii haVe Sala' salt, with. four ,or Oveeggsheaton sad. agar interesting young.isay, for whom, aecord. wrotoliatior. was wile lea a pis. to ft? DIXt1 it wow o very prettY lx4114et,f611: sufficient to Italie thi0IX batter ;halo ,iug to his latest letter .to his trio:ids:in title patch tepcilier to look up tile man with the the .saole. AnothierooStill ptettier---Wati Muffin rings, $ervii. with butter. „ citythe still enter the moat .touchnig he I h- f d. 'tt oconpalied entirely of •tintipe- fAall (greeO) • • I hoied, lieory Carling • from the first One he took his. Seat. in front Of me at toble d'hote in the Sea Beach Hotel and lookoa at Me go much it interfered with etite --When:I went 'out rowing and il to h ate • - child and I -were Rooted toge- ' - • m band, she withheld proceedings. - - ---- • • _ largespoeu.• uuta_broWri, eetteeti:With • t eesmter°0110e1Puetir;t1a30,Isotanc.alcmoetlmp trioopt:epthoerotee " you hi.re that yining man. who , applied for Your school?' was asked of to; . sight an-Ohiact ahall f°rget-'41°'116t Ctip svieet Clesin cioe and. alialloups sugar, as to the wheregionts of laer recreant tins- , it mel't then drop the batter • . thststreeta,''' sorateb2 - aD, ta schooLduitrtct_offiecoo-_ Om on, the -little toek I, hail Pluwsei al 'a pepPer and salt and a little parsley,. °la Pala' urrei-iTgZsittrl, • . 'restiog,pleCe„ when suddenly. there oanie in. • I atioeld.ta.iltet. eayftie7didoli," • P him to Tahiti, Sandwich Islands, but t: like the same place. Then it Wi&B BO ETOOkY' Why not ?" • • • h dle1111040..-51=•-• .01W -E14*..• Alantioirogoidilizkotoolio.Owkomp,Ope these of Billy lila, the illostnous hero this .1410.0ore.o, • sort of justice. • ••, Oregon Cake • One half -cu bUtter oue e ec Ives a , about twelve years ago, u "i3is aiWt Come up .to t 445traYilt 43r4tirl' -a schooner a feland • dark • that I thought I would' hava to is oe • :100-4 - -0 gt, tour!egssinuebel'ateuepanatelytedine • ,,4V.aloantionansag. Mowertroa'SVoil% so-erMaio . era 11714 10.3121114410,1113wil '0114OPAOdOiS-DOOXYLIk3O. 'Atmore ohaferoothe(sleothholpide.of the Jaw( iptsitottimetw,,awvar w e-satia3Rorei-naszookY(!ciao ihaixneOlepigrA/4811W wily youog man ei too& -; spread. betweert, cate• :pint whipped cream • . . ezi"i°Vrok'aiWytifiiintitt•Orier , ' I only reruenalier one thine:7 As: it fiew 664 one chp sugar. Ftglicir with lemon. "W'Yrbe got in.my Wagon. to fiap from bideouettod furious'. - It -flew at the little at Inn& -Pan. "When done$ out • °Pool anA Clever song, " Art was true W°11, Y9ting':•mali4.411Ttlait-I -6‘v 1.6 top,t ,W1100, persoh cenieetkilaie and Saxe :• itesini,Nekeii; Singe • about in 'her: Like Billy.4ia,..1qt.Ba00 . ii, pato, io.spa ana. put hands eh the place', the pain goes away, or Banded ou'a strange shore sad,looked out for an hands • Color ;ether it I:rub A wart Ort'oril tlaey go away,,And, 'rye known. caligeratO aisappest after I've, the field to, the honae • anlokays I, *pia ye to ol1. my at the ohila caught ha throat. I held it • Bread 'Griddle Cakes.-.-Soalt a small ever drive, inuch I' .1, Of late years,' says hb; ;;;;;:for the little creature's, sake, that '4 1 hive driven very little, Drote 'very ,• . iththe streogth of the Madness of that ' IO the kaa come upon me, ena th, stool / boWl °thread over mg t whichrgs rip xt oar haif a• da toeasfpio°911exhx,11.141.3;f' cupful f • milk intsbaiLanyo,b.le: ciavs,.oe Yo baking -powder, Witli One cluar.t °10__144 ' Came along and accosted:hire, tabbed there that Way...I .teitt needn't langli, th-ffirlwelt:bracten-eggs, . • " Ob I stay with me aid cie Mug youll,he, And iii a ve.lace loll, ' Or I'll eat you Blip a diet ho gpire his hand, , did . • • But his 'art was trtie to Von. . sailed atvity:from Tahiti for a point. any - ler-,."-sayorhe-igylerunly-ati--lie-lead- •hili 'hand on the 'doubting Thorotte' thigh. It may have e been imagination, hilt lifis hand Seenied as, het as cite and. seut thrills. to'the ends'of the toes,' • ' ' , "No; never lengh it such things, ,for yon, ;don't loin* what . Might happeo. - I'lave saved life,,and While I do not - ttavel Cult, I can relieve. .little, yentetin,'• saye I. I beg ,yonv ;pat eayil-h-e-,-',..but I mien 'driven: ‘'DpoVo,• is right,' says I. says: he, ' The horrible sahva ran tom og. El t arnatiaailet.! mouth... It aia 'not toueh, • my hands.. ri gloves to is well; Mebby ye lintriV,'. toys • ,so, M • Barri,. castic. I reolion 1 do;aitys Fri:ties!. letai34heliirls'."Pfrrolinlraecilkleieliegklancttannin,g.. hattetehOuldbel,hick. coo:de-out here to learn: you folks . some., • I stood so -'-and e•ges: seeixted . tO: job. Cree,m,••---Tbree quarts of int , lame thing...'• '24 1)0.you., see that •toad ?': • not tremble. ie " - Ware three.inen.. .* ' three cups..of sugoro Set _the dish , 0 _ o X doeS4,eari.he. Well,' says it &sal. Beet rtp the bread with this hatter 'until it • r httsita fry a delicate brown." -The „ lfr.,13ankti was 'Ceti/Silly in luck: Belled •ct of the law; and thOutc;711 art4;14eOltiWaaol:Ivt tOogitior iigho;y- Oriustety ' merabet. l• After that fainted,. • : end when licit eadthe arrovorpo ,p t riVickuil; favotiog gales hirdireoteEi his Craft to the. 'cause I'ut•goin to begirt to kicken ye in. lifriten reviVed I lic,14 been.• Carried, I yvet..in milk;'the sugs,r and the eggs. suff'eringXought tO do it, 'As iettia before; about a minute by t1.4.0 Tie soW 'I, when Henry Corling,canie With eggs, fout tab.lespoOnfols of a,rrowroof and fou,ndonto the cottage 9 , , . • _ e, „Outgo Queen a ' than coo)i :shores of .Itirrelpiaga, "Cook's Islahd,in,tbe still I feel that e kea (1.illeltea in Eitglith, a. D 1-3tUriaevaeulirt"fallige ientisrtete°11°Pki krkanadv-heelgraot°1;boa'atiktgarta...m, ISicaceateitado EfOw they ',Metered the :dog I do. net.. re. 'containing the Milk in a kettle • ot water where out • • P.-15, • " salitng her. lioy,s , langtiage) reigned. qaietly. a , y , nd dl over course do. Eyery„glarlst1artailust aboawv,eustlieeairoott., Y7...oet we te. 71.n • t' r that understondsgrani'er ot , $mitli 'Pacific, where: the beentifu.1; but ocloo't hale to, mother. She WaS, klieSliPS beside me .anu- oti e, gallon' freezer. .i.-iessieggs y aroun . , o f the 'little blind's a few labintee atid flavor when , TVS The•idea "of crying like a haoy, grral' ,eggs, onacopful of boiliogwater, one pon°nard r Beat cescied•abtuptly to grieve ter her dep'arted lord When the handsonieJece and manly jog prayet. . n?t,.1,id, jot ....osei•Was a Gentleman.. BeriksloOnted aiiiilgeemuroosiwbearAveff.,..;c3,4tocii4din.byaietwitsifilft;Ileriiatlo4: none Dalcota..BeZI. , • .stOxiea ere toia of : saying, ellimemper, Of things to ate, about peed, hot ymir.meam ue. sp. moo. but sornethiog else in. or own picturesque los for Henry palling; he viee crYlogo_. . • 'ter, toue pound of povidered sugar, f • ,070.„t6r roukid Cake;o0.ne pound .of 'but- she s o them. 1n the early daY.O1 of,. • the Clio roll' , roes f • - . stolicalY hilt Myself:and run.'00' Ilottasuch . none. of your wtaiitelacirisda 71ibedooyn;cliitfLoiortbdo:'nr.'asinclige. oile..hot9ilid..crret„ni; eing examined Orally ;ea The • Aanl bedausee girl held a ' inita dog. ood now? I aon't kno•# -anything about, • teethe • • i'litippose'he wotaalteve 1104 me,. think of Ile was avirandeter Weary and forlorn and •gnetisra, ,gaiyalais bearing and figure o • before her i in her. qttiet, lutorions homeo she a widevi, sad' a;:i41 lonely; bilt,witil lots imns: '1 9.1457. ktl°w. that 'if Yqu• bale a of this. World's '• gooas .o.a ot large heart, rheuthiatio paih there in your. knee, e;tight-, lc lochich she unhesitatiogli threw at bie feet. nessi in your Ohes,t, or a pain in 3'912r head, Jaiatory of Biases ha • Her kindness on hini„oonplea withhis own I can drive it 'out., Now, Ton can call it isp (ibis', study, :artd one Of -the: examinere • asked : ' ..:-.. • - ., . .• • - ' • • • Airierieemiseis exia "/D0 you believe the poWer is frOnt God, would ...,yortisay Of the general or is it, y_our Own?", .. •-" • .. t . character of VieSee ?"/ Yankeeingeouity,witiehtcildhila that hehed wbate*er islu YOU P100°." ' • '' ." Every good' •ari4 ..PerfeCt gift is item ."lie we,s Meek," Said. one • ower of oun " Broilie,'' said. another, otiro. . n olden times the' people Possease u•Leirned,". itaaeas. third boy, „ divers gifts ; Some, the gift of propheay .,_. ."klease, sir," piped s, pale.faced, noc:tly, o ; es es, some the gift of . lieliliog and others' the gift dreesedlad, " lie was:a gentleman." • :of teaching. , Z. reckim Mine ia ilie gift gentleman'?" asked the etanOiner • gifted healer told ine , so• '• He said that I • "Please, sir, 'when the' ainghtere ' Of ' Two, daye.afterwardhis.sister camete sea e been' ' come 'by aomething or othefright, I sup.). ine. •-• I had to keep ray -bed. I wits Over- • pose, for when :it Was ,oiNir I could not but f ptepated flour, batter, anger and the yolks, of the:eggs to a cream, then add the boiling water and stir gently till • cola, 'then the portud of flour with the 'whites of the beaten: to stiff, 'froth, the Aenniii bit ; . bake one• hour. toia tiara real pound cake, and it Will keeP two Weeks, • - , , • aaraifthat did feel otrangely. , • When I finally Caine dowo.stairs thele: ivas that Provoking man,. asiarge as life; Ile looked pale aria ilea tears in. his eyes; when hettriedto speak to Me he seemed: Then what ao you, think,' of .o.11 things, 'to olicke end could This cake mono maitiog :beef, :pet pies.' cut in steall. struck it rob., to use pieIn ces tWO poOods lean beef and one )1oll- he availed hilosell,of the fortunate , opporo pound fat salt pork. ,.131.0ci•.kettie, with iqually,as niallesitatiogly as it had. one 110e -chopped oniono one Carrot, one, heenapened, to him; Therci at liaretonga, 111 half turnip ana,wateir .to cover. Well. Stew safe from the law's etrong grasp:° -where tlio until-tencler, then Oa Balt .and pepPet, tn climate is glorious and Warta all , the Year - 1 . , SVer stevi. the following round, an s is n living. . - ' B li ' ' ow 'duly doraesti . ' oatecl , and acknowledged. as kirig, an re- . 4, caving the htiaa.ge-pk.thepeople him because their beloved Queen has ,„set them the 'example. The cletectiVes , who found .him there gay he expresses no' desire- to'returit to laionative conittrY, but", Benne satiiified to contioup his life of idlenese- and power. tiril. Banks has heard of her line.: band's ,fortone ' and has &bided to begin divoroe, ptoceedirigsat once, ..11er , counsel,' Edward. • It- lones„ 'appeared -before Judge 'Lawrence in ' the Supremo Court ...chambers ' recently•:' and: '' obtained an Order: for the publication, of a 11111.1=l0T1B in the stilt, a. copy of which will be mailed to- Kin tanks L et 'iiiii .11Slace at 'Ilarco tonga. .41though Ott.. Batiks has sofa - tient, evidence t'o Secure, a &lore° 'without refereace to her 'hosband'eptosent position,' the. detectives who lieVe.,'traised Air. Banks andMiseavered his new mode ' Of life Will mole affidavite Which Will he Used ih:the linitit order, to die* the mares utter, uri-, Worthiliess Wells, 1-oergo . & Co. hate -net - 'Olen npliopeefcbrillgibg Banke to lustice, or of obtaining trona him the money he. embezzlea. . Banks' :flight at the mo of , the diSpovery a the theft' Mooted a serisa. tion- .' The pnbliostion a Itis .subievent movetneots will prObablY .prove a greeter eutpriee to the Many ,Somety people of both San traticiseo MA title eity•whOkruiw bird iula hie Wife ..L,_ season•an pIIaVO rust Two teaeupfuls flair, whic • healing." _ •" how do you make-that-nutR" Dia you i,:hiray helve this power ? "•, Thaboy premptly roped tho saMe ,.les ; aian,t know it ;tibia , nervonS voice : ' • • e ilea a great- deal Of -power . andhe showed jetliteivent te the well to : diaw 'water Late e how tonse it. lly wife, Whin baa'13een sheplieras Cote tind'oliove thein itivaYoarid.! an itivalid for twenty. yeate,•and had been in gases helPed the den,g,liters Of lothro,•sita: bed four years', and weighed only obout•50 iittia.ta.thOliepherad : ,Laclies.firstopleitief , . poun4a, now weiglia 150, .and la able to do gentlpien.' "---ehristian World. • •,, lri own. hous_e_wOrki;,:Why, sir', the blamed ., ,.. , '. , doctor bills:just liept nic pool, Baia slio got .._,.._ "Seed''sir. a 33,pipg It:. wo.rie right straight along until 1. Struck . It is •altnOsit iMpoikble,f0t countty this. Th'en ahaunit taldng medicirie, and tii recOgnive the dense -ignorance hasn't taken, a drop: since and iia tow well Mattete agricultural:and rural anoLliear-PettpPin'dp'espatch, ' , tlle Phildren. of the Iiihdou • Efioaid he 'loved Me. been thoroughly myte Today Week we are to be tne;rried. papa baking powder ; well through fiour"one - amide a little -fuss fusty' but Aunt Julia, ta'hleepoonfrd; ealt,'' and wet with bola Water ' who had' taken a Mother's:011'0e to no ever or sweet wilk and trAt* 01 (IOU& 't -• since rey Poor Mamma lied, advised him roll into a sheet to coiiir stew; make two not to thwart me.. 6v three perforations in moat. kettle teaspoOrifuls b:•i;; aia ssy ? ' A‘ Ightititi the noe,of being rich, iny dear or coveted, and stew tweoty minutes Charles," said she, " 1 yon cArolOt let Yotir to half an holly after Adding crust. Wheh ;child' follow' her pikii ,inclinatuans ? Carling 6 dough :_,..„. the niiddle, the pot pie:Le__ . • . adheres to sitatiovhen throat into tlerhan." •An exchange relates that a 'piing gentle - l going to•hiro to give hint 'one?' 1 itpa in the adjoiniDg oile in Whichsat a young la y, Deetrhe stippose: for a mo MIth. app .eitthig-tOolii writiog all this. , 1' Prefit016.• wioni lie conceiVed a midden and violent that: if he must have elicit en indulgence he neosion, was desirous of entering into a .; :le big enough, 'end ' old etiOugh, and ugly ' „, 4., ; coor.stop On the spot, but the place :bet erattigh to come for it hiroaelf• •• ., suiting' a formal. declaration, tha exigency , of the Case SUgOeSted. the ', f011oWitig plan : *Watch' Ore .1i1Be'Cifi. ., . Ile Politely hardled-hier.-fair-m.nisig , ' ' • Bible (open) with it pita stueltin the follow. ' 5 • '1 Aria no* i be- • • •ie a fine artist an a g ' There that horrid man calling tam' He is in. Ile wents-akiss�o 1 fs ay 8 it is three weeks .since he Ilea one. meflt that I ani 116 Won•Ifer b, the • • tO at church in Lille* ' timinor months., Look ills text,,II. St.. 9 • ch thee,. lady; not OA though I Wrote a thee but that Iniutiomr hided° •• aeno.nti itten 1011 WhiCh bed from the beginiiirig, that we to Both ii, 10 : " Thetabe fell on her face,. .• . the tor theborers near the base Of young, frill thrOughont treeB ;' if oatgotlitst SeOli frail se hole in the bark, or if a portion Of tlio bark is'Seen to bo. O.O.I.tolit the 'borer. ;,lf the leaves ot currctiit and gooseber.isis areeaten, the:worm,!' apply white hellebore at corainanduient , • t s 000ful of the powder ,,in ro, a , whieh the book, pointingto , *to vul•not with pen k once. .$tir ,, a. pailf:ltrili:a6trtinati tellydwaith a syri . wo love Another.", ,...She retooled. pointing; spa Isiwea korself to t: gronna,, „sod: so,ia unto him, Why have I. found gra:coin thine eyes; that „thou shouldst P2410 kUOW16dge of e seeing I ani a Stroll or V.', returnea ' 15' ihad day, or tWo asp , the par . In the earIY' arid batbatous tibrieas -When 'hean hearlea oat every.sairo,g. or Benii-Bay age wits .ovn regulations • . origin of ilood-Sitaking. • 'parish biked one of t t 114. 'urehini nesty .nosa on , o. had 1-.10Or lae change of said. the • 11* itstetid of NY -go , • udge soldier eaid-Pelicemat air aAa so0o2 givingt efte . th watch over owh • a default of •all other protectierti when. tWo apquaintances,. twia strangere desiring to be friencla or aoqiittiritatticiep broods`appear,, contulite • is a Very certain Mae. The greenish slits . slug, .whieh oppeors tipoo the leaves' of , cherry, •poat ,pald other tteee,:rnitY be de- stroyed by 4100011g aii..ele,cked. lithe or Wobd ashes. This'iday be attstea upon the ,'•• leavea by theate of a bag of coarse fabric, Atioched to it pole. The losects attaching ,!the gape iripes thie.thOnth are inaiiily large, Caterpillarat'wbith are Most readily, pioled , by . hand, au'ailie sei.callea " thripS,' which " , is properly the " gre.pevioeleaf hopper," arta ;.p. ,.. not. t elated to the trio thripf3.• it_nk a little --- 'Whitish iitsect which Often thief; in clouds ince are diettirlatid, ;,Thei best ei, with boating thena'to Oisturbjhe, the to lie niMii neryouta thou ' 11. IA lit . gilt° him ys. If later_ , and ink'write inito thee, but 1 trust I shnll many things o shortly See thee, mid. we than speak fade to !see." 'Front/the above interview a mar- riage took plooe the ensuing' week. . . • treatment is to go , among t t *ben , .'tor4bos, gen. y ineects Whieh Wfil at 01100 fly towatUB - Light. The Aret oppeartioce , of grayish ..:-..c.- .Opots;on the undersides Of the,Villeihdicatea ., . thildeiv, and flowers of aulphift.,thOlild be •ft titioassiaLa belloWs" tali& .tor the var. , pose, .. fiNfMting the IINAttlt. ' ' 4 The. poolar Major •Priest, Of itie4CoW- Yetit, oiontold taoa,. very intich tletierribles Dr. 13urton; Of raltonville. The other day , _ IL lady entered a Car in ;Which the Maier ,sat, and, stepping nt. te hint, said ... i,. tioator, thy husband. is not so Well to -day." . The IgAjor und.erstood the situatiedat °nee, and inquired: " What seeinq to bo • the. aiffi. iiity 4? " 44 Well," said thd,ladY, "he Seeins Wag " 1, Oh," . . • ' :tic changed xlis Mind. - . • A itell-Ittiown New Yotk,honiceopathic „ physician se,yeiliat he 'Was Mice tilts Up in the Middle of the night, and, tequestea by a man., te call immediately tipoti his • when they clianCed to meet, offered eao 0 the otlaer the right' hand alilxc of ?fteri Mad defence,: the hand that • -wield Sword, the dagger, the ehlb4 the to at or other weapon of war. • 'eol'h ed.:A . elm*. that the hand wee eroppile lie is neither y;q4,t .126Y titiaehety tagas 'with' ,.. Italrtalltast well Stith Oi ea traitor ail -slievigapti,- ----____‘, at 1A0 'Lr--r---4r;--;.„ * "Actois my. • , Seplee' Selme Etictitette. . • r, oaliing on a lady tYlto awa? frool t• ee leave your °era: • if the visit it tenaea for two Or thtee it the leave tole cit three cards, but ad net •turix dovori °he corner of the Card, afi that MIttom is now Emtloaea, eiteept in three card 111011tO • circles. ea. everi then it is -regarded- with ' Wit Xye• • wifo. tlielootot, Tiog wrisene,v; will coo.t. •the, 411 " 't be if " TV11) (lo'6118.tt‘ Mortirof , ••4d tbo oall the attar ing f ,:te611111 • '04soair"he "t eGslar and' ' '1 -this '11 never , Villain and tties tgooa .tOrns with 01,, • yoo'vo. bee, la, Ditien tours ts laim,,uvu.less liSe.a;kag t1-10 rig 1. ,t6 , ,1,0,tet-J‘ Tora, *rest thp tvitettY-tOnt Vetitletnilaeinigeftt,V,41,e88. mit 0 r:4 0.04110iw NVI.Vett$ air0Otly felicitY's 'Gov noro- too --Rocha t Aineriean.: tife tt.V8i 1)11,CB.4 be. le luul ar°°°ea, e4euBea be, ett-1," -410444' . ' troPoon,liall:roomie o entpinaeo Ciliated tia 'In general, leoving . °lore live AVelennie0.2.. TOlia--"` Ilnt it a C OP, full 111 tadithe VerY high aoaletPe6Ple' a.e.t."'°Ue 1 aon't know tbst lever Coined a mc.x.iin,, ,danees.With &Ivy One else, Witlion's intro. worth repeating, but if I ever lieVe it is auetion, toOtlier thing in alarge hall is,t ws 1,.bi,g, trist.imebolotopintees.i4,,, any of the vatioue European rosette, yon ,•,,, email. ,. , Will see men of all, ColOtOrbra a 3et Week, r* 4- ' "" . • ,. • he sO,id the 1810,30t, t three note it I oaia the lady, and With that the Maier. delio;rted, What the result Of,title preitetiptioo will be Matting t2:12.e.i' divis in Dom Bearo, Bilperor ot Brazil, ' ‘41.!here than 4 froni ItiO'dUalleito..etterattyfor Ealopo gitefiachilfletta, aholat ball of ther1 beitig. t)11 the Ateatatir 0iro1149„ • lest than years.'cit Op. , ativai ;A) a pale yelIeWoowaltaitig with thcs vossiehe zeitittio 86,,s,c4.• pori hag Qk q ilAtsbena...e. to ,evt,olioorl,_ • ..t as „ion, reoeiola• ee ordered' the Germartia Cenipany„Of Rid, tog lealieS, chatting an& flirting wan , I, 5 tO aeepatob tot fVurkey ,e, veseel with`tsvo ,.. torpeao eat4bore, also niike„, tOtpedti,boitts. : , The initaele ate.reqUited te.be poWerful an& ' speeay0 . 1 . ' - ' ' Sholley--11101 Tao?' ctitvagb, btt it May, , fly not ; liept, moo vanish, but can die not;; Trtith.be Veiled, bit iltilfit buthet11,; tio4t1 repilliled-41.0 it teturraitli. „ , .. , . 0 , other night Oita Ben% Wan ht Geteseo,,,i 'ilouie pills. 'Vile ,resea and. one Oblitary atng Stotea 4rered and preetired shark g,t,666„tY,oPtnwhite beans. 'When he got ta„i ,mtea pillbe% 1-110 tdont With AAumu Oa took there to,. ills, noole. beexylera,taitoLD„na:,,prove& quite ef6te, 1Rg insit read/ere& tile following Y1 4 ' "re, e , • rty Otte else ,--New ;-;rsatbieor6a:attguel:irgTotifieg# otnr 10113Ya' etc.!' doWnItlichaol, Ladeo, ola r40, ilAff ji 1.4011.do BittgligtrO.t0 $tlAttrattY tO011a, tar. luoy OW to11d. fAnsa biro $6 Ana cool $12.g5 al: • ' • ' • o