Lucknow Sentinel, 1887-07-08, Page 8tia 44;7 • . raits* leave:'Lxcknow ,daily. (Suf►. • (lays excepted), ad follows GQtkNI:$ 80i1T}I, GOING NORTH, lifl►it,, .11.'14 tt• 111, Mixed, 12.40 p. m. 1040 a. in. •Mail, 3.48 p• w., D11red,'6,00 p, iu1 Exp,, 10.311, p•nq..;. J OON BA IRD Agent. =w? 4• FIy on Turnips.. We hear a good many= complaints, says, an, exchange,. amongst farmers of the; ravages •of the fly upon theturnips The pest is Said, to be: worse, in some `localities than 4,,14 been for years. Base Bon. The only ainusenient, in the way et Village anti Vitinit stWV ', sports, provided for those of our citi- zens who remained In the village on Dominion. Doty,-was::a, gamn of base ball t between the "Clippers," of Wing - ham and the club of the same' name here, . The mutts, ' took place : on the squire and was wstdessed by a large crowd. The following is the score.: Wingha n- 2 1 '3 6 2i' 0.4 0. 0 --18 Receiver# the ,Oontract Mrt, J :B Hunter, of 'this' village has.been awarded thecontract of build; ing the new 'township: hall=at Holy - rood; • Mr. Hinter is to - finish the" building eo aplete„ and the price to be I+ aid is $530. �Y¢r ' Hum( hum t rY0E10.131ild, and rarely And you still are sleeping fairly. twain art131111 $um=hum-hnmtWe I t . p All my dos . pay ton One more: taste, and one more sip, '�' • From, year eyyelid,from`yoouur lip" :' -Then awa " •i, ll skip•taltip ... There s n thin 'more to ste for: yy Glrace DentoLitchfield in St. NT{1 EntranceExarninat on. •. Thirty *iv pupils _-•wrote • at -the High Scft entrance,; elanlination • here: on lucsday' and \Veilnesday of thrf„.week. 'll'hirtten scholars. 'of the, selnblage drove out of the” village by Lucknow sehooll took part in. the Goderich 'road. The aENTixit , Artinations, . 1r41rs' Veilnice, of Kinear jins with their many friendt. in. wish;= dike; was the ir1};,1VIr, McDonald and his happy'bride tfi Iytake>d Otu1 , long years,. of pleasant married .life ;The Luteknoli base ball .club• went. •Garden Party. y,. A. very pleasant evening was spent at the residenc.of M r..,Elliott .Traver oil ' %ed»esday• evertng, • on the occassion :of the garden party and parlor •concert, :•given: 4.y. Mrs. Dr. Tennant. and Mrs:. E. `Traver,;'in aid of the English i hirrch Besides the usual games of craquetr_ etc , ".an excel lent pr ogramnle of ' voeal • and • instr u mental music' was rendered:'' ley the aneinlriers .of the,,chhu hAie*up laot}reres seven-.aatones $ a 3t RT3atir l$ ` a�i3E. , dith htl Alli' site , :tl'Lflik( t F. 2,ir Meru under the;manageivant of 1VIr. J:' tendance was present, and all .seen ied. Stewar-t; and everytl ing'.passed off: to. heartly enjoy themselves. cry' su cessfully. •• Nearly all` .the �J// 5srious Accident• .• onetnh•Or . of the: • Lucknew ' Society X11 •accident . of a serious;.:nature, were present as well as a !ergenum her: '•• f1 nut: the surrounding :country.. The"• which might hate proved . fatal, hap, Liacktiew:So ,lett':'have selected' Wed. Pene�.l to .40 Rev' Rev Mr .,Shay during`. �rresi}ay, a tji:'Septet i[lter, as the date • of 'his attendance at thie:Synod •in Boric}an. the' sernas'lnere .. r. .seating hiiuse'lf in a'hatnrnock, which had been s7:'ung in the grounds .of a li2th of Jnlr+: : ' friend, someone in jest.. gait► ,hiril,' a Ata recent meeting or the Kinloss push,and falling back -ward he received • istri:e„t Of, the'Orange'"Order:, ,.it was suck inlury'to his:;lead" as to render �1~�nicled to.celebrate the 12t1i of to v, hini`'t nconscious'.for • souls time,after" 'y, ,e day "ne dt, in• Goderich, . "which ward We are ,glad to ire able fo state l!,l.,�xtnises to'be the largest 'gathering of-; ;that lie has; almost' Fully r. covered +i)rrt 4;genieti ever Held inti . the ;eookty.• front;' the eff'e'cts of', his,fall : ane: will ;�ev,eral prominent; nielnl-ers" of the hold ;service as usual on Sunday fore: t*r�,+c,iil Lodge .;.are ; expected to be ii eon at eleven o'clock ' ` ;Iriit An excursion trait, . will fxae,Lucknow at:6 13 a:.'hi on:above' Fel! Through a Bridge. a'•h.,arriving at'Goderi'eh: at• 9 'n.'m: Last week "►bile, Mr: Du n Bea ird.turii ng will leave. Goderich: et 6 30 •ton, driver. for •Dir.' A"ngus : M Quaig, ••Ticket►( for the round "trip •on.e,` . of this tillage, , ,vas ' crossing, a big' nt`lar and twentycents,-good to return''• bridge, over the'Sauble river` in the ,tlw followin; .day. , township of.Vest,Williams; and about" three miles; below Ailsa Oran'• the -WI tie: &G zJi�rg find•ers. whole structure went down • w • ,tilt 'a ti►8.;we were going; to press last week • ;erash;,participating; iLlr Beaton '. team. lit . T Xouu r, o al, adint foe the, waggon and • two .] rge 'stic�ks:of: 'hick lllassey••Manufac:turing 't/ompatiy, of ory•timber into the.water'C"elow;,' Thi 1 pronto, had....a : general ,delivery" of distance ;from the..bi idge °tc1 . the river.' iitt l;einents •to • farniers iii this section.' itas about. thirty.. feet, and s"trange to), machinery was ':loaded -din the --say--. Mr, Be:xton, though badly shaken Wagons at the station, and as the large 'ip, ..escaped without serious W1r1)Ury, ttraiit c,f teains Caine tuarchiiig;• down: while" one of the . horses :else niiraeul-: •phrqug-L tlle'v illagP, one 0040 riot fail-` Orifily:•escaped ''fatal rs' ults'.. Thu.. other to ;think that the cry 'of. :►° hard tiiw s." mitral will ' a 1►kely die: from the'efiects - was no longer,to:be used":b ,our rural..' • . Y ,, of this" fall: ltrie,►.ids. deliver. ,. 'included:, 7 Y. ..9- Gol•d>nglzinders; and:.9 (tikes rind tuiou'Pis.but;these•did:not incluclt'•- 1 he:It'hole of th;e ; said s •:mane : by Yc utu� as •13,0-had.delivered ten h' tl , e riders:. previous to, hhat triis a a11r, T., ` , tsoI1, the'geiteral agent�for the contpan- was present"andl'entertai:ned aliout'seventy to rm ers r tui •otheie . e• to & il.il�aer at the ;•''S'hitti ,House. Y• Lucknow— 1,.3:2 1 3 4 4 4 =22 Wedding Beils,. • The largest party that has � ever visited the -Village, called here on Wednesday afternoon last The' merry company 'comprised sone •twenty",or thirsty young couples, who were present at the".marriageo715s 1'ocfd, daughter. of Mr. Thos Todd, of St Helens,- to -Mr D M.cponaIc) ;of the nth' con:-:of� Ashfield. After about an " hours stay • at•the Whitely house the happy " as ':to Gorier eh" en Friday last to play the: daib. of that town,. but were' treated to :a sad"disappointuient.. After going to the: groan*is,, the Gooeriehites,raised a she it abjection to one'of the Lueknow; 1)layerc„'sietd Uv this: means flunked out of'playing the match. Our boys think it was. a small piece of business,' • .Goda:4h Gamed. ' The annual gainestof, the Goderich -A 1edenian.S'ociety took •place on firs-• - kisko raolses;;arm'at'tel L(t L :CHITe0H4.T. Picked up Dere' anti There for header+ orthe $eullneI, - r •:' —.lir. and Mrs, Solieski Little are visiting fiends i}t; Paisley.. •• . N • 3ierr's.hite cheek ).1!14.1i44: usuirs for 5Gt •at -.-.Mr. D. McIntyre, of Torent% was homefor a few days last, wisek; =-A new ()ravel sidewalk has been built on a portioµ of lialoilten street south. • ='1'wo• aged•d horses', suitable, for farm work for sale: cheap. .Apply to'd'atnes Lindsay:- „ ' -7-First. alas;, house and .lot for sale or to -rent cheap. Apply to {(x, A•' .Siddall, • Pure Paris green, .for potato bugs, for'.sale :at •- . Copeland '• J .Days,"'•Sud d'ei death." • 1<1c..R J McMath carriage -Mak er, ,has assll,;ned o -�,...r_thgLb...ne.#t:t._.nf__hss- creditors. Colored dress 'lnusli:us; for 5 -i -per,' ya1•d, warratited fast colors- at . c eo. -Kerr :s, =The Council lag made a first-class ,lob of they culvert and sidewalk cit ,ROSS'street, •i —Hosiery,,glo'v,s and' parasols, a good a5sottu)Nnt at• items • .Nr: atuj Alis.: James :McDonald, of : Morrist'til, are. . visiting friends in this vi�i1[ity. '' ' Insect •powder, • tlie, 'hest:. 'in this .world, or� the states either, for sale•at:. Copeland & Days. }. ,—Tvelsa.ven's'mill data bloke away on Friclor 'fist, but, 10 sc rioua damage .I vias done • =If you rennin,: tnytl illg in inillin eay,- take advantage antage of the glleat re-:tJ' '.s becomes; our.P. u f n ailduty /to dut` 'to record. the death; from "dipthei-ia : after, 'a very short illiiess of Albert `. Lrnest Kiltj; of Sutriiuerltill, formerly 'of 13e1 fast, On July.2nd, aged 2 years awl 8 ntont1is. .,T a £niters :took ' . iatc ' l p e. on ,the• 4th •rust': and• was largely attended • lay his litany fr•ie:nds. ' Little 13dsr tie's',:; daily Visitsto his neig}ibo:rs, itis Merry, and i ineeefrt tall:' and, most f:'a}l YGIteese Factory Case.:,.• # :'; ;, Most o his : III tune 'Back, ,„rni •leaiknM :Wi.11 be 1wt two.: ears 'Thorn as. Fraser�' .years . ago.. s, . me missed thein .ull.' I3owever u .(rep• a clieese factory near ' 'lCiiitai ,. I• ,� w� Y.. ,. the.is loss is:little •13ertie s *alit:-- cit n et b C ' 111 .d,'.: torr: a1leaNd agreeirtent with tt• 6110'1,i,r of. farur.ers i i the' -,dusty that: shay would support hint: •'with; • TO sr'and;arits of •t.ttillk for thitefi yeuxs, each ,of them, to •contri) lute Y% Hrtaiir 11uni- brr to. make up. the- req,nrwcl • ammo°1n't:. T! a factor was. ut u' b i • y .p 11, ut satnrd, dts. ruts arose, and a:nuntber'•of the fa°-tm-`. l+rs •efused to contribute -the' delivery !'-'yf'iil llti. A'1r. `}'rase( dahlia that,;he' ` wq,4,,p10-, to: a very }tea, .. 'loss aril to Y , ..!�. l brought an action for,specihc pe4•fiirin- .` at,ce' at; the' spring assize a,' wit ii V iFlr. :Ji rstjCe•halt , tllst[tisse l ':lie 'ae on, of ,hitt; grotimtcl, that it was of;:a: tlival•' i,1ti"ttit't' 'l'his decitsioii• has• recently bees!. -re, erseci by the full :ells eery eotlit,• whfcli 'held that theerase was. a. perfectly, proper one .to 'he brought tk<a,t, Cour; anal should! :114 b''een' ,tfrie;LoU; its. ro,erjts,,'• ' '. tilrgetl, aa. 01,o:or pour is f 11 )- as Cell be' had:; anywhere, �.,�. , .. �. . Y p, stir^ st'otk''.rlrust be, ole[irr;d nut, to+ n1a e >� a x "s, Lttckriovr`, . ! l oQn - for fall goods;. S.. » 1�1eU�otialtd,. -- ..13. ” ,As we are the only author, 1ZV(i, to sell wines aiid' spirituous; liquors; for this Municipality, we keep aOn hated a" full stock; 'for sacramental'. nd "rliedicinal ur- oses'.onl. Cop• -'l• ti .P ,.p Y, F a d 4;: Day's. -For.'rnonumental check a;P'almors- tori .law er takes the -bun.. , " e Y Ili . town" corneal of tll.tt plitoo had engaged •the laawyer;to.coiidincts their :agitation' for county town, and the other, day I1c - r eeeivecl a cheque for $90,•heing refund on 8160 deposit; 'wide by 'Palmerston •council to carry tll:ro`4lg)a their -cd untr �. totvit,:hili. „(an receri:viugy .. , ,,: this-cliNque the.lvyc-r ,pail hini.elt' '$137.5':1111(1: paid thr. •ltalnnce of w' i'2 b2 -over to the council...His' action 1. ill:` hes; investi-- gatCd-Ijy'a Confit(ittee ,of the council.' —Bigstile'• by auctroii:• o' tu,Tdl$ Y+ i -July; y; o :. enera' uooc a no,i eoerve' g t efi}k'�l'• 11iltneifi �41lirill4 tnel Asisisen•fil•ln lis holidays with friends: in buckuow M Alex Lawson took'"first prize. of $7 for.•' quoits :,at .the Caledonian games ]u G.utler 1clr, or, f)dmilion Pure' Mixed paints, prepareclready for use, ali,.w►ors;" ut Copela ci. 'Uays. Jalnes..Calnpbell of ; 11'aw%ar. osh, brought a stalk uf.'tnnothyto this. office ;that.ortasurel o tt 6 inches. Mr. S. Parker, farmer, Culross, was, fined :one dollar: and costs, .• last week, on coii.rplaiIIt."of "Nlis�, E.•.'.Davis: for abusive btnguage, etc. " • Himalaya tea; 'at. Ken's .The Voters' Lists (foot Kinloss: ,have. been '; printed,- and 1 are; oeiy :in the hands. of the Clerk, Al`l•. Peter' lteiil; whose notice appears in another col' 'THE , T. Washers, 4 Wein gere,. " f, C ®a ,®r arts , r Cages, TA O.. ' e ]I. , : Yx1s41o•,stocli:..a, splendid. ns..sol,tment ' 7 -C3 -MPS • �'1 rti'es Ise l , :. o. • , . o i ,,..., (� 111'Ill]� EiLYP,tl.t)lt IlllldY should c,ll'Q" us 'l, C41ls:: s"we caii guarantee a FIRST � L'l .�`=S_ JJh•. 1•�e ler >A ••. stow: only A. 1, 'Material: •, .. .GnI NTE nd*' S'ee at We Can Do.• TAYLOR' '& GIL petition ill.gil;e two prizes for the first tw•o (orroct solutions of this rebus• ' First correct solution. -:1St prize; goods to the,value of '3::0:1 ". Second correct solu1ion-2ndIr. te,. o ods tote 1ahe of',o .00 Solutions to be Opened, e- aniin " ry• ` 2 ,x ed and prizesgiven olt ..4thDer. 1i58T. =I 'have tnirlecl to' clear out all my carpets' at and",;under;cost for rash or produce : f it ices i angina f ro`in---8-c. to 80c, worth from:15c-to''",$1:25 • M,: Calnpiell Rev, R.• H Barnby, who has for the •last. year beon stationed at Hensall, has been rewoved:.to Roekwocid.,, die leaves many ',warn) ':friends behind' .ruo3e best'•wrslieS lie carries with• liim. good wife oft a Laii;side` farmer snys:s,he will never, never save: scat at any "Irttld, black and white ;kittens',' ,again, at least she.•will be sure ..they are >_eaily kittens first, = George :Kerr is offering" the• best'. •value 111 11[1•lines of f;e.t(sral clr " hoods. til -Lucknow. Call .arid inspect his P. large 'abet.,vel l ,assorted. stock • A yoiilrxn ' is goii g ' about the country pi ov;ing•.the falsit y, of the • .as - ertion that ' " •. +" .. • i..." . #�.,ures •dont Ile. She is a dress:l•eform leeturer,an(i tel•Isho.v •the fetiale'liures''are gotten g 'gotten 7 rig` waggon containing cream,. for' �iho i l �v" crc lint r? was u set •cm P.,. Saturday,• and the contents o _ the'caus spilt 011 the roads.: Phe loss will be •b. twen thirty au l,forty dollars. ••Specia} ,natio- tQ thew . requiring ;'faslrionalrle `irii!"tiirer � :Ars' itTiss:Vhairi- hers leaves for her holidays 'talent 'tile' end nt the present month, any 'persoii wanting; a•riicely..triiiltned hat or •hoii net,, `should..call :arict leave• their; or(ters now. •'E,verythin at .reduced „priced•., P Ueorge Kerr•. —The l)u.iiclas.True� Banner has i 1 rz,n. et larged.'to. dotrble':its•feriin l size: •It ' is/now pt;nl,,r,d en a' new tuid fast�iresq and ficin air entirely iit•w• set of t )o;' Y Yt It isfii11 of:intore:.tin.. local news, "and is one o1- the best ,local pard rq . in the country. —'s\ e neglected iltentiOnin'g hitt +, a hitt week ,the lox 'of'" excediiigl larger stI'att'l)f't'Clf' w • ' any �' e received troni both 31r.• 31. 11CDoilald, of \1Tawal1osh,°:incl. Mr.; 'J'hoilia3 H.uiiter, ".'of Ashfield, AS}ifi,(Id.. They were of the :.Sharpless :vat-il ty and were the larnest we have sten y" the 9th .li 1 f 1 1 this `season. ,COPEL.AN &-b•AYS encEntsirs AND DRUGGISTS, •LubiiNow, `'Ve are.iil'.a ... . s t>nn ILO et�ite t11a;t it ova ':filzllly 'ttlicl lr- •i evol.h,bl:y deet hd-a..few• darn ;a�•o• li. • this;'. gold adie ; ,�. �:: 1, tsofhhls. y locality .'over a pup. of • s.Chs�. Te o os e That.:t � Helen's would lcbetlle.C.ount;" .Tom �: 10 � n not :tire new w .Y e Oolnity-,abo it to he' erected . and(tc) inelude .• ,.. ,, tile, townships of'•/ East: u d'West'Waw'iiosh Ashfield K_i. l ,, Kinloss ,'au(i t urnlert�t ill(.; the 't►' � s,. and .';Villages ` Wingham, , n � of .W.In hillll� •LL1Gl�now•: and : , El:ncl in view of the•large: iricreasc•of`fnrmers and 1 . : �• _... 171S111.P,S5 IhCii . from the aforesauI townships and ''villin n,. l "villages; t transact :tllt;Ir," . business at the , ub .ancl"ex pe; id their' best , x sulhltis to the' `. 7dvalititoe .. a MZTRRAY Has Opened (int a lar et and .:more• ;selpct.stock of than ftwhiella)le spilft,goeCsehro�zdlit intoSt Helens ' , �" and at p1 iceg, that will astonish the `Villagcors wl ,�. lEll,'t11e \lair..,...: the. sub, uu the St Helens branch. of the C, t, REMEMBER AlvtunitArs 1' ZEE*, �''u �1 �1 PEOPLES., Bali nce of winter stocl will, u ,, .. be ,ofl�e►•ed •at i tllItnu , )t 1C.f'9! , to 'llllt.ke' :ro 1. , cr a, , •' o n for more new .t,0�ociS yet to • �:rYlve , , ROBERT MUR RAS, 1lr. John McLa is' threatening y a :to stile every member outhe County 0ouncil whootannone : from Y y o u the County •Treasui•.y, ' in payment of . his -,.._Corset,, 'corsets? .d04:406., own services,' whilst'a "nietliber f w ,. ,. ;, �.. o the cot;st,t.r at, lCery s,. oulicil,--- iepubl r • ': . •' Blacks ii •h Shap to Leta' "Pbe' blacksmith shuts Infely ''ncctt,ied b . Norm' 1Camp. an ;!•Cc1iC'illinn, nn rite �c��rnnr of bell' ma1.l ntchickrltteetzh.; 1t;itr•:in''the bOt, ltieetinit for a yhap,iu the vthukr, -- b'ei'I►ttrtilc111ara Iirt)l,y,t.,,„,.m ... , .w' '. A�I(i,LtS MC UA:IQ Pri- ,r,