Lucknow Sentinel, 1887-07-01, Page 1tmum Voli - LT AR ONT 10�1 FRID. JUL. Y. 01 WHOLE 70*21 fli C 0 fit .7 We . .. .... t "' V�'S._ 'Ro.'V- T) the AV(1,1*y P,�Iidft ................ Ri,r­ - tliei�$ENTJ�JHL' LUVKXVJV I I I .1. � ., I Y WE; (I Y :it .. - I 1. 01 X JJ illiprftefiietit will, take plao 0rtlpr,iif4)ntrani �T 1011THEUN ?. �6 - - - " .. I . 1,11A pA, 8 To #4 the general or.juc� and oI$. 8kPTHAJBRJt To the E di W, be Of ur VOK NO J�qr i uith Y. 'full C 0 AA4. L ONTAIRIP e treot., Alli send �yq r c njp4*on PtQr.� , . �13�1,1,; Insp Put a, Scotch cap� on y6u' u her Bretherncor4i - , , . — 11, 6 41)Yiovii�d, T H 0,Nip.c, ()jq,. rooisteri and %Wl r tLh B, COPX of thi SchoPl Inspe t your t�jj 66 R '000, Urand Secretilry display ty od c finection w1th tJ1 recent Stab, n eto rme ----------- I .. 80hoo) 0) set headin, 01, Ad muee. ',et w. r -th h iA ,lot my des -a�e up old. Annual Meeting At Teo' I d go�korth to,, N 0, V L 01) q, i4,, Th pop 1, W6 0 r� -er 4f Work in _t - airman ­o. —the N-11 kill Is (if, n&--the---Ch the in -east v chool boad, �Jas Annmeeting, of' th Hall on the seu0nd nd Iasi eh. -'u 140. tire. gre� enied, that-tho of e,'ncb rniltith, t t k t e Spector. ree In'tif0fided Asth6 Ilruce� R f6rni -A I .$ o'clock - ,;� . h Visiting Bretbern are, cordiall in vit,,ed, Luckii w. spspenslon, e held ssoci6t Onz t school 1 -hope -you, will Friday II,.e of McCoy fm Ir 7ga%es in '&4pteln, pu�,blis 6 wh I in the, ?7OW0 HaII,,Te,e3wq, er,,, A' X' I . P holdin' h -the...repoit, in lie that th t IT Work ber. -ge rep sent 4tion was pre.. '�be. laocipity, has said. so, for see t6ins,elys, erl en w ai r ;pqblio !,atepayers, y ey.ary aill, just' nlelpa Ity ill�. havedfp�ed' t report did e0 appr0ed, -it Taurs; 'truly Of , "and, the tizenS Vo . .John Poyd cLerinain, oce-upid the.a�ir G RN E RA L' ei, `eii1;a-Ppi,ov.aVwi�1l do lars� the -Usual .,V0, 1114 4 7 ieOt011 th ppro,�, d- Hal e .1110st a A 4th, 1-8.8 Wded 4o the,' -foil oit ROBERT CUN1JJN,GJ14]11, cers ner. T418. su f ''ij iowing, iTo W`Connej�i. hool.- Wecests ofiles e -of.- Kin.loss� �1- -,Onct!.assur� or in the, V An-' EA D Y 414, OrSi'cf the sacief� - our copy, o th e Vice�- tl ence ill, 1c Y f e d "Visiting 11jethp , -, , * : ;. , stances fpicb millit ai 9 were ci. otjnl�, 2hd SO, fal, rn por, 1%Ilyj� Ord e foir the jig of Cloy. st141A H e ng. casei Af biAs 4ppbitited! a Nmporta­ A ba nt to a d tq my ort to th aq 0 X, 'IV have' nothing Stel)heW, of Walk MoiieY xperfente u 't f YQ. O d cOpY,0 ell oss And -two' Di TJ 1,STA11 R, lit R Ireq ors or eaclil't r 144 ASONABLE will., s rea, AV,th� act._iviT j" q by. Dr. P .1 N Asion, in; t lei tidin ti which A' �W-(Telu Y, es It '(j b Bruce f6r oi�di busimss 0— I'S AT� -gh. a d lopi, ee, omposedi aa ennan, of J3r'ant,. Charges very Y, i 08. M L aj�adi . , to a C d b' tr.' , � Aloy.411CO to any Other .- .: I P OYq:t at.,.: Y s th ..b' h -1 ivil] iatte Ingle4i..6f Car nglej. Aof Kinlos 0 -s- a id -Athl-6tos tile S 6i� pers* dancez' 'stent y pladi year, . are pecla.ly fpirtunaif! 'The Jri .t io mkv erton and',J I' I Vell I.Vith Di Walk 'arinh I' bbin 08. Vairlm n,, -of Te6swatef, ueb Loan'! out, ryan,,7.. .m,0 Y... - - t. �. . - �_T. 8.1 TE I 7 Th r wo)"Of 1 ". . , "" L . th Old ... f . ;h I . 0 , , - -,1r1eC1P,,a,1,Ha1.1, LuOvjv� - - 1, - I I . ­:'. .. . �* . , - - I . . 1. I F Wa qrPoini6i for th t .. :..-- , .. ., . , . la"Ild - - Ple, IC 0� V. N!,r- - ii,vl ka,4� r. 20 -hiii, 1jaicl. t set...sail Tbaf 130yd us r -ij In 1Ae PurPO80,: l)-cial attent just apout, 'O pin :. a. Fjimle. for'&le tot calla�ia Of ti tiles bui t I. . ''. I , c) that tile, -11 accce imf to, tile Well lmitoba.t Partieicilu$iroiis to I .. I . 0 . . . . eavy Ni-eilth orestii - J)y i i,� (try. )tly,gittl�.tlqe(],to;),Y,�nig4t.,(II:. C is of. eontintied'ieen'fide'Ie'e. I or,% -.an. merhbi&rflor.�`,'. n In t iia ad Oil ves-into, A ol I' t Wei ini .1 tile S of; Reid Mccoy f a elbows ThAt tile" O'Connor wert3�` betweell Se row H. d -The ;.,sp .a he 4 C. M., a a. Ing Jourliev & 'A 'Al . . In it li�d Continent 414�'W T �ck"" .ciety 11, )Peea ..e se'of tie1iiife. .expet,-t to II , �,.! loand VQwl,�qri 1�xic isow'Cini. oj nPokit.61,1' �-to,giii Thoi;. though 4-11ty9f ritc -ce. B an.7 �ilemllilt to* An -admi-rillet. Illu titude 'of ru pst, at. tuany r Oftrldet.- oaOf. 'slulalls alid $tkrgeplls,� e Pb bodintiti4ilil iii. teii 6 r tifteft,,t ousand tha-V at Or rom t lie r oti the P h a"great 4al ri, A 111as er (`XpOnen to of 'Insu . . . . I rig�,, li-4 IP 91114"(144ii V?rt oni, con in o u e, 90 lierown.- e - east the Post -xi -ace I111'Aland t of the� L.uckn ce, ey'M61fco frorn, I s a is ---------- prilloopa. PQSt �H6e Y the'' B th'd mp fesOlt, ILIT, - . at A imn r Lof '). . - ! . . . . 11.1 )urgi,wh is -at a 0 A t 6 ( bunt C -A "bell. W, 'n a i I, of cl I' O' I 011' Easter, expe P10 S...94ve-Aier sau q. i0d ot the M.Wil fr m! hilouis bf .apph�iu ailiudent aiis'%, d -to,sirly. oach x, L Y01 NA rev. e so fr6ip�,the hill -titu e Ike 0 rton, is the bes MONEY T. .1 d vt!rs,. an -refused O zVe-Te 1'. to t tt�z 'pa, OU, f 1,0 , AN OP- -I that -day, �il g6. fort iiiit to an . y Men Ipu.nisfi' i 6i the revenu or, - (he T Ac ljo� us reON such fprcel,and, vi, I . at, am ountllig�,ti-). A: `e the . -84 UP gor, as, danti y-- DIP �d, hill lof�s�.of. N'Vi 0 03 &nd I ndsor Castle,. in OT t Y.1�0 tly14.ieil i6nsii&st.&bout two �i-e k diffe Irt `46ca_9 'h' -i'three' alillefe's . 4 - , et -41)4ore-tbe. lig Year,,,.the , Fialary., rent, an Jons from the cro W­rli rig'/ eve'll t. �fts-and'C 0 p ace,.* c6tting- Rej&g f6t*aid Aij - W; D r. Car; Im foll� (I 11 W.,to k I . i I' I � -Jj�__---j-j;C-�J;tLe_ . 6 . , n dwancies. weje.*8I ta Ca'slied. Y and jub*il(-&,)-dWr� 160.0,4beT slie"Ilk all( ram thlo last " c4slo'll , 'cu above�,-- I t might b6 rtniarked: that OC eSS: th4p tll&. the Xmi:tin t,4, Relits etc` r .0 t ti �,'e .6rig toyces iZiid— c0t,Y; In- b0dv� al�d n a although th t -D R.. .D. E d offigeJus DESY i. . In 'Cp"g a d Ilion ll�bsterin:gr O., all. rge. d t'h ell 1da, at�nd oil UIV. e 'Ous woujid hi� P pe.11f po:inI a and. -.9 seedind.' fffi nl�,Vl er"of . otb4� ao t . C -a in, - the; United St4te� dd W Ott, ky st r n -Bat' -60cloty'aif( 'a P es t Vcivrim� Y­th�baten ' c)"llty c0iltribii.tecfjo, n i er�f6 " , st mild ino9t,06tivenient t io 'great: ab �Hig2,ai)d-,6,ag.p1peq, pr all adv�ii 'the to treat all tif 66 6 actually did ce�:ovor 'd 'us proving conc usively le it' ric I, and, af. $136 lIhat'the a r o oydsometbue bef6re ]I 3.38;, b6 s(.1. 6-G4 fi so' th f her by, t 11 was,-pretn'e itated wallces inal or, e e�mm 1 roniptly FiV Von' Depo sits. in-J'it t wl an indreils, INTEREST. di allo se,zover -e,;per owe I ati cit their .1-d.t.fliklik L' 1 , f -f� 4 - , I . . ..- .,: b�ilt. all i - . � _ ­ .. rnier yea,. think V40 P 16- ­ - 'I " ' L '' at aft4r a coo and. ca�e'" Ftindslmvesteij (lffic trail. COG; t On frodi �_ihcfi -ais ey e �, - he, fo 0 L Jam by motw.., u CO1.16 whoie: 82 47 Pt'iLV&te Vftrjie4' �Ve are V) offer 1"e9idei sideraiion" Of the Z*82,' salary 1CO., ascoe,H el.CLuckno the p aud� Ah E.6 will- a 9 t fly 'Cliartetked Hink and oi 11' IF Vo the ul6mliers of ti )revenut .!COTTIR AltLi Y. a., with h IPort, ;. 0,riotvq. at -,0,57..' 8, Witty and alidwaticA t most bENTA I NQ qJ 13 rr 41 0. Ou�i to:, ifi� mo all alidwarl It'Vi 24. . Wiait6l fVnd.JJfe. J.'AU N, . : The! -Hub;' 1 i i TL &I of he: S, sn r ------ Ovation., , ali& ifidt the'Chairinafi of ;:n,,,,0, and....all oard heslevo r6ite $1,�q:) t6, D w4s. -fully justified in,.Aaia�teriAliq 'it .6' '10 noi TI1 ry'an -4 a scanddl. t ih y�.hol sehoo�i. Ing Of the. SEV as .o e fi�oiii ofir burgh, I 1; .0. "n9A would. the wit. eri re itU to ery; h&s., ,U rVA r�port he 40412 salary er,,D,,p merit a dl-�*w rop yqti �few ],lie art a owances; 530, 1� b S. :s a '7r. Alla revej.1 mo . *I svat , rails-that'ho will ustees §h6uld show. f t6d tfiatthe:j 'I'll own eroPL8 it mces lie flow oh the. rstittid third Alondays ,en,d 413;9.3,' salar 710 k,'CAMPBELL Ie' k fi _h�ve -inade their. deteriniIiati Y. all rapid Oil tb, stnni�.: out �such veti rc% UCKNOW' 110riiii T u et, (I �3, s ­A fpacb abundan't c6ndtict.41. Y -le. anee� Kotel. Pure Vitil0ed- A it, hil will strat, salary the PEdriless e ed f6r by SOME' 6TIIE19 ow Mildis eeth. i4til6tiolk of t, KRAN6 i n Ilk 01 Ing al re- IRO i6o Soc, :.y3othoikownJ1340111ent. -.In regat(t, -ang and allow-' Ripleyi, r6monue. �l 065-64 'ger lost -a that'should bO - used Illy the. 196ar& t' I AL fast 'ike.their (NaPP�Ovft,i eud :The 10 �re6rsj'- XcP]E. ty toth 'tee nical ob riL I "t nwOOCT1 U 4 (O' G' ft(J o' h on by 1' p!cnicon. B $48.80, F, .' ,13�11R Ing a gram d Board't( 438 tl�o' banks take Oil 60rimbi'ozi, �m to of "the V, r, 10ionvev tit" 01110es iMliolk 0. 7'�4 R. ri kubpelid oft 74, intov, TI)rotkto' d Adelaide �Ktre r. P UPLIC, be. Ont.' Aloifoy to AlfivOy . tincer . a .:� - 0 ru d hil I)m . MIMI le Ve' ho co ota* arV a tf Cho i�achor. �b�s, 8 1 5`� .' : BbrVie,i0ii-cii't in jatever,'the �*461"-, he in hit ' allrows11 U( 10 Tr would I91 Z, i, -sa ary d ed:* last' 9 III allything-thm �!�UIC-1 and' at R o& t. W do-oporaite,with tile, Boarj', Old fil'�61111, of the'l 2 Iai e- di I correctnott ty prePared 'a] a. n III s hortly. lea v P, xio" t )rli, Office Offi,10. - attention 3) 'jil to the Ing Khil6ugll, say, here, t lat it iA. A 'Sai" rV andi, re imEr of i!itlbm,afiA to. I � . r Id, to `6 I S r6od, relten, ' me6t, .'has bQ0 -for' oil ry. n & ROS Inle Pftst, fault with ilie or witIl th Sala , , hebettor, P091, 0 i Y t, E8 P -14,A SOXA111.219 AIr, tow, rovehu*0 0 n a -VI y -Thi'sse&- ho-ri ti4st eate of hiti'llest" Offlee -of scho,O), 1 6,6,60, sfdary 're pa M the' Presby, ally hope lily omcil Y�,*t! e. 5,0 all( O!�, revenue;,Og5 t.ST NVA1WA.NOSJ-r. 9 hich, 11 was a ft fUNF 01* 1AS6.'ri4t gi�Ae- to tbe,cliat ki, I S. [MON CORTOGAN11 Stdi rOven &, c w -i # mati. mid also. to the 6�r�kary gu- 11 h Pi, 0q 011tatio hin H. C� J.j . Kinlo ire 1 ext d Y 9 be ')lead III ter he�,'re, 'A 1), R6UDr,00 s it oich mooth. Oblng r. Pet�r an, - of the .1 M, ld �91468*are �Qheap tit x X Othbf`1`66111.9 from ockilry, at tors;,. ete,;Goderich, Ont 0106 to 6 hIsl presence' b4vetWr:Pio( Ular Coln hy, will, �by Ice bo was, very J. T., GARROWi �J AVm, bOT )p�rty inmiredin thisincreas.ingly' 66[.861,d !?is fari�jo_mr., P-011idt-i of lie I poli giving nofl ine, 1or A 14 niOfe than h tt4i add -A V R R, ATTOk"NIgir-AT- th�ii rop o' M:r 'R Ii 6 f Bru C6. iou n f ood, su in, one 6f,th 0 tjjj� .0 roon) W sinom di%lls Ij i)IAI!tt4,,Ate AY RISo-Jram'v6d,, hi'Is�r that Ii, Yul� 66 '*,q ebr'Ata the., �LJOTTA 1AWi gofieitoi, im ;Q6ricei7 ton Convey- t P;� ti�o - 0:1 .'bon in ititik 11 6ill'.4 t Vill t OP next Ador W, tho! P 4 24 , � . I , I Wgiotaim till "jg. IML V