Lucknow Sentinel, 1887-06-17, Page 83a - • a Tents leave' L*okcnow' `daily `(fan; (Nye •excepted) aa, follows .;• . • - GOriN SOUS, ,AGOINGNORTIL litat'l„m Mixed,1 .40 p. I. , ,`1.30 R. m, - Mail, 3:483 • •In,. lkNied,e,o p• u't: exp, 1o,3Ip. ;m.' J OtiN . I3a1RD' ' • Agent, i1t. ;e ir�lac :x x . v Street Watering, A .great deal of complaint. is nnadtt. ty ..our !merchants and, business meii' against the :,way is which the street • svateritig is done this year, • 'High Court.. The,'• High•'Court of the�Canaaian Order :of -Foresters coIniueuced •it§ .an: tual session in 'Berlin, on. Tuesdays Graharu ' is the ' representative from the Court • of this v,lla}ie , Card of-Thanrks~--- ,Pe.rulit me on behalf ,; of the fire --br-t;adn to -most : heartily. --=thank; -all= those who so liberally supported our , iwries` of : entertainments s ititel v 'given 1iy the,R if. Baird Comedy Company; M. "OoiuRuoAN. • . To Be 'Hanged, 1t is`reported that Happy Sid,•forrii= erly a. S'alvation , Array Captain in Lucknow, and •,'who' robbed the Post Office atKiphen, about a •year and a- a s=ago, •and - skipped :to •California,to escaNa/thepenalty. of his.eritnes, shot: and killed a mai while ur,a'bar. 'room .:uari-el and has • been sente Q iced to be Bung roue time.next"iutoutli. ,, Genert:I:Assembly. • .Tho general' assembly of'the ' res y terialli.Church opened' at Winnipeg. on 'Thursday eveniuglof_last week. 'Rev. . a+e ,i 1 ?�3� .s i i'tltll# 1CSh ' _L is $' Ii ESei t cldi%y' 'Duncan ,avidsop, :Muir; 1+". 13aliantyne 'Donald 13. M'e•:. R"ae,''John - Ross,. B. 'A., and. Kenneth, liiclliiitald, ministers -John Mullen,' Finlay McLennan; John i 1Fl)rouald,- :]1lalcoln. McPherson,- IVilliani ;Dawson. • and James Suiilie, elders. tCrthng;to British; Columbia 'The Victoria' • British=-µ-Colum}iia•. Tittles gays that,'Mr. Alex ..Patterson `ref Ltjknow, Who with his step=brother stir; Adam Innes, matte at©ur of. the fitii.ses River, District last week,,, has ,4.e•, Wed to remove from;•the County: of • Newt, Ont:, to this Province.. He ha. E + purchased • '10 acres of . very tc "r c,f;' `land, about two • and -a half ,tatlsi4,froin Ladder's Laiding. He_,re , tiurirs to, the east to settle . his atiair. • aend will be back in the fall with his. family. r Jubilee Edition. 'The' lt- trie,ta Jubilee: edition, •welt' ?rintE J on good paper, is to Band ,price Oc, and with the great) ubilee Picture. 5p• .untag also.a-cheaper edition, print- rtl on ordinary` paper, for fire cents.. '1`lie number. contains •12 :large pages, awith:ov r`l00 -portraits: anal, :other.il" luetrations. , There Is a history of'IIe't 141,je,4ty's reign,; sltetehesof 'Canadian statesmen:; a fully illustrated • iistory+ of the -Royal Arins, and otherinterpst- ' ins articles ; forming -a worlc of ,refer; ecce with regard to the history of oto times in Great Britain ,and; Canada. For;sale by all,snewsdealers. • Schopl Board: meeting •of; the School 'board was • held in the ' r, to secretal. 3 office «' e(lnes:. Y :day evening, 'when 11lessrs. ':McCl, in niun Laewretr_ce,:Caurpl,ell and Connell • were present After the reading. Of ' ` • the minutes an accoun 'for $1,.50 :wa-, presented ';by John Adams 'for trees for the school'./grounds; ,left over frit • certiheation. : illoved by W. 'Connell " • and seconded by T. 'Lawrence that, alis :'o tier be drawn `on '.the treasurer it, •. favor ^of:each teacher forone~eI uartiir ; , aulafry, end to Le: paid when clue, AS' follows -I). D. Yule, $163.50:; Geo. ht iddleton,:$106 ; Martha' Grant •060,; A. M. Graham,! $60 ; Ella Maxewela� t GO, Board adjourned. Something New, , • Outsiders feeq uentiv' wonder where ai .. the railroads.ob�.... i proper _.._ t • i prop e,r .rcturn for some;' of the. ing itiOi . • e },et o.us . but ostly- auetlrodsTarlo`ted ••n. v- ' . p � ad ertisiii8 then., lid Oiieaof the latest' to attract On . 4411,00ttipn is• a nicely hound ,64 -page 1044 . untitled "%Vliat to'1)o," .contain• its (h-scription and the correct rule( ,of A targe nu tuber of -games suitable , • ' feir parlor or, lawn, which .has h'eeir.'c issued by: the. •Passi'tiaer. ` i)epart., inent of/ the Sc. Pauli `Minneapolis' kk, lllanitoliu Rail ,way, and will, We: • i)00�,i�staud, he forwarded li stpuul up. ntJ•rec ipt of 8 cones by 0, • .` Warreo, l t era1 ase' a a Agent,: at 5 t, aut. fiby ¢titwould. 'ornament, a! 11 % a•d" ilei'. sw y top o u est lour. oId' ry' . Alkk11,11. issue of the 'SI wTxx sL we oolnmeirce the publication of a .now popular story entitled "Sir 'Hugh's ,,Loves:," It is very interesting and • should be read by all .our su0serifiers. Sacramental 'Services. ' Sacramental servit:es will', beheld in -the Presbyterian. chu •ch here on Sun- day next. The Rev. Mr. McGillivary of Goderich, will be present and assist the Rev. Mr, McKay, with the services; Firemen Attentionl .A meeting will b othe _o... ._-..held in t fire, hall, Monday • evening at;8 o'clock. on Business Vote on organizing a band in connection with the brigade and election of officers. •A full .ineetii,g is requested. Scripture.. Readings. The .Minister of Education is about • On ,the Jury.: The -Assizes court for the CoUnty gf Bruce,, opened in, Walkerton on,Tues. day last, and Messrs. Ales. Ross, J. \V. Itildrecl & J, ' Grenache,, of this,, village,• are in attendance as Julyinen.. Circus Coming J. K. Burke's great circa will ex:' hil,it in Lucknow on Saturday, 25th inst., and as they travel 'Withtheir, own railway coaches; they will rennin), in the village till the following' kion: day. Excursion to Kincardine, _ On Tuesday next, (Jubilee Day) an 'exc,irsion train will. leave Lucknow for Kincardine at 11.40 a..ii�., return: ing, will leave Kincardine r::bout 6 p. m , The Company also offers' very low fares to., all points',125 miles: ani i under. to issue a revised edition. of. the Script- .Another Grant. ., nrell,eadings, tabu used inth schoolused lathe schooli7 At the meetieg of the Bruce County It lir expected that the new edition • Council in, Kincardine last week, -trill-contain-:the-references,'` :the-oinis= -Reeve Tennant-suceeeded-in obtaining sion of which was so much., critized a grant of $1'50 to aid in widening the :..during•'the last' Ontario' Elections, gravel • react, oiiposite the "Hadwin" farm,aid• now, owned by; Jr.D'.Joliti •Stewart. This: is the second' county,; grant the Doctor has secucured for the wll!ahe, during, his.,two years occupancy of the .Iteeve's chair. ril '• Obnviction'Quashed,' ' • r• Seine . tune during last winter; several penes of glass were Broken, in 'a hailding on ` Cainpliell street, in ',this vi1'la ;e,, dun used as; a shooting gallery 'Conmpinint was lodged• before our local magistrates, :still three or four young Men belori;ing to the, village were :therefor fiued':Sonie •live or 'six • dollars, costs Aniong those charged, was .,kir: I-lugh Soiiierville;•::who appealed" .tgariiist' h..decision..:o<f:tlae4ntugistzatesi,( l 'fly •tete toil\ fiction `of: the magistrates .• way.: luastle( • Paisley Games. • We ,have, received from the secretary ..of the Paisley Caledonian Society a: colnpliinentry ticket and a press, badge. for the annual games of the society,, which :'takes place on Dotniiiion Day (July 1st). ,The: programme' c mtains $1000 in prizes, a large 'portion;, of which is devoted' to localcompetitions. otpetitions.. Reform Mecting, The 'ann 'al • o .. ua meeting . of the South. Bruce' Reform ,Convention, Will be held in Teeswater this (Friday) 17th • iest.; €or the-electlor `' of officers - and • other business. • The meeting, will cominerice 'at one o'clock • :A •full at- .en taile.:,oaf d,/e}egates;^IrFo�tn,et clipoil31) r- • '} ls-a -.n, ' �.'S.�I'e{. egtPtl n +r_Mrc1 iycC:&-da,�, ,.,'{ • ^ ` •p � f .. , s:.:.... S` : •'�,. , °a. °ki" �,4+..' xxS.i;•_�ShtaF.•ct«� The Dominion.'Exnibition4 :We have received 'a copy of the prize list, just' issued, , fore the Dominion Exhibition, • which is:this year to.Ix- ,ield'at Toronto`.corijunction with the. Annual' Industrial .Fair, from the•5th: to 'the 1.7. th September next. 'Any` of, our readers who.: may desire a copy'.can obtain.:one by_'dropping a. post card' to Mr. J. Hill, the Secretary, Toronto. Union Picnic s, A union •picnic of 'the Teeswater Itiver3dale, and Holyi•ood Re; an Catholic Churclios will' take place sots Tuesday, ::. the ::21st ;•Junk. on 'tht ;rounds ofMrs.; Thoni'pson;'Teeswater; when tlie'' usual• amusements and' re freshnients will be ,furnished. .,A a football match` between Turnlierry and feeswater,:ijrass and string 'bands. in . attendance.. . Desecrating' the. Sabbath. Some pare•nts• in 'the 'village' 'allow their boys altogether too lnucli license, and the result,' if some more resti uti is not placed upon thorn,.• will soon prove disastrous.' When'laoys are:' allowed, as Was the case on' Sunday. afternoon last, to go, to the woods and desecrate the'Sabbath by firing off revolvers, etc., they. are. ;certainly • in' a fair way for the 'Central Prison or some other. sl'rn • ilar itistitutiou. Jubilee 'Party. the Ju.hillee Darty- rad parlor con- cert to "be given at the residence of 1'ir., . U. Little, on,Tuesday evening ext,•2stinat-promises to be the en- t rm` stes"nt;of the season. '.ASplendid progralnine of venal. and instrumental to usic Will:be Le givegiven. • 138 sides; this .all ,I the \locMinisters of the :.village, the ti,tjv. ik1r. Tut-k.of Uodel ich:'Rei Mr: McKibben/Of 'Dungannon,, are expect- ec1to be present and' take ;part.. in the pro'teedin .. , 'The, ''ladies- Mesdames 1>; ,Selameys Little Sr Bind; ay• un lt;rwhose tpeampe-' ineiit'the entertainment is being 'given. al'Ei Il avieg nothing undone torovide a pleasant evening .for. all:_ who.nia _favor them i with their resenee..' h.Eo freslitneri'ts served from six to, eight, o'clock. •Al1 are ` ordially' invited. Horses and. Cattle... The zVitighani council -fast . week passed•. a by-lawproliibiting►, horses,. t iltva or pigs relining at large on tlia. public .streets, after:eight o'clock in the evening and before •six'o'clock'in. the niortring : , This is a move in the rico direction, but we hepe Dui coon will prohibit them from running at • largt.at all. ' The plea that has .gener, ally been set up, .is; thatpoor eo-'e P p p cann)t afford :to 'pay for.. pasture hr their animals, bu;'if any of our read- erg will•:take the trouble ' to' examine . thy....matter ',they will find that the hares and other ariiinals that, are al' lo.r d to. feed .on 'our'puleli l streets area e'property of "coni aritivel ` otl' citiiE ts, whwould !tate lilts sixt E;cl ltls,i]uiY° to be'told they could not afford to pay , .---Lailiex l Leave yetir orders for -for their .keep. The constable should' sulonier na ltiitery wt 'i , tiss. Chain-. run, then. into pound.'' G t" Uers::at G. !tet r s, �� lieges you can de. -„,aci,inson•Crusoo cloths tor't ” ettd on getting _1 i... :. , , s ..Oc , P. , g $ the .latest stylet in .poi yard u `Conuell`s -worth 35.c., fashionable tiiillitrt�ry. ni4o 0 T.:X"-Li T`H EAD9 • Washes' Wringers, Creamery Cans, • Zird Cages, & Tinware. W.t:,liati e: -also- i11,:. stock a ' . ,splendid: ilS'sor-tment cif prumPs. Pirrt•ie n . , 1' _ I] , sill P,,,i 011 . 1J ;t)1Rtl E1 Iwus a L • .,. as we• can.g.iarantee F1 ,ST'CliA,ti.S JOB.. We .-keep iii ' ;LOCAL CHIT=CHAT: -Picked up •Hire and' Tlterc•-'for Iteilders of the Sentinel. • The date of tla Jubilee.. party is. Tuesday evening. , --Extra v alue in teas, sugars ai:d general groceries at, Kerr's --A new gravel r sidawalk is being; built on Outram street. . -Connell's is the place for cheap —Mr :and: Dlrs ••J r e a n s • Gordon spent Sunday with friends in •Brussels, -The tiBairid, Comedy *Cornpany gave ,three eutei tainnietits to goodtwine- last,. week. _CIe mug sale prices in inillinety all the year round at .Kd rr's. -Clothing; Geo. Kerr has a 'fine assortnient of tweeds and:: worsteds and guarantees a : perfect .fitting suit. =lllr. and`,klrr, s. \V .._.Meilis, spent last week with. friends -•in. Toronto` and: vicinity • -Spring crops' aro All looking well in this section; .indications : point tea. . bountiful.. harvest. • --The party 'who losta bail Of chop- ped:. feed, can -have it by calling at•the Whitley House, ` tr• ,,—,,Printsu � and el it h nis for 8 a . „ g ,a o c yard at Connell':s worth' 10 and 110. ••• -•=.A ilu:inter o£ our,citizens intend "taking tu" the demotistration. at Kin cardiae on 'Tu.l.day. Spine eight or ten young lads; spent Sundayafternoon last'' l,athiiig iii` the cordite, mill pond. • —Yf you wish to • spend. . 12-a.leasaiit . evening, go to the rard n party at,'the residence of aN r U. Little. •J' --George .K err ".is stile'' agent .' for Lucknow of the celebrated: Himalaya; • tea in'hlack,,l.;reeti and -nosed.: Try a pEuad of it. • —Place the coverv o er ihe.sugar, lay the syrup' gently by , keep: your hats on, oh.ye bald, heads,. for has conte • the festive lly : • • -`Ve regret •ti learn of the .'death of Mr, Steve. Galbraith, editor'of the' \Vi ighaiii . J lame which tookPlace on ,. Saturday last, .front con`suniption • .—Prints front; 5e, white and colored dress •niuslitrs'froin5c; towellinrys front 5e, table' lines from 25e per and grey' >j, Y. a� Y� 4 t , and tvhite > i,uttous aold prices , at t Kerr's: -Its 0 utidlerstood theconstal,lAi• vasa. instructed tt,"impound ' all 'horses run nide; at large:hi, the village.; If that is the case,, that, official has.sadly neglect-.. • .01YE-., S: A TRIAL. And •See- W • .. hat We Can D.o•,.�, • TAYLOR '& • Samormormli ZJetition %Ve w Ill gt'ce two. prizes, for tliP•firs•ttvo c orrect spin ions of this rebus,: 'First correct solution --1 st: prize,goods to:the value of $:3.00, F, second correct, solei in•n--2nd prize; `gooils'.to the ` v 2• 1 , 1 e alue'of $..00 Sr;1'utions. t ,o -b e opened examined and rizes given • 24th 188"; 0 MEET, COPELAND & D . AYS ' L'IIEIIISTS AND DRIT4G-ISTS, We are In aosition tO:state that it 4'v. is . p �, finally_ and ir- retoh,tbly decided a few•days ago: •the old 'ladies of ; 'i by •o �h1s:�:�: locality over ,a cup of arra s Choicest Tea, -�• r That 'St, Helens w . y Dula:be 'the' Corint • v � oak i�,. •` County�`l bout,t� be ereceed,• and to include, the' 'township's � East :180 West wawtnosh, Ashfield, Kinloss li1d , u' nberlt and tie • . ; ViiIages; of 1'Vingharn i4ll( 1'. , t ,>ow .ill l ▪ Dnno;annon: And in: view of thelarge,. . • e lricr.ease.o�•farr�ners ��,ndbilslness risen from the a;for s . . e add townships, nd• villages,:.,to tri nSact their business at the 1111) and ` '• .. exP eld tlelr • surplus ,.to the best advantage • • •• e HAS o opened p etrgel and •niOre-. aelee - t.t �tuc1�..of �fasr= lovable er goods ' ;' • ,, �: prin., than ex. er brought" into, Helens - �. St before turd-At-turdwill astonish .i•� s 1 the brought" ,.rag when ;the ,visit'• `. the,Ilub on ,the St 13elens 'branch of tile. (r. P. IL. REM. 'S ,E11113 1ZE PEOPLES STOR E. Balance of white!` will ;r, a . ,._ stockwill be uf1'c cd at. 1 � • `• P , . •• • ,1 t1 n its.hric .s . to snake rtion� for more new(roods'.: i, y.et.,i��`LW=•1:u(*r .., . . ROBERT MURRAY. Btacksmi ,, t9h Stipp toLet. TE NEIL RS.:...... Tnrl Q ern"Inr`taking off the raid nliinttfea nhd on The binclininith a1,++1i lately oteu ted h tleetl.cu I>krttttic�tryl pellnl 1 new whptAlearicrt� '�rninn :slcM llinn•,esrt the C' ellen° of Corn y 1 1 r bell and ItaVelOCk ettreetn. it is i rti . the beat' &'roes, wtlI1 a received rip to 1 ,tbRitmo. location, for a:4hnit Iii. the 'villab�r.a � W. H. SMI141, : ForhurtioulrlrQ apply to, e.e 5. Chairtuan,, • A.NatTS