Lucknow Sentinel, 1887-06-17, Page 1• • - • • r••441410•0001=0.01• Ie I ubltphed eveery leiblay at the i3>..;rT osz.. i3:iv4.k, North Bast Qortier n Outritto Cam pbel,: St;eeta W o1V"iAR� . L4�`GS1Mt Je S s/3RYA,',F,XI1DOR 4NL!.plip:f.(SLXFJe SIIbso rlptiolk I''rice, '.*1 nes Tear ltl i#,tiY2RI)t4 e. All' ktni!s'of • V013 PRINTI ,g4ueq.r ,e$PLZCch 1 GENERAL I1,E AND MARINE, ,:Soc$ET1Es: LU' NO)W' .�i■il� • 1. 0•. Meets every Fri•lay>eveningat 4.4:It't'elocltiu • •th'ir TIall,Cainpbell Street. All 13 rethltru azureliall yinvited. 'j`HOMV1PSt)N, JU'1fiN"1:-M flTT., Noble Urind . Sacrrtaiy T TTt1K1VO V 0:1P..THEANCI- • err t Order of Unit'ed 'Workmen, meet in the (iddfell,;w - Hall, ,u the:iiitd nn' on the*Fctilid and limit A1.+intlry atJ'enings ()Couch ntonthi8 'cluck Visiting I3rethet n are cord .. Y .nv t JOHN "Ata oIN Tx , Master workns,r: leca>rde r. tatiot ivo 7 S 44,.• 1, it.0„Ah oG•A.11f ^Vl •- 'thrtrsd ay ern i>r 'ef.n•e' full moot, ofra,•aclt ln"ntuat cleatp:an � _Trtsiti�tfi ;fir�kiLt�rtri;aiilYall��inc • • DIAll40ND ! THE BATPNES DEFEAT THE MAR RmED MEN BY TWO•RUNS. 3. tG i i"t..t' ERY. Of .Agricultural implements. by W. Atiin. • On Thursday last our citizens Were t.. ffordect un: o port>�trit ":-,of-witnessing- o ame 1,,aaf .urejo, ii.l.tw t! temlu a of a g agricultural the " largest., delivery a.e o Se A g '�i no last be- this village. For many •years past.'l�l the square :14ionday afternoon o>''! 1 l married and single *nen.of tweet). tae �z single • ry , 4 EOLJ N o 7O: V semen's Band {Tat1he Editor of S?.KT.t'El, fir; ---,Hearing, that. the Fire` Own - are pang:. are .11aut getting up a band,. allow ane CO congratulate them on' endable eager r e,", tihc;tr•�-coerrm . F hope they Will •meet with the liberal • at onage:..which, they -so richly cieser�•e - _ P:>, f• f ba :hall. kvas' y_ed. on".: Iwp.pleurents. e� er-lurxde`by7►zrci a tae In i I stipp'ose it Was with this.object. in• ,. r _ r.. ments, given 1+.. the; .0 H. Bair.( tJomedy ccompany,, were produced,and • justhere let nits remark; that although - . ie exceedingly. well patronized, . 'the bri- gade, I' have it from a member)IS not Wit. ,ill satisfied with.`the .y sonie not. ever sitrrounding Lucknow ` that has, not of :'our village fathers acted used oi,e or ignore of the. many • differ- 'Shown) :' up ,at one of the - r coria eats • The acting in. '' these e c mit- 'machines lre.:.'represents. alis • was, (I think all who saw,, them will agency is. not confined to any one par-, agree) was of a standard, shirty . met __ r T ...irnnim U1,rT;PH ;1;1 4 1g,tePftr.l�430 .; Wn�: m 1,r47S 1t' 1i :Se+cretary one �._.��._. rz , a:• •Botrrow its. • • i',T;] iC r •'i'.I-• - -- ER; 7,te',.. ncNv> Vita .e'tc Ioaa . 'ti' 1 IRST-C}1,A unriTGA( A`1' 7 ll tet 7.Ir per colt. int`r<°„re4t, .piiyi�'>le year)y. • 4.l ('leatgNs t'r:V \loilerats. �'►1>1tlY::tie1 L1.01 Ei T hitituAY .St }[.;tan's. 0IC16 to 1j al,'. g.:; V1,1r: y1E I' , 'TROs, 2 'ro hQ _ '"yeats: 1,u is•of ,1' arru:5 , fns, Sale in bn • tart', as: well as Niatnt�eirn. Parties desit1,ue t o.: sell. Faints •a i ll; Commit. f ciritie%es e1 e1 t'4 +o it ,- 'wpe,ctingthe� •ulvrrtising w to Great llrit.aiu anti Ireland. andt%ontinentof. • l.anil' fi+r Sala.. ,ANGUS S'l'EWsUllT, e Land Va]itater. L 'know Ont. • iot &'.CAMP6Ell (E1tNIi ha�,S). Ganipbell. Street, Lucknaw• SON.EYto.L0 • ans; • .t Eunn"Niert; gest 1 iOW laKIto t mad. Martga�Delight'1 os nom- L2tCsafts.an<l Ohegues on all Points Clashed., 1, t�y]',Mot )rs,uil,t . A:ttetttttrii I'att etc the ri,..11ectiun:�tf Notes, rtceuutita+,'it -,,-Draft's Payable at Tart CatiIanitiula and n t Princijtal Cotta and ;t' th, United Lacs tinct Great ata l-YiLitiel utest 3' Viiiiitiiig will iiuid ti�it$`tb�.-a>d. 1 at}ki valet C tin ve;nieitt.lITe>t • Five tier cent. •tllnarttdtvnt, • enncla Inveate t' S,r Prid 13 anti' ties. Weare lirepareat' offer for Private 'Parties. • cility'•a1i.;i'ticel by. a; t., CttstMnc>;s `e.very,:�• 1 •gavarul'xl�tpctns. Ciiart,reit Uank utd ot► ent4 ) the village, resulting in. a. slight, victory, 'uerically . s eakiun`;-•-for 'the rtu p � batches, but phy?sivally. • a morn dtlapi- re 1 scarcely l s .oud o . dated looking nine o y found;.. Truly ':their 'raul.s.•.soiita .ned; the halt;, the, lame and. the blind,'ana.as.. they hobbled down; .stn Pet , atter the niatoh, .they were• a sight to'' behold; while th. ,ell,,,Qpponents,t.l>c poor-nyar=:. ried 31100; ----:strutted ''-home as.light- footed and happy as' clams. Anothgr match is talked `of,. that is.if they eaii gather, together:enouglr.a`. whole" single -tIl""" ejl l:U'inRlaf'"�1;�3�'1£';tl�ll`e�"'•""�116 fOi O.'1'V": in�is the score .sof 'entertain., 'r ' � e aerie . that t late ,view, t lr h W, Allan .• has carried, IT.. the .imp e-. ent'a, enG bus enss '.in 'the village, and so wide and well-known has..1>e,. reputation; that .fu ' far,ners, c0lne, tris. 1s zs wi h to • erre townships p be f n in the ll can n.�. � ,class of itoplemcnts,, for. al - on a farin from.4 plough point to a' iu,stock all kinds. of organs, pianos, ttitters, etc.: On, Thursday the 'delivery `was 10,..,4p,eafitk14,14,;eatatilie .attention itaid :;to` .diseasos r:ficii-Offiee;-- One dyer east of thC Pbat Office, oNvEYANOING . Lints • tit r,,CiioVeYattccr,,etc. 1.0.304a: lite and Aktehildi. nitrti.z.s Calls both •Mght and dnyaprouTtlyittncled Can he fOtind (1;4,414 night at his office.' 111. (4rulitly '6' Veteripay,Iiiedicat Association,: eau now be foittid.prevoted.to treat; till diseases, of the do - Cells either' by Mali 4 teleeta*i .kotimitiy ftt DgNTAL ErtiOlIE 1 VII • TreleaVen McolY Dr. Ethatt., Sk • Lipeafinte 6f 4ty, has removed to mg s. 1114;.,tow on the first and third.Mondaye rind GordOn Who ,aceitientatly. walked on Clotnitottsioner. Conveyancer, etc., Lockucw Ont. Office over tlitrafirtitlittri'r-'.--"" Itelt4IN ColiirwMneer 00.t to, loam at low.eut, rate of ititorese (Ado (lc:. 404014'06 glITASAS,00ldi tut; to 'S 4, v., tianinngh otit farinersOf Aslitield township., ,N121•: 13 ,lienSon of the Chatham OrPall"., 'And delivered this season... t,wenty,tive . binders manufactured by th is: consign iy take place from Mr:,Allin;i:ivare-roeiiii Supplied' With; Within villageS the .taitsed..-1,1:.01Oronce. Sutherilaigt aka :. the serio 'comic Wat5 done justfee to by .the' Iiiikingeurent. R.• O. 'Moreland: whole, think the -Fire, Biigide • to be' heartily Congratulated' ou,hah).g. abre.,ta secure the services, of such ,an . • able c'oinpa.ny,-,-"and- believe, from. What 1 hear that :the proceeds. were pired by . Mr. 1). Cameron. week:Purchasing horses fol. 'the use of T,, Ciitcher of the' the.,..Cavalery In 'the. Dritish. single teat)). receiv • injury They are very, striet and my the gaine. the ball broke 'superior. ilorses whilO thi•ough the' hEavy' mask and It Worts present; Minutes of fast. nieeting• read. 'and 'Signed., Accoinit, Jamea The' following accounts Wete. alit'repairing approach to •bridge'S',..14.', ..flaiiiiltou,'ditch On S. ,A,.12 Ilutiter,., repairing 10.0ert S. E. • ar accident.t10,s season; and'. he. now ..not. Send d.' Maw away :insulted.' or vex-;: 'Several horsei Weie rejected .owing to While ilinninft'tOlmnie base Mr. W.. old or tOU young. The required height, Orundy Was *truck with tli . ball, and •• is.not less than'15,0kuor exCeed...1:5,ti a position 'alT,OiVeti' te' Air.. ,T,',. LindsaY., lesS than 45.2 -nor -over ' 15,34. It. is.. wool 4;do),,r; e4to.h,ihe bail 'bat.. it ..did . .esAential that ',the •,tiiiiinal should hav ;••• ii.inimber of .the Minor, eaSualties, SlaCk or liollow;b4..ehetb,...,sild lilt sided' : took 'place, but the Only one we haife thninbi. in tui attempt to take a .fly -tip. Frank: has' be9n very lanie A inatli aye( incur- able on Tuesday between the Lycknow -tend*iiwarditIntotToOtro so between. the Clipperk athis Mid '010 ays' of each Month. Office in , a Hotel. PUr*Vfitilized Air tultniiiistrated for the paiitlesaektraction of teeth. D. E.CAMERON • (OF CA NI k-e-AitrUlt121t) A70.744R j. .0o$ntnisvitorier lit It. '11.,,Cotiveys.ticer', etc. Z..51.)&111.1101(1 fiaxt1 Ow the Mutual flit lAsutintetoti 1)0011000ibillkuyi .gt,visg settee he . oto,n44 „pool, by Ant egest 41t by oue of: Law Solie,itor to m000ty. f; (";:tubilec go to Connell'sand get one of those navy serge suits' for $6. bas been fined twenty-five cents for, thnuiping fellow who insulted hi ra, end is''prOnd entit Aitirti4 *Is rt • • Geo. U,er); leaflVtlle corset trade git,Our celebrated ,„ "tha.tradatlat sale at 'Karr's; •( pairing two culverts S. 6.4k Shackleton Plank tor:', bridge, coif; 6, . Sproul funeral'. 4.34penses 'for jaines: Savage, indigent,' $12, audgoods te, ars. Thomas, 'indigent, 82084, kickley going Cellin for Mrs: Thomas $2 ; 'Martin and' . land, rePairiug culvert, Alp formation.. will al"WaYs. 'cause tronble, in Od to:purchase' niateiial fol.. side walks saddling. They, require to , be gond Dungannon,(A.shiield.side). Mess0. and high in the withers, lest the sad- Martin:0d .A.utlerScai waited oia the, dlo ..forward, alf.d If' very councii.with ,p,e,40o, praying that .„ filen, or shallow chYst denotvs in. At court of' tevision; Aleivage thqr4saY that' lang 13iistems are .41i,hiee't Anced.from 162„ 147' 1..10 (both eer.. ,te.spraint, tinit short upright past .titied .%\,71k,'1.1.011 1.1.. g.). tont on account of .ektra.oPadasaido art' 'homes Hawkins '$300 in. .peesottal of 'the -Canadian apt to cause, ossilic deposits, Action ,property; iyalt4t; : ' Come With the bit and', bre king. ek They reject horses that are not good b6y.si pot. ttero dolui Keife $4 'walkers,. 'iika a good walker is (Absolutely 'flore,,, Wei,gtew 8.2 Der et4Scutial; attAl horsey iS more pleas, liero;..../4.,,g,t.ount,rs tont the usseSSit.. • .k .ttio4t iiittottrupderihe:forAo,,:.O,n, .111a d 'The cootit% ! • —as. t 444, unside•tO rt. air to he, eon . in kinvon, wet* Perteet nett: