Lucknow Sentinel, 1887-06-10, Page 8Zx 40 • • a• • • • • • • 041,49 tiOti 01, Int '094 oil • 4, tixibliseghe •:' Age *,agietr4te- for Brice PepitV. Pan Of higlichafacter, and hilt:404k "rood cheese' factortee at -4 4*.lit•t•tiltif 13 ." IteliiitiStlii* -,44-?"401,40V Sik:'•ana' Alia. Air vigei Of etchts re , i• khingilee for sale eV Mein, Geo: Kerr .• hes,' oats three " is visiting .her: :14ent 117a. general. satukrao0: b.."61 egeololiVered--air*dreis-owIlis.1 ilithortfar*14.00e. Student: chant at *en -ay :passed the; 111,9 •I>rx419999%.0•Itir. —The potato! tnig. "promisee., AO • dreas'iwralin. for Oepoi yard. et Kerr*, A, -Dayison, of Qederich;: is Aiisitilngliensts. in the ' .),A. lot of cheep leather boots. for ri-41 lot:: of 'irht class Shingles for • —A line of crink)edseell'OnAcaro • a. iCenriell's.00ly.loo per .'ysrd worth 15., Luchnoiv School nine detest. ed the,01.10Pcrs 'en Friday lest,, 8. runs., 0. bits Beat , :',,loorkingltrainps;::liais•41.. through. the :'''''''.71°4441r*'1711).i.11.4144;:;1?-c1;40646"1:1,:fliT ‘''D • Was.4078:t: C370434a7 0404, ..L.#4, a5 we eau.. faritee a'FIES 'CLASS JOB. We keel) in ITS: TRIAL An'd See What We -9a,ti AYL We will give twe plies' for the first:two correct Isolations of this rebus, tl' $oilutiong to he opened, ekci,iinfraic arid prrzeitl4r9O-OR 24th Dee.' 1,fot8 . ,. a iolioaiz 16 1 utenevappeatt is 41 est, Ler!, orIgini429, • 'Morse CaPital: •diVided. into -2,00Q. shares of 26: eaeh! tmeation. et . hew n' man disou'ised, ,„1.)ut an, exchange: brings einnoTt WOW, oVer eight hours '• a"doir . ArivoS Should ern-, At .the meeting of Huron me,reltaiits. in -Clinton last week it was, ditiilecl, 'tic) .44 ,.ole 000nty 'Connell to incieas slaSSes the request of the'hosineas: smooth-tiongu'ed;,. peddlers of .one 'kind end meother the 'money: aiia half di axing .0 ,p, 1.4:17:4,„!_11:s1::.d1.11",6A, tiillrtie:tlit::tfili.,:lkthli:e::11-s:tt:LOI:cf.61iiitStitialel. '414 Reivij..dr4heitig'Sliernieri..:cadtoi- of Plea ; 4lue;11.Stfil'Veeii'fr.U.ifife.fe,i1;,tie •cliwyei4C, Viv 'BO X4ViAse. has been-61ect4FiriikneialSeeietari of.: ..treated to flair houses'en:CePh',cleeeileil.; It .is the beiCeOinpanY,..!itheV has visit• ' Mank'Of 61,r readers 'will 'regret tO was elm .u. oldes .. refudepts in the Whole.eounly Wage 13olici. flunks of forest. .:Olib,,dUriiirge,lest Winter he ,Was sadden- ‹Strickeri dowa with 'cancer 'Of the ..',110h and 'which:iiiially terminated J3fai:88.e,,,,s,41374:16,toilai 107,6jel41 0 I il 4). t1.441,,A.11 i I Y1 1 Ph it‘'v'i el l' atghee:: 1,1 4114, .meanhera of*. las•solls Ohureh,.: /yin gharn-and reSigning the Charge of F. Pft,LIT-S.. 1,111S. stdp is; rendered spent snail a,happr titill; mid Where -.17,he • splendid-. reins end warm (rIgoions,4,1o*th: to the crops... hen.yriti are in near Of '-asrair ,stock.. !Ozer -1 in Our".:Celebritted16194 ter., piiks The. eheo.p ICA .openecl eat- stItrhsts, Hy great xerretra '6---IjAit'5:1,1:4:1.61•1C1:!l'e' 7810g. ,RoSS,d'fed. .11t..5j1,0SS had lost:. within the Past fon • J. to inonths. 'edlors ....at 100 per yerd Worth the Piprd a tins ,:everriiig end; give .the.; will be... offered. ". et greatly ,..reduced 449. bars ef,. Sotkpler,41i the of, geed ,ted, for $1, IS a hright. anger 'Are hest .brikink pOwder the Dominion, et" McIntyre's. left last week 'end has taken line of ress go S Oc ..per -.Earthern 'stene WOO in creeks pana, tea'. pots, baking •.,puddino, dishes at'11.1.elutyrelt EitilrialceS the to have your turninitir bat beforeboni- bustles:in YU In .the ;Louise, tIke. the 'Victoria, tit • reVolcably..decided ale* Aays ago, by the ouvlat.nes • Choieed ..2104 That .St Helens would be the -,•Connty Tovi n of the' new • County about to-be•erected, arid to include the townshi0 of ', East and, West Ayaw..-tnosh,. Ashfield; 1(h:doss and. Trirtibri*,.._ ' And in' view of Oe rarge Increase of farmers and business. ni en, fr6in the aforesaid townshiiiSand,villages,. to transact their popinttr, ..pikaring :sale -win , line Of ladies propello 'boots 'for '60 • • • „ Has opened out a, larger and .more select stock of fash- ionable -sprtng,goods than ever broug •into.bt Helens berth e • .aud at prices that will astonish the :Villagars.whou they,yisit ilitirUttb,ion. the St If e'en's branch of the C. P.• R. . IE. PEOPLES'. of' winter stock, 'be offored runions rahroore 'readers ter 'taking oft the 0141 Phin00,4trol • • 1.4okOlith. §ho 046. Let; ..the blhehsinith shop . Norman McMillian, on. the cornin' 0( ea,..?filr' bell,and Havelock streets. It alp •