Lucknow Sentinel, 1887-05-13, Page 2-igia•Seeend Wife. In silence ahe rabies. • Her low dMopnig head Toilet while he Pratte*, " The,wife who Is dead; • • And ever he echeee the oldrefeelp4; ' . "Ohl that weelifo • With seeh a wife. ,- 'Poor SUB= Amanda Dfaitnda,,Aner. • She never was idle., • She never would tiro; ' Her temper poled bridle. Her gervantaintipire. And ever her virtuesbe swill !Wein "No one could be . • Ilk° her to me. . Peer Susan Anianda atatlIda laner, She never sPent money. • Waa ever content; • , To have anew bonnet • Would never coneent; • • • Yet summer or winter.' Or shin'. e or eain, . Weald never 'stay ' Erg* ()burets, away. • 1110 Susan Amanda Mettleapallitil • Was never too earl• y. - Was never toolate " Zer dinner wee readyi • Or riady to wait. ite_leeLhanevershonld see agate • with-neertelniter' - - . Such peerleserees- • . 700r Omen Amanda Ilan -101a Jane • °outdrew onbs hattana. _part& bacherictittasti hem, Bach ,Itar.b timeline a. gem.. Tenets of beanee, a pearl antboat. wiefeet Whenwhevestbera" His woes te sauna : Peor*thisnlaneruts, ,.H.skilde, Jump!! . . •Ifeultinceelbelietens, • . tbehrose ' .ilmennleutbstaritens • . Deep down Lbilleerweest , • • "Vegirsiselher*iititakeenelle vane ; IneoneViliefee, , • Peer sV5 njlmisM essadhlaamet" • `714"17, • LOVE AND LUCRE:- --- - A ira of To -day, (By 3. IL Williatags the PlinnY men of tha Norristovm Herald.) , Tom Hurley, usnally as bright and jolly Is a funeral director's assistant, entered a friend's office .looking as haggard . and. melancholy as if he had just witnessed the initial performance of a new. American comic opera, • , • , "The newspapers." be said, in a lugub- rious tone, in reply- to his fri_e_nd'aetieg- 'tioninglooh, "havewrecked my happiness,: and soon be's weary wanderer upon the face of the earth: If then3 is an expedition 'fitting out to go in search of the North Pole I:want to join it, and. ?terve and freeze to death a few degrees farther north than any other reckless explorer has ever reached. That.would be lees;,ainful thin.te rennin in this Pert of the countrY: 1 walla achieve faine, too, and have my name put under a caricature df a face in hundreds of newspapers.---.41ere.,,cowhidimp...erd_As..7_ grace await rise. Another look, bristling with interroga- tion points ,impelled him to proceed: ' "It is s q-mr story, but is founded on finW---1-e-vt-snever 'very fond ofwork,Yon know, and'a'int a year ago I resolved to marry a fortuae. Not being an impectini- ounEngliah lord, nor In Italian, count with, a name ranch lengerthantis purse, I fully realized that•the 'fulfilment of this resolu- tion was no easy task. .1 iiii simply an American, with an average amount of brains, anda respectable but rather plebeian tame, ' and an American heiress • doesn't look favorably upon such a sidtor, *less he should happen to be employed as her father's coachman. While wondering how 'should achieve my object all sublime, I encountered. •this paragraph in a daily . , _epees ow. leaveiment atirmereattamimicaxsiaeare. • CamblereElyeive the cerreers arch ; Hetailsealme ache .f.oreeps. He wins who asses the huovi niszch,. • Be thew about! Let dry Might • • Tearepc.n eterult snows isa way. And. tectoogle the Wean wails of night.. •'Hewdewnapentagenntedey • , Press on! if once and twice thy feet • Slip back and birder try; Prom him who never dreads to meet 0 Danger and death. they're gare to Ay. • To coward ranks the bullet speeds, • , _While on their. breast who never quell • • Gleams. gaudier' of chivalric deed*. • Bright courage.,b1u) a coat or malt paper: • * "Was Maggie O'Backett;,ayoung,conieIk and intelligent girl, employed as a cook -at the Blank Betel in Cincinnati, has • just • inherited-, a...•fortune of 6500;000 by •the • death of an uncle in Ireland.' Pretty Magii gie's lovers will now be as numerous as the admirers of a Professibnal beauty." Eureka!' Young, beau:. Will, an heiress and—a cook.What a rare combination of female accomplishments.' I incontinently. determined to lay siege to fitins ,O,'Hackett's heart. I proceeded at once to Cincinnati and registered 'at ',the. Blank Rotel. When 1 first beheld the young 'comely Maggie," my, hopes &Wiest But her name vre.s Gretchen Van Dalian, she was a -oha-Mberniaid-in the Hasche Honse in Blaketown •and mind therefore be the heireesi After a week's ncl)ouirriecespSerweywteere4P'engag‘tain, F°rilafie"reil"' *Sans" to be a sub rosa affair. ' " Gretehen,' I ,askerl One. evening, '-ielaVe You any relations in this country?' " • Only mein Udder, whe lives py der :iron fountry out, und'he Yos se‘cross und savage like a madt deg. He would kill you couple Or duo dimes ofer know ve vos marnet niitout his oonsent? • "This *formation was not calculated in:'Itspire Vona man and prospective. lirm!,ridegritayriosar line Of hosiery „ttt suit at Kerr's • „ • 'news felt hats lot" 50 Cents'.at ;1x6Ytrriet'isvaltie silk. in As, at Keree. t3 pounds of--tliattea Oonn1I or 0.1. There is -nothing like it. Pa the times- -cheap di.y cheap_millinory, at Kerr 'ReY. Aloreison preached Viesbyterian churches on Sun. - Press owl if forttine play thee false To -day, tomorrow shell be true; • Whom nowshe Oink% she now exalts - old gine andgrantingnew. of the presentivour • MMieSipforfGIlIeIs past and pie ;, T.) we:anus strenstlesecceedei and power winsti frailty ePung--i•PXOss nu' t Press on! . Thereforeptess ont 'Andre...en thegoat , • • And swathe rise. and wear the crownl ' Paint not t for to -the steadfast soul • • , wealtle.,andlenier; and renoWn. , • ' To thine own self be true, and keep Thy mindlibm aloth,thy heart fromeou; Press on and then shalt snrely,reap atlieaverilrhgrvest for thy ton. • • BLYAHD Tatum ; Canon atecou's itireeailence ieetned. . Bev. • Malcolm •'151eColl;. leiter of ,•St.• George's, London,. and Canon' of Ripon, • sPe011ip at Nantwiehon Home -Rine; • said , • he' was*mtereated Some 'Irish „„proPertY, .on which the .“ plan Of campaign" had ,*"."*"...- been put intolorce. (1Langhter.) He was • not going to denounce or to defend the plan, but he'wOnItltell thorn :What liaPPelleil in his own case.. Ha anemia en. agent ' to manage that. .prOPerty, ; and a. short r tinie ago Mx of the proper tenanta, offered' the agent 50,per cent. of the rent, but 'the agent refused to ,accept The agent would have had repiiiirse to eviction, but he ....:L.....couldnet..,0513:_st•without his (the . Oak:, Or's) conitnti and he tiaa7--th-074-gWt before : 'hire and,: questioned: found out thet. the • tenants had' been, on the' farms for. twentyrifie Yeare; that • it . was originally beg lhnd, and: their rent was 3d per acre' and. that for the past ten Years' the rent ,charged had been £1 per acre. The last question he pit', to the agent was ,this: Supposing the lailaW had 'paid tho. tenants ea laborere to the , what-, Would Le duplex and .canfield dress , at Maointyre's.. ilk crocks' nod 'ell, 'chide of i at price, at. 'A. D, Mac,. in mher of Luoknow ws rokat Tegawater. ou . .. • i defel 4-specia!ty, a 'et. A • . a,ssortmeut of te Cheese frem. ' • • :v."' greatest. mistake of all. Although- 1 had . lost' faith in newipaper-discovered heiresses, Ives green* interested when I reed the annexed. paragraph in at...313001e „Morning joiirnnl: • , ' •, „ angina/we Bellelile, a poor and pretty Timing stametress-• of Claytete, Msss, has inherited 6600,000 by the 'recent death in A.fistralie of a :•bretliet whom she had long moorned.... as dead. She has: been officially notified: of her good fortune,' and fell to zer.0.-443he was &bent 35 years old, Will goon CenieliiPossesaien of the money.' " ithe . had.'deeidedly*ann hair, 4 coat n one eye,: "This announcement was...more, to _ and no 'impel!, !relit teeth. , •point ...than • either of the:preceding two. Her bropo. was thick andher hands Mob** notified of her good fortune, and lar103 and red. She was emost ' homely will soon conic' into, popeession of the enough to Parry off '• the first prize at a money.' There was something tangible female beauty show. But is really won. aboot. that. -• There Coubl be no 'Mistake ilerfrd .how muoh feniinine;:nglinesi.. a. this t:tinie.' With buoyant .hopes and my fortune of 6500,000: Will: rinceelisfully Con- nest Snit of 'clothes, I started for Clayton. ceaL ,, When 1. remembered Maggie's Ibardly know,hOwit happened.bUt I Was money, her personal ble-mishei dis' appeared. not in thetown twenty-four. hours before as if by magio. There was after all, some- I met Visa Bellying. •_..That part of the *thing about her that was intereSiang. and paragraph in relation in her •Pare9eal n.P" attractive. 1 soon Made heracquaintenoe,' pearance., was , was young, tiva when, a few days late.i, I asked. her to and • pretty, She was also a '• seam - be iny wife, ihe gave the an einezeyeoli •stress, and Was itill employed at her and Said : ; • • .; trade.' She hivil plenty of -suitors, but she "Shtire,'noW,.1!,.ligther Tom, an" it is not. :showed a Preference for ;rte.': I felthighly foolin' me yek Mr. -Sidi'a noicagintilinan ttered at bailie tbeebi.,niw1 Oa est: as „yOureelf wouldn't deseve a poor orphin t•-• i•i•41,1 at De; b and .61-„: girdwid naYther fayther or mother," • . t , Moderate charges. " I 'assured her that .1•Was :sincere, and rii,.'Berrister, liiretioiisly added; that the high order of . • talent:she clisplityedin fryingthe sednetiee !' Sets.nekers. :obi)" :Ific; THE CANAMIAX1.4-4.44tElite. • . Report of tie Physlelan On the 31 for Leper", in Hew Brunswick:, The annual report of the DePartment Of Agriculftre contains the n"Patt of •Dr. A. C. Smith on the hospital Air lepers: at Traeadie, New Brenewick, for the ,year 1886: _During, the year three patients were Omitted—two males and one female. _ Of these, one was from Tra- icacliginienr parid, ttleotherearacifrotiniet; onjjeboefretheweedze- five deaths, leaving at present in the hoe- pital nineteeneleven males and eight ‘onales. Two of the patients are in th,e • *stagea of the -disease, their sufferings •nt to end in death twelve in the early, five in th0 more advanced' stage in ._ich different portions of the body miler .m infiltrations. of leprous ,,,ding to tC'fieshthe—. destruction of. 'cleat' run:nth; foss of fingers and toes; and. eicles destroying' the eyesight and flute- ' is Of tongue and throat. With the however, of an outbreak Of rerated-aore.throatrfrerhich.:,411 CLS we ut,Igtee, bore heavily on and ;this gistch,(tri,31thceh.titimee. Stock has been an wilty from innell of intense suffering incident tothe &geese. • 3 ,patient:whoiiil-discharged-a-year-agop whose recovery. was entirely tine to the • Oenic influences of the lazaretto' acting A n d robust cOnstittitiore remains free from 'diftease. The girl referred to in my • ort of 1884, from whom all symptorne of disease were disappearing, has entirely Overed, but .for reasons given in my last rt, I did not yet advise her discharge m Ptho inOtittltiOn• With . the ex - tion, of one suspected, there' is 13ut e 'known ,case of the disease 4 out - o! the lasarette, which will, doubtless, n seek admission. It is rumored thet a • y living in the neighborhood of 0'11,6- 'ot-have the disease but private inquiry Wctidii me to believe that it ; not leprosy, malady bearing some resemblance to First/ig Zefore my next report shall. per- somillyinyestigate the .mattet,,I, Aiannot close this report without adding an humble. tribute of respect to the xaeraory of three of the sisters who have lately passed 'from. among the living.. While.: in ;life' it was theirsto seethe the sufferings and comfort the sad- hearts: Of those upon whore. a mysterione Providence had laid in, afflict- ing hand; now itlietheirs to sleep their last sleep by the lonely shore,. near to those for *hem they died. Barth May erect no =mahout to such 'unselfish. afavotion, but .116T0S0 the'ages comer; voicel' "leasmuch, as you. do it for the least Of ray little ones you do it mitO,ine." • ' "". ' • - - - • IT"IF,4*,17V4VITP- Ctilinnf4t41" Itela Y1.011001! 40040 for 'Aire4 .444 : Vgly ex-Canylet. ' • • . 44 Ede, 4oePete* %PIP •411:eocom:' plia_bed and beantifol.girl; of 17 was arrestud here to -day while in the company of an tild 0.ittllohnftryied; d.ri;Cum#,Whnseirredoat'Sk. Psaraws. ralmost.potosque .gt its .twa, nese. "Busty" Collins, as he ie known to the. police of 'western Cities and the 001Cerg of the lew, has Vent *net of his lifo in Pi -leen. He returned here two menthe: ago from serving sentience in, tile Allegheny Peniteeitiar:•' Bose Trainor, whilwit-------.rennpai• m'et the ugly eat -Convict on the: street. He was pointed Whet. as a'late- release. fteni prison. At 'first sight she seems to • have conceived strange passion for. . and she took the first. opportunity to make his eintiaintanoe. He was wary, thinking' her attentions were a trapi of Some kind t for his benefit by detectives. But she n undeceivedhim, leaving home, friends -an.a. • the gurronnaings of a ponifOrtahle heme to • follow hie fortunes. She,was his company soon after she left home and was, takeff -.parents, In beerage at being separated from She poured petroletun into her piano • Ana. set fire , to • it, destroying:. -- the...inetrumerit:_and nearly .burning the house over her parente'beed&' Pecnred-'-'— fronitonte again about two weeks ago With. ' theassistance of her strange lover. They disappeared then, but 'returned here. last !Light •J'aplei Trainor, her father, got a . warrant • for their arrest,. and Rosa., and "'Busty " were captured. He yielded, but Rosa, 'fought like a little demon, Ego. When her,father appeared she attacked him savagely. Before she WO seized with thin strengainfatnetiOnsheliad borne the char, apter of a viettens: and more than ordin-- arily ' gifted young lady, a member Of. the Church' and a dutiful daughter. , "Rusty" . migraine the ease simply by saying;, With a Wicked leer, SheN.4 gone' on Me," ' • • ' . . Advice to a Young •Man. , • My boy, when you meet e good-hearted, genial open-handed • and eenerous,.,. who; spends' money freely : when he hart it, who "doesn't know the Value of money'," „ who only esteeins it for the good it can de, who believes in the. lively shillingi, and always does his best to make -it lively, 'who'. Can't heard up money for the life of him), - Who gete it; and spends it; and them .gets More to Speed; so that all of ns may getle little of it, who doesn't put clown every Cent he lets a friend heve,asiliongli he Was • a money:juicier; who, • if he 'has °Wynno. dollar inlhe World will iet.yon have hinety Cents of it if , you ask 'fikt it good,. ", • smiled, generous 'fellow, who knows' no more and Carer no. nioie about money than Pig aoeti about 'Greek, and he, is a little 'hard up, andwants to borrow 00 of you for •, n••••••few days—MY • boy, don't yen lend him 'aPent;',Zon't lend him a• cont.:- /E12,?. 1Dol ' want yon to • paean, closefisted. •stingy; • • .weighing all. friendeliip and'. good feuov./7'. • '.ship_oetheacities of the mozieY lendei? Oh, -niy, boy,. I didn't ' fixiytbjiig, of the kind, rsaidoind I repeat it, ”..dee't lend him a 'cent. •Idon't Want you to be mean, I.. Only . want yon to be : Give • him $10 if you:ha:Veit to 'spareand,feel like :. ; give him what -Metier you , ceri spare, " and your heart and bead justify you in giv- ing, but never lend that kind • of a. man a ,Oialy lend•rnoney where tbeie is at • :least's remote idea Of its being • Paid' back. • Tliat•i• ell„. • You may go; now: „ BytheWaY.' I toOli, care of that note of :Jacillferrihatt's , that yon didn't tell ineanythieg about; all 'right nowl. only don't lend Jack. any .' more .than you afford to give " him:" A: , roan ,who hatine idea Of the value, of his own Money has jiiktaglittle coinpreliengien ' oFtho • . be ,the • Werth of that lend now? • The agent replied, 78 per acre. Than, says be, it semis yoti have befin robbilig,•the tenants of 13s per acre for ten .years. • go held that it was complete robbery, and no sooner, had he • made the reduction than the tenants immediately retired' from the plan•of campaign," paid their mita,' and there were perioe„and harmony on that pro. new: (Cheers.) ;Hepiit these facts betoro a very prominent liberal -Unionist; with the question. Did he do right or wrong? and the answer he received was that he did right "(Choate) • • ' Wentair Suffrage °tit West. t, Effalfiaii Citizen (profanely)--" 'Why, in the name of all the fugh-priced corner lots of this 'great city, isn't dinner ready ? • Wife—" Don't get impatient, dear; Bridget ' will bo back presently?' Kansas citizen— "Has she gone out.? Wife—" Yes, she • has gone out to vote.",--Lasisra,.e'COurier- flapjack and boiling the .fragrant iiabbige y1•811Oker ptitits. for eight; cents. had coinpletely captured my heart; that it Ofjoir', was the '.practical, not the ornamental,. I • • •.• ' ' • • . Wanted in a wife. For fear she Would think arge lOt. ttUrphen Ware of all niymOthies merperiary,Kcarefilllyrefrained t• itoIntyre'a, from-alliidingtehernewlY-segThiarav-iialth. vaines-T-iti-IVeli71WOia-cle-ir ' • • ' ", sett in ,atanito;ea.. • correspondent of itrnistreet's writes' that experts are :examining the saline springs in theited,Rivet Manitoba, with the view of determining:whether it is ; Sible,to make 'their' • remunerative. • In I • ring ,wells for water, the further down the operator gate the More brackish the water becomes and at one point On the Red River, thirteen miles above Winnipeg, igisPring of brine rune out:the year :wend; never freezing even in the coldest weather. But . a still more :remarkable indication t,salt May be obtained in paying qualiti.„ in this very neighborhood is found pii enorthhankof the White hind River, ere, at Point neer Wbodaide, brine of 'derable strength bubbles up in such. titieS este form' a constant stream two t wide and lour inches 'deep:. • Salt in. -e quantities hi a necessity these :tar. d regiontand if it is:found in Paying • titles. it will a great saving . to, the ere, who alreatly;thongli. the ..conntry, ntsilia-raell-Peolded;'hav.e•-litinnalir y f, -nm the Ontario prothicers , fro !gOttinaL, , , , WhereCririosity is lYnknOwn. A. Pollee 'magistrate has refused to belieVe - that a than cap live. next door to altaloon and never enter it, Whyonen, •hava been known to live next door to a church and , neyer enter it—Philadelphia North American - The ' Queen has; arrived et Windsor " Castle from' the continent. . " , ." There ate •niote sonnets in France thin in • any other cothitry inkErliepe. . , • • ' The biography of the late Mr. Darwin by his son is to be in three large volumes, and it will be published in a few weeks. '• , • " Gentlemen of tile intl.," Once said an time Judge in Mobile, • The laWyers, .. have beeir here' two whole days ' discussing the constitutionality Of ,the law under which' this snit was brought. - You have nothing to do With that, All You have to ascertain • ' is whether the man got thii money. Ube. didho ought to pay it, Take the.caset,"=- 21inirican. • • • • / In the netv residences at Montreal of Sir • • Geo. Stsphen, Sir Donald A. Smith, R. It. • Angus ahd ethers,-wireir. for •using, the. in-' `• 'candeseent electric light Were Placed::::- eompany lifts beet organized with•a capital stock of &bent 6100,000, and all the capitol ; moolt.practicallv .takeh by,these gentlemen... Mr. W. C. Vaiiif erne and others 'proposed • to use the tdigot systere. Dngine stations Will be 'built. at tretiOils pcints. arA private houses supplied ds wellas ,banks, large besitleis houses; factories, etc. The system • will be in operatic:el by autunii. , t Pc't .1d l'h' Indeed, ',began to austint 'the she tau litick broom e p us , satin yet .hearaof her" goOcl' ortninzu She nY' promised to ntarry • the, and the , went') lgu x, at GeorgeKerr;a, ices to take place in one week. Before the Exeter "Timex has bought the liventfulday arrived / Tiesti'oned Maggio ' " Relatives ' it ?' she sai'd 'Shure an' his gone to. Exeter to start Oi have laiihine of ; bevies', they J ournal; • • • are as peer as Mather Job's turkey. Oi have,a this country., t00._4„.2 ney 'loaned at lowest' rates, that stone is 'a big brother inthis 04V ; )1e. terMS, OTi farm property. • , wid his two fists that 0: belave he could ' Bet. Maggie, I anXiously the'. .SzaTinniri "office. haven't, you any rich uncles in Ireland?' fitatay-emeorfrb-07, w • en told them it have only one uncle an' he's in Pie poo believ that you -are-, not actuated by any house,' replied Maggie, with painful•I • - Bach selfish motives. 'If you will come to Rick unoies,, is it? , and • Oi as an. error they soon rtadea away. nees., Then showed • her the ,newspaPier Me tomorrow night and', say you love me paragraph, but the' comely and intelligent' giri couldif tires& ' when apprized of its purport she snickered and : ' " a good joie, Mist'her Toni, so ,it ,is. The Wagger& knOWed it „wasn't dime. whin they printed All the rill- tives Oi have in the Worrtild'eouldn't :raise foive hoondied dou4is beehune thine." That 'settled' it. 'My' love for: Maggie Vanished like the =sta.,. of a' smanier's try her '• lovers ' 'when she said'.that she morning: • I was too honorable to 'blight had not inherited a, fortuneof .6600,000, her life or give her my hand without my and I was her lest victim I Laid week she heart. To avoid cans* her ,pain, I left married a young inan Who did not care for thecity without ,informing lier that our Wealth, and heig spending her 3600,000, engagement' was broken off. And now and really loved her, too." . something me that her. big •hrother is • Next morning Tom's body was found in, trail, and will sooner or later wipe . , theearth with. me. . . upT.:tinleaked as if life was net , worth liV; Rellebtoi, and ,Piissiiiore, concerning her.relatives in the old country. upon me honor, he's that shtreng an quicli• oss;, liarrister, etc., Lilekrietv. knock out John stillivan . rsethen, get yeer route bilk; to m. ,000 to $150,000 of the product s the. ight from Goderich to Winnipeg is $1.12 1, and the salt .is retailed at $2.$01, ood home market would be assured from • Britain; and brat r'osPes191911a. A " Tli.e might and magnitude Of Britain and r colonies, are presented' in ' striking on if thatabidar form in square Miles given . ' ' iiot*en"cops'rity7"--,-. n land, Scotland; " ) .121 ow „mare miles ea, Ireland - f , „! - • , Square ' 'Square • Miles. • • . Miles.. Aden •: • 65 Leewardislands , 694 "Aseension".,, ' 34 Malta iind•GOza. • 117 poor '1??..ve Y011 an answer • 133:482iittteg'n;:i.:::;::.' 1.333 21eliteurii tiuf ' ,2,-,07g3 ", • • Bermudas ' 91 Newfoundlanthat will make you ppyd... good bade goOtzLnight and dia not see, .Callada-• xmolv.eW 806n1,thneawides; 31925:000005 her again. The following night Italy nia alyPieerPnY7'''' 2125,&°0 New Zealand.... 405.mo 200..nallea froth Clayton.. • • ' ' • . ; rna ' 4,000 North 13erneo...• , :`25,000 " Well, the girl had no big, brother Or P andicigeee 1.5,000 pmilieenetarylegestaintitiend), ateirit,father to put On your trail anyway," mande••• 80* •94ambia • 20 Queensland 668;000 eald hiii friend,' consehnglY. • ***** ' 11 Rotumah ' 14, •• No" rammed Tomi, " tont 'eh° lied.to GdCoast ' ' L5,000 St. Belem), • ' ' 4r Guiana • 85,000 Sierra Leone ' • 96$ South Australia903;000 8,000 Straits Settle - Hong Korag, ' ' , 32 Malt ' 1,000 India and 'Bur; • . .26,000 , mah ... . . „„,1.,450,375 Trinidad •,000 a mai ca • and . .. 88,000 Turks Islan.d• 00e West Anstralii1,059,ceo Litman • . 30 Windward Isl'ds - .800 T.Aagos. ' 73 al Other possestionsl ing, and when hie frieUd' urged him to br ( up and dis: miss' 'fodlish, fears, he. de- jectedly replied • • "But that was not all. . My adventtire with Mise O'Reckett" did not gliatter my resolution to Corral an heirese. • I. remem- bered nifeld copy hook Motto • If at first you don't ' succeed, try, ,k.tey again.' I tried again-. 1 discovered another news- paper heiress, This- tithe ' paragraph. Gretchen Nan.Da1l11L -a, prett', little blonde from over the Rhine; new employed as chambermaid in the • IlasChe ItOutet in, Blaketown, Wis., will shortly come into possession of ;an eetato.sirrecf-at- e700,000 bjp the death of a Very wealt y aun'11-hie 'lists of the g:WiStiLanditturM 0 Vategalia." ". There was an sir of sineerity, about this announeetnent,that ptompt,ed, me, to instantly repair to BiaketoWil. 01,3 seUre *Tiartereat'thellasehellOtteee ,DlaketoWit is village. otabont 1,4041 inhabitants-, aid was inclined to believe that the news of Gietcherl'S fortinielad..-"not Preeesleci Me. Miss VanDah re die•not quite fulfil newri paper deseriptionlef ,pretty little blonde.' She Weighed abut pounds,• was a thoroughbred brimette, wbre freekles this pions duty, they went to the telegraph: gliott heir, and had a ,niotitli of sneli OffiCe encl. Wired fellOWS his tiara:tit r liberal proportions that she could make a " Bina& rerse4Afea last night. Bette by quotunef a 25 cent pie , diiappear at One P•Pst !" - •. , ;.• • A New 6..indie. An exchange says: A brace of rascals are going round :the conntry operating a new and ingenicins swindle. They read the local iiewspapers carefully; and,. when .a farmer publishes an astray notice NO, 1 -ealis-tcr-•look,rat-'thetLaiiirnal. The farmer shows the beast and the fellow decides it. is not his; then he tett:mils to his, partner and deacribes it minutely to.hire. No. 2 goes to the farmer and, after ,proving by ri thorough description that he •is the owner of the animal, says he cannot take it away; gild Offers tosell it at a lattegiiii,. The farther buys it; and in ',. a few days the rightful. tweet comes and claims the , , , , • f tined unde t e al-tnw an enrolment bf 30.0000 men. . ... • .9 ' It is fortunate that the `war otses What! a Dude With a Brain: -A- Burlington dude was struck with an bdearainfo::_tti.*e fi_rst tithe in the other. day., and is suffering from Concussion of the . , •• • , • .. •T4eleitest birdcage has glass sides with • , . :a ,wire top. :. • . . Twinkle, twinkle, little star! :' I know exaetly Whet you are •, A glowing bell of burning, gas' , , . Bow:Odin retail Your central mass,, • • Twinkle, twinkle little star' . I keow exactly what you are ; ' For to my spectroscopic ken 1 see Ypyreploybyarogen: The gu efolk of.14arigholm, Dtiniftiee shire, Scotland, propose celebrating 'the ianden'tirjubilee by 'starting atm* cemetery. They take pleasures grimly in Lang', The Aged Etiperer.' .• • : , , German papers callste mind that ,Kaiser :Wilhelm in his ninety; years has survived ne fewer than seventy-two reigning sovereigns who were his contemporaries, Viz., fifty-two ' kings or • nueens, eight emperors, sit `sultans and eix „ popes. Of these three,Werekingii OT-Prussiii;FredsTribli-2;:t William', it,. Frederick • • William, Frederick IV, ; ,ttve Were Kings • Hanover, two Hinge of • Wertemburg; four „ Kings of Bavaria. three ISingb Of Saxony, one Kingof Westphalia (JeromeBoeaparte,, ,oneRing of Greece, ono Ring of the Bel. ' 'gians, three Rings of •Holland, three Kings • of England, , three }lined of France, • .11ve • „Kings of Sweden, fonr RingS of Denmark.. three (or four) Sovereigns of Portugal,',five • , • Sovereigns . flVe • Kings of Sar- diniei.six.Kings of Naples: two Emperors of Austria' (one of wheat" was the last of the.• former line • of German. Emperors), two Engperers'efftokitig, four Czars of •Ittissia. He lige alsoiniffiveatvienty-ane Pies' ts. ' • of the United Statee.=-N. THeiine,. ••• . • • Cholera and ' Revolution; • AlPatama • despafah, saye,..• Cholut fs decreasing -in Chili; : Two thousand 'eight hundred and deventy,three . persons have died of the disease in Santiago' de Chili ; alone, ; • , • A despatch. from Guayaquil says revo- lutionarypartY.tuider Rrtiz, Sandoval has been defeated in Oolche by Government ' forces, and a number of them and'a . number taken prisoners. , Ruiz. Sandoval , is a Meg:kali. He has served in Colombian revoltitiobsi and only a few days ago left the•Isthmus for the perpete of making this *. raid, •• .• • ' • • •• ' . • • --The Chief-otPolie,e ef.Toronto yesteer-, • .day received O. letter frore GlaigoW, Scothild, asking for, information Which teetild lead to ,• the.whereabotta, of David Sherar, who left ' Glasgow in 1880 tuia worked for a few Weeks . durilig 1882 in the Grand Think freight . • • sheds,Toronto. He he been left a fertnno of some $40,600 by his .deceased fathet.. ' • . • • I'Vhile Out foteling near Maxwell, Out. ' yeiterday afternobh two young Men named Thonlas Blakely and .William Perrer were' aecidentally shot, the latter serietisly, :At a ineetin ot tosi. • a belonging to the Upper OttaWA famous aOidiere are ding off se fast,. Montrea it'. Was aecidea ho Weidd. have beet). only a .qiietitiiin" ottircte ;:grand-fteld: day,-perade.aiirl, :review of. all and ilvellfint„Gompany broke on ' Sunday • when some congressman 'would introduce Ithe regiments in the fifth and sixth rniii; eVer• the Cliattdie'r'eritrlipape,c1 -and passed a bill to pension' thein.—Phi.lade/phin tary distriote en .June 1.st,•.• in Celebration reePVered at a boat ef about 61,260, - bo bi 7'1.7>les-,mf af6(tt, long Wy • ' 1 •George MeRee: eon of Detective McKee: ' from his bonne and'ePtittry, and hiS teeth A *Lae' tuireatienae Why aianq you of Windsorrand a•bralteatiali oittl4Grand- . fellows dilly Cierakteol bon.' Raving none Stop ?" said the fat passenger as he clam: Trttfik-Wksthrowfefterren buegy•OiSetur, , • A . . bered onto the &tr. '1',0 • didn't atty evening' near Sandwiehu.by his horse " Well, to reader;" futeid tbe-7.0-lia•-thete-ate no totiis tedoitil• 'He le • kePlied theariver. " I stood on the corner" running away; His ofhis skull was fitiettirci ,ariVer, lashing hid horses. iheti,V,•I'Y,e6.-it, . • • . „ - .0}