Lucknow Sentinel, 1887-05-06, Page 1V . . . ....... 7 0�0 im"1111111111 L IJ 0 -KNOW O-qTAR -F OLE' 10,�. R1 188 DAY, MA 6� 7o No 694,. WH t1l AWAWFUC AQ 4 U b1boSch 1� Q PE T voknowk ------ 00, P aram - --------- dqmso V ell; the SR.VT,LlqBL .0, Real am An tber's R f.,MOnthly Blo k Nport flop OW �by oft4 oim Alld, Cat"Poell sttee 13, Agnew orth XAst 010ruci f Otttrai' 40DUR,
NO., fie. n117 F iThe; 4reatpr part, of the, f�Lrm�r4irl, f tit, be) I StOeet. fie ollowil1l; o th I . s a, report,. HOUGHTON MkIl., April', 27.��Last &;e�liernoortlitillyinvited. , - - .1 4 86etioh arb,,thr6q0k with, moi1t..bI.Xex A ril JQkfN, BLIAOTT for night; Mary Hare Maud. lgi N MI. Pka0d ac�ording. to .,inerit. i - .- — y. slid J 1pssie Gillis, rode on all ore i Ian Ji sly 2m) tra n from the etre�t;, Qf'4L cold A per T TZT�, ak Rail 4 th: �C&Asp,.L-G 8mith A 'Whitely �n_ , the He Torch t road, E. Dfitirson, . -of, Xincrdinei ANre. I.. G is nd wil"ll half: way betwe nq eer, We; or). Lake Lin- C eid OiAve of U ited Worlunon De
tit Puty for tit n0. P:� J B9irdi'. RobettsQn, A' ri and Calu met -the: 0, upli g,link Paid- US an, offi gl_ on :Nesday tile 0114ifell"W't, Hall, fill tlie-�ewiiid a'-n,l last o. 0 '11, ci yveningsofen b ll, !G boid -last % knOtith, 010144. .'.H mid changed the ffemperance or. cipita' i'ng -4a0d'.and �Iary Wn.-.,.Bret6r1l are A1006111111% e "JOB PREV ING Pre W �Millo E panh�at
. I . 4�,%T - , .. I r* to'thetrack;% Mary -hid. I OH�; A' 1%i WINTYRF.,' lood, A' `hei head Cut'. OY Rtcok . ler� F Grundy,- "D Rill h o1r; find: Maud bodi. egs.crushed'. farmers r�XECUT,H�). 3id A,1aw 0 d I .0he of our elittirprisifio . I , I rr H41,111Y. J- MCI to' IAnjured severfily.� The, I McIrityre, �A ier head has be utAted il bs, g. I coin
-A'- Nugent, R 1),Ouglas, docto p e th'p 'pqps6ssor of two -self binders, M 0 rq Uvi 'tougall bo Th"' e A Giundy, '10so W , ha, P.mer6 oason a
live at Lak Linden rid ndsome, top - D Dellooil; 13� b 0, West, -D
IGE N19 RA ure F Johnst6n' Miss J& *'hose u997,,Mantilfactu 1fil&bd f AMd'L R.- 'erible acfii&nt� i& recor a � a Allbe'A, thinks t6re is no;. P 6d 'above all. "no. RT U TING11AA1 f tI UI he' hilrd,1iinei -since: i
was. a. ornier, resident' X�06nal.d -gover ma" _4A,QARAAT ENT., F, IT' 41 1 fir �_Pq_E F lid if W 'If -knowp. ,Her mother led. 0 A84 -A L.&,weantA.Bu t4il RINE weso, -Y, Give D lk Th'tirsday' oil cDtihald; S Grebr. A ))kon 'I Was, A na e is:.. 'W Yule,A AcCriiiii4on, 1311autty I of befit frillfintiop�f in ell , intinthat., htp-nk. i0sides, at nntyre. . F t)ud A1,Vl �Pyac 2 McDotidid D_ tW id W. .0 A -Ilan 'A na Se'ertitary ARNIOR. PART 2nd--'-JMoffatj K left' b iilliige- i4i cons'id y e`kcited,!, W'UcGowan -B erAbI i� V W& It 116use.fbr, her othel'ift Lake 1�ind on Terms of br 6 er the arinuncemerit lki 'M. 'd' J- D�Ajajpn A n V
in.of- the dfiath:d�' -ELLIOT I!L�AVJ&4, tucknow.' ic, iiL WUNIGIt. PAur 2nd ,j f e* All ss. G. E[JJOTT� haduring, the iil� t, tit' otel A Hattlew '11 r h d int'n, A. .:Cki W Orin M 11 --nindy, U Ajcquglg Thii acts o the case. as near as VVP Caah e,. i.v P S., a Ag- W as lekr" al'O 46 0 Ows:The 40ce ed d it -.;!: E i WN T AT 7 BTU Mw IV Y1 A RT 7-� iter c�2n;L, interest, pai6ilit yeail�. -OFF PAT 2N*n CUiS��M-,Nnjellt M M 0 Al�J!ly "t occuldtiti 'by. i �r. M k, l iD bell, P M U dt , -ck c an i uo U nr�, ati me' �e 141. stdr' ... . I will in r:of t e- Ouse c ie. itYJM&Y, .St.- Ifl befinind a!jht.a:n&day. f th -'�,�The-Concil theb-i't' I f t .'O -t t qr� e Vurp W alan X M ne "Lo I -t e t6W'n-I With al the 'ni.embers Ali. a !MCCO I ... . . y , !. , ... Wedi 'I, ffalr;'L,;4�6� w6r&]�� eighth -con. rm, OX,. ca W. J U U it F68T�W Lees, Y. I Pr Vious. Illee A11g, -C '0-20- t4 .'4g delayed, -'41-ttelitioll 60 , a os of '"Oras , 4' N' . 1311j]U'd I �'*V'al �e 0 1 bull' I On .1411 U . oss it . . ! I,V, afid,oii co d tII W411111CH and children' 2011,11,02 ni.040n nfirme -te� A4 onli ario Ilartiewd6sirelli's tit Y. late i t �tly attended. to 11,y, ill lit- 46r. nviiii cons'lilt.theii 4nt�eests, b)r in. ;d a�ecchi& onuc now- %ell .4 � t d k lie ',exmiiniati6l,�, �,rt McC of )7 tui Ay, and arribl., accojil t woo(. was p4sse un ay eslof Stiliviniber t J ly, 'it as jll6utfljt� d id
b(�tter not at Or, 6out' miAtii�ht D. mor ng ie.- e
Purin e s. placq�. R-TMAION, t Old illol'itillf r,his� pnol Al II d, 6 :'Jolift Adaniavas allo.W one' dollar' sTrWART le rep. �iljder 6f C6 ior i, .ille� a! sp �y% �:-ith-, Ili A�9GUS L it tl A eiit �flie'.,�d I 0P. wrynary.11, ( ., t- I now-, h even i ;rgh,, epar e0 d t L Ok ot r 1doutity 6f eve: treasti it 8qlyerdS Hote Aft(:,�, this, &II fruant,pup rer ill) .9 ils belong- t -t bojids'i o4 e, t,bl.e s ric.,Jnjulk6tions� w !on rotirill t a -T -titilite of AlidIvife uV -Aeons rc ispec. 10. calledjor;tl r W 4ndZIlu wrted.fii ie �,16 4. ill.. train, W, A. .,�awa c. inn, � Ili 6, that auditWs rqd�t uo n6 , : ing to 'k I' ove )y. burgti. Jolio I inornin� 8alyltir&6 08 I atli �40� of th� P t.offlo (B,4 0,RU CLAY..', o tile 'Jina ce it s ro in., 6 nAttee. .-Taniplid! "Stroe L t now Iti K VA dom J78T,-CLA1. WX C anc 'Al Joll Alove�f by� h
c fin ta .-eii'b n; #111p; secbll&dA)y*D
co��Mxt othdBar6er;Shop., vest, -wherd e had met. -e rep aoauist the ive,d.up, his deat I,, for lie W`as MaClayl, lat TINkinced katm to kilt,the Ti es_Loaus . I , . I I . 6 � t , 1'. " , , ... &I, 'kn *.'� - - I . . ag . , - . I . -_ . IUCK ow, I . b. I Y 0 ru ce, , c Eqn or uridshin-� tile,. �co, -I y (I ell shi;iiily of medicines h nd. B I!ad., bt ery 0011 ii Ifist. f f �Iihg - S4C
[drtgigea as Lij.w-as O.Pev fittut. A I ):000 Ways qu a �tpparent.' . ad f6i With herolock,'. pne, ''t 11 r--, Sal ' W yer a , itninediately.. d Oclar.*Iumberi -per Carrie is$ iud -.Mrt am aftcht 1'. alls Wth.tkighi and .�Ay-projnptly att� dvundges�lor libel, there4i` If 1 niarack, .'and hours. ikely to: be, e severa hearin-gS 1)616 lono Gil ties Coroner' -ana'i seconded -b-' t il 490, 1&d. Can be i nind :if A ni litat. his ofl De n g 1`0 b y �and'� Proi4lit, Auention Paid" p. ey US— to 016 Te Reeve' ot the �j 6% the er, o10j. Oil
nationo, fou it'd, 1 ii p - ig, A)Iiii I r gold... 4, liecti�n of Ntes, Aocolint"ents ., W.� t iat: the apl:k)icati�kll 'i : , . . i,�lo�&, Itidee. ad �V f A,Pal�- 1188a0,19, ull
�y have constable -caretaker , of t %; I all RW raw: it0 1 1 and GEDDE; 9- ,So become.' Auch counn' a oil, occumilces 0 -ed -a c en on is ergon �6 quit. itV -andTown.oi)fCAaad&and`,6 Stio6ti hispect r, e refe val-babl''' es �0 b, to om d' i 6- ar. ri i an the Unitod Smw �aiid Great -Britain.' Partfe e aSur&ike if tit m Uie, composed A bit his dy no� -fiiark ey. -Allin lons of, - finA thlo tbd Ukcaq�stj: &&�Ost T nt4i and reiistored riketalter.ofthe or indicat Veteri0q)arY(l 51edical Assocition; -call a(.,iv; be are ever vi en�e; atid: alifidugh it �%ia'El -Stai Akid foat 0 -ci found owO. Tbe present' inpbell, to telJort sThom prevareA. t(� treittall di of the-,I�P, Ilthat he retired ill. it -.�t oodle. e mt�Atio animal if tile I i it is hrought 6 thereopii A tist-and riaLost Sul Jib I next: 6eting� fcouncil.:��, saidto bei "A ell"ll que-st, Wag niA-.thou'glx
fib Diatineo. a panip e
alls�ither hy trial!: or tel4irivra proull. ill t I 6 4 JLQ na wereSent" n Cliarge-m ` Te. Y' . .. , fiecim'dod, by d6ittaffied-1n: r lit d - and d b ' Ve Five - per ebift." Silo 4Pd. on Mqpositf; I �W. and on Tu6sday 'bid retimi CAiV,ngA',1J I I. 11. I . .. 0 fth 66 iii-. on to, Its ]a te. - - - W lie Lome. � Air. IWINat v":,, modere, A Campbel "thit eMee, Vorr an a.. Sit.: tendfir..,of IV" Residencei Veitikation f-890 eciridui' .0 oof 3,!6!rV%.Wh6 -rep- 4 ct a, in, or Weig I lx�dp chiirgeS ',ads Re gistr keitigouch`e ank sinda. Art. princ -hi In'thii: �Jlf6klsp 0 L' . I .� . Apally. adalegbe. acc�pted .-on aining a , teo s -e yearwprior6q,-I-8 -7. egi -oUtheProceedinig. it: tofthw+ith. t 6 A ij.06n "for s6m
arrie TALI, IDEN Ift- the coffimofi'plea� oj.th6 spile d6ceased was I)or _10JA: 'P
I:do. now a& Mgh� of: M m4d bj' lltol�, 06tlnsr� geitii0da*6 in r-' Shhw W, All in for tile &�'� t6 ru� ebt Car- '844, find ibdudfited dir-tfie, Ada&my ci. or, actifig
i1, JL ittlate og !ik, oil. 6 t A. inst of Anhan,:�- Dutntriesliir ied' Jet -of en.t tAtement on-, t fx� . . . -1) That. tie* 'tit Winghaw, where*he W1 Depoty �jown' rrounds k I I carri, on the fie Wolild. defendants , , I f L L . . id- Survry r; Ho was. a ju eing avorpoiratioi t� conhot be;,, ':L ai mber guill, eld.; AWN . bi", i ty b.k io intisriii his Lliekno* oti"the 6stand third'Af6ridays and- of: nialia', (2). That.. a, wunzclpkl�' cor4 nk�rchant Ivy deetlpation.L 00 a LIU01KNOW esdAya, efeadh U91i 6&e: ill I ; tit tit thii. last" 'Parliame 'bI infilng.�to pre� ration is. !lot redpo.iA e 'In damages Vh�: tili,w'lieat is. as win er wa -fits Sent a beautiful.,: U�p6aranbC orlibel; (3) Thai ili6� defenda ecte In". i NIt.7Gardner rnj is now onva es., fo, ---on] v flil mell! or
Hill, -Ctoik- - b 00i ary.,aii-the e are not r r. tile Sal hs CA iHe Thecatti"wJiiifill- & fcent' �hotlk4 of. a disposl ion,�%VA las '�RRTSON' ATTO RXIC ry popular V�Lijh his fello tracted ti.
ROX & C _k, AM., NV: Ga'rdner is Putil a ne
at, .(PF. CA M9 interpst, wits argued'. atL lefigth was w mem'- e-6 Objef I re ell _P, PUBLIC just., Y5496.b L * C, �rj otdq, Jpuckn(�W� NO 714PY, io6ie 6 efot berR of Ooth sfiade� f ice. 118011, Mr. aRe, v V 'b *rig: he offiW Over tile Pilot offidbe, Cpratnisqvonei�ln R�l U.; Conveys'neer, e haw, IU ''NOW 'ONTATUO" �'defmdltnt§)-, ainia N1 ls� Rd. - TMeekj. jpf�kje Seodhia is- pro4ressing - - , fa t Vora I CHA_N
s -Y 408S 13AR aII Ing the plaIntl (31i th -far 'Jqth� dithe rii6ii,ar6 done.' Otij 'g. il�livered The� follow t6fttify, 0 Aqre� t i)kq4t M oney ort - , i d' 16ho, and i �Offidl,, 't t4 IA tiie sta din 'of Out Th 4�ikn�ied bogfl F.ujit,offift, Luckno'w, Oat. -And JL.fof�' thb, general 10 that h6lifto told oo 6 11 111 94C against p,upi 9. o pmth,pt -atteniioa. �ala to th�' e ef6iidanis iiv I all of the'ir doirlur.- April,\J�87'.' In OUA searc ingo , 1, �( I 'ter g., thUs. oL ltffirming the torpelrati6n 4th. �iilbh%OLASB kti;.Kialon h -P. ofifari.o, e.d.wititth6 trani6i of 1w% lAuto. 9 ro'. 1.11ru * ce to be ac d
AS I 04 At '611 of tho On tile'i vdoiii conlypittoo appoill J:l(;6669�1 1 preniises N"Vilgon... 'WL 'of j A1tUO'Vt AND Pi0'UDF00T- .L.— ed:1 'to, act" n 11 tif that '(1 ftJ SU �t at lValkert r' ont roci- St' WAWAN08# 4hatter -n I �G , A dner bste .J. GAUROW.. WK,.P1i0UDV00V Stj wh L I"'i , . i 0 I jnThu�sda I 18, X a L I 3rd e! dedided to a' A Hell, PPVR ClottliTrg, 4gainst the lie 0. Took amnn n tP AVERi` Ai'M 11N'RV-AT- ra, 'MLLIOT TR Volt R. )Afidedw, ar ner at priceq- .P J,ja%vl tot ill Chancefy, C6nvey-.. l.Ji 0 A it D, S' Wilson 6 Clio doinurrorg, qlli�s i la be- oq'�ri ie-�tktr, etc. offixei, next Lok to, tile llost, "the tt ijtt have t�v�r CL a SaWon of bloilless on tho,:. at'dift, b6 ar�ued- ii 8 rst T' �iid 'Of' 3 L t Pard -eh Wisbing to otonto, oefoee 4,Bp Part of tile doutlirv. 4 IS, SI -L'. ldrit-d""O"' Prod 'ce inkon og '(., ef IQU u '61kipally, Will' ciat c 'by I i , i , AXTON 'd&; giuv With, 90 Agglnt lcount T6okL'-W4 Webotak, ill'Co 10 06- 4 na e upt ?I' A
it � ('.� .1'. �a � by, in, age otid of 0 ot, Ill the h Ut or y . . . I W , # 4j�� � it '' "J. � . L � ntn 'A 0) t I "all at' the, 1*444ii, Bq tot Iq tended to Itlacor for tho JXothinion avings slid W. Gittdn-r, flottle fit Th� b II PAiT -J 04J oat A 2;T06 fittion oil Mr: ti6-*,hui iq ...... .... �'