Lucknow Sentinel, 1887-04-29, Page 7•1•—• vr or.... • • • I ' . . * • ,.. .V•volfit rv., • v.- , 1 . • ••-• r • • . • .. TEE' AtIES,.COLUMN1. " • . Lateet rashipa rioteg,„ • • Heliotrope gloves end stockinge constantly • groW favor. Myrtle. .leaves are mixed, with orange blossopM it bridal wreaths, - Large chaux of Ineire ribbon, matching the fabric in Color, loop up thd voluminous araPeries.: • " Charles pink is rapidly becoming with absinthe green,: the rival pf ' the universal heliOtrope, It. is also knownee .oldpink. q. „ The 'sleeves ofall the new :French dresses „ _ are very full at the armhole and do, not fit the arm tightly, except below the elbow. • The French milliners- call this the ."Arrieri- BleeV9." be are *ern like latge pins—narrow • high. There is - sonaetimes placed at the back of the head, where the twist be-. ,gins, a long comb With short•teetli, to keep the hair in place • Pompadeur.:toilets 'of V. crepe -de -chine . draped over -iiti-Ved"--rellk" petticoats, There are also dresses .of old- fashioned'moire antique . and Pompadour lace a silk lace like the- blonde lace of. long' . ago:. , , . Maiden -hair ferns of beautifully shaded green tints and green moire sashes of great ' width are on pretty striped lace dresses, and to complete them are capote bonnets , of the lace, With green velvet around the • brim and a high cluster of ferias, for trim- , , mating if they be dipped in a strong solo, - tion Of soda, one part water t,o four o.f Soda; • ' • "A, MORMON Gixtvgi ltrAT1. revolta againSt the alliance which, accord. ing to earthly interpretation, the wig:eon then:WIPE' -dry, roll in ilanuel and keep in a She Shot. fierself to Avpid Idavgisig an pnwerahad arranged for her. ' dry Elder Who Already ifili4 roue Wives. Piefuk RiviPes• • . . . .A. Wee asite's raith in the fluetoats, Hew 0,-steam:rish_Tie the fish up in - Six. teen years ago, writes a Jericho' Val, a cloth and put in a steam and. coqk until ley, Utah, correspondent'of the Nevi. York. Yesterday -a. gentleman who was walkin• g done, The timedepends upon tbe size of o'giov, Samuel Bates, •a Mormon, then the on the street with i little girl (a wee;dam' ty tbe fish. * • '' . .., - • possessor of two wives, Ann and Jane, the mite) left her alone on 'Woodward avenue, : atter being- childless, took Mary Lee; an and, turning the corner, Said- to an, ac.- Panarla Charlot*—Tha afdol Of a quart orphan, to bring up according to the•rites quaintance whom be met i "1 saw you Mould are to be lined with sponge cake and of the Church of the Latter Day gaintswining and ran aWarTrOni my little "girl, the bottom of the mould with thin elices of of%0 41ln had many children to, comfort her, who Was looking at the things in a store bananasFill the mould with stiff whipped the babe was placed: in the charge of Jane, window, go and see if she, will come with . . wanted • Be°1°Y° carefullr from 6° mould Mary Lee's paren s were from England. when he asked the little One to Wine, With cream: Set it aside in an iceboxtill a devout. Mormon,la, erseli born in the faithv you." The friend did as requested, bat az?.,4. serve , ,,.43 ,,„I• _., , ,t,„,11,-,„'-• -- Her robtiiihevera r „zwas _a_delleate little w_tear hi e; lm, She said "No, pap&s 'as lii.vest; 1 wants Qui° Cak ,--Fou eggs, p tWo s of wel/ reme . by many - a here as - p icemans. '-'-*Why do you ant a poli e - sugar, one cup of milk, three cups of flour, ful and unhappy person. Times were hard man ? Ill take care of you." "No, 1 two teaspoonfuls of 'cream of tartar and for them when they first appeared here; tant,do wid 'ou. P'lloernanlicloocl' man'an one teaspoonful of .soda; flavor with lemon. and .they grew harder for sonie reason. likes little •dirls, He takes 'Om. tis deir Put all together in a cliah before beating, Just ad her hosband waa about to take Mammas." BY this tune the father bad and let it stand in the tin afferbaking until .e,second ' wife, evidently against dome back, and he said, as he took the ready for use. Pahe in a quick oven. ' the wishes of, the ' companion of little one by the hand .:"1, think, On•will ' Aye Drop Qales.4-Two . cups sour niilk, his youth, he : was, killed • in a agree, with me that i am ri ht. I have one•egg well beaten,one teaspoonful of soda snow-slidei and three months after that ,ittinght ' baby ' to trust the -pone. If elle dissolved in boiling water, enough rye meal his wiclow died,fhome Said of 6, broken- ahould be lost she will gladly go with them „ for a batter that will spread 'easily on the heert, leaving little. Mary alone in the but will distrust- every One Obie."—DatrPit , For the nevi season dresses of silk and , . Cashmere are being reviied. They Promise • to be popular, because they can be worn as house dresses all the year round ,in this • • . climate. The skirts are of heavy untrimmed, the,/draping amid. basque :6fr ' ...cashmere, the latter with a silk ybdt. • , -.--Dressmakerei are abandoning, the-bala- ' • . yeuse. They are troublesome. from SO frequently coming undone,. and it was not , unusual thing -to over a, straggling • ,end."- In -its -place -two -narrow, flounces 'of ' . •, :silk, the same color as the dress, are some, ' • times used, but more often nothing at all. ,. - ' - -Sarah- -Bernhardt -L-haii introduced, the. •, . • fashion of , wearing with 'tea-gownf3 silver 'dropping bSlevv the waist and hung • • , *Mt "riliaigtettegligell.tablats.'4"Otherirpre. • • ' ' of leather are undiesied and colored either '• heliotrope of popPy-red. Plain Silver belts • .are: shown to wear vfith 'belted drellaos. -L-togetherthe-railki---mealr-und- rkl-SamtleVBates-was-something-ot-ppJxe&& _ • - Eaglish Names in Esgiagas. A bergavenny iii pronounced Abeirgininy'). Beauchamp pronetitieedBeecharn. ,Lat, , Bolingbroke is pronounced Bullingbrook. ' Broughira prOrtonnt5ed• Broom.---. 13ulwer ipronounced Buller. ' . • Cholmondeley is pronounced Chumiery. Cirenceeter is pronounced Sinister; Coekburn is pronotuiced Cobtin, CeIqiilioun *pronounced. Cohoen, , Cowper pronounced Cooper. GroevenOr is pronounced GroVerier.' Hawarden, Glad,stone's residence, is PrO-', notinced „Traraell, • golbornitiPrononneedIrghl4K,POOkner.:-- . ., • „ pronotinced _Xnowles, _ • .Majoribanks is pronounced Ilarchbe.nite., . ' Marylebone japronounced Marrebun. • Norwieh is pron9uOrfe:a Norridga- ' ' Salisbury' is.prOnotuiced SawlsbrY• $t. Leger is pronounced Talbot is prenounced*Torbut, Taliaferro i pronounced TolliYerq . • Thanage is pronounced Tenis, ; " • Wemyss is pronounced 'Weems. egg,. e,dd the soda ancl beat thoroughly.' man arnong the Mormons,' He was called . , , , Bake imiliediately on 'a hot griddle, or ill -Brother Bates: His first wife was a hard, Ender a KotlAer Hubbard- . . gem• pans well oiled; if in gem pang the npar130 woman,but Jane, to whomthe little Last night a novel game was played , ea oven must be hot, andthe cakes should, orphan went, wastender, rather good- Conductor Harris, of the down fast Georga. bake half an hour. • -. , ' looking, . andfilled with a stern and un- • ' bending faith inthe divinity other religion' railroad train says the Atigusta Oa. News: , • __ - When the train, f stopped at Union Point ArastaiLS THAT .PRACTIC MEDICINE. 'and a dqerthination to " live . it to ' - e. Captain Harris noticed two negrb Women ' . • Are:1(011.31Ithing NeneY , • - There Is 210 reason Why you should not Make mi large me of money if you are able to *ark. • • • ' All you need is the right kind ofemployment or, business. Write to & Co., Portland. Maine, and they will send you, free; full infonna, tion about work that you can do andliventhomN • wherever yon are located, earning thereby from . $5 to $25per day, and upwards. Capital not required,. you are started free. Either' sex; all ages. Better not delay. • end. The 'Child whieh thus fell to her par- , get aboard, and one of them was dressed in Where They rind •rood ' to An e;late 'took of her dead niother's..disposition . As a loose Mother Eftibbard. When, .he Went ; Their tsrifterIns, . • • she grew to womanhood she beeame fair to: ' Animeld get rid of their parasites by a degree not often seea in these parts, but through the car hot:failed to find but one of using dirt, mud, clay; etc. : Those stiffer- spirit tkhelve.s filoor,nY, Bad, W1 ratio9nt. she said that somebody had snatched the me women, and npOnlifeetioning the negro ing 'from :fever. restrain their diet, keep Surrounded by Mormons and tanghtby the other girl's ticket away arid,she had to get geek, dark, airy drink water fa°°8 Jane, she became a.kabat fanatic off. The Captain did not suspedt anYtlling and sOnietimee plunge into it; • When a dog on-' the siihject 'of • religion 'herself, and.wrong but when thetrein reaohectBernett has lost its, appetite it-eats-thatspecies.;of, readily accepted all that was instilled into ' • • ,grass known as dog's . grasp, Which acts as her mind as the inspiration of the Lord. • , an enietic and purgative, Cats alsoeat A year oritwo ago Mary Lee became grais. Sheep and co s, when ill, Beak out acquainted with a young man living in a 'certain herbs- An -animal- suffering from: mining -camp -not far from- herera Gentile„ chronic rheumatism always keeps as much of course, as no Mormon . delves for gold as possible in the sia. - • and silver. ,The youth, Seth ,Bentley by The warrior ants 'seem,to bawl regularly, -name; rarely 1stanopportunityto, pay the organized ambulances- Latraille put the girl little attentions, and at length ,it be antenvue • of •an ant, and, the other ants came the rumor that he was her accepted came and covered the, •Wonnded, part with lotion' She 'wonld , stroll away to the foot tranaparent_fluid.L secreted in their, hillittoineet.'hiM, cf:•eyenings they would naduths., 'If a chimpanzee IS wounded it be seen by the Mountain brookwhichviiiida stops bleeding by oasibg its bend on. 'through the town, • and on Sunday after- ilitrwortiad-orfdyessitg,,,44-4vith, leaves . and worms, particularly when . Brother. -.Rater; grass. • • ,. was tiNvey froni home, they would be riding .When an animal 'has ,wOuncleil leg or or walking together.. Jane made no oppo. arra hanging.on, it completes the ainrta- sition to the. intimacy, but' when Brother • Dogs and Cats as Food..:• , Nota great'Srhile ago a west side family, • were discovered in a destitute cenditiob. ,whose chief sustenance had been the cats and dogs the Man, of the, house could, inte- eeed in -capturing for slaughter. The family , the missing woman came from wider the finally'Went to the almshouse.. Probably Mother Hubbard of her companion and got' cats and dogs are oftener eaten by the poor . • ' • off unnoticed by the conductcir, but; to the. in this country than the public are.aware0 amusement Of the other passengers,. who Norwic4(Conn.)Bullotin. . • • ." : eavi her -she good.her exit from _ • . , , ; - • • Z•eniter ' • • : ,• ; For vaisr in ihe iiin come dor water. tion by. means of its teeth. A dog, on 'being Bates' attention was -Called, to the matter bitten in the inuzizle by a viper, was ob- he felt that it was his duty to inter.: proOfe of dark red. with clOtie hair -lines of fere. Little.. by .._ little Jane's ,Mind was bls.,ek, or of dark, or old Mile With garnet .!ser7.4 to. 01.41'3' Ate hOad`.40Peated4r: for .. . . siipes. They an, made, to fit tighoy in sevayel days intorunning water.' Theaminal won over to his way Of thinking, though at : - the back; have large, loose dolinalculetvps, ev.e'tually, recovered. , . ---,-.' ,. first she had been . unsuspecting. : Bentley . A sporting dog was 'run .ovoI. by .a car.- was forbidden the house,. and the girl. Was '. . perCuitting free use of the (Iznik and ,Very riage., During three weeks .in winter it. toldthat stae muerneVe% meet him egein. inn, skirts, to, alio* for the groWing ,volurcii- 'The waistcoat cut in a'U in frant, wbich. Wise taken to it. . The animal recoVered. A Mary's disobedience, hut! 'by reason' of . • remained lying.iii a broolt, where its food But' they met after this, riotas-a- reshlt. Of • nousness in, draperies. ,.. • • • terrierhurt its. right ete. It remained' Bentley's petsistanCe. _Be found her one. ' was fashionable for men list- spring; iis Under a counter; avoiding lien and heat; daylast summer down by the brook,. and ' shown in the new -taller, costumes for . , women this Eiessart„. Tbe. waistcoats, ,are although .it habitually kept close to the.fire. viten she *mid have run from' him he If adopted, by.way of ,general treatment, •caught her,: ' and, , holding :her closely, • be : , • • . • • 'frequently a a lighter shade tharie vv the , rest and abstinence from. fOod. • The local 161d her • a his affeetion for 'her, and ' . 't „ • proper and are sliced tint at the throat in treatment consists in licking, the : tipper entreated het to become ...his:. wife, and • in . I' . this 13 shape, ShoWing either a cheirifsette rfaiie of the paw, which it applied to the return received genie enCOurageinent. From • fill d ' with Wh' ' a a‘4 ' • - 1, •. • . . •• • • and white tie or e in wi. ite Ohm wounded,again licking the, paw Nv..en tliat time on they met occasionally, un - wader the expresslyloose made dress. • This is capitar and working iTiere-me 'of the railroad beats; and is said-to-be:practiced often. Conduotors will. now logepan ey,e on, the-. Mother glibbard." . ' ' ' . • .' . ' ape di- swell. ----- •••.. • - ' , '. i became dry:. . • . . ' •.±. -.,,Gr:kew tinderskirtg are trimraed. The vain- : Animalig suffering from- rheumatic . fever , intoonsand.fancifully; draped overdresses treat themselves by the continued applies; ' are 'aged with narrow bancleof !twin those„tion . , • nef cold Water, whys . e a h M D 1 imay con- ' of the spring costumed in , Whieh • fur is aider e to be More certain than , any , other On the ..summer.costumes these thethod. • In view of thasainteresting facts, .: • '• Still used, 'upper ,diaperies will fiequently. be edged we are, he thinks, forced to:admit: thet,hy- Soft corns, • corias-ed all 'Itinds removed, withont-,Pain- Or sate spots,.,14 Putnam's : Painless CornEitiactor. Thousands testify-_ . that. it is certain; painless ,and prompt • • Do' not 1e' unposed upon' by Substitutes , ' offered for the gen:uine Putne,m's" Extrau- , • • Pita Trani:IP-2"T see that ilieInterState t°1'.. • Sure, safe, barmlesat Bin ki; hickirkg ...11Pagreatlitilibery.arackni • the hig.:bugs.. • o • • . ':•"'STfill3tilitriningt;•••Untrotthe It$SS'in,t1M imeracoiend, Rear ire g"oAribmr. t•aoifitatikle'lathe'dbp•ba'siisre'Y's; '°ixfit'rf°' 'Legislative A.ssiniax. ,iajecl' 444 away frOm members Of -Congress and the Legislatures.” r " And they'll heVe to ride bit the bum.' peraof freight train07" •• • • 's They will." • , ' " Then, what in Efee.ven'snarne will be- come' of us t 'We'll have to walk: for sure:" —Wall Stre°:..1sTeWS- Rheumatics Repellant. I cau confidently Tuesday .night st -his 'mother's, 'residence, Totonto. Hisodeatheecurred after, a,bkief.• ; illness,' arid believed to have been. the • • result of injUrieelssetained While playfully ' wrestling with, another boy a few' days ago. • ' • I had a very - severe attack of sciatic) ' rheumatism and was entirely oured bY. tak- • , ing nearly a dollar's worth of Mceollom's ' mmend it,to „Sufferers. Ephraim - Knows How:it lo Monk; SpringfOrkOnt; • Adelina Patti is in 'her ..w&,y—- YoUr Paper someday when she!ein your :ready reCeived $.7,000 in royalties on his • . • , Change. She is, is she? ;Well,just Say so ' , Rev. E.. P.' Roe, : the nciirelist; has al-mn I town, aria then send your card up. as the lated bOok,;" He Fell',in 'Love With Hie , , . editor of.thejollillal. ill which the. observa. ,Wife." ,-, . , ', , , - , • . • tion occure. rYou'll get an:interview which . • , . • , • . . • you'll lief likely. to remember for The largest :table ever madefrons,s single In September Brother Bates went t•o 's Oiir musical Critic 'knows how.it is ;•.1 - . • ' r ''- ' • ' '" toanY plank bekinge totheIllinois Club of Chicago. ihe plank is 15 feet ong and 5 wide, !AA : • ; .. . knoWn te Brother Bates.or •to Jane. • • when he returned in, OCtober • he brought Bible en.,3 eeye slie is 40, -..St, ..tdmis' qlobe- Wainsgennirt ferozai;Cakitifr;oornt NviaarvetviiO;o11,:.ttre:.‘.1o. • , .., : New Mexico' on an exhortation , tear,: and: himself. , The diva pats her hand on the beak with .him a Mormon 'elder. hainea Deljuwi'ar . • . - ^ , ' -^ ; ' .^ .' is 83 years laid, and Who for 'several years bite that he vvoUld like te. take another . • . • . • • . nr ° ' ___.• ' ' ; by ii, severefilness. n • ' • ... . .; ; A Trifle U ems nts- bin '. • ' was blind; has recentlyhad his sight restored • : ' Cretty; who, seeing Miry Lee, bethought • Patient (to' young 'dector)--Wlay do 7011 ,... ' • ' ' • . ",, : • ,f, charge me so much, digit& ? i.had a' simi-: 4 rresident Diaz; in his Ilfessage I* -Con- '. , ' ',• :' , lar trouble last year, and Dr. Pellet onred greati; gays that the relations of Mexico • .• . ' the for half this amount. :' • , , • . with foremn,• powers ,are of the Most • Young Doctor -'—H6* long. did it take hire friendlY character.. ,AlltisiOn is .n1E* t.,O. to- cure you ? . ' , ' ' • ' the ca -operation of lilexicen and Anierkan ' „ tiShe-waeasincere-Merolon,,buther • Patient.Three, days.•• • • troops -in tlae war against the Apaches ask !,, . affection for hettester Child got th-abdife'rT --Yoiiirg Deotor--:---Well;-I've-beeir...working- an,„-occasionifOr_iacreaSWIrfO.O47 '' , - . and cordiality whiCh should' pireve4 with, .,,,_ out interruPtion between the two republi... ammullynsillomosnossisssumiiisnaossomy 0411.--. ;,- - ' , , r , . - •.• 14'4 tlicaarrow full ruches,' either pinked if of silk, or' with rolled edges if' of other' matetials. This heavy edging . to the swinging draperies 'adde much to thegrace :of the wearer :when walking. Some - 'these draperies in Ind* silk are edged with . 'fluffy silk; liana to match the colors ofrtlie. flowers in the stuff. • • '• ; • , . • • ., A chatming.spring costume has a skirt , of eream-white • cashmere braided with brown braid. • The full draperies are of brown cashmere and verY. /Ong; • showing but. little -of . the braided. lower " • • • skirt.. The short pointed basque-of the brown has. aWhite,braided Vest and plain : ' sleeves made scitneWhat . loose above the • ' •••' elbow and gathered into, the arm The , -' Wrist is .finished,by it,,natrawftereani moire, •: ribbon tied iii a bow on the.. outer ; side Of the Sleeve, ithe same in'Ithk.n.enk . with thaboar tied On theleft.f •,, „ • • .: • Seteens ' will be More' than; ever popular . this season. They are oho. n In al the, . . . . . neW. 'shades of heliotrope; ' giay, old-bltie„ .0harles anethe =MIL sliadeEi ,.• green. 'Those aro Made with visket'eallers,' • .:". Miffs and revers, very. frequently, With vette ';'•Of Soft folds "...Of %lace, or silk •maslia .in .6: ' .jighter'tint. 'There are many gee, in the , POmpadolir patterns, creitiny or ' grOundii • Strewn with • gay flowere., • :./TThese are ine'detip with the . plain eateeas • • • 114if. the shade of'the ground and are trinimed • • . profusely with lace.; • • • . • ' • .„ . .• • • 'Hint" to Ifensekentpers. • : , gieneandtherapeutics as practiced by am, wife i his fifth; and he accordingly broached -Mali; may, in the interest of physiology, he theaubject to; her on theaeoond 'day after Stitched with • advantage l Many phyeitaia* his arrival. The -girl repelled him With, have been keenobservets Of =hands, their, horror, but he, pressed the. snit, and at diseases', and the methods adopted by then* length brought Brother Bates to his assist un their instinct to cure theroselvfis,anclhavis anee. At first Jane opposed the proPoei2 avelled-theniselves-iiitheir-practice_of4the_ knowledge so,brOught under their. observe- r . • tion: ' • • : ' • • The Weight of Weinien't; clotirafi. :The modern Woman is well ballasted, If she had the' wings that gc with the celestial qualities the romancers ascribe to her, they had, intercourie with the Estrange peoplewho A,reward. offered --City editor (to woman of her faith for time, and until .she could be placated -Elder :Crafty -had 16, hang his harp .on • the Willow. The .:means. reported to tobring Jane to see the error of her ways are faniiliar to all who have on•yout case for nearly two weeks. Yen .can3 expect to get weeks' for a' three-day price. „ • Tiro(' Pets. had need be , Of , good pir fr). and . stoutly. inhabit these Valleys.. , Brother' Bates • had inteers)—You• say you • ha4entt seen ..Y.Our :feathered to lift her and he paraphernalia a vision• Then Bider CrattY had a ,Vision. husband for three days? Wenian—Icesi above the'ground:, . - Then a bisho,p',-who.was passing through 'sir. ',2 City editor -And that a valuable Thewriter trio. the sca open her hat Jericho Valley had a vision .,' Then, the little dog:belonging-to you disappeared:this and wrap last, Ttic btle' jet, and Stinday *school: aiiperintendent, the Siindiy. morning ?, Wortnua=2:•Yes,. sir, and I want late affair:0141i so j'a) Vyt, over, her to • advertise for 'em. City. editor—Any and lee, .•:, as -.. "*.:•Ilight as the spring morning lb • 'h gossamer. It' ' a * h ,'' ....but it 'can and does run ar ,g • . ay. florin s. lenTounds is • weight for :glitter and tinkI ' m a panoply Ofaparkling . , • 'owner as she Wilke the 0..0 :11 a.drtop mOther, the kindly hut superstitietui Zane, and feelin'g , • , ' stil 'demurred, though ',growing . weaker in the nektsh gotAlrmak she'd go The long ani• I that eevers "position; ••• • ' • home to ma. Ish been drunk aver since, • . , in the' way • of. • t' granta it -Elder' Cretty paid . Brother Bates 'went' up Seboateaehers,: and the local Aden and mivnitioneries haa vision's. By ii, singulat .concenspEr of Opinion ell had -seen the seine thing. Mary Lee Was: God's choice' for Elder thing., wife, ..Still the • girl, now most ettheAme tears,..like her Unhappy. mOthet,', dean:at:eon' Shrank 'from, the'proffer of ,lhe 'visitor; and her foster 4 - Essence o quassia will drive away thew, ": and. oupu•mber. peel is detested: by: ccick• : roaches. . • : • • . - A.•gimall big. Of sufphur , -keit' in ti...dieWer ,or closet that isinfested with ' red ants will ..quiady,disperse them. . „:. ' ' A: brillient black varnish fOr iron StoVes •.and hreplaces is made. by stirring ivory - black bito,C4inary shellacvainish; .. • • ' Windows should' never he washed while .: the sun shines on them, as it fi impossible' to rlish them without leaving , bine slrea • , ,••• • BertioVethe cover froni thexot dffer. pour - ingaff the water from bolle flies mud . •• • leave-theni On the back psirta stove ., . . ' • thus allowing the ste,iip to escape. Tho will ... • leave them mealy. , , . • . : The hest way of el -welting the,h1Oeding e ,from the liege is to apply cold Iiirit t 'the • heck and face., Hold';:ii, setngt, On' ted .; with ddla water. to the'Arl til t *r...i ;this should not ucceed, distigl,ve a littlefthinTin i 4‘ . -a basin of water, and inject or 'sniff .1liiii up • the mistrl s. Hold. the 4.ieed,sbablrititiff ao not •itteniiit to him(' thermal/tit t. 'i, ' , reward. offered? Woman --,Yes, sir; • $10 for the dog and $5 for. the;husband.--Puck. Great Deceivers. • " Women ,are grestsh-•:-liic--deceivers," said Jones, leaning up. against the "bar, Thersh.L-hic,-no trusting 'em. Theresh my wife. She said—hie—the other' day • the figure front 41 • possibilities ' The visions failing of the desired effect, and SheL---hio---hasn't gotie yet. tikki rr-1,..bavi stair carpets nail; * 444- nesses.of old 'carpet Or Canvas over the edge of moll stair.. It is it,good wipAy inore barpothig than he ageded novtairtfie stairs, and,move, if °kph seaso so. that the whole will wear evenly. If."•:, t'air •Utirptis ••• cannot he ellanged in this. 'y; they 'll . . • ••••••,, • • • , • • . • r for nothnig, an 1, .em to the bit° the Mountainkeome time. last month, " . No SalaEffected.: .„ full.' 'Forty po..: ' te We1i ; and, fasting for fourteen days and nights, . Agent (to, woman at the dobr)--4Iave ,there are fairy ,:, the writer they ,wreetled with the Lord, and •at the you one of our patent donble-baok-abtion speaks only Wh, The bon- end of their vigil.they were rewarded by catch)erit.sinick burglar alarms yam net liardly•kaai '" " .• ' avoirdU-' seeing. a 'great Ilight and :hearing 'avoice house 'madam ' • tois till it •inakt 17:t iii ,(103, 6f that: , , • from heaven saying that. glder Cratty Woman—No, sir. We had one, awhile lack king jet, I., ,.1,4 4. , ,„,, , fl,down the should take Mary., Lee: to wife, and that ago; but a burglar broke in ' one night an' ,, 8:fievitoleplinn:arlia.g:11,:, f;)1,‘.!`', l''''.;,,'' ',..1.... :,t1b..el.:.1:--ik"tilFeti-ovijugnr: afuisi,".rttearediusgia:ty0.wthovLabra.by.twfi.i.tuhii.:6%etinrioyvaeinp,a.. stele. it. .' ' , .. .'. • 4.. ..' ' ' ": . ' : .. • submitto eiglit i.:-.1 , . ,. pounds'. in little ), J ' I ) I ) t. 9, 01".a: li beaded crown, a f • j V I, • . ea for the•sake of s , r...... .d . Forty- nig that if Mary Lee would Marry .hirti she quired in. learning Chinese, • For eitaruple; I l .1 41•Ii • lit S;Mutinat h dri that .tion and the further assurenCe that a spirit: ' ,-- .'. Chinn!rn an Eisi' Languag''' . would receiire the reqiiisite affection ' for take Japanese.. It is easy to learre,' cer. had appeared unto °ratty in a vision say- .' Therels isO greet' force' Of .intellect rev' ,. . . to weigh f pltbi t .. . : wrap and fi've her huslland•by praVifigfor it in the temple, tainlyi• but •' hits it the 'very flavor of the• for thebonnWtli .. . l.,,, Ike Vale total the' two'Wended their way' homeward and Chinese? 1Nratiikiishi " • is to out taste of eighty .pounds .. , • , verbially deli- communicated to Jape :the result of their too long, a 'ivota for i, and the OhiriefIe cate A.meriPin wit) 1..KiP.,iry about With prayers and fastings. In thaface-of-stich " wo".• is better .beCause, ,,shotter.e.--Pekitt :her on hek,.pron: - . ifeidoYerA,... Haft 'undoubted evidence of the Lord's approig ,gaspitc,..:•; , ' • , , 1, .. A.,,I0t ,•^4 ;, „If , ,,. , . -,.. : . • .. . -- and Expre . • . • • i ., , , . .., - that good woman could say no more, and, , •, • * , , • Advica to tbe Fire-Besct. , ty.' *ill " „ r , ., akipg thkgirl to one side, . she advised her i'i' 1 .,,.; .,.,;i4lian, .;,, • -. tngive up her Gentile lover and cling :to In. It. hctel, fire, .rim ;• in 'a theatre fire, ,..ke.n. (timo 2'' 4 4 ' 1 " 5aettr, ' opint door' the hugband'•selected for her 4 God, who standstill; in: a, railroad train fiFetifaiyour (hie),,Phiiiifrdri i ,,, t l• ' them, in'deer (hic), hed, promised His servants Ibilt if she did 'prayerti—Omaha.World. ; : . opo door,. • Vl.' i - ' ' .. - , . ,..•.. .not love him now the spirit Would, confer. t. Wife (at i U. ft i'' • WilidOw)Who. are great arid surpassing affection upon her at yon? Cle's*a. !.. "i gall the pollee. • . her nuptials: ^ . • . . , , • •:,,,-.•!...... ,,Draot, ri • husband,‘mtdear,ope' . Mary Lee II own: faith Ives „strong, and doOrl.--'" . • , • •--------" --- her inclination to follow theteaching of her " it husbat " Abed 14 Xyhushand,Canse religion was great ; but • it took many, more interviews to bring her to adroit that She Illia'addiaba to obey the corernandi When she at last gave her eonsonithere Was,nnich Joy inJeticho valley, and,a great company was Medd up to go along. with.the wedding natty-to.the.toinple. They Were tostart by waggons on, a Mondo,y.moryting. . ,•,," • •Whon 'Elio sun came Up ovcr tho mountain range that morning it gaw.Mary Lee down by Ulu:brook, revoliter in hittid. gond ado. She had risen .dttring tho night, and haying nOnglit a Fidellided @pot where she and Ilentley often mint, . she had taken her in fear bei,ire is fa .asleep. are an ntipop • • • "Ehl W. t -tn+dear , " IVErhus : .1.is here asleep.11: “Wha-J- •• • at * Go' away." W hat?' 1' 4 Yon: Are :,indinipostor.‘" • " My gracious ! ' :Oh 1 is not Wear nearly so long. .; tdrri • '„ , —• • ' To prevent polished "steel 611,116 that you. aV0 soniewha sober • ' • after cleaning eta vilien,rtot in WO take a r I 1,1ef yeti ils„tx . . • ' cloth, with a *Cry 'little euteet oil Oft Itt and ' artidlen over sa, as to. slightly bot /low that -man lose his, heir; eProelat :once to the Judgo,of all tho.eartli, I • ,pv'enly oil the surfade. , Steel krilven whioh r, " plot iny dear,. nee pio ,rlIer religion would not porniit her to merry are not general use natty be kept fioni bald," thitn her, choiceoltcl her: wopicoiliesod 4 • . ' .4., lady' told'illig Story the:Other' day' in -80rOdiei the-inCident having boankted in her Own family:A, sniall. boy Was reqneStad ' to .lookup the Weed anonymous and nag. it in a dentenne. ,10 found; the' ineariing to be "without a name," and thbretiPon • handed the following Vie happy iSatent',:' '", lgatna has given llS • . ei# baby ;;,it'is anony- mous." . . The use of eleottio.iights'in theatres hits. •, driven paper snowlargely Off. the. stage. 4, THE COOK'S, BEST FRIEND. Various ‘,Subatituted . hate been tried -, ' •• • • Patie,,and 'the very best imitation of • snow ' . - ...-.. , clip- pings Of Ida loft over -frOtri cutting • out .IISAMPTI hasbeon found:to be the scraps, and gloves; They finat in, the . air, descending A to,s nlioefil .6'remedy for tho love di 'Mete t by illus. With Very realistic slowness. 0,4a. they .ditlg thorlede of eatee eifilt.cliiir...0orittit Itoptio.dnagtoilAlilifttietthatiindiptat • Visibly ". to the- germents. of :the6v.,eateittiorosi ,,fita",,,c`;',T11,.`,T4i. with1,l1AllinttL T OW e t le d ea I ittr rfaill'Ir Pittia.61,Ogettilit-74".—",0"— "' "I''''".."— .' . . , 04:41 . ,11(. g 1 ve bquile8 ,oLpitiqs. ortia,.,,6 t du!re.1,*. Civo 0044-0 It).7. 0 !ffai,?::, .:-:" - 6 '16: : T,...ilipfigl' C.1.1rigii:goe 'Wife; f, xi rills h ed hir' ii . eti,9 , - . A ' . '• ' . ' 7 tiaii—Ch Oi4: 3i it:Ig ro't Toro*: • . . , • , . ., .. _,The tiltieberry is a valuable frtlit, and is a reliable , rrult to grow in the Northern States, where the more . tender varieties winter, Mils. It ie perfectly hardy; , will stand 40 degrees below zero without showing any • iniury to the most tender bads. ripens in thin, ' latitude about the first of July. Color,ft Wish black when fully ripened, 'The flaVOr is equal to the rasp- " . berry, a very mild, rich shbecid, pronounced by mint 21teople delicious. The fruit is excellent for idea, or canned for Whiter use. It grows Very stocky; this ' shining ciark-green leaves an4 the blue fruit makes pleasing,contrast. It seems' to flourish In allsoils and • .ib a prolific bearer., Ono dozen plants by mall, care- fully packed Moll paper.60 cis.- two dozen by Mail. ' .514°A; fdrbeYesexPreeL14.'PeliTtArLk18"1315.'"I'ernell" . 1 Wheat eay edirti. 440 Pot Mean nteroly 'to Iftep them fors time ilid then have them !Morn w,iesure0.8.11hortoNessroaste tihite•-•dloiener.et.ouf4yVl.IT,S1 wenn. I eneatt o radlcali 4.• - YmoyrreltriteLd/..; : ' trestle* and at Preellottle or my tfifelitble remedy. Glen . ' • , EwPairj'raEnr8t So eon the worst eases, BCCSUSO others la x ve rafted le no • ' ' . *assentor not no* receiving 0 cure, Send it 01146 for a . • '• Express Ind Post Ofilco. It cost* you nothIne fer atria% , . , . and X Will onto you, -Aildress DE. 5. O. 400T, .... ,. . ,Bruchifilleet371ollgOat.,,Torante., - • •' . • DON L. 17.87. ' I • . • v , • . ..• • t v 49 , . . . .., • , ''' A .. '. , i . . . , . . i . ' ... • , , , . , . .. ' ,.. . .. . o 1 , . - • • I , 1. ' . • • r .••• . • ; • .^^ ' . . , •