Lucknow Sentinel, 1887-04-29, Page 4• PUBLICNOTICE 11 p&rt+ie . are her h eti f ie4 that' atiyone fausf tr,FpaiiuE, by fi. i lag, destelyiet pr. i• e3ty,. a,r caw -led it to be destroy d,'arr, strictly.. �rHe, prohibited from math half Let 13. and t•.t �* Ont. and west bal'vea of .L A 14. ' in the 14th C., an fit Olinftflt� nt West Wywatkell- All violater. of this' a nc,tice will be pn,ai,d ea aoarrdittg' to lax 'To* ZUgr#LTY TO UTTER A D .'.YTO AE +Es'$SitLT Ao00$DIN TO,.'OM DICTATES ,OF tio`.iscruNcE: wE PRIZE ABOVE :BLL WERE LIB$8TIE9, : TA 089. ''IittcYao�t, pail , P Tr EY A• '1Y 1<'VIL'Selir'`4fi!Oil'S: r" Dated Apr s i lull,1'5a • - i BULL FOR SERVICE. The nndcrsi ned wishes to info= the f,sin'- ergot this';retiaia that theywili lrel+for service' this season, at'Lot'14, (Ion; `1t1. Wrest Wawa, noshtheir th'rcughbred shorthorn buil,' COUNTY :TREAA.S I The fail amount of f: money a nbez from the County by Colonel J. :Cooper, the late :trainer, is $26,= .40041, made up -of •$19,142, deben- ;.' store fund. in 1878, and $1000 at date • mot ascertabied; together •with a short-' of $0,257,94 as per .auditors' re - :Tort 9f. 'this yea;: This. is the self-` „ :Balite,. Oooper, 'that :according, to the ...lattAitiia of the Caltada trrzette is d'*1'V#o retire `'retaining his rank." ti far,sooth1 The # n embezi er drdefaulter, who q°'h .'to the, country 1. 'Oh, ual` ' to g of the. kcind..•'He uailoi`"fo: retire' with the title of , -itColonel• +of`:the ,32'nd' Betellion, of • Majesty's:; loyal'; volunteers, with xs- iflce >, d... ,,. 11 idle t. n snlri aisiychange .the'head of: the:regiment. to Kansas; Texas or some other ',desk; able" locattoa, yf ere is not the slight . .tesi.4001 t> t it, but. what it would. l e just as eatisfactory and pl ant. to 1oiti Colonel • Els important features tealebiaiion of the Queen's • Jlee' in India w ibas t• he presentation of 'Akio ooiors:-to the 100th ;$i nvent 1)yat.1 erzn. The IO ith is' the :median . •in 858 adurin . the Iadiaa•mutiny Itt : em barked :for the East—in. lane of that -sear; but *eat no further than- Malta.' nbseifaeaty: it .:returned' to Canada, wheie it'rersained' ye,sra In l t 6S •it was ordered to Great. Britain, and -thence it i; in' 1877 to Bonn-.. ria It it a9 .y incorporated with e 109th ILei.ast,e)r : regiment, a 'and m: moan as the .100th Prince of '' Wales " Rogal'' Caitadssus< `'The ; first ; colors. were prevented in 1859 by the Prince ..of. 'Waldo;the' presentation being scrag pough. the fist public .act, of` Iiia, Sa Highness. . t:s eOn as recaired, , Terair-tis insure $1-50, roe be rrtnined banes if necessary; if not-nrill, be charged whether to calf' or not • HUGH.BUTIIERIr(lRD & SON,' BULL. Ft R':SERV CE.. The.undersirned wishes to. inforaa the in- habitantsL'hia.'srctinn that he will keep for service this ee../$0 a.; at •L' nrrs, 51 and 52,; Con. 1, � uihres. a ahortharn• bull. Tbe far= as jut east of the village : l'erne-• Le1.00. to, 1T sure.. PETER.TOBRET'CE lies -692.:' Lttcknow, P. o; HOUSE TO LET. On .Outram street, eretainta• 7roe ms,, we.+,tri shed, hard; and soft vvs`ter, • stable; •Or•. chard.and .ail,. our iexik „._'emus raasnahle. Pot, particulars apply to Ilia.Ikee.at Coolu n,'s, over the barbat`sbop.• 1 t tug, 69"t. 'FARM FOR SALE t•, • • , ;ess a,Mn:of tau, of I{aron. coats*'�iz,r 108 ascus amore ler 'breis;; about' 95' stereo cleared, - fee and ;anis fit tor cJJtisatinn. ' There.'. aleg imageands neer frame battle barn„ GO s'Oise the place, There is s orgy aawi is watered by I ity ling reek rimming thlx'w the ham: 'It la 'about five and s' half =Eel. flet n Lisikrung and came .hstanee •'fxnac *Ripley... The *Fel is splendid clay 'oast'. For :farther stieuiars apply to t t►aWM.. ENl1AEf. c)Iec Ilnc now or to. • " • K.. MINDERS('VAT en the n -en. f491' j • To. 1 Timothy ; Extra Prime Reda ov er Extra Prime Alsike Clover.. xtra'- m = -cern. Clover. Extra Prune White Dutch •Clover. ... ,: niaa• Seeds at. or,i .. Beans and all Muds uds o • L alms pleas re In wnforiniat; file citizens'of Laic' now and r..•�nntfliaag eonntry, that - --Lim has -opened -Out a - general.store next door: east of l�. dE";S. :title:s,and -has* :on -hand a-. fine stock of Dry Goods,. ds•' • Groceries, Boots. & Shoes, r, •, °rockey &c 1rh,FINES, EYFooaCEEEST or THE ;SCOTT ACT. On Monday and," CnesdaI the aim of $460 with octets lavas: ;sa nd ,by Magistrates:Toseph Barker and. Thos. Lawrence, 'On certain =hotel keepers found guilty, of tracking anal': doing an,''list business in intoz eating liynor. :Inspectdr StewarI wail'"the prosecutor.., R Vanston,e, of ,Kincviadi.te, acted as 4 sou tel.for the crown on Monday, and Crown Attorziey Dixon :on •Tiieesday. • The fclloa in; , disposition was made - of tlie'serrorai charges • t'D. 1fcDonsld,. of Bert -ie, pleaded not guilty,. Fined,$50 a*id • courts Cramb +5; ti alker, of Kincardine SII t� • z?leatierl not;, gniJty.: pained. 4.5Ci.. . Frank Walker', of t"he' Alibio hate}; KincardineOes4ed notr guilty, . 14Oorl 3 'and co ts. , Each of the ifti a1defendants had . C.,. CO7ub i'eni pio•yed .. a s 'counsel David `Magmas' of the :Albioi. lint 1, `'Kincardine, defended himseelf, andf•secured a:dismissal of •t,he. charge made. Ed- H'bdgint;x of . • I ipiey, . pleaded guilty. Fined $t type' it)r' a .. second offence.; : ;Frank .T, Wallker, ` of the'• Queen s . - ot�ei �int�i;t�i facar>d ., t t. ed' $50 anal cosies. • 'Williaii and:dose 'h Berne► of ins for'an house Eincardin'pies:tied , guilty. ;y.4ch tined I50 and Hosts. ' • Hiram :liorgatt's •ut'as 6•diourtie 3 e 3rd` o . 'Jfa o : w he .' ale" till' th f �. ing t 'set*.q..f •& >;►at►�es 13rwtre , R+fwrftr.. HARD . �� full lne-��of har .:,awr8«ce lois ;ust received a. are, on s1S l g 'of a $ .` : Hein ' Rubber,Soap- ., her CutlerCl cthes rimer P �Table.Xz: . ;l cls: .Inthea,L net . ,•: ; stone and Ast*stoe : c � CIiB�l�a z ti: n I � me 5 eltie� sect:' ire of all Lind C `Pillet . K � r -�..�- 'kiln �-PFIii)it :�ir� ..... .. s' 74 -0g1 -4-f- . PTac �..: r• Kos �lr '':tarred;. ' hinds. •. , . � ., � , , • : ,- :. . �: • 13rusllesc �f a91 .. , � . hove,.. en 'Troitels.': eta' Gard. ap .. eB�tib des Nater. Lim sly EB BN TS � OILS, AND 11A PALM ,. *Prepared. . its ii1�a11 tshade�, `. si rel. 3 �t1t1 ug,;colflr� aline Lead, Tnrpe u • 6r use Alab x3tnae; .full. wills superior to anything n the. iiurkei ::.. .� :. « • Al` .'stock of filo;Granite andJa�ppnisesswares:.' PerfeitionCre;amerf'H.aner Lztaa:ciors, and Tinware.et all_kinds . fin'.. ek•of Stores and ;tire Ware, Fav�tonghis dieon the:skvrtest'stnic7e— apa-�� Promptly "attended to .,__,.1 a, well tci mise htun.acfl learkpundzssag aihe .....•m ;,EST CE. • • • :good's Were 'bought at cash..prices; and mill be sold at a suisl3 ad=' -anoe`'on cost::• 1:call solicited: -- pleasure to.sisiw gowds. garliemeinber f use: stands Text. 'boor •..est, of. W. S.. titt'le's. RD. CA MERON. . 1887. 1887. The new planing. mill iii . Luckxiow fist . it k n;; : it elf popular` by doing work "which cannot :toe equalled. in this cos utry. •4 T'haukiii the izblic for °tb€ir past support, t1e it'ish to inforrri ,the.pnl.lic" that t, e have:no flux'',»tzon. to hi Premier • of Canada not• Reer of t} x iltape of "Lncknow,, . vcr. set•' Cisntic llor nor. Con'stal ie; x,or Yet'r'ou'nd keel*/ , oar ambition is to itxake OUI"PLAN,IN,C:MILI triE MOST POPUL 1 ilii tk g, ,country.t . p ' of et ri ing itr i • Odd lino( of boot's and t►h0elt t j 60040004 4Ntt► wllo t eG L Lti Mca NAU MQRFS .EXPECTORANT. This'(Id inn€h mixture is a 'nia'rkrd fevante ' orontn, iib -rt' it. his beta* Auld for-, over twenty sSe Tears.. .,, •'i In pls�nt it'for sale. to tory aha friends cif Lincknow and •kirrrmidi1 E . Cc'/pits, :, ;:1 stn k 'With �sesry enfidex;ce in the sterns of the prw}'�dratan: Ir, .r the Fp. a ]y•relief; an d'cur' of Cough., I'oldts OT iirOikOila) Iffectiinns. I:1.r1?eTe it "i. ;t't be,Rt1rpatagra? .it max frc ii :60..PFI.ANS' d I) 91S, ' : ncltunl:* h. ;,�N ' Be,lfaat E, - U ' 1VIT'I;.f 1 i $(fh .;.. I'.t r!v count. ;F nor .lulu i ul r int; IYt iielte tg. • -.'IkltJ :iiI7(11\, Mote Tt•tcnsia�o: • il~ .r.rr, S 1IAI L cult aB.+tet,4T e isaii , acitatre .:er . the 'Planing '''lily ti p Coro. at.td, ate ALO ge3t. Arlie :s before .you }et x ti.J r” ws cut 1 ir .. ,g.S.' this 'is -e . b�T F Thur deres, •uhir x Y c i ;Suit t'raver iztk� SiN•iugb.1,he:ic'1 L�F i� •et •iia tiler • t:r.0lw7,Our syit,,ziri rut, •.S err«ding Ivi;1 :; • IWOKLIDCE, & StiltEIRVILLE t z let.. arikttvr 5w5210+5" 40elaz, t utak. ver Sti; ttior,r••a.• :0' 4 .t'i r *tarifa' flog airs are 'ado: t► :srtsf etztet fns rouvi In g. ray rite til i tiff ,out. too. .' is f t:.k lac t 13.1fitvi ling -tout " • • Ili T'gEE%: in e rich ieth shot 4 AGENTS i 1 El.{:;0Y) >~1tt.i. A1LL'dl7s�r. Tt� r� art ewtsi ‘0,Beor's-2k!yr ti 1. urbery ,t .Bial' oral B•ururt; xx�'i.u�zittt't; oft ug, ll stt,gikx gutcrtintrsd Gt" purolaisert 'P0-4 c.::. raiz first class. it_.txrtsi.: •tie are, jiuraltitil' and twilling to wat'k twtAttti3(1. To ouch, v , to. ratit v;111 . 41ieretl: rt`11t0ry, . `tppi ''fy' , :1.o W MEL Ltit WOKNOW • of s ,. . �i4► '. i it >1f flit►. 6$iAL • is60'tOO wi Pug the„s a Emirsrs for an WEr11 case . of D spr Psi Lives Commla t?• Sic}' ELe ti eN.I;atligetct?on ar 4ostareuea we caaaot.'''Cure' teritb • WEST$: LIVES PILLS, when tlie' Directions ase: strict', ooaoplied 'with•: Iartre; Isone09ntainin 80 Plals,25 Cents; 5 Bozos $1.00. -so) by• :a3l.Ds OAR .,�t OR S RY-ICE. /�• 1 ELSL< '4E1) .W IBFI} S To_ `' in -form do f artier.' of t.iki, ' bettor n 'that •lye will keep f;.• tervioe .:it 9rii- xJ ill. 'hastll�' thorough • bred Litt#01k Boar <,ue .roti. `hee.1,er white.' 'Ce:Txils 7;5 col itv 5,t.:.iu.e of i.t r .e,', if_ not :p.,36thcxt .I out di Our *ill be /barged- , . PAC/. M LI'ZEF. Y,t4c•�tow, iltts.ia x� OCEAN STEAMER , AGENCY M'''''utt i,ar,itnrhor.&Atlito Lin t .1,ow Ht rote. rend tll.t!T t.txckt•ta • 'Irian 1t t& 'sow to•1.3Veloonio;, 1 I "' • , >n:• (i'414o few, i•= ; cheat s; ":ice ' 1)s blit ill.: Ciiiit 5' Fite:33.titre lee' Co.S' '. repreeenY.ttd. .S" 1,g, sail' t ute:t en f u ihts : 14uiidinbl,,. ".'f &lett, setore tstut the buBt sod 'nest machete fill 1.ita'•'f•7it+►lrancr'A.%itinpu,tiles jn{;>tthada. .. .. l`t uriktly. t6tN Al ti 419.) ,G#i;LY)$ )f4IiI14)ih0le5; hlE MiIMPAPERB . "': oto it -the -tiii.''s,.t+t n3ntibe.. Anj• paperzn tltv.wntiId at 'safest, rates; • diteioati•,t xiirebe' ttititotsny r, ,F mime' 14 t;udt i'date5 tu. all ••ottsce:s yin; • mads nr " ; .ttIt t otic ' irons is tizz. lb; t+. to • KNOW'Y N LUCK , ;The 11111 t9 now in full working ntdcr: And capable sof meeting ill"tho taunts +,f my 1)ittroptt. 1 rLAY ist: '11'hr'; uit.G tl:$�t�, xr � �oi� Ya • , Farmers wouli tln't' ell to bring . tit ?Iv t 1s at to the will, *here'. die higltctlt'fedi price win ,• be paid. "CHOPPING 1 1 DONE 1 1 USUAL. " Th a laeiit:' er tie' of 'b'ail'er ilser :only $2 0 t .00 ibis • s ,rte riY;i>p' • TRIM r. 4,