Lucknow Sentinel, 1887-04-22, Page 5• • -• . . • • ' • • suLL, • l Itiolersici7fil wi1iCs t irxfit:01 the faint ; • titi7r secoon th.it he will ej frservieu L7ts Kin' • • 44i7ti tI 444 1flI " 1i -'td.,' t•1:1'e Our • l'fiom. t:•ri il „,ro wits'lrred1 11,1,J7. (;,trilber, .itt.'1111.1.1. Wait, 4,1t ,1 48 ; Anti; 4441:0'1' to1 Chi Foifil.m. 211,1 'Primp- (.4.. by. q,[ttlititeic,,- 1;firott 2,1)3; :ird •Nlice by Nap'ilemt S766 ; 4th ilani bY '1181 ; 5t1t4tlitio• :Cee 2m1, •1,)1114e,if• \Vellington 354; Oth-dant 1;• se by ()apron' 3182 ;7t1t tlani hre S[i. 13.111 pelt y Y., irtliti Ore • " 1860' • '.;i0 • , ▪ 7 • t • ; Tlforotig1lertt4is 6'1.00 .f.„ e, ' • OIL., • „,,,. ••• • FOR SALE. ]EiNfT_O.T (.!cYlt; I, fltJfliN tow11.11111, containing fill peres clay • late-selitylc--$ and (tte..•13 HOW cotnplete, awl incl.udes.eil...t. As all'the aboveartieleS 'Fere pureh.asedf.rol'.- the befit utalters, ;did. at the -is Prices, ant prepared VA. syll iherot a4 any other house in .theltralier DMA fail,t(i call c.nd ;see, r••••s • -------•-- -*Lock liefore purchasin .• . .• . lsewher.• LUOKNOW !MHN 1 , , I • . , . . . W.'''. A.* • 4 es• * t , "•'• ▪ 04" • • ring LePli PB -ELL • • •-• a* •••' ' • WBi1: 'PliO(TOi Having completed his ah sttiorcnartiog-st-wdliegt-clisplAr - • - , • ---t a • HABNEWA • rrangemeii. s or he LicHT: AND HEAVY gvsl• spp..”. titek.,..w. spc.cip.1 •.1,(111.r ' meas ‘,4 • ' • 13171'17LO, am.d 004T -R03314-, C. My Stock of rrtinkral•ises,.ilandSatehol••••• • 0.1e.tr State f ••:%1111:6i,Ct:lon; The finwi1watered by ' tri...totrand '.vetle+well-fetieed : tud ..ontains tiltliitei find youtigonelitird. There fire .17 acres titokr fall wheat whicli hitilui well. farm i's ,,ittisted on a •..) graYel road aliont live :toil a half tulles froiu about 7 miles *from ' 1..ticknoW, and one mile fl"Ant LL. I) • posseS4ot. : 'will giyen if required: For further partic- ular.; ttpply on the oreinise..i or tr. , t• DONALD S. MoICAY • 4 ins.pol • . Lochalsli P. 0. SHORTHORNSFOR SALE; • • "'•• • • • • (1)'le 4114 some': yotiii heifers. 411,registered tit .1).' S. If .13,'eeititicates, .1 the inkvi,rte4 c.tydegdale horse ,for.. No.' • , , . , elYdesdale stud hOok. will also keep'. ••••• , • . -; .11.4.4'ervice at 'I A slifield, int•• • • . irted n • •• • • • • calved,,•April •188t5,, bred by. Mr. • Alex. • ' • --'bucluniali;•.; Whitehrinse •T4terling, -.Scotland, • • : . •: •• • ported' by M r. .fain•es Niel) otiougii . Carlow_ •Ont., got hy (31914) dank Lady' Prime ,Fretrericic - • • •••.` Isridgo,'(290.)1)Mar tire 3r4. yid. 2.), P. 41o.,•, H., B. by 13.1,rimet„(24,564).,utty. ,vior,..i.y• • ..• -----/;oret Buckingham. .420154. . • • hy''; Alexander:'the' .ilfent 1612iirliifetlttra. by 14 aside' ItlaYr000rila, . • 7.-,01:151.5, Myrtle ry 7(troit:ry0114;7b$.11ilta • • , • • • Tstral 6895. by Norman 227') by 'Rufus 2676 • • • . • bp,Afetithi• 426. • . • • 'O'er " Th. hi 'd •$10, C 4. • ,...,,,urnst be returnedthree thine midessary.',or • A411 ckarged. • • •. : .. • • - . . • PAUL. REED, „ • ;. -4Belfast P; • ; FARNIFOR SALE. • • :•• • •• CONT .• . . • . . . • . FARMS FOR SALE: "IntrNntasirGNED OrOFER'S- EOR; • sale the :following properties c msisting of South, Half nif.lot,, 11, (Jon,. 5, and West hit, 4, Con.. 6 davit u.tutaining 110 acres More or lesti, jot .1.1 Con. Ft, ciintains ' • , ' • • pces are iriach •Ilighef; . • • • IIj:1„Itiwitshiu of° ilitiloss` 100 • , 44..g11 ty acres ate „ileared. :1,1141 nutter. ; balquce : Well n.mbored:---71 he farm: is Sttliateti yillage.of InieknoW,'• There 1itt6 good dwelling houses.. • Ato 'the, one• heating • orchard ; large • barns; heithles..shetifis, and drivinct lioustt apart the- 11,1•1•114, There are twt g.-tod ;0)(1 i* never failing spring"Creck . : yulis through the. 'farm: fr.rwmity two acres 1111(10r fail Wheat, linutediate positeSsiint if roluiried.--;./••••- ••••,•-•:, •• • • • , , • •• • ,lin§ G33.. ••LlIbkliONt 1.)i • 1---e-very*descrwt, ]WEST PRICES, • . • . • 1 1 . Which.for • • orkmauship.,. Quail aid t • •.` Are not siirpassed.by fir,st-class city hou.Se.• milrere the . 12 acres of good standing !nisi), .1-.1 lance' cleat -• d 1 and in a ,• iod state of cultiYation,• Fences ar1 buildinge..aitt•-hret clastLwith good never failing supply •of *titer; Young orchard, O•ta" ' M 'Worsted siiitin"•and trciWi eh pul)lie and 'all lovers of 1-31 o ".• • '4 •. ..,••• .,.- --.. . . • • • • 4 4 .Can now be supplied, at as HE ki) A-' RATE • !t: Any growor, *Those prdering for window. parlor, or „bediling;'bu-4041-1,14.0•14 .?erallY-de..4t-,,\Nitit,- - ------, --- - - lar, • -.p. EA. Are selling. inatiy,linee'' 'of .boots close to • ; Cost. for caell.:044MAIIV..oaier lines at .. cost 'forsash:•. This, stile lasts for ..• • .•• -11n4 Greenhouses Lucknow. ONE: IVIQNT4, • .A4 the spring • -seat hand the pnblio . • will don ell to • . 4 t • e and snrill fruits. LotCI • • . . , • • erint.P., .are , e • our assort at of • ; • • , , .r • • . • • . •• .tAiits 10 acres of good blish, balance well clear- , • • • e • • • 'ed and fetthedi htts,been "to grails' and been past: '11110St. el101ue; libel -as -ieoar • • '. .11D ----.111M, , PRIMO• . . • • • tured for several yeafs, it has also' a plentiful • • • '. • • • -. 1%/IA,TE Ru• pp, of water, a• small frame hoifse, er- &molly easy as the proprietor is 'retiring from A ' 1 f RIAL COLO, D STYL --- t 1 thereiiii Titles_goodAnd terint= exceitt. ; . _ • :1_ . ----- • We havelnany 1,1nes ;n1.1glies L •• • • ,. • 15 ' • Apply person befofe7 parch.'" eliteryliere.,' • . • • -------- •.• • , • ,specia ine.o stylish•cheCktweeds (all woc•I L) which I aril Y bY UA RD Alf . „tkak,diwvit9<ilider orten,dollarszper -suit, A --first -clats fit , • - • tf-689 ' • ' • • Box 32 Lncknow • • — • . . • •• . , . • • • la • .• • . origola • , • 7—.-T•" --130.0'0,4ACIED , • - :loED. • . TEN. bOLL•Alti• *REWARD. ' gnaranteed: in. every 'Case. Unildrens 1.7 'Case felt and ape. ' • IS • • • LETE All pastue . • • •: •• • • . OurstockinML .., The abOye, reward will be paid tOanyperson . • givingsncli inforia.tti mi at; willlead to the • veci 'very of •the 0.4iabc and -the -arrest avid` .eini- viction of iheitarty• or parties who, stOle,. four large Pullin angers from pay:Pump Factory on.. Mitimay night last, April 4th. !, • ' •• . . StONE• fine Aisplay.pf the l'eading • styles, ,ia. 'both Erglish ' • anti American 0()TS .& SHOES. 0111 d::see for yb please you both in 4 ••• , STYLE AND PRiCEII • -Laijiesand i‘lis4,;•shoes'.i'n 'Endiess Variety 0astoin work --as • • • si)ecialty 4ins-690 , . L'ucitiisvt•, •April 6th„ 1887 • • • . • . • . LOT FOR •: • • .. • • .• Afive----re1tfirsJ, situated in the. 3rd -04 t -tm ale.nottb east-cornor Alf Lot 16 ,. of the • t;iNVO•..tilipdaialcSS.'!. The' land is all Clear: n d. fit 7fi.r ht!.re is iilog:htiose andcfratoti barn. on Abe,. place:;, firstcl oak Orthard nnd is well 'watered... , 'it it; two toil 1, half fr Lueknow' For •• farther partunt141•S•ft1tpqtti ,• .• :NF PiCal;)•1...Z.IEJTOR • 4,.Rinloss'or 1.1icknow O.. • .`ttrV '. • odgER'Aj...1.)liK.1.,Elt , •• • • : ; • • . . , . • . •PEAR •• • •• • • • • . • n000' VO - ATT! • • I'lay'lug tire utmost „ , iority.over otherso.0 'tests of tho mo -t comp • • • caseswe could fiirl.::wer • 'ing to fdrfeit One 'Phone! '• • castof° congh, odd; 0, • • hoarseness, brolichitis„1% ' .carlYst ' of thriett taul lungs; 3' we only eitthit retief,4-4. West's Cbugh Syrup, to directions:,' Sample nt • Largi bottles $1...• 'Oenniti'e blue. by all druggists • on receipt iif price; JOIN nl'or'onto, Ont. .. . • ,• ' . LORB LOVELL' ui tritments •• Will he kept•for service at Lot 17, eon ..12, • •• , • • • • • , Wt Wayanosli. Ternts to insure--ThitrO, $30i) ;. Grados'44:13.00. .'('ow, in -t he returned tizneSif thecesSary, ',not will beelirgedi whether with calf or : • ••: •• *. ;Pitt Lord (101,61).roan, Cal Ved NOY. 1st, 1841; hred: 1:174'. it W.-Watt:Salem ( )nt.,. got by :11ramptim Hero ..(61195). dam, 111atcht4ss. Of 'Elmhurst 2nd .. Baroh f.owen 3rd• (25617) Mateliless 'Familiar 2itrl, by •(-Ditke-Oild (47•24)-Matchle..4449t1i-A-.. Statesinan.,(32007). teliless 141.1. hy,•• Senator !(27141) . 'Matchless ,.1.0th, • by. Lord. Stanley -• (16454) ' etc, • ,etc.,See book. • • • . 1.4Ora '1.0•igll has4 taken sikteen-Iiiet4triseSi and sweepstakes'Whenyer -they -ht1Ve. Jet% soffei ed teithe Vest .141t11 of any age ' or, breeil. Pouts -from. dist,anae.' ba.Tk 46 pastured at. reasonable rates at .owners- .,..ViSitors.' • P.o. GA. 't.•,.,,,. .... .". HEADQUARTERS . • ' ' : • ' , .. °., 7' -7 - 'vOrgan, . . .:Second Hand Organs . -0, • -. NE . . . - - ...• . , , , , ' . J. • CREFIACHE.' 0.0.X...-'•&:••-00;." • •L.`!'.:.':.,,,isfolft:t.s..p7iiiip$,..CR11.kk.,-- • . • 7...:••.'0041K,..•LAROANO.11i4., • • ,•• • ,. ...,.:••.•... .... • ••• Kit CAS1,i OR ON'MGLN • , . eirartg! • -••• F03 SALE °OR ItO LET lf am giving. up:keeping 1)7fiirdei se. ,t count 'of my ken Itlf 71 here offer ,fitr sale of 7. 7. rent ntv two th,sirable dwelling hone, •• one • situated nit H.a.Velikfk street' witligardtin nuti frnit treefi., The7otlier coraor oi Main anil ()lltraiii •itirt:4 :114 • e'verY 'chit Venitfittic for ltitej,irig,boititlerfi, • ' • ' further partionlar.t apply to Airs. , street, Ltioknov,: • 7. . , ' ' •• • , • 2•01,11XL00, • '• '•• ,„ ...Sedond Hand Mchins . • II I IT ABOW W 3111g • " „ • , •' 7. • ,. •• • Second Hand IVfowers Ikliclunes --- .4! Second*:I13nd Reapers 46 Steel 3311%d:ors , • 1-larl • inders-- & Combined, Grain Drills • Double Geared Steel Frame. , Steam Tliriishin - . • SeCoil(1:1-laild Threshers _ 2•• our118 " Steel:Walking Plowrho DON'T FORGET THE SIC N ";:-Steel 45. ding Bulky loug3a,s, fi C111Y ° g ' Steel ( 1.' -.. ' ' :V.: IC:2 _ , ‘2., . , . .. • .. ' • . ' '*. •.' , .: . Soc•i)lid''itail:ct tiarrows. ' ' '' '' ''Z3taliber Traon, afferent. Stylep • A ' ' , , . '1 •: •• ' ' '779 ' ' ' . : .i*iiill 1)atontti..ass rod ..:'...• Beceild:Ilan3. AN .. a,g()Ils either. If e Tuts now in stock •-..;A- ' ' "" ' - : 1000.413z, thoi.te on•footio•y.• • • ' '' ... • , fence in its super- , • . :ter thousands , of ted and set justified in t,ffer- , ‘• Dollars ft.'. ititr • h'rotit, influenza, • ' . taken. anchriiing • , F•ts-25c. and 60e, • • . • wriiitped• only in • • .• . • • . . , FARM FOR - SALE. " F.1NG LOT IN - THE FIVIA` .'.. • Com. •of tile township of •,1Ciiiloss; 1001ifres.. more tirless. • Irliere is ovir,r • 00 acres elearect .filid 'tinder ' ance well timbered. The farm oil • the houitilary line, two and a 'half miles from. • , , the„Yillage ofLuknow.. Thefarui Centaitis A :..• ),.••• wind "dwelling house, barnii-r-titable;. orchard, , .• • ••'• , etc.,antl is well -watered and. fenced. 1.;ight •• dres are 'At pre:Sent: muter fall Wheat: --For.'7, . • fiirther particulars apply on • the ..PreutiSes, :or .• • addressi, • • , '• • " • , ANDREW -MedkiA.NtS. • , • . . • LtiekuoyriP: 0. , ;• • ITAIrE YOU-FELT'TIIE'' .• TH • •• x.— !X • . • • • . • • It is shalaug tit (Awn arid County f rom centre.. :to cireutnterence, and completely ituriter- . ; izing and ptiralyzinkt;all eoMpetition,- . ' ' we 644. allhtiund fop T., 31,ee4's,to 7, find out the . Cause of one,h . • oonanntio:o.. • It ie. ge‘per-• • • , • . any: totpposed tti have • • • 1r beta c ate4 . • • outragent4114 tow , • , ' ri.07971 Toin'.13 selling the iminenSe st,o,d;; of HOLIDAY -PR ...tE • 'he ;has juf4 veceito.,1,.• 401111,%. ; Oat glailtlen-ti beaft;i of the youog,'t.itti.'•... • m1(1, ,the,rich,,,itirid the pito?.;hi fact' . ; ' titfil:the ,ghitideiting tiniceas. Mop% cost mut! . , • • " 1.4,g1it:177.ago4s, Differergb Style's' . riijii ticlotri8'rONIP,D Wfsfils • • • Svcolid. Witon.ops .11 t f.•i ' ; ()r ! ti Ab...tants . 1. • at „i 446 Wyoi o' gm woyg. • • • • of Diekno'NV gle 6111-stryillat lie lins the largest • - • . -Secottd--Ittad Biiggies • . • . ' . • -------------- • • • • • • - ••'. stock ()f ‘` vro-salcepen. or Top Oz7:raages •06*-70Phiclro, 04, City,. 'HEAVY AND LIGHT HARNESS TO U0 fouariiik•shop in the villaoe, which he is'able-- to Sell „ at %prices to • the, r01“s- of p,ircbOsers'„'• All Collars %varrantedto ive satisfaation. • • ett-au-i—T-aouto. ". • • Office above he • nt ..•41, 1'•'• 4 • OEI . . ' . • ' • : • . ..4. • • ' ''..,„ - ()illy , cc,. . iturvi.• ... • or ---..'.f....• lip '.... _t. '&.11\ t, '•-• w anzer Jaamps .-.61aesz .pe \ . . A .11111 tissortn• ient of repairs for Above ttlways in. stOck.. . „. • .• . l• Whips Thinks and Valiges • • hand, , Callquid se it sthok before • „ A. V V ,.1.1.11. ••Pi1r*ini elseMwro• ItePaitifig (16116 Pure or for pi4t. • ,„ • ••• gen. 'with neatrissa and desptch. 'All Work. a . , , • warratited. , • • • , „ • • 1:t S4, •• • .S0( Sheilea a111011dS: :k 6.1q$ 'Walnuts peanufs Persian dates • „Nlalaga grpf?,5, Oanges, Lmont; ',..tains; genies. .Coned goods .of kinds. , EVcrything ' first Contntioaery. „ ' TEA PARTIES SUPPLIED,' • • tride cakes made and n&tily 644, inraited at NaSOlifiblo rates. . egt;i401i0d flti ftlWllvs en 1iitn4, • 1Ow8t prics, isran, pnbrtS anAd • • : • • ,4-7•11eW. combind:, andsipakt grOit drills and broad cast, .geeao*"00144*. • • • • • LLINI, fralue . . . . .• I ' • ' • . ' ..,....................-...*1-.4.4 V . .' • . r . 1 or • .. • • . . • . . • . . 1 . • . *..;,,,,..........ait. .....,..'..,‘ . ......... 4,...,.2,=p=/.:1A,,f,..•.-.•. ,.. ,•. - • , . ,„*,.'-..... . ,_,.,L -;•.••:,..„.•• -.••••••' • :..-.. ''. v... ,,. -Z.,,,.i,,,,,,..4.,,,••••,•",,,,,I,,. -,,7,-, ,-,-,"..,,•.,.„r ,....,,,„„;•,IAA.44.•. •• „„,„„, „„, • • . • .4 .,es. ,1 ,,• • ,,, .'• ,. . ..4 , •. • • • • . • . • ' • *: • • . •, .1 • • • • • • •-- . • • . 4 • • '