Lucknow Sentinel, 1887-04-22, Page 1Nn, 74110 E No 692, D, &T A L 2% oi. TARIO, F I orn_,"Lettem SO' IMES- SPP ONV�� orpap(Ir' "Dear6tr -��Looking,ovorlly R E,5 4, AND P.RF-SENTAT "APP ttor froyn'.11. '0. att* the Sk"TlSHL ..Of -the firot xilt.,. I noticed $0LkND1P­ DI,9P!-AY Sp")It which I think- -is, a very tibell 0, 1 V, PJPAaqI t ev. ft -at c oc ery ver, ol in was ��Wev id ce of, account of tit' coullfry... �eot-: All t r MI. at tlm, rest oi on Monday jast-'. rs C lyllivited' annal spring's1loiw of'theiin call t'3 0 TUtIeV ;whei ell y IDAM Till WAPSON, JfAg riti,society took Mr. W. i)tl;er place's, of about, loqs, BranA:Agricultu frieuds�,,qsseilll it botjor I th ts little lam a e an( lit e Ls Th' irfad_ and 0 t ery ate' town,, t. tin A�_ -er ko onaii wedaing""Of that. 90.1, -eep I �Vallceo GE ()ry T A, N C T a lafge turnou - f 'rixlerg­ n.d' tit r When all I 5t., :surtiv have'lleen as) a or fle tlb gqIjjg't),Irough`t opal, ilq.., In the di erent e (,a ;v: suc: I a� raihf-g n�t 76n­foi­M-s-ff Ilea%`y4egged �Clyde eA the, rethein are cortlially invitell 1 - -. ac 0, ri i 13,113 011 r ople were.**: jklo were, od Ir- 1)i a so tnentionO, that th( W. F r. a. zbn. anOa * .1 op ghg- - 'N A - oh d dii, i4d _JOH ented, and. O.Ilo.wing ad.dreiat,, after. Nybi horse. a re', w0l rt.pre.s 'thinc, to see, a It �-is.a ni an , hi3ye raXZ . t onbehalf int the'milpaillY 6,ouglk 6t.�ED WITH-,, Ipp bard ta !.I � I . -�Vi. . . I r. *yqu.cmi IM. C -indeed,, it, �voul ita frozen in any way.', or having a fir ed the. -aged 110 oughin'g. �44LF gel etion, of Ptesettt. elt le t e ing.- some 'in 'in: one,. day.,, ), villilue atiful, Pit rS6 .0 any ontil.64 anitnals-'at othe.r.. sprAiig SAO . . . I I e thait ill iii th athe Sam, Yo.i -I have bee,liero the lity. tho Ag -imqjrt(,d cbu,, MRS.' TURLIMY� country,111 a %,�eck.. E.-FiAL. -y &Q, u(, it. -ats and have hear.4 vei atwo',Y(t- 1, A. 3l; t it col of, that uullealthy- sign. al er NT C,UX,, -Of p easure. that .G: -y cleal T T f allhe TX tit -,e year old I a i h'is t Provin oil 17,� making.1h , 'TI0' hy oil t W, a 71 , ­ I- , - v or beli.ireloll It fi ftiOl t 11 IF -IRE o F 106110 I lit (I iii*L, Yo% f, allow tile Past ("URL ... ... a started.:,mv Y9, 90110 and' T far I?, g. h. ft- I�r,'. , -be a , e,. -,in& -a 'tt litl Was a.5. Mp037.. D . , �op 1�tl t in fil -�7 got w aroff '6reag.0 P OUg- r aC, t1try. the, tallaer t t Lou t'rEs0NAB C0.1) 1. 1, j- 61 1-�- t I ..as I lie 11 0 un Neb. �N aa. 1 M. C J 9 Ywl ZI TAOTT %t Hu .1 - . S. a\11 0. ti, Railro�&' Lo Pill Ilik ti�g quiek' a'' . . I wis I to, a0- SQ11L Edniti sd�i. a 'po �gigj) atioll. Y. �by 1'r- 't�`I_6 �ill fiirii �, lio ay I � .. . ; W Ily I'd 01i I g I'Vil 7 lee c, 9 11i r Ijjp��YRQOD foll 11A Ili;,, antt d or jy St. len,your earthly a ilues. 10 1 I)L te ii�, askei: bY C 'YOU , UlltV PRES-- N.- AFION A G 08 D -S T 0j)le -ILI e g ilds .'for. -sokl* J)N, Out, 11140V Te) 0 wt�re. : , at'lier .6 o, rle a, ert' Stot iers,'. * -61) 6P I, ro 20., vaid aEjijeix i alld , t-lif, -911, in the,. RIO yroo FROINI 2 & Silt 7ui 1 Y.41) e - Q .� t . I . . fellii�olik 0: �_TC'Ljj.jI6*prujjIj)tI t�e all Y, a �Ilullfl)er t .;W . Ir ghdit-�titne`ago to ly Ill" ;01 A Pat , . ... ­ ". : . . ­ IL. . , . 1 ' , L L t to a: ublic Se I.0 t,� Ill" oily ou 0, 1 n d r os .1,,It tj & gn 440A r ilitere, t addept, a.' '10 -cilitit, f ;-ti-IiL"-ill�-'�LIV�!rt',i7l,),g�fit, ollegiate C a TI*e kt P tIf sI.La� - -D" - '(, , : 0 1;': u. P -e '8�bjl �Nyiis the. estekm "for Sale. � : j,)�' '$ d ]tir' 1%IL: Al. 4 - m. . .. I ­ . ­� . � 1 ,:Ig. - U(. WA ftjj(l jj. Jilibtirg. 'fj , -aL v.t ie.mu.ipaTly_' he a I �eii� ft�jojj'wa t -his Aiin* On , V. ally lie Ra. I b ot ' t;(!(I, f a '.110 q re Lu -lot, a, t hol ob biit, ra ion own 11. t tl aeor, 0 f toaW NV: �111i:irpr�001011d t it aii(I to ft)Ah�r 4press. with d';( e, P thr to e itesent d PU es 0jIDN%-ijl" \\. Ile I Ila: Is peeSeli't Ila; k1lo"W.' t .'and have r(�Ceive A ri 14th, 8 -i n 0 0," Pe tlje.�slio w. ri t T addr PA L �k�0, f d -It P I c1c, 0. full I ". , TRANI a itle jr tile. f, e.. q tic j STCLAI RVA.La-i-E R: in-Wri �'.Q L. 1, .1 0 a: -or ar e -bv) T t�ql t I.e. o Rap grne�l - . L. lf,6f tilt, r'dt(:,P o.N7 T. Ifol 0 7 'jo�V -ers ol IS ed ii 'mo prize list : , 4 F6Y A!* r tit tile uni a �0 'ft ')f;.Me 16 1IORSE - UGIIT rd 0j; st; ,0je%si.jjg jour t it d YL atte,&d -a t�Op I ..,- f of ,Porpurll Y' ture rom �11 Clark, LOTW- -900 regret of your e ' pal, d'ay midmi.At at�bi­o 1. oi C;, ng day %,e it lag, caus D t us ime, f ts all d filW 'in -gouto 'jw� C 01 i 2n I John analso to P"esen tt',ar* f th le onle�il i, ti Zai* nKilim 0 le tt 0 Your Es" V. & 'so .0 W tell -to your., Posit, ecG OlAce6mit' )R-'�,' f gqld. Able vou, . kar. j;ljj,d on tLe .. I . 1. laS ell. aY d Gr MAL' PURPOSE. ac-cept,,11(ilt iq 1; e%tiJI a NI Ll i NY e. )U, tj.j�� V.1litt, un e. &6p itf I, Ili., W 0 A*46631,1011i C N e .1 f VL V y6ilmg prolnp we' 1the, a f the 611not sufficiently express -.00 d mn ey, e you a ways es jo ii-eA at ffe�tpd it for. t le Of idral-' fo I . i it. -I CItIl"A eittIct by-"Ulail-ov, proinp aft tic maliller.. I Mate. as 0 ti %y AN and ifttetlee�&L .��ALI)Ijj pRAUGHT, but of unforg6tfi!14� CiU'LlftYRAL Olt C Depo sits in t 0111 y ill t.t. kO§O to ou, vVive, per CitInt. 1j.-Tliv0dL oiIir,-v Hamilton, at ourlle iveiil�. it ,illgA gaiik t as &bo(l %V it tile (fiver of 0, 0 ;Ixi, icipa W. Al:ej-Zenzie M, .. s. V. a not -billy oil tr, r dii -ed in your fmic Ca e lie, vot. )I terIns, 0 I)e fully rv4 3rd' to, llk nd o Young Britoil to ur t YOU �vho� h6ve sUbst f Iabon ane. DENT L. Oelil 0 but' a270 UP411 all t ilti 01 'headed" C CONVEYANCING acc(lpt t'llis "Gn Lit Lu A ill 'b'U I and t it.is�che 614 tjor its il !V OW keclplellts of t Ve 'you- 11 tatt \y.JiiCJ.j­6Ur livi q. Shall'' hae, t; e wi�, sincerity of ti \Vill ]Fro' I t( ailturtbW I I;V, Sty yot 4. ailki- itioll 'bit i TuRLHIN tilt) -t* list Nvill Vr . ii�lt- It, atiou ' -, tilt. lint God may, spat, Y trust t .01PS1011 W ERO III 0 11!,' t�jl.jjt :Lll;i (lays :CA 'p (If T rbsperoxts 1 1 outo live 11 I IoIj6 ritUOKE W Hotel. V onA lityou see R OLD uri)ed ever digf' 'ghould M J.:J: C4, '.PAL" RON, S6cond Lady-" 't MoLeod, P,aisIOLY, ru C e l IOU F 'C o N` & J. , y of Ai Dal' Y' 'k. I say fli'(1y. Ila( NO 7,,4 R y 1 C- e 3' o etc.,; etc. 91,0 f�d,)jp I r ; ) T 1:0 1 all( t Iss I . __:,Il is ieW ll� t fo I., it. NVaS tile. AS ,ow 3 11 R!, 'F ' I a171t , - , . . 1 11 W. � .as�t r 'b e C Y I'() \N, of Illillill.ol'y �80 ol t ,P lab, jLqIt it? UAILL . q . 0.,11 Ll yp U ktot�yoiir tpri lillpL (�c V- vii frl,n, f at T, f t NV(v ofj (If(l Se ily -ord J (I u Imee Ito', t'�' all t 10 L 'IVD asA.N itil With,thtt tpall4itt- of J� to N IM, '1 stil I , jlj�, or(j)(" : tl A, -1 .01 f I r :to Coh 11alrl 'A '00.r W A A 0 N1, T to ;;(.t yot r like I'll cid fo r yo Olit ft I , jr,., Iliq One, -80 1 0 p Ll 1) kj 0 "p err s. Ild ��e will 'YO ilittAckill,f pi �16W,n to'�(' jjwsuit a that 5 t1l(I 'other Uy nsu I . . 'k !M U1 lAli Ili,% A ill 8116\v .3 , at Lady-' TTOft,411"V-AT, I)Oth They I a[li 60* -96 61 ti il 0 ek 11LU0.1' ARE `e v e v offered Fit tril t I'A t 1 11 to cas;cw,and q 'yoli (Idei( I e fail Ginn, jh,,t �e died ltt, t millith.. and and Tliesday 1fI 15, L fill. to Cret YOU wa8 SO I I ij tt�A uaran jU 6y.,qiVljlg, �11()tlCe 1)(I orde -1P's bridgej betwe id! Ifilmi'(' d 'of bave i r litet I 1;�rty I - I 'r ett ill'! ft, on Edst. lit o 'r wi ry n(j AN CER, CO I , )y All iP,a libaidsoil'(4-inade afi& Pei iosh, -11the county (lay. The &roiier'd tl It' jjr()�jptjyA ire4gbfilWe pri6i�-, voit a w il d that.ho.' lismionct, lit' etc theDirectilks fitting Wt -,Ab &.1nost aWj t 'ter P 0. jy IM eLentimi. jW'r P aIhswe 4letiOn n lis , I stralght I �t 0 eklsia YOU _0 W' '61 ly' fiqo& Iteir of Ouirriago g 8 aji1vi-atinetit, SOG Imuor U WhIlouall V# 0.4 oub, 7 ........... .I ]e . . ...... . ...