Lucknow Sentinel, 1887-03-18, Page 5• s ),•° '4i'{•.•a•. ;*•.c. F....�.;. Ql�^frw4. ity%,i:. ,:r Y';�'.1."tt«•r,tr, ........ • t• • • • Tr ,* v•.�.• •h'•t TO LST. � $he shop formeili occupied by Chas. ?:fond. . terms rwaeo,alibk, Apply to limit. E. sig ayr- -Ateknow, • SHORTHOl11$ FOR_SALE. One y.urliug bull andlsieme young heifers silt registered in 1) S H. B. certiticates. Alsw " aq tml,urGeil tyitesdale 'bottle- for'erttle;•-Nor St$36 is rlytkiviale stud'buok. I will also keep rjserArice at 1.ot 6. Coin, 9, Ashfield, the -sial ported " I ieltland l'btdf," No (I .080) Rosn, lred, April !nd, 1.682, -bred by Mr. Alex :1,15udhau..n, rlitut•h.,i a -terlusQ,'•Sootlaud, 'jisportr,.d by' Mr, .facesMCDnnttulrb.Cgarl;)W Ont., , got .ley 111c>ut taan ' Hero, (3)944) dam idady Iletdio by Prince • FrO.rick ,ni Car r $ridggo, (29451) M'av tis 3rd. via 25, P. 446; • it. 'H, i3 .1)y b•tronet, (255641•31.194,k 1ewer. by Lord 'Rockingham . (29151), Madeline, by 41-dsrrnntzt= 1-55l>9);Mrlira v lexattds • 'Yrreat 161..1 I4lednr+t by L'rtncr Ma er• vrocoi`da- 4p 1351 i, M;rrtle by, Recovery .7404, by.. C,ir rs.l 68/i9';•,ljv;rinrmau 2279, by Rufus 257 ., 'iy Mrot, i"r 426. • '1 erns.-'i'h„rnugblsreds, .'$10, Grades $3,. i'LAtst be. returnedthree times if neceess.0 or till be.:ohargel• • . • "Art,RBE ©; �$f, .• 'Belfast e, 0. PEAR T &- C0R II C Are selling many fines of boots' close to. • cost for cols arid' many ,other lines at • cost forcoeh.' "This sale, lapts•fi'.i• ONE E MO1`I 1 H.' ,,As•the spring is close at hand the public Will do well to. , LL'a. A D FARM FOR SALE. •EING L')T 4, IN TH$ FOURTH COW1 'Cownabip •af 1>;inleeu' oentaising 1109• Tyree, Eight,,,?' fivAaeresareclearedrandstader ltioatlou ; •brlauce well slinbered, 'The: ratan-mrl*e4frtws,.t e,xY0►g. ackp,tw. 'Noire two,,.,gntid dwelling lioiiws Atha. L'Idar,i one bearing orchard; large • ii rue, etilalry.sia9j, an"i lrrvthg:'heuse gpar • ,m the .barus.` There: are two g?od 'wells wmd pumj,s., •ybils a never failing spriest creek ti ne,• through the farm.. Twenty two sores , under; fall 'wheat -• 1wmcdirite poasesiien' B required. •: W)t[ P. IATTEI $ON Litekn.w, P O.. our assertn+ent•uf $P1HC AHD SUMMER GOODS 1,• .• .. - • before puxohas•ug, tlsewhete. We have Many ne•w lines to ladies' • re,' BOUTS, IyACFD' Alms BUTTONED;; Our stuck in Misses And Ctiidrgns . e ` IS• 'COMPLETE nits .MADE TO SOK» E1t 'Ail past due accounts wast be. eetled by ante_ - or cash. • PEART & CORRIGAN.: t. • wet► , .. WAWA 71,f I E S''T-ORONTQ• • • • XCHAN�C STOCKS. SONDS' CRAlN, fiAlkiiK, LAID AND OIL, OUG T & SOLI) s. FOR CASH nRON ]QARG OE• Hpxiu$ file irtn?ont sonfifence to stet 'surfer- 3ority. over all•nthherftrr `tbn, sandei f" tests of the moist coat lir ste.1 and severest cases:we:Could find; we feel justifi.-d in ofirr- .inlet„forfeitOne'Thousand Dollars for any, case 'nf.•Cough; `card; sore~throat, influenza.; hoarseness; bronchitity, .consuniptutn . in its;' . early stages, whooping:cough. gnd•all.ilireseeA of throit and lentitt,•exce'pt asthma, for.wli:ch. We . only claim relief, that we •eau't cu' a with 'West'4;Cough Syrup - When taker accordiurg. Dtedire'otions, 'fiatnpele;bfttles 25c and .50c Large buttl'etl;$1, •Geiniiinr wvrapped only in da. . S+ild:by aril .dra giets,urr..ewnt/by'exproys iAn.v+saeipt i f•+prise.,,,JOIf1'f C,'W1IST dt VO •';. Teresilo. Oat: • DIRECT WIRE$ WIT)t ,3 tv-York, Chicago, O.1 City. MoLtreal and. Toronto. Office "shove the LUGIKNOW. W.-111ELLI i, Agent. 48fitf..• lt$7 x=x. •It is shaking the town acd.county from eenire tei cir6uusference,.And• completely .pitiver- • ising.and paralyzing ,all ,coropetstion, we are all bound for T. 14eed'a; to fine out the:' cause of such a • .. cou,m„ tion•• • Itis censer, suppnse+l'tnliave. :been created by'. outragemisly I'1 ICES. :C?!; items pianrng :in1)1 "in Luckttow`is frst",•making' `:itself " popular- try •. doing work which cannot :lie .equalled ii1 this countr';.:. � • : Thankiiu the public `: for ''tteir past s>ilpport,. We wish ,to inform ti public Aat'• we;have noant bition • to be' reinier • iff auada, nor,.Ree.ve of the v Ilaaet f Lu;cid-low,. nor' yet '.Co)uncill ,r.• fitti• :'g ntable,.nor yet Pound keeps ; our • ' a►iiil ition‘is to wake A .which Tom.;ie selling the immense etogk e HOLiDAY•.PRES,ENTS, which he has just •received: He has, goods, that. wilt gl'ad'den the hear'ts'of the ytiu,.gi the•. old; the rich; and the poor ; in:fact•everybndy,,; arid' the gladdening .process don't cot tuua;h' epithet, ' He has now in . stock 11000 lbs : choice ooniectiofsry. U' PLANING MILL i: THE MO$T POPULAR Soft' :;shelled nhsionds, ,.filberts .Brazil walnuts, peanuts, Persian dates,• figs,. Malaga grapes. Oranges, • T shoos,_ el1ies. Canned • goods of all'' n kinds.; . Everything in a first class eonfentionery. • TEA •PARTIES SUPPLIED. 141 the country.. rye. Ili 0riliractiI1e' everythifl ;111 the'piar►ing 'hie,: • Oohs •and' sole , .work' and • get prices, i'efot G_y u let your Work ' ' • !' s. This . is - tiie ' steam afkity ..-Aut),hre''ri which you•.saw "travelling. tr iii t.yh the, country' last -Summar. ; `-flonnember° • our stand—near, i Carding.Mill :•1191iL'ISCE. &'�SOMERVILLE Iii t)prietor.: (ride. cat "s, made and' neatly orna- sainted at :reasonable rates The best rolled flour always -an hand,. at lowest 'prices.. •:.tl.Braan, Shorts' and shop Bell • • c;+, •.t • FORGET TSE. S1CN. N� • r fjE v-r+DE isl Nly1) W1SHlb$ 1 . t� i lllft ►l•,11. th. a inth:bbita iii . cif' :•Luik:n' tv a 111 silwt rtflif ding` • conlo. y tl><l.i he 1i s the iargest, ,i i i+ iet' •� HEAVY AND LICHT' HARNESS , Ti..ti' fbUild In atirlimp 104 .erwiSage ." which he is able to sell at prices to .u'it, the nooker,a of purchasers. All Collars warranted to give satisfaction. Whips, 4lrunks :and• Valises always oea hand Call and see our stock. before •purchasing else, here.' Repairing Coni(: with neatness And despatch. .A.11 work:, .. warranted: • -rte cc FOR -EVERYBODY. e- have-thits-Spring uaded,'a.. number' of new ' litres to -sous former Large .. Stock, and call••special eaten- . • tion to our variety of fine goods for MBRACIWG :— h RENCS $Tn - i- is twt g aged . s„ POLTSUED .CAa r' • '� ' thee gradoe. "loth Laced and, Suttonede We havealsu';a fate litlai of-. tp iers..wand Walking Shue CUSTOM WOR* A- spleiviiir# J. 'GRENCHEr. 'F LOM e. rte' are' bill o ening a-ehoice '1gt o • , .'• have received :andY I • .. ILO NE] • ,sh, anti; will' be Which We have ,lion 11t• at low p ,ric• 'for: .prepared til offer our°entire st.)ck',by`l:�libllc auction O . 1. • •. m. 'r a�� will cotatlnue�e��er7 nc1n"'at •one o> clock p.. , afteriioou' ,lid' eveniwr' until further, notice We hive ;':: Offer • - � and'>'rva ; •sale, :wind th of 'goo.. ti) .by a ictieu . cl f 4. rict �, �� ' at,'IAAxt 5U• per cent. Belo re(rnlar pl 1ct s ;clu,� . prlct,� well her P ,... goods •l . �llui' own pried; ervbr',d .'wlll•'C et liri.r i�alns,;'111 ftict good 1t y l lJv Y•, �. We are 5c busy acid lower thin ever;"<)fleretT, h TalCli'1}l1'W� "t o busy :m u'ki'llg�;oocls that thia•Vveek'We:cafnnot get trine o.c 14'1 ii'r sNE(lvi ASO, 1`;71',IN 'Villa'',., r :a gIlat'tt teed specific for Hysteria,. 1)is•• t,.t, this ul;is>_gs, ri1t;, Nervous Neuralgia, 1TeatLa: w •woes l'roytrati',ti, ctvirie,lhy the ;isw tf ,alcohol t'r tiahaoeo;WatkefIllness; Mem /,sal ).tillroeAvu, • Softening of the IltainTesult. hag in i,.9e,,,ty wtitl leading • to. il.!rarri n e8y. mud ,math, 1'roiratnre Old A e, Leases aiid • ?e�ttri ! e rrlweeiv ttsetl by oyer. et�i, ,• iairtiinvof• the brats,, self•a nets er Over•Indul- "' "„ii`e t. Ruch 1) vx cotttai aixtis rt afoul $1.00. tlX ti MOIL, :. l n f1' H• box, r re!Cei ,t rif • lirtce. .;. 9:tlwli l)} rg (I AB if fist S''Y'_.i3( rm ..::. y )Y1� t}rJA7tA11. 'fee'rtire'11.9$'(-M•10. tV tclbiten iin ieanitd w.recoves by us f•ii rsix .times, i 1 00, ;'vr!•will x •'ni tl't'ai lorichaipt:r sur Written guar . ' steftie '.rr. ref'ia.i1,the teensy if the treatment '- -el. a „ of effect a cure, pitarantt,sa is . ,,,sly 1.,y CarllrLLN1). t.1)aYa ,,, ts,. x.... dksewx , i • Infallible t )ood I.',nrifler, • Tonic. Diuretic Lues -of ,4 ppetitn', iu,ligenUon , I)yspepela, I3ilinl/ t31eNN Juund,ce 4.111 Vet' •. II:)�re�,emanea,d- C 5I itlutuNthtn nil 'htdu,y 1tseaos,iilil , int0•1eiltolro,Salte . idd a nit) xt10ido e,, I'uleitsit,+e 't1'c i a•t, Stomach at➢i' Iiwut•lii n v �u' 0.iute. Joi C ,r heT aV Lo•• • Toronto' NESS .p f�• •yowant a N 1eatr,,a'i a 1 Ditr.:.. Able Sinkie or .Double? flat 11esa • t�• ar. •W N..:" P 'rL R I1AKNT i .IguA)r, Trunks, .Iratissia,•taiitegit, Brent binsisiss, etc., .Ilea, a be had ab voiatlraalel hiiihres• • Wir ,st 4411. 0404' • Ohoa3Qr the -- HING eN e1 article to .be so14,. at STAU'PFER STREET. :0 w Haits'instock. a number of PORTLAO D. "' AND .PIANO: BOX CUTTERS. Wade from the. ,best material, whish• • `will, be sold • as cheap as those:'`: ananufactured by -any, .ether • .e 3"TRBT-CLAS'• He also has in .stock a tiaMlier;of goo second -Mind' cuttAri,' which' ho will ;exchange- for:''iumlier:or wood,' 'at. 'rea'sonabltit . »• ��� .,: irises.:. .. Rlsvi'AIitZlaiCl AND TOBBINd of all ' kinds. promptly done ,Re paintifl ng' and re-trimmitt specialty ,Call and inwspect my.stook efo iuie b yiug:elseavhere. LUCKNOW . • .H:ARHS. b ' , I 1tfooney's °lel 'stated er a e. •HS.11 WOW in illolock the lastest said best dish • ytosite slag b;>t k, Lucknow`. BVI DONAL . 1r L1CRT AND HEAVY HARNE$L ever show* in Lucknew.. Spoils) rods 'ww • "meatsiss• St1TTA'ALa vizi, G0 LT ROT . °tea B1anhctss1 etc. . ; My itiek of shirks. Valisis,:Fisnd•Sali .` _.-. et*. , is now comple}e, and Inclades al Met ' bshet stylet and•,iilakes,' ' , :» =N .l 1 .As sl.tlM siwt • it tle.ieet tasitute,\and%►t i' ' paisee, 1 as prspi .? .aa.aay, ahs Parti f. . •