Lucknow Sentinel, 1887-03-18, Page 40
1041 AtItilud.
Ii,113kRT:Ir TO t1TT1111 OD TO , *WW1
' 1/11,11A141rAcoolitiiNgt To. TO imitate
lel. the' Seer' future, sell' stOch Ana
inipleminte without reserve.
„An affair of a very pleasing nature,
0,1thongli tinged with a certain amount
day, evening, the 9th int. ' It was the
;octal' gathering by invitatibn, of ' a'
niiinber of young friends; te_bid adieu
t,o'the family. of the. late James Ham- No. imothy ; Extra Prime e,
00U0-0Iii MUTING-.
APP•iitOoll'a in1 Meatus and ether
''firiks. held. on Tneedity evening :last,
from here.; Over' fifty
ed,to the call and very enthusiastically
.Participotet1 in the amusements of the
evening, consisting ef shall and supper
led whieh Was. enjoyed with gusto.,
The girls were :beautiful, lovely and
'and. gentlemanly, and,. their general, de-
portinefit Was exceptionalls, displaying
a degree of refinement, quite exhiliar-
alitrwas Owe* tti; the Wind, and en-
joyment—made the bigness of the
:Extra Prime Liicerne Moyer._
Elttra Prime White Dutch Clover.
=Dia Beaus ezak all Einas of Onion. SOodis tit
aceot for valet, they seem te-eisre centrfientai, should,
Oraindyiii--acCouut tor_
to stri et sprinkler, was laid,
Moved 6y Councillor Menial, 'second.
. bard cif health for': the leurrent year
'•-•he aceePted as bondsmen; for the aol,.;
Moved bY Councillor Meths, second:, reqiiiired.tO furnish bonds
ii,efore next regular meeting, for 45000
"--.0-the.Coniicil to' pay trate On .;2000
Ai' Guarantee Cci.—ltalanee .bo.sup
Noved .by Councillor
" by ConneillOr.",•Allia, that the
iiillector makes a.. final. ' rettirn of his.
he try to kick al I the. Britishers, within
•an inch of ,their,ffves,, blow- their Iron-
-Lilittle-higher than kite r- to ii;val low
all,the heh within the three mile ,
they Were too much engaged, for anY
-re- El owing„-. lendid assort,men
orders for sal
of the brides father Mr. George EtTerbw.
. ton Baker, of. Wiest .Vrairiinnab, to Miss.
Mary, ••'eldrit .4:laughtitr of ,John Nixon,
'Esq., of•41hflelcl.
required. Wit be well furnished, Parties
Meved by' 0OuneillOr-Mellis, Second.
garph..4th •.a very .!interestiag
•talitd.iiistructiVe debate was 'held
1..1101 ' that.' tlie*ealn Engine.
than Fear,". Mc -
••,t1145 oboisiilin, and feeling.thettftensihuer...,
: responSibility- rested on •!. wits readily .granied,.....and
W 113
of•Mtiiisukry, barley, seeciall y Cleaned' for geed',
at;Lcit 17. •klon: 12, West Wawarineh', The
'aisperier qualities Of.thia new . Variety of six
rowed barley, its great ,Productiveneaki
Yielding at least teh bushel per agemore thou
tn. the, 'cow*. n borley for maltini purposes.
• To *wit 4'4'144 on, shares, 50 acres et land in
Title subje It. for debate on Filiday
• •7.• ,•0•.0 National "Polley is in the inter.
tii,eits, and :for the "negative, Mrt
promis6.4 to be One 'of
'may, be.' roOd • pupils, ,..fOr. the past four.
with so worked de,gree sue's,
in the 'Ottawa,
itlAo to regr'et: his departure
VarqUica our midst, liyit great loss. is
—ate sUrthiinding ;coca' ity4..j.sit
lip • 'been, engSgedi. .teLt,eiterf. far the
Of 1.11 r. Stotliers. Mr. Miller
,tfesSion,,but•i4 eueretie 'and likely
tiVrrence f begs 'to
.innounce that', 'he hi
Tristitig, .— Axes
Putty,`,Iro'in steel
:Being ciast•balf of .Lot 9, Con; 12. Aibfield,
withim three miles of LuCkne*.; ' There is 20 •
fill ploughing. Geed 'buildings with stone
stalitis under bark. For terms and particulars
apply to T: GARDNER,
ii0 acres cleared and under cultitiation bal.•
ale b9undarY twe and half Miles frein
the village of•Inekrow: The fain' conkainr a
'veld' dwelling house, barns, •stable, orchard.'
,etc., and is well watered awl fenced. Itilibt
acres are et present folder fall wile:ft, For
and Bird.e,aget:
Choke yarictf
7,14iine „aid.'
al for .8403 au& Shosyskialt.
71•reVeronteiwherefiLlias..b.•enlatigely_ for
Luckifew and: lihrreuilding country. Se se
with svety..cliiiii",:ises th,s 'Merits of the.
tor:the, speedy inlief avid, etre et.;
7. it May by procured from
j; G. AuriDi i„.ochcich.
ter sale enliy-hftt35 tent.bcfttles.
• Termite.
LORO:LOVELL (39r111.4.;,:D it .DAYS}
W 11 apt or service at Lot•17, Con. 12,
r'eturried three tiMes if inecessary. .if not wilt,
be. ettsrge4, whether with calf or `114 et. •
Statesmen 32607 ) ital.- mt.. 16tb hop by,
Senator (27441y Matchless -10t1if by Lon •
Leve' 11 hits tiken h'rst
Cows from a. distance Oen " pastured at,
reasonable ates at owners risk, Visitor
undersi;ited Offers ;for""ia.le two of his
orpeeier yearling illiort.horm Both are.
itgistered *in the Dominion' lierd book...,' lie
has alio Nt itileri ft* good Shorthorn, coni;
and hiriferii, all of Which are fegiitiire, 11, the
Witt): herd Wok; YttrAarthor psfticeiset
apply ,
17..16 TspEs
411(1164. variey.,
Vii/V11/111 01.6111. 4,4A Le
pcty the itbenie'Recearci for
.,113t1.S, when the, Directions '
iiiforrn the farther,' of tide ovIliion, S1E4.
;he.wi.11,teop for serVice this 'Braniff at,' Lot 11'
75 coots it tinie of orvice, if not paid them
'WhIfleifttli*.4AlthOlri&Aililli Is
'1...OvVeitt• rates and throUgh tickets
I also reptess tit the best and most sees/ism
The Mill is Weir ia viorkini• Orli* 7
• age eapalsle, e1 'meeting ail eke
rsrat' ere wad& do well tolarifig• iv**
te 04 mill, whers'ate' highest eashsp rice Wit „0.