Lucknow Sentinel, 1887-01-14, Page 377.7'" 14 `Q, Ir. .7. ................. ;7 1W ...... . . .... v I tis NP rAto vulaou. wor- so i)v 15WX barstill t�6 palioe thatfollo;V134.' gaihJt. I�Sply - . - , . , Rio i" I � PIP" mi th I Q oci 4sisteta;, tberi. there, was tried, b 4i't1le or tile, XaUy4tJUlt.--Wa* :was sileneq, F4yery,Sense seemed merged,. `,TEo, 1ollowlrig numerical;, qjpll,O�ctioll wby tbe. Govemqr ture'at.00! 0egreses, thwhite facts ]DIsagrseeable: aited Wi rhey w 11 N�ill, at' oilde, bee ct� t., The. v4or of reath ar those who. hav( cd t b Is, 1heir' nerves strung, to ial This story �eF, 717�� tn- cl�mrnyi-haiis­ h e presids�ll, ..of th nited Siai0s. 20.,q J, --- J uAd the 4uSPfjptib.i1iti1e.g Of -tensioli Vut .:the ponolpilge on t, ebsiard in the sli 'U�julating iridelWitssly it -y peris on: of wo utffiost point of I from''Al Ba lb on.doo pab� gay Bus � I ep acc.- ne's Chrono. , gy A I I ivliig,� I supjy -r , . 'Van e .4 N ,hat w ps�- -proper xIaT r' Qf 'tho r�irdbr�T lid Were-I.,,WAS QkPd, katka, Sir: John, Henilosqyy aq­ a few Qf tlie,kast iniport A ;4s Lieut. Seb, n-n -if, onvio *, %, * - * 1. n4remov.0,� 1. Waslain arlt� 13. 0 4tori-Adamr. 1. bu; It c i14 did il,gt come again. ll. g Arctic, ex- 2. Adarn.S. spfferson Son. .1 A 4 ,tiou-. In, -a .34auritills, a s ottitsq no I the You(h's QM.FoOlniblt 0 the iinprob4bility, that, is, a, �lpqtter o. ly� D.�sh" -was never� mbrsD� aenghtea.,to m a to keep our 8 isifferson-burr,&in- -2, Hkrilsoil-Tyter, ruitic' ci�elesi. tb Of pioptse, wetr;V pugh 'it is -9411 ve; AS 'to, Lao: conedrij,be,caig8e, it' 11313 the, bright -mo -nifig PeT-49 Imp y see th& itin, than but ivWg 'as' RlAnry is fill '.justli L as possible, 4., mqrpe-Xin6 admittoktIIdUxd'-S ­­,.­ - b @110 mlaffiAon-Clinton. ,. - . .. � L . 'Milbsgi 'leave that, to ,e . is.! V t ity -1 E31le-felt itilet.6-0. 0, S�oal. 4, 'very thajt� Gerry -104g, 0 Nh �pletely. Out of' 5. Pierce . Brq ii nug, �Who arob 0 ]�Bquimaux� shaving, was POP r ltterly.worn� on agree... *1 gonrop-TspImpking 6.! Bue��u� t, but she quitsi . tile conduqt bf �x os� 16tlierea vrsel �si 6 i Q.'Adothis-Calhoun ridge. tile inlem v Severe, disV Mey about *4 B, savisial le, , Ac wise" w, en. t 11bt ibg, move ta-Rau Wa the questiso , 4 with, BlancheLth&t a , 11',and Shaved Governor tif isliewivii 'Jackson m4nwero still1a the hotel. Maryt W" ell a ... IS Buren. if thibt -Sir, John Pbpe Renyieggy,,K.. C.M., G., lias About'ten y4 ERB, weile confined, t apx% agq: Lady Dash was --the, wretch'ed night b-bi So all oure C , l a I -o I . . I � I . I ' itlit a pair o sclE f dAUSilIg dis� a, f�slliona)ile ]having been told of f Bors,' an 64 d reputation at- us, large' lipte 141, i3iiArdse, had p -,-brgeaheifQ'gOtO e. t tbis We unfortirriate poi;id a,o,,,w e t�IV�aneea *hor0orhe :, is Sent. thorough stayi 4s8god b l6i Would m4n4ge to get v -ill ."Coast o theii fli xarf161d-Arthur,1 Watering. �.14ce on the eatt 'in. the brbaa 'daylight ind, get 11, of 'Irisliman,alle, wols bdrn.'in Kerry and edu,- 00 A 4 06 Friincoo. '.We will oiall the hotel, the. 1104 now Lady Dash'. sto-it gliril andi buil& i1selfup. int ! y6land,11endtibIts, -f r.e- dated in Corks wherwhiieviaeritiy 'lin'bibed is name the a, goqd :rest ; but -ti-ons.- - Our method o. This� arrangement, Aiak's., oach series c, t d'Or although that was* not'it though not to V I iLry . ing pro.por. �i by itself, with' the e refused, go Vheni we. Stop- S -even a Chlipt liting qvialitises for'Wbich-he gbtQr' Blanclie, as- I is -Ilfessing to herself, ng it- ivag' peoulliar.; wbaid, be� impossitt1q: Moyi mentJo, . have rea. -to reot wo,�;VouU.-bnry --oaelln n Ome I t -'tha eriti,� of the fig * 4 d; beOVS agn 'e she nt fot X, bli*5 in points on the. od, ol, umbers. If'j]�igklg 18-59,J - lie' I;e it Q lixisiian. . f ped otmed. � Froifi 65 presiintsla- tb t more.corive riled brsi'aldart - and breathe Ijid�itsdaheo with musical rul' 3,1 A ter go ur woul 401� King'sbounty, IYel�n , f M I I f xr open hands. eel,. it I d 'td.spbrist On conthitti d'� in Isitill . Am, As notme thah oi W116,Nva I itye the palihs; 0 01 x jr.opriet, jug ou.rier Taul the'l. w shoillid; indicate i rim i 4atibiia4fit,, and, made' himselt. rid a arrived wit den With,diep inspirations fok Ek lniiI.�Utsi 6iiwo- IQ ' that every sev b16. to It Goysirrinq1t, bspitr that.the:t rw X 'A. .. This s make tbQiry 0 . , I ' ­ . Th mix apartment e rowi would'alwavyi. ass ar p Ioir he,�mopy. For example: John Adan.i Dashes, ba intsoneely dis4gr -niftiA.Arid, aixi 4ense'pile, of luggage, war _.m. 4 till engaged for a fortnightl He kept s1lort. 0, Bqren;,John4�Q-IA46n1`s to Riell"(1- 'Va aisit, With,& visiNv, when they the. bbar& was gqttiri,g-, i1m. far aWAY maing to etity - ster off, especially if. into, n h9urls notice, .0 k, 'kai- ap- E edrly 9� -his' hands at a t e v * doer hoodi bomeo,, too �' P109P, - UP alloyi ag,ai�. op 'Omm �Jter Q rather y that If h eirl. ­ . , . 17i tII6 Ones �Q4s,.'hd,% Wei e n go pa hetidall] talze,, bl'�61ansl w6lild"WhIv e, 'Lablian, an 9su e due -at 1�bme -son: arourIsdAhe 011i itr als -i� "reholve'litit -Is at, er-shig�t 'dinner they gpiin tb -the, t A Gbveiho�- of' d' d ma; Add theire'a" 0, vii, b evenin—g in: It Ust induced to tbll him and i# 'ij,West-Afridancolonied- Con-' t c lelli, Vady Dash IV48 a uld hail f Qm: th city. 111tently qf.tb 0 " An ex. ice., in the`.,- same way; jai that both 6 r. d I' t jb0r.ba1Jh6ip,bf , I : . I. . dons an low prl0a�' llili�face '6 do -the clise. Thei;. d,. ex 'Ct��!ons th adly keeping it iar�' enough away to N.Y. PP L tor the gpnoral' itli.some friendsl who ate"'Of'* tile" attter., �1­ --D at-la-st.- led-to Ly -A q�t-, go lorall*. ay�-bd�a -:7 -fact ed haaJUst-tur--r&,a­-U­ :Yet, adw):'- lo c ir P, all urieWndii trqm, her. mind. The, -chin, the -AO.sO, the eyes and g ratiom, health In,4 any way-, "16' ..,ibe appear said it was, delightful', but it Was time to 90 h the sc[Lr he haa, Joett ffie. exposed. be . go�,., poritively . to thrive oil, the Of the sieur wit ieeks aie the only poitions of Al ere may �hd. -i 'a. t1l' her, hilliagoriie Mon - paits"Itif the ol e. se L Way'lat r befoisi,aawn,: but. tile pollee tvere d t -ot un, iQ >ed. her, t6, face QxXjofj6d, f�jr the hWl, comes -down onob a minis I oil Ili bo ese expo'se. course I& w - as - promo h a6k draperies, a. Mce veil. thr ' OWXIQ.'Ver s track, iThe,- h ]bill had Gbraws.- Th a Q th :aa to in(, t')d to t e wh , ite ba'ir. B a'� ia, loath does; r e I I 4the followf. ed. the EyAgllsh ladies. by 0101361Y tb, tbe-0 'frequent 6ifully pregery t e 3e( rue%gures.. indwiraL Islands, where or it to i 4 from Af r. Lin r,and the'W'L tlib,sea, tlie. pr �g Bahama, of to leave, tii,@ moonlight-bil, . . . . I . 'Ogt 0esUSeds;,LrevbIuflon anc earis of A, Aj6am,'but, others- ha& recei�ed, pakto of the 1, create, I olujing it very disagree-' I., to Gen.. lie, acefit of' ni�js of frost, 10id ax Ill i1froM a in i1alit shadows illith; garden,, t aria -,snffers�& 'in ha disturbance ileces-, f nnQ pile warning' . I r a natural -co;, twag: 6n*nLid a- - ottes, all the brig less able day�o [*nd low t6inpera.ure na3.. Mr.. Clevelaol,,,was 0ident, 3, b g9werp an � cigar . . is is. hini t6:11ong Keng. Here: differeilt ways.. M. le ii, had lost' �hi 'other JJin Bud allal ^,sAry,totrelisfer . I 4ideAllider the Stars uld and tiieiloj�t�ty out eed 12alf a dOz& '1 4 The e n an lour, tinuation.' O!Wthe w ied,thd way A b& her t.- hor�self 41-01W Silver la��..Cbmtdsse her eAc th I t bosoyn friend. 64 th 'h Ile 411 M. le t'L to takib the wtirin1and. rnr:c;: Gi$tnt;� and e etter:',lt�, 0 -y -O. Shu- rusid por. e� -�p , . a,Lg owworm. a Whi .0 SPL. Gar fi -p re -smmp 9 8 4�Q 6optaining cted IS h S little t attra lmo� -314 with a ihito mail on. tb E the. Cclesz until the t wli.i(;h Toi�loroFi . I L '' , , ''L, t' 131 4 ivfiole coast OJ, to'gee if 6116 were walking exi;�Aiiig�eve�14'to,Cl'eveland-I I glancej.o�er lisr 6hould -, a gold 'Wh n he at i amount of'A�,006; Mind. :8 , : -companion ierlaribkg.. roside th6' Ite, attoilitic*ii of some. e eno Ieft following, and th6n.disappe Mile, 3al ib.the'. overnorrhillL Of Man led i The tenadii( assun Wli,oill L rito a brilliantly C byjcur-side!disa,�ppears, for.go conVIetib a to. -isitnin to, this orign d gentlelUen;. would- .1,ide'operi'dooj7 . L hotel� Wa As.]BUFal11tfii96 la"diliq an rest:. that, you 9 been. dL, ngle'Buropean Vlprr�li6r 4 --the", Although� the lOck' ailsistheiiii, is f 'Vtarting pointd einonstratsad.0:1 �hted fiall-L doors' tinl6cked?" -'f reWell alroiadk crowded, there we eep, wi thO big, �w f'�w fresh Udy'gl' ;elf, This. is- and Qve in ifi - 'the' Iii0tory:* of present t1b`bi(1 )xever have known -.1. yourg.. wa " b* ' I - Dasl iilq�ired.-Laay . i,fbellilgth'at had. r be 4 tWhi thegroup , ftivals,standibg bythe..blireau. ',131anche especially. truoi'of the.', peo I t : ubeiant'p& t9 of nation,.4n yrodeSs qf whic t q aoil th 1151ANT), Wag;., 1p t the bio6ght, fib c .'hfit Isome timefi.lul Ir e, i eks, ass o men reappear an. e]q of; -his doetrino a _O p& to n- u s i way etkqa ne away from line nosi e as a'iniiii, turne . n urit,us the I ; ljot all, inadame, r, is every salpe tim but the veip felt a pris "-been i-',th Me, 'ikopisting that, Aos'' 6 to'fin'd th Since he has a; With thb�miiiibeof'his h9tret.] e. octave to Fran 'gort ofpig6on:-holo b 0 roorrian: is an j.aip -tjjfi4uR' depen' dssncy� ri-N w 0100 --j -ping, Iment, � te m Y­f9et J iefthe brib "constan gtat of fer.� ntI,hav6bftb eel if such �Wtter cola iiiaii"lnsfead'of*� cater,i ot 0 aseen: lb iag W ongue in heig I-ro- air w uIA.-:not e0ze.. t 'his 'De'pu y- He' .Yg. rather iaik lid open'6ur kt* ate the iis quilkrels 'wit roa i fr, the outh: ment, by-. 1 11 witii b 6 �prejud;ides, may. see o se, no, -age, The le.'.biliatliffig, iiiia, I. hilve But' stko Govern : or., r� Clifford Lloyd The letter, undet' the ei inuA,,ha�e-'Ue�n: the light t a. I iiicubi whi min out of� th,M.L uld the it, illeck and long arms-, saw iti qnc in ISL -of teeted phouldefs, sho . �! . ti n; Alabablimi as 64- notieoid linsationL %pparen. - y .,once -ViQe-PrVjidLent- be taken - fror the -J -,full on -a pair' is' S, t cohrlder ight'otth chitfiaelirr�, fell Ou.,weise:Atting tip harsh I6f aIjJ'jeSid04t . magistrates and,. as face, ol.'short, guessed that y the,the-rinometer sto a -be, wE f it hiyekeod 'atL, 'h '46st"twicc whon Mr. Kng was,, it �ftiight y the d�nger t ey )UL 6r, eneinY � o % i Lan � Leagnei s inbri : o : ut of I. Lady Diish:: p Id 'at the �robabilfti h' �ssi' -'for' h b eli as nine French ii6wea. heiQf . to boi,pei- bblit"70. degrees ' minus,. but . in - 18 ce S: fpr.his sluarelgdms� %:ag -had iurij,"but a through' h. --aeat!%' nd- a ec an d. left not ing. is more 66iWn the & 'goar -on"th gej+isd 6f.the fseelin�*by 13�eatliilaf rUally. t ff ��ji4a to stay,.. d6i�irnou'gensb t.olod Bi a DO _ sitidn 0, Apol t 0': rpgors o.' ansd:�clorlig il taxation yet man,inten oh. as 4iL ' D'Ot he last place 6 . I t Licit ar - the. od quite'stilli t, w to de foi bighL B p in g 'a)? Su 'hat Id %o'questibil-nittliially jirises enough be ar vw� 0 u coo ob�ving hbr face r- With: shoriime. " tion l-Why,n6t*1 train 01 -rd..LI,6yd on, the Qand au#l� a, -,could, ps�ni t: and'Clift fast--�was sho. tifeithe-through zu I&rl y.;s se _ q n i1i'tile ordle : r -n -rethkn,.idnlelEis�br6i�ght, �tfidro iny contihuougly t 4A the dv'iltrY in ques to al thb' whild T m -us ayq h st in the hari4a d1e.polie- -,,So Shp. a,116.we ZI -find I�er�.iiioti:Iei Is Same. V alwayseroosuRP e .7\ ." .: .;,. ret f. to B'doop:'A -OV& _,_d h siblili 1 ynas y cam( t acken'' to d of �the iggested by so=f3,-.roP0mbrAnec Of, wO y so her I t nlght,�t, in h lit CatATr4 British%, h&gelft- -to- kehily- oats artsix 'd' ighter' Inirst ­tfie that 'T64 jj&t ng But JeSt th Ril her* iti 'big th' �A'tlds toiing fc?" wag:&,relie. to hod of broathirlg­th-rougi-tl�e room�Shc c bave f as denght an J�Lon t . h' as 1. by far' lest'!* isagra. 'Eve ion, IoB6d'tbc,door )ehild a ihse;�jsiial met lief mind di eable. �04 very Shoul A in,.-- th�. thief V7 Je must regarusaig. an ci e y­ an's isderable'terin us gd bipliwq 'to 0 1" �ivou about the �jilp bas&ara a a. -�.6ijdak.t` �Jiere that Q.usien,Victoria, ulti �slegp filbLee'at once' trava-i This'. happereaL ten, yea Cliffofsd'Lloyd, Oil ineillousalidO tbuR: after a :frahtR promised f* a�nt� is 'prob.iia- all b� ing NU11 ll�t 46t6r night fY.' 11 - ary, do�*io',',i�P(iii;�i.,ititerj3. ag-The term 0 imprisonn J)Y.: breit Al �he4ves;,with I., Victoria. bi ou, thinking, &lid y over; oPmy parfy&,experioincea it the* laifte a . i ._� L) I ;,, 1 is -dear child What ars­�y 'to despatc t. he SwoO, d- DaZiocleg hanging over er ill afl�'QUk­ wlier.s rip illipilli. 'h �attbjs,j6'be gufficiiiii.tly griNe, in least. ,h&VJe Henry VIM.' :Ot cnl.� ise Vd,jTl "t ntil tljo6 �nian w George th,er' a 1%aOS Ili" tie�vel- -in G eftry Vli.�( to t ��'e6n's ,High' Voinlisissioner; iii; s6jith. US go once.. 0 1 1 , , t Qdilstp.6 I Crox b a a`p 00 tj - . , ". , , e is n,uqa JIL OU 9 dream,, mAy.y. 5; GeQrge .,:,,Charles Richhr r 1'en( olail�d i * 'ts�be dii to t lidWs ary ? "' 0', ` - U N,ever . min .0, �1 orb Ue Aftica on a 0peQi vn eater, . I - 1 4 � . . I . at � 6 affo 4 Atill ibili-ty. thttf�6 hir'�d isy �vhif or( er, to'inquiie the� qti. e' idpor. ber.,.supp . 011�e'll;. 'L' .1. h ale. ;Jarilesl. Ed,iiard, V' x. do;. George i. t Is on tlie.�§treag �Wbe.ma,sl to talk;.Pf. starti th Off 4t -this.' :4 Edward living -'as the -L .7 Qus�en Anhe. Elizaboitli. di' "othind dange bed be. feared ave Th- t ..regular. iistoridal 1vision., thl et of night., N ,wouldin 0436me,.. comfort, or ]LT4 �,,Arip1t6R"VV11L361AU graviB'st o "Su !`MW g=9, se& or foilt is p am, ohn Henoissy x6m. m (I y, os serminei Henry Ivil ere.. are usadl and ,Op',' and',, -106 ��g� �EJ011�1 t1la" C,ro"x'we tile bdtsvp said'.tha f ;usual. y accortill .t -vi Tdfy fri)xn son to.'F"L ' I t h m6wii (51 .!Goi- I ' )allied by d t, and front Atbqr Ar, 1', Amembd one� q1ii e `-t%f6re'eitb4 -.�rgif'ving :it'quiteoaiE and,Bland�e knelt �, . I , I ''t' , ;e.'. For oijam;- excep ion. a voitewort y I -Buti. inotbelf deai to Abr octaves-'riciflessIAeflAil in, an,pppoy uni.y x sig;L yher"an' seized, fier han. I Ibk ghowe us le, 'firom .131s; ary 10 h , b h i6ay as itA Berlin. cable say; tinferor -William 64 thehidoin` a h'' oter at 8 0 0 ';ero but-as"i, ni: the latter: to Vidtorld, NV . 0 Why, child ��otj.tire cola qJ What Mary an fr' -oil. Satur(Jay delebrated'-the 90th Miniver- tha -was�6 o.gkses be My z 'misfqrt�une to.; 1pheiii tile bit- e.r ntran IS Was'.0 him tl AN bb her finge gerj�ly'an(j 16ok inal'the -in oe the- Fra an e i's boiJaman 16''Obtain t dilig -a f down. wl 1 9 1. W, 4. �.,, � f". '11, 'Lli... 1, our hos -bf- the onquest. 0 Ireland UP q .;a arm into kim. [tn c ges' -%oEiG'nADED io ing d' h ter� be, Rejorieqp.; Faii .,.. ,, *" i * , , "a ;. L'. .. I atoA face. receiving -a for shoi ure of Effc bf Orange, as army I .. -we as the edge �y Crown PrinceF rI�iddriak NV6� coul t e d rein eer you diream.'lastbight":l Esquirriati, Wher goinkralgj� headed AlTe FrotesaA stlecession, colise(luen ips q -ivei'Ang,­�" how. I thought I' was W Thil Grown, Pri 0 the .0 'u, led adaiei6ssia iii6ati,for--otir dogs: We We jays,: With the'refusal. . the:revoluti6nAf �.It- would, follow IN) g. ii 11"1 -0. 1 . 1 4 stait.wheii'a. lat -revolution atlilihol 'oi- lie 6g w Td� army Me' -iuraftlid Just. oii 1 *iiiA'- sprarig me, min . '"ing iizor�bl­ Of the Stiprems� Tribi t�e �day;:qpon Ole. 'Had it'0 hsi lit ctially oqqiLrred, t tefiqe ofat4ori h' of. a eighty years- agol, y '61 t Isla entoed t e -should-i IgL' looide' . We haV& beon d a -thoug bid 'ed,42men ary upow 'of f svoUIA' be a death- i�e 11'a 0 wh aer-Vi'Of opds, Qf k "we a llie one b t The ..man -si frdn!i the, giarr6jt� fiv�e yiltnisbed, Who mLurdered-.-- me Qn:several beca oing; but ell mii�ical h4imony wer& it ac US, an f of. d6iriingLL l6ng�tlio* Whole - 't d, pric, I should.; now. iteA, iind. 'a. e,, subduing all rong� eff, t .4sillr6ugli 0 'test lin-til., We t or. s. were i Idad.tO 6 rel-- 'j;Iaving W� hj61Vywhdwi eliaa a scat oil, fi­ le 'to th k* force It -fortunate ina beforoi;'our chiefdri leadi vity.; except.foi one pose.. H is -ft an ig us h- nto �tselfi-ffos... th I . I sitoiiiii, To, :r6ac el6ome snowho, C. BOth t 6 es -to gl6ribas Vi hed the w, tie . u rather severel rUgg tho -blbt Of the no ` n 1 pquirrianx. were priestlib6d,frbin I EP, 11 '' , . frozen ear this 'is cL, a ho*evo Y .*bite m6n.an the'7 18LBO love fbi 'di -A,But, My. 0., Ut Rats. inUnexped c P. aces' hose: e6l'dUdtL wag Ion . 9. . w se I nso who'. 0 Ion.. upowsix een -ylsirs vvIlich., heiVe be6n,ii6hly I U t G, ne bt 6, ',w lit was bid ' d b . L -�-years,- illo 4t* tile end-" f t ejourney vife.teliq me I iat the PIN I Y:� peace- h dr 'al' tl* ather Galoote. is; he mos V t ve �all`,dedi-' -t 'r prow �j�sd t PM `84 mometer. Sz W Q. 00, hat didjr tfiaj, slid saw w.rair-stick s tai old 'b& I chiirries ' d ch to the tepreserve In' e o hto a; Oa, nwreckea. ... . Church., V� . . , i C811 iie A the pridot'who, g. of: tile jzlm asedireft I is, it was wa by, 1.31 thi . nk heavy �gyrup- 'self, or- a"' '-order 0 ` :Susperig. -me; but I f inilictssA . Iffolik the tail car to e. lix with, giablibilled afteijobt -waltin gcf an( Vsq - tilitt, iffereni licks laina�oo -Stick% :Jtp' L: t they; took ai it. imm rll�l.'c6fidii;00 by the Ibis Work Upon im, dillous glanpe y fJb sce my: tllkol�t Cut.?. struggliiig J1 a U ags up a, Ong. er tha horrible'llueod . L, . - ( BiSh6 of Madrid shot' t I �,-Ybu'. Yqyr..77'MojesVy,?S an :t the�� voted th Ile - ei6i goes, 60 the ratsi got' -iiie ..at the dobris, of,'the. Pio-Catlit(Iral "'Don't ask s)lich: begaase -lit Of I1 ' i 8 - raises e most accon.) tile. 1"the capabi po. must be.i6asonable. -W­ezqn!t The ex - to L e. n d C 'It'. " " A. -army tO. theIt". state f a Ow son.paiiii,Slinday ap... jBqfore%.,bding,-eke�-' o Ile rat ii;3ggea tlld'�dgg, WithL all,fonfls P tekfe idin tinie- of night arto6k ilbld othis' tail aild be ill'oitnwof the g.orrottlon-bil P, ro, to slese �qn �Vhi&& i1S qStL Y r rs Ivesl be dube V'l Otsi''Will lie' e Mllisl6dj' Tathoer 6ii'le Yoql�ihallhayo,.,* I, � �'was J;U11oc! uji !he sia-i e -J.?.rw il%t n6'aiff r -uIy* TrAifPs- aand *.Ix of o stick `6 Is eag" -aogr'jidso..'fro It t, '' in c. the sof: Steri6s J - coli�,! * 0 into. veen" tl�isi'rpeop e. axic! ,1140 i,t�r faShiol I Miry` 0. and ws�a ill sh 11 9 IDS existirbety boa, For'- C)ne by one us ecclesfastl0a; botIr �are rs�gsl�y to defend of ollv.icj�: 'W&king: p. the be0ause - .. . I t ­ . Majes'y,o care Augusta &- t Will a nightcap.: aby, one' ie stity With, you MyBolf;7? by"Nour near house throlig I to'bblitrate "Thim f PA rat that could ge into- -has �een,gha.yoid A ie W and'disarm AnyNn tV seit's Y, 'become t so -property of .1Qe Oer dverpowei hol'' after' Ilis. Augilsta, Gil:, fill 11A a, 'thoto'nsbro, arilmous 9 their guaro: tger. Wits I ycster�IaV,, in, I two all prigone< ITTL thi f, , scre,ped With I -on. It. . - , ei a:nd Of k SIM my house it IiOIe-tbe-SXZd,O it- docp�' -greatest., security -.1 h * a-1�610 itisiAlg"and -with PIP r ,br. t pjace. May. I hon aga'bi'tell� 11 ,,,p ar d" entedo -to this -Wit ninto 1"f1at,tho 6thei'day. I lle&j7d, �6 el!Vt r�6ed of Blaiielle, ags bli%d6 df'steel in or or.to eras 0 8 b6ilel!) hi�-­was aiiolitted: dr.9wri sigb She could'not I 61p. seeing. he ty an-.sI16ve g.';t t' Y" L'06d t id,,sad ba, pii t an4,uUit4.natioiiJh grat(3-- 7oo,15.6n'd ea' some todii-years igo, tha tar.L I With on tho'll . riesthoosl..�`! Vuriiig..6brid difficulties'lYi the Way of, arv­i 'tat onr,s rong thsa.�adjollllllg. v, ILhiladelphia sa was good epaiture,�but;, 66 far: �S-',sfie 'herself' :WO fni,iov� lid,fidthfulness, always rekAy'f6i, SthoO di ma have, slept in W tru woodeft.tMP, jot 61 the Lion I Ao6ks with. oy U cc' _:.NY rucli for driikh wn, so or mon is gan AlOt.- Lady DaghdOUl Jilot�- bpef.- allO-WOre, ki, r1c f tie `pdaco, aria aW d. say,,,: the WOO ell, the P�Oimedingg it dirge sts:'.iri its -Empekor a�id'Leaaer, :Th'O` If is' : , It appears t1O kd then' 13..Xtp- of whose concorned f Upon, wo L rkhou wi d cow reAli are store clerk, out t f4bs�* I c,cere "'U I 66 ..She tcludt� t o, �ptilar4ltli,ibt -only.t%,$) lioleg for a b6oxpects�dto him .�fie,, preserver 0ap wl;Ls�ljo ;P( But lie ing 06&S bl' at Oil L o cong0ilt to, the cow -110 �P.q slits the: tluit-.g�sos thrckj le 1. � I , . . . I � 4 11 �illftijioilk.set. igii1thdr: gills. W,JI Upon , 1111,' tile;] Aho d6n@UsicIn" f' t b injolniglit Erish by a,,f0w,' Wite " -fl. 1119 Y, fuhless'.may ferfed �'6 his, English' inlakict will' be S6�tca, a t,OL,be, inonythe cOr V111W Ai -ell ion hisiback tigitin'st-, aln''upright post fixq & two loi:dles, liviiig ascertairidd that ftip&on�� refjjying,'�-e ra' Stej�U. aria Oil wit 'allowdd hilli, to,'entc i;6rrib1&-Afdck th6ir Gelpi�." ka.06 . cifitos; an ini eoll'&j'� the eii a' Suftj fllo'96iiffold. 4 -e runxislled'�-j The sinhe' WPuld;; !Iy cly looked the' I X.111 tile lat 'Uh rall ill �T 'd Son have SeeliLgoen',broll, nlc( d: periefice better .Ili 1ONg f'od 5gissed, through t, ie pos -.Is, litcraiUre,:-a1i4.'b than al as sooi IL RS'QlO ag S r6jp6isoneda, r -o U Xe -h -e cq-, Ii Ra filAt.6ned'i lit Iiis caught t�t be(A.roon' �r6parcsd for, a endlifqd. p yell6w, bag' hall as 1, s - nerves were. on tile sldft,' 'to see. Such- Illoilipy tillial hpistol before the Lqy D turn -lily ba�k- ives a Tliese- IiZttei� "days Vileye especially f J110L, re , 171 air,. h old,bui §tke'l colla to -although sbe"poo 14, I" oohea, tile aff Oi�itea -n%60hlfort4bly� w !dusi to qrmyi, they c msr� to �(, 11 .6ft uses, tic W :110 b L ed "JIle. -the da � d d is Lbly c -u t: a'lid tightcn� andat tinie forc4h the and - she flit: - Out lie stjtirs-or'a i�uch move rue was sconsi Is i gerit'aplan -mr, f i f, e BY' aiffi "Oensiral VOil" thd.&de:g:ns1 lie, On 't r 'polutof.a �gthrst the f b AS. ilia. aftcrw�rd. ad are quid titke R fa 4 t 01 Crown' rince i The edrsci�ped esair 0 which'it ; fat poisoll, 11 bolo:( ay p I q fill �by th61i0tel L beeame'qn'4i"tII6 (106iS Cases! MOIbksi;'i6WildnJL'IId.spdkb ill' 611 eariiii8i t,6:a�y-,,but .11' to low irl i'o l ­ I .. - 1i , . ()lie n ft Sa.,L 'an :thing to: irle, SC loved to,:,,bangj, and'tlisS last, gdtiip Of c6rivdrsati�'ii king hirn - or ejoy as, h' goerviiie' si.- enpe LadY, Dag silt . bol�ed to Province 'smys, Mat 11101 1j;,gretens: Ing w -ek so to rootd, 16i sol1k time, began the' otheX � -6ff JIS �JN*iiilljpeg alidjt� .o icers pres I 1 100k. , badl s ab as letinj diatInd VIeW. I 0. xT cainti y; tbo. 26th U for Sri NV fribin tbd Storn brilliant y 'b'. .,Ab6ilt a yar4 &Om IS gaily dcc4d, Wi'th: flo'W of, wilich Rar V beeii corriplet f ot iii icho "he, iabl� Placed thq�,wholp cit vicini sleigbilig e restbrs�id. i6, eoinghrientAL .1 las not ye -a tile �batiwl tion, 0 of a* sintill -big the. coqua oaci - -TI iho rat at The -its 'tllc tA n lid of. tho iii ill.e., CAt open, lilit"d ills: try her -biat 911�' Mod jiletc.iii- a, ed, 13� , 'The tell 3t as, sI; � ' Me, hIs 6hC6 the th6; b It. JbIl , tPen ).cars :L , man. l(Qt NY' 8 al.'', -1 n, ragg, n' 69P Wa g�i .41., por� 6d o6i -`Of loolulig,g Ass oh et a, were 'iffoil sitcame, (lid ve of.the Q -TliL re d lcr� (I to look (,',,Vpl g Ire 1* XS tile a'I i I the one t1litt I� dr6lied Ylit I Se !y ali& than; grolilld�%i * at NvoAfem'. VaR f.oi : ies noit" iilis"Ii JrIc(j ovdr,*bcdg ta 'h iWAgbV it on� n'Ited-to,a)OU eoil 'I et g*' broke the til4t of wiliell aln6ul d,-!. - , � - I , Jjodids., is gell, ra W are �fts bu­ 11111'Li( llikbt Wrs tiIN0, 3500;Q00 bilsliels, t V�ari oo ., all ab'011't "' " . ''tile -ralway It, liot OV& Boo oiniiboh at heag I Nit ,puray t id .01 r 't6 lit anot 0 C611 Tile ti t 010W otof tolt long. a9d 11: th (to 'I ill,' � jtjs�lp 4d it V It! slow�L, llit, be P�, you I 'Ia T CoJJd 01 it, botb Liti'li, go 14 lQrc i to t, St ? ) , - 1. t I L . . �i I : I , 66411 eotore it y !0, forgot tIllit, volt wei it (4 0, C44.0()J) J;IJs% 11110) Orr, t i( ill� t 0 W- qM (1, t A. a04 009 till' r100"00 a8(oti� 0 o. (.ilio 117, 1 4itf)fil foj4 of $I(). �00 y tp. W L, ­' L 0 e "* u. of V a-10 x 0 L e y be s. d sip. icl to b W. L pa ng -th al t 019 i t in in ni n 9 h tt t y g�t An I go sd A w Ir o v