The Sentinel, 1885-02-06, Page 7e •
Bavaltik. has. passed tel lawleibidding the
-marriege of rept.who have reoeittett
. public charity within three years, 'who
have not psid their teal, or who by ISOSOD-
- ot Vi0101.11 habits, lazipeer or are
likely: to make, home- wretched. -Snob a
•statute hare would out -off the :hops of
many a young fellow in the heyday of
cigarettes and oaramels.
M. Gzo. OtlaTie suggests as. to
" WOMan4 rights" Oa "there is one right
. .
ot woman ;-•whioh. the most -unreasonable
conservatism will not deny, and that is the
right of, earning her own liviog by her own
industry and skill." This is apncot of the
: women' d exhibitat Now atleaos, which,he
disoussei- in the forthcoming . February:.
.9 -Harper -It."
Da. Ectoslt 'report of, hit disci:veriest- in
tni'greceries ot New York lightens up -the
ways that!ites dark in that line of trade.
lletound that COMIXIOD- Rio coffee is . put
through a- . process of manipulation and
poisoning- whith transforms it into any
desired variety! Tee, &Impinge and willow
Icaesnlinder treatment ooine forth "the
bests imported" Mustard_ is adulterated
with tumeric and buckwheat Middlings.,
when there is any mustard_ in the *Aimee.
Pepper contains:- the"-tumeria and buck-
wheat with condemned sea.biseuita. Lead
and its ciompoundli are found Ip :almbst;
every artiOle of prepaecirook while :topper
andarsenio sick -tiocittent use.
Titian are some interesting facts. for
litio use of petroleum speculators. 'A' Ger-
rain savant, Dr. Bielby name; has. made a
for Riga, Libau and Ken -khaki _wheA Liver-
poot is for Shis.oentinent,-
Tait. London eorresPondenlof tho /bee-.
-pool ifireury, referring:to: -the Aneident
Mentioned. by Canon .Liddon in a riiient
sermon Of; Sir:Robert :Peel leaving stable
'fit which: the Ohristian religion Wes reviled,
layi "The inoident oceuered- at thelable
of a eon of a.peer, now •hitaielf a -.Member
of the. Rouse; of 'Loam There watAkyoung-
men present:Whose ribaldry ..reiehed.
height-whioh_ nowadays would not. -fee an
instant. be tolerated undelany respeotible.
root._ Sir Robert rope and lett the -room.
;/10 did not ring the bill and mill his carriage,
for it Wite too early in the everlog for his
carriage to be there he left the room. 'His
-host, rising and following him into the hall;
asked WM it he were 111. "No," replied Sit
Robert; -",but I oannet sit any' longer . and
hoer that young Mamie Conversation."'
"Come baok and 1 will step him," said the*
hest. Robert decidedly.
oatoot sitin an atihosphete polluted by.
that youtig_mAn'e. .-piesenoe."-1.. -And he . de.
parted in an ordiaary cab.: ,Though -the!:
young mail. -wasa rising poi:Wotan- on s the
Conservative ; side,' . though.- he had -many
parts .and • attained'great weigbt,_ ,Pest
never.asseciated;bim. in:anypt his govern
meats. His negleot made: a.litter_enenit
of bim, and he,w-as plreued.,byhim to the
end of. histaye. .Tiitit young mao mut Mr.
study of -the pettolenm question in Russia,
and. has been looming and -Writing in
Aaron on the sithject. It appear:thorn his
ittatements that while Ruieht has only 115
Wells against Some WOO 'Arneriean welia
the *verge produot of a-Oaucasian well is
sixteen times aalarae as that of an
• cart well. The Caucasian bedi are laid. !Lo-
be absolutely inezhauetible, and to bive
also the advantage' over . the Pennsylvania
-beds of being disposocl in horizontal layers.
In 1872 the Cauoaslan welle I:Coda:tad -but
30,000 tons of oil; 1882 the yield reached
'1,000,000 tciwt. - -
. -•
Slialsecee Closet peed -Landed
Mina hi, aa' lianas Amylase -7.71S aeon
et' mite Essays.'" -
To the Editor of the:Milwaukee
heti_ reed*. good manistoties-of
late concerning the oonfinement Of • .me,
parson" in lunitio asylne.' and .am
AneretirprOtepted•-to relate:1a hit of per-
sonal experience. .• -
Iu the year 1855, While tires:. levying the •
Methodist --Episcopal. lOhnrch- A New
Etiglend town, ea .neighbeeeliense took fire.-
•In- common- with 'others,- I .atOod on .the
verge ottbe red, passing :bucket* of water,
ezpoled-.-to- intense heat on ons Bide. and
treeziog Winds .the Other.-.. took .*
fearful PO .1 weity;,five years • it
worked. _haled inAny: phyeloal and. , mental
Itystetels.. •Noverthelees, I :eontinued in
.1ply -Ministerial duties.. - I preached. many
' serthoo - when - • :inflating- - intense
agony-. At Certain peeled% however, -I
would be •comparatively- . and -then
:again; my bed get. heavy, my -
:breathing litheredl, my appetite .fiekle. : I
would lose .intereet in lite; feel :Sleepy' at "and .wakel'il at Midnight -My
heart ocoaltionally, gave me great coneerna.
.Not knowing to . the ocintrary, r attributed •
thii ill- teelieg ito malaria. But eVentually
,nientat ;strength laded away, anal- Was
utterly prostrated.'I-wascaliterizekouppeti,
:blistered, and treated -by. many. phyideittne
in. diany different Ways. .•
• Myi.ease was a puzzle as inUeli to my
pliyeicliatis este mysetf.-:. Por one of -them
at first.' _peedoribed for delirium teen:tens;
and yet 71.. never lit& tasted Anterioating
liquors... Another Paid -1- had braiirditieedif.
another sphiat difficulty, :another nerveus.,
prostration,- heart:otos:tie; eto. •
-..lity Mind .eventually gene. 'maw- and in
.1882 Innis oopuoitil in the Brattleboro,
:Insane Aeylutti foe Mx months. • •Vi'litin - I
knew where I was -I demended- instant
release. --•• I then Wide I visit to _ Qeeanie,-
N. J.; but I had-re-cokned- ton'tnuoh: on !ny that I have insulted hini ; was
Txx oontietittsy as to-kespinglive planta
szoom atnfght continuo to she ,oarried
odwith vigor -and pertmony, altliongh mast
people have probatO 'Opposed that it WM
long sin -Os -set at rept. . As a Imedioal. -con.
• fermate recentiy.:_hold in - Prance it was
demonstrated to tie satiefaition of all the'
savant' there. preseht that plants, as lops
as thiy- are Omits - only, may -safely, and
• even with advautale. be 6th:hitt:id -to. the
11401/01 from which they..have often
been exiled. Thesa.prelty Ornaments, awe
learned writer now- :dealers"- "far.from
;being hurtful,are. bigefloial, iinasinudh- as
. they exhale tosrtan amount of. ozone-ind
vapor, whit% maidein a. healthy -dampness
in the air, add; becidet that, are -destruct-.
• tivti. of the -miorotze which promote --0011-
-iteiD11404 tindenolosin. human being!. ,_
is only flowers,. ancl. not the plants Which
' tsar them, that do the 'Outage. "Ferns art
- innocuous.; roses cand sunflowers are per-
• talons, at .1mot while they ars in bloom."
Intmerrovizotts nide by Prof.. Williams.
,ithoW that, al ales, -Aineritien 'asbestos Is
-inIsrlor in textile quality, being more brit •
tie and hearth • fin Abr., as well al shorter
Chin the -fareign„ and Is therefore- not so
Benjamin Disraeli.- - °
iirMisstry=salsik L4stysts.
The - ranisbm' out .entlioeeir on -she Mow
• -deter at iLdY.. •
Thirty-nine lashes and- the signing of an
affidavit that lie -was a inalidieuti liar lithe
-penalty whioh G. W. Murphy, of AMOti011e,
Gas, hu put pia for manderous sramarka
concerning a -keipeotable -Indy. On Janu.::
ary Murphy told * elanderOus tale to
Revere -au oompanionst whicb` was subs&
quoits:imaged-to the friende.of the. lady
whose reputation: was at stake: • They
prouiptly held: a counoll of War and de-.
oided to hold Murphy to_ecliount, - He wits
Arab taken to the °Mot of Perk Pillsbury,af tho Superior Court, where he gazed
his signature to a oard stating that what he
lied said Wee " eitue and Malioimis
hood." He *as then taken. to a :secluded
spot,. where, his ehoulders being_ stripped,
tiavibide- Was. need to. snob effect as to
debit -yells Of- pin from the wretch. When
`.fitteen lashes -. had been administered he
begged and pleaded for remission -,.of the
balanoet.but was not until the:entire.
thirty;nitte :had been given that he was
turned loose with the ad-o2onition-to get out
'of the way. IThe - parties -alleged .,to hive
administeeed the obastisentent are very
spOretiv_e, but ons. of thud was heard- to
say exultingly "Bion --Cohn did the•
oowhiding like a. vatieran:"--ilif. ImOi. Globe.
Deitocrat: . ' ' •
&AMATO. stroitansit soot A1141111LL
saseiressliug liteusialeeesiiii et limps
: -. -- . - • ' overseall. - .:. r: - i _,
Morgan O'Connell (son ot Daniel O'Con-
nell,- the'great Irish - agitator), whosedeath
was recorded -by gable die -Olney day, was a
fire.eater in -the days of his hob youth His
-father was Oonstantlf waging war. "Oast
-the .Saxons, and -Morgan, was hie- trusty
lieutenant. • Thin:, - when .the Liberator
denttioced Lord. Alianley as a ." bleated
buffo -Ohl"- and ot eeoeiving a ohidlengelrom
the insulted nobleman, .declinerit on con-
icientioue eoreples. Morgan itepped in. He
-declared that be bad iio- soruples, contwien.
liens Or -'otheewise, and: was quite at the
eervice of Lord Alianlay. -A hostiilyneet-
ingtoek place. They exohangod three ehots
mill, No one was hurt, and Lard Alvenley.
left the field. The next to inenr the enmity
ot.Daniel _O'Connell was a ring; :irepetty-
Qui min named Benjamin - Disraeli,
at 'fililt .. Ulna -unknoWn- to *fame. In
these days --Disraeli : bad - net - deoided.
upeii --ei: political party. - -He had: been
rejeoted by the..Radiciale, although pro-
gramme was quite revolutionary. _ When
he _BOUght their :Suffrages he Went" before proporZion o the emu of . t
them flourishing -6 letter of r000mmenai- sprimcLand fatal'of diseisses-*tasumptine.
don from Daniel . O'Connell. Mter KIR
ba*s Weir inception in hasilltearrh. Ds. *
rejeotion he ohange.d his front. ;Oiling the : Sage'. Oatireh Remedy id plpetlota No**
Tinto, heendeavored to Conciliate thein by • lug :sod dhow. Try I* . xti has roma
:ainnItteketonix.: t;6h:r IiTaibuenrtaotzta-htedeeoprocluinfigaleyet ; . i„ . ....1....46_,..
thous:Ode.- All druggists. .14 - ft
_, p..4 . .
O'Connell with :great 'vigor. 60 tereeityl Theta are ibirty.twa mi -,501 rilarataa
'O'Connell wars- surprised` at .the attical4
*hi& he thou& waerather .an negenerou6 ratline it New Yo.........._1ekliitY. ,i., ti -
_ 4 p.
return' ,•for -hie letter .-of . reoonimouctationi.
•Loss- of povier,Ii either sex, .
'Amordingly he took-. an early •opportunity howeY4 induced, speedily, tilokaughly tod
Of -replying to:Disraeli. In the • twUree. o terinagiently -cured. - Add** with three
his remarks he alluded to Mei as " the -heir • ether Otampeler reply .anc11,!-#)k ot - articii. -
at,law of the blasphemous thief who die Auoa
uponsthe cross:" •Disraeli oballenged'.Daniel ulms, World'e Dispeimary Itientoal
oyconneno. but was simply iatigoa at to ationii;1,68. Main p.i..s.......,...„treet, 'Euffiiii,b1. 7,: - -
O'Connell to-, do his Is vioariou0 dtOlY 10 . Geo. -.Grant's 016100ira '4441 to, :inekgds.
. hie pine. ' He neat °ailed Upon • Morgan . 221
hie shrinking •iire,” -.lading his I. lettr rasimaitn..6hiacerna°baulligathe..°11°.1V..136171,6114 wag* .
thus: "Now, sir; it - is hiy. hope voltimo will be -finished; wit ,IWitlte: ,00ming.
three :Months.
welt adapted to tinci mitnutaoldare. of stnitt or
wo*.en goods; it is Jiteatik-ho.wrier., _that
the' gnality• of the Anierician esbestos le being almost constantly
_boucle-. There. appears to be- but -littlo.
difference- between this and the: foreign -in
: point- ot firer:roe qualities,. though. some
nianufew_turert mod -.that- es a general
thiolk•tho -Amerloan article- will stand a
-higher...Algae of heat ;.- -it is also better
adapted, for making. iirespobt, oeinents and
painok_for which ptirpoie: it le generally
uslid: long orfibre, being 'unessential.
, The „Canadian- id .said = to be . the. best for
• genereuse. The Italian is the Atiest
for Itiatila purposes, on :mount
et itsligher pica it cannot ccrapete with
either' the, Canadian. or the Alterman- plater.
tali IMO exceptionally:no epealmens being
-et veryligit cost.. .
• A Ks* nit,fOr the frog his been. - &cm.
. 211an
. -Genic- Kindly send inc • peke et
POTSIAlle0 gPaimuoit Coax -Irk s. 1 .
aye tried' it and found it L.:4 'Amicable
tiatheinnidttrd-Ysti b'ilriu0OI tailditelailseavrswertili:1:92th.reatiot. Iliii4e:1113;:bhattistvg si. pfilli: .,
sell it.- , ' .,
_ . Tenn trait; ,
I... -g -__A
Ulm otily Putnam's . ramie , tOorn.-assei
treater,- -- IC.- O. Pelson a OA 3ingeteol.
The higbe.atiPriced pew in C7itt4t3 °harsh
Ne* Y6040660 the owner •8 (;014i • ;
"Nip's ahc Bsti,
Sad ft: say, many a gooE, t14-i.-.2.00ttaine es
nothing more. than a fair -bC•14,-...Algoll. Oa • ,
the oth(); baud it ia a matter
lation that the growth_ Of BO
may bo empty frustrap
• congest*.
.,.:JvU timings -
A. largo
ost wide. -
strength. -,-:r again loat my reason- for a.
considerable pariod. • . s -
That I -who'll.) ".-ts desperate' conditionla-
evident. My- blood had ,•_beconie infeete4
. With virus, whioh infismed,- my' brain
.tieolteionallyl: and doomed to an...early
-death forpo-physioian'gave me any _hope
,Or. -it ours. 1 fioallyfound ottt what my real
-disorder -wee; and -undertook my Owns teitaV.
ment. In *few months I- was: .raiitored to
sot& a Mete of health_ as: I . never eipeoted
to enjoy. That weatOyer three- years. •ago,
.and my Phylioalrind • Mental- 11*th have
remaieed intact tothil day. - - •
Last MeirOli 1 :lame welt, and edgaged- in -
garden 'fanning. :In -all...that time L -have
not lout -a., daei.Worit-;, hate -aPpitently
enjoyed' the most-- vigorous. • health .an - I
expeot tolive the full term.r.Of life... Thi
ramedt: I tiled was rWarner's •Sele.Oure.
and 111-.::ehould, live a thoheand yearp,
ehoultievir ties of- telling °lite praises.
• You will:with:se with as, Mr. -Editor,
'that snob .1 change Is remarkable. And you
will; alse,,Z 6.M :ogre,. agree With Ote,-. When
I pay that whatever oreated-sueb a-mints1
and. phyla:NO. .reitokitton 1. dieertiing the
.highelt praise. *.
Very Wilt yours, .
- :Rxv. E. D. Harems. --
Dodge's 0Oiners,_- .
:There are . undottbtedlY thousands Whit
Ileoul M. 11.91:114:11' reeital. will appeal. with
an eipriehoesimilar to the *bevel .to
, - - .
A Laughiasii. rime :
, This is net a dower thatlanghs, but One
that oreatelleatighter, Utile printed stories
of travellers are to: be believe& It -•groviii
in Arabia, and ii dialed the laughing plant,
bioaussits seeds piciduee effects like _thole
produced•by latighing gas. The flowers ars
of-abright yellow and the isid.pOds . are
soft and woolly, while the =seeds tolerable
beitni, and only. tvio *or three
grow in avoct. The natives dry- and. pul-
verniethent, and the powder, if taken in,
small -doses, makes the eoberest potion
behave like a drone clown or a madtaaaa
ter :he will dance, sieg' and ilaugh. Most
boisterously-06nd: cot the' most fantastic
:tapers, and be in in nproariouely ridionlous
oonditioiv ter about an hoar. Milian the
excitement oases the esheuited ezhibitor
of these antioe falls asleep, and •wheti :ills
hWakei he has nob the elightest
brae*e of his frialty
•- iereitmedleig corriepondent OftheLon-
don. VoriCet says that finding the treatment
_ .
Of grimiilating woUnds by skin gist:dusts in
eountry practioc liable -la lea jute diausau
through :the ullwillingneis ot, pada:DU:to
• part with the little bite! eltio-necessarY;te
has. lately_been inducted to try experiments"
with other sub:Anne as a substitute for
r human graft As the outooms • of theme
elpedinentili he finds that blte of 'kin: from
decia_pitated fog -make grofte whiola ad
mire* ansWere all porpoise," forming' et
source -of supply --alwaye at hand in the
ootuttry,:eznept duriag the Winter moiitlis,
• and being easily atplied On amount ottheir
unitermity in Cannes& and neosesitating
•• nopain to lufforing humanity.. --The 'skin.
of a single. frog' yields •grafts for an snor.
• moutiztent ot outfit*, and,preservee its
• vitality so lOna that, if the patient is lilt -a
• distance., thir portion_ of skin 'regale -id eau
'be carried by the -surgeon. in.his pooket for
an hone or mere without iojary, provided it
is wrapped- it csMerproottiesue to -prevent
drying, _
.0464. iPecelDtors,Whe are in the habitof
-. -*tug sudrn Goy -Tongue...
Two Polish oorsligionlits Were 011-ajour•
ney on a hot itimmerdiy. of. Have you
anything , with you, Matthias ?" Yes,
bottle: of Efungarian, wine.;, _What have you
:got, Tiloff "Adry tongue." : TIS good,
Then we. will divide' . our 'provisions."
"Very good, Begin." Msttbiae pod:load-a
bottle ot wine from .hie wallet, and its-tiena
tints were honorably -divided. -.After this
°had been done Matthias wiping-hii -Mouth,.
asked his fellowteaviller. to brineout his.
:provide:tea" l?"-IneWered 1 Why,yer,
:your dry tongue." "I havitil got one
. now I"- Wits -the reply.-Aebremietwsal.
my intention to do so, and I fervently pray
that you or ionie one' of his- -.-Igood may
eattiempt to ..avenge the -inextinguishable
hatred with which shall pnreue-hii .eziet-
ones:" - • _ s _
Morgan-70'001mA :toting *under the
itdvioe of his father,. eetneed. to. fle.4t Did.;
raeii ,But he wrote satirieel:lampeenin-
one.of the soludelens -journals ;of- the, day.
In it. Mn. Disraeli was -repreiented 'as a
bloodthtrsty mieoreant whose :ory Was.: .
Is nobody.coming to :fight mo?
- - Will no one step torws,rd-to light the?
They WIZ and they hoot •.; 1.
But there,s no one to shoot
• When in armor of Judah I dight: me! --
After Daniel O'Ctinnell'e death his ,eon
Mogan led a quieter life. His _.Puraniti•
were tiOt of the sort to bring hien before the
publio, and he relapeed into a: quiet,' esti-
-Diable gentleman, Whe.desired. tepee after
the tronblous Passages of his eir0- -career.
pe suasive fortis..• I -
The Oraposed-ineitatartai to kw
:der 111.. af cotIsnd. J,
- The approach Of the sill& Cent- ry of• this
'good kiog i death, an event whit* happened
in • a remarkable way, euddenlydosing
prosperous reign, and ten:thing the nation
deeply,- has 'once inore awakened:. a dieire
to erecta:memorial pitone-betwien Burntie-
landand •Kinghorni On the -spot where rthe
King was The :wedge likepisee:-Of
rook, -beside . the sea - Where the ' 'King lay
stiff beneath :This steed, hi -still well-
defided, and is' literally...prciteeted: by the
bas long and tinaoionsly citing
the-:stons as if it were an emblem - of. the.
.effsetion- With . *Mob_ Zing Alezenderfe
teemory.reheilid -rite obsniahsd.- :k 'tent
°rose at one. time ...marked,: the ..icene -of
;the 60-Oldent, either at this 'Plaoe or on -the.
'oliff above. :where . -,-the - horse it:tumbled.;
but itr: has :Wig :since: • disappeared. -_-"The'
proposat-. to -replan:1 it by .6 .iubstantial
monUmeet 'Was adtoolatid ;itt m:meethig
held at -Banntisland about 'fifteenyears
ago, when -a litornialittee was .formed; -•but-
owiortiothe death .of the •-pinoip61- pro.
diotsto ot 010 toOv:Olnent it Was allowed -to
-drop. - It 1' now sought to be
member albs: Original :committee, Di.
Alden* Laing, of Newburgh-, who has
dons much tO' oorentemorate „the 'interest-
lug- histeriell his own toeelity, and
Wbo.haitalready izilleeted . a 1 ew subterip-
tionttewarde the-inemoriel. .A'sriteall sum
lot thiepOrpose also lies at thi 'bank . at
`BOrntistand, and it : tonteMPlated
Make these .the nutleus ofa fund to provide
a fittingmemorialto-Which litietsinen- Will'
be invited to:contribute.' .101126y . be
tionekas an Judi:Aden of the_hatuee of the.
meniorial 01004- at, that a:design wu
,1112b1Mittikd to the 015 coronlittes 'hewing a
.0eitie- -Woes retied .over a rtistio. oohs
Anether ide.Witirto rain a h ge':='oairn
over the 'pit, the large: Monis rof,.-Whieb- polished ofi-the face .te receive.
War Vier Wore' leris at Ike Balk • •
Before the bitilFiret WOUld•be: Society
goleg to the :ball?" •
• -Second W. 13. eipeot to."
. Pi tot W. B 5 111:; --is I Very limy, I wanted.
to-borrOW your deals MAL". -
..fileoand-W;13, M.-" Olityett are going,
are "on?" • •
rtret•W. /1.11;M:-4...11 Why, oettlainly."
Scoond W. 4._ Bought your
tioket?" - •;
First.% 13..11..M.-," Tel."
,Betiond W. B. 01. -11/04-" Very ' sorry,-
-wanted to go and IVagoing Woe* you to
lend inc- 310'.1! • • • - • -
Di.. 'Holmesban-rendered the 'mgele Of
'the village choir into Words: 'Her says that
" three- hymns ••toore or len- lugubrious"
.Were."reudered by a villageehoir, got_ into
;volol by ,-nielnY preliminary station: and
°thee -,ezPiatory. efforts itiod-aeconipanitit
by theiitort of 6 huge .base.viet width Wel-
lowed.' through-2111er; ttuie like: : a - hippo
- -
. : _
. . . • .
1 -Mary Audi:Non is taking liSsOne on the
Violin,. More ettings ttt Kayla bow, eh ?
• • _
liaduot 001 010r the -Dlatien.
. ".Yett'es "'pretty Man, you are."..
"Who's smatter, :MAW? - .
/ Abet you aihamed to,00me hoots resl
Ing drunk?" : - J-
o W1,1:- Mask Me,: midair, d'yott ;think
.rm -dr(hit4unk-?-11.- : „!:
"01 course -you're drank, you bruts
You can't walk a step- without. -reelig
evee the teem." : -
Tha'a the M'iliar...but idn't,drtink
%Nies I been _idetvii • 'to - the roller skating
rink, mlearrantl.lin't got over the: mollien
Yet. -Tjaa's _ "- '
watoblugtouly its tlaok Sea reports of the
move:abuts of -41,111Bian grata oughtto look
.digection, From heti recently
. , .
pntillthed by the Journal do St. riftersbourg
v tt appears that ths developmeot Of rail:
roadsinRosa has completely changed
-the grain shipping question in that eon:atty. ,
Len than twouty years- ago over 85 per
-*cont, of the total yearly Russian :grab
ozports were shipped from Odelse. To -day -
that port supplies only about17 per ceut,,the
- diftereifoo-having been gained by the Baltio
ports. -Taganuog has suffered still motet
Bat * few yout agoit woiked a =district
- with a radius of over; two hundredmilei. that mita:its redtiosit to some iiity
mita, tho rest being diYeited. by rail to
There is a papermill now running in
Delaware couutyi'i Penneylvania, which
dianufactured.the: United Stelae ourreney
of more than a hit:oared.: years :ago, --and
afterward- furnished the greenbaoks that'
supplied_ the Mimi of War for the • more
rceogt coniliot. 01 cOnree,- improvements
In maohipery were added. f COM ti1120 to
th120i U1161*0
.000, revoln--
tionised. Upin the lof 6 of. this old- bad.,
leg had aootmulateds dining this -4century
a huge:variety-of-waste paper, and this cob
lootien was reeelitly .1614 as refuseand
moms ot this had found its :Wity to -the
-the:northern ports.- Thus.- when Chin°
- The Japanese are ifery_Preolie and tier -
roots as 6- ride._ in their. -proinunolation of
-Beath, as they learn -mere. Or leis liks
parrots.- One day. a manifweni
nig* telegraph aloe *this message to be
lent: to Osaka.- The.politegap teek iffrom
'glut-looked blandly over and theit.eild
41 Xoti-4annot-send-a;thie inessitgeto-
44,12 1.4 Why 41' .",The-=.gentIenian; -mho
-takes °huge -- the telegraph•
ciffice-is-drunk."' -" Indeed -Is he often
talon :like _that?"
.quently-4ruuk.',' "Well, tv.hat min I to
-"1!--will -4eave!:-IyoUr
when-hS-IIt-IOb r.1' -
._ ... . .. - .
. . .
. . • *44' *.:4 .* • .*: * * . • -:-F •- il. • 41-
4 • • • . : • If
O * it. . * . 0 0 • 0 - I
It • ',. -., . - . 4..*
* • o. ' ' '' • s - • • • *.> ,.
ar - „ I , / 0 v;;v • I
• - , , - . .:.v: • -
•• .7.- sY , A v : ,
* .
' *
A.:.--)Priaterts Error.
. Street Are the rises of .:.-eiltierrity, the
printees-copy said, bathe set it up, sweet
are Nis Dees of advertisidg. Sweets indeed;
tothoiie who in: libitum' and sufferingliave
.teen the advertisement of some eoversign
reniedy, whioli upon trial has -brought them
from death's door. "-The best thing l'ever
ita* alY.papee was the' ailvertilment 'of
Dr. Pierce's I.Gbiden Mediaal Dimoverr
1. again andagainthe tietiniony of those
•Whe have been healed by 1* otlung- dip:ease,'
bronchial ifitiotioni,. tumors; ;ulcers, liver
oomPleints and -the ills' to which flesh is
. .
There are 0,000. wiempleyed
Buffalo: - '
WOW(' the Wee
Why eufferia single . monient,- vihen_ iron
-ezternil pain by the use of Pollen's Neve; .*
Linz, the greet pain curs? has w
never. etiown. torah:. Try.a.10 oat sample
bottle. - Yon will And it- -just _ es_rectom-
mended. -1-Neuralgia,-- toothaehei6.:oramps,
'headacikeland all similar oomplainto tdisap.
pear se by magio when Neevilliie is used.
Large bottlei 25 °ante.' Test bottles 10
Centel it druggists- and °Gunter dealsta.
Oan et immediate relief -froth interns or
[1.. DIA Es PI HAM'
* * is A. POsmic 1 tit 4:*
:For; of these P01nfo4 mplaints
*.:4ticr7eakneseee. la eamispi*1 Our bees
IwILL atm Maim:Lire YORK
mazirp: CoxrLantra, ALL OV444XF .11101711.1114
atzsrai alumni oONSpOlitiT SPINAL
cittwitil or lArs. .10 p 4 * • 4
44 19 WILL DISIOLTI AND ItItlet. riltraora Yaw
theontie 111 AN WALT STAGDO131=TZLOPX1124%
TZtONNOT TO CANoznous wasasts
Beams- Pertirucei3Oramor,
.4 FSMALE PotrA449.
Dr)*Aanort. Orb brinossno
tut rEsmiroor Bientrst
stiitiquery: departnient of r a .prominent
,Corner.maken begin . .Vhiladelphia Arm-, -and., is now. being used
_fuss about tut decrease of *Black .111u. 40;-feielliouabic .
exports, elripre -as Well as •eisioulators Needy- two thotlend
-Photographs of Prism Henry of Batten.
berg ire being:sold in London by the tens
of thoueands. The Prince, by the ways
will be Made a Knight of the garter on his
wedding -day. -
- should 'Audi Palo r•Poini Ps is, hullo and opi m---kirs--irire ,rn.ati�In Bin
Union, TilEY are uiumfly (Pit. truit. Prandsco- last year. aid paid $117,000 .in
worib.Y. London -being .
- grata trade . taw
_ -
• --
'Aiiy lady who dedireeforther infer,
tion than eon be :Oen-.02 the- limitedpu lio specie of . iiewepaper, oolnoina:. can
obtain Mra.,LY.dia B. Pinitham's pamphlet:
"4iiiile_to Health" by'sending itstautp----to
Lynn, Mess. - : . •
. .
Doubt. .
A' young Mau was for seVeral your On
the: 'meet intimate terms- With an old . but
veririch widow. . _ ". :‘•
. TWO Mensate to teal &bent the.-oottplea
Baid-ona-of them : - .
I hear that the relationthip --betweeo
the -young man and -the widowiare to naive
the Sanotione of the ; .
"Wby don't you talk.plainly," tesPeiided.
the:other. "-Pepin. what you !my 1 oan't.
make out whether the is going ! to adopt -or-
-marry ,him." •. •
JOI BLoarnte,
No •
46;:9ammo P
5 •
• T imrs
„ •
Eat TRI PIMA= STOTZws..1, •W • •
Amin* OP DDYNASH ANDTEO. fh:t2azie orrinr, We:
T -IT DOZ6 ALL re cuialskir6 -Dot 'rube:sow ser
IDI CAN OLAIH.P. "Tr8T4ritik-ai 4, • 4. 4,1111.
• •
• Pan rmg ctTnl OP -10.0kilt 0011pLAIall
TrINZItuallzzpinaraimins szurm one'r tt3S4i‘INSITSPODAsliDe.
po Piltiland" anor/L0611497:6618ILP Muillitioodft bP14111r6' r.t"..9°ItleePria•BLIIII°t4.230,..desehitget"ILIDT•SP
4,0Side to Reath,,OpemOlet1 fru ia lay •
Iy sendIng damp.? LettAriLVtlipatiallp unaralleilLe
6 familzikho soluterild be witstoehoC;'.tjto..7Dbox.-TAT plovPn+e •
P They on,r6 Smsouai
. Educated *tie:
jonei-:-Z tell you what fills there'll !loth%
Smith'..: -1 am a great IdMirer of °till&
wilted women myself, and hope - when I -
marry I will get one.
" Tithe no other, my friend. Take no
other.- You - don't kuovt-. bow
Unpleasantoeiti I have esoSPed 1 on &optima
of my wi(e's a000mpliehinentei."'.
1' do quite eat& your drift." .
"Wall, you see, the Aret time she will -
owned me with a ourtitio lecture I
whispered tn. her -that -the servants might
overhear.: So; ever eines -that she- him
alwitysidne.her soolding Freholi,"-
- "A geed idea- oertainly; but how does
_that relieve you?" - • .
"1 don't tioderstand the latiguage."
.Ainong other .:eadvantages• which King
Tawhiati hisiderived from -his. residence in
Blogland is a- certainfability in the use- of
parlitiMentary 'rhetoric. .Thtui, when on
his arrival at Luskin& New Zealand,
Ina like having -a highlyldueated wife. .
Bunnia -has- thirtiNgight: el. hints' In
tralitilt is *btu qierteis at II apart
The simPleit and 6 mayket. Pries *
, i inn VoiTazao Hoer 01,,i,..of ,Manhall,' MM. ,
Her to send their eelehrnAil firdZOTRO•VOLTALli
iiIiT and.other Briacfrae0 avawascas on MU
Or thirty (layette men oox old) allialied
71th nervOus debility, loirlotivitality and- mak
cod, and all kinfted. titUhl0a Also for rhaV
Attics,' nettralgie, parik1Wo and many other .
issue. Completerest&atois to Wahl% vigor
-Ad manhood suarantesC 410 risk is Marred -
-e thirty days Wel le "Mira. • Write then'
nos for illustrated name:Aintree.
11.i..t•14 0
- • -
'bearing a Ka* tag ; that Lormardi
Rose Leitfinile out that Lorillard%
Navy] Clippings, and 00 PrIliardli zun16,
the bog awl ohoapoit. quaUtfigousIdarodY •
B. G. 8. -
a. Et,.'Leotorer o iziWys, liar and Threat
Trinity Medial]. Case!) r Wotan*. Ocaltit ant
Audit .to the Toronto 0,mM Boobs% late
Clinical Astisiadi Bo itiOndois. Ophthalmia
Hospital, ktoorefasi 'd Comm tiondcn
t and Bar HT Climb alma
100211 Illitgallti011a Of 111111111ehei Waren° arcuate, Artinoisi c„ loss .
by his - declaration theit in Pitigliind 44 he
did not see a single drunkard,'! he timed!.' P,LW,V%)reetwea Burs.
eitely exlained that what hi meant Was
that "Ib. drUnksiMull wall alight in Coin! X
patison with the sobelety-whieh prevailed."