The Sentinel, 1885-01-09, Page 7Chrlatatott 00%
. Villeo this iturryt lit% thiti Alm'
Ati tit4oktottout thor totwiA tc--clv‘y r
.tlytt(iVihRlia- 4. liktfl'V SOWfryi ,
- rivovv yhtivo tt kkOWIltl a paw, •
flootAling, tol‘g, 1410 lOtkiliOV! IlAt.t4Oti
t)ittkilt•A‘IOTO Ali W011 VA lOt •
- liCif tOkt lA01 itocia.Mikktat 0:1.#4 .tA,tt
N..vory 011tlkilM,----.S110. * Mill
• ,rtVoYlttA•IttY_VtillktliROAillkillgk , ,,
tit vt qua', vaNatitxumi% wax t ,
vtiukt mil ootti QV& tillo bo itiolibig,
What ott will 0411,1*110
ateleky moiwitit cOov dig titawlxiva,yi
llotatsloto *little shout ; .
" . hiiii, too, is ill a t*Ilt
WhOrtl tAtia hiclOit AO giggle mit
. .
Ati taw -Willow oliNtivituititit ,
Kvoity uvalutcostora *TA A4,1eX44t ' .
'All.kit Milk tVOt -fici itittioging, yorkogilig,
' Throogh tho latil,wity to tto goal
With. a Wimps§ lot boo oucl paOkst4
Mid o littiolltittio, rustle,
olakoa ttitoh dant skAtioulid tUml tooket---
*Molt a )olly boat% • Ittlo-----,
ho i
That tyotiogdors ti holt Whig plook
II idiot; olowiy mit ot 4 itt, •
Alt ot OlicO•444W- %MOW( (1014'
•- : Alt Id OIOQO ilOntWiloil VITA (t 1%
folo mid *Ai Atom wh*VitilmAtktter,
liksehot tho too (odd& itod to -
'What Ow mow** ot Aim WAWA
WhVi% the beetle etni Alio Val
11(4x thout, holm thorti Iliwtga *OA %Walt% WON
Alt together hettr_thom
ysou,_ • - •
"Witk 00 hove You_ Imo ohm* *oak
Nola tOt ROW it% Ohristoita dityr .
ilso Itettittiloadoa Alain. '
. I. -.
Ole, fair lit at t*QtOtr INACKlytailikt.i}y I
pigged halt coda bo ken, and:boots. in
tint IMMO' condition as thetat. Hui long,
thin lingets.Wete 'Wetted and distotted by.
clittlinatlinit Mid in 0110. Of Mena. hi hold. a.
01404 that . on
60, but it Weei 04114 AN year% %MN no,
WO4bou Botter-tar letter -44 him it
Vie had never livedlo See his -attend you 1,
4ts mutteted his meditationetoliitoselt,
-he sank, exhausted on' the snow‘tiovete&
Mops ot a: litiuse_on Fifth, avenue. woe
weak and ill, --and tired_ ot being tudely
driven tram atea door*. by buy Moan*
*Wile employetir were whit -childteiet
Mill01aulut- Eve pattie'
e and 110104 all
!dude ot-higli tawdry iitlicnot et tibia time
ot ()Why and Peaw Out rang Um
edrl, treek Mini the old, Kerry .hillo, whore
U& e iteangee •& never turned &Way, end
whore the pow can alwaye And iseit,food
. %We, Kew illIeltattstaweVer %nights ter-
Wablelk - parer ilia theitiaelvoil-ihed
given him _*ti1qk1end- bide- ".God kelp
yen, my poor Man," in giving, but he odd
only spend that nickeltoadvatage sheets.
IOU,. %ramp to _Witham Meet; or • the
Bo*Tary, mid he wait wetiltant.
"Illirtetinas Rye. The- tint Olitiattnia
live loan tenientbet woo et home( I -was -
about year% old. Walk a Wes diuwa
sooty a% iy- taglaea that day, and1 wive
deemed in my bleekirtilvit auit, witia. a large_
White collar and Wadi .4herry-aelcieed
bon round my neek, and was Ulm: doWn. to
the diningloola by nay leant wine after
dinner. - Hew goad lihe poor Oa we% tit
mei I HOW. Welt -,I reineinber het %tepee*
% width, Om doer,* give a teat totelto
my hat end the ribbon beim tehelet
go hiThen sat my tather,the very ideal
tit the mien polithed, bespiteble
Ow very Me %Miami et the patio'
'tat Mend% -he loved; te Other Timid: hie.
board-aeated @Alta foot, while. the Milt,.
red4arted butler atoodeolemuly.0 the
board behind hi% -oho". I -oaii see tbe. brit.
Lit lighte,Alie sparkling eta and divert
the . long double hue ef. guest", - and,
Akt the -head (4tie table', my -poor motbott
Splendidin. , her *royal -beauty and
rich these, ptoudly at me as I*
Made my way to het side.
Vs handsome handionie
and I Me* IA4 tOt itia hil.614rot Spat_
, tier voivoty otkeelat ow thq out rose's dyse,
Aoki hor or* kt4 SO• blut Vaal somaimes thialt, •
mar*. -
TheY otoight their brightllue tom the blot at
tho *los -
Wadi the ottgols WOXO Whitt* ha through io
the mortuog,
moo vie- thelieu trove the oeten
Apel beam* to the etveune have * gelatin
ailoataxag.: _
404 4ha acuiLbixds a.wakehQd the w'--oviar tow
vopoo. -
- -
letot red heed, hut think that%
lletmet tom her beauty in any_anes spit k
*Usr kindle is like ennikakles- ilk% auto. nor
prItttle • -
There eeer Vita lieby iva oaneiee
Mr lip* MO OAR -rafaelnicW (Ad-A*4M their raci
eerie* -
Two $liiCkWY:11Attl pearl% Q' revolt -led to the
view, •
tier vatennie cleelare* at15% VA% itriOttitat Ot
• -
The vectheawled beiby whoa eye* ere ao
Thers4--un.o-ipleos..4ike-Hoine: Home
Home- .
The tramp- looked up. A,. mighty' Rob burst
from hi% broaat and %hook hi% feeble tropic
trona -heed lo foot. Ho rabid thi face ouce
inOtt to the Gold moonlight ; .be, elaed
hie , hand% 'he gave. - a get*, short
gasp, and ikon batik on the dap, while
a -thin otinison stleani towed bum hie
Alpo and Stained the Snow. He and hie
ammo hi Potter's Field. •
••• -
81cia VityfOr esoitod roy tortilla's %%lode
fAorwaius awl bawliug with auga or
. tright
now yoot walled ou to bring parogorio • -
.• tootheJia to *Ark+ tha d@ad ot tb,*
Walla z
otkver voks ws,koci tho ould whiter-4*mm •
dog to timt boby radio wsklaiug the . floor
No. over, in-tood, tor * von good roetwoi--7
4ruki (luting lieloug* tho p000lo next claw.
. .
o - •
- .81AltaNtia ii1408K.
• . • ' ,. •
Poop 'Me 'fflao se uremial.•Largest
' Nowepapor
earrifflpondotit. Visiting- the little*.
bonne (Great Ben) paper mill% tells uti
*et the rete Material ot p tier consist% et
'beet, oat% and_Otheratrawe, tha Muse et
%tiger aim, vitiate paper, pine - wood
ewe -Aegean, jute, rage toad other Abeeus
-Loviug the. eterehOuses -we
enteritis min Welt. e. Moist •end
ateatiainilobember AMA Witit grtalA Wien,
NM* revolving, others etatitinary1. but sub.
jetit tlieL Wien withiu ot jet* of atom
*Utah agitete their Outwit% tom bow to
Cachou extent that they -ate knoWit- in the
trade vomitiug . • the raw
Materiel ot paper gees:through- . the Aret
proem . manufacteere. -This eon.
Oita: •ot from -slight. to %webs home
belliug and steareiug, stirring .bot
Lo the greet - Wilms atOrelaid, attir.
whioli it 'ia run dry1 ind baths now partially
disintegrated, and appareling toreething
- very stoesely _metaled tiariaip%
politest, it •is %bevelled doien _theemt
hole in :the door JOG - the next oheinber,
white it. is washed ant Wombed. &ad thou
.weished -.again-, large . vitt by
ilicue _and bintital pr00040. thia
tit ereintredueed auelituaterialeitewhiti
waste paper and, Norwegian Wood pulp,
'whieh, being already. Olean and Kat are
spud the preliteenery boiling, • The next
1. to- ceriabine :the now weielied and
embed and roWitelied pulpit WO a doattia
different vat" hi one huge reeeptacia, 'where
they are Mixed:impattially together by. the'
!evolving ti mitator." Ftout hence , the
pnlp, now at' one imitotta'white odor, and
wally• diluted with added-. weter,- . is
pumped. - to a convenient height, -from
whit% :it iney -; &Attend- -.through Yerious
stvainete ott At' 100.014 Vulgalium
-*here --.. is itC be converted:. trent
liquid • pulp :to said :ppm Let
watch the- groanta Oldt Of• -the giitut
meohinea ou Which paper le- now being
mede to the daily Okrentele;the only new*.
papir in Londou elite eiee whieb 4% petaled
learn. a tett ot piper so broad as to WS -
duce - M. once into - the Machine two.
parallel Copies ot the- papar.. The- pulp.
now about ot the unsisteuoy and color of
milk,-flowti down in a shallow stteam:just
ten tot bo ad on to a slightly .sloping bed,
oeueleting,ot the flueat -possible wire. net.
SO Minutely- La tbia net **do. tliM each
wave Mob of it .(it • to the widtk of the
xeohine, eome 10 teett-and I dere ay tour
tilde% long) contain* 3,600- Separate
bo1e 01' Goatee, eit -the milky stream
patave along its, ..moviug eurfeee (the net la
endless, and revolving . at a spud ot *bout
200 feet .- per . ininUtei the *Met
by tstagreea etas through- the_ boles:.
the etreem geaduelly denser.
it - . advendes. The natieral force
et grevitetion the - water., is.:
further ayiieted by * iteriec :notion
boxes, after pooh* over . *Mali the pulp:
begins to he left cemparetively thy and of
the uniform thiolthees of the paper
i baited to be anon. our millty
Stieaus has -lieeri °merited into a abeet of
.Moist. white tutper. . ten- feet broad; whioli
passes round and. in contaot With tWelty
hot oylindere, and -from the lest of them
emerge s completely dried. After thie it is
It.oitesed - between (*lender:A.011e of °hilted
men' whioh, treniendatie preatsurtis give
Lit -an everi end p4likilied suefeoel-tiquamuni.
totting' to it indidentally . prooese-
muoli electricity :diet it is:. lletleplittY after-
w-erds to. carry it over scold water Cylinder,
Which has the. effeot' removing the elm-
trioity. Nothing now kerosine- but to roll
it on to la'reel s the ordinary length of paper
On one reel being Ave mike, and itti-weight
nearly a to, s
..--"..Wsitsto at Marsha avistAleastersp
1111 rim ere eufferiut,iren tat 1.1,1,4thni;
vlaugabditss 0Ptarduwkillarrii:Tr' it you t*
_ • rzifitol'u di;Pigotri, -
ing: Why, HOD BONO
will surely oure rm.
It you at a minister, and -
have ovatakotl-yotirstat with your' '
Or a mother, worn out
with taro e.odwork, or a moo antidotal§ a
weekeued by the attain at yourovorytloy 1
dutioo .a moo a letters Wilton ova your
Midair work, Hop Bitteft will -most nicely.
*Arena tio you. • : 1
• lt yau exe tearing kola -ovetteMing
drinking, lay Mit-oration or dissipation,
Me young and growing,too hitt; u is ot
the aro, : v
qttste es a grAVA clkparapot.
tiOnwpoir *No Tao " oitvazz
• n0414444.
imoliiug wad *wily tuoiatigk -
Ortut tilts thO-haehelor ikk his dom.
- lovely WOillell'a itituttiog
Joy io the ittauY hotivotto'alosiug, -
• With -twat% tolove---htui. but guttallug row
• • Aud whot Ooro •
- °It *WAS (Alt (111OOION40.4 .
• "The little_ ti tt irotopet toot *gat*.
The trumpets ot oltildroula der', Roue by
The herald of Obriatrootriort tO COM%
fln bowa his hoed exalt@ tome**. 004 .
A Learlot tolls twin hie wielked oyo, •
I4'or thiuks ot his tato gluro.
Aa the trompt sorottook
- eleops ane„ droatita
t rat bold boyh000r* argul‘
Tbeleolo bouteitt skrouud •
Vieloota ot Wye oow loug erookaltod also,
Thewhip: the top. eked the horee skull cork
. iietto* Coo* tked_tlae*Iple tat,
. Tbaprotieuts then inich groat aurprieo.
And the shout* ot glee , - •
• Te*M the Chriatmas tree, '.
•Aud tho world ot tio. it Myna.
* * •
The little tilt triiropotootuttle (oleo More.
The old, sad zuovo na arotkaed skt bolt,
Sadly be thiukao We gram toy atom
• For with oxpootout utootO oud, nephowOo Nero.
_ the holida/a comet woo& test.
"1 have its" Qald he, •
" I worried ohall be • *
And aliiP-on.a trip till Chriatmas t eft,"
•• • o,
emits rams, av..
ot umosaud ota.o, was d 0410
esomethilig, and -I rotted Mts. 11011164114‘ ead
linelf-;-( The Cltmea ot a Etousfihold.' Javan
dm linage vertesi-ohosela mode me thought. -
tut ; but ab 1 how little did 1 realise *nett
'bitter truth, or dttam bow near that tviith
would touch me in the talon% it dui
toy 1 Spoke the vette* well enough,
because I instinctively...telt thous and -aa
iliaitibed the lot z. •• - -
- ported thus, they *vat who pleyed.'
Botiootli tho mono greou We%
Whoa !Mote Wattled es they preyed
as util gavealp.-
Arouod the parent krioo ,
They4liskt with. *utiles lit up the hal,
Aud Vbeatiti with ac.og the heath -
Alit* t tor lovo._ it thouiwort oil,. • •
Auti taught looloodi 0kloctill
" Orit You are in the workshop, on the
farm, at tlio desk, anywhere; aud hol
that your system iiss eleatudog, tea -
'lug, or airotilatiog, without iiaolieet-
- 4 tut rjum* • •
blood thin audirttrApillse• ,
feeble, nerves utis , Amities
waning, Hop ilittera is _what yoo need
togive yoo UAW Ake health: And riga.' •
lbertHavekins, who hes bek ooarthmau
for &lithe Ptesm ideuts aiGenOril Grant%
timet het beta •re.eugeged f4r . 'the isms
envies under Grovel Olive1a4d. Albert is
extremely proud of the feet, '1.sghis is the
lint • monition of sincerity 4z Mr.;01eve.
land's ststement, gigs nine e %Ohs%
effloient publio servants eh not bs
alarmed, but ehould "imply ti to their
bu.ei.neati withaut alarm &bowl- *het would
become bf thou
* • * • * •
IV *-
, •
it • .
• * • t
. ,
ak • • *
It yon are oath% orl smile eufferine
ing auy other at the _auttiomis
easos (Atha staMenh. or bowels, it is your
Mtn taUlt it you ere ill. It
you are waiting *way with/thy tom
.ot Ridooy Om" stop tempting death this
MOM** awl tau tor tkotirti to Hop Bias)*
It you ere sick with that tereible. sick.
Nervoutinties, you will And " Baltu
in " Lip Bitters. •
7I1 you sit & tretiusotak a a reaideat oi,
toiseroatie Maria, barricade 'your eye-
-tem Kama the ammo et &lief:nada
4-ktoloria, 'Epidemic, Bilious thud 1uter.1
w.mittentireVeril by the use ot Hop Bitters.
11 on hive rata, pimply or sollo* *kin, bed
bleat flop Bitters will give you lair sk_io, tit*
blood, t sweetest brooth and. had& will
be paid ta a oase they win not duo obelp:
there Wes * hetet ,eillence. Then -I Wita given
* glee* of wine ; the lodiott tote, and I went.
with them- to Abe drawing room.: Would -to
God that
wino bad been %lie deadlieet pion
ot whioli: Borgia ever:dreamed.' "
It Wee neerly midnight, and the %WWI
low chime* game deer and oftly to the,
wenderee:keere; *CM% the eUQW. • "
44' The next Otirlitmo Eve the% I vernm.
back epent in the rooma of acollege friend.
We 'wee all going to our home e by early
Monies trate*, I and we h&d mot _ to,
celebeitte the Otto 01 our•labore for a .tiMe.
We Wet,. bk IOVW OZOWt bill Of health' and
etreugth and lite. and spirits. Wemere
aocounted the wildest, most teoklees.,- and
ors the oeme. time; oievereetc Meat, nard
working and tole% imooettattil get in the
Univereity,*and we deserved our rophtetion
in ell points. I we* 19 then. -' Oue of these
)neta ia now a Vella of Owtebridge, one
bishop, another i Qeu °omenone is
a chaplain, in the tOriays. aud Ot • the_ et -1
beve. !oat 'eight Of stioree-elie1.11 in Atria%
one -died of tever. !taken- from a patient,
Kane till druitkardel peyote, and who
wit* second to none Of them -1' . am . here.
We drank full many * genial toast twit
night,: sang reeny * jovial ohorlisitill the
ancient ratterot - the -college chanabera
rog. Actoureed-- -be the toelits-41retighta
wedrank them in 1 No,. no 1 11 is my
fault -mine gun," ' •
The music ef the- Obristmea belie atilt
roae and fell, and - died away &Oros . the
snow.;Tbe lenely trItelplOOk04 up aad the.
pale Moonlights falling On his haggard hos,
showed mole it leek ot Vein ate devils _might,
,be glad to see. • - : • ,
4, -It VMS Christi:nes 191%r -tour y_eare leter,
who* I told . her that 1 Ovid her. WO in
tha fevierp-that wonderful ternety that
My tether -was so )peoucl otwith ie gretteea.
and waterfalls, and tropical,- plants,
platting fountains,. and the Yoh, were:,
lightof -hidden 1ain How -vividly it ell
rises in nay mind 1 We stood beneath
tall tree ferii„ and before I knew-eit ihe was
°leaped to -my *emit, and I was looking
down.iiito the depths of ohm .oleat dark
eyes, and pressing herBoltred lips; to mine.
Uow ie it that I ; an sane yet, thinking .ot
whet Is and what has been 1 Will I ferget,
what she said t0.. me even ,wheu rta vog,
in the rough, pine pauper's box. in Potter'a
Yield - God grant I mey-1.
-4(41 love you Tore, oh, I love you :But,
ohl.Tona, if yon -want to keep . my love, it
you 'wont ma ever to be your wife, you must
si7e upz.:39!ne,. .and..,everything like - thet:.
Will yoitioronalae me, Tom.? For . el love
you, Tom, and you • .viouldn't break my
heart, would you, Tornio _
• 44 Then I gave her a solemn proMitie," and
GA know" I meant -to keep- my word, , - I
never drenk 4.toci muoh,'. I thought, in
these days. . Fool that I west A glatarrii
eitgie drop -was 4to0 musali.' for nie." - SO
I went tO. London to keep my terms- at *he
Middle TeMple,f, and christreas Eve came
rounclagaiu, suctr,Wee. time te my :word.
• And there was e _glow on liellie"s cheeks,
and a light in her ' bealititul - eyes, as :I
°leaped her In nly, arms, and-ehe etter I bed
been faithful. She would Marry; me, she.
said, in two yeOrfl, as Boon -all I had beeo-
oalledto the. Bar. •
"And next _Christmas. Eve 'sew delirium tremens in a London hos,
pitol ; . and when 1 -recovered I:- found
letter from my- love .in whioh_ she told Mei
must hope no more; -4 I hoped no more I
came hereAnd demo, down; step by eteP,
have I .fallee-rrniarking my " _downward
oourae by every Ohriatmaa Eft- thet's
posed for twenty- yeere and now I'm near
tilt hist. 1 ani. -pad help. God pity Me.
Amen." • : . - ,
,„ -.The tramp's head Tank- -upon hia breeit.
And high and higher rang - the °Winona"
chimes .-Hoirie-/ilemesweet-sweet -
Home. • Be it
- -• 4k Ohriatinee Eve, 'le it? Aye,...;thore are
-the belle. Oh, God 1 le there- auyttlieg I
heercauythieg. I ao, thet doeen't Wog ma
paiu now ?- and- yet. a le not tio long *go,
not so Verymany. yetcs Past when Ohrist-
mas was a happy limo°, a tiree'of hope, and
of meetieg old triode and of Warrath,-and
• comfort, and 1auglita4.;-,when did E, laugh
' last? Yes -that day last Winter twelVe.
• months, wben I was soaked through and
hid the rlieurootiersi, and _liadn't Oltial: a
bite for two der', itua I asked the young
swell coming • down the - dabs oU the
elevated at .0hethem Squarefor, Godiseake
to give roe somethiug. He %eve me a
quarter, and said, 4Eere; my poor fellow,
Aake thie, and muoh, Good may it do you;'
and then he. took his Rriend'a arm end they
'ei- *Y11 u went away laitaI it hlog..- I almost oriid
O r that quarter. heid retight so
i$it would_ Ay ‘aWay it I 'opened toy
hand. I forgot. tihe uheureatiano end - the
deadly" tointneee t hat was over we
• _mid I almost ren doqu to Tweedle relitlitUr.'
- Wit. The hunger that had grown, to be
only a dull petit ;paw sharp iiiid fierce
again. ea I thought ot the. hot, Moroi*
, food I could 'buy with een cents of that
, . quarter. I went in and set et a table, and
It . seemed an hour blots the waiter mime
aid said, iu the soft gentle tones the aura
always. use to the ragged, 'What d'ye Want?'
: What -wee it I. ordined 2- • Ity-Ailet stew.
..i. Wttere's yer nioxey 2' said the waiter,
aud My bend shock as I gave him the
quarter. He loOkel at it and hit it, and
then.' took a fork, broke the coin in two on
th edge of the tsblio„. and threw the pieoes
at Jus Then_ he- took me by the collar,
- 411 Tied me up; tearing *My poor old
cam alldown' the baok, ran me into the
street and fiiing my_ apology for a hat stye?
me.. That was, vihon I 'laughed, laughed to
think .whata goal joke the)young swell,
had played . on tae, land how be would
enjoy Unit% it te his • friends. It mild
have been a Pleasant laugh,- . for
- fa young girl wile was passing gave
a' little shriek. wad, -"_.,spiluag to one side
as she heard • it: I- dide't ' bear him
any malios-he _was only thoughtless: . -.A.
- drunken-oldtraMpe that wail the way he
would describe, vae in telling the story.
Drunken I when, the only thing that had
. pulsed my lips for two *hole days had been
a tin. of water 1 teak !Om the fountain in
Uoion Square. It -9s very cold. Very odd."
Ile was a men_ with' grayhair; thin snd
bent, aud olad iii ;hat had once been &long
brown overooet, tte remelts of Utilisers so
• coyered with mu( thet the original oolor
could not be dotty:tainted ; a soft felt bat,
through a hole ix the side of which his
A !Ad" WM.
"014 bow 1dovish My skio was es oltair
•.as yours," sad. a lady:to hot Men&
own twiny -make it so," auswered ‘the d.
"inquirad the &aloft..
you Omar*"
. iffl"Noue _genuine **mit a bunch ot green
Haps au the _white ta141., Shun all the vile,'
poisonous Witt with %,uoe - Hope in their
. - • .
,A.ecording to the - Pkereineeetioel Bawd
treekhilitilay iiiOrnetimes be mai tto disap-
pear by an apPlicaticu of citric acid night
and suoraiug, Dr. - Dublin*: advises an
• erudition CV almonds, to be applied-untli a
elight einount ot deequenietion takea pre.
_ , By usio_g Hop Balton that makes put, rth
blood oud !dooming health. It did it tor too es
*.se •
• * .
* 1 *
* 11.
* 4
* * * * * r4 A pm,,,AsirLown (a *
£'Wlin et these Pabst* ktfavapislate. sat
Tails -vett 'se
* • Weaknettaies so Oeilainivi i,la. oar bees.*
* • • it' *PIRIVALE POPUL41114:01%* • as
• i s ..r.:1 •
limAilir wit&colicrvatienirs.1 li T 1:11:1` :yr m'evierOaKualisal:
rLaritAtiartoSARA 1.44.Qt4T1011: ;11,r, AWN* A14*
r&AQINANTIAI katu TUN ftAarittA,lit BMW.
outzineforTA lairrirtraord.Te.,22TO 4 41 . iv ill
. .
*IT \TUX Dts.S01.1% AND rar11.1, \40t0rte 1 SOK rat
Pants in Ali TRAMP arAcill op li,Matorxxxr. MR
MP SPUMY BP WS VOA: * 4, 1 7 5 • • "4
All ORAVIN' OPOlyaTililVLAtiTa,, All*, tiALIKTPA WWI,/ _
Mg OP TIVISTONACIL ItT MThili-li aikoomaititileszot .
AQ102‘11XliNOILTa 1itOsTRATI0li4 ti* VAAL DIMUillik
DIPRIk. kl....,W11 4 -alp lziPtererior.Aii. * At • te
3,1 r _
*War rarittIO Or UMW/ l'ita * QatildRei PAM
WritmumettrtaAilavneal:rit,,rti...trp.r.rairegul. ,•
okiWilak AT AU. TOM Ali/l. 1,4ibtilt. AI41.
waxers *or at umviour wit_tiu•i:rua• pima TVA* ": le,
riaT IT pore ALL ir %mule lo uo. TROVOAKIII•P
LKUIRS QA1i OLAIkIX TRaTirl ,311. * • 4 4k
the itiotim ot Pains and aches no tiding%
ova give greater pi_easure than the meenket
eelief, 'Polon& Merman enaotly_dlla
bill Netvilio ores he-ideomi. ktervi4ufs
me an 1um4ago. Zlervilines the great
mire for internal Or external pains. Trial
bottlea coatieg wily 10 onto may be had at
auY drug. store. Buy one and teat it.
Lerge bottles of Nerviline only.95 onto! et
alt druggist': Replan., nerve,pein curl:
Wes Catherine /lotion, :who 'hes just
died at Newark, Ott the mother of Denise
of Band" Lots notoriety. -
verso -aid.
Thieve* rnikei k practice to- etinaine
eleaely and stejtiet matters !inch a
oliareotar as Could be in any way objeation.
able tei.- our readers ,i but _the foiloWing,
dett*ing as doea to your notioetha name
.of. en article -of . titerling merit, known
throughout .the land 40 the only euro and
• nonAzoloonone reniedyfor °tune, is weleolna
tri : a plaoe in ours 'calumet,. -Poitnain'a
Painless goy-LE/tractor now Ands ittirtb.,7
tO neatly every- part of the world.- which is
in WWI a guarantee of 'its -merit:1 We
*Ohm otir rattler's lie buy it, and also to
make 'sue when purchasing tool Putoam's
Painless, Cord Ettraotor. Peleon Co.
Eiegeton, pops. -
- The Geographbial Stioiety -of Amsterdam
has just acquired the Only !ati ot the
-oldest maw known to mats representing
the Boman Empire stich as it- -wee during
thereign of Augtiatus,.. The map eon tit of
twelve cartes, and is eight !metro d $
belt long. The origitial, dated .1965, it in
the'Eoyal Library et Vienna.
* * FOR . TIM ^ 0.741,A, er E. -•-,-* Coaraourre as
`syrumt SIM THU lintItUT P-1. ,-elieVILVAOSID. • *
gd. atliyan„ Rasa Prio41.., Six Wen ter ali.
Ogallchvgotste. tsmAtbrutieux4414) Willa
ot Mb cc .Loseuses ou'reccipt f, 'f-.*. 'Igloo ai To, Km
Pbalthata% (Oinide to Health" vi.ilt bozoelled *Sat
lady sena* stamp. Utters os=catialty 043aWeradOi
4 NO1 tiklayealltd be. withouilANDIA E. PlIllatala
lane They °are CPIVS1,1144=.1011,BatIMMIIIIL
UrPtClitt `kl4k Livers IA oentigSg• hos. „, t
-30 DAYr
Pasetieraplitagi PaTts st Bodies.
The orate for photographing odious of
the human form divine has not yetreaohed
New York, but ite bound to come. I have
,been looking over an English' collection.
, s There were hands -some of them stuck
'Ovine' holes io a dark mean and doped
and raised; others were taken "'ugly, hold-
ing s flower; 'othera,. again, exhibited the
palm in such a way that a fortune-teller
could read the linea."
- There were bare feet. If any. one ever
sew a bare fed that was pretty on anything
but s baby, then they -have -seen 'Lizzie
Weathereby's (tilrei Nat GOodwiii). She
has e beautiful foot without a blemish, and
-might be justified in having hers photo-
graphed. But the Euglieh feet that had
been subjected to 'this process' that I sew
were something wioked.. gee, belonging to
Lady Gladys Lonsdale, was handsome, but
it was as big as the foot of a bill et Christ
- Then the backs thei are isken--juit
simple, plain beat, with moles perhaps, or
without; and .seotions of shoulders and
napes of necks, muffs Of neOlia-aorage of
neck the mutton sellers cell 'm -or an ear,
just one detached ear, for that est is stuck
through- a alit In a sheet of veleet.-Ner.
. York Mirror. 'v.••L.
1 (
OTRLmFt)-O-SroLTAIO BW, oad gaifidscratu.
- ATTIAlatiMa are -sent • SO Das Trial TO
WM- 01414-14_YOVIICt Oa IOTA who are *utter
in tram IiIRRY01.7* 1)Fr4.-',Itrg; Lowr viewer.
, wont* Niresuassass. and t Mae diseases ot 4
Ptasoubs NA.roanc• result9k,trom Amara Ana
OTIIMA CAVs1*. speedy trcaet and complete
restoratien to Thrust4'An-Om. and '411fASSOOD
OVARANTiliM Send at fa-ge• - tor Mustratad
Pamphlet tree. laddresa ;47'• -
Voltaic) Belt CO.t Ibtehall
. . a
Dealt Wear Vasabersease Tronies
-when our new method with -out nee cif • knife
is guerenteeds to permanentdy cure the
worst Otto of rupture. Send two letter
stamps for 'referencesand pamphlet.
World's Dispensary Mediiial Association,
Buffalo, N. T.
44 Bye is going up," so says the ooninier,
dal reports of the Bt. Louis Giok-DeMocrat.
Now hereabouts it 'is -going down.
New WI** I* rat Old Debts.
Dr. Pierce's Compound' Batted of Smut
Weed combines French Brandy, Jamaica
Ginger, Smeit-Weed and Camphor Water,
the beet possible agents, for .the Ore at
diarrhce a, Odd& morbus, dysentery or
bloody -flux and °olio, or to break up, colds
fevers and'inflAniniatory attacks.
T,„ simplest and bestig*Le market. Trio, SU
Addrera, 68 litughson• ,trOa'-+,- south, Hamilton.
Shakespeare tells how this on be mown.
pliehed In One Of hie inimortsi s.pleys; but
debts to neturo must be paid on demand
unless days of :glue be Obtained through
-the nee of Dr. Pierce's :"Golden Mediae'
Discovery." It. -is not a 44 oure-all" but
invaluable _ for sore throat, bronchitis;
asthma, catarrh, consumption, and ali
diseases of the t ulmonery and other
orgine, caused by modulo or" bsd blbodi"
Sorofultine Won, *flailing" and tumors are
:cured byits wonderful alterative soden.
By druggiitta. • s
A.Baltimore gawk doctor says that the
men who Once gets- the idea thet hie liver is
out of order tian be bled of hie last: dellar by
any one promising a remedy.
--The best test of a human life is the
amount ot good it . has been and "dons. to
others. . Mrs. Lydia E Pinkhani may be
given a hest of honor among thou. Who hey°
helped to change siekneee into health, and
to transferal the &Anew Of suffering .inte
the annehizie Of rest and hope. ,
, T.]
There is an unpublished legend ter.' the
-effect that on the one. 'evening pseud it
Oreigenputtock by Emerson in 1833;
Carlyle gave him a pipe, and taking One.
himself, the two sat silent until - naidnight
and then veiled, shaking hods with con-
gratulations, on the pleasant evening they
had passed. ••
DB. G. 13. BTERgON, L. B. 0.P.
8. a., Leatoreron *u ye, Ruud Thum
Trinity mace CloUege's1 Toronto. Oculist*
Loris% to the Toronto &meat flospitsle,*t •
Mates' Assistant Royaondon Ovhtbstmi"
Hospital; Moorefield's . sat Genera Lando -
Throat and Her Eapital. S1T Came atm*
Toronto. Artiliciel Ramat lilyes
• joatihim aeration - butler te Gregory
XVI., Tint IX. and Led XIII., died
recently: He had satiniulated a lugs
fortune, and was highly eeteemed.
Ol28 . Jenny Lind's rejected admire*
Wanders about Poughkeepsie- s Mental
Wreck. He hi known as " Book " Van.
Steenburg, and the refusal - of die* fair:
songstreee to,reoiprooste his tender passion
I: Redd to- be the ogee of his oneness.
As Peter Dougherty, of New York, "arose
on Thuredsy morning he 4ardered, his 13 -
year -old daughter to bring bird s bottle of
whiskey. She refused, saying he hod
already drank one bottle, and; another
would make him drunk. -Dougherty became
infuriated, sailed ei poker and struck at his
-daughter, when heemother interfered- and
was badly beaten.. Dougherty then threw
his daughter on the floor end s ju_roped -up
and down upon her: She will die. Dougherty
bas been arreated: ‘.
I are positive remedy' ter thekbove disease; bLpi
use thou sands or eases of the t kind and of
standing have been cured. Indeed, so streng_is ray_tat
!nits Maw, that I will send TWO BOTTLAs F=1. te•
tether with a VALITABLX TREILT1814 on this disease. Se
Iny suffsrertm017.vela• p_sureasodgrillOrsar. addrast..i.low.rodb
HOME STUDIl'e'rittilgtrhu:gu...LPrrvirsi
Pcorine, ArithmbeYtiMes"Shl jorrtaiB(1°kand-k, eeeto.PiniTtermB"r reer
sonable. Send stamps tor PAMPHLET to COR
St. Buffalo, N.Y. •
YOUNG ff111111111EAD T�IMS
• tor VOLTAM8LT Co. ot-Marehall, Motu
offer to send their oslabracti NIMOTIO-VOLTALT
82LT and other BLIOTBIO Arrmsnons on We
for thirty dam to men (young or old) afflicted
with nervous dsblliby. lug et vitality and maw
hood, and alt kindred troubles. Also for rhen
mations , neuralgia, paralysis and many other
diseases. Compute restoration to health, vino
and manhood ga _sxanteecL No risk it inourred
as thirty dsys trial is, allowed. 'Write them
once for illustrated paripillettree.
Plaikallit so 41*Onee a Buena'
merlon Pa
Educattea or
mauebb al sb SPHN011
IAN a interait renrirma
and learn to rtt well. W. COOTE:
Merlon, Ark., U.11 A.
'Re 1114 AWARE
Lectilatat Climax Plug
bearin4; a ts-,.'1-3 tia tag ; that Lorillard% •
Rose :!zettf fine cut ; that Lorillard's
Navy ClIspingt, sad that Lorillard's Snuffs, are
album% ion dearest. snaps oonaidored
0411118141111101Ct 31R1/114 ‘SOlon,
45/ Main St., lluffeloa, T.. Young Men and
Women bboronghll prepared for bladltemllt at
ao121 • Book.keep Badness Forms, Penmen
Arltbmetio aad °Mind taught by ilia&
tor oiroulima, '