The Sentinel, 1884-12-12, Page 5• • • 't- S.. S, No. le Aali field: `llre f •liew tit is the N(,vuur_ber tweed of the (t.) tit r• trtt,rxl : - Sett. ckt-11el1t.n , a7)ontild, .ltit ,lasl Matt.asts•tu'. ••, 1tit. ' .1 tSS' tilts SI etht'rst)tit, 111I:•tintat i\ial' 1 :t't:in Ellen .;k14:1 (got. - .114 a' -t:.�uii NIt<:'.'i~tuo.rl�h, `t)tot lie Ni y, A.itry A. { .1 ae.att.E1 \icNuy4 4lich.we)1 11,00n, tart: Wta4t<li Fb.1. - yam•. rt k(r�t. - Josephf.)gacr� t11F)intt�F ta_tlinttrurY stat'�ktstt. r . -. 2t4„411 =.rt. - -£i :try t gnat, I)()raakl McLean, c;rc i:a ittyuF.+ t •c„ Joins-1LFttltt.+:stylus Fat 11 :vi t<iak tart. 'Peat: ;ttitttat t°:t in the Futitt`slly Spelling lnntt•h were : -41h, .11' rt t' elle thf` tris. e1r4I, • k1' 1tt4 1tC �tq4!aELt•wr;'� nta tayind t)•g4r • - - Bi•lfats`t School F ria •.tit)tt ilig ttf the aaljtive. t thool'_ ,lath. .t kidhir 1ratse4 ant ctalatat tat:tifter. 14) 41 arts ri.1WCty.:- otvimoN tf �t �, Fk �. >:� .: �t►tE�{: ��aA1111"C1'Illt'.f. P. _ 1 . < ,ttl „1Li,t�t-1 ..� t•.act t`a,tt1t. Ji lull. t1pE.tYb ; .)Jt<t tt 1i e,i �.8itl \`tt t, t.. at•14. - -; 1. i,M itti:a I t,ugheed, biretta 1."tcAr I • • =as - r lett:, fr;a. ►tr ttt (a, i.ttc:hison,; .1trry Mc- • ?gut4— ilio;. it.tt„t't3'l: 1�t+11f.44ti'1'lIi)li itteMullln, .1111ne ilie/:1Zt)tt, `�pIl = ;�Ftttl.-t.tiara, 1 sale itan,I):►vidiotubheed,: ':•n. Part :nti. Httinut4 HEutchisonr MM *:rye Ni art°Itaa 4 taz lc. Annie Alton. ' .a slue 1'ktt't 2nd.- Annie; H.utcitison,1'fulc.ilm•' tRr:-Nlillattt Isaac ('ea/viten Pah 14t. --Maggie Le)ublieec1, Ifenry Pliil 1104, ,i- u,t tiatelt2er. • 4...:, Oherry Groove Schaoi. '1'Ite utt>ntitiy rt.ptlrt if rho above, school is as hill 1w4, anti st ke based on the pti.ilctiaa lity,- Wtiek.. etc., of the f,tt1)ilFs::= - • - 4thr case) ittetaj, John Moran, • Marys Riu ttt=, Sarah Ashley. - •yrn.:- 3rd.- e tithe. state Blttke, I'titer. Cr-uzier. ..*Iestittialleed, 1'ju]otlt .rlshlry ;'.. :4` " " . Jou. ;fret. oseph _Moretti. • ;1 cuu• 1;14141tt411, Sit.ttitit,l .11 ia.tt'iek. • :style 2.14t. SFicttit !'rel avert,` licbaelGrifit, . \ t,tirn.il 5ltiit.icltYGk alai Jun. 2ttt1, - i1 Fci to is Green,Daiitil Kilpatrick, Hite 1tt`t+tl. flit11 art. s111ey,Mairy AnnWhite- 1s, i=ixena s. McGinnis! t :.,t; 1 nit.. W illie T leIet>.ven,-.Yuiin 1 ui ley, t `i tft tut e` ,,tc :l:ltttt,a . The lest: Mptlle in- the nu -mthly spelling ItSdrtt`tu , we.r1. 1s,h, Sarult Ashley r �Iut 3rd, t,tritit.h3! Ashley Jule 3rd, Maggie )Inlay Sura. 2tett, .last itlTreleaven ; 1 -nn., 2nd .1 sines c;zTrzt; . wI flirt, Lena tiara• J. 1st rt,i;lar- t'IIGM' g114t(`klett)]Ir ` 'I ht, letilliln still,yistutgpeople of this t~cbi'o1. • tst+el 37.4i that: pLU(.tiatin sfof *GU.enterttt.ititnt:fat to 1)(r Ire lel.in•_tht t1tt)t)1 he,tiett cies the.Eveniieg of I ]Dote 19h. Admission 10 cents.. • OF -A---- • kl3LE 1!401' iZthOTairaship of Ashfield X Ora AND 13Y VIlt'Ci.T '1,Il] lttttvtar of. sale contained in zx certain. • itt: )rtc;tit;ic tavifefute5d by Daniel Alton and (`aaro ii.0 :t_ttisn to the Vendor, and which will. be, --,tt'dtar'4 at tint ttrnttr of tale, tht'rej will be off efred for 4tah'tat =LCL R O EL S_E. 22 l s c? OOZ :. UG JR' .ox ane : dollar, . ALLY I#POO GRE FLANNEL; ferSc.a WHITELY'S HOTEL l rt de Villageid Itueknow, in the -Ontutty df Bruce, on: Saturday, Dec, _ = 20th, 1884, .Ott the hour -of two (t'+ lock,in the afternoon by Peter ('Firrigai;tt, Etsanire, Auctit,iit'er, all and - sitigulaar tit .t (lrteutparcel ortrae t of land �ani! premises situiatcs,lying,att(t being in the Town 1.hi p: of A -shlieltt in the (:ounty ofdMulti and 1'r viucts of Ontario, containing one. hundred Foust s more or lues, este!; being canxltosed e,f tics �+ (tt it half of lit number twelve in the -tenth si,(ttstt�ariitsti t'r`istttrit.dlv'i4 ourof the sacci Towta- milia ofi 1ifieelel. 'Mt said land iii nittiate on the Gravel IRottii leading from_ Lue kw, w to (oderieh, about -three.. and n. btalf- miles- frons` Lueknow and e,ighteon miles ' from• tGoduzioh; Muth which towns aro .u, - 4 inarkete-,. *surd it is also Within Ante than (If Mit} of #eltast whore; the e is -fa stere., school-andpost oilice. - - .a.1u� ct About eightnti�,4Q} of whi!LLtilt, ' ty`rirtrb•roiuirod to aeeurne, one -for thin . ort httutlred duihtre and the ,either for t ivety .hututreeci"clol1ars:both. now held 1iy the mine person, (anti the amount now duo y(att thet tsiaifi. mortgag sand: the r tee of interest end ter -mi thereof will be made known. on _the day 4;;f_tearie. • - --' - - The =property will be o trtd subjeleit to are- .trv(j bid. `rales pure haler will be required to pay to the -. Vwidnrs Svlieitor a deipaosit,Qf`tetn per canto'' . his ° purchase "money over- and above they ' _ amount dtte on they said prior xnort1cagei and -Sif n_ art atigreethent -for--the aonplutiwi of the • ,urt; Iitsct onrthu dal . of age, and to pay the. _ aleauee i;f !liar i,urohatto money Within one -:. auuntb. thereafter upon pzyz vont of .which he wilt be ettititlud to hies ennveyt t c fi -and poeaiee- tion of the property. - 'Eche Vetntior will.! a bound to procIuoe the Jte• �it#traar'sr e]xtrate.t and matitle- deeds are - In his, p ion and the eiptnvetyanee_wil1• be ttreOaaru at etxln'nse of` the purchaser. . The tela a will be ettbj east to further conditions,,,,,,, onditions ' 'which will be read before: tint property .is `-pnt 'up on day -of gale. - 'Fur further piartk matt. apply.t .: - f:ILLIOTtTRAVER Vtbde is Soitcttar,14uokno#., • be =-sold cliea PINS • r- •_ 'usl ar veci'j- a::lot, off' Lake Hey n s, 1.4,44 . .r -44 • .4-2,44- 44% 3t ,,,1 ��A' Thebestpraparationlcriorvntosoicrcetorboautifyingthe IMM 'C, TO }yP°.4'Y=.ffiiCOPLEXI '- i, ,,---? �q s. t' i ^.:. . Beautify`tbn Face and give to the leaded or Sallow Com- ----: . llcxion a'1'crfectl healthy:. natural . and. Youthful. �` Appearance. It, Conceals 'Wrinkles: ,Freckles. Crow's. Feet. and the Evidence of Age, leaving the Skin soft, Jtuooth.'and ,White. - - 1'IIIO.E _ sl) cents. _ Sent to any. address., Postage stamps t akan.- : A ddress all letters to. : CREMED'- OR,- Drawer 2;678, Toronto P.0. - Ask your druggist for it.. Wholesale by all wh..- ole sale dru = : ist-s.; • . . Ont 1i SI;V' G?.E APPLICATION is warranted ' too 4.4.qt -,s• � 1 r . %41'A al.,.Sae, X' - . b.,'f l' f i It Trade Mark. a... -4.444 � st,ltliain:, Elgin;. Swiss and- . English, at Lowest Living Prices. Guaranteed Excellent nine -Keepers. Large Assortment, Best Makes, VeryLow. .... C1 C RM DIE" ' Is tha Place to get School Supplies,: j Fancy -Goods, - Deritit Wool, Bibies,Vie lins,°-Ooncertinas,:",Tewelry,'Vases, Sil'ver's>:are. - • Your 'aper is. a isaMagic, r O few weeks ago Greatand '' 4 our lanced have ds fro 80 • arar-S . a give everya�e:. get iG4ods Fi 'will continue tie, until Xmas.: r �uga,s ,have rr Fruits are the compare t�n.�' Fri ce Advertised Pries, .winced t�iat �� ,r"s Re-Opectful1g your. ski nce to al: the e .0011:7!-. neer. Anima `t« ' t..• . dimpowil ADIESGOLD .A ANT) SILVER JEWELRY,BROOOHES,EAB-RINGS, Bracelets; etc. Solid Silver and plated wares, : suitable for 'holidays, ywedding or .birthday presents, Call and see -stock. A large: variety of Ol=ocks. Everything -.®f the: best . make. - Gentlemen's Plain' Vi.Fancy7cwelry 'i ... cippostte the Whitely:House) tuckno yr, STOVES:. !TOWS.: IT IS CONCEDED: THAT THE DtictiA.N .l)- - FOli Wig PRIC.Ea-- -Si. U l3' sell cheap without regard to quality, is past; - be Met,.but the tisane :for buying and selling. goods put up on purpose Jo }She -undersigned, in thanking ,the citizz i o"f Lucknow and vicinity for the liberal patronage ..bestowed :on him during the -past year, takes this opportunis of calling attention .to his large andwell stelected -stook of Stoves for both Iwo'. and -coal. Cutlery, Tinware of allkinds, Coal Oil, Lamp Gocds,;atd' ever ything. else: in his lino. larMilk- cans,' milk pats and dairy pails 'it alt- sP Yeef. •Ease. troughing and repairin( promptlyattendedattended - to. Beet Goode at the Lowe Prices. Cail and be convinced. , .. D. a ock is far from 31d -du pld • a ate . vei(go ti .. 1 at an • ver nt �. mill re 0 save! costs. slow fees Sotos. at eti •r 1'. 4. 14 } •x • 1. • 4444 • •: •