The Sentinel, 1884-12-12, Page 3- - • , - - *1111111**1) YATES*: • TheEl**ertatiktnit Memoir* ot a Noireidut •• land -"%ifouro011It—FUtT - YVIr61 * Lon- . . _ •P O .101_1101at -11tecOltectlons of% ken . and .. WOolon sir Mark—* 'took to •:new:t t. - - • .• - - . . . mew Tait aerate.* .-. - : ' -- • A gosiipy, readableiltrighti Ilia . _cheeky, - 'beck te " ntty Ytar-kof London Lite„.". by •- Edoieed Yotes, the'novelist and editor of . _the Loudon World.. =In- these :data: of..illi- • .. natured books,.'intallning over with vanity •:and iiarkleig•with-niaiice, it-. iit pleasant to _ • .4orti •4ioes_ one written in a vein- Of , good- • Alamo -*Thereis muee temptation in this satirical world to write unoomplimen-tary •• thingkof* one's friends i but Mr. Yatelq in•' -hie memoirs -ceilidh tette- just been pub • ' .Iished iio 'eseellint style by the .Harpers,. .avoidithe.toolt on whit% teeny a promising- . -barqae hes beep -wrecked; Dlr. Ede:inn& • .Yetes-ie, tiles son of Predetick ;Yates., the „actor, 'as was born " accideitally.' in •• Eeitiburgh, initial; It was arranged that :the etteteeting event of his 'birth should - meat itt London,,Whioh. was the habitual residence- of taw: parents, but he arrived in this world - some little time before be 5octs expeoted. His father had much to dO, with the neenageoPetit of the A delpei Theatre, . teen . the - heme. 0 melodrama, - • Some of Dickent'wotke. were dramatized and produced there, and -the nevelist was -. -- eo de "ghtell. with. Mr.: Frederick Yates' - to seaetien :cif Mantaiini, -Rigby, and tp that he .beottinequite frieudly with - tee stator, :and, . "efterward with young - -Edratad; The.; boy te.ittsd the. sweets of ",.. boadet life weep he was but a fledgling.•,Eietsed to omitsionally Spend a. few days -with his hie metetaal.grandfather,. john Brun-, :ton,la lier:tish Town. • There ' he, pattook • or 4, the most delighttui hot .-suppers at 9- ; euppetit :of 'sprats- or kidneys. Or -tripe and • • Otteete,:with toacoin_g porter and hot grog •-. afterward." The latter be sipped from. hie: -grandfathees* tura-bier, taking to it Lei • ' naturally as be did to mother's milk. Like, terd Byron, he was partial- to girt.- These: boyish racolleotione ot itooltitey life are told • it; at admirable veihiat wit and pleasantry; The reatteria intiodUce,d, to- famous met Of - a bygone Age and to 'attest . scenes Which -- *have long haat o%olete. - He learned ' tee •retliraerite at 'a; sobO0 lir Iligbgete, and :least:duly sviitolied hy- an 'old pedagogue of • • whom* hie meraorieltaremot the most plea- - _ sant. After•hte father's deathhe went to- DeSeilorf, where, udder the - tutelage' of- * kindly 01 professor,: he picked up a imet.- taritutof .Germati,- drank deeply 0 bier sea Warned to smoke. . : - • — TIMtdarquti. of Clantioarde, the Old • frienci ot his lather,' On i• being appealed to by Mts.. Yeites,loundhim a clerkship , it - the . postooffiee.- He was _thee about 16 *: ,,---• •". . years old. At that time Rowland. Rill - .. • .ocoupied whighiposition in -the dep Attment.- • Yaw* Yates had tvto iutiertiewe with. hint.. .In. thekfir.et he was oalledkover the coals for. ' peppering:the scissors- by with a pea . shooter and'advised to take the *devil out . , of-. himself _by -venting down to the ofdee -- from S. John's -Wood instead of -taking Precarious. ease on the 6* knifeboar.d:n -of• an . :omnibus. In the second interview* he was. - kindly -advised not to Again imitate the - sigearacti of- Mr. Hill lit .00pyitig offioial • correepondenCe, thie -father of ',the peppy . postage sohernerigiltly-, thinking .it•. " a ' rather daugeritter •aeoomplislimeet."- : The . , atoty 0 Mr. -Yates" competition with the . pobt-ofrrite, whioh lasted for tweity-fiva. years, iatellsof interest;- but that 'portion of his narrative whit* tells -of-his 'literary lifehaKof ociirseimuelimore himeaftiscias• - tiort. ". After two ' or three - chapters. deBeriptive of his - Loudon amusetterits. it 1850, in. whieb.he speaks rather regret- fully . of.. the ' goad pid. taverna - -of the past,- of -. the s drama. and the -., theatre, in „which :he naturally. took -.it. vast . Interest, 1- and of a,. ". . variety , 0. Other topitel, we dome to the; best - part of -the-heels.: In spite of his 7 Mother's ..desite. f that 40-- should ernig.ace.some ptofession„be - 4etermitied to become -a_ 'map- Of -letters. Aticl What- Wee..- it.tbat set hie . mind on 0.0.. prooattoil4 * ptirsuit?'-- Neither more' .-• tot lest thau the reading of "Pendentiie." ' Helenged: to beet:et:Motet of that chesty band . light hearts _Ei.ud' thin . breeches vi.hieb. ..ceettpriged --Sella,. Jerrold,_ Shirley ;Brooks, OAtusfetd - et id -genus mine, who- 211 those Moe -painted- the torn red, it the exubert. anoe of their spirit, aiia. enoliatted all by • • their - brilliaut. pies.. When he had deter- mine& to become a literate man it was not. *Wog before bli Made his nieldet *effort. He wrote soma .. indifferent 'verse: Whioli..,was - accepted by Mr, Hartigan_ .Ainsworth, - who ' hid _ pleaseut recolle_otione: of hitt father. - Nit. Yiatiate stalysie tit hie own feelitigs when e'reed the staff in _pied.; is • oepittiel; Joy, ' r--- --.fUld- delight struggled for euptemaity With- . -emititioti. -The 'tenses' did not. appear in. •,;-••• Attiewo_rth's inegaziati„ and this'. •stenewhat ' -•':.dattipecir his you.tettil atdOr.: And it. was. . : tett-until Albert Smith took him. up that • •totide --b. - any advance on, the storiy rood of . . . ., his oh_oice. • . : . .. . • Aibert Smith -was " &Mau of 55 years ot it • head, large boll!, short legs, lit:DI i; i , ri otiti large s.r i!;(1. es mi s ha, -1 b, r :1%; n d atib,ea:reaciydra• e- . le* yeti enuag:: rrileint utlir*topmil- isk,zeuzzliidwiree.iveP Bee- Ble, 4.10::: _Thomas a/ooze.' - 11.:13o$1 WO Pen enalft- at fle writeet "with my -entP to :th thesitres;aud rok power ot saying What I tit. the'Printing -Moe, fiked about theet. arid my delightful' *faits' au ink _proofe,"'...etet, otos. _go- becanic-** member of the . Fierding-: ,• dc.,ii. oftc;hoot.- foe The ouNor) of. tke Cidep. .Oillar Chili. „re. -propqrly ihe --Ttit*oilerar WO. the. founder., and' around eiiit congregated all the Wits and young • , bloodeOf L.ondort•.. - Ur. Yates „began- to. He was ., - . .entty fife ;with a groater meet 7 eOUPle 0414;0:mit abode in a little nut - of a holism in Gloucester place. They were present at many: •receptiops given by Mrs, dilner Gibson, where they.. met such men - as Louie Bleu°, Alexander Cockburn; ?dazzini„ Plenolie and a host of -Celebrities.- Mr.YateebeiCame a coutributer. to -Chem.,. hers' -Journal., Bentley!: Miecellany and other papers:. Avolleettoti -et sketches which had been published in them was brought out in hook font- by Mr. - Begin.- The -little volume was ki dly received by .the meat and its -publication- formed an epoch in the. author's life. _ • - • • That same year„ -1854, wet a Meraerable. one, Me: Yates made the acqitaintanoe Of Dickens. He called on hint at Tavastook House: " -_There'.-were no ,photographe celebrities to be purohased in those_ stiviete, htel4tormed my idesof Dlekettie personal appeare:100 on the por- traitof him .. by Maolisia, prefixed . to Nickleby;' the Oft and delicate face, with the -long -bait; the immense stook seed -the high -colored waistcoat. He was nothing like that. * -* His hair; though worn still sometzhet long, Was beginning to be sparse; his cheeks- were shaved; he had a muitateteand a,' dtorknooker ' bearclenter- cling his mouth and chin. His eyes were wonderfully bright and piercing, -with a keen and eager outlook; his beating hearty a id somewhat aggressive. He Wore on -that occasion a loo te taoke, t andwide trousers, and satbeioli in bis °bait with. oneleg wider him and.tis hand in his pooket, 'eery much` as in Fiith'e portrait:: 'Clop& -God!, how. like your father,' Were his first- wods.". Dickens remaned "Ins warm friend -until- death. Mr-.- Yates now became better known in ..jeurnelisai. • He Wrote for the Illustrated London Times • anti Household ,Words.- Be published, - in collaboration with *- Mr; ,Frank Smedley, a %relents of floating verso entitledMetre fry Two Marty Men," which captivated the morning • that, means storm; another that. town..*-:: He wits also perntaneetly engaged ludiostelt.-_ wind The tires iikbroad, deep as dramatic critic-On:the iitaff of the Deity and angry; the clouds look like euitamenee • • • bed of -butaingoosle ; the setiondlis eater, atd more vapory,. At the point where t e Sun is going to rise, and in _a :few. ..initutes in advance- of his Coming, there --rises straight upward * rosy column, like aihaft. Of dyed vapor,blendiagwith and yet partly separated from the oloeds, and the base of. which ptesently comes to glow like the sun himselt., The .day that tollowe :is_pretty stirs to be windy:. : , • . - -Itie -tuipertain to Whitt extent- birds- and animals oan foretell • the Weather. .When • . ot.." Notteerate.Liefok TspIteiTligs. • Alio* WhIeliVaretot observent Mar Sipe - • _ elallr atly on•-•, - A communioetion to the Southern 'PE:niter deals with, thesubjeot of %Feather propos- tics. Few . pitelligeut preens -can have- -any_ sympithji with .the-sovealled prophets - who *Oracular:4. announce ,peenoraitner,giv- -mg dates,:oceasionally making -lucky ;hits, but as often firing their -random shots alto- gether wide of the Mak: That there -is, host:rivet; something in•weather philosophy,: tntelligent persons wilt he _quite- ready.. tit ootoacte, and they Will be iu.- accord with the views of the writer _:ween he repot: Mends the habit Of ebsereation Of pours' vherionienti, Whittle has been long pratitiied, its resilltelmin-g handed down to -us in _the . homily weather_ proyerbe. whit*. 'all are. 4%n:wilier, - If one could read the Elgin, each day fore., tells -the next; to;day.. is the progenereter of.- te•morrow:-- When the atmespeere. is telescopic and diet -ant. obteots etand out unusually deer, and _distipot, a, --storm - is tear. We aeon the Crest oftlie Witte and the - • - . eepreesma follows Oita. ecenetunee eappens that clouds are net. indicative. of a storm: their total absettle. . In Atte state of the._ atmosphere the etari:,ere" ,imusually numerous- and .• bright at night, which is slap bad.cineen. Is appears • that thettanspatency of .the air.. prOdigiouslY hicreased when_a dertaia quantity of :water is uniformly diffused throogh•.. it. - -Moun- taineers predict a ceienge of weather when, the air being ()atm, the_::Aips, ,covetekwith perpettial Snow, seem on .6 milieu to, be meter the observer, tied their ;indigos- are 'merked. with- greet distintitnees on the azure elty. This .same °oxidate:in ., of . the atmosphere renders diiitinot penande more eudible.: • • - s • There is one ratlines .0 the. east in the . ult Save 'Illiallored I " With every disease imaginable...for the last three years. Our •• • Druggist, T. J. Anderson, recommending Hop Bitters" tome, • -- 1 used two bottles I Am entirely cured, and heartily reoom Mend Hop Bitters to . every one. 3. D. Walker, Buokner, Me. • I wits -this -se a . :-N • 7- -Tehencif the great ap.pteeiation I have_ of Our: Hop . * • - , • - • • * • * Bitters I was afflicted withAtotattreatory theentatista For nearly - . -130Ven-Yearkindno ntedioite seemed to do weeny : • Good 1-1 Tin*: I. tried two . bottles 0- your • Hop Bitters, -and to my surprise I. aip a well to,day as ever r-vtas;. hope ,•-• "You my have abundant saticese-- _- "In.:this great and" Valuable medicine • Anyone 1 •- * - Wishinkte lino* more about my Mire ? , -*. • _ • Cat learn by eddy -0010g Me, E. M. • Williants., 1103 idtli 'street, Yiresitingiciii, 'D. Q. _ - - • * • t• . A New,R•se. ' The Bennett ;ON, as it is oalled in Philp delphia; is attraoting a great deal of attek, tion, as it ie to be sold next for 0171 dist time.- This roe oonsidered AO' finest crimson TOM that is a continuo0 btreolaweerlle;knTohwe bwuhici'-teres-Nerpbhieetoss .liwnItehwasit. riob lent= . oder, entirely new. So far t _ flowers of • this rose have only been se, with -short stems, because the owners, mt. yet offering it or sale,- Could not out WI buds With long stints,' latithet they wouti3 have been purchased by .,1 florists-, and $ slips used to make plants: The owner • !I the Bennett rope -has kept. his greenhourA looked* andguarded . by. watchmen- to KO vent the cuttings of plants being stoletti Some 07,000 has already been paid for We stook and the owner is under bonds notrW sellA plant of it until March, 1665. TWI person; however, not being. -a -Fred*: florist,. is likely . to fail in -the. propegatiqi of it and setae other. Man in the traM will, in all probability, reap the harvest,* .1 T • • . I consider your Itemedr the best reinedy in existence - For Indigestion; -kidney - - And nervous debility. I have -just" Returned - _ From the .South In a fruitless search -for health, and fitid that year Bitters are doing me more • • - - *Good I . • • .Tban anything else; „ A month ago I.was -extremely .66•Emsoiated! 1 1." •- And soirdely able to walk. Now I am *Gaining strength and -6' Flesh ! ". - ; ..*Aild hardly a day poises bet.what- I am • * . * .*- „ * * * * complimented on my improved appearance, and it due to Hop . - Bitterer j. :Wickliffe jsoloien,*.- • *- - ita-None genuine withOut- -a .buticie of green Hoes on the white label. Shun all the vile, poisonous stag with 461ilop,' or Hops" in their name - • • Foment researohes show that efectioneer- ing was marled on ie.anoient Poinpeii Very* much as at the -presient day. -Ineoriptioits havebeenfound informing the .peblio that 41 vete for Lentilui is vote tot hoped government" and asking patriotic citi- zens to vote for" Bilbus, the trite friend Of News at a salary of £4 a week, w io me. him " suptemety happy -7 - - Mr. Yates tells mete good stories stories of Dangles Jerold which are well worth qiiet-- ing. Mr. Yates - was escorting him one night to the Bedford -Hotel. "As we went up New street we met, two or three drunken roisterers, one of :whom atter tumbling up against me epolegized and asked- the way to the judge and Jury,' a popularentektein f the day. Instantly_ Jerrold- :bent muu forward an4 addressed -him.: Straight on, . zroupg.man ; .00ttinue • in _the path you are IsWallows- are seen hawking very.high, it is - ou maul fail to come to ti good indication, because the Weems upot •whioh the • feed venture nty there only in the most auspicious weather. - - . -Piople lite in the country all their lives without meklug one Accurate *Observation about nautili.- - The good . *Ampler- sof nettle holde his eye long at& firmly:t9 the point,- and finally gets the both not . melt beoause he his patience, butbemuse his . eye is sharp and bis infetenite twift. There are many assertions, the- result -of hasty' and inoomplete _observation, snob as, for instates, that the way the milky way. petits at night indicates -the :direotiou of be wind - the, next day; - also, that every new . moon- indicates either a dry or a wet month. 't • ,. • -now purSUiU nd , them It was to Peter Ounningbant, Men, tionieghis fondness* for • waves'. feet,- that, Jerrold said Extremes meet!' To Mrs. Alfred Wigan, expreeeing her fear:that ,her hair bed haat turned grey by the applies - tion. : of ecime strong stimulant, be -said, 'I know, eostnioe of thyme.'" -- , Mr. Yates introdtioes us next to Bohemia, a ootintry-iti whielt hetravelled much, weep if hev_aa ever naturalized. - edifier *Of tho, Conti.e Mies, . which sought to deal Punch in its _own patticulat field; his _intet- Course% with -literary Bohemia:0. dourea oam.e doter. Many are the aneidotie wbtoh be . tells .of • the oleVer Mell-and WoMell with whom he was thrown. " -This chapter -is extreptitnialli. bright .and smug; g reading. • The life . Of the•Contie WaS brieg,_.bUt it - was:- brilliaut wbile it• looted. - .T - . Next .--ceptes the story bis "diffieulty with the Garrick -Club,' 'which arosefrOm a: little 6rtiole be Wrote on Thaokeray in Town Tab grazing the too sensitive -outiole ot the gre4t novelist. • • Mr,Diokeris in, this diffionIty etood by Mr. Yates, and, on calm redaction it will pretty generally be . eon- . ceded that Thaeketay throughout _twines •out second beet: - - , - •Mt.- Yates',- draipatio - reoolleotions are quite:entertaining. Hie: own work far the Maga., bed.. been suoinesful. HAI:became *edttot otTeniple Bar ttud made it a spark- ling inagszinei*-In the..oliapter "People- I Have Iteown " Yates ..tells te Of Sit Alexander. Cookbern, and of a lively little. .inoldetit of that jurist's visit to.Sir Richard' Bethell.- Sir "Richard- and his ion -pick and gookbtirti _ wentpheasefit. shootjpg:.. The keeper happened to get: shot': Cook,. tetra ased. the keeper ---bY whioli of -his besiterehe bed been peppered and got the - !reply, 1, D."421 90M beth Of lerde"-• Next term thee -.Sir Bieber& Bethell,.* While addre1313i0g a number of legal dignitaries on . the Subject. of an important reform it the law, paid he:Wee to have the. support : in the matter of his friend Cookburn. Cook - burp -eitotesited. :Bethell said, "in bis most -Minding and *affeoted tones; _'You mtuit -?tioolleot • it, . my* dear' friend.; _it -occurred -on Itie moriting you shot my keeper 1" And so the book: goes on, with :good Moritaon every page: - - - • : - To Lundeen readers Mt. Yates' meow* of his.edventures in the United 5tate-J*1741i btemost eatertainieg... It was poor Cheva- lier Wile:AC-who first suggested to him tleit idea Of cooling here to. lecture. fol. lowed Wikoff's .He.. mine and • never bad teason 39 regret it. One of our inquisitive cotintrymet -introduied'himielf . on board the steamer and. took -ocoasion-te remark, "You've not my Peden of the build of an -author, sir 1- I thought you was a British athletegeingout to wrestle:" ge. lectured itiNeviYotk.viith good stiocees. pleating the Cooper ttIxreeeive-Ziar qp14.1 Grant, - 46rtirisW Alt.Svay Trounce i when. our iier Method is guaranted permanently 1 dire the werst oases rupture without the use of the , Send two letter stamps for pamphlet (ti references. . World's Dispetwary Maio Aestoiation, 663 Main Street, Buffalo,'w' t -t The • The -Nationalists of Dublin have deal -to -contest the next election with two dates Parnellbeing one - • The Talien band is -the lieweit sort girdle, and Felix; the costumer, is milt; OD matycolOimes, &Meng the relit on; whelk Mrs. Langtry wears es Pauline. • TI bandis ofveleet, and wide under the ar where it is fastened into the, waist. se, and then narrows to two_. etraight which are browsed in • front under-a-bue 4 -4 --4; -4 -4*. 411 -* 1 vr a . • . _ the people." • • • No woman oan live without'. Mine share of physical suffering; _ but Many accept as inevitable a great amount of pain whioh can be avoided. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound was invented by one who understood its need, and had the -rare skill to provide a simple, yet admirably effeotive remedy. - Versional VaragraPhs• In. the sleep -walking mete; while plating 'is “bi alttobeth,'": Sarah -Bernhardt always appears ou.the etage :barefooted.: The primal Eutparor of Russia -14 _tie earlier days. witii noted for Wa-. feats of • strength, and is. still one 0 the strengest mon in tie empire:of - • ; • : . . Lord DMus is still desitotui, of _becoming • Lord,Lieutenent .Ireland, 'and there is some probability '-og the. plaoe being -given him: ueXt. opting, should ,Lord .Speneer retire. , .• -,* _ • She melaucholy that -oppresses the 'tied of F. O. Burnand, editor of Pinch. is amounted ler by tlie annottioemeut that he has eleven unmarried daughters :OP his halide. • , .• , -Mr. Blaine -mode a epeeobat Augusta on Tuesday evening *bleb shows more- ability - than anything he did during the Nair:tip,- -proves that he *amp* the result of . the eleotion in a'neitiely ,spirit, - and :vindicates 'hie title to be regarded to -day, and in spite Of the Mann of the election, as one of the foremost, if not indeed the Tory foremost, of the leaders' •of the. Iteptiblioan ,party- - • • : Five crite of the :tWenty-cnie .Prestdente were of i.• Scetalt-Irish ,lineege+Jaoesoii,: ?elk, Blithandei, -J-Ohnion and Arthur; two Of- Scotch,. Grant ofid Hayes; one of Weise, Jefferson:, and one ot DUtolt,Van Buren.; the remeining twelve beiti lit -English descent. 4 . . . : Frank Henry, keep. .0....the:•Preeqcie Isle beetion for eixteeu-yee it, has resigned. He Saved Atilt 100 lives from drotentng. 1 -During tue•ditys 0 the undergtound. railroads be was °tied thecoiiduotote and ran 'Off more -ziegrOes to Canada, it .iii -aitid, • that any other one Min.. - Tee Windoixi -palace in,: Washington,- for - whioh-J. G.•::Bleine• will ..pay 8300 &Month tbitt winter, is -only three .blocke. from the White House, whicii:.:Will be. -in hill view . twin Bli: Blaine's library Windo*.and Will, suggest, mitlitubt, to the palitical bietoriaWs: Wind thelatuilier -tine, 1 66- Thoti art Pie near: and yet80fitt:' - . - • ., ,„-=` i'. General BusseltA.'Alger,, the .Governor - elect of MiChigan, was it farmer's.boy, who lead -book -ft by. a pine knot in au:Obiti cabin. He was it ditening -eaValry adder,: the asscioiate Of Custer and-Slieridaii. He was fortunate in Itiniber lipeonlitiOns and rail- road epterprises -in, the seventies, : and is counted a millititairieseveral tidies -OM! Prinee GtOrgei ion. of ;the:Prince. Of Wiles, was 0 popular and smart Middle on lie.is:no*ptoving himself at apt etudent at boatadb-bouotthothoiBaochaiiiiiind Ottnadeii and: e..-ltoyel- Naval ()allege, where he OnjoYi - tiolerttr b4.418fies overothei•sublieuten- i 00,000- boots . pooks. : . . • -. What 10' Cent* WO Do. • , A 10 -*cent. *Age of Poison's Neaymnte will oure-nenralgia or headache. 'A la cent bottle of -1Terviline.iesufficient Waive colds, diarrhces, epatintsr dysentery, eto.- Nerviline 18 just -.the tuingtO Cure ell pains, whether: iuterpal or external: .':Buy at your druggist a 1.0 pent Sample= of "the greet paid wire." Safe, prompt and -alweys effeetuat;- „Urge bottles at any drug stors, only 2'5 oents. • - • Reading; .Pa., colored people- are • v. , .exeladed fro.ni !intoner rinks at that dity,. alit will go' to` law. &Mitt ip. - • eilistory Repeats Klett - And - perhaps: in the dietant futitre when the egos have grown old,- and peeve with sloW and failing steps down the eottidoieet. •time+wilen the' adjenote- arid Appliances' thet now make life endurable erefforgotten .--hew gladly will the peopie_hail there-dis.; oovery of : dtharn's Painlees Corn. Extraotor,_the great and Only sure pop corn eitre -this age.- -f,WitiliOut a _rival for effi- cacy -or pitinlees 'oertain in -every ease end . yet perfeotly harmleets to every other part, untidy:its:loss would be felt in- leture ages as keenly as its valuitis 110$67. appreoiated-by all in-. this. :Try .,Pettutin's- ii:einless Cott.. Extractor: Sure and sate. N. tl, Polson Kingston; prOpttlitas.* PINK TABLE AB1M CO DI IS 'A POSITIVE CU.R1 * For ell of those . INIefufel Ciimple144 . :, -• . * * Wesitieesee- he erontinOn to our.04,--,- *:* * .-4i • .* lilg:LILI POrtiLATION•41 . /T WILL &HIE rernuity fret wain frow • tate --come:tams, ALt •OvAsiAll• Tam* PLAN/AMR' AND ULCERATION. FALLING 4. rwareasara, Awn THE coNsEquENt.SpINA • *IT WILL DIsiavE ANR EXPEL. TUMORS - ;Mg r1::::::::::;:ipiA::911:itros".Tr.t.Tli.- ToileirivAso:i. 4:74:1:3:11171:-. eitnrs: fto.v .TENnENCYTOCANCEBOIJS MITITORS THEHEI4 . IT REHOVEs =FAINTNEsS, lex,LTITLENCT, TM AI;L: cit.orrso.ronprilatiLANTS, AND BELIET4‘, , p. Az, . itess-ov THESTONACILI - IT CURES 13LOAT#46p.IIAD- AMIE-, NERVOUS PROSTRATIO1q, GENERALP0307A, DEPRESSION exi) iNtaoofincx.. *- - It. . * * THAT PE 'LINO OF BEARING DOWN, bIlin, -Ail1,1 i* VircuEBIEGHD Tim to Btreic:A.c*Nr, E,4 S .1.,L4W. A:ls .pE11*.* osii#NTL'I 1..- * IT *WILL t.r.ait, TIMES AND %win ALt4RECITS, ,., ..11 STANCES ACT .IN HATTONN., WITH - THE: ; $ THAT poyeas Tint PENALN. SISTEH. : *: . .*'' . .. .. - .. ,- . •-*:mai-lritOToisv is SOLELY roarar lp,rmarli --HEAIJ.NH Or =stop AND TRE RELIEF op...Ate, vat -ease IT :noes ALL IT CLAIM Tow); TEHRJOHnn OW Up* 46.1Elific"ZotGp. AciivuOrio .T0Ers:riciptliii....-1Dttvr .6.4:634;t-1401.. ,,,,terli Jura= SEx ran ionnapr: Is- ItiTsURPA4Eur. * * -4' LYDIA *.:PINEHATriii VEGETABLE CO t POND 11 . . prepared- at Zinn, Mass; Price $t Six b9y4-,104 tor $1. -Sold by all,' ruggists. Senthymell, postage 0:411,;* fan* er of Pills or :Lozenges On receipt of widens:al:0o. .11rie Pinkbane - "Guide to ilealth06. will be maileOL Ctee to see Lady smiling stainpi i Lettere conildeetiallt-*Fersd.*._ Torpidity; , g the Liver. ;260ents per box. 4' tl,,/,)1., . . * • No tarl :should be without LYDIA EA DOCHAIrl-- tIVER P LS. They ;ture Oonstipatfon, BrAiAiausist-itaki ._ . . . . .. 9: r .01.: Ilif*:••714:-00 7 ttit•.; . •.,T -iv „., . - • .;riez t etea-t • substea a New y - Oriel& f - hal ben g ork is' ez• e 7"'• . which his 2...ere/id Plil10e colored correspondent,and as recolleation th The Seem to,Of rounditia A.‘, uuing A.4.4616 woro, trial SUCCea 41 Mate Of: rathimodrie. gxablytels.dt etaWbsoitilufeOgdbh.,:i:: .,BUSUrni OPafflar$2012eW LOodon Ile' has delay -re e a "'an Of an ever. initde !tit 13- tie, tgiretof9nro4ini1172, or te with -his brethren of e •81113:1 lite tertetti:t° ttakee tiptee oink and be for ziatty friendships. Ile egait to write for other peptize altd period., 404-, and indeed wee- fairly -lautattlied into _tee career 104104 lose proved so. huoceeeful, la5a be wavraerried. ` The happy . anus in the _ .sy : big life- - continue to be - pleasant and profitable) life.. is;etidentkv a,oheery, geod-natuted fellow, and there is nothing that Can cause elm a `moat nt of not a word of -spite or inalioe_ int his,bookt regret ter having Written. - . - ' • i' - • Nuvr4-10 red thoilitifild ursvc" quite b 000 oha009 01 but a °-11°-$.400 ,notpaid , 400000 that , --a.. wit t. - tfquie Efuet, Au- • .. 1U1.6 ;;..ta.:, ''.,i'lf BE U..;) .;-' 1 1.: kiliFT"I?"'E'l lag from froin *NERvopa, DEsitirt. LosTLe!OALITT, mEN:ONLYL_-Tot4w on oT.-:e, 1:a•413:n IA Atri!VOCER are -sent on SO Day .01ItO,VOLTAIu 131MT -ma 4-• .4(.iO4.;,"..nel„",76,froarpoillefe-rtmritri .., 0.1:_v#4...1 TU WAsTol$ WEAKNESSES. and arieliti-phfo PERSONAL ' NATURE,' restating irofloi. AP .',$1:103iraatneda- OTHER 'OAITSES. ' Speedy 6.GEARANTEED. Soul. at onget-, restoration to REALTA, Vioott itn 44rifooD sa lha Miolle . •1.,............,...,..oxiod.....„4........„,„,.......rielses.e. , TTbiiiouto- gb.:4;tii, 4 weAti... ' Vooltik Be:1.76-, 7 'STUDY by -mail inSook-keep,17,ti. usinT.. ca, ,...,„4,,,n give. • ,..orsoibrinnitaiboaisfeigiii.. Agit sni4mdtaestiipltioin, Sikisfracrbre,rjonAdmn, dopetEriettIrmis. to ()root - wilniotcliort:pe,orfn 1 m.21.1:8°01.01:8;tial'uff!"°11DIllart:ndIfE4T71, ILINED-171112'CaYired0:r -II', _111E1 i3eff13°. 131:::111;:p101-*/"Iti°44Etc:Sdn, :8-8,0914:113AfeleseDM013:43::::::14i3111: Al::111:11:1b:"Earar:' 0#12:.1:84:21111343: 1:711:10::!:;7:11a:1511i! : . . .711 loh,x• , 1111....16 tiA lit artt 1:4 h a fz s.,,,,..._ , '7.1:1:1-Eli::::i; ..-evaredu:77, *o ttute Book, ea rai tf? ... --6-.4.-....," !,"?i,-,-, Itdieglisi ' Beaeten0,97_1 ea 'IOb • (UMW Itie ' 4- .4sir. °ta. 't: tbhate4honi k titud_p4:4id. 164nothingi11-:t,ell190:1I:..E.el 8et.°"Iit101lee....Y*1 IIx1. Ilr.uveiaeress:asiii...1 Iill' Iii .:staleedY6.6,e,eh:lt;el': attar' I. 0:1:1611 : 40- NelbiliP. 1 iini- 13 4i, . no. .16:3 al idai,al I 1cl:tn. blood,31,9 .°6- ,t. lee" . i. et.iP' - di ilbe°, .. .. invigorates ig iii iril. ir ot6i1 ir.iiele. , if_ boy, Ili,o1-- li zjilifeitt. : u?ogi 41:uoll 191,6_11:itaa sb. 881- ''. 1 11. . I la ;• 411°:-: I 36t°4nell tti vatiihra°11. ihp ug. . - wti - 10018asev 1::, ' g. t a is Ian' :Qs. is't.:Eierne'lli_teitatil, tiltcirbidi. system.l ipre ri. elyneevitheiv°, :,C;ni. 8ii 2e:riP4- 4 ):1 t', '. bowels,::,•.66 ,s natit9°161416Aiie' neir1 ;tiesa' during6:erg.:110., .kiii. . 8, Vegetable -4 • mere skeleton phybiefins, andleft to - dia.': ' Reduced to a one time _given .up kr . the -meat etriinent are the.- opret.7:04:6bylitliiiia.d*y, 36:lite' • wee - at . ions ' " ff et. *necks me Spots • eee, ........... !- . . Abiesseepeouliar tofthifferint-fenialeig stieh • as disphieententde000rrhootlatlaiurnatiOrt Oaf , 00; . She b.egat . lakinglk Rieroe's P:Favottite Presdriptioe,"- and&iliei 'lasing tholooel tteatteenis reimininended bY Win and hi*. POW,. elle .saYek ,Vatigood las new." Pcioisted iced; be 0/10,A101114.4 iNdrliggistg,, tr(4-tn'' ;les' . :to, - eins:"."---a-show 111:: Wee: Plait:: 1)19.._ • .., 1 ...i. ..,,7,09,u- .9„ kansiis family .. tie- telle'd. elk' by - J. .w.,a-inleiales.beitailfatee,git:ttatdhoehn...0!0_64:;:jaultilipyru.tost'pzeo.::suritest-e:tefotoz1:::t-fehrei.iloirdhilionl'tP-Ietlae, Dame warm). .413 time. pert enra. 7na_iiiirgiuntaaottnion53 pose e 1Vbite "IV -- al; t:h__e,Eero,n‘rdi je:::3_664:11.1108,8elein:betareet:silvd: -direotori•-ar e"e of asks tor Whin. " bank r an . an bo net 4.reotot 9 4311 Whiteb mottle. - '59 6 MOW ' r .r ' • • . • , „ 11,1 3 •