The Sentinel, 1884-05-09, Page 6• Pill Over tie Orld. It is rumored that Mr. lams, of Chits & Williams, of Belleville, be appointed , County Attorney of Itself tttit, • The Inipeeial Hotel, W dsor,was broken - open on Saturday iilight l burglars, and'a <gold watqh and 010 'pleura as booty. The perpetrators escaped. •sJudgzetent was dervere in the Supreme • Citurt at -Halifax on Satte.day confirming .,the sentence recently p ed on the two dynamiters Holmeiaod I -aeken. On Saturday mornitig happened to Mr. Hill, • Wroxeter. While oiling ing he fell, and a al.*trp pi timed one of his hums.' • considered doubtful ericius''acsoident aw millet of _e of -the shaft e of . iron pant- ie 'recovery is • : . John • Forbes, -a ihohatan employed on - the GoVerement teteerevr Newfield; at lialife#,' was so severely t, tiured- On Thurs. -day byan. accident • :to. E,e ship's 'hoisting . gear while - workiqg . at he buoys at the ' sleuth, of the barb�r that4e died from the effects _yesterday morninLn the 'hospital. , , . • 'Diphtheria is reported be on the in-, crease in Montteal.1, •Two:4 ttinilieseito- of • eight_phildren and the ott t of five—have - lately sustained the loss 4 three - and two members respective y... k- eral ether farm- . - lies are afflicted,. and theflialenee :of the soottrgets attributed to be drainage !and slaughtering by but:Thers.i- — . • - . . A ship: catpent i na • 4 James Perry, an old readout of Port 1lbousie, junipect .off the 'Welland traintas itt as nearing the : station at port Dieliio-useYesterday after- noon, - and:. was : thrown4under the oars, if which _pissed over hi ti,cutting 90 his •: right arm and badly...ern tting bisieg'near the thigh. His initiri *ill prove fatal• . . . Another -man narrowly caped the Caine • gate from ' the seine- a - being theown. • .--quite a disa• it*: •.1 - . 1 On Saturday afternoo • mined Pay' lne while _goi the London Bast licitelief -• Zvetet, and the pair w•t Sometime efter.wa Wis, Pi • ;ay down Under a tree; titteret; butwhen he avtott , his companion . and hismoney; amountin -tt e he isays,to 130, were gone. Everet was arc ted at -the Grand. Trunk depot *In the act o uyingi a ticket : . . • •• :for the West. - -- . „. . Bum . . /Lord IL:Chute-hill will- sit the Stites. tRnakin - oats Mrt. Gletttstonet.," an old t Windbag." . -. - - .. - A --Paris: 4f:if-vetch sa --ernment is preparing to „ t :squadron in Chinese wa .. Priming Elizabeth, et tSexcatitItenburg, book -binder - t e rounds of in with Angus off together. e feeling.eleepy °coal -tamed; by •••.I a Frenobov- uoa the Freneh '• was married yesterday a the Grand Duke Opiate . mony was 'performed at . with great pomp. _ A Berlin despite 'Uwe made'a conte the plot to blow up . at Niederwald. Th of dynamite was underneath the m tura alone preventel the- - t. Petersburg to Mei The oere- tot Winter- Pela0e ea .two anarohists ion g ng the.cletails of he stt-tud Of. Germania y. sett thet a • quantity num t,- ttnd the Il1O18. 18,08titaptpe -a dramn '-pleeiont ; By the breaking of a b ge near Cuidadt- -. _zeal, Spain, yesterday ' rniog a train of •. ruotenger oars was -pre° itated into ; the • MU.. Several persons a 4 repotted killed: ' Twenty received severe . juries: One of the -supports of the brid was after*arda. found to have been !ant t oug,h. It ist be. lieved the disaster was eesult..of neali. tam week., --. . A Paris despatch says e, Yoltitiit. eve - that the Government hastoteoted -.General _Millet, commander Of -th9Frenoh forces in- Tonquin, to report what etrther operations Would be necessary to sere Op conquests • in Tonquin. He 'hail zepged that it will be _quite sufficient to sttenget n he paititiOns naval coal depot depot at Oboe I wilt* will be already gained. gone° mit established a - - very useful . in theeventof ii war with - r . China. _ .. .. _, • _ . A sensation has been cs sedan Berlin -by: the statement made by Err Richter to the committee of the Bei -deg having 11n charge the resolution tel ng to the anti-. .Socialists law, that t ana his had placed' ....sateen pounds of dyn ito under : the • - ' statue of Germania :at derviald shoitlY' • before the unveiling of t rnentiment, and • that a: terrible catastro was only. 'pre- • vented by the fortunate ucestance that •-.vain had rendered the e loetie hate:dean • forth -e -time. Theiclynsoite' fatted in its • 1311011i014 . and was ' disfeered after - the immense assentblage. hattdeparted. . The -fact had been kept. ' tiorerintil this time. • - - Viseoant-Torting n dL On Sundae: . --4 - The Spent* Minietet Washingtoneaye • Itriin will never part wit, Ohs. ' --• .. , - ThePope has accepted/ herhsignation by Cardinal Ledochowaki of.ie Archbishopric of Greisen resent, t - 13.- The steamer Assyl ;lent for Ifildagaso' ar With provisions for. ;the eivenclv forcepe has • : been -wrecked at PrOvidettettIsland, in the. •' Indian Ocean. - - '.- -. - A Madrid despatch siV4 the elections in • _ . ' forty-six districts for -Inernberi. Of ' the, •- Chamber of Deputies reathed in the selec- tion of Ministerialiste. - ' -•' • t Advices from Berber it • Pasha - has proolainied- • .the twit. The inhibits •thatroOps have niatehed 1 - . The Rwislan Minister butes the gloomy isonditi trade in Russia' to cbri • . United Stable Canada "ors of wheat. • .• .-1 Adyiees from . Pape - ' -strike and Onions disotd ' Mb. : The Mame ilofti - men being searched' on. •'• the-daies work- tp-- . 1 - . Major' Fielden *kite -i to the London • Standard protestingagaieeit that jetliners.: • giving- currency: to ' the nutor :that! -the ittreely parttthad mutinttl- and had Mitt-• . dared their commander. -,-`. •. — -1 . Is. x - - The °elope Gazett 4141 M. Ferry will • -demand- binding, iiieogek*,.0.--,EngleniVto renounce the Reit of: anti' Tem.*, or etitabliohie • :. Ing.e. prOtectirate over-- - .pt, and that if -- i •England refugee to give Re, dgei France will • Abstain from the Egypti tt conference • ' -I • • • - .The acting agent of th OW part'', Which . . . - . , .. • • e that Huisein e eves:midden of litieiftedt and join the rebels. Finance of fmanoe and Ltetition with the -tti India as export - own mention a inthediamond difficulty is the he conclusion Of ttimito-'itnite'all--.ietrkitie--- Web wit:: Ciiie thotiittaittYdra alreadycomederable lands wit tWhi the . campaign with endears provided with torpedoes. Retiolv- ing-gpie will ptoteett the ortiwilf attacked., These veaselewill bet employed against British men-of-war in various harbors. As a freight Wain on .thet Flint & Pere- -Maiquette:roadtWaretittessingtet pceterid? -bridge over Case River,. SiX miles east -East 'flagintiWt• on -Batumi:8Y evening, - the bridge. gave way, carrying tWebtp oars into the river fifteen feet below. - The locomo- tive and tender, .oretifsed in safety. The loss is heavy, as the oars- were leaded: • No. one -vies injured.. • •• - -Feank Erdman, Who. committed a fitter -assault on John Hager at East Buffalo on Saturday, --is a Canadian and fernier resi- dent of London; Oat-, where it is believed be has gad, to -avoid arrest: Three yeare ago be. was arrested in Erie for a similar assault, but 'ashis vietim recovered he was let off With a. short teem in the peniten- tiary. . -• • _ Wilhelmina Gotliett. Naddlity, living at No. 147 Central avenuetIluffelce gave birth to -a female abild. on Thursday night and strangled it to death soon after its birth. She made it- full confession of her - crime. The woman is Married, but her husband hatenot lived with her for three years. The fatherofthdchildis unknown. - - • At the assembly -of the Jewish ,Alliance in Vienna yesterday.- the. President an- nounced that the emigration to -America of the victims- .9f , Russian -persecution- had resulted in great success. Some _money was voted to be forwarded to the Montefiore Agricultural and Aid- Society of New York in aid of Jewish colonies in America. A- Cairo despattih says the recent report of the surrender of gerber was .premature. The British agent there telegraphed to -day that the -position of the town wasdesperate, but be . did • net , mentiOniher' surrender. Subsegu-ently, however, bei-annonneed that , the eieepe were; testing the -town, and: that the *els' were entering houses in the outskirts. _ The agent has left Berber for Roroliko,.. tt • ' Before issuing the recent encyolioal on the Freemasons,. the Pope had :elaborate reports furnished him by Cardinal Dean -of the .Steeted College, - and`b374 the renegade Mattel). The Pope stated, in the Weenie) of several Cardinals: "1 haverea- son to believe that the Freemasons, and various eocieties-svhialt are affiliated to or result from them, are stiongonineeribelly &MoogCatholics in both hemispheres." „ „ e can,-• - • • Cattle ate perishing by Wholesale in Western Texaa from drought and famine. • The . daughter, of 'Rear -Admirer Nicholls his been robbed •of $1,000 worth Of:jewel- lery in the Ebbett _House, Washingten: The United States House of Representa- tives has passed the -Bill for the relief of the Atherican merchant marine. . - _ Reoently-convicted prisoners in Citoill- nati have been sentenced to 'abnormally heavy terms of imprisonment. - - • . 4 • SA,‘ -SoluokArs ceueoi War --The .Goteemattte -Re ease to send.. etnoteet Expe-plin— War ! .cerrespendent Aires 'litter -motet. ' _ • - A Sat -tatty night's London oahtvgta' m says : A bOunoirwas held at the;.Wett Matte this morning. It is rtiotiid that tito4uke ot Cambridge, toid Wadley, the tt-ttrquis Of Heetingtou and :others advise: spat** the - _ . ;- expedition t� Berber, or any advancttttittat- ever until alai force is equipped Uzi **eve Khartoum in the entuntn-. The ErttOttati Premier is. pressing the. Governetto to oome to immediate decisionThe Egyptian trobPs at Atisouati CLIO ie0er stations in Upper Egypt dealer° 000 in- tention -of: joining El Mahdt. NumttteCare deserting?". • -. • • The Ring Of Abyssinia has agitt4 to AdiatrallHewett's. proposals totinvOthe -Poudan for the relief of. the.Egyptetatger- iiions, and 'whilst them to Withdraw thebugh - The Dablin. Express gays Seines M.P., who went to the: Soudan .as ' pendent '9f .the London Witte; h arrested. by the Egyptian authoritie pitteuitdocuments were - found in. session, among them letters from men to the Mahdi, • „ A . Cairo. despetbli -says troop. havetarrived at liortatie. _ 55 minion the journeyThd troops at Berber have fret.:tized with the !rehele.. The condition _Oftegairs. excited the deepeet.0:Meerut, The "Aebi- Iapts-46fileeittg from the place, an :;wil1 be deserted in a few days. A deepateh from Berber reports that four .brigtal.te of Bashi BaZQUIP3 and 500 soldiers hat-tothed the. rebels. - : • • :The . Government's refuaal to an etpeditien to relieve Berber, bans t teat excitement in political clubs.. A no rty coalition is being formed for the puttiette of attacking the Government's policy. t t- It is stated that atthe Egyptian. otehieten pe Fiance will urge the- revival of gapuaL control, and that •Earl Granville wilt: ,take a -conntertpropoeitien Mt -plebe Ettep,tian finances tinder the control of the Epteitean . • - powers generally:-• - •. - Teirtyttwo pays -veneer a emote. .- A • Highland,- Coi., • despatch' tteeyst Doripg the terrible storm of Pdttottay, March lObh, a monster anew -elide detteettid and buried under. tweptyfeet of sum413he cebinin Which - Joseph- . and Sane tSteelet Geo. Motels, J. F. Thorne and J. Tate Were living. :The size. of the Ambit • eix miles-- above ;hist place, up pontitaenne Gulch..- The bodieteof-tee five nnfottettate, fter II:inch-herd work, as. tht tow' miners 4itere -taken out the • knotting was packed- solloliekihat it had. tcel,oe`otit out in .bleeks.wtth an. axe. - One of the' Men was foundwith' his. pipe 'in 14ie :naoy.p.,,• 4nd his <pi:Mutt-knife: dapped in his hand, the .others in position* showing - conottettely that they werealtinetantly killed, itttebene had a dog that he prized very highlyt t bat always- - Made his quetters under the tetutk • e, ally, 14 2 tes- en e- Os- Lich- om ir1ost The agitation New .York -against the "where the men -slept, and of course very - trade in:dressed beef from Mow ia meet-, body- supposed the. dogwas kil1e6t iltOn ing with considerable success; andti move.. April 041 Mx. Ileveke and Ohas;Jotiteon, mentis iti-piogress to boycott all btitohars -of Aspen -tierdt tunnelling in the Slide , who waist dealing in . looking for ,trunk vatible . . - Dr, Newman, tif.New York,' - been, PSPersevehen they: heard the dog teline, - served with an .injiinCticin -.restraining him and finally dug him out from - iniktrt-t, he from fulfilling his pastoral functions until bunk .artve- and Well,- but thin atter his thirty-t*ti days! teeprlsonment with T.4otligng May let, when the motion will be heard - to eat but snow. . - before the•coHirt.• e . - •The elide sttuoktlie cabin on tilt,. tt. gide _A terrible eyelet:id struck Jamestown, O., yesterdaywhere the bunk was, but left three ootinds . afternoon. • Twotthirds 9f the < of logs standing, which protected We nk town were completely ruined, six persons killed and .many wounded, whilst hundreds and saved it from being crushedttt, -4,bhe MEM of snow, leaving 4 space of 36 ii for of people are rendered hOnlele$S.• • M. S. Robinson, a . grain commission, - merchant. of Chieego, was arrested on Saturday -charged with selling- 40,000 bushels of flax seed bought for a firm in Logansport, for which they hold his ware- house receipts. . the dog. - Charles Dull a. miner,' was found.on. the roadside near Bradford, Pat: yesterday morning, unconscious, his skull crushed, and by his side -a baseball bat covered with blood. He was last seen with a party Of minerie and it is supposed in a drunken quarrel he received the fatal wounds - The Thetis will sail on Thursday and the Alert on May 10th. - During March 38,600 immigrants arrived 111.the -United +hates: - stitte, Jack Cole, one of the sailors of the 'lint steamer Jeannette; died at an whim in Washington yestekdaymornipg. His in- sanity was the result of hardships and ex- citement of the retreat- to the Siberian ooast after the loss of the vessel. - The Seritialtobia deispiteh readied from Paris regarding Tynan, the Mysterious " No. -1 " of the Invincibles; is stated from a Buffalo source to be entirely without foundation; ,the real -Simon Pre being stilLin the -United States.. • Simon Motititaged 25'yearet a mute, of Dublin, Ont., was struok by -a Chicago & Grand Trunk engine while walking en the track at Cheboygan, Miolt., on Sunday, and . instantly, killed. After the inquest the remains Will be taken to Canada. Philip4Iildebreobt, a bartender at Tren- ten, N.Act, became insane on Sunday night. He was7eleciping with Lewis Pfleget, a Jeweller, and tattacked him, inflicting a frightful:- wound itt hia /head.. Pfleger etrisggled for life, and finny threw the Mall* and escaped. • Hildebreoht WAS looked in," The officers found him bleeding from terrible e...Wounds on his neck and arms, inflicted. with broken_peces of toilet artielee :.His recoverv is doubtful. • Thetneweboys and bootblacke, of Chicago paraded last night with torches, drums, and mottcfes signifying their approval of e proposition before- the City -Cotutoil to . bring them under police regulation; by requiring them to pay a small license feel anctwear badges. One or two -newspapers object to the move; and the boys threaten to bciyoott.them; , • .ploalle411{easOns- Why Bread is Bread -baking appears to be moo the. lines of businetie litwhich-ovee4sOmpetition increee,ei the price - of the citrate-4AV. Theta are more master bikers than ti,here is btisineits tier, more ovens than battliett to bake, , more bones , and carts and ettiers than would Cover a 'city.thtee tie:teethe size, andmere bad debts than in any Other busineest. As long as this continuett *be the easel beker's • bread must be dtettand light, and, thrifty: housekeepers will -take for themselves. A lady in the kOrthern part of the -city, who has a large tatteily, • .says ' she just sates $e)atablith bYtt-k#Ing her own 'breed. No S4 .a MOlitkiqust 848-a year, the tenth pert ofmany6tettn'e • iiilary.--tTorento He that .would not . when ' he migCt laha not when he weeds • Aka recent bali in.NeW Orleans, ::i the most conspitittotts box, the' centre l'or. all eyesBettlefferson Davis, the daughtete of Gen. Lee, and the wife of Stonewall Week.' He who . eedulonaly attends, e peMeillY asks, ()aptly Speaks, coolly •answqseand ceases when , he has no InOrelost.3,„ it in poisessicat of come -of the besii redutt.ttes - • - of.rnan.-L-Laeter. . - Housewife: "But, Eliza, youttlever 'have your housework' dote 1" tittench Oirvant No • madam need not ',evader it that. If medal* is alwaysIscoldsng-Ane, I must listen, and SO I lose so much ti0e." Leaving home this morning for the dfAce we kissedour little 4-year-ohl gefe4ye, saying to him, " Be, a good boy ta.44y." He somewhat erirprieed Ms by saytag, " I will. Be a good Man, papa." Sure eee9pgh, We thought, we need -this exhortation more than he.—Bayard '(Iwe) Net,*. = Chin Chen Secretary of the Cese. Legation at Washington, pinnies .teineself upon Speaking -good English, an *hen. asked whether he would have eggs; or Orearli in his tea at Mrs. Frelitighlyeen's receplionthe othee'evenlianswere&I thiis : &traveller who had just read On the guide-post-4'0)01*th two -males,", thought :tce makegame of a passing Iriehman by askiogteltlf Ws two -miles to -Dublin; Pat, hew -10ng: wily it take to get . there p" "Faith," returned Pat," and if yer heels 881010w- valet: witityttllegiOtieretabotit „ • &lever writing to his sweetheart says: Deleotable dear1 - You are so sweet, that lieney would latish ill your preemie, and treacle stand appalled." • . ' • .• .;-' " fie epais• cream; ' iniJake& stife4 me takeelea -het addr Eitrinikiirdebliii1,- please:" _ Wait not- for your diffieulties tettettee-e there is to ;soldier:I:Very: to -be...,ett,t", on peaceful' fields, no -sailor'As daring t t4. be ..sito,N14:441 stripy seat ne4 :pr4a-t thip tettliettitoVect when allttemetwelEt patience:, hetoialove, devout emir* egen- tlenesee are not to be formed twhett ere, are no, deubts, no irritations, no dig tai • •. Theitthti was brimful, but it stoto take on. a lady. She had soarcely-sctuctezed her teatylin itehettatmait squeezed k- way PUtt *410 Itiktreaelige thei2iiiiiiffrt07 he growled: "Here's a fair sample •tott, the hoggishness of the .men 'of Ott -401" How t!' "Why the selfish wretOet sat theee and made .MO give up my seat/ .my OVIII wife l"—Detroit Free FTE88. A sientenced t. ed A NOW joeriksPatch eats: • George Jeffrey and °,h. wife, indicted for murder in, the gret degree of an mate child at Sautthtown,- L. 14 came up for trial to -day It. River Head. Jeffrey rethdrewitisforin r plea oftiot guilty, and leaded minty. Ate murder in .the second gree. He was stittteneed_to State Prison at Sing Sing for h e: His wife was dis- charged on'the groind‘of ooeroion.. The murder flee. child was -preceded by a long list o ' brutalities and was most deliberate., tt was born out of wed- lock,- its mother being Dolly Pollard, colored, and it a white man residing in BrOoklym jelftey Married Dolly, Pol. lard and made her work to support him. The child was an obstruction. It was left alone in the house in the morning, and not peen again until night, bread and water being left for it On be floor. Jeffrey would lift the child by he hair from the floor and fling it at his wifeli head When he was humored. It appearing to Jeffrey that systematic- torture, would not hill the child; he resorted' a harsher method. The child's _mother • bait the • dreadful act com- mitted, and did 6.11 she could to help Jef- frey conceal the etitne.- He held the child's body between his legs like a block in a vice, and twisted NI head until itspeck was broken. _ 0,1441TBIL op fir ..Liferisisaral.' - rittauty. • EIBIBE.-86¶LQ $20.000,000. The Colossal Ille 'istae , That loss F011ets i l "11212.111140P,ti,aFlaysv!r Itel.idar. A. rniladelphiat despatch Says : For years there has . stud; at . the cornertof t Twelfth and Che titut streets' an old woman who :801d -flower i t This Morning it was discovered that s etts.one of the • heirs of the vast -estate itft by "John Nicholas Emeriek, who diedt .withoilt a 'Will. about 135 years ago. - kti ben he died his estate was.valued.at $5,00 , 000; Now it 18 worth fully620,000,000„, p,rt of which is in Beg - land, the rest being.i hi Germany and New York. She says tieVliusband was a grand- son Of Nicholas •Eintiriok. Seyetal heirs to this estate havepleated .ip the pest, but they failed to p? o4i.ice the requisite proof of identity. tils.liEmeriek• has placed -a bundle of papers • in the handeof her coun- sel, which she .8E4 :Will fully 'establish her claim. Since he nsbaudts death she a bard struggle t 46ourea living. ii.410, . --.••••—"7"' ' : Fatal BoOling Aceideaf.- . - 1. I, • A last (Sunday) night'sVidland despatch says: To -day several yachts with pleasure parties- left Midland for various .points: The boatwhich tv,Ant . to Victoria Harbor contained ten peisohl. -On-returning Ileey were upset about Itilf a mile from Victoriat Harbor, but they Were all reseued. Another party of twelve whith:left here for Present Island _when reeurhing were _uppet about midway between 1 -tat Point and "Wait a Bit" Point. They trete itethe water about an hour and a half btfore assistance reached - them. W. H. Davit and Joe Stewart were returping from Muettkoeh- and . heard cries for assistance, and immediately put to the: -reecue. Before this, however, Richard Smith wentout with a skiff and rescued G. A. -Griffith and•Wm. Haetitigs. About fif- teen . minuted befOte Davis. and Stewart. reached them Charlie ' Hastings had died, •and was lyingon the- boat abotit fdur feet -under water. Smith returned ' with his ekiff, and, with batris, conveyed the re- mainder of the , p6rty to Davis' yacht, Where Wm. Can, iagent - for the Great Northwestern Taletreph . Company here, and a commercial tieveller -named Frank -Peak), Of E. Pease;- 4' Son,- Toronto, - died. The remainder of th1 Party are doiug well. Phe weather was tde. elly. • i Ai • Allele& fiteildWitylii • - • 4 't , Whether in ancathit times- better roads t and pavements were- builtlhan at present , , 9 or whether wily -tie best ones remain is tuttierteln; but it ia cletain that some ofthe remains of such .stiret butes found in Rome, for instance, evince titgineering skill and perfection of worktin a high degree. These were laid out ceretuity, excavated to 'solid . ground, or pi svfailip* places made solid by piles. , Then the lowt et course was of small-. four inches in diathe ,er ; over .these • was a f sized broken stonete ' one less tharethree or coupe nine incheelhAoki of rubble orbrokeir stones cemented *itigL lime, well rammed; over this a course ficiinches thick of broken bridle and Potteryie -So ceniiintedwith lime ; t epavinzentunt, or pave- r 'slabs of the hardest upon this was ls.i ment, composed stone, joined and t ed together as closely as possible. This, wttt costly—the -Appian Way, about 130. Miles in length, having almost exhausted gee Roman treasury— but it was as •etedniring as Nature's own work. Wager. ;is A iootbing Syrup. Sir Joseph F-5, r, President - of the Medical Sooiety, in , the fine authority in the world about nitke poison, has come forward in a new apacity,withen infallible recipe for soothingtfetful children to sleep, In °nearly every Eimaleyan village the native baby is plaoeit in a trough nito.which there trickles a °dilatant stream of. water. This falling upon 01 vertix of the. oranium, induces •sleep. Ottildren - lie ' in their troughs forhours!, asleep while their mothers go about thbir veork. We fear Sir Joseph's plan wothat be only too successful in this country. . Atte; . a day or two's ex- posure -la the water 'trough the bhild would probably sleep. the sleep that knows no wak- ing. The systemmy work in India-, but it cannot be guarantee' as safe for home ap- plications—Pall Lal Gazette.. • We cannot rilth4. every wrong, but we - can indeed, wrong tvary right: Mr. John Mottotgor, Washington and DeKalb avenues, BrtboklYn, has in his pos. session a sword *hob be believes to have belonged to Bob Roybit father, wheelie states, was " Colonel Donald McGregor of Argyll." It is a straight • bleted, double edged, two. banded claymore, With an iron basket hilt. The treasury. a -ate German Empire has ittat undergofieits annual idepeotion. Every year three important financial officials visit and verify the impekial 'funds -kept in- the Julius Tower at Spendau; and.divided into fcittr -seotions—that intended for the ex pongee of fortificetinns, the shire. for peg - - Monti 'and invalade, that set: apart for building the Patlitment House, and the war Portion, *Wk. now *Mounts to 600,000,000„ I t't BELIEF FOR .0.0EDOisli Difficuityof Aiding the Callant.Cotetaantier Now Besiegedjn Khartou • A CRITIO.AL STATE Olt AttFA.IliS. The state of the Sotaart -andtitlie 'gerons, position of the garrieon -A Irehar,? ..tourn naturally aterect atteiltioct at the present nitimeet. The probelilit of send- ing relief acrose tlie detertte!conies. a matter of importance, anti senif. 4:tenet of the region will bet. of: interest w12,10 move: mente on the part of tlip S or General Gordon are eeeetted. fi" die= tance from Mixesowith to ILhartilum in a straight line i8 near to iourribundred miles, while from Suakiro ieo Ber. ber is only ' about two Ritindred. Berber, again, is two" him& Id miles north of Iihartonm, but alOng,ilhat line there is the Nile, which. would eupf)ly water for troops sod mieht be need forE boats to carry -troops and. ettires to lata3Q011.1/2 for its reliel,or to eta the eertisonive---Ithe other -direction if an evaeuation ehould-ie deter- mined •upon. The mete irom VaesetWah, although the longie t, ha 'a eeme etbotatages. It crosses the uarthere ef eAbys ee einian Mauntaine aleug eocel piirt of its length, and water ia plentifnl, e`,sied oven •rivers may be iouion titre hn uclf as the Bezoce the Gash or Mareb„.11 and the A.tbara. ,The Suekim-Derber rotpe, on the contrary,is through the grew), Nubian desert, where wells -are few and Vialwater in them :thb ixeret doubtful •Its being the shorter of the two :e it great _merit if a suddert move has to be. • ATTACK A large force et the enemy, 341 4,000 - in number, horses eee'd foot, eseetObled near Reartoum last month, and ‘.w s on the evening of the 13t3i ,ult. drawiljup under arms with bannere waving, °Ili gee right bank 6! the Nile, oppoaite • to tfies palliee. At3 a. int theneet mernhei,t the:Primes cor- respondent was awaketed.by A Ileauy rifle fire. He could Ace the ilaeheeti,frore the roof of the - palace. - The faingrt3812t111148d* till -daybreak, when about 60 rebels returned iraei the " direction dig! the river and drew up in fear retake, .eaehlOaely two miles long. Later in the day gley coin. menced making huts and puttini3 up tents. He subsequently discovered thatilthe 0841813 of the flrieg wee. en ateaok on fp., party -of 300 soldiets who had .betm 4.3exiti:Ao7n the river for firewood, Tito fittownift aro Gen. eral Gordonti .wottle on the fillbget: "My arrangements 01 hal) night haili euifortu- nately. been put " a etop te. by the following eirearnetenee: i ppee,qe that by 80M8 unatbountable negligence tloo 01 the blaoktroops had 'teen loft o the 41,ile raelove. These were cut off by the adeaf!pe of the Arabs, and they atteronted to getbto Khar :tonin at night' by meatei boattl. When. passing Helfi)-eh, they were sepn by the rebele,who opened tire'on themil.ilillang 100. In consequence of omo further tiograceful negligence, the iteaeonre that eleini14 have gone to their reecee did nothet-telider weigh for eix hours after the event, I TVs Bad loss, with the intei!igenee, eroeee th later, that mome Chuggitts who s= aa been blockaded at Fleetly en had gon Nver to the rebels, poinbined with the vast j,:eocanitila. tion of these later fei the feller Vt-seek of the Nile, lame -decided me to reetrictyself to the defeat:se of Khartoum and eut) to risk any outside expedition further allesi maybe, neeeaSary to keep the environs opar." BEFORE THE RAI TJ;. On the 13th the oorr espondenti ihad an in, terview with General Gordoteeiwho an nounced.. his intention of attt,Ti iSking thc. rebels on the following day. , Tkie reasOus he gave for this couree were is td, lows : 601. have 800 men, to whom I have ge!fen arms, and who have remaitled. faithttlil fo rne.- shut up at Halilyeh, ROMO xne,ies t.,o the north of Khartoum. The prestel?e of the enemy round 'Half/yell blocks e'er Iine of communication e by steamer. Fotlinetance, the Steamer liouniain yesterday Dttempted. to pass and the rel?els 01/81186, f114), wound. ing three soldiers. The rebels .1,,aiitiot be more than 4,000, and I will nial,le my at- tack on three eides---ope frokre - tRiat of Khartoum, one from that of the billeaguered garrison - and 0118 from aereed,Lsteamers. The rebels have entrenohed er!,,leeneselies along the river beek, bing time iAnaeieled to _ ._ e _ fire with impunity on passinglesteamerse and I MUSt dislodge there. This eisenablage of rebels has not apparently ltnterfered with the forwarding of euppliPil tO • the town market. One hundred caheels, carry.- ing food, arrived her to:day') This is. above the usual daily number, aild the -fact shows that the people would not-ilise unless they Were 'egged.1 op by soma_ine,illcoute ts. f They would be quiet if they bEliere the. Government had eely backbone.4 Pro led that no influenoe be brought thieear from - _without, the Was of an .11.CtIOE. .7111 not in-' volve immediate danger to Iiharkeure. The only justificittion for 11B811/11ing TO offensive. against thisee poor unfortunate g'easents is. derived from tho -law of selfeakflence, and the duty of the extrication el the men beleaguered in Halllyele. But or this, it is ,questionable wlietb.er we ougct to shoot down those whose teason for r,..:beilliele IS fidelity to the only ;2erson` who:: they can. see as their coming governor iieehe ineme-- diets futUre, with the wish to pre.erve their. possessiotte, the ReourIty.of whicil cannotibte guaranteed by the present provirlional gov-- ernment.” . The necoosity of rOcuing the gerriscinai Halliyeh led to the poO,ponement of the attaok on the -enemy unteiktle.„ . The result of the'action is 3nowrtiMeenerE1- .1? Gordon Was forced to retire, anq bite stew then been still more 'closelybesP 0,sged with . . 10119 and less hope of relief.. i A Wife to be Proud oil Some people are proud of one tiehig, some of another. " Dan Scott, " iii evidently proud of his wife, as appears frol-el the fol. lowing announcement from tlee) Glasgow Herald ScoTT.--At 7 Burostie street,. on the 29011 ult., the wife of Dane*ott was safely delivered of . triplets, two Ittoye and , one girl—all doing well—this wetting seven of a family in four years and seen months, - having given birth twice to twi0e-L4ugusb- 29th, 1879, twins; October. Vet, • 1884 twins; March 29bh 1.884, triples. Other - papers &sae copy." ,• - George Augustus Sala tells abntaaacred ' Spanish white jackass for whict a epeeis1. attendant was hired to play -0e guitar when it was sad. In this counttit it is not the person who plays the guit'Ar.--N. Graphic. • ' a