The Sentinel, 1884-05-09, Page 4• • Q.' • • w F • y Tx `IIE LiBI+ RTY ; O UTTER . AND TO ARGUE'. FREELY AC RDINGr *THE DICTATES ' OF CQ:CIF SCE'`WE PRIZE ABOVE ALL - OTHER Lin TIES e's 1. AMEr'D$ NVTS TO. LICE.'itSE ACI.e Tithe follow g.is: a synopsis of the • salient points f the: Liquor License g4, art (J pct of 1 And are .: lSct (Crooke! i 1 sale or ou shall take pia polling sub -di! '.fora "Pa semb1y; o azo` froni'or a high shall be read with the Ontario License: and amendments. �er -: disposal! of liquors " within the -limits of a:- zi�Bion of any ;polling -day ntary LegiisIatise As Municipal :'Election, ter• .z o'clock' -in the -'morn- ing. of -th .sai • lays, - until' the follow- ing - lawrfu da at: six . `o'clock 'in the, `iaorining:a P y` Ju -m • Prohibit urn- • der penal ties Via: a sale --of liquors to habitual dr ards. Relatives may recover d mag not exceeding' $500. against 1 Bens: ; disr.egarding notices ' sent to thein forbidding such'sale. To more than neshall: bar be kept in, any liceu ed -t`aern or: saloon.; No- -tavern' Ea .rise .iall be granted' to av- plicants not fe early licensed, unless such house ha : a separate front en - ,trance in ddi 11 to - the entrance to the. bar o wh :laquor:. is sold . Li- uensees :are noerinitted to -purchase:: or receive or (�.p : ii ani` goods or- other. thins: (s- uiirie ted the consideratiori of whirls n w le or part is any in todxicating liq � r. Penalties .are in curred f©r. ; p_mitting drunkenness, � harboring bad ! haracters,•gamblin : or any unlawful wines ;__.for :using pro- hibited.:.interal •: communication . be,.. tween lica need! . nd unlicensed preifiis- ' es used for put sic entertainments'.;.for • a allowing liquor to, be . consumed, by a minor. under t'}t; age_ of 16 years. In-: -specters have i option but . to, prose- • cute for s en land their offenses._ for ' .selling oh at 'qday night and Sunday: FORT] OU ;APPELLE,. 'Thhs_place,j aich a1 4ho -have welled -through, -he .AT -west-, Terri #tory acknn,ow14 e.. to `bye ..one -.of :the most bea tifor a townsite in; the whole: entry, : justly deserves "a11 the praise t'1at can be bestowed up- on -it, for visit t at what :season of the: year you Icy: aslo ten as you choose; new lieaut es ` .esent: thennselves ..each time. When surrounding hills- be ccame clo*hed'th the :new spring. _ verdtie and ail timber in the differ. Bent gerges -put•n their summer dress, .1 oust say I° _ a .not ::yet seen 'any_ FtMng=that can' ual it anywhere. _The xcontrasting s J es, of bright green with ►the yellow of ` e • old . unburnt.., grass dee enin in . . p g " dark. - =-blue in some places; give th cliffs quite „a ' unique- beauty nique - beauty of its rn that s:: not , often found in : th E rather coimnon Pglace -.scenery 'of the 'evinces in the- .:west. Tile name is r` rived from" an' echo, which inlay heard -'when driving ••over the uppertake during -the -winter. ;and the -freight -art of by: gone days who -Used to fe ow - bat route would . use ..the word Qu -ppe1'le - signifying in -rtheir- ran nag., ; Who -halls I" ...When 1 first -visa ed 'te Palley .ontha 15th of May,' 1882. theHudson- Bag Post with; .outbuildings, t; barracks and one : or _ two store *w e - two ,canvas. hotels, were all; t at c tituted.: the' neughis `.efwhat is ow -pre at no distant day to "become tovan, of he first import - Ace. . T re g now several Large stores carry ng vy stocks of -general -goods, -tvib. hot s, one : of . which =_was built and ,gins led at - a cost of ten, • thousand dolla, and at that prise said to be .aprofitak :invest"ment, besides it—large ilumbez f slops ,and Of. ces: and some -neat pr te= d vellings. :The Episcopalians ve @atablished `their headquarters h ::e by „keeping rdent cierjmar4 and :have a;:ve; fine parson ge in . cc of get tion ham' informed that�_te R,ev. erection. Canon Anson, who -visited the Provinces last year, is -now engaged .securing an : endow- went fund, in:Eglaird for:.t the She main- *ainance of aBis:apric,the seat of which Will be at Fort :u ppelle. •:`The resi= ,deist.clergya p _anstnformed-:me.that they also intend.ito ablish fig non -denomi- national c o 11 : and "a theological j seminary, wh> will, -of course, = be 1 Episcopalian.. ere` are a great -malty :� of the best class f E"^ ishmen eta e � id near the Fort,. and some of them tell me that, they -expect a large number of eigrants of the, same class this: sunnier, _Many of whoni havve_eonsider- able *leans, and as .they will naturally desire to settle near -'such a centre as, the Fort is -likely to be, I.::judge that improved farm "lands in its -immediate neighborhood, will be a very safe in- vestment. The Wood M. A. $. Qo - Appelle �r' e .{ iLr- V � o has' at last t- een o PPSr ganized and is now in ::good working order i.:Mr. - Archibald -McDonald is President, . M r. Caswell, of Troy, Vice- President, : and Mr: Jackson, Secretary; Mr. Jackson; ,,who isalso a- member of - the North-west Council, assures us that the road. will be- completed -from- Troy to the Fort before next winter,1 and if so, I think its progress .perfectly certain ::The :Owen- Sound Milling Co • havre a large -flouring mill 'under con- t g tract - to be' in run tiro order. b : - � y next., harvest and part of_the material is .now; on: the - ground. - The weather this season has : been .pleasant; seeding progressing fast and the.. land is.: now splendid • working -condition. The earliest sowing_ that I know- of was done on the 25th o f March; ...when -my next neighbor canimenced sowing oats• `. I30M1-ESTEADER. Si .COMMUNICATION.,. To the Editor of .t ie'Sentinet ;: DEAR. SIR,=.I notice in:_your : last week's issue another- letter from Ir.. Paxton, and find it :Ona :par. 'with: his other pro,lizction5 as regards truthful- -ness I would have made no reply to it whatever had it net ,coiita.In etl what I :consider" a: inali�cious. libel. It is as follows ; " I heard a Councillor remark a :few days .a o that if Paxton studied the statutes all day Sunday like Purves he Would. have them off-�by heart , too." If any Councillor made that -statement it is nzoretan he'ox.any xian*or woman can truthfully say.- :I say distiirctly.that i never studied any'of the "Statutes of - Canada or the Province�f. . Ontario oil Sunday in all my life,- nor yet even wrote so; much as -a -business letter; no matter how pressing my own:work: on. the farm might be., I- "I have no doubt. thatwhen Mr. Paxton'peniied;the said _ libel: he had in view an idea that it would -cause the: -respectable portion _ of `= the community to shun nay company ::on account of myyprofligate :propensities. Mr. Editor, by. giving the above an insertion.: "in the SENTINE „pin will confer a fvor on otiewl oina few would hike to trample under , foot. Yours: most respectfully,. . ROBERT: PUIiv ES. ;No, 5, .Ashfie%d, The -following : is. • the .'-report '--4` the above school for the month of Ap ril. It is based on conduct, attendance,°' d" recitation.- - Only those: pupils makugg' as high'-.. as -; 50 ' per cent have .their names given in the.4th, 3rd, and 2ii classes6 • I `:- FOIJRTH CLASS. --Chas. •. Witebster; 61 per cent ; R.Webster, .5S ; D. eron, 57. HIRD —.avid C.. Anderson, 75; E. M. Armstrong, .70 ,= M. `Stroud,61'::; S. J Gardner, 56 ;' M. A. Borland, 53. SEN SECOND: --Chas - W. Ritchie,, 86 ;. Mary E Webster, .70'; Chas. E. McDonagh, 60•;` Albert Helm, 59. JUN. SECOND.-Jane"Reid, 55 Jno . L. -Gardner,. 52 ; M. Eliza Anderson, :SECoxn PRIER. -1st, Catherine M. Gardner;- 2nd Sarah A. Wilson ;. • 3rd; . Edward Wilson.`- It IRST PRIMER, B:-- st, Jno. Reid 2nd, -Root. Jas..' Webster ,,- ' 3rd, George Borland. , FIRST PuiMnI .A.—lit, -D!.l• Jaile Anderson. 2nd, Jas. Itelni 3rd, Mary-. J.. Webster. The. following . are the , names of. those• who took : first place at thee. montly =spelling match :-Fourth class, Chas. W. Webster ; Third, E. Ansi.= strong ; Senior ` Second, • .Char es ' W. Ritchie ,; - Junior Second; Jane Reid. • —Chiefly owing to over _production large stocks�,of hardware have:accuniu lated in the hands o f 'manufacturers: in the: United States.: To relieve . them- selves -of their surplus stock they: - are= selling to ;cash . buyers away. below the cost of production.. Taking advantage -of the situation T. Lawrence `hats . re- cently purchased a quantity of general hardware, which. will be on"hand in a few days. : Call when. in town and see what: he can do for you. ::BORN. : FLSIt o. In Lr cknow on 1e'riday, 2nd fust. the fe of Ur. filbert. Fiend*, of a son, STEwasfi In LttcknQw,:on Wednesday, 7th May, -11414, Thomas Wilson - Stewart, • abed i Cheap sale�rme o?. i-Vl ng :s .700 os pays us 1' too: as t vve are '.offe e BY «t be 1eCJa ri.elt.-.goods. CB arE ;'ogee ri�::� l price r • . • 11 advert �i . doesnot pay , T1LL :_mer � � ��profit,:. �� � - cent. ��.d h: - t._� . see from•� t 13argaiii weeko Week tie• at r, a�,l�tr•� I L4 w' r sal tNi. 11111 bmn'�71N7�lLL • Jig• Good Hysen a. d Japa; } Tea for ....... �:. 6 lbs Canned A les Men's Tweed Suits fol Mens and Boys Vests/fen to 11 ploys Felt Hat worth 11._ � : > .. Men's Felt Hat wortlqi fon Remnants of Lf Gi .: Top Onion, *Canadian Potato Garden Seeds. D°essijG€es a.t-Cost. f T ;f .l'wees fis Dutch° Setts, English 9' On:ioil: s, and all kinds. N , l Labradorerring at 4 ATCHMAKE ENGRAVER • OHCS • FANCY -0000S MEDALS ANti Dr PLOM aY -waEl� LC 1378 JOHN C. DONE LUCKNOWe1 p.' lore 4 years, ll muutltiui'�1 days : } •,;. • • . 0I - '.. 3 ed ] usli st :oree s, Bheet AND SEE*T4EM' • WILL.'CURE 00 RELIEVE. B UQU8NE$& OZINESS, DYSPEPSIA, INDIGESTION, elA'UNDIOE. • ERYSIPELAS, - SALT RHEUM HEARTBURN, .KEADACHE, And every sp disordered • Liv BOWEL D 3OP8Y, Fl:'1TTER/NC Ac'; OF THE HIEARI', DITY OF f- THE STOMAL, Dkr.YNE88 . ti OF THE RKI I, cls ;mase .ftekslog from KIQilEY , STOMACH. T. MILLBURN & g0. = Prey Te N..0 Da E :ti WOW'S Nrsv1 ND. ;c itAItie'!' EAT - 1i gus eed ape...011ie for Hysteria,. - D1ZZlness, von ulsiofs, },. a tions Neer- .algiat,11-eadache3, NPrvouk iA ri». 'ctioo,caiise - bv the use of alcohol or to4ecc! "T L Cfuliaees. resulting Depression, In�t �ufte��izns�aaf the i,ao,. g Insanity slid :coding to 'raisers, fittest and death, Premsti,' e uld.age, Barren- ess, Lnss l)f Po/vertu eit1i ' sex, inv'bluntar" Losses and Spermatorrhae:i, caused byover- exertion.uf the Braila, lit abuse or saver in- dulgence. 10110 110X will 1taire. recent- teem EacL box ea+iitainaa 0111e16-1)110118 treatineI t. One dollar ;a box or Six bo' :pis fog five dollars; .Bent bar mall prepaid en retleipt of .price. dy guarantee six loxes to .eur i any care.. With -each order received by ass ; r era boxes, aV- -ccmpanied watt. veollar _ we will d the ` pureharer our wtttteu gear b teeo to -refund the .. mode)? if the treatment -4I