The Sentinel, 1884-04-11, Page 77 $1, CURRENT TOPICS.( . M. PHILIPPE Damn, who is writing tip for the Paris market the publiomezi of England, is coinpletely carriedaway with johiiltright. He pronouncehim the wisest; wittiest; most kerned, most eloquent and altogether tlas greatest statesman in Great Britain, .and considers Bright the brightest of all tiving men. -GEN. SIR R. BULLER, second in win:moan-4? - to Gen. Grahaentin Egypt, wonthe Victoria o Cross by rescuing a soldier, whom be laid. 'tn his own horse under‘heavy fire. . He has been exposed to -innumerable - risks in Asbast: Zululand and elsewhere but never t. He succeeded some years ago, by the death of his brother, to -estates worth $u,000, a year; but would not leave the army, His mother was niece of a former Duke -of Norfolk, and he is mairiedtoa - daughter of the Marquis Townshend.- . - DR. BRADLEY, Dean Stan/tette successor stdvises school te.aoliers to give their 'young pupils full accounts from time to time of any great or marked publio events that are taking place, so that they may feel that the horizm of theit interest; is something larger than that Of the school -room and .. the -play -ground. "•I ventnie.to recall," he stays, "as a good deed of my train, my heti- -ing at mtuthpains and trouble conveyed to a, night's roiigh quarters in London as many as possible : of -my young Rugby pupils, in order that they might tell, their chiIdr(hildren they had looked on the ftiri al of the great Doke of Welling- . . . ton." . • Datavoay says, in the _British Medical whioh means one and a half million of deaths per =mini among young children. It has also been preyed that motethan--half of the male population diel before attiiining the age for miliary sem*. „On an aver- age, a person is born- in the Russian Em- pire every eight molt and a death occurs every eleven noon In St. Peters-. burg a human being passes away every .15 Minutes. .Bssints the war -sloop} Alert, recently presented to the United! States by Great Britain, the steamships_ Thetis, Beat and Hope will take part in tile •Greely search expedition to Polar seas. I It is doubtful_ if Greely or any of his felltwing will be found alive, but a most 611ergetio searali will be made during the insuing suranier.. Former expeditions havetshovrn • the- pro- priety.of sending somanytressels and fur- nishing-. the . expedition -i for - two . year's' absence. It is proposed to send an advance ship to the Danish settle outs previous to il the time fixed fortheasse bling of the ex- pedition at UpernaVillt. Should it favorable opportunity present itselfthe vessel- Will. push northward and reione - the Gieely party. . The relief shipswIll artiveat Upert daviknot later than May 15th, and .will i pushitorthward as soon a the ice permits toward Littleton -Island The natives Will be - communicated -with .and all back by a long pu t'whioh falls on thetskirt. possible . information obtained-. as - to Claiaque to matchti plain pistache velvet; .the whereabouts . of _ the expeditim. very short at the 3k and long in front,- When the ice is reached, tie of the vessele. also • trimnted- wi marabout gauge, . will push its way through it while:the Andther, to wea at grand 'ceremonies, -in other will Maintain such 4 position inthe rear as to he able -to rescue the patty on .. - • tit* -LAO Wkat fki17;,4,1 ari• Wel;1! SpringTeary tiger_ •-ttiOli, testis!' Wtirtii ants; PilealT : _1‘ • - _ft - ico4A:gatioisii* coor :eorsti4,1dentuiviimnatesir; 'The ffe'l v n e been prepared- A Cake _reoently 044i in:the Ohandery Vesely for a gratiqtwed g The bride's Diviiiton-bf Chintit,' Conipicin Pleas, &ass was niade 44.- a coria;g-e...princesse- Maitdonald "'Vs. Murtta$,.. shows. into What and train whi elours -under deep. water spaoulatoritin Winnipeg got at 'which Was 4iooat of white satin the tibia of thet" hootn.". iThe. plaintiffe tiotered With Ch -Crape, embroidered - had bmght from tdefettclentii two tote in , with raised flowe the draperies. -forming that city, for . the sum.,of 600,000.: paying panierst the puff c ght up ononesidetinly $4 .000, dOwni and aatemeg to ipay 427t)011:bn. with branches o -4,orange. .blossoms; the a few. days' and to giVe'a --fithrtgage for .e skirt trimmed at •t with -a fripge !Wanes. Not More than 44,000 was paid, a aiguillettes of. sett putbetween two rovtii endtitetsiiit Was 'recover :the of -gauze plissesantlipiped with satin; balance. Fraud wastatiegedi As i0. alMost body; with a iiimptkOttot of fringelike that always it:iti these cases; Inetioe on the skirt, and attir000h- Of -orange. tits- Morrison decided in favor 01 the plaintiff: soni.--Att elegant tttilet, remarkable for its On a re -hearing of -the cases, :Justices. Wil- - _ . son- and (tett cionfitmed Vier deoreet: :taste and simplitu A dress for visit ,comptosed Of: pistaohe appeal is spoken Oft, . Thet.point which .de - green satin, .dOtte ,-otevette-._bolored serves Most- attention in 'connection- With .ohenille, the. fron of the . skirt forming •the snit, fis that thie; property, purchased :-..thtee large plaits hilt reach to the ' puff for 060,000, some two yearitago, was sworn ,on the hips; larg raperies form_the:Ov.er, to be. notworthz more .than 64,000 at :the ekirtand-fall iup • Over. a . border of time the trial.. *Verily the fate of Winni- . fringe of marabou . ohenille, with tsineli peg epeoulators bard. And it is more .or crevette-coloted-bi, s Of silk •;: the body in leas the same all thriiugli Manitoba and the plain velvet Of , pistacheehadet with et Northitett.„-Monetary Times; of plaititrese tpling the panier . of the skirt, and -made tar- Velvet - dotted- with bteyette color.- T body fixed in front over the dotted gi- ' and tern:dna:tea at the •-• , Jour/tat, that among the (thief 'oatises of. 5nry to the health froingarciblingt• is the prolonged mental etrain which bscornes- • laeoestary.to the maintenance Of eelt-con- trot during extended periods of intensetex- Pit-cadent. He cites the case of a lady who, had lately returned from Monte Carlo o muchbroken down in health, and greatly t weakened by the Vevere fits of -.exhaustion oni which she invariably suffered- .after an hour or two at the gaining table She She -„ said that her abitity-to Continue the gams was determined by the extent ofherpOwer. to sustain an aspect of indifference in the .presence of sped:tater& • Timex is a, great tense of relief ex- perienced, -in society at the announcement made in. Paris that theblick swallow -tail is _ to be shelved. The average Ainerioin has been writhing helplessly in at blitek &seat _ coat for a long time, 'In hts soul he loathed - it. It is to be superseded by the long-tailed .blue with brass buttons,. and Of closet) ' memory.. Some of the present generation will .recall it It was 02108 en regle and diplomatic; and then it became prOfessionalt 0)18 of the earliest foik-songs of this -land- \ celebrate - t. No. No. 1 ' should that ship. ..come toggle!. Should neither - vepsel - • crushed; -• and should neither - succeed in commintioating. ith Ltdy Franklin Sci.i tind, one, tit s recommended, tshould winter in Franklin_ Pierce Baytand the other in the vicinityttf Littleton Island. On the route northward i various.; points ate, to ' e examtned. and depots of provisions left at certain specified quarters: .The fullest. equipment as to. boats, :sledges, 'clothing, tents, Wtooden ' houses and provisions heti been recom- , mended, - and every prebaution is .to be- taken to 'secure 131100eBii.• ', LThe addition of W. the . Alert -the rescue fleet Will un- doubtedly greatly enha' oe the - chanties of accomplishing the objects of the expedit tion: ' It is calculated that, the total ex- pense will be about 6420,00.0.* - . 1 - • - 'Fish and Game. .Tvir0 -entirely-. white op setims with dark eyes were recently fou dat -Hot& -rings; Ark.- - . - 1 . . , : . . ..- , .The - biggest . haul of etriped bats. iii;the Thames River in Connecticut in twenty years west:Grade by 'Georgia T. Bushnelialitl William Diaper recent . • Their catch li weighed 2;100 pounds, the fish runnin from three. to ten .pounds. eech. , . _ On any O`rn aybe seen, . Strattin down to the Bowliog_Gfeen, . All these daxkies,-two by two, .4...o meet Johnny Boker hilda long-tailed blue.. Tni -report of .United States Senator Vance for the Foreign Affairs Committee -Atty disposes of the proposal to engage in commercial retaliation against Germany's an offset"to the-ekoltision of American pork. The whole -case is up. in - s eingle _ . sentence, namely; that if foreign govern- ' ments choose to compel their -people to pay higher prices for food products; this is no reason .why the United States- should imitate their folly; "the true ,way to care for oink Meat and other agrioultural Indust/ E truest Whitehead ptured a • tries being the removal -as far as possible of seal near Anacapa IsIand, Cal., t r all restrictions.upon trade and the enlarge- and took it _On boatd his stoop. • ment of 'the market for our- farmer's vessel started the mother seal was . products allover the world." swimming about, hoistiolf piteously 4 Upon the river in front of thistity of Portland, Oregon, reoentlY, a fitak-ofiduoke weie seen catching.fish. A. crowd of hungry ia, gulls,. who could - not Iva,' were on the - watch, and the moment. ducktiern to the *surface the gulls strove t steatite fish. iIn most oases the duo k in naged . to flip the fish down his throat. When e gull did get a fish from a duck all the other gulls Chased him` and tried to share in the spoil. I. Arizona ' quail are very *susceptible to. domestioatiop. Although very wild when first caught, kindness s- subdues them, and they may he handled With err). A. G. Buttner, of Tucson, had a pair last sea- son that raised a brood of -eleven 1 young ones. These were oxtail tamed,. an after - Wards set tfree. Wh never frightened they invariably seek the house for rotect tion. . , emerald green _valet.), with double trains Opening over a ft* t draped in 81411 cendre de ro..,1:i.r9aehed ' h. pink and -trimmed withgreenbeadsmatehi completed by a princesset body. • . . . Two remarkabi bell :drettiee, .intended for the Duchesse '1 la Torre. ' Oite in .sky blue epingle -velv4,t, -With.-a-- tablier of sky blue satin,-Ottetell with silver embroidered tulle and silver 10, wIth an agrafe on One sideOnly.; on thelkbttoin of the skirt tufts - of roses in dahlia 441Ored velvet: Mixed With - moss rose buds; (tiow - pointed body with: draperies en .ccekr f-.'. tulle and silver lace. .• - - The other in hite - eicitienne cOvered. With tolletd-otted tth :gold and gold lace, 'fouillie, of: light r haraoter„ looped up by tufts: of niouseet. esthete, - aigrettes and ,. ,, > batons du-roi ; a I j4 w body covered with draperies of • tri With an aigrette of feathers and but;, du:roi fastened on the . . left shoulder: 'Also.a ball _ 4-s,.• for a young.girt, of pale rose pointed,,.)u.11ei the.: taut in satin - _covered,. with .toi fems-oit paititiillet. the hack of the skitt .formed of tulle dotted with chenile.; a Y4ge bede sash hotting the- , body, opened it tct: tit -' - :. • Gordon • ,P 'a elligioiss .: neves!. ' Naturally': eittight t ere ' is a _ strong. sympathy in Ger dGordon's character With fr1ohammedani8i Replying to . a entree-- pondent who ha tpolten of Mohammedan- ism -as -being im ttilled, he said: ' a Noted. -I find the Mii -Amain quite :as, ,gtied a :Christian as nt oy a Chrjetian, and 4o nOt ,o believe- he is i ny - peril. . All of us are more or lees pa ns.. I like- the Muspul- man ;.: he is :net [:shamed • of his God; his life is a taitty_p one: .0ertainlythegites himself a goed tip, !gift in the wife line, but, at - any ratetilit-ever poaches on others. Cairo& Christi ttt people say the same?'"'.... -. There - is a at:: to the effect tbat when . he King of Abit4atnia said - to him, "You are an Englhhn .n and a Cluj -Abut," Gor- donP reptiad„ "Ham' an -Egyptian . and. a Mussultain." -. ut whatever truth there May be in this itt.he certainly _views all ,religitits quest :s in a very - broad and -catholic spi!ite • The heathen are God's inheritance,- an He hears their :prayers. The incantatio of the native _magicians; whenentploye, in. good -faith,..a.ze to him prayere.which Highest does net disdain . . : to heat: t Whet a- Mongi Belem cursed •hita from the r:7,er bank he :noted that it was odd a disa ' i soon afterward followed . :"."-L, believe," hil writes, ' "that God .may lieten•to the ce:3 for help from the heathen- ; m who know Hiit • These prayers were earnest PrayerAor celestisl: aid, in vtbiolt the prayer kne 4AI:1e:would needthelp from some unknowr- power to avert a danger. That the riati knows not ,the true *God. it true, but GcJ knows hini; and .moved hirkteprayer, id answered his prayer." Gen. Gordonze absolutely - free- I rota _all.' , . . . fear of death.. k The story Of his conversa- tion with* the ing of Abyssinia ' is well known, in wh e _. he: informed ;the King that, so far ft ., dreading hini.btloause has life was in hisi4 nds; he would be obliged . to any one whit would relieve him of the burden of life. r •I .That .expression, however, ttetreYe a ..17.0011 erroneous impression of ' Gordon's habit:nal. Mode of thought, NO one-is.more ckterful,.•and few people:have lees patience tttP`113, whathe:calls the "cruet stand" - eZpotttion of countenance. - -- ' "Why are g, thple like • hearses,and look - _like pictures tit isery'? . .It must. be fr082, diScontentivi ,.. tbe- government of -God ; all things ar4 directed . by Him. tf by -beingtdoliffutt .3 - appearance it did good, I - Would say, be y.- doleful but it doei not . . . . ..: . 'do. any" - .: So strongly adeed; doee- he folio*this out that; on ie 'occasion he _maintained that a °heed thi.an of the world was much more -acceptte in -God's sight, than a gloomy Chits ' n, ---Pall Mall:flatette. . . - • 64 -BOID.G111 014_,VOUGEI13." : Ask for "Bough on Coughs,"for Q011-0181 Colds Sore Throat, Hoarseness. Trocl2es,I5c. Liquid, ,50 • . - . Prussia gives. her Peptides 63.75 a day, Saxony and .Baden, ; , Bavaria, $2.50.. The Ranee toWits give nothing.- - . DEVLIN E OF -MAN. Nervous Weakness,. Dyspepsia, Impotence, Sexual Debility, -cured. by' 'Wells' Health Re- newer. ((IL . • _ • , liensas City -packed 55,000 more 'begs than Cincinnati during the winter. - Cinoint Asti:had-more water and music, though. =tett BIAIROVIIIIN 1-10114tektett - 111%21 a Illicit Giri isked Her varmints. , . • ',amnia, aim* - Mokow is greatly excited_• -ver the mis- fortunes of Mlle. Mazourinta, a . young lady of enormous wealth, who bee, fallen .a vic- tim tothe.rapacity of. b'pr governess,' a - Widow named Rakich, who ept her locked up, and finally bulked W1121246, signing -a . dead of:gift of her entire prOperty iti favor otgie Itulach women. 'hi story- reads more like i novel of Will4.0`f,,1 °Bins than a sober stateinent of faint.. When- Mlle. MazOurineti. parents • die( t hey left her a fortune of 88Veral, million, and; as she was already 18- years of &V, . she . entered lite . ' 088888i011 at otice. .Instead of taking her tildes and 'potable into .her confidence, - she • subitaitited' •herself entirely '03 the control of glue. Bulach, her goVeinese, a person.of gre4t shrewdness and. - insatiable avarice. The 4F41,5 step taken by this . designing Ration iva§ 'g leave Mosoow With her pupil, an order -to Apparate the -lat- ter entirely from her family.. They fixed their residence at Rjef, 4 email' provincial tovintwhere Mlle.- Mazoitrtne was entirely.. _unknown. Mine. Bulaolt: as careful -not • to let -her make any tettiosintance, nor did - she permit her to reotaverty visits: - Thoy only went out On Sundayg.for the purpose of attending . masa: The! :Toil* lady Was foolish enough to 'eye 4tr governess a power . of attorney to manage her pro- perty, and . the latter pt9fited by it to give - large sums in ohatity to the poor . and the schools of ' keg; A hospital was -built, - The „menet I was all given in Mlle. - -,Mazourinell name, and that of Mtn°. Bute& wok loon in every - i body's mouth -as one of thtt most estimable 'of Wenlen.... Sure Of her footing, she began to treat, her pupil as. *a title, abused her . shamefully, kept her in-P*4 wretched- garret,, and otherwiee• maltreated' her until she consented to ,tnake ' herTito- 9perty- over to - her. 'This a-oused the islatives,' and a judge of instruction- nanaet Balabine was . sent from litoscowtoinvettigitte the matter. -He was speedily 'convict,* of her ._guilt. He was -about to . attested, when he was tound one morning „ipanging by ' the . neck tol the limb of a trett A letter - was . found n his pocket se$ing that he had cOmmitted suioide becantehe suffered from • an Mc table melancholy:. . The, hand- . writing of the judge wasteteverly imitated, - but the letter is thought' -s be a forgery and . - the jud e to have been. tat tdered. ._ . . : • , Sign t StlFini, the tr diets, has made • arrangements -for a tour NI Russia.before.he goes to Ametica. - 4 .. . - i - The owner of some. :kpuse properly in. 'Paris, teeing a fellow On t4be roof Of One of - .his houses lately, inquire a from the street what -he was doing. • "$.t- by the owner toinspoot the roof," Caine. the ready. reply. So there was a .policentan to receive him when be had finushed tho inspection, whioh was by no MOMS • the apt he had made, much to his own ptofit. , Lady Bressey, of the yikeht Sunbeam, is a woman of wide . sympathies. While on her way to Egypt she was presented with " a pretty long-hairedpig. almost as small as my tow Island favorite " by the inhabi- . r s tants of Navarino, "14e ?Ts the quaintest little animal imaginable," shesays. "He site up like a dog and woe discovered alter. . lunch to -day comfortably pnsoonised among • the pillows on the sofa.t• He is about half the sike Of my favorite old pug Felise, and has very sharp teeth of his own," - • ' Scipio, N.Y., Dec. I, 7..879. • • - • T am the Pastor of. the Baptist Chirckhere, and en. educated Physician. I km nut in. prac- tice, but am my sole family. physician, and ad- vise- in many chronic cases. Over a year ago I recommended your Hop' Bitters to my invialid Wife, Wtio has been under .ipedical treatinent of Albany's be -t physicians several years: • Ei#e has become thOrouguly cured. of her various com- plicated diseases by their use: We • both rei:oin- mend them to our friends, many of whom have also been..cured of their -various aliments by , them.. • . -Bay. B. Win n. r - In a fit of rage A.delbert Clark; 'of ilia, little captive barked r sponsively. PROF. LEVI STMEBRIDGE advances" sorno reaching the wharf at Santa Barb interesting ideas concerning the ".dew captive was tied up ina jute sack -theory," as formerly. held, and the later views on_that subject; The earth is al- ways some 10 degrees, warmer - than the- ' air' . Moisture is. always going from the earth to the air, even when it is frozen. This moist air is condensed as it comes in contact with the :bolder :air inimediatelY above it, and it is found upon the grass and . plants, and we call it "dew" -Live:taiga- tions have been made lately on the lugh and- tovr Alps in Switzerland, and thetsame re- . sults were obtained as were reached - at Amherst in the speakerti expetinients a Jew years ago. The reason why there is no dew when it is cloudy in the morning is be- cause the clouds act like a comforter , or 'hie ket, and preventithe tower stratu.ni of air*. cin cooling sufficiently' to:' otndense - the. )moisture when it. rises - from the , ground: MR. - MARIAM/ T. CO/VIDON, di801188ing the _ question how far it is worth whileta pry into the private -lives of those wl3,ose writ- ings have arrested attention or won admi- ration, concludes that of very few men of genius can it be said that a minute know- ledge of their lives is necessary for satis- factory - eIunidttion of their - works. - Of the greatest -of Men, we know already' that tthey are human-; the world is no stranger to their weaknesses, their irrititbitity, -twilit jealoneieft, their.indolencoLorpossibly their' _sensuality and selfishness. Enough of these ' thinga. comes down to up by tradition. Korea .lir , something- is due to writers in "return or ithe services whioh often, amid : many difficulties and - through much dis- couragement, they have rendered to their ; fellow -creatures: Dr. ' Johnson put the whole matter ilucoinctly when, upon the death of Goldsmith, he said, "Let not his " frailties - be. reMembered ; he was a very. -great man." .- .1 „ Or ON Tannery let, 18821, the inhabitants Of Russia numbered 91,116,514, livingt in 63 . , _ - provinces sua ,n districts.- -- During-. the young Gently,. s the Oiled i. The Af ter a, the d left Lose on the -deck. Soon after counog to anchor the seal respond to its mother's calls by casting itself overboard all tied tip he mother seized sharp teeth tore it the sloop eighty as it was in the. sack., the. sack, and with her open. She had follovie miles. Explosive and InC0iidiar7. Maickes.,; • 1 - ' • • It is time something was done to restrain the sale ofdangerous kinds of matches, if not to restrict the sale altogether- flo thciel kind which May property Come- -under the -head of safety matchest. The parior-mateb and the eo-called -real:headed- Tett, ,sa- weil as most of the kiwis sold in bl eke, are • all dangerous; In facttthe only Safe kinds are those Which Ignitetolely On A prepared ) i surface: The -follow g , item troin: the - Chicago Inter7Oceaff - of March 20th helps to illustrate our point: "A large bta„,of- matohes on -a shelf iii -Christian tAtlyne's new grocery, on 'Madison street, exploded yesterday ifterotion. with - a- loud report, causing ..quite a Marry ip the store; :ea.:the burning matches flew in all directions among loose' px aper and ticking shavings on. the floor. The fire Was whipped out by the .olerks in a few Moments, thus preventing: the store from being g tted by fire a..Sectind time. - The_ incident may afford an ex- planation of some of t ose fired- attributed by the fire departritentlic their teportii to spontaneous combusti nt and proyes-that mats -thee exploder' Owing perhaps to the State of the weather." [ year 1861 there were 4,643;863 births and 2,826,438 deatblit registtred, the, growth of the population -being 1,217,425 ihhahttants. At this rate the population wed& tiler? ti) 100,000,000 in 1890, =din 60 to 70 years is would double. - At pr.eeent the population of the Empire is 94,000000. The average of life in Russia is 26 years in Europe and 81in Asia.' feet is explainedby the enormous mortality. of young childretit has been ascertained that SO perotinttof children die under the age_ of 5 ylaret, ' N. Y., beat his wife cruelly. The neigh- • I - bore who were attracted by the noise took Clark into the woods, thrashed him, tarred and feathered -him, and sent him home. . *Why is Mrs'. Lydia- E. Pirtltham's Vegetable Compound like the Mississippi River in aiSpring freshet? Because the immense voitime Of this healing river moves with such momentum that it sweeps away all obstacles _and is literally flooding the country. Pasteur says concerning -viviseotions "Never would I have the courage to kill a bird for sport; but when it 00D1eB to %aped- ments I . have never been troubled the slightest scruple. Science has the right of pleading the sovereignty of the purpose." - . *** " It is easier id convinoe a Man against his senses than 'against his will." Mol2en a siek Man has given IP -drug -Wort a. thorough trial. both -will and senses join in unqualined approval of its curative quaiities in- all disekses of the liver kidneys and bowels. • ' • . if man took a ten-gallon keg of viii..s.key_ into the Mines in • British Coltimb'a and oleared-61 000 on the stuff. - • • MOTRICK SWAN'S, WORM siitaint, • Infallible, tasteles& .1m:winless, -.cathartic for feverishness, restlessness, vrOrms, oonstipa- tion. .200. , King Humbert of Italy selaom partakes of fool at the family table. He euffere, much from dyspepsit, and has the little that he eats—and he eats only to live-- speetatly prepared and served in his private room. - IWTwenty,four beautiful colors of the Dia- mond Dyes; for Silk, Wool„..Cotton, etc., 10 *its. A child can use with perfect success. Hind,painted bonnets are 'owning- into- - , . . - vogue, We hope •soon.to see landeoapes painted on Chinsb9ror hats.- We should then have something to -look at, even if the hat itself did- hide - the stage.—Oil City. _Derrick .L. Work on the aquednot at -Welland. will not cOmmende until about the lst of May next. • t •• . - , M. Getinod, the �oinposer,lias completed the oratorio "Mora el Vito," a sequel to - ".The Redemption.," for production at the Birmingham Must:tail festival in 1885: , • A -Berlin despatol says- the question whether 13isniiirett wiU quit the PrussianMinistry and confine himself to the•tn4ter- ial Chanisetlotship:istteing debated.. INOtwithatanding the'precaricitis.'-:state of Mt: Gladetone's he4h, he intends, it is. said, to be present in the Holies Of Coin - Monet „te-day and roftva a resoldtiOn- of oondOlence . with the ttitetin in her bereavet ment. k-Parie 4despatoli.states. that‘ General Minot has issued .a proclamation to the Tonquinesa saying °Ole .Frendh, -oameto - deliVirthent -than 0004 .ittld-tot Secure . air taxation,: iiWry Of twork anti-1014de, freedom and prosperity. • - In.the thea 0 at Weimar, in Germany; not ago, tHere were only seven persons in the house: The Pit took offaikee at the miserable eat g of s performer and hissed him energetioittly, whereupon the manager , brought, his C-Mpeny upon the stage. and Out -hissed, Oh tidience. • . The new o f engineer of Bradford, it a -native. Ja lineae, Mr. T. A. Matsdaira: He has been ai Americs'. fourteen years, .apint /even ,itte in College and speaks eleven differet languages.. Had. he owned from Itellindp.ta would not require all these qoalitioation The ;Peri °lice . are wittobing,closely. members of e advanced Section of . Irish Nationalists.,A dynamite School. has . been, established.* re under the direction of Irish Americans. E ny dynatniters Otte pretend to he trsve11 for Now York and Chicago firms. - . The Popepthie latest.' alkioution to the 'cardinals de4itinoed tho Italian violations Of the rights: the 'Elhutolti'and demanded the:teetotal:4ft Of thetempetalpotteret He uttered .a atitlig protest, against the judg- ment of thett:tlian. ()Out* and said he foie; saw fie& 'at tiolts tupon' the Pap**, were bytdeolared -he -would protect riita of the IlotY Bee. • _ Failore'Impossitile When Polsotts Nervine is used,/ or pain. It matters not of how long standing it may be,' or how often other remedies have failed to afford relief, •Nervalme, the great path cure,' does its Work promptly. Buy a '10. cent sample -bottle and try it for internal or ex- ternal pains. You will be convinced of its extraordinary power in relieving pain. Ten tient bottles at any dealer in medicines. Large bottles' 25 cents; at all druggists. .Gaorge Smith, of Indiana County, Pet put $15,000 in hint in a wooden &bet in -his cellar. He would not fillet his; money to the banks. When he brought the °chest to light a few days ago to count over his treasure, he found-thtt the _rats had bur- rowed through And through the chest until only a sinail fraction of the original packs age of bills was in a negotiable condition. .„ • - Nobody Cares.. • . ir - Why grumble at every little thing? No- body cares to blow anything about it. - If you -have ',toothache 'get the dentist to re- move it. "Don't indicate your misery and try . to. mak-e Others unhappy. by talking about it. - How stupid a subjeet oftion- vereation is . an aching corn or two. .Can yettt. expectsympathy ? Every person knows'. that 'Putnamti Pai81888 Corn 'Eti- tractor removes thein Without Pain in -a 'few ;days. Then the proper_ thing is to in.: :vest. in a bottle, get it at the corns' and the thing is -done. I -Be sure you get Putnam's; for there tareethers offered asritibstitutes far the genuine. rdaygiamingan.aler—VEMBEININIMMINIMO' There are 348 theatres in Gfeafoi. BELbuiu. 0 t this nuMbett thirty-seVenare in; Loudon, eleven in Liverpool, five in Edinbiugh and font eaohl in P.-W.840W; B19.01i0144; Black." pool;,Ramegate and Stookton•onqees.-In Ireland theta are only - ten, .inclucting *Melo halls. In, the lastyear, ending November 30th, 153- 'Devi. &Lye were produced in London, . and ab3ut 160 in thokprovinceS. ,Of the 156, thirtyrthree were prodiced.at the Gaiey, the favoritte.atio,tie.heet - Mies. LottAl .;80811tly .ehnimated the. pathettotifienett front "The Old Curioeity: Shoe She %Midi -however, that the change was unpopular, and she baa there forierestored the play to its origieal form. :1 firmly. the HAS EISEN PROVED The SUREST CURE for • 1(10 FIEY .LIEASE-S5 Does a lame back or disordered urine indl-Pr este that you are a Via= TEMT no NOT HZEITATE; tise Kidney -Wort at once, (drug- gists reeo enciit)andit vidllspeedily over- eorae the disease and restore healthyection. Ladiesr°1* 66n1P1gAnts eeia to yom- sex, such as imin andweaknesses, Xidney-Wort is unsurpssecl, as it wifl act promptly and safely. - Either Sex Incontinence, retention. ofurine, brick dust, or rcipydeposi, and dull dragging pains, all speedily yield tlits curative power. 43- SOLD gsr ALL DIMGISTS. • Price $1. • • I. •I1 Ai .1 at.. II Is . .4, L...4 1ft I I 0.111 Ctflenk. WIND #hifo THE ONLY IEGETABLE URE - FOR Loss of Appetite, Indigotion, Sioqr Stomach, Habitual Co'stiveness, Sick Headache aid Biliousness. Pike, 23.perbottle. Solci by all Druggists. do DAY'S'i TRIAL 4 i ,t. 'A *ADEFOKE. ) („AFTER.) E'cTno--voT.,TAta BELT and other ELEXTRie APPLIANCES are sent on SO, Days' Trial TO NEN ONLY, YOUNG OR OLD, 'Who are suffer- ing from Nsa•vous Digm,rry, Losr Vrtizirr, WASTING WEARsgssizs. anfP all 'those diseases of ,11, - PERSONAL 'NATURE, resulling from Abuszs and OTHEa CAUSES: ' Speed lr; riqief and complete restoration to Asevra, VI'GOR and XANnoop GUARANTEED. Send at ellee -t9r Illustrated. Pamphlet fr6e. Address - Voltaic -Belt Co.. lilarshall BRICK_ M ACI-IIN ES. mui • FOR DESCRIPTIVE OIB- OUEaAB. Price Li4 and Testimonials of Brick Machines and Beek Presses. We also make- the " ureka Combined Brick and Tile Machine " for horde or steam power. L CLOSE & SON, „ • • Woodstock, Ont. rit.itos to seem* a Mohler. Education or Sptoicerlan Pen - oiancliip at -the SPEN0111:8 - IAN' BUSINESS GOMBOS rttort. qtrenittqtar IR'MN 'SteamePt-- euginteriMUlZrnoopermoig ikind4otir natio add 106; it stamps to P.. Hnuri.or migineer„ Bridgeport, Ott • - .. • •-11ra. _